The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1905-03-08 [p...

tP4fr + yry+ i + rua e + awc Ia <c= d4a + r Fwsn i i r T I 1 > < r I < f THE BRE6KENRIDGE NEWS JNO D and V G BABBAGE a Editors and Proprietors Issued Every m u Wednesday erlntt 1 on PrIce Si 00 i n year or 125 if paid at the end of year II IItheir CARDS per lino- OBITUAIUES OF THANKS OVQT five linos charged for at the rate of f charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line Money Examine us the label on your paper If it is not correct please When ordering a change in the address subscribers should give old as well us the now address J f EIGHT PAGES a i iWEDNESDAY MARCH 8 1905 I THOUGHTS Much has been given to us and much will rightfully bo expected l i1from us We have duties to others and duties to ourselves and w can shirk neither We have become a great nation forced by the fad of its greatness into relations with the other nations of the earth and l we must behave as beseems a people with such responsibilities To ¬ ward all other nations large and small our attitude must be one of eordilllnndslI1cere friendship We must show not only in our woids but our deeds that we are earnestly desirous of securing their good l i recognitioi n I of all their rights But justice and generosity in a nation as in an in- dividual ¬ count most when shown not by the weak but by the strung While ever careful to refrain from wronging others we must be no less insistent that wo are not wronged ourselves We wish peace but we wish the peace of justice the peace of righteousness We wish it be ¬ cause we think it i is right and not because we are afraid No weak nation that acts manfully and justly should ever have cause to fear us and no strong power should ever be able to single us out as a subject for insolent ngressionPresident Roosevelts Inaugural Address ONLY a few days left now in which to make your guess in our U E t t contestt TilE old postmaster T W Hardin and his good wife are im ¬ proving all of which is good news to their many friends TilE friends of Hon W W Taber of Hawesville will be sorry to learn of his serious illness of lagrippe and brights disease e TilE NEWS would like to see the spirit of Rooseveltism inaugurated Kentuckyr i WK want to warn the Democrats of this county as well as the Republicans to put none but sober men on their tickets and to cut r whiskey out of their campaign I t THE farmers will hold m eetings next Saturday in Havdinsburg I Hawosvijlc and For < villeto take steps to prize and hold their tobacco At llawesville they will be served with a free dinner Hawesville not this cue from Cloverport n TilE Democrats of this county did the proper thing in calling a delegate convention Oldtime Democratic ways are the Nest both for the party and the people Now if they will eliminate the ma- t ¬ chine and let the people have a fair show we may be happy yet u WE announce in this issue Mr W J Hall of Rockvale as a can- didate ¬ for jailer of Breckenridge county subject to the action of the Republican party Mr Hall i is a wellknown farmer in this county has had a good deal to do with the public affairs of the county andso far as we know has always fulfilled his duties He is a sober indus ¬ l r peoplor i iji J IT seems that none of the Democratic aspirants for the oflice of I i sheriff of this county want to head the ticket Better adopt our ticket t with one change viz Herbert Beard at the head with Charlie Light foot and S W Bassett as deputies Herbert Beard is not afraid to tackle the head of it Heres an equal division and why not name them and give them the field The sheriffs office ought not to be in l bel by good men women independent voters BROTHER XKWSOM i i is a great preacher as well as a great orator His success lies in his indifference for the opinions r of hid auditors HeI loses selfconscSoifsnOas and speaks from his heiUt and personal ex ¬ tpcriollcc Ihs religion fairlyt3spiltliles from his eyes his face hisI gesturosj and in every movement of the man Religion is in his soulI r and he dont t taro who knows it In fact he wants everybody to know It nnd take hold of it and its a mighty hardened sinner that can re- sist ¬ his pleadings Everybody in the town is glad of his coming and will be sorry when his time courts togo a H 1 s BEWLEYVILLE t r r parentsfin s finSuncny Cain who has been very ill I f fRobert better I J Jolly huH been ill of J lagrippe a week or more i I tTh S S teachers meet Thursday I afternoon with this scribe W WMIss Ada Stith is having a protract ¬ attack of rheumatism i led Mr and Mrs Roy Payne visited Mr