The Birds of Evros Delta

THE BIRDS OF EVROS DELTA 1. Read the texts and choose the best title for each of them. ……………………………………………… In Evros Delta, 317 species of birds have been recorded; a number which is continually increasing, as monitoring becomes more intense and birdwatchers from all over the world visit the area more often. The Delta lies in northern Greece, a crossroad between three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. Thus, species of all three continents are observed here. Birds find in Evros Delta the two most important things they need: food and shelter. Evros Delta is a very important ring in the chain of wetlands which birds use as they migrate from Africa to Europe and reversely, and also as they move looking for food and shelter. ……………………………….. In winter, Evros Delta shelters thousands of birds which have come here from the north to spend the cold season in milder climate. Thousands of ducks are observed that time, swans are observed, geese are feeding during the whole day; At the same time of the year, hundreds of Flamingos are observed in salt water areas, Great White Egrets and Grey Herons in all watery areas. Winter is the season with the most species of raptors in the Delta. Tens of eagles and smaller raptors are flying around or standing on a tree. …………………………………………… In spring, Evros Delta hosts large populations of birds which move from Africa to Europe. During this trip, they stop in the Delta to rest and feed. Species observed during the spring migration are the White Stork, the Black Stork, the White and Dalmatian Pelican. ………………………………………………………… Evros Delta is one of the most important areas in Greece and Europe for the survival of many species, some of which are rare or threatened. Evros Delta is the most important place in Greece for the three species of European Swans (Mute, Whooper and Bewick’s). So it is also for Geese. In the wet meadows, thousands of White-fronted Geese are observed in winter, together with hundreds of Red-breasted Geese. a. Rare bird species b. Migration c. Wintering d. The birds of Evros Delta

Transcript of The Birds of Evros Delta


1. Read the texts and choose the best title for each of them.


In Evros Delta, 317 species of birds have been recorded; a number which is continually increasing, as

monitoring becomes more intense and birdwatchers from all over the world visit the area more often.

The Delta lies in northern Greece, a crossroad between three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. Thus,

species of all three continents are observed here. Birds find in Evros Delta the two most important things

they need: food and shelter. Evros Delta is a very important ring in the chain of wetlands which birds use as

they migrate from Africa to Europe and reversely, and also as they move looking for food and shelter.


In winter, Evros Delta shelters thousands of birds which have come here from the north to spend the cold

season in milder climate. Thousands of ducks are observed that time, swans are observed, geese are feeding

during the whole day; At the same time of the year, hundreds of Flamingos are observed in salt water areas,

Great White Egrets and Grey Herons in all watery areas. Winter is the season with the most species of

raptors in the Delta. Tens of eagles and smaller raptors are flying around or standing on a tree.


In spring, Evros Delta hosts large populations of birds which move from Africa to Europe. During this trip,

they stop in the Delta to rest and feed. Species observed during the spring migration are the White Stork, the

Black Stork, the White and Dalmatian Pelican.


Evros Delta is one of the most important areas in Greece and Europe for the survival of many species, some

of which are rare or threatened. Evros Delta is the most important place in Greece for the three species of

European Swans (Mute, Whooper and Bewick’s). So it is also for Geese. In the wet meadows, thousands of

White-fronted Geese are observed in winter, together with hundreds of Red-breasted Geese.

a. Rare bird species

b. Migration

c. Wintering

d. The birds of Evros Delta

2. Match the two columns to get the right idiom (is a combination of words in common use, that have a

figurative meaning)

a. as easy as duck soup 1. completely free

b. as proud as a peacock 2. very foolish, very silly

c. as silly as a goose 3. very easy, needs no effort

d. as free as a bird 4. very proud

e. bird-eye view 5. very wise

f. birds of a feather flock together 6. a silly story that is not true

g. cock – and - bull story 7. people who are similar become friends

h. as wise as an owl 8. a general view from above

i. the early bird catches the worm 9. something is learned from a secret or

mysterious source

j. eat like a bird 10. to go to bed very early

k. go to bed with the chickens 11. to eat very little

l. a little bird told me 12. a person who gets up early in the morning

has the best chance of success

3 . Use five of the idioms you liked best in a sentence of your own.






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