The Blaze - 1985




Transcript of The Blaze - 1985

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C lark -M o rg an was the first building o f the school and is today one o f the m ain buildings o f the cam pus. A t bottom left, the G reen Shed, although it has been moved from behind Brew ster to dow n by the m ainten ance barn , is still Coach S h elto n 's headquarters, w here he can be found p lo tting out aftern oon activ ities for a group o f "d ad-d urn p ills ." Several houses have been b u ilt as sm all dorm itories over the years; Franklin H ouse was the latest o f these, show n under con stru ction above. A t upper right, the gym nasium was built to accom odate sports p rogram s and has been expanded to becom e the K enerson C enter w ith lock er room , team room s, and social center. T h e original bu ild ing w hich housed Cardigan M ou ntain Sch ool continu es to serve an educational purpose as the New C anaan Academ y.

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1 ^ -«ii »■ s « is 10

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From the new est bu ild in g on cam pus, the Stoddard C enter, w hich houses the K irk Library , R ead ing D ep artm ent, Foreign Language D ep artm ent, and theatre com plex, to C lark -M o rg an H all, the orig in al H affen reffer hom e, the b u ild in gs on cam pus h arm onize w ith one another as well as w ith their su rrou nd in gs. Show n here, clockw ise from the left, are the Stoddard C enter, the K enerson C enter, the C hapel, C lark - M org an , H o p k in s H all, and B an k s H ouse.

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Though we've managed to place a roof over our skating facilities since 1961, we still have to put up with the ever-changing New England weather. O ver the years, musical expression - from soloists to an orchestra - have been a part of Cardigan m emories. As Cardigan has grown, its athletic program has grown to appeal to an ever- widening interest in both individual and team sports. New boys (and old boys) have been climbing Cardigan M ountain since the founding of the school - this group in 1949.

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Some popular clubs this year, shown on page 14, are Outdoor Games, Conditioning, Free Skating, and Ice Fishing.

Others include Cooking, Silkscreening, and Indoor Games - for those who like to stay warm and dry.


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EDITORIAL STAFFEditor-In-Chief Section Editors

Special Color







Rene Keilhauer

Stephen Marks Toby Schwindt Franklin Staley Rene Keilhauer John Coleman Keith Skilling

Ian Toney Dylan Dimock

Chris Small Carter Neild

Josh Perelman Paul Trombetta

Ian Litmans Rick Massey

Rita Carey Terry Decker

Steve Heath

Page 21: The Blaze - 1985




Birthday Section 1Administration, Faculty, And Staff 20Blaze Dedication 33Senior Section 34Four-Year Boys 57School Leaders 58Graduation 60Prizes 64Underclassmen 66Clubs And Organizations 76Sports 85Lampoon 112Autographs 116Blaze Staff 120Blaze Supporters and Advertising 122Senior Directory 128


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Front: C h arles, Betsy, M rs. W akely , M ary. S tand ing ; Jo n ath an , M r. W akely , Mi^^sy, H erm an.

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M r. W illiam X. Barron E n g lish ; S occer, W re stlin g , Lacrosse; B ik e T o u rin g & V o lley b a ll C lu bs; E ig hth G rade C lass A d visor; B .A ., C olorad o C ollege.

M rs. Linda Bou cher R ead in g and Stu d y S k ills , Language T ra in in g ; B .S.Ed ., P ly m ou th State C ollege.

M r. and M rs. B lu n t and H eather D onald E. B lu nt: Scien ce D ep artm ent C h airm an; I.P .S . and P rin cip les o f Scien ce; A ssistan t W o rk D etail C oach; T rap , Sau na and X -C S k i C lu bs A dvisor; B .S . Ed., Bridgew ater State U n iversity ; M .E d., P enn sy lv ania State U niversity .

M r. B en jam in L. Bressler U .S. H istory ; Soccer, R ecreational S k iin g ; H acky Sack C lu b A dvisor; B .A ., Skid m ore College.

M r. Jo sh u a D. Bressler LP .S. and P rincip les o f Scien ce; Soccer, H ockey, Lacrosse; Frisbee and Backgam m on C lu b s A dvisor; B .S ., H obart and W illiam Sm ith College.

Faculty, Staff, And

AdministrationM r. N eil Brier

U .S. H istory ; Soccer, S k iin g , Lacrosse; X - C o u n try T ra il R estoration , M u sic , F id d and G am es C lu bs; N in th G rade C lass A dvisor; B .A ., U n ion College.

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M r. and M rs. Carey and Katie A n th o n y L. Carey: R ead ing and Stu d y S k ills , Language T ra in in g ; In tram urals, N ord ic Sk iin g , Sa ilin g ; D irector o f C lu b Program ; B.A ., H obart C ollege; M . Ed., U n iversity o f V erm on t. R ita D u n n Carey; U .S. and H istory o f W estern C ivilization ; P erform in g A rts; Blaze A dvisor, N ation al Ju n io r H onor Society A dvisor, S ixth G rade C lass A dvisor; B .A ., T r in ity C ollege.

M r. J . D udley C lark i4ath; Soccer, H ockey, Lacrosse; Rocketry and G am es C lu b A dvisor;5.A., T rin ity C ollege; M .Ed., 'Jo rth eastern U niversity .

M r. K evin C oburn E n glish ; C ross C ou n try R u n n in g , H ockey, Baseball; F ish ing C lub A dvisor; B.A ., U n iversity o f V erm on t.

M r. Jo h n B. C o ffin M ath ; School Store M anager; N in th G rade C lass A dvisor; U n iversity of H artford.

M r. and M rs. C o llin s Jo sep h M . C ollin s; A ssistan t H eadm aster; D irector o f Studies; D ean o f Students; M ath ; Football, B asketball, Baseball; B .S., B oston U n iversity .

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M r. and M rs. C ritten d en, Jo h n , M ary , Sarah D avid B . C ritten d en : D evelop m en t and A lum n i A ffa irs ; B .A ., S t. Law rence U niversity , M .A ., S a n F ran c isco S tate C ollege. V irg in ia C. C ritten d en: Language T ra in in g ; B.A ., U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia at D avis.

M r. and M rs. Crow ell Jam es W . C row ell: Science; Sailboat M ain ta inan ce, R ecreational Sk iin g , Sa ilin g ; C ross C ou n try M aintainan ce and Sk i T o u rin g C lu b s A dvisor; B.S., Yale U n iversity ; M .S ., Yale U niversity .

M r. R ick C ru ik sh an k Earth Scien ce ; J .V . Football, W restlin g , W ild ern ess; R o c k C lim b in g and Sk i M ou n tain eerin g C lubs A d visor; E ig h th G rade A d visor, B .A ., St. Law rence U n iversity .

M r. T erry D ecker U .S. and H istory o f W estern C iv ilization ; Soccer, Sk iin g , Baseball; Blaze C lu b A dvisor, Seventh Grade C lass A d visor; B .A ., S .U .N .Y . at G eneseo.

M r. H arold F in k b e in er, Jr . F u nd am entals o f M u sic , M u sic A p p reciation , M u sic H isto ry ; K eyboard ; P erfo rm in g A rts; S en io r K arate C h am p ion ; G lee C lu b A dvisor; B .M .M .M . W estm in is te r C h o ir C ollege; M . D iv ., M cC o rm ick T h eo lo g ica l Sem in ary .

M iss Jo a n H an nu m Sp a n ish ; C h o ir, K arate C lu b A d visor; B .A ., LaSalle C ollege.


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M r. and M rs. H artV irg in ia H art: A ssistan t Librarian; B .S., U n iversity o f G eorgia. M .A ., M id d lebu ry College; W illiam H art: E n glish ; Soccer, R ecreational S k iin g , Baseball; B ow lin g and G o lf C lub A dvisor; B .A ., N ew England C ollege; T eacher C ertificate , U n iv ersity o f N orth C arolin a- C harlotte; M .A ., M id d lebu ry C ollege; C ertificate o f G raduation, P in eh u rst G o lf Advantage School.

u .

M r. Edward J . Haye E n glish ; Soccer, B asketball, Baseball; C h ess C lu b A dvisor; A .B ., D artm ou th College.

M r. and M rs. H eath , A m anda, and A aron Stephen L. H eath : Biology, P rincip les o f Scien ce ; Football, N ord ic S k iin g , Lacrosse; Blaze P hotograph y A dvisor; B .S ., P lym ou th State College.

■ ■

Bruce K . H enn essey M ath em atics; B icyclin g , A lp in e S k iin g , W ild erness-R o p es C ou rse; R o ck C lim b in g , T elem ark in g C lu b s A d visor; B.A .,Potsdam College.

M r. and M rs. H ick s, Je a n -M i and N atalie Je ffre y D . H icks: D irector o f A d m ission and Sen ior P lacem ent; Foreign Language D epartm ent C h airm an; Soccer; Fly T y in g and F ish in g C lu b A dvisor; B .A ., R o llin s C ollege; M .A ., T r in ity C ollege; C ertifica te o f French Studies, U n iv ersity o f Lausanne. M ary -P ierre H icks: French ; C ertificate de Prepedeutique, U n iversite d 'A ix-M arseille .

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Reverend H arry R. M ah oney Sch ool C h aplain ; R elig ion D epartm ent C h airm an ; C h ristm as Pageant D irector; Fire C om m ission er; M agic C lu b A dvisor; B.S. Ed., B oston U n iversity ; B .D ., A ndover Nevifton T h eo log ical School.

M r. M arrio n , Beth , M rs. M arrion ,Je n n ife r , S tep h an ie, and Jim m y

C o n stan ce F. M arrion : Language

Ja m es N . M arrio n : D irecto r o f *' j jA th letics ; M ath ; Football, H ockey , I j vB aseball; R o ck C lim b in g & S k i I ‘T o u rin g C lu b s A d visor; B.Ed., I •f ^K een e State C ollege. 'T t

M r. and M rs. M ark s G ary P. M ark s: W oodw orking, M ovie and W ood w orkin g C lu b A dvisor; B .A ., T em p le U niversity ; M .A ., M .F .A ., Bow ling G reen State U niversity . N ela M ark s: A rt; Stoddard G allery E xh ib it O rgan izer, M ovie C lu b A dvisor; B.F.A ., Bow ling G reen State U niversity .

J! 'S Sh eila A. M ark s Sp an ish and T y p in g ; K arate and M ovie B.A ., Eastern Illin o is U niversity .

C lu bs A dvisor;

M r. and M rs. R am os, R am on, and V idal

E d ilberto C . R am os: M ath D ep artm en t C h airm an ; In tram u rals, H ockey , T e n n is ; B ow lin g and C om p u ter C lu b s A d visor; B.A .,Feati U n iv ersity ; M .T .S ., C ath o lic U n iv ersity ; M .A .L .S ., D artm ou th C ollege.

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K athleen D. Scan lon Read ing and Stu d y S k ills , Language

C arol M QkJ*- S helton

N asson C o lle g e °"D a v irF ^She1t^^*°s'^‘® T * ^

s ? a = £ S rC olum bia U niversity . '


Bridgewfter^Stat; Confge .S. Ed!

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■mm.~ s m

W ould you buy a used van from this man?

W e hated to sell, N orm , but we got 10 million for the place.


Let's just go along and get those palefaces.

Definitely a rework.