j Mrs Owen Kasey Sunday ri I Mrs P W Foote entertained sev I Sundays I Miss Lena Compton is at Clifton Mills the guest of her grandmother t Sunday Feb 20 Mr and Mrs C D f l Hardaway received into their home a baby boy- Sunday 1 March 5 there came to live with Mrand Mrs R J Cain a baby boy k Miss Mary Richardson Mrs BlanI fords visitor has gone to Big Spring to visit friends Dr Walker waR called Monday to see Z T Stith who has been ill of lagrippe several weeks Miss Mary Payne left Friday for Webster where she will visit her sis ¬ ter Mrs Jam es Witt Mr and Mrs Gilbert Kasey visited Mrs Kaseys parents Mr and Mrs Jane Foushee Saturday and Sunday Miss Minnie Stith left last Wednes ¬ day for Waslingtcn D Cl to make a continued visit to her aunt Miss HauserThe treasurer of the missionary to ciety reports funds on hand aoove the dues to make usa life member Mrs B A Hardaway of Guston one of the Faithful Four has been selected for the honor Golden Rod Get rid of those plrtplcs Dr Thachers The and know will do lu druggists THIS CATARRH RE DY Is sure to I GIV- ESatisfaction Elys Cream Balm G j Relief at Once It cleanses soothes and heals the ills ea sedmembrn a It t e Rdrives In the lend iiudklv It Is absorbed heals and Protects the Membrane Uestons the Senses of Taste tutu Smell Full size i 0 nt dru Jlsrj or hy mall Trial Size lOc by mail ELY IifOTII1 ItS WWurren Street N V ANNOUNCEMENTS I FOR COt TY JUDGE WE are authorized to announce Henry Moorman as n candidate for County Judge of UreckenrldRe county sub Ject to the action of the Democratic party FOR REPRESENTATIVE IIy atlve from lireckenrldge county subject to the action of the Democratic party FOR JAILER WE nrt authorized to announce wihnll Rockvale for the cake of Jailer of Mreckenrldse county subject to the actloi of the Republican party l1CQUADYt Miss Ada Weatherford was the guest of Mrs Brickie last week Clark Owen who has been sick for some time in able to De out again Rev Snacclett filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sun dayJoel H Pale ot Hardinsburg was here last Friday looking after the pulp lie school Miss Margaret Wheatly of Tarfork was the gnest of Miss Nellie Crews last week Quite a number ot our young people lastt Thursday night Mrs Sally Bland ot Fordsville has bought the Bowman property at this place and moved here The infant child of Luther Wilson died last Thursday of pneumonia and was buried at Hardmsbnrg Wednesday afternoonGeorge and Rob Ball reinUstedrin i the United States army and left l ins Sunday for Ft McPherson Oa where they will be stationed Dr Sandbach was called last Thurs- day ¬ to see John Lively who happened I to a serious accident while at carpen ¬ ter worttA nail flew and struck him in the eye probably destroying th eight END OF QUARANTINE McOuadyKy March 78peclal- Dr 1 Glasscock of Irvlngton came down last week to consult with Dr Sandbach concerning the smallpox case at Tartork They repotted no new ases and discontinued the quaran- tine ¬ The Colonels Waterloo Colonel John M Fuller of Honey Groe Texas nearly met his Waterloo from Liver and Kidney trouble In a recent letter he says I was nearly dead of these complaints and al ¬ though I tried my family doctor he did me no good so I got a 50c bottle ot your great Electric Bitters which cured me I consider them the best medicine on earth and thank lied who gave you the Knowledge to make them Sold and guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia Biliousness and Kidney Disease by Short Haynes druggists at 50c a bottle STEPHENSPORT Mrs S B Schoop hue returned from LouisvilleMiss Hensley opened a spring school here Monday RA Smith attended the inaugura ¬ tion ot President Roosevelt MrpL 11 Helm visited friends And relatives in Irvington last week Mrs J S Adair was in Cloverport the first of tnis week on business Born to the wife of B F Blaine an eight round daughter Febrnar 20 Miss Zelma Lay left Sunday for Clifton Mills to teach a threw montns school Mrs P D Hawkins and daughter Lelabelle of Union star were in town SaturdayMrs Dowell who has been indisposed for some time is slowly improvingJ Jr left Saturday for Lewlsport for the purpose of teaching a spring school Mrs Jennie Brooks who has beenl visiting friends in New Harmony Ind has returned home James M Crawford has returned I from Vicksburg Miss where he has been for several months Mrs Sallie Bennett and son Rich ¬ ard attended the funeral ot Qua Gib sonat Cloverpcrt Thursday Mr and Mrs W G Haswell of Hardinsburg were with their parents Mr and MrsGeo McCubbins Sunday dos H Lay of this City Ind was here