The Big Read Investment Banking Add to myFT Investment … · 2018-06-12 · banks — excluding...

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2018. All rights reserved. Share this article COMMENTS Laura Noonan in London 12 HOURS AGO Recommended When Lehman Brothers imploded almost 10 years ago, few Wall Street banks were worse placed to withstand the fallout than Citigroup. While most of its rivals had delivered bumper profits in 2007, Citi had already seen its earnings collapse to $3.6bn from $21.5bn after its subprime bets went badly wrong. Yet, a decade on from the crisis that threatened such devastation, Citi’s investment bank chief James Forese can say without irony: “I don’t think there is much question that we’ve been a winner since the crisis. Even from the [high] of the 2005/06 period to today . . . our franchise is much stronger today than it was back then.” Mr Forese is not the only one of his peers enjoying the unlikely resurgence of investment banking a decade after the crisis. Indeed, data collected by the Financial Times show that group-wide profits last year of $78.4bn across the top nine investment banks — excluding the much-changed Bank of America — were higher than the $75.4bn recorded in 2007. Industry profits in dollar terms are back to pre-crisis levels. At JPMorgan, the world’s biggest investment bank by revenue every year since 2010, investment bank head Daniel Pinto sees global growth driving revenue higher in the coming years, while big banks like his deploy technology to cut costs and win clients. UK-headquartered HSBC has quietly doubled the size of some investment bank businesses in the past decade. Samir Assaf, its global banking and markets chief, says he will continue hiring and outgrowing the market supported by the performance of HSBC’s Asian operations. Even at Barclays, which has had a turbulent journey through the crisis, their investment bank head Tim Throsby is bullish, speaking of his willingness to row back on some crisis-era cuts if it makes financial sense. “I speak to a lot of young people in our teams and some of them at different stages over the last number of years have wondered . . . are the best days for our industry over?” says Mr Throsby. “I think anything but.” Investment banks have spent much of the decade under a shadow since the meltdown of the US mortgage market. They have watched private equity firms and hedge funds take their place at the top of the finance food chain. Executives have complained loudly that the regulations put in place after the crisis have hampered their ability to operate. However, the sector has also benefited from some powerful trends. The last year has brought the American banks higher interest rates and a corporate tax cut that promises to put trillions into the pockets of US companies. Crisis-era mergers, such as Barclays’ assimilation of the US arm of Lehman Brothers, JPMorgan’s purchase of Washington Mutual and the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch deal, have left the surviving banks with greater economies of scale. A succession of cost-cutting plans has made them leaner and an M&A boom has boosted fee income. Investment banks have also regained their cachet among ambitious graduates. Even the imperilled Deutsche Bank attracted 110,000 applications for its 2018 graduate scheme. Investment banks 10 years on CITIGROUP James Forese, investment bank chief ‘Even from the [high] of the 2005/06 period...our franchise is much stronger today than it was back then’ HSBC Samir Assaf, global banking and markets chief ‘We said our advantage is to be capital heavy as long as we know how to price it [capital]’ While the headline figures show robust earnings, the aftermath of the crisis still lingers. Largely as a result of regulatory demands, the nine banks whose finances were analysed by the FT have almost doubled their shareholders’ equity from the end of 2007 to the end of last year. The result has been lower returns. While profits may be back to pre-crisis levels, the return on equity most definitely is not and bankers concede it probably never will be. “They [investment banks] are not seen as valuable parts of global diversified banks. They are seen as a drag on group profitability and on valuation,” says Sven Oestmann, senior equity analyst at Fidelity, one of the world’s biggest institutional investors. That ambivalence is partly a reflection of the bailouts that so many banks required a decade ago. Citi, for instance, received $45bn of public funds to prevent it following Lehman’s path. “In capital markets, Citi is strategically positioned perhaps better than at any time before given its balance sheet strength, more measured expansion and competitor retreat,” says Mike Mayo, a banks analyst at Wells Fargo. “Yet, there is no way to say that Citi is a winner since before the financial crisis when Citi, in our view, effectively failed.” In Europe, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS, which were once among the world’s biggest investment banks, were bailed out. Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Barclays avoided rescues but repeatedly went cap in hand to shareholders after trading losses and multibillion-dollar fines. On top of that, the investment banks have to navigate a very different environment. Regulations have in effect banned them from once-lucrative activities such as trading stocks on their own behalf and co-investing in funds with clients. Areas including trading structured products have all but dried up as clients balked at the collapse in value of some instruments and revelations of widespread manipulation of others, especially mortgage-backed bonds. Europe’s investment banks have fallen out of the world’s top five since 2015 after a series of exits from Asia, the US and their still fragile home market in continental Europe. For groups across the world, competitive threats have sprung from sources that would have been unthinkable even a few years ago, as big banks face off against everyone from the likes of Amazon and Apple to two-man online trading shops. Investment banks 10 years on BARCLAYS Tim Throsby, head of investment banking ‘A lot of young people in our teams have wonderedare the best days for our industry over? I think anything but’ JPMORGAN Daniel Pinto, investment bank head ‘The market is going to have to grow over the long term because the world will grow’ Mr Forese attributes Citi’s improved fortunes to a “less is more” approach. “The important parts for us were the decisions that we took in the immediate