The Big Bang, a Black Hole, and the Last Echo

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  • 8/8/2019 The Big Bang, a Black Hole, and the Last Echo


    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    WHAT IF?

    Imagine that you have a giant eraser andthe ability to erase the entire physical world. No traceat all is to remain of spacetime. No life, no stars, no galaxies, no universes, no dark energy nor

    dark matter, no particles, no waves, no quanta. No sign whatsoever that this realm ever

    existed. When you have finished erasing, I am going to ask you whether or not anything else

    exists. Knowing full well that you will be looking through your physical eyes and hearing with

    your physical ears, I will still ask that question. Of course, most of you will not see anything.

    Sensing your frustration, I will drop a little hint adding that time is a unique construct of

    physical reality or spacetime. It does not exist elsewhere. Yes, even though I know the answer,

    I will ask once again whether or not anything exists behind our physical world.

    This paper is about the reality that I found beyond the physical realm. It is about what I had to

    learn in order to answer that question and the others that subsequently arose. It is about

    twenty-three years of preparation, planning, research, analysis, checking and double checking

    and discovery. It is about thinking outside the box, it is about the establishment of a new point

    of reference, it is about the history we all shared prior to the creation of the physical realm, it is

    about new discoveries, and it is about the Black Hole in which we now find ourselves.


    Technology has provided us with the ability to see and hear the world. The weather extremes,

    the fires, the epidemics, the famines, the superbugs, the draughts, the floods, the pestilence,

    the manmade and natural disasters, the corporate upheavals, the unraveling of public and

    private lives, the seeming failure of the worlds economic system, the loss of the family, thefailings of many of the worlds religious myths, the inadequate educational systems, the

    continual wars, the loss of personal integrity, and the inability of the person to police himself

    are some of the factors that are trying to tell us something else is going on. This is not about

    Global Warming. Neither is it about carbon dioxide nor the absence of the oceans conveyors.

    Yet, it is about the frequency and depth of these reoccurring cycles. These are merely

    symptoms of something much more significant.

    Nothing in our world stands alone. Because of the dimension we call time, everything that

    occurs has been as a result of something else that has alre ady happened or the cause and

    effect relationship. Isolated events just do not exist. In this paper as in life, seemingly isolated

    events will merge.


    Although it had not yet come into play, I had one of those rare moments of mental clarity late

    in the summer of 1987. Out of nowhere, I found myself staring at the coordinate plane in which

    I had plotted some simple equations. When I began taking incremental steps around some of

    the points, I recognized that Calculus had a role to play. Even though I had majored in

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    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    theoretical mathematics in the early 60s, this was far from normal behavior for me. Hidden in

    a safe place, I still have the paper on which I wrote, It is about the point and something has to

    change. Deep down I knew it had to be important.


    I had not set out to open a new frontier. Nor had I set out to write a paper of this nature. My

    original intent had been to find out why I and others were not healing. Illness had plagued me

    for quite some time seeming only to worsen regardless of the medical approach that I tried.

    Neither traditional nor nontraditional methods had made any type of significant or lasting

    difference. Because intuition told me that the physical body had the ability to heal itself, I was

    driven. More than anything I can explain, I wanted to understand the reason behind this. As

    sick as I had become, I had never accepted illness as a normal occurrence.

    Accompanying my intent was the methodology I had developed as an alternative therapist. It is

    one that I had refined and used successfully for over fourteen years with my clients. It is here,

    too, through continued practice, that my inner skills had not only developed, but had also

    become increasingly sharper and more accurate. Traversing ones subconscious had become a

    norm for me and those who sought my services. The map that I used for a journey of this

    nature belonged exclusively to the individual as it was his genetic trail that we followed. I

    would be doing the same.

    In2001, I stepped down from all organizational and community involvement, the workshops

    that I used to create and facilitate, the community college responsibilities I had hadas an event

    coordinator, and unless absolutely necessary, anything social. I was now ready.


    Having treated this realm with the utmost respect, I was surprised when the format seemed to

    shift. Unlike previous experiences, I found myself in an area of the subconscious I had never

    known existed. If the subconscious had strata, this would have been the one closest to my

    waking consciousness. Even my genetic trail, reflecting this experience, had shifted. My genetic

    code was now triple tiered. It was in retrospect that I realized the enormous impact of this

    event; I had opened a new portal. In turn, this opening had enabled me to cross a boundary,

    the Big Bang, into a territory that we had kept hidden from ourselves. Not only was this the

    plane of our origin and as such housed our history, but also it carried with it an equallyastonishing and foreboding surprise. Had I not seen it and gone back countless times to double

    check, I never would have believed that we are in a Black Hole. The fact that I had discovered a

    new frontier seemed dwarfed in comparison.