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i j '



If we get these back to the kitchen by 5:00 Leona will never know.

Our own puppet governm ent right here at CMS.

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Ju d y R ibeiro ...... - Starr R ob erts , r - •Bookkeep er & Secretary , : - . ; D evelop m ent and A lum n i O ffice

R u th T a lb ert A ssistan t to the H eadm aster

L orraine H ennessy O ff ice S e cre ta ry :

Page 33: The Blaze - 1985

D r. 1. D inerm an : Sch ool P hysician

B u ild ings and G rou nd s S ta ff R alp h LaP ointe, Jo h n R o b b in s , Jo h n C hapm an, Sherw ood G r if fin , R onald Je n n a , R obert Bu tterfie ld , M iln e r Benham , Ja n e t Labrie, T h eresa Brodeur, C h ristin e Lyons, Eleanor W eller, D o ro th y Sw eeney :

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K itch en S ta ffB ill P arker, N an cy R em ad e , David C u shm an , Pat M orse, Leona Fiske

Ralph Lapointe D irector of Build ings and G rounds

R occo V inzi K itchen S ta ff

Bob Butterfield . Steve Bean M an agers-K enerson A thletic Center

Bill Parker C hef-Slew ard

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The Class of 1985 dedicates this Blaze to two educators committed to helping all students at Cardigan, both in and out of the classroom - M r. Donald E. Blunt and M rs. Beverly Bradford Wakely. M rs. W akely's many hours arranging dances and receptions, completing certificates, sewing on buttons and hemming pants, as well as the hours she devotes - many of them in the early m orning - to the Language Training and Reading/Study Skills program have made her very special to us.

Mr. Blunt is a patient, understanding person who not only teaches his students science, but of life itself. His devotion to teaching and his willingness to help students both in class and in supervised study hall are recognized and appreciated.

To Mr. Blunt and M rs. W akely, you have the sincere thanks and the deepest respect of the Class of 1985.

M Wm m m

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C h eyen n e Bodhi A m os C an n an , N ew H am pshire

R eserve Football 6 (Captain), 7, 8, (C aptain), V arsity Football 9, R ecreational S k iin g 6, R eserve B asketball 7 (M ost Im proved), 8 (Captain), V arsity B asketball 9, T h ird B aseball 6, R eserve Lacrosse 7, 8 (C ap tain) V arsity Lacrosse 9; M odel, Ind oor G am es, U n icy cle , Ind oor Soccer, Field G am es, C h ess, S ilk scre en in g C lubs; S c ien ce L aboratory A ssistan t 7, H op k in s 1 C lassroom Su p erin ten d en t 8, Head o f D ay B oys 9; C lass Secretary 8, 9; N ation al Ju n io r H on or So cie ty 8, 9, A w ards: M ath em atics 6, 7, Scien ce 7, E n glish 7, H isto ry 7, 8, Foreign Language 7, English C o m p o sitio n Prize 7. If you have not lived, do so already!

Paul Forrest Bartley, Jr .D arien C onnecticu t

R eserve Soccer 8, J .V . Soccer 9 (M ost Im proved), R eserve Basketball 8, V arsity B asketball 9, Sa ilin g 8, Reserve T e n n is 9; M odel C ars, Ice Sk atin g , M ovie C lubs; A u dio-V isual 8, 9."L et me rem ind you o f the face behind the m a sk ." T h o m p so n T w in s

Jo h n Lewis Bayne N ew C anaan, C onnecticu t

Reserve Football 7, 8, V arsity Football 9, T hird H ockey 7, Reserve B asketball 8, V arsity B asketball 9, T hird Lacrosse 7, V arsity Lacrosse 8, 9; Speaker Bu ild ing, W ood C arving , S ilk Screenin g , Skate Boarding, T rap sh o o tin g C lubs; D in in groom Superin tend ant 8, Stoddard Su perviser 9;D ull was the A rm our, Cold was the day. Long was the jou rn ey , Hard was the w ay ." Led Z eppelin ,

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D ouglass C harles Beem an N orthfield , Illin o is

V arsity Soccer 8 (M ost V aluable), 9 (Captain), R ecreational S k iin g 8, 9, V arsity T en n is 8 (M ost V aluable), 9; M agic, G y m n astics, Trap Sh ootin g , C h ess, Indoor Soccer C lubs; C h oir, Senior C lass President, H onor R oll 9."G n o th i S au to n " - Socrates, Know T h y self.

Jam eson Larned B latchford C hicago, Illin o is

R eserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9, R eserve H ockey 8, 9, Reserve T en n is 8, 9; Indoor G am es, C ooking, Bow ling, M ovie C lubs.T h e school year is over but the adventure is ju s t begin n ing.

Jo h n A rthur B lenn erh assett C h ristobal, R epu blic o f Panam a

R eserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9, R ecreational S k iin g 8, 9, W ild ern ess 8, V arsity Lacrosse 9; M ovie, R o ck C lim b in g C lu bs; Band: T h e V andals; Floor Leader - Hayw ard 9.H ey M on ! Jam on that feedback!

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Scott A lan Blue Lou isville, K en tu cky

V a rsity Soccer 9, T h ird H ockey 9, Reserve T e n n is 9; M agic C lub."R e a so n for liv in g ?"

M ark Gerald Bothw ell D arien , C onnecticu t

R eserve Soccer 8, V arsity Football 9, R eserve H ockey 8 (M ost Valuable),V arsity H ockey 9, V arsity Baseball 8, 9; W in ter Sp orts, S treet H ockey, Sk iin g , C on d ition in g C lu bs; French I Floor Leader 9.

T h om as C h ristop her Burns M arblehead , M assach u setts

Reserve A Soccer 8, Reserve Football 9, V arsity B A lp in e Team 8, 9, Third Lacrosse 8, Reserve T en n is 9; S ilk screen in g , Sk ateboard ing C lu bs; Head o f Senior A rt and A d vertisem ent C om m ittee. W e ju st w anna have som e fun w hile w e're young enough to get away w ith it: G ang G reen,T im e is m oney, m oney is tim e; we got your m oney, we got no tim e: T h e F.U .'s


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Jo h n N elson C olem an D allas, T exas

C ross C ou ntry R u n n in g 8, V arsity Football 9, V arsity N ordic S k iin g 8, 9, Reserve T en n is 8, R ecreational Sa ilin g 9; Stereo Speaker C lub, M ovie, Blaze, A udio- V isual 8, 9, P erform in g A rts L ig htin g 9; Floor Leader, C lark -M o rg an II 9."T h a n k s M om and D ad for help ing me get through m y two years at Cardigan. It was a hard d ecision to m ake for me to go but it turned out for the b etter,"

Jo h n Covucci Lafayette, New Jersey

T h ird Soccer 7, 8, J.V . Soccer 9, R ecreational S k iin g 7, W restlin g 8, 9, T h ird Baseball 7, 8, Reserve T en n is 9; W ood C arving, Stone C arving, Street H ockey, Sk atin g , R iflery C lu bs; H onor Roll 7, Floor Leader N ew ton 9.T h ose Canaan days were aw fully bad. D aka D ata. "O h D ear." -Jug.

D ylan A lan D im ock C h arlottesv ille , V irg in ia

V arsity Football 8, 9 (Captain), R eserve H ockey 8 (M ost Im proved), 9 (Captain), (M ost V aluable), Reserve Lacrosse 8 (M ost Valuable), V arsity Lacrosse 9; C on d ition in g , C ookin g , Bow ling, Street H ockey, Indoor Soccer, C h ess/B ack g am m o n C lu bs; H onor R oll 8, Blaze: Student R ecreational C o -D irecto r 9. "T h e Sou th w ill R ise ag a in " . . . W oodberry Forest . . . Sou th ern Sty le . . .


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W illiam R u sse ll D ock G uadeloupe, French A n tilles

R eserve Football 6, 7, R eserve Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9 (C aptain), R eserve H ockey 6, 7, 8, JV H ockey 9 (Captain), R eserve Lacrosse6 , R eserve T e n n is 7, V arsity T e n n is 8, 9; Blaze, Sk ateb oard in g C lu bs.Ev eryone's got th eir ups and dow ns, but in th is place w hen you 're dow n they try to keep you th ere" - Je llo B iafra, Dead K enn ed ys "Y ea h y ' k n o w " -R an k in g Roger

W oodford H ector D ulaney Louisville, K entucky

V arsity Soccer 8, 9, R ecreational S k iin g 8, V arsity B asketball 9, Reserve T en n is 8, 9; Bow ling, H acky Sack , S ilk Screenin g, Sk ateboard in g C lubs."T h e Black T u n a G a n g " - "Y o u 'v e G ot Bad B reath " - "Y o u Have A R igh t T o Be C razy " - "E veryon e's G u ilty " - "B u y W ar B o n d s" "Y e sss sssssss ir " - "W e A re T he G u inea P ig s"

D avid W istar duPont A lp in e, N ew Jersey

Reserve Football 8, 9, R eserve H ockey 8, JV H ockey 9, Reserve T e n n is 8, 9; M ovies, C h ess, Speaker Bu ild ing C lubs.


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A n th on y D avid Fam ilian Beverly H ills, C aliforn ia

Reserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9, Reserve Basketball 8 (M ost Im proved), V arsity Basketball 9, V arsity T en n is 8, 9; Sk atin g , M ovie C lubs."T o get air is rad, T o bite it is bad ." "I 'v e been beaten up, I've been throw n out; But I'm not douin, no I'm not dow n. I've been show n up. But I've grow n up; no I'm not dow n, no I'm not d ow n." - T h e Clash

B rian T racy Fellers G rafton , N ew H am pshire

T h ird Soccer 7, R eserve Soccer 8, Reserve Football 9, R ecreational S k iin g 7, Reserve B asketball 8 (M ost Im proved),R ecreational S k iin g 9, T h ird Lacrosse 7, 8 (Captain), (M ost V aluable), Reserve Lacrosse 9; M agic, Sp ring G am es, M odel R ocketry , C hess, S ilk Screenin g C lubs. T h a n k You, M r. Brier.

R obert Jam es Finlay A m h erst, New H am psh ire

Reserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9 (Captain), R eserve H ockey 8, V arsity H ockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, V arsity Lacrosse 9, M ovie, T en n is , D arkroom .


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O rin Ford Flask R ye, N ew H am psh ire

R eserve Soccer 8, V arsity Soccer 9,R eserve B ask etb a ll 8, W re stlin g 9, Reserve Lacrosse 8, R eserve T e n n is 9; C ookin g, Blaze, M ovie C lu bs.

S teffen H asbrouck Fletcher W estford , M assach u setts

R eserve Soccer 7, Reserve Football 8, V arsity Football 9, V arsity A lp ine A 7 (M ost Im proved) 8, 9 (Captain), Reserve Lacrosse 7 (Captain) 8, R ecreational T e n n is 9; Stereo speaker. Skateboard ing , O u tdoor G am es, M ovie, S ilk Screening; Foreign Language L aboratory A ssistan t 8. W e ll??? W h o are the Brain Police. Is life as borin g as you are?

V erne R obert Fryklund W in ch ester, M assachu setts

C ycling 8, 9 (M ost Im proved), A lpine B 8, 9, C ycling 8, R ecreational T en n is 9; Trap Sh ootin g , M ovie, Skateboard ing ; C lassroom Su p erin ten d en t-H op kins II. "W e live day by d ay ." -Jo h n n y R otten

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Page 44: The Blaze - 1985

John Dale Holt, Jr.