wake of the crisis . . . we became a much more focused and much simpler business model.” Citi has grown market share with its best clients while jettisoning activities in insurance and non-bank lending. The investment bank was deemed core, but within that Mr Forese’s division now serves “a little over 12,000” clients, less than half the 32,000 it boasted of pre-crisis. Citi’s biggest success was in fixed income, currencies and commodities, a business that has mainly hit the post-crisis headlines for huge falls in revenue, including Goldman Sachs’ horrendous 2017. Citi made $12.1bn in FICC revenues last year, eclipsing Goldman to become the second biggest trading player after JPMorgan. Citi also grew strongly in debt capital markets, the business of advising companies on selling bonds. “Who would have thought that the old Salomon Brothers franchise would make this comeback in a different form with different management and added capabilities?” asks Mr Mayo, referring to the 1997 purchase of bond house Salomon Brothers. “There’s been a revival of the legacy franchise in the name of a refurbished and stronger Citi.” The US investment banks say the problems experienced by some of their European rivals helped them gain share. But they do not expect to have it so easy in the future. Trading was also at the centre of HSBC’s investment bank growth. HSBC averaged annual trading revenues of $2.32bn in 2006 and 2007. Last year, its trading division drew in $5.4bn and was the fifth largest of the 10 banks. HSBC’s Mr Assaf believes “one of the best calls” his bank made was around 2014 when others, particularly in Europe, wanted to exit businesses that required a lot of capital under new regulations. “We said no, our advantage is to be capital heavy as long as we know how to price it [capital],” he says. Deutsche chief executive Christian Sewing: the bank attracted 110,000 applications for its 2018 graduate scheme At Barclays, Mr Throsby must contend with a parent company that is reluctant to grow its investment bank exposure and a shareholder base that remains decidedly hostile to his business. One activist investor is petitioning Barclays to sell the investment bank. But Mr Throsby, a JPMorgan veteran who joined 17 months ago, argues that despite limited resources Barclays will emerge as the pre-eminent European investment bank. “We’re the only European bank that’s deadly serious . . . about having a serious transatlantic corporate and investment bank,” he says. “The US is the largest capital market in the world and also the most lucrative.” With an enlarged Wall Street presence thanks to the acquisition of Lehman’s American business, US revenue makes up 55 per cent of Barclays’ corporate and investment bank, and more than 55 per cent of its profit. In Asia the bank cut back sales and trading of equities in 2016, in one of its first big strategic decisions after former JPMorgan investment banker Jes Staley became group chief executive. It also withdrew investment bankers from some Asian markets. “We’ve let people confuse that [pulling out of cash equities in Asia] with either a general lack of enthusiasm for Asia or a more general withdrawal from Asia. Neither of which is the case,” says Mr Throsby. As if to prove a point Barclays has already sent its bankers back into Australia. Yet despite the recent revival of investment bank fortunes, shareholders in many banks will need a lot of persuasion before they support expansion. Fidelity’s Mr Oestmann sees big challenges for European groups, which are only allowed to keep their investment banks because it would be too difficult to sell or close them. He says: “The market’s view of US investment banks is more favourable.” Their insatiable appetite for capital has been one of investors’ biggest concerns about trading businesses. The end of quantitative easing is another risk — when American and European central banks stop flooding their economies with cheap money, no one knows how asset prices, or global growth, will react. But with President Donald Trump in the White House, bankers believe capital demands have peaked. The administration has already begun easing the Volcker rule, which banned banks from trading on their own behalf. Banks also believe they will reap efficiency gains from the application of new technology. “We’re not going back to the returns on equity before the crisis,” says Mr Throsby. “But I do think that with effective technology we can have healthy businesses, healthy returns and healthy margins.” That’s a lot more than bankers could have predicted a decade ago. . 47 Advertisement Investment Banking Investment banks line up rebound in revenues Sign up to the Every Tuesday to Friday morning Due Diligence email One-Click Sign Up Latest on Investment Banking Investment Banking Top investment bank profits at pre-crisis levels Banks Royal Bank of Canada fires its leading US executive Banks SocGen chiefs ordered Libor rigging, US records show Paid Post by The Pictet Group Why farming doesn’t need open spaces Investment Banking Trade tension and rising rates hit bank fees Chinese business & finance Alibaba and Tencent tell bankers to pick sides Banks Alasdair Warren latest executive to leave Deutsche Bank Investment Banking Deutsche CFO says bank can break free from ‘vicious cycle’ Follow the topics in this article HSBC Holdings PLC Add to myFT JPMorgan Chase & Co Add to myFT Barclays PLC Add to myFT Citigroup Inc Add to myFT Investment Banking Add to myFT Markets data delayed by at least 15 minutes. © THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD 2018. FT and ‘Financial Times’ are trademarks of The Financial Times Ltd. The Financial Times and its journalism are subject to a self-regulation regime under the FT Editorial Code of Practice . Support View Site Tips Help Centre About Us Accessibility myFT Tour Legal & Privacy Terms & Conditions Privacy Cookies Copyright Slavery Statement & P… Services FT Live Share News Tips Secu… Individual Subscriptions Group Subscriptions Republishing Contracts & Tenders Analysts Research Executive Job Search Advertise with the FT Follow the FT on Twitter FT Transact Secondary Schools Tools Portfolio Today's Newspaper (e… Alerts Hub Lexicon MBA Rankings Economic Calendar News feed Newsletters Currency Converter More from the FT Group The Big Read Investment Banking Add to myFT Investment banking: stronger franchises emerge 10 years after crisis The biggest banks are even more profitable now than they were in the mid-2000s, but shareholders still face low returns on equity