    Not only had I found answers to the health care issue, but also answers to anything and

    everything else imaginable. Ironically, all were wrapped in the same package. It was all about

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    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    us. Although we now had two separate planes of existence with which to contend, two

    mutually exclusive planes, it was really about the existence of our physical world; it was about

    the why and how it was created; and it was about the bullet we are still dodging.


    It has taken me twenty-three years to develop the tools I have needed to make this journey and

    to be able to understand and relay those findings. The jubilation I experienced as I finally was

    able to wrap my consciousness around this material is equal to nothing else I have known. Still

    there are areas of continuing concern.

    I. Resistance

    More time has been spent overcoming resistance than anything else I have encountered. As the

    majority of that is built into our genetic code, its complexity requires that I leave that foranother publication. Its omission is not for lack of importance.

    II. Time

    As often as I have replayed that first image, it has always been one of awe. The realization of

    where I was and the sudden knowing that we had a history prior to the Big Bang merged into a

    singular moment. As if that moment did not hold enough, my awareness that the dimension of

    time did not exist in this plane shook me to the core. When I stepped back it was not the Black

    Hole that was of importance at that moment, it was the absence of time.

    III. Language

    The further one delves into this material, the more one meets the limitation of language. Not

    only is our language time dependent, everything we do including this sentence reeks of time.

    The fact that time does not exist does not mean that things do not happen. They simply occur

    in a different manner. Finding the best words to describe such situations has been a constant


    IV. Logic and Mathematics

    Most of who we are and what we do is based on the dimension we call time. In this field,

    logic as we know it does not exist. There is no before and after. No if, then. No cause and

    effect relationship. Anything sequential does not exist because it implies time. As counting is

    sequential, it and mathematics do not exist. They are simply unnecessary. Again, my challenge.

    V. The Game

    Because of its complexity, its unwritten rules and penalties, and its ability to survive most

    anything, this is a topic that needs to be mentioned. More than a decade of research has left

    me with reams of information and a knowing that it is neither the time nor place for the

    dissertation it warrants. When I stepped outside the box, I met its full force.

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    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    VI. Resistance To Change

    A significant issue still remains. How do I explain to you that our physical world, all of itincluding the technological advancements and scientific theories and discoveries we have

    made, is nothing more than an elaborate camouflage designed to keep us distracted? How do I

    explain to you that that which we consider normal or natural is nothing more than a world we

    created in order to hide?

    How do I tell you that we are a resultant? How do I tell you that there was an event in that first

    plane causing a select group of us to flee. How do I tell you that that act of running from

    became the first Cause and Effect relationship ever to exist? How do I tell you it was that

    movement from a plane in which time did not exist that established the dimension of time

    and a new plane of existence? How do I tell you things you really do not want to know?


    I. The Scientific Method

    Who amongst us would jump out of an airplane with half a parachute? In research as in life,

    that is exactly what we have been doing. We have been attempting to explain the workings of

    our world with half a tool box. That works for our physical plane perhaps more so than we

    would like to believe. As there is a significant part of each of us that does not want to

    remember that we have a past, it is no accident that this plane had not been discovered before

    this point. We have relied upon, justified, and allowed one little room to deviate from a

    Scientific Method which promulgates using only a portion of our senses. Not all, just some. Inparticular, only those which can be utilized to actually see and measure the physical. Through

    its use we have been able to glean just enough information to keep ourselves safely ensconced

    in our comfortable physical reality, forever searching for answers to bigger questions.

    II. Calculus

    Calculus, a tool of unbelievable proportions, has enabled us to change the way we live. It is

    used to gain insight, to explain, and to alter. It is a strategy. It is used to predict, to compute, to

    analyze, etc. Its foundation is built upon an analysis of motion which is a change of position

    over time.

    Calculus, unlike the Scientific Method, is a Two Tiered Tool. Calculus functions in intervals or

    defined places. The holes in calculus are created by the undefined places or actual points in

    which motion does not exist. It is in these instances that calculus does not function because it

    is here that time is nonexistent. It is those points or the complement of calculus that we need

    to examine.

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    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    Earlier I asked you to erase the physical world. Here that is not necessary. By its own

    definitions, calculus has already done this for us. It is where calculus is not defined that we findthose points, 0/0. (Putting this into words: no change in position over no change in time

    indicates no motion.) Although the set of those points, 0/0, is infinite, the reflexive property

    reduces this to a single point, 0/0. It is that point, the point in which time does not exist, that

    lies behind calculus. These holes in calculus have been our window to our past; we just had not

    seen them in that light.