Saturday to see his father H Lay who has been ill for two weeks ICOLD WAVE AA WW COMINGI J IAnd if you are not ICOME TO get some of I Iand will only be I Babbage I THIS I these sale I week and they are some stunners for the CASH AND CASH ONLY f Come along now and lets get busy Heavy weight Canton Flannel per yard 7c Heavy weight Outing Flannel per yard 7c Ladies Flannel Underskirts each J5c Apron Ginghams per yard Ladies 250 Ready Made Skirts now 100I Ladies 350 now 150 Ladies 25c Yarn Hose at 15c Several choice pieces of 6c Calico at 4c A few Ladies Golf Gloves at lOc of our lOc Flannelette Waist Goods per yard 6c A 100 Corset for 60c few Toques for children at 15c 100 Jeans Pants now SOc t I IA 150 Jeans Coats now 50c I Babbage Son Cloverport Ky Wft LANDSt OF THE EAST TEXAS COUNTRY Home of the Elberta peach the straw ¬ berry plum pear tomato and other fruits and vegetables Big money in growing for the northern markets 7the and 21st round trip homeseekers tickets from St Louis Thebes Cairo or Mem ¬ phis to Texas points at rate of one fare 1plus 52 not exceeding 15 One way colonist tickets at half fare plus 2 on February 21st and March 21stWrite for booklet on Texas fruit lands map and time table LOSCHAEFERTPAC- otton Belt Route Cincinnati 0 Thermometers safeguard towards maintain ¬ ing an equable temperature in the house a source of satiSfac1 I tion when the frost is window pane and you are curious to know how cold it is outside Wo have just the thing you want In addition to the thermometer there goes with it a color barometer which foretells all we athe changes from 12 to 24 hours in advance Send us 25 cents and we will send you one by mail post paid Or better still send us a dollar for a years subscription to the NEWS andwe will send you one f ree We only have a limited num her of these Send your order at onto and get one before they are all gone J D BABBAGE Editor BRECKENRIDGE NEWS YY BIG SPRING Born to the wife of John Martin Wednesday a daughter Overton Stanford of Bewleyville way here Sunday afternoon Lee Brown ot New Salem has been sere for several days buying hogs Joe Zeperer of South Bend was the guest of Frank Hardin last week Bert Williams who was cleking for H Meyer has been quite sick at his home in Howe Valley Miss Mary Richardson of Vine Grove was the guest of Mrs T J Durblnseveral days last week Dr Strother was called In consul ¬ tation with Dr Stith to see Mrs Charlie Stitb of Ekron Friday night Mr and Mrs H Meyer returned Sons I it WEEK on 5c Ii WE ARE UNLOADING LUMBER DAILY ft- i 1 1At our several yards and are prepared tq supply your wants with choice I W NEW stock ut prices that we are sure will please you W J jiJ I JPWill Co LUMBERMEN f yl LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY y 7 NOTICEt All persons owing the estate of M Hamman or M Ham man eC Son are requested to call and settle with C AV Hamman All persons having claims against the estate to pre ¬ f r sent same properly proven I cutrlxaCHRISTINA 1 Horn Louisville last week Mr Meyer has been quite siok since his return The I HV0 Club of Big Spring are getting u cirunlaticg library Win soon have all of the new books on handDr W H Strother was called in consultation with Dr Bnrch to see Mrs Ed Bunger of Garrett Friday mornmgI Mrs Jesse Clarkson who has peen very ill at her daughters Mrs Hun gerland of Louisville returned home last week Mrs James Harned entertained Misses Lll and OlaMae ClarksonZel- ma ¬ Strother Daisy Meador and Mrs W Id Strother at dinner Thursday Warning When you ask a druggist for Para uamph be sure you get it There is nothing just as good Paracamph is guaranteed to cure Piles Eczema Tetter Itch Snltrhoum etc Remem ¬ ber the name Paracamph 25 cents tI To One Day Take Bromo gUinine Tablets Seven MUlIon boxes sold In past 12 months This signature prepared for bargains I this I- I Any HITES RUN John Agnew is quite sick Harmon and Percy Blame left last Monday for Illinois Lee Miller gave the young folks a party Monday night Alfred Miller of Hllt was the guest of Mitts Bevie Hawkins Sunday Caleb Hawkins and fainilyof Bethel will leave in the near future for Ne oraska I Willie Walker of Mattingly spent I Saturday and Sunday with his uncle Frank WalKer Wm Hawkins and family left Tues ¬ day for Owensboro where tney will make their future home Misses Lee and Bevie Hawkins at tended the entertainment Friday night given at New Bethel sonoolhonse Paul Hendrick and Charlie Miller of New Bethel were the guests of Misses Evie and Norma Miller San I day r Cure a Cold in Laxative c8 < Cures Crip In Two Days on every box 25c i