Bowling Green, Ohio

Reserve Football 7 (Most Improved),

Varsity Football 8, 9 (Most Improved),

Recreational Skiing 7, Reserve Basketball

8, Varsity Basketball 9 (Captain), Sailing

7, 8, Track 9; Radio Controlled Models,

Magic, Rock Climbing, Wiffle Ball Clubs.

George Joseph Husson, Jr.

Westford, Massachusetts

Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity

Hockey 8, 9 (Captain), Track 8, Varsity

Lacrosse 9; Physical Conditioning,

Volleyball, Street Hockey, Chess Clubs;

Floorleader-Hinman II 9.

"You can't always get what you want, but

if you try sometimes, you just m ight find,

you get what you need." -Stones.

Gary Paul Hyjek

Hartford, Connecticut

Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9,

Reserve Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Varsity

Lacrosse 8, 9 (Captain): Tennis, Cooking,

W iffle Ball, Silkscreening Clubs; N.J.H.S.

9; Floor Leader Brewster II 9.

"I wish I had a souvenier just to prove

the world was here" - Nena. "Time may

change me, but I can't change time" -

David Bowie. They say hard work never

hurts anyone; but I'm not taking any

chances. See yaLater: M .W ., P.K., Chris

Small, C.S., M , M Small, M iss Marks,

J.S., Mr. Haye.


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Henry Michael Jackson

New Orleans, Louisiana

Reserve Football 7, Varsity Football 8, 9,

Recreational Skiing 7, Performing Arts 8,9, (Award for Technical Excellence), Third

Lacrosse 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, Varsity

Lacrosse 9; Neat Room Award 8;

Trapshooting, Magic Clubs; Audio-Visual

Assistant 7, 8, Head of Audio-Visual 9.

"Don't critique what you don't understand." -Bob Dylan "Given the

choice between lying around and

accomplishing something, I rather lie

around." Eric Clapton

James A. James, Jr.

Carmel, Indiana

Varsity Football 8, Intramurals 9, Varsity

Basketball 8 (Most Improved), Performing

Arts 9, (Most Improved), Reserve Lacrosse

(Captain) 8, Track 9; Honor Roll; Remote

Control, Hockey, Movie, Chess, Tennis

Clubs; Assistant Floor Leader- French II.

It's a long way to Tiporary.

Catcha later Boomer, M .W , P.K. and last

and certainly least R .M ., B.M.

Tomm i Paavo Jokinen

Hyvinkaa, Finland

Varsity Soccer 9, Varsity Hockey (Most

Valuable) 9, Reserve Tennis 9; Karate,

Conditioning , Street Hockey Clubs.

Page 46: The Blaze - 1985

Rene Francisco Keilhauer

Hingham, Massachusetts Third Soccer 6, Reserve Soccer 7, 8,

Varsity Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, 7,

Third Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Third Baseball 6, 7, 8, Track 9; Woodworking,

Indoor Games, Cooking, Tennis, Blaze

Editor; Co-Monitor 8, Floor Leader-Banks

House 9.

Peter M iddlebrook Kellogg II

Waterbury, Connecticut

Cross Country Runn ing 8, J.V. Soccer 9,

Reserve Basketball 9, Performing Arts 9,

Third Lacrosse 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Movie, Silk Screening, Skateboarding


Rea Nelson Lemmond, Jr.

Charlotte, North Carolina

Reserve Football 8, JV Soccer 9, A lpine B

8, Recreational Skiing 9, Cycling 8,

Sailing 9; Bowling, Movie, Cycling, Silk


"D on 't leave something till the last

m inute." "Trust me."


Page 47: The Blaze - 1985

David Joseph Lester

Canaan, New Hampshire

Third Soccer (Manager) 7, Intramurals 8,

9, Performing Arts 7 , Reserve Basketball

8, Recreational Skiing 9, Recreational

Tennis 7, 8, 9; Magic, Indoor Games,

Remote Control Models, Movie, Rocketry, Chess-Backgammon Clubs.

Goodbye, Finally!

Roger Allen Liebrum, Jr.

Houston, Texas

Third Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9, Performing

Arts 8, Alpine B Skiing 9, Track 8, 9;

Movie, Rock Climbing Clubs.

People are People so why should it be.

You and I get along so awfully . . .

Depeche Mode As long as the music

communicates that's all that counts- The

Edge You can tell me that I got no class,

look around you, see who's laughing last. Rush

John Carl Lindgren

North Granby, Connecticut

Varsity Soccer 8, Varsity Football 9

(Captain) (Most Valuable), Wrestling 8

(Captain), Varsity Basketball 9 (Captain),

(Most Valuable), Reserve Baseball 8

(Captain), Varsity Baseball 9; Floor Leader-

Hinman I 9; Magic, Karate, Silk

Screening, Movie Clubs.

What else can I say but Mom and Dad . .

. Thanks for everything.


Page 48: The Blaze - 1985

Curtis George Linkletter

Locust Valley, New York

Third Soccer 6, R»si%ve Soccer 7, Varsity

Soccer 8, 9, Alpine S>.i Team 6, Reserve

Hockey 7, 8, JV Hockey 9, Recreational

Tennis 6, Reserve Baseball 7, Reserve

Lacrosse 8 (Most Improved), , Varsity

Lacrosse 9, Model Making, Indoor Soccer,

Stereo Speaker, Hacky Sack, Outdoor Sports, Skateboarding; Student

Recreational Co-Director 9."If you don't want to be here, there's the

door and two windows.-Blunt. "Err"-Toby

Charles Zapata Lyder

Scituate, Massachusetts

Reserve Soccer 8 (Most Valuable), Varsity

Soccer 9, Reserve Basketball 8,

Recreational Skiing 9, Track 8 (Most

Improved) (Captain), Varsity Lacrosse 9;

Frisbee, Volleyball-Indoor Soccer, MTC

Video Music, Karate, Freestyle Skiing,

Wiffleball Clubs; Honor Roll.

Ticking away the moments of a dull day;

You fritter and waste the hours in an off

hand way; Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown; Waiting for

someone or something to show you the


Dana Joseph Lynch

Singapore, China

Reserve Football 7, Reserve Soccer 8, JV

Soccer 9, Varsity Wrestling 7, 8 (Most

Valuable), 9 (Most Valuable), Third

Baseball 7, Reserve Tennis 8, Wilderness

9.Thank you Mr. Barron for wrestling; Go

Wrestlers; It's been real. Grandma, the

things I did were for you. We are out of

here forever, and forever is too soon.



Page 49: The Blaze - 1985

William Stephen Marks

Houston, Texas

Reserve Soccer 8, Cross Country 9,

Recreational Skiing 8, Recreational Nordic

I Skiing 9, Sailing 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Movie, Skateboard, Blaze Clubs; Dining

Room Superintendant 9.1984- George Orwell, U-2 Art, Music,

Research Paper Hotline 1-800-621-5745.

Richard Cunliffe McBee IV

New Orleans, Louisiana

Reserve Football 6, 7, 8, Varsity Football

9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 7,

Reserve Hockey 8, JV Hockey 9, Reserve Lacrosse 6, Third Baseball 7, Reserve

Lacrosse 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Sportsman, Outdoor, Movie Clubs; Floor Leader-

French II 9.

Tomorrow to tomorrow not Today hear

the Lazy People Say.

Ward Kimbrough McBee

New Orleans, Louisiana

Reserve Football 7, Reserve Soccer 8

(Most Improved), JV Soccer 9, Reserve

Hockey 7 (Manager), Third Hockey 8 (Captain), JV Hockey 9, Third Baseball 7,

8, Reserve Tennis 9; Ultimate Frisbee,

Backgammon, Golf, Magic, Street Hockey, Movie Clubs; Reception Crew, Floor

Leader-Proctor House 9.

"The south will rise again." See ya later

J.J., Zap, Chris, Mike, Kellog, Bill, and everybody else.


Page 50: The Blaze - 1985

William Nicholas McKenna IV

Norwell, Massachusetts

JV Soccer (Captain) 9, Alpine B Team 8,

Recreational Skiing 9, Track 8, 9. Why

must I be perpetually tormented? Why?

Good Time Guadala Harris and Chris

"Noggen Cranium — " Good Times Math,

Pete, Jam Master Jay, J.J., Later Days.

Andrew Savage McMillan

St. Louis, Missouri

Reserve Soccer 7, 8, (Most Valuable),

Varsity Soccer 9, Reserve Hockey 7, 8,

Varsity Hockey 9, Cycling 7, Reserve

Tennis 8, Varsity Tennis 9; Outdoor

Games, Movie, Silk Screening,

Conditioning, Bowling, Hackey Sack,

Indoor Soccer Clubs.

Nothing changes on New Years Day- U2

We won't get fooled again- The Who It's

only teenage wasteland- The Who

W illiam Carter Neild

Chicago, Illinois

Cycling 8, JV Soccer 9, Performing Arts

8, 9, (Most Valuable), Reserve Tennis 8, 9;

Indoor Games, Modeling, Cooking, Chess,

Blaze, Condition ing Clubs; Glee C lub 8, 9;

National Junior Honor Society 9.

Mr. Small, about that spelling te s t ...........

Page 51: The Blaze - 1985


Bonita Springs, Florida

Intramurals 7, Cross Country Running 8,

9, Recreational Skiing 7, 8, 9, Third

Lacrosse 7, Reserve Lacrosse 8, JV

Lacrosse 9; Model Rocketry, Magic Clubs.

Just when I found out the meaning of

life, they changed it. P.R. A dead rooster

doesn't crow.


Manchester, New Hampshire

Varsity Football 8, Cross Country 9

(Captain), Varsity Hockey 8, 9, Varsity

Baseball 8, 9; Bowling, Conditioning,

Tennis; H igh-Honor Roll 8, 9, Floor-

Leader Greenwood 9.Time can change me but I can't change

time. Bowie. Thanks Mr. Brier. I love you

M om and Dad.


Jackson, Mississippi

Third Soccer 6, 7, Reserve Soccer 8, JV

Soccer 9, Recreational Skiing 6, 7,

Wrestling 8, (Most Improved) 9, Third

Baseball 6, 7, Sailing 8, Wilderness 9;

Third Baseball 6, 7, Sailing 8, Wilderness 9; Written Expression Prize 6, Glee Club

6, 7; N.J.H.S. 9; Chaplain's Assistant 9.

There is a Theory which states that if

anyone discovers exactly what the

universe is for it will immediately

disappear and be replaced by something

even more inexplicable.

m m

Page 52: The Blaze - 1985

Christopher Ben Rice

Exeter, New Hampshire

Cycling 8, 9, Recreational Skiing 8,

Alpine A Team Manager 9, Tennis 9;

Remote Control Car, Movie, Instructional

Tennis, Cross Country Ski Trail Restoration, Chess Clubs.

W illiam W iley Russell

Houston, Texas

Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9,

Recreational Skiing 8, 9, Cycling 8,

Tennis 9; Movie, Silk Screening,

Skateboarding Clubs.

"Tomorrow can never be like today." -

Thrasher magazine "Talk m inus action

equals zero." -D.O.A.