    Perhaps easier to understand: just removing time reduces every point in calculus to the fraction

    y/x where y= 0 and x=0 or 0/0, which in calculus has no definition. Although the set of all

    those points, 0/0, is infinite, the reflexive property, once again, reduces that set to a single

    point. Without the dimension of time, calculus collapses into a single point. Calculus is not onlya tool used to describe our physical plane, but its complement also describes the world behind

    it or the Point.

    III. Intelligent Design

    Intelligent Design is as neutral a phrase as I could find to explain the concept of an overriding

    and supreme intelligence. In this case it is nowhere more evident than the Black Hole. Then

    again, not all Black Holes have been created equal. Within the physical realm, a Black Hole is

    seen as dynamically ominous. Outside our experience, it operates differently for there it is not

    forced to adhere to the rigid confines of our physical existence.

    Although it has the capability, it is not the terrifying monster of the physical realm. When I first

    saw it, it appeared as a gently, floating target. Its concentric circles were colored in black and

    white with a deep black, but flat center. At that time I was aware only that this represented the

    way home. As I soon found, progress though the outer rings represented a shortcut through

    the maze of impossible dreams we had created. The lessons we would encounter successfully

    within its rings would enable our return to its center, its heart, the Garden of Eden.

    The differences between then and now are marked by two major changes: the change in the

    center and our movement towards it. Three dimensional now, it has taken on the look of the

    typical Dark Hole we see in the physical world with the very center the heart . It has responded

    once again as it has so many other times.

    Yes, it is a being, a consciousness, a life form. Or what one might call a gift. This Black hole is a

    point of creation, a point of destruction and the Garden of Eden all in one. Years ago I watched

    as our experience began. From the ripple in the fabric of all to the sudden expansion of

    consciousness, I was transfixed. Now it all has come together. It responds to us. It reacts to us.

    It is guiding us.

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    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    In 1987 I wrote on a piece of paper that it was about the Point and that something had to

    change. At that time I had no idea that is was I who had to change. Development of my inner

    senses occurred because I needed an answer about illness and was willing to challenge the

    status quo. Finding that point behind physical reality was no accident. I had been preparing for

    many years.

    That point, the original point of our creation, contained all of us, the set of all probabilities or

    probable outcomes, and a directive which gave no rules, no regulations, nor any penalties. Not

    even a moment existed between its creation and its destruction. I have watched that explosion

    too many times to count. From the physical it has been called the Big Bang.

    No more than a rogue probability, we were the one group who escaped destruction. The little

    that remains of us is housed now in the human form avoiding any and everything that could

    remind us that we have a history in a realm that differs from this in almost every way. We are

    also the beings who have stalled the completion of this most unique and dynamic experiment.

    It is because of us and our choices that this repeating cycle has continued.

    Within the larger cycle, the one of total destruction, are housed many other shorter and less

    disastrous cycles. It is the frequency and depth of these reoccurring cycles that should be of

    concern. These are carefully orchestrated and simple reminders to us of who we can be.


    Because so many of us have begun to shift our thinking, the steering currents of this experience

    have also shifted. Many have already left the physical existence. Many, many more have begun

    to return to the Garden. It is important to note that not all will. The voyage from the outer ring,

    for many, is too difficult as it involves introspection and the ownership of choices. For those

    who cannot make this move, their choices will be as different as their outcomes. As this

    movement into the Garden represents a huge change, we as a group have gone through the

    Last Echo, the last repeat. No longer will this be a singular group experience. Individual choices

    will matter. With so many of us now wanting to remember, the power of this group defense

    mechanism has been broken.


    When I closed my eyes in order to embark on this journey, I had no concept of what was to take

    place. Now I find that I have opened a door to another frontier. I have found another plane of

    our existence; one that contains our history. Not only have I gone there, but through the use of

    the complement of calculus, I have proven that that plane exists. And, of course, there is the

    Black Hole in which we now find ourselves.

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    The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last EchoPatricia A. Daniels

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    Our physical realm has hidden much from us. That we have a past that has been obscured is a

    given. That we have been unable to acknowledge and use the precious gift of time is also agiven. That we have robbed ourselves of the opportunity to learn from the past, we can


    Then there is the Black Hole that is ever so gently nudging us.


    A new frontier has emerged, one which houses implications that reach not only into allbranches of science and theology, but into health and healthcare, medical science,

    pharmaceutical, psychology, sociology, economics, education, the aging process, genomics,

    research, etc.


    Big Bang, Black Hole, Last Echo, genetic trail, point of reference, intelligent design, The Game,

    resistance to change, New Frontier, Garden of Eden, steering currents, complement of calculus,

    triple-tiered genetic code, subconscious strata, The Point,


    For over a decade I have compiled information. As it continues its exponential expansion, it has

    become apparent that this is no longer a one person operation. That has already begun to

    change. In the meanwhile I will continue to write, publish, and speak.