Transcript of The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1905-03-08 [p...

Page 1: The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1905-03-08 [p ] · 2014. 6. 12. · Mrs Kaseys parents Mr and Mrs Jane Foushee Saturday and Sunday

tP4fr + yry+ i + rua e+

awc Ia <c=d4a+ r Fwsni

i r T I 1 > < rI



a Editors and Proprietors

Issued Everymu


erlntt1 on PrIce Si 00 in year or 125 if paid at the end of yearIIIItheirCARDSper lino-


OF THANKS OVQT five linos charged for at the rate off

charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line Money


the label on your paper If it is not correct please

When ordering a change in the address subscribers should giveold as well us the now address




THOUGHTSMuch has been given to us and much will rightfully bo expectedl

i1from us We have duties to others and duties to ourselves and w

can shirk neither We have become a great nation forced by the fad

of its greatness into relations with the other nations of the earth andl

we must behave as beseems a people with such responsibilities To ¬

ward all other nations large and small our attitude must be one ofeordilllnndslI1cere friendship We must show not only in our woids

but our deeds that we are earnestly desirous of securing their goodl

irecognitioi nI

of all their rights But justice and generosity in a nation as in an in-



count most when shown not by the weak but by the strungWhile ever careful to refrain from wronging others we must be no lessinsistent that wo are not wronged ourselves We wish peace but we

wish the peace of justice the peace of righteousness We wish it be ¬

cause we think it iis right and not because we are afraid No weaknation that acts manfully and justly should ever have cause to fear usand no strong power should ever be able to single us out as a subjectfor insolent ngressionPresident Roosevelts Inaugural Address

ONLY a few days left now in which to make your guess in our U

Et tcontestt

TilE old postmaster T W Hardin and his good wife are im ¬

proving all of which is good news to their many friends

TilE friends of Hon W W Taber of Hawesville will be sorryto learn of his serious illness of lagrippe and brights disease