John Gary Savage, Jr.

West Deerfield, Massachusetts

Varsity Soccer 8, Varsity Football 9,

A lpine A Team 8, 9 (Coaches Award),

Varsity Lacrosse 8, 9 (Captain); Bowling,

Volleyball, Riflery and Trap, Indoor

Soccer, Conditioning.

"W e busted out of class, had to get away

from those fools. We learned more from a

three m inute record than we ever learned

in school." Bruce Springsteen No

Surrender. T inally "D ILL IG A F" Thanks

Bro, Pete, A nd Chris bye!


Page 53: The Blaze - 1985

Alfred Neal Scheufler

Altoona, Kansas Soccer 8 (Manager), 9, Recreational Skiing

8, Wrestling 9, Track 8, 9; Trap/Skeet,

Hunter Safety; Photo Lab.Thank God for Arron, The light of my

life, Bonnie I'm coming home.

Christian Schilling

Francestown, New Hampshire

Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9,

Varsity Basketball 8, Performing Arts 9,

Reserve Baseball 8 (Most Improved),

Track 9; Floor Leader-Brewster I 9.

"Man, I ain't getting no where just living

in a dump like this, there's something

happening somewhere baby I just know

that there is"- Bruce Springsteen. See ya Later P.K., M.W., Triple ]., J.C., B.M.,

Z.L., C.&W.M., Coby, Bennie, Miss Marks, oh yea G.H. MISS YOU ALL!!


J. Nando Schmitt

Milford, New Hampshire

Varsity Soccer 8 (Most Improved), 9 (Most

Valuable), Varsity Hockey 8, 9 (Captain),

Track 8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Hiking, Movie, Bowling, Chess, Wiffleball; Floor

Leader-Stowell 9.

"No comment, but for those who know

the deal; Friends, Music, Traveling, and

Bob Marley. Most importantly my love

and thanks to my family."

Page 54: The Blaze - 1985

Tobias Benjamin Schwindt

South Londonderry, Vermont

Reserve Soccer 8, 9 Alpine B Team 8,

Reserve Hockey 9 (Most Improved),

Reserve Lacrosse 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Skateboarding, Snowboarding, CTV, Blaze


"Sometimes the lights are shining on me.

Other times I can barely see." Grateful

Dead. "This summer 1 hear them calling.

We're finally on our own." Crosby, Stills,

Nash and Young

Christopher Palmer Shipp

Canaan, New Hampshire

Reserve Football 6, 9, Third Soccer 7,

Reserve Soccer 8, Reserve Basketball 6, 7,

8, Recreational Skiing 9, Reserve Tennis

6, Third Lacrosse 7, 8, JV Lacrosse 9;

Magic, Sportsman, Riflery, Hacky Sack,

Indoor Soccer, Trapshooting Clubs.

"Let it be written that those who have the

youth have the future." -Farmers Almanac

Christopher Robert Small

Canaan, New Hampshire Intramurals 6, Football (Manager) 7, 8

(Most Improved), Varsity Football 9, Alpine B Team 6, Alpine A Team 7,

Varsity Nordic 8 (Most Valuable

Combined), 9 (Most Valuable) Reserve

Tennis 6, Reserve Cycling 7, Varsity

Lacrosse 8, 9; Science Award 6; Games,

Speaker Building, Blaze Clubs; National

Junior Honor Society 8, 9; D ining Room

Superintendent 8, School Leader 9.

How am I supposed to know? I can't wait

to go Home! We are the Children- U.S.

for Africa.

Page 55: The Blaze - 1985

Franklin Edward Walton Staley

Mexico, Missouri

Reserve Football 6, Third Soccer 7,

Reserve Soccer 8, JV Soccer 9 (Captain),

Reserve Hockey 6, 7, 8, JV Hockey 9,

Third Tennis 6, Third Baseball 7, Reserve

Baseball 8, Varsity Baseball 9; Chaplain's

Assistant 8, Job Foreman 9; Essay Award

8; Wilderness, Indoor Soccer, Blaze, Scribe

Clubs; Christmas Pageant 9.

"It is a rare man who can be taken for

what he really is inside. For behold they

th ink me the joker, but I am the

magician. -Schmendrick

John-Gordon Houghton Swogger

Hanover, New Hampshire

Intramurals 7, 8, 9, Performing Arts 7, 8,

9, Third Baseball 7, Sailing 8, 9;

Modeling, Stone Carving, Movie, Indoor

Games Clubs; Glee C lub 7, 8, 9; National

Junior Honor Society 9; Laboratory

Assistant 8, Chaplain's Assistant 9.

Paul Andre Trombetta

Guatemala, Central America

Reserve Soccer 8, Varsity Football 9,

Recreational Skiing 8, 9, Third Team

Lacrosse 8, Reserve Tennis 9; Ultimate

Frisbee, Bowling, Darkroom, Silk

Screening Clubs; Blaze Photographer 9.

Vouloir c'est pouvoir - unorig inal by Rick


Page 56: The Blaze - 1985

Peter Errett Van Nice, Jr.

Chicago, Illinois

Reserve Football 8, 9, Reserve Hockey 8,

JV Hockey 9, Reserve Tennis 8, Varsity

Tennis 9; Blaze, Skateboarding Clubs.

"It would be o.k. on any other day." -

Sting "If I should stumble catch my fall"

-Billy Idol Thanks Mr. BXB. "This is not

Swiss" -Billy D.- P.E.V.N. & C .C JUG

Nisakorn Wanglee

Bangkok, Thailand

Varsity Soccer 8, 9 (Most Valuable),

Varsity Basketball 8, Recreational Skiing

9, Recreational Tennis 8, Reserve Lacrosse

9; Art Award 8, Room Inspection Award

8; Conditioning , Volleyball, Indoor Soccer,

Street Hockey, W hiffleball Clubs; D in ing

Room Superintendant 9.

"W e are the W orld " -U.S. for Africa

Curtis Gardner W atkins

Acton, Massachsetts

Varsity Soccer 7, 8, 9, Varsity Hockey 7,8, 9, Reserve Baseball 7, Reserve Lacrosse

8, Varsity Lacrosse 9; Field Sports, Winter

Sports, Bowling, Hacky Sack, Indoor

Soccer, Skateboarding Clubs."W ell I'm just back and I wish I never

left there." -The Clash It's just great! Just

great!! -NCW


Page 57: The Blaze - 1985

Sidney Abrams Weiss III Houston, Texas

Intramurals 6, 7, Cycling 8, 9,

Recreational Skiing 6, 7, 8, 9, Sailing 6, 9,

Cycling 7, 8; Movie, Silk Screening Clubs;

Public Relations Director 8, Franklin

House Floor Leader 9; Effort Honor Roll

8, 9.After four long years of solitary

confinement to all GBPF I am free!!!

Charles W illiam W hitlock

Copenhagen, Denmark

Cross Country 8, 9, Recreational Sk iing 8,

9, Cycling 8, Sailing 9; Honor Roll 8, 9;

Bowling, Computer, Tennis, Woodcarving,

Tai Chi, Darkroom Clubs; Glee C lub 9; Public Relations Director 9.

Don't mess w ith me; I know Tai Chi. -Le


Benjamin W ilson

Paris, France

JV Soccer 9, Recreational Sk iing 9,

Reserve Tennis 9; Trapshooting, Cooking

Clubs; Feet Tutoring Program.


Page 58: The Blaze - 1985

Michael Richard Woodhouse

Manchester, Conriecticut

Reserve Football 8, Varsity Football 9, Recreational Skiing 8, Performing Arts 9,

Reserve Baseball 8, Track 9;Movie, Ice Skating, Magic Clubs; Peer

Tutoring Program; Hayward Classroom Supervisor 9.

Hey, Alex, what's the deal with the short

haired . . . ? D.C. 85'

M anuel Meixueiro Yglesias

Mexico, D.F.

Third Soccer 6, Reserve Football 8, Track

9, Recreational Skiing 6, Third Hockey 8,

Reserve Hockey 9, Varsity Baseball

Manager 6, Third Baseball 8, Reserve

Baseball 9; Stereo and Electronics, Golf,

Bowling, Silkscreening Clubs.Give me a break mon, oh I mean Norm .

Senior Class Officers and Advisors

M r. Coffin , Bodhi Amos, Doug Beeman, Chris Schilling, Andrew M acM illan , Mr. Brier.


Page 59: The Blaze - 1985


Bottom to Top: McBee C., Dock, Linkletter, Small, Staley, Weiss, Amos C , Shipp, Keilhauer, Reimers.


Standing: Husson G„ McBee W „ Taufman Jon, McBee C. Sitting: Fletcher J„ Amos C., Fletcher S., Amos H„ Husson M„ Taufman

Josh. 57

Page 60: The Blaze - 1985


Bottom to Top: Schmitt, McBee W ,, Blennerhassett, McBee C., Husson, Coleman, Covucci, Lindgren, Keilhauer, Savage, Schilling, Bothwell,

Hyjek, Weiss, Paquette.

. - .V , ■ ' «

. '■

■ ! ;

Bottom to Top; Reimers, Pfeifle, Wanglee, Dantos, Linkletter, Bayne, Jackson, Schwindt, Clark, Fryklund, Norton, Marks, Evarts, Amos C., D im ock, Woodhouse, Chudzik, Swogger.


Page 61: The Blaze - 1985

Hi 3

School Leaders: Jason Hammond '85-'86, Chris

Small '84-'85, Mr. Wakely.

Job Foremen '85-'B6 Cameron Clark, '84-'85

Franklin Staley.


Page 62: The Blaze - 1985





On Baccalaureate Sunday, the Senior Class enters the Chapel for the last time as a group, before graduation. On the following Friday, parents arrive for an afternoon of sports activities, a reception, the Senior Banquet, and evening entertainment, before Saturday morning's Commencement Exercises, which begin promptly at 11:00 a.m.


Page 63: The Blaze - 1985

■.ri. ■ ' •“


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Page 66: The Blaze - 1985



To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has devoted countless hours to the organization of receptions, both for students after athletic events and for family members on special weekends. Charles William


To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, through his commitment to his job and his willingness to help others has demonstrated a quiet dependability and humility of spirit. John-Gordon

Houghton Swogger

To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has given unselfish, knowledgeable assistance as student athletic trainer, earning the respect and admiration of both coaches and athletes for his patient, willing hand.

Alfred Neal Scheufler

To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has given unselfishly of his time and energy to ensure that this year's yearbook is a publication the entire school can be proud of. Rene Francisco Keilhauer

To the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has demonstrated a determination not only to excel in academics, but also to enrich our lives through his dedication to musical and dramatic endeavors, through participation in the Performing Arts, and through his loyalty and leadership in the Choir. W illiam Carter Neild

Page 67: The Blaze - 1985


Mr. and Mrs. Deneal Amos and M r. and

Mrs. Robert Snnall congratulate their sons

Bodhi and Chris after the ceremony. Bodhi

won the Faculty Prize which was presented

to h im as the student who, in the opin ion of

the faculty, has excelled in academics under

difficult circumstances for the past four

years. As a day student he made the extra

effort to be fu lly involved in all aspects of

the school program and to improve school

life for all day students. Bodhi was also

presented w ith the Senior Prize which is

awarded to the member of the Senior Class

w ith the highest academic standing.