Transcript of The Big Read Investment Banking Add to myFT Investment … · 2018-06-12 · banks — excluding...

Page 1: The Big Read Investment Banking Add to myFT Investment … · 2018-06-12 · banks — excluding the much-changed Bank of America — were higher than the $75.4bn recorded in 2007.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2018. All rights reserved. Share this article


Laura Noonan in London 12 HOURS AGO


When Lehman Brothers imploded almost 10 years ago, few Wall Street banks wereworse placed to withstand the fallout than Citigroup. While most of its rivals haddelivered bumper profits in 2007, Citi had already seen its earnings collapse to $3.6bnfrom $21.5bn after its subprime bets went badly wrong.

Yet, a decade on from the crisis that threatened such devastation, Citi’s investment bankchief James Forese can say without irony: “I don’t think there is much question thatwe’ve been a winner since the crisis. Even from the [high] of the 2005/06 period totoday . . . our franchise is much stronger today than it was back then.”

Mr Forese is not the only one of his peers enjoying the unlikely resurgence ofinvestment banking a decade after the crisis. Indeed, data collected by the FinancialTimes show that group-wide profits last year of $78.4bn across the top nine investmentbanks — excluding the much-changed Bank of America — were higher than the $75.4bnrecorded in 2007. Industry profits in dollar terms are back to pre-crisis levels.

At JPMorgan, the world’s biggest investment bank by revenue every year since 2010,investment bank head Daniel Pinto sees global growth driving revenue higher in thecoming years, while big banks like his deploy technology to cut costs and win clients.