TilE NEWS would like to see the spirit of Rooseveltism inauguratedKentuckyri

WK want to warn the Democrats of this county as well as theRepublicans to put none but sober men on their tickets and to cut

r whiskey out of their campaignI

tTHE farmers will hold m eetings next Saturday in Havdinsburg

I Hawosvijlc and For < villeto take steps to prize and hold their tobaccoAt llawesville they will be served with a free dinner Hawesville notthis cue from Cloverport

nTilE Democrats of this county did the proper thing in calling a

delegate convention Oldtime Democratic ways are the Nest bothfor the party and the people Now if they will eliminate the ma-

chine and let the people have a fair show we may be happy yetu

WE announce in this issue Mr W J Hall of Rockvale as a can-


for jailer of Breckenridge county subject to the action of theRepublican party Mr Hall iis a wellknown farmer in this countyhas had a good deal to do with the public affairs of the county andsofar as we know has always fulfilled his duties He is a sober indus ¬



J IT seems that none of the Democratic aspirants for the oflice ofIi sheriff of this county want to head the ticket Better adopt our tickett with one change viz Herbert Beard at the head with Charlie Light

foot and S W Bassett as deputies Herbert Beard is not afraid totackle the head of it Heres an equal division and why not namethem and give them the field The sheriffs office ought not to be in

lbelby good men women independent voters

BROTHER XKWSOMi iis a great preacher as well as a great orator Hissuccess lies in his indifference for the opinionsr of hid auditors HeIloses selfconscSoifsnOas and speaks from his heiUt and personal ex¬

tpcriollcc Ihs religion fairlyt3spiltliles from his eyes his face hisIgesturosj and in every movement of the man Religion is in his soulI

r and he dontt taro who knows it In fact he wants everybody to knowIt nnd take hold of it and its a mighty hardened sinner that can re-


his pleadings Everybody in the town is glad of his coming andwill be sorry when his time courts togoa





rr parentsfins finSuncnyCain who has been very ill

I ffRobert betterI J Jolly huH been ill of

J lagrippe a week or more

iI tTh S S teachers meet ThursdayI afternoon with this scribe

WWMIss Ada Stith is having a protract ¬

attack of rheumatismi ledMr and Mrs Roy Payne visited Mrj

Mrs Owen Kasey Sunday

riI Mrs P W Foote entertained sevI SundaysI

Miss Lena Compton is at CliftonMills the guest of her grandmother

tSunday Feb 20 Mr and Mrs C D

fl Hardaway received into their home a

baby boy-

Sunday1 March 5 there came to

live with Mrand Mrs R J Cain a

baby boy


Miss Mary Richardson Mrs BlanIfords visitor has gone to Big Springto visit friends

Dr Walker waR called Monday tosee Z T Stith who has been ill oflagrippe several weeks

Miss Mary Payne left Friday forWebster where she will visit her sis¬

ter Mrs Jam es WittMr and Mrs Gilbert Kasey visited

Mrs Kaseys parents Mr and MrsJane Foushee Saturday and Sunday

Miss Minnie Stith left last Wednes ¬

day for Waslingtcn D Cl to makea continued visit to her aunt Miss

HauserThetreasurer of the missionary to

ciety reports funds on hand aoove thedues to make usa life member MrsB A Hardaway of Guston one ofthe Faithful Four has been selectedfor the honor

Golden Rod

Get rid of those plrtplcsDr Thachers The and knowwill do lu druggists



Elys Cream Balm

G j Relief at Once

It cleanses soothesand heals the illseasedmembrn a ItteRdrivesIn the lend iiudklv It Is absorbed healsand Protects the Membrane Uestons theSenses of Taste tutu Smell Full size i0 ntdru Jlsrj or hy mall Trial Size lOc by mailELY IifOTII1 ItS WWurren Street N V