Chris Small received the H inm an Prize which

is given annually in memory of Mr. and

Mrs. Harold P. H inm an to the member of

the school who, in the op in ion of the faculty,

by industrious application to his studies,

through his attitude on the playing field, and

by his behavior and integrity, most nearly

approaches the ideals of manhood as

conceived in the m inds of the Founders of

Cardigan M ounta in School.

Chris was also awarded the Pannaci

Memorial Award which is given annually by

the Class of 1959 as a memorial to Karl J.

Pannaci, to that member of the Senior Class

who, in the eyes of his fellow students, has

achieved and best attained ideals of honesty,

integrity, leadership, and general social and

spiritual adjustment.

The first Skibiski Award was presented to

John Lyons Golden, Jr. and is to be given

annually as a memorial to M ichael R.

Skibiski to that member of the Senior Class

who has shown the greatest progress during

the school year.

The Caldwell Prize is given to the boy who

has shown outstanding athletic achievement

and good sportsmanship. This year the

Caldwell Prize was awarded to John Carl


The Founders Prize is awarded to the boy in

the student body who has the w ill to

complete any project, regardless of the

difficulties encountered, w ithout thought of

personal gain, and whose objective is a job

well done in the same approach that

characterized the life of Harold P. H inm an,

one of the founders of Cardigan M ounta in

School. The Founders Prize was presented to

John Gary Savage, Jr. (Photo unavailable)


Page 68: The Blaze - 1985


Eben Ernstof-Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. Carey-Advisor, Jim Marrion-President, Mrs. Small, David Franklin-Vice President.

Front Row: David Rafferty, David Franklin, Jim M arrion, Matt Husson, Doug Wendt. Back Row: Eben Ernstof, O liver Summers,

Rob Daigle, Neil A lford, Graham Muckerman, Mrs. Small.


Page 69: The Blaze - 1985


Whitehead, Finnerty, Powers, Joyal, Treanor, Ramos, Pereira, Outlaw , Schneithorst, Pflager, Thomas, Scully, Emerson, Amos,

Ampudia, Marshall, Hunt, M israhi, Taufman, Gilbert.

Class Officers and Advisors: Mr. Decker, M ark Dantos-

Secretary Treasurer, Stanley Fitzroy-Mendis-President, George

Kuckly-Vice-President, Mr. Hart.

S itting Left: H itzig, Fanoe, Durey, Callahan, Huot, Anderson,

Needham, W all Top to Bottom: Schmidt, Buffone, Meyer,

McLennan, Barclay, Steward, Albert, Jones, Murdough. 67

Page 70: The Blaze - 1985


Officers and Advisors

M r. Cruickshank, Nat Evarts-Vice-President, Mr. Barron. Eric

Massey-Secretary, Jon Norton-President, and Trask Pfeifle-


Brandy Cooper, Josh Taufman, Tom Coyne, and Geof Ballard.

Gregg Long, Alex Wassitsch, Tom Byrne, Owsley Brown, Greg Michas, Ju lian Fletcher, Ted Latham.


Page 71: The Blaze - 1985

Richard Bergner, Chris Sm ith, Kyle Beebe, J im m y Holguin, Pierce Runnels, Josh Perleman, Ian Toney.

Keith Skilling, S imon Withers, M ike Garvin, Ben Saltoun, Dw ight Kee, John Wierdsma.


Page 72: The Blaze - 1985

Clint Halsted, Rob Conkling, John Harris, Chip Graham, Jim Terkelson, Doug Miller.

Jay lovino, Mike Chudzik, Kevin Dickey, A1 Schiavetti, Dan Cohen, Jon Foote.


Page 73: The Blaze - 1985

Back: Logan Clarke, Trask Pfeifle, Jamie Steele, Jim m y Swanski, Ian Litmans. Front: Marshall Farrer, Jim Patten.

Richard Kane, Chip Hoag, Sean Selfe, David Friedman, Jay Stefan, Chris Potvin, Doug Weissman.


Page 74: The Blaze - 1985

Rob Pearson, Peter Lax, George M iller, T im Baker, Kevin O 'N eill, Jody Nields, Lance Dercum.

Top: Scott O lszewski, R ick Massey, Jon Norton. Bottom: Camm y Clark, Nat Evarts, Jason Ham m ond, John Barto.


Page 75: The Blaze - 1985







Page 76: The Blaze - 1985

. i -’ ■ - "■ ■ _ ' “■


Page 77: The Blaze - 1985


Page 78: The Blaze - 1985

"JOSEPH” SMASH HIT FOR PERFORMING ARTSPerforming Arts is offered as a winter activity and has become more popular with each year's production. This year's show was "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Singing and dancing in a stage production was a new challenge for many of those involved. Many hours of hard work made for a splendid performance and is clearly the reason for the success’that the Performing Arts enjoys. Performances are open to all of Cardigan's friends but get your reservations early. Cardigan students in this year's production were Carter Neild, John Gordon Swogger, Chris Schilling, J.J. James, Mike Woodhouse, Pete Kellogg, and Mike Jackson (Class of '84); Jay Stefan, Scott Olszewski, Kevin Dickey, and Mike Chudzik (Class of '85); Chase Scully (Class of '86); Oliver Summers (Class of '87).Carter Neild was the Most Valuable Actor as Joseph. J.J. James was the Most Improved Actor in his role as Pharaoh; and Mike Jackson was awarded a special prize for Excellence and Technical Merit for his outstanding job as Lighting Director.


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Page 80: The Blaze - 1985


Front Row; Long, Schm idt, W endt, Dantos, M urdough, lovino, Barclay, Chudzik. Second Row: Steward, Franklin, Gilbert, M israhi,

Swanski, H unt. Third Row: Graham, Barto, Schiavetti, Toney, W hitlock, Brown, Ms. H annum . Last Row: Mr. Hennessey, Neild,

Byrne, Savage, Finlay, Patten. Absent for photo - Mr. Small.


Left to R ight: Franklin Staley, M r. Barron (Advisor), Fred Reimers.


Page 81: The Blaze - 1985


Bottom to Top: Coleman, Swogger, lovino, Keilhauer, Jackson, Mrs. Shelton (Advisor), Dickey, Fletcher ]., Schiavetti, O 'N e ill,



Front Row: Summers, Am pudia, Chudzik, W endt, W hitlock, Kee, Shipp, Dickey. Back Row: Skilling, Fitzroy-Mendis, Clark, Jones, Swogger, Toney, Mrs. W akely (Advisor). ’

Page 82: The Blaze - 1985


N ew ly admitted members of the National Junior Honor Society Reimers, Paquette, Clarke, Hyjek, Swogger, and Neild were tapped

by present members Small and Amos. Staff members recognized as members of the National Honor Society included Audrey

Armstrong, Bruce Hennessey, Andrea Heath, Robert and Thurza Small, W illiam Barron, and Rita Carey, Advisor to the Cardigan


This year's members, Chris Small ar\d Bodhi Amos were involved in two service projects. They helped greet and host visitors on busy weekends and they were eager participants in the Student Tutorial Program. Here Bodhi and Chris greet Mr.R. Alden Burt, former art teacher at Cardigan, exhibiting artist in the Stoddard Gallery, and visiting Grandfather at the spring Grandparents' Weekend.

Page 83: The Blaze - 1985


Page 84: The Blaze - 1985


The Sixth Grade raised money for the Statue of Liberty w ith a school-wide Heritage Week sponsored trips as well as

sleep in. visits by craftspeople such as this wall

builder . . .

and a panel of alum ni to tell us what things were like when they were here - and it turned out to be

not so very different from now.

O '

The N in th Grade combined their annual history The Eight Grade visited two mansions in Newport, Rhode Island, and toured anfield trip to the Boston M useum of Fine Arts

w ith a Senior O u ting - at Q u incy Market.armory, as well as walking along cliff path, for their history field trip, set up by Mr.

Brier, the ever-patient Mr. Brier.

Page 85: The Blaze - 1985


W ith the Second Term Honor Roll

LT Games N ight Ski Holiday and Senior Ski Holiday Santa stopping off at Cardigan

And the excitement of Parents' Weekend, w ith Long

Weekend to follow.


Page 86: The Blaze - 1985


This spring there was a Blaze autograph party, the Seventh Grade trip to Boston and the Freedom Trail, Grandparents' Weekend, the Assembly for the induction of new Student Leaders, and a wonderful concert by the Mascoma Valley Regional High School Band to keep us occupied.

Page 87: The Blaze - 1985


Page 88: The Blaze - 1985

VARSITY FOOTBALL: GO GET 'EM TIGERS!Standing: Mr. Collins (Coach), Jones, Bayne,

Savage, Trombetta, Blatchford, Jackson,

Schilling, Holt, Dimock, Barto, Brown, Fa-

milian, Mr. Marrion (Coach). Kneeling:

Golden , Herring , Colem an, McBee, C.

Amos, Fletcher, Finlay (Captain), Lindgren

(Captain), Small, Bothwell, Bergner, Russell,


RESERVE FOOTBALL NEARLY UNDEFEATEDKneeling: Terkelson, H. Amos, Anderson,

Powers, Shipp, Fellers, Beebe (Captain),

Goldman, Alford, Miller D. Second Row:

Mr. Heath (Coach), Huot, Kuckly, Steele,

Marshall, (Captain), Friedman, Hallsted,

Clarke, Treanor, Foote, Ballard, Mr. Cruik-

shank (Coach). Third Row: Mr. McIntyre

(Coach), Burns, duPont, Skilling, Thomas,

Harris (Captain), Kane, O'Neill, Miller G.,

Graham, Holguin (Manager).


Page 89: The Blaze - 1985

VARSITY SOCCER NEW ENGLAND CHAMPSKneeling: Blue, Blennerhassett, Wanglee

(Capt.), Dulaney, Beeman (Capt.), Keilhauer,

Finnerty. Standing: Mr. Hicks, (Coach),

Lyder, Jokinen, Husson, Linkletter, Flask,

W a tk in s , M cM illa n , S chm itt, M r. B.

Bressler (Coach).

J.V. SOCCER: GRASS THRASHERSKneeling: Covucci, McBee W., Wilson,

Lynch, Dock, Kellogg, Staley (Capt.),

Reimers. Standing: Mr. Barron (Coach),

Bartley, Neild, Schwindt, McKenna (Capt.),

Lemmond, Liebrum, Scheufler, Mr. Hart (Coach).


Page 90: The Blaze - 1985

RESERVE A SOCCER MAKES TOURNEY FINALSFront: Farrer, Barclay, Callahan, Garvin,

(Captain), Joyal, Ramos, Patten. Back: Mr.

Stevens (Coach) Hitzig, Pfeifle, Perelman,

Lineberger (Captain), Whitehead, Ham­

mond, Norton, Evarts (Captain), Needham,

Mr. Brier (Coach).


Kneeling: Conkling, Ampudia, Fletcher,

Pflager, lovino, Franklin, Husson M., Mar-

rion. Standing: Haye (Coach), Litmans, Per­

eira, Saltoun, Selfe, Fanoe, Withers, Smith,

Michas, Buffone, Wassitch, Long (Manager), Mr. J. Bressler (Coach).

