The British Empire

THE BRITISH EMPIRE Chapter 25 (pp. 720 – 734)


The British Empire. Chapter 25 (pp. 720 – 734). introduction. During the 18 th and 19 th centuries, the British built an empire that would grow to eventually encompass 1/3 of the world’s landmass At the same time, Spanish and Portuguese power declined - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The British Empire

Page 1: The British Empire


Chapter 25 (pp. 720 – 734)

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During the 18th and 19th centuries, the British built

an empire that would grow to eventually encompass

1/3 of the world’s landmass• At the same time, Spanish and Portuguese power

declined• British sought raw materials and consumer markets

for finished goods• Included territories in:

• South Asia (India)• Southeast Asia• Oceania (New Zealand & Australia)• Africa

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India Under British Rule

• In the late 1600s, Mughal power in India began a rapid decline– Hindu subjects

challenged the Mughals

– Formed the Maratha Confederation

– Fought a 27 year war to end Muslim rule in India

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India Under British Rule

• During the Maratha Empire, the British established a large trade presence– British East India

Company– Sepoys: Indian soldiers

hired to protect British trade

• British took over major cities of Calcutta, Madras & Bombay

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India Under British Rule• In 1857, for a variety of social and religious

reasons, the sepoys rebelled against British forces– Indian Revolt of 1857– Led to dissolution of East India Company– India was now directly governed by the British Crown

• British Raj (1858 – 1947)

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The British Raj

• 1858, Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India– Strengthened control over

colonly– “Westernization, Anglicization,

and modernization”– Proclaimed equality under law

and “technically” allowed some forms of self government• Former Mughal princes pledged

loyalty for autonomy• Indian Civil Service

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The British Raj

• Prior to British rule India had an economically productive and agriculturally based economy– Leading exporter of cotton


• British introduction of cheap factory-produced textiles led to decline of India’s economy

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The British Raj

• British rapidly built up India’s infrastructure to more productivly farm natural resources– Railroads– Canals– Telegraph lines

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Britain’s Eastern Empire(Africa, Asia and the


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Colonies and Commerce

• 1795, Dutch ceded control of Cape Colony (South Africa) to British– British established a large

settler colony– Profited from port trade– British citizens displaced

previous Dutch settlers• Resulted in the Great Trek

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Colonies and Commerce

• British seized control of numerous territories in Asia–Malacca (again form the Dutch)– Singapore– Burma (Myanmar)

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Imperial Policies and Shipping

• British sought trade rather than territory– New colonies meant to serve as ports

• New clipper ships increased speed and cargo capacity of oceanic trade

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Australia and New Zealand

• 1769 - 1778, British Captain James Cook explored New Zealand & eastern coast of Australia– Native communities

succumbed to disease– Ex. Maoryi

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Colonization of Australia and New Zealand

• At first, British used Australia as a penal colony• As more settlers arrived, British allowed self-

government to avoid independence movements– Also, made colonists responsible for their own expenses

• British also settled New Zealand for seal hunting and whaling

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