WE are authorized to announce HenryMoorman as n candidate for

County Judge of UreckenrldRe county subJect to the action of the Democratic party

FOR REPRESENTATIVEIIyatlve from lireckenrldge county subject tothe action of the Democratic party

FOR JAILERWE nrt authorized to announce wihnll

Rockvale for the cake of Jailer ofMreckenrldse county subject to the actloiof the Republican party

l1CQUADYtMiss Ada Weatherford was the guest

of Mrs Brickie last week

Clark Owen who has been sick forsome time in able to De out again

Rev Snacclett filled his regularappointment here Saturday and Sun

dayJoelH Pale ot Hardinsburg was

here last Friday looking after the pulplie school

Miss Margaret Wheatly of Tarforkwas the gnest of Miss Nellie Crewslast week

Quite a number ot our young peoplelasttThursday night

Mrs Sally Bland ot Fordsville hasbought the Bowman property at thisplace and moved here

The infant child of Luther Wilsondied last Thursday of pneumonia andwas buried at Hardmsbnrg Wednesday

afternoonGeorgeand Rob Ball reinUstedrini

the United States army and left linsSunday for Ft McPherson Oawhere they will be stationed

Dr Sandbach was called last Thurs-day


to see John Lively who happenedI

to a serious accident while at carpen ¬

ter worttA nail flew and struck himin the eye probably destroying theight

END OF QUARANTINEMcOuadyKy March 78peclal-Dr


Glasscock of Irvlngton camedown last week to consult with DrSandbach concerning the smallpox caseat Tartork They repotted no new

ases and discontinued the quaran-tine


The Colonels WaterlooColonel John M Fuller of Honey

Groe Texas nearly met his Waterloofrom Liver and Kidney trouble In arecent letter he says I was nearlydead of these complaints and al ¬

though I tried my family doctor hedid me no good so I got a 50c bottleot your great Electric Bitters whichcured me I consider them the bestmedicine on earth and thank lied whogave you the Knowledge to makethem Sold and guaranteed to cureDyspepsia Biliousness and KidneyDisease by Short Haynes druggistsat 50c a bottle


Mrs S B Schoop hue returned from

LouisvilleMissHensley opened a spring

school here Monday

RA Smith attended the inaugura ¬

tion ot President Roosevelt

MrpL 11 Helm visited friends And

relatives in Irvington last week

Mrs J S Adair was in Cloverportthe first of tnis week on business

Born to the wife of B F Blainean eight round daughter Febrnar20

Miss Zelma Lay left Sunday forClifton Mills to teach a threw montnsschool

Mrs P D Hawkins and daughterLelabelle of Union star were in town

SaturdayMrsDowell who has been

indisposed for some time is slowly

improvingJJr left Saturday for

Lewlsport for the purpose of teachinga spring school

Mrs Jennie Brooks who has beenl

visiting friends in New HarmonyInd has returned home

James M Crawford has returnedI

from Vicksburg Miss where he hasbeen for several months

Mrs Sallie Bennett and son Rich ¬

ard attended the funeral ot Qua Gibsonat Cloverpcrt Thursday

Mr and Mrs W G Haswell ofHardinsburg were with their parentsMr and MrsGeo McCubbins Sunday

dos H Lay of this City Indwas here Saturday to see his fatherH Lay who has been ill for twoweeks




IAnd if you are not


get some of

IIandwill only be



THIS Ithese


I week and they are some stunners for the CASH AND CASH ONLY fCome along now and lets get busy