Page 91: The Blaze - 1985

JUNIOR SOCCER-^'ONE TO GO, HERE WE GO"First Row: Perkins, Daig le, Dercum ,

Schneithorst, Fitzroy-Mendis, Dantos, Mur-

dough. 2nd Row: Wierdsma, Emerson, Bak­

er, Swanski, Hunt (Captain), Schmidt (Cap­

tain). 3rd Row: Mr. Clark (Coach) Steward,

Ernstof, Outlaw, Meyer, Gilbert, Schiavetti,

Bard, Toney, Dickey, Mr, Decker (Coach).


L to R: Chudzik, Cohen, Palya, John Tauf-

man, Scully, Yglesias, Jon Taufman, Weiss- man, Marks, Whitlock, Mr. Small (Coach)

Paquette, Runnells, Mr. Coburn (Coach).


Page 92: The Blaze - 1985

INTRAMURALS: TOUCH FOOTBALL CHAMPSFirst Row: Swogger, Lax, Lester, Cohen,

Hoag. Mr. Crowell (Coach).

CYCLING: GONE WITH THE SCHWINNOlszewski, Huot, Albert, Weiss,

Glasscock, Byrne, Rice, Fryklund, Massey, V

Pearson, Mr. Hennessey (Coach).


Page 93: The Blaze - 1985

KEEPIN' THE FAITHClockwise: Mr, Barron (Coach), Halsted,

Perelman, Kane, Jones, Flask, Farrer,

Lynch (Captain), Reimers, Covucci,

Massey, Anderson, Scheufler, Mr. Cruikshank (Coach).

ALPINE AT FULL FORCEStanding: Mr. Hennessey (Coach), Rice

Fletcher S., Schmidt, Litmans, Savage,

Fletcher J., Ampudia, Miller D., Mr. Brier

(Coach). Kneeling: Albert, lovino, Pereira,

Graham, Ballard, Michas, Burns, Clark,



Page 94: The Blaze - 1985

VARSITY - A BUILDING YEARMr. Stevens (Coach), Bartley, Harris,

Amos H., Holt, Steele, Lindgren, Amos C.,

Bayne, Clarke.

JUNIOR VARSITY - AN ADVENTUREMr. Haye (Coach), Harris, Brown, Clarke.

Front Row: Amos H., Joyal, Steele,Hoag, Franklin.


Page 95: The Blaze - 1985

NORDIC - ANOTHER MEET?Mr. Carey (Coach), Pearsor\, Saltoun,

Dercum, Weissman, Toney, Coleman,

Small, Mr. Heath (Coach).

X-COUNTRY-OUT OF BREATH AGAINMr. Heath (Coach), Joshua Taufman,

Skilling, Marks, Liebrum, Jon Taufman,

Mr. Carey (Coach),


Page 96: The Blaze - 1985

VARSITY - EVERYONE SCORED, ALMOSTWanglee (Manager), Husson G. (Captain),

Whitehead, Jokinen (Captain), Watkins,

Smith, Paquette, Hammond, Schmitt

(Captain), McMillan, Mr. J. Bressler

(Coach), Finnerty, Powers, Garvin, Finlay,

Barto, Pfeifle, Norton, Bothwell.

J.V. - A FIGHTING SPIRITStaley, Mr. McIntyre (Coach), Blatchford,

Dimock (Captain), Keilhauer, Hyjek,

McBee C., Golden, Schwindt, Linkletter,

McBee W., Yglesias, Herring, Mr. Ramos I ’r-



Page 97: The Blaze - 1985

RESERVE A - LET'S GO TIGERMr. Marrion (Coach), Foote (Manager),

Lineberger, Pflager, Weirdsma, Needham,

Goldman, McKenna, Withers, Swanski,

Marrion, Patten, Barclay, Meyer, Evarts,

Mr. Coburn (Coach), Conkling, Husson.

RESERVE B - ONE GOAL SEASONMr. Clark (Coach), Emerson, Perkins,

Wassitsch, Latham, Gilbert, Thomas,

Selfe, Hitzig. Daigle, Nields, Rafferty,

Dantos, Schneithorst, Blue, Long.


Page 98: The Blaze - 1985

RECREATIONAL SKIERSGroup One: Durey, ?, Fellers, Palya,

Weiss, Cooper, Runnells, Terkelsen,

Cohen, Byrne, Miller G,, Ernstof, Shipp.

Group Two: First Row: O 'Neill, Kee,

Muckerman, Wendt, Alford, Fitzroy-

Mendis. Row Two: Lax, Herring, Ramos, Misrahi.

HIT THE SLOPES.Instructors: Mr. Crowell, Mr. Hicks, Mr.

B. Bressler, Miss Hannum, Miss Marks,

Mr. Hart, Mr. Decker. Group Three;

Patten, Steward, Blennerhassett, Wilson,

Treanor, Murdough, Lemmond,

Trombetta, McKenna, Lyder, Callahan,

Fanoe, Durey, Beebe.


Page 99: The Blaze - 1985

SAILING PLACED WELL AT REGATTAPotvin, Taufman Jon, Terkelsen, Lemmond, Holguin, O 'Neill, Coleman,

Outlaw, Swogger, Ampudia, Whitlock, Schiavetti, Cohen, Weiss, Misrahi,

Golden, Mr. Crowell (Coach), Mr. Carey (Coach).

CYCLING ENJOYED SPRING RIDESHunt, Miller C., Miss Hannum (Coach).


Page 100: The Blaze - 1985

TRACK TEAM UNDEFEATEDFirst Row: Holt, Weissman,

Keilhauer, Chudzik, Toney, Ballard,

Second Row: Woodhouse, Scheufler,

Nields, Anderson, Kee. Third Row: Mr.

Barron (Coach), Liebrum, Schilling, Jan\es,


WILDERNESS KNOWS THE ROPESMr. Cruickshank, Mr. Hennessey. Top Row: Murdough, Lynch, Perelman.

Bottom Row: Albert, Reimers.


Page 101: The Blaze - 1985

VARSITY LACROSSE GOES 11 AND 1First Row: Mr. Ritch (Coach), McBee C.,

Barto, Lyder, Arr\os C., Small, Linkletter,

Whitehead, Mr. Heath (Coach). Second

Row: Herring, Smith, Hyjek, Schmitt,

Dimock, Savage, Finlay. Third Row:

Husson G., Watkins, Bayne, Jackson,

Blennerhassett, Wanglee, Patten.


RESERVES UPPER VALLEY CHAMPS AGAINFirst Row: Co-Captains Norton, Pfeifle, and Steele. Second Row: Murdough, Amos

H., Buffone, Selfe, Kuckly, Marrion.

Third Row: Mr. Brier (Coach), Skilling

(Manager), Pearson, Finnerty, Saltoun,

Jones, Bergner, Stefan, Graham, Litmans,

Mr. Bressler (Coach).


Page 102: The Blaze - 1985

THIRD LACROSSE A SCRAPPY TEAMKneeling: Franklin, Husson M., lovino,

Fitzroy-Mendis, Pflager. Standing:

Schmidt, Clark, Emerson, Baker, Palya,

Swanski, Durey, Mr. Clark (Coach),


THIRD TEAM BEAT THE BIRDStanding: Ernstof, Daigle, Treanor, Foote,

Mr. Coburn (Coach). Sitting: Huot,

Ramos, Pereira, Rafferty, Summers.


Page 103: The Blaze - 1985


Powers, Bothwell, Miller D., Harris,

Massey (Manager), Lindgren, Hallsted,

Paquette, Hammond, Mr. Collins (Coach).

OUR RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF*Front Row: Joyal, Callahan, Cooper.

Middle Row: Thomas, Marshall, Yglesias,

Fanoe, Wierdsma, Hoag, Kane, Back Row:

Friedman, Mr. Hart (Coach).

* See team record on page 110.


Page 104: The Blaze - 1985

VARSITY RUSHES THE NETMr. Stevens (Coach), Barclay, Farrer,

Hitzig, Dock, Needham, VanNice, Clarke,

Schwindt, Beeman, MacMillan, Neilds,

DEEP RESERVES END UP 5-1-1From Bottom: Huot, Byrne, Blue, Brown,

Trombetta, Dulaney, Meyer, Dickey, Mr.

Ramos (Coach), Marks, Blatchford, Kellogg, Evarts, Michas, Runnells, Lester,

Wilson, Latham, McBee W., duPont,

Jokinen, Lax, Bartley.


Page 105: The Blaze - 1985


Schneithorst, Dercum, Gilbert, Wendt, Rice, Glasscock, Fletcher, Fryklur\d, Russell, Burns, Muckerman, Coaches; Miss Hannum, Mr. Decker.


Page 106: The Blaze - 1985

■ ' t i l

- ' X


Page 107: The Blaze - 1985


Page 108: The Blaze - 1985

SPORTSMEN AWARDED PRIZESSeen on this page, John Coleman received

the Nordic Most Valuable Runner Award

and Chris Small was awarded the Most

Valuable Combined trophy for the Nordic

Ski Team; George Needham was judged

Most Valuable to Reserve (A) Hockey; J.

J. James was Most Improved Actor in the

Performing Arts winter production;

Nisakorn Wangleee was Most Valuable

Varsity Soccer player; and John Lindgren

received the first of his three Most

Valuable Awards for Varsity Football, Basketball, and Baseball. O n the opposite

page, group speakers wait their turns;

Toastmaster Dylan Dimock confers with

Mr. Collins; Mr. Clark awards the Most

Improved Lacrosse trophy to Third

Team's David Franklin; Mr. Barron

presents Ian Toney with one of his many

track prizes, including State Championship in the low hurdles; and

Alex Wassitsch presents highlights of his

team's soccer season to the school.