UK-headquartered HSBC has quietly doubled the size of some investment bankbusinesses in the past decade. Samir Assaf, its global banking and markets chief, says hewill continue hiring and outgrowing the market supported by the performance ofHSBC’s Asian operations.

Even at Barclays, which has had a turbulent journey through the crisis, their investmentbank head Tim Throsby is bullish, speaking of his willingness to row back on somecrisis-era cuts if it makes financial sense. “I speak to a lot of young people in our teamsand some of them at different stages over the last number of years have wondered . . . are the best days for our industry over?” says Mr Throsby. “I think anything but.”

Investment banks have spent much of the decade under a shadow since the meltdown ofthe US mortgage market. They have watched private equity firms and hedge funds taketheir place at the top of the finance food chain. Executives have complained loudly thatthe regulations put in place after the crisis have hampered their ability to operate.

However, the sector has also benefited from some powerful trends. The last year hasbrought the American banks higher interest rates and a corporate tax cut that promisesto put trillions into the pockets of US companies. Crisis-era mergers, such as Barclays’assimilation of the US arm of Lehman Brothers, JPMorgan’s purchase of WashingtonMutual and the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch deal, have left the surviving banks withgreater economies of scale. A succession of cost-cutting plans has made them leaner andan M&A boom has boosted fee income.

Investment banks have also regained their cachet among ambitious graduates. Even theimperilled Deutsche Bank attracted 110,000 applications for its 2018 graduate scheme.

Investment banks 10 years on


James Forese, investment bank chief‘Even from the [high] of the 2005/06period . . . our franchise is much strongertoday than it was back then’


Samir Assaf, global banking and marketschief ‘We said our advantage is to be capitalheavy as long as we know how to price it[capital]’

While the headline figures show robust earnings, the aftermath of the crisis stilllingers. Largely as a result of regulatory demands, the nine banks whose finances wereanalysed by the FT have almost doubled their shareholders’ equity from the end of 2007to the end of last year. The result has been lower returns. While profits may be back topre-crisis levels, the return on equity most definitely is not and bankers concede itprobably never will be.

“They [investment banks] are not seen as valuable parts of global diversified banks.They are seen as a drag on group profitability and on valuation,” says Sven Oestmann,senior equity analyst at Fidelity, one of the world’s biggest institutional investors.

That ambivalence is partly a reflection of the bailouts that so many banks required adecade ago. Citi, for instance, received $45bn of public funds to prevent it followingLehman’s path.

“In capital markets, Citi is strategically positioned perhaps better than at any timebefore given its balance sheet strength, more measured expansion and competitorretreat,” says Mike Mayo, a banks analyst at Wells Fargo. “Yet, there is no way to saythat Citi is a winner since before the financial crisis when Citi, in our view, effectivelyfailed.”

In Europe, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS, which were once among the world’sbiggest investment banks, were bailed out. Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Barclaysavoided rescues but repeatedly went cap in hand to shareholders after trading lossesand multibillion-dollar fines.

On top of that, the investment banks have to navigate a very different environment.Regulations have in effect banned them from once-lucrative activities such as tradingstocks on their own behalf and co-investing in funds with clients. Areas includingtrading structured products have all but dried up as clients balked at the collapse invalue of some instruments and revelations of widespread manipulation of others,especially mortgage-backed bonds.

Europe’s investment banks have fallen out of the world’s top five since 2015 after aseries of exits from Asia, the US and their still fragile home market in continentalEurope.

For groups across the world, competitive threats have sprung from sources that wouldhave been unthinkable even a few years ago, as big banks face off against everyone fromthe likes of Amazon and Apple to two-man online trading shops.

Investment banks 10 years on


Tim Throsby, head of investment banking‘A lot of young people in our teams havewondered are the best days for our industryover? I think anything but’


Daniel Pinto, investment bank head ‘Themarket is going to have to grow over thelong term because the world will grow’

Mr Forese attributes Citi’s improved fortunes to a “less is more” approach. “Theimportant parts for us were the decisions that we took in the immediate wake of thecrisis . . . we became a much more focused and much simpler business model.”