Heavy weight Canton Flannel per yard 7cHeavy weight Outing Flannel per yard 7cLadies Flannel Underskirts each J5cApron Ginghams per yardLadies 250 Ready Made Skirts now 100ILadies 350 now 150Ladies 25c Yarn Hose at 15cSeveral choice pieces of 6c Calico at 4cA few Ladies Golf Gloves at lOc

of our lOc Flannelette Waist Goods per yard 6cA 100 Corset for 60c

few Toques for children at 15c100 Jeans Pants now SOc t

IIA 150 Jeans Coats now 50c

I Babbage Son Cloverport KyWft


Home of the Elberta peach the straw ¬

berry plum pear tomato and otherfruits and vegetables Big money ingrowing for the northern markets7theand 21st round trip homeseekers ticketsfrom St Louis Thebes Cairo or Mem¬

phis to Texas points at rate of one fare

1plus 52 not exceeding 15

One way colonist tickets at half fareplus 2 on February 21st and March

21stWritefor booklet on Texas fruit lands

map and time tableLOSCHAEFERTPAC-

otton Belt Route Cincinnati 0

Thermometerssafeguard towards maintain ¬

ing an equable temperature inthe house a source of

satiSfac1 I

tion when the frost iswindow pane and you arecurious to know how cold it isoutside Wo have just thething you want In additionto the thermometer there goeswith it a color barometerwhich foretells all we athechanges from 12 to 24 hoursin advance Send us 25 centsand we will send you one bymail post paid Or betterstill send us a dollar for ayears subscription to the NEWS

andwe will send you one freeWe only have a limited numher of these Send your orderat onto and get one beforethey are all gone



Born to the wife of John MartinWednesday a daughter

Overton Stanford of Bewleyvilleway here Sunday afternoon

Lee Brown ot New Salem has beensere for several days buying hogs

Joe Zeperer of South Bend wasthe guest of Frank Hardin last week

Bert Williams who was cleking forH Meyer has been quite sick at hishome in Howe Valley

Miss Mary Richardson of VineGrove was the guest of Mrs T JDurblnseveral days last week

Dr Strother was called In consul ¬

tation with Dr Stith to see MrsCharlie Stitb of Ekron Friday night

Mr and Mrs H Meyer returned







i11At our several yards and are prepared tq supply your wants with choiceIW NEW stock ut prices that we are sure will please you W



NOTICEtAll persons owing the estate of M Hamman or M Ham

man eC Son are requested to call and settle withC AV Hamman All persons having

claims against the estate to pre ¬ f rsent same properly provenIcutrlxaCHRISTINA1

Horn Louisville last week Mr Meyerhas been quite siok since his return

The I HV0 Club of Big Springare getting u cirunlaticg library Winsoon have all of the new books on

handDrW H Strother was called in

consultation with Dr Bnrch to seeMrs Ed Bunger of Garrett FridaymornmgI

Mrs Jesse Clarkson who has peenvery ill at her daughters Mrs Hungerland of Louisville returned homelast week

Mrs James Harned entertainedMisses Lll and OlaMae ClarksonZel-ma


Strother Daisy Meador and MrsW Id Strother at dinner Thursday

WarningWhen you ask a druggist for Para

uamph be sure you get it There isnothing just as good Paracamph isguaranteed to cure Piles EczemaTetter Itch Snltrhoum etc Remem ¬

ber the name Paracamph 25 cents

tI To One DayTake Bromo gUinine TabletsSeven MUlIon boxes sold In past 12 months This signature

prepared for

bargains Ithis I-




John Agnew is quite sickHarmon and Percy Blame left last

Monday for IllinoisLee Miller gave the young folks a

party Monday nightAlfred Miller of Hllt was the guest

of Mitts Bevie Hawkins SundayCaleb Hawkins and fainilyof Bethel

will leave in the near future for Neoraska I

Willie Walker of Mattingly spent I

Saturday and Sunday with his uncleFrank WalKer

Wm Hawkins and family left Tues¬

day for Owensboro where tney willmake their future home

Misses Lee and Bevie Hawkins attended the entertainment Friday nightgiven at New Bethel sonoolhonse

Paul Hendrick and Charlie Millerof New Bethel were the guests ofMisses Evie and Norma Miller San

I day

r Cure a Cold inLaxative c8 <

Cures CripIn Two Days

on everybox 25c