Page 109: The Blaze - 1985



■ ^ m

Page 110: The Blaze - 1985



Varsity Football

6-22 Plymouth12-12 6- 0

22-12 12-32 44- 0 22-12

6 - 8


Most Improved-John Holt Most Valuable-John Lindgren Coaches Award-Ted Herring

feM o S 'S -


CMS 20 - 0 WoodstockCMS 8 - 0 HanoverCMS 8 - 24 PlymouthCMS 46 - 0 EaglebrookCMS 22 - 6 WindsorCMS 14 - 0 HanoverCMS 14 - 0 SpringfieldCMS 0 - 6 KingswoodCMS 0 - 16 WoodstockCMS 8 - 6 Plymouth

Most Improved - Keith Skilling Most Valuable - Josh Goldman

Varsity Soccer

CMS 4- 2 MascomaCMS 3- 1 HanoverCMS 6- 2 K.U.A.CMS 8- 0 DerryfieldCMS 7- 3 K.U.A.CMS 2- 1 EaglebrookCMS 7- 0 BowCMS 3- 1 HanoverCMS 7- 0 MascomaCMS 2- 0 HanoverCMS 13- 1 HoldernessCMS 3- 1 Holderness

J.V. Soccer

CMS 6-0 SunapeeCMS 5-0 K.U.A.CMS 0-7 HanoverCMS 0-6 Sant BaniCMS 0-3 EaglebrookCMS 2-1 SunapeeCMS 4-1 K.U.A.CMS 1-5 BowCMS 0-5 DerryfieldCMS 1-5 Hanover

Most Improved-Forrest Bartley Most Valuable-Toby Schwindt

Reserve (A) Soccer


CMS 1-3 HanoverCMS 2-0 PlainfieldCMS 7-0 WoodstockCMS 4-1 ThetfordCMS 4-1 HartfordCMS 3-5 HanoverCMS 2-7 EaglebrookCMS 7-0 WoodstockCMS 5-1 HartfordCMS 10-1 MascomaCMS 2-6 LebanonCMS 2-0 PlainfieldCMS 3-2 LebanonUpper Valley Tournament-2nd

PlaceCMS 4-1 PlainfieldCMS 1-0 LebanonCMS 0-3 New London

Most Improved- Jason HammondMost Valuable- George Needham

Reserve (B) Soccer

New England Junior Prep School Tournament- First Place Most Improved-Nando Schmitt Most Valuable-Nisakorn Wanglee

CMS 1- 1 HanoverCMS 5- 1 LebanonCMS 1- 3 EaglebrookCMS 5- 4 St. Mary'sCMS 1- 3 ThetfordCMS 1- 2 KearsargeCMS 3- 3 HanoverCMS 6- 1 LebanonCMS 7- 1 HartfordCMS 2- 1 KearsargeCMS 5- 4 Mascoma

Most Improved - Ben Saltoun Most Valuable - David Franklin

Junior Soccer

CMS 0- 8 New London

CMS 3- 6 Eaglebrook

CMS 1- 3 Hanover

CMS 2- 4 Woodstock

CMS 4- 2 New London

CMS 2- 7 Lebanon

CMS 2- 4 Hartford

CMS 3- 2 Woodstock

Most Improved - Lance Dercum

Page 111: The Blaze - 1985

Varsity Hockey Alpine Ski Team

CMS 11-1 LaconiaCMS 7-0 HanoverCMS 9-2 New Hampton

CMS 8-0 HoldernessCMS 8-1 St. MaritzCMS 4-1 St. MaritzCMS 8-1 PioneersCMS 7-3 Assabet (AA)CMS 12-1 HoldernessCMS 6-1 Assabet (A)

CMS 10-0 ProctorCMS 14-2 Chesapeake BayCMS 1-9 PioneersCMS 9-2 EaglebrookCMS 14-2 New HamptonCMS 10-4 North ShoreCMS 10-4 North ShoreCMS 6-4 St. Paul'sCMS 5-4 Keene

Most Improved- Jason HammondMost Valuable- Tommi Jokinen

JV Hockey

CMS 5-1 VermontCMS 2-1 Hartford Bantam (B)CMS 4-3 HartfordCMS 3-4 Laconia Bantum (A)CMS 3-4 ClaremontCMS 2-8 Virginia All-StarsCMS 0-4 HartfordCMS 1-0 Hartford Bantam (A)CMS 1-0 Hartford Bantam (A)

Most Improved - Toby Schwint Most Valuable - Dylan Dimock

Reserve A Hockey

CMS 1-2 Kearsarge

CMS 8-1 Woodstock

CmS 6-2 Hanover

CMS 2-5 Lebanon

CMS 4-0 Hanover

CMS 3-1 Eaglebrook

CMS 3-1 Hartford

CMS 2-5 Lowell Chiefs

CMS 3-3 Kearsarge

CMS 12-3 Laconia

CMS 3-0 Hartford

CMS 3-5 Lebanon

CMS 4-2 Lebanon

CMS 3-1 Rutland

Most Improved ■- John Pflager

Most Valuable - George Needh<

Reserve B Hockey

My membory serves me well. I have little recollection. We were outscored about 70 to 1 and the season ended with the parents of the Lebanon players urging our players to shoot and score and the Lebanon coach exhorting the dumbfounded referee not to penalize me for having too many men (boys, bodies) on the ice.

J.D. Clark Most Improved-Sebo Hitzig Most Valuable- Sean Selfe

In Lakes Region Action the team scored 4 seconds, 3 thirds, 1 fourth, and 2 fifths against high school J.V. teams. The team lost two close matches against Eaglebrook 10 to 26 in the Giant Slalom and 17 to 19 in the Slalom. The team placed third overall in the New England Jr. Prep School Championships with a second place in the Slalom and a third place in the Giant Slalom.

Alpine AMost Improved- Eduardo AmpudiaMost Valuable- Ian Litmans Coaches Award (Most Dedicated)- Jay Savage

Alpine BMost Improved- Chip Graham

Varsity Basketball

CMS 36-34 K.U.A.CMS 36-42 LebanonCMS 42-21 HartfordCMS 36-39 BowCMS 36-55 HanoverCMS 33-52 EaglebrookCMS 42-30 HartfordCMS 44-32 HoldernessCMS 31-29 WoodstockCMS 51-44 WoodstockCMS 51-54 HanoverCMS 26-28 HoldernessCMS 47-42 LebanonCMS 33-37 BowCMS 56-22 Tilton

Most Improved- Logan Clarke Most Valuable- John Lindgren


Page 112: The Blaze - 1985
















Reserve Basketball

24-23 Woodstock41-33 Windsor

42-39 Lebanon (OT)

23-13 Plainfield

17-10 Hanover

21-23 Hartford

25-23 Windsor

22-20 Woodstock

27-33 Hanover 38-52 Lebanon

25-36 Hanover (Hanover Tournament)67-23 Plainfield

48-28 Lebanon (Mascoma Tournament)

36-46 Derryfield (Mascoma Tournament)

28-38 Henniker (Mascoma Tournament)

Most Improved - David Franklin

Most Valuable- Logan Clarke

W restling

C M S 20-43 KeeneC M S 32-16 TimberlaneC M S 28- 6 ExeterC M S 31-42 PlymouthC M S 44-36 EaglebrookCM S 14-49 PlymouthC M S 34-30 HarwoodC M S 21-12 Essex Jet.

Cardigan Mtn. Tourmament - 1 First, 2 Thirds, 2 Fourths

Eaglebrook Tournament - 2 Seconds, 1 Fourth

Fessenden Tournament - 2 Firsts, 2


Most Improved - Eric Massey

Most Valuable- Dual Meets- Dana Lynch

Most Valuable - Tournaments- Hank Jones





Vermont Academy





Vermont Academy



Newf Hampton Mascoma

Woodstock Bow


- Franklin Staley

• John Lindgren

- Scott Paquette

CM S 7 - 4CM S 17 - 4CM S 11 - 9CM S 9 - 2CM S 4 - 14CM S 9 - 8CM S 21 - 14CM S 11 - 6C M S 11 - 4C M S 6 - 7C M S 13 - 3C M S 8 - 14CM S 3 - 6C M S 5 - 4CM S 6 - 4CM S 5 - 6

Most Improved

Most Valuable

Coaches Award

Reserve Baseball

CM S 4-24 MascomaCM S 4-22 DeerfieldCM S 10-19 SpringfieldCM S 1-16 HartfordCM S 4- 8 LebanonCM S 6-14 WoodstockCM S 1-16 MascomaCM S 4-11 PlainfieldCM S 1-23 MascomaC M S l 5-19 LebanonCM S 3-11 Eaglebrook

Most Improved - Richard Kane

Most Valuable - Geoff Joyal

Third Team Baseball

CM S 4-14 Hanover

C M S 1-19 Hanover

CM S 7- 6 Hartland

CM S 15-13 Hartland

CM S 5-23 Mascoma

C M S 5-21 Mascoma

CM S 13-10 Eaglebrook

Most Imprved- Rob Daigle

Most Valuable- Andy Periera

Varsity Sailing

CMS place 8 of 11 Associate Members'


CMS 3- 1 Brewster

CMS 103-66.5 Indian Mt. Regatta

CMS 25-20 Northfield Mt. Hermon

Most Valuable Skipper- A1 Shiavetti

Most Valuable Crew- Ben Misrahi


CMS 85-37 MemorialCMS 1st Place Kingswood Meet

CMS 1st Place Bow Meet

CMS 66-12 Eaglebrook

N.H. Jr. High State Championships- 1

First, 1 Fifth

Most Improved- Rene Keilhauer

Most Improved- Ian Toney

Most Valuable- John Holt

Page 113: The Blaze - 1985



CMS 9-0 KUA J.V.CMS 9-0 Vermont Academy J.V.CMS 2-7 Brewster Academy Varsity CMS 9-0 Vermont Academy J.V.CMS 4-5 Holderness J.V.CMS 7-2 Holderness J.V.CMS 6-3 Woodstock VarsityCMS 4-5 Deerfield (4th)CMS 5-4 Woodstock VarsityCMS 0-9 Eaglebrook

CMS Win Hanover

CMS Win Hartford

CMS Win Woodstock

CMS Win Hanover

CMS Loss Hartford

CMS Win Woodstock

CMS Tie Woodstock

Tournament Champion - Tommi JokinenMost Improved Reserve A - Tom ByrneMost Improved Reserve B - John Covucci

Most Improved - George NeedhamMost Valuable - Doug Beeman


CMS 9- 3 PinkertonCMS 3- 2 HoldernessCMS 11- 0 HanoverCMS 14- 2 LondonderryCMS 9- 0 Vermont AcademyCMS 4- 3 Holderness (OT)CMS 21- 0 WaynefleteCMS 5- 3 LondonderryCMS 3- 9 Eaglebrook

Most Improved - Pete Whitehead Most Valuable - Chris Smith

CMS 9- 4 HanoverCMS 1- 6 HoldernessCMS 4- 6 ProctorCMS 4- 2 WoodstockCMS 6- 3 HanoverCMS 9- 3 Northfield-Mt. HermonCMS 11- 0 HartfordCMS 10- 2 WoodstockCMS 5- 1 DerryfieldCMS 5- 4 Hanover -Upper Valley

TournamentCMS 1- 5 Eaglebrook

Most Improved - Jim Marrion Most Valuable - Jon Norton

i n

Page 114: The Blaze - 1985


Match the best caption with the photos on the following pages. (Or make up your own.)

A. Now, the next time I'll get the serum in the syringe.B. The Blues Brothers Revisited

C. I was O K until M r. Barron turned my head around.

D. We're looking for Canaan. Do you know the way?E. W ell, well, well!

F. Some people w ill do anything to get out of W D .

G. Look, Lady, I don't check your socks.

H. Here comes Trouble! There goes Trouble!

I. Look, George, a furry little rabbit.

J. It was a hard year on teachers.

K. I can give you a great deal on this clock, Mister.

L. Ayah, when I was young, we walked 10 miles to school, Son. M . O O O O H H H , my guts!

N . Next, my impression of Mr. Blunt.


Page 115: The Blaze - 1985



Page 116: The Blaze - 1985

Our Answers

1„ 2., 3. - E4., 5. - H6. - B7. - M8. - G9. - K10. - J11. - C12. - I13. - A14. - N15., 17. - F16. - L18. - D



Page 117: The Blaze - 1985


1. Whenever you think you have him figured out, he starts talking to you in another

language.2. He can't keep his shirt buttoned.3. He comes from Rhode Island, but he won't go back.

4. He's too quiet.


He can pull strings for you. He'll make you laugh. He coaches many sports well.

Page 118: The Blaze - 1985

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Page 119: The Blaze - 1985


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Page 120: The Blaze - 1985

C XLCjd.

