The Boer War 1899-1902. Background ● The Boers were people of Dutch descent. ● They lived in and...

The Boer War 1899-1902

Transcript of The Boer War 1899-1902. Background ● The Boers were people of Dutch descent. ● They lived in and...

The Boer War 1899-1902


● The Boers were people of Dutch descent.● They lived in and controlled Southern Africa.● Britain controlled around South Africa, and

wanted to control all of it.● Gold was discovered in South

Africa, so British miners began to arrive.

● Boers feared they would be outnumbered and absorbed to the British Empire.


● Boers passed discriminatory laws against the British.

● The British sent troops to demand the rights of British subjects, and the Boers demanded they leave.

● War broke out when they refused to leave.

● Boers used guerilla tactics aginst the British, who were unfamiliar with the land.

Canada's ConnectionsCanada's Connections

● Britain called on its colonies for support in the war.

● The French and English differed on what to do.● The differences between the English and

French Canadians were shown dramatically by their reactions to the Boer War.

French CanadiansFrench Canadians● Felt no connection with the British empire● Did not want to be involved in a “British War”

halfway across the world● Sympathized with Afrikaners● Thought: The war did not threaten Canada, and

could lead to further participation in larger wars

English CanadiansEnglish Canadians

● Had a strong connection with the Empire● Felt it was their duty to help Britain, seeing as

they were a member of the Empire

Laurier's CompromiseLaurier's Compromise

● No conscription● Have Canadian units fight alongside the British● This made it so that the English could help, and

the French were not forced to go to war, and if they did, they were considered Canadian soldiers.