Citi has grown market share with its best clients while jettisoning activities in insuranceand non-bank lending. The investment bank was deemed core, but within that MrForese’s division now serves “a little over 12,000” clients, less than half the 32,000 itboasted of pre-crisis.

Citi’s biggest success was in fixed income, currencies and commodities, a business thathas mainly hit the post-crisis headlines for huge falls in revenue, including GoldmanSachs’ horrendous 2017. Citi made $12.1bn in FICC revenues last year, eclipsingGoldman to become the second biggest trading player after JPMorgan. Citi also grewstrongly in debt capital markets, the business of advising companies on selling bonds.

“Who would have thought that the old Salomon Brothers franchise would make thiscomeback in a different form with different management and added capabilities?” asksMr Mayo, referring to the 1997 purchase of bond house Salomon Brothers. “There’sbeen a revival of the legacy franchise in the name of a refurbished and stronger Citi.”

The US investment banks say the problems experienced by some of their Europeanrivals helped them gain share. But they do not expect to have it so easy in the future.

Trading was also at the centre of HSBC’s investment bank growth. HSBC averagedannual trading revenues of $2.32bn in 2006 and 2007. Last year, its trading divisiondrew in $5.4bn and was the fifth largest of the 10 banks.

HSBC’s Mr Assaf believes “one of the best calls” his bank made was around 2014 whenothers, particularly in Europe, wanted to exit businesses that required a lot of capitalunder new regulations. “We said no, our advantage is to be capital heavy as long as weknow how to price it [capital],” he says.

Deutsche chief executive Christian Sewing: the bank attracted 110,000 applications for its 2018 graduate scheme

At Barclays, Mr Throsby must contend with a parent company that is reluctant togrow its investment bank exposure and a shareholder base that remains decidedlyhostile to his business. One activist investor is petitioning Barclays to sell theinvestment bank.

But Mr Throsby, a JPMorgan veteran who joined 17 months ago, argues that despitelimited resources Barclays will emerge as the pre-eminent European investment bank.“We’re the only European bank that’s deadly serious . . . about having a serious transatlantic corporate and investment bank,” he says. “TheUS is the largest capital market in the world and also the most lucrative.”

With an enlarged Wall Street presence thanks to the acquisition of Lehman’s Americanbusiness, US revenue makes up 55 per cent of Barclays’ corporate and investment bank,and more than 55 per cent of its profit.

In Asia the bank cut back sales and trading of equities in 2016, in one of its first bigstrategic decisions after former JPMorgan investment banker Jes Staley became groupchief executive. It also withdrew investment bankers from some Asian markets.

“We’ve let people confuse that [pulling out ofcash equities in Asia] with either a general lackof enthusiasm for Asia or a more generalwithdrawal from Asia. Neither of which is thecase,” says Mr Throsby. As if to prove a pointBarclays has already sent its bankers back intoAustralia.

Yet despite the recent revival of investmentbank fortunes, shareholders in many banks willneed a lot of persuasion before they support


Fidelity’s Mr Oestmann sees big challenges for European groups, which are onlyallowed to keep their investment banks because it would be too difficult to sell or closethem. He says: “The market’s view of US investment banks is more favourable.”

Their insatiable appetite for capital has been one of investors’ biggest concerns abouttrading businesses. The end of quantitative easing is another risk — when American andEuropean central banks stop flooding their economies with cheap money, no one knowshow asset prices, or global growth, will react.

But with President Donald Trump in the White House, bankers believe capital demandshave peaked. The administration has already begun easing the Volcker rule, whichbanned banks from trading on their own behalf. Banks also believe they will reapefficiency gains from the application of new technology.

“We’re not going back to the returns on equity before the crisis,” says Mr Throsby. “ButI do think that with effective technology we can have healthy businesses, healthy returnsand healthy margins.” That’s a lot more than bankers could have predicted a decadeago.




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The Big Read Investment Banking Add to myFT

Investment banking: stronger franchisesemerge 10 years after crisis

The biggest banks are even more profitable now than they were in the mid-2000s, butshareholders still face low returns on equity

11/06/2018, 19*19Page 1 of 1