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Page 121: The Blaze - 1985

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Page 122: The Blaze - 1985


M r. Decker (Advisor), Rene Keilhauer (Editor), Chris Small (Sports Editor), John Coleman (Senior Section Editor)

Mrs. Carey (Advisor). Dylan D imock, Ian Toney, Stephen M arks (Color Editor). '


Page 123: The Blaze - 1985

Photography and Darkroom Staff: R ick Massey, Ian Litmans, Josh Perelman, Mr. Heath (Advisor).


Page 124: The Blaze - 1985

SPONSORSPhilip D. MclnnisDr. & Mrs. Roland B. Hoag, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert ChaseMrs. Sonia EskieMr. & Mrs. David J. SwanskiThelma E. SmallAnn W. McCoyMr. & Mrs. Wellington F. BartoMr. & Mrs. Rene L. LaBargeMr. & Mrs. George J. HussonRuth B. MeyersBently B. GilbertJohn-Gorgon SwoggerBarbara CaseyMargaret MerrittCatherine C. HolmesMr. & Mrs. Jack Rue ColemanClaude & Leona FooteMr. & Mrs. Donald E. GarvinPeter Lax


William S. LeaMr. & Mrs. Charles H. LesterBetty Ann PotvinMr. & Mrs. Merton YoungDr. & Mrs. Joseph lovinoThomas RiceClarence G. GrindallKeep the FaithJames & Beatrice CallahanJoan M. Cook

Virginia & David Crittenden Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Reimers John L. Russell, Jr. '80 Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fellers Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Poggie Matilda & Pepper Mr. & Mrs. E. Morse Blue Twin State Typewriter, Inc. Canaan Hardware Jeff & Marie Hicks

Bennett's Sport Shop

SUBSCRIBERSRobert S. GilletteMr. & Mrs. Charles A. StewardSue Rae & Jim BallardMrs. Lowell Mead ChapinMr. & Mrs. Geroge P. Graham, Jr.Eulalie & John WierdsmaMr. & Mrs. Phidias DantosJames C. Whitlock, Jr.Richard H. HinmanMr. & Mrs. Johathan T. PattenElsa & Jim CallahanJasper & Wendy EvartsRichard & Estella FarrerMr. & Mrs. Peter FranklinMargaret & Jake AlfordGeorge & Else AbbottMr. & Mrs. D. M. BeemanPolly Zimmer CochranJohn & Kathy CovucciMr. & Mrs. Charles V. CreightonDr. & Mrs. Melvin KeeJ. Michael McGeanMr. & Mrs. Paul H. SchwindtMr. & Mrs. Fred C. Scribner, Jr.Stuart & Suzanne SteeleAngela & Gerald BothwellKennard & Bruni FletcherMr. & Mrs. J. S. MarksMr. & Mrs. Joe Collins

Walter & Shirley Massey Donald & Jane Weidman Alex Wassitsch Philip & Rose Freed Sherrie & Albert Mitchell Eduardo Ampudia, Jr.A FriendMr. & Mrs. Bertram H. DubeMr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rapp, Jr.Russell W. TerkelsenMr. & Mrs. Donald P. GarvinDr. Bob KenersonJ. D. ClarkMr. & Mrs. James CrowellDr. & Mrs. Henevela

Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Staley, Sr.Dr. & Mrs. Nasry StefanMr. Terry D. DeckerMr. & Mrs. Martin KucklyTony & Rita Carey

Reginald E. Barney InsuranceProfessional Camera LTDJohn B. CoffinWebster Motors, INC.Mascoma Savings Bank Trumbull Nelson Construction Richard A. Harriman Norman & Beverly Wakely Mrs. Jonathan T. Patten

Page 125: The Blaze - 1985

BOOSTERSMr. & Mrs. Clive RunnellsMr. & Mrs. Forrester A. ClarkMr. & Mrs. Walter G. Staley, Jr.Lee Cochran SmithDr. Sharori Hostler Dimock &Kathleen Ann DimockFaith B. GoldingMr. & Mrs. J. Ira HarrisDr. & Mrs. E. F. PearsonJohanna K. RiceMr. & Mrs. Robert S. AlfordMr. & Mrs. Eugene TalbertGrace & George Slight

Lewis H. Orr, Jr.Rupert & Karon Hitzig Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Selfe Gerald & Tuula Toney Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Neild III Mr. & Mrs. Minor R. Keilhauer Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Keilhauer Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Salamone The Fryklund Family The Country Printing Shop Best Wishes - Soverign Hotels Lakeside Oil R. H. Bayne Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. B. McMillan, Jr.

The Coca-Cola Bottling Plants, Inc.

285 Main Street Claremont, New Hampshire

03743Telephone 603-542-5171

PATRONSJAL EnterpriseCharles E. CottingMr. & Mrs. James P. HerringMr. & Mrs. R. Bruce FarrerMr. & Mrs. C. W. GlasscockLemmond & Associates, Inc.Roger & Martha Liebrum

A FriendElizaberh GrahamBill & Tjelda MichasMr. & Mrs. Peter E. Van NiceMr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O'NeillDartmouth National BankJohn & Mary Treanor

Floyd & Barbara Luckey

S. W. Investments 4265 San Felipe, Suite 1400

Houston, Texas

Page 126: The Blaze - 1985

Complim ents of

SimplexSimplex Time Recorder Co.Simplex Plaza, Gardner, Massachusetts 01441

Fire, Security, Energy and Building

Control SystemsTime and

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2120 Multiplex Building Management System

New TMT7100 Time Recorder


Page 127: The Blaze - 1985


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Page 128: The Blaze - 1985



j5 S ? 5 S !5 S S g g ^ ^ 5 S Sg ia a 5 iH iS S S :126

Page 129: The Blaze - 1985





Page 130: The Blaze - 1985

Cheyenne Amos

R.F.D. #1, Box 77

New Canaan Academy

Canaan, N H 03741


Paul Bartley

535 Hoyt Street

Darien, CT 06820

Darien H igh School

John Bayne

461 West Road

New Canaan, CT 06840

Trinity Pawling

Douglass Beeman

148 Eddy Lane

Northfield, IL 60093


Jameson Blatchford

1817 North Orleans

Chicago, IL 60614


John Blennerhassett

Post Office Box 5027

Cristobal, REP. OF PAN AM A


Scott Blue

4303 Talahi Way

Louisville, K.Y 40207

Kentucky Country Day

Mark Bothwell

38 Barringer Road

Darien, CT 06820


Thomas Burns

Clark Lane

Marblehead, M A 01945

John Coleman

4336 Fairfax

Dallas, TX 75205


John Covucci

R.D. #1, Box 68-A

Lafayette, NJ 07848

Blair Academy

Dylan Dimock

2501 Smithfield Road

Charlottesville, VA 22901-2221

Woodberry Forrest

W illiam Dock

St. Felix LeGosier




Woodford Dulaney

513 Country Lane

Louisville, KY 40207

St. Francis H igh School

David duPont

Closter Dock Road

Alpine, NJ 07620


Anthony Familian

601 North Rodeo Dr.

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Brian Fellers

Razor H ill Road

Grafton, N H 03240


Robert Finlay

8 Greenbriar Lane

Amherst, N H 03031

SENIOR DIRECTORYOrin Flask 74 Harborview Drive

Rye, NH 03870

Steffen Fletcher

Post Office Box 154

Westford, M A 01886


Verne Fryklund

12 Mason Street

Winchester, M A 01890


Robert Glasscock

3211 Chris Houston, TX 77063

St. Stephen's

John Golden

15 Sailer's Way

Rumson, NJ 07760


Theodore Herring

140 Anchor Drive

Vero Beach, FL 32960


John Holt

604 Pasteur Avenue

Bowling Green, O H 43402


George Husson

49 Flagg Road

Post Office Box 351

Westford, Ma 01886


Gary Hyjek

22 Charter Oak Place

Hartford, CT 06106

St. Marks

Henry Jackson

2021 General Pershing

New Orleans, LA 70115

Metairie Park Country Day

James James

1647 Prestwick Lane

Carmel, IN 46032


Tommi Jokinen

Peltosaarentie 1 i 51

Hyvinkaa, FINLAND 05840

Rene Keilhauer

525 Main Street

Hingham, M A 02043


Peter Kellogg

170 Hillside Avenue

Waterbury, CT 06710-2137


Nelson Lemmond

3854 Sedgewood Circle

Charlotte, NC 28211

Kents Hill

David Lester

R.R. 1, Box 145-B

John Roberts Road

Canaan, N H 03741

Roger Liebrum

2351 Underwood

Houston, TX 77030

Episcopal High School

John Lindgren

24 Mountain Road

North Granby, CT 06060


Curtis Linkletter

Post Office Box 31

Locust Valley, NY 11560


Charles Lyder

Seven Allen Street

Scituate, M A 02066

Williston Northampton School

Dana Lynch

Mobil, Hangar 505 W. Camp

Seletar Airport


Florida Air Academy

W illiam Marks

10901 Kemwood Drive

Houston, TX 77024


Cunliffe McBee

4624 Prytania Street

New Orleans, LA 70115

DeLa Salle

Ward McBee

4624 Prytania Street

New Orleans, LA 70115

St. James

W illiam McKenna

Three Wildcat Lane

Norwell, M A 02061


Andrew McMillan

12 Upper Ladue Road

St. Louis, M O 63124


W illiam Neild

1500 Lake Shore Drive

Chicago, IL 60610


W illiam Palya

5164 Bonita Beach Road

Bonita Springs, FL 33923


Gerald Paquette

22 Donahue Drive

Manchester, NH 03103

Frederick Reimers

4242 Brookdale Street

Jackson, MS 39206

St. Andrews Episcopal

Christopher Rice

Drinkwater Road

Post Office Box 407

Exeter, NH 03833

Northfield Mount Herman

W illiam Russell

3214 Huntingdon

Houston, TX 77019

Episcopal High School

John Savage

Lower Road

R.F.D., Box 78

West Deerfield, M A 01342


Alfred Scheufler

Post Office Box 215

Altoona, KS 66710


Christian Schilling

Francestown, N H 03043


J. Nando Schmitt

53 Powers St., Longely

Milford, NH 03055

Tobias Schwindt

Middletown Road

South Londonderry, VT 05155


Christopher Shipp

R.F.D. #1, Box 213

Gristmill H ill Road

Canaan, N H 03741

Christopher Small

Cardigan Mountain School

Canaan, N H 03741

St. Paul's

Franklin Staley

214 W . Teal Lake Road

Mexico, M O 65265


John-Gordon Swogger


Reservoir Road

Hanover, NH 03755


Paul Trombetta

Zona 9

6-A Avenida 7-32


Vermont Academy

Peter Van Nice

1209 Astor Street

Chicago, IL 60610


Nisakorn Wanglee


26/1 New Chan Road

Bangkok 12, THAILAND


Curtis Watkins

Simplex Plaza

Simplex Time Recorder Co.

Gardner, M A 01441


Sidney Weiss

2121 Kirby #81

Houston, TX 77019


Charles Whitlock

American Embassy


New York, NY 09170


Benjamin W ilson

62 Boulevard

de Courcelles

Paris, FRANCE 75017

Kimball Union Academy

Michael Woodhouse

135 Timrod Road

Manchester, CT 06040

St. Mark's

Manuel Yglesias

Felix Parra 161-601

Colonia San Jose Insurgentes

Mexico, 19, D.F., MEXICO

Los Cedros