The BG News February 18, 2002 - ScholarWorks@BGSU

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ELECTION TIME: Gov. Taft chooses his funning mate for the fall election; PAGE 3

State University

independent student press

MONDAY February 18,



Students are cause of high prices By Pattie Rengifo IHE BG NEWS

Do you think the prices in the dining halls are too expensive? The answer from many students is a resounding "yes!"

The price of an average meal varies from S4 to $8, multiply this number by 3, the number of meals in a day, then add $4 for in between meal snacks and stu- dents are paying S16 to $28 a day on meals. Many students feel this is way too much hut a closer look at dining sendee's employment strategies and theft by students reveals a clearer picnire.

Jamie Cremean a student supervisor at Founders Dining hall said dining services pays its student workers more than other department on campus because of the constant need for students to work in the dining halls. According to Cremean students who start with Dining Services might make $6 an hour while stu- dents who work at the library for instance might only make $5.50 an hour.

John Grossman, the manager of Commons Dining hall, said, "Students who work for dining services for 3 or more years and

have positions such as student manager can make up to $15 an hour."

Dining Services uses this tactic to attract workers. This extra money that they pay is added on to the cost of dining on campus.

Because Dining Services is an auxiliary department, they receive no state funds or general fee allocations According to "Hot Pot," the Dining Services fall newsletter, "all operating expens- es arc required to be paid from resident meal plans and cash sales from non-resident cus- tomers." This also contributes to

the pricing. Theft in dining halls con-

tributes the most to high prices though. "F.verything can and is stolen: plates, trays, silverware, even food is stolen." said Cremean. She explained that all these small things add up and contribute to the prices of food. The unofficial total for replace- ment items for fall semester 2000 was $10,091.18. In Kreischer Dining Hall alone, replacement of 9" dinner plates cost $1,505.66.

Dave Matey, general manager of Commons [lining, said. "People don't realize that a case of

dishes cost so much — and the only way to make up for that loss is to increase prices."

Of the four dining centers on campus, Commons, Founders, McDonald and Kreischer, Commons has the least amount of theft with an estimated cost of replacement items at $1,284 for fall 2000. Kreischer had the most, $5,307.47 in the same semester.

"The dining halls that are con- nected to dorms have a higher amount of theft." said Doreen Bateson, manager at Commons Dining. She said this might hap- pen because students take their

food to their rooms and simply keep the plates, silverware and trays.

Grossman in Commons said "Theft has a major contribution to the prices." Besides the cost of replacing the stolen item, addi- tional costs include paving an employee to sanitize the new items when they could be doing something more productive. Other charges stemming from stolen objects include the cost of extra cleaning supplies, long dis-



Chris Schooler BG News

ROCK ON: Scott Terry, lead singer of Red Wanting Blue, performs at Battle of the Bands. Battle of the Bands was a free concert put on at the new Bowen-Thompson Union last Friday.

Attacks inspire research Attacks offer renewed inspiration to research aimed at reducing terrorist damage.

By Margaret Stafford ' !HE ASSOCIATED PRESS

I COLUMBIA. Ma — The Sept. H terrorist attacks and the threat pf bioterrorism have given new inspiration to research projects that started in response to oilier attacks, particularly the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

At the University of Missouri- Columbia, researchers are study-

ing a method for quick deconta- mination after a biological attack. Another project is Finding ways to make buildings more resistant to bomb damage.

A St. Louis company has con- sistently fielded calls from peo- ple interested in a decades-old product that prevents windows from shattering.

None of these projects was prompted by the current war on terrorism, but they have taken on new urgency since planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

"After Oklahoma City and the Unabomber, we realized the kinds of threats that were out there." said Dr. Kenneth

McDonald, an associate research professor in Missouri's College of Engineering. "VJe knewwecould use this technology to address bioterrorism. Then the anthrax scare really stimulated this pro- gram."

McDonald and Dr. Randy Curry are leading a team testing a decontamination process that quickly kills several microbes, including anthrax.

The process involves a combi- nation of cleansers and chemi- cals that kill some microbes within minutes of being sprayed on or applied to surfaces. The kill time can be 100 to 1,000 times faster when ultraviolet light is added to thp nrorpss

The project, which has been funded for three years by the U.S. Marine Corps, began as a way to get decontaminated military equipment back into action.

Tests for other possible uses have shown that the chemicals kill spores on all surfaces, such as chairs, office papers and carpets. The combination is environ- mentally friendly, does not dam- age surfaces or require cleanup, McDonald said.

Researchers are working to make the compound available to firefighters or medical personnel, and they hope to determine its


"On one level you think the University is exploiting people. But for some, the

system works fine."


Are part-time profe exploited?

By Chuck Soder IKE BG NEWS

Depending on who you ask, pan-time teaching at the University is either convenient or grueling. Lucy Long an assis- tant professor in the pop culture department, believes it is conve- nient for her, since the shorter hours allow her to spend more time with her three children. I'm home witfi them in die after- noon," she said.

In addition, Long believes part-time teaching has other advantages. It provides her with more time for other endeavors — she completes research for museum exhibits and produces documentary videos. "I'm in the office for about four hours a day," she said. "But I can take a day away from the office and still work — I may spend an entire day working at the museum. "Furthermore, she has more say in picking which courses to teach. "1 can turn down classes I'm not interested in."

However, l-ong is more fortu- nate than some part-time facul- ty, since her husband also works.

'ITiis helps offset the fact that part-time faculty earn less money and receive fewer bene- fits than their full-time counter- pans Recognizing her fortunate situation, long admits diat other teachers supporting themselves with part-time work might not be as fortunate. "I'm in an unusual position," she said.

As for the less fortunate pan- time faculty. Phil Dickinson wor- ries . One of his duties is to keep co-workers aware of part-timers' concerns.

"I try to keep the issues on their minds," he said. Dickinson understands die difficulties that pan-time faculty have to con- tend with, since he worked part time from 1995 to 1997. For instance, he states, "even though part timers may teach fewer classes at this University, they often teach courses elsewhere to support themselves."

"Some have to teach seven to eight, maybe 10 courses."

In addition, the lack of bene-


Sleep study yields interesting results


CHICAGO — Don't fret if you don't get eight hours of sleep a night — new research suggests adults live longer if they get six or seven.

Even the study's authors say it is not time to reset the alarm clock just yet

The research is based on a nationwide survey of 1.1 million adults. It found that those who slept eight hours a night were 12 percent more likely to die within six years than those who got 6 112 to 7 112 hours of sleep. The increased risk was more than 15 percent for diosc who reported getting more than 81/2 hours or less dian about 4 hours nightly.

The participants were ages 30 to 102. Few reported frequent insomnia—which, despite pop- ular belief, was not associated with an increased risk of death.

"Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health," said lead

author Dr. Daniel Kripke, a psy- chiatrist at the University of California at San Diego.

The study was published in February's Archives of General Psychiatry.

Sleep experts said the research has several flaws. The study was not actually designed to look at sleep's effect on longevity. It relied on patients' recollections of their sleep habits and did not ask if tiiey took naps. It did not look at the quality of people's sleep or whether diey felt drowsy all day.

Dr. Phyllis Zee, director of Northwestern Memorial I (capital's sleep disorders center, said die results probably do not reflect the general population because participants were not randomly selected but were mainly friends and relatives of volunteers for the American Cancer Society, which collected the data as part of a 1982 survey on cancer risks.


2 Monday, February 18, 2002 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

75 million to go private

Associated Press Photo

PRIVATE: Students walk to class at the Oregon Institute of Technology last thursday. The school has been offered 75 million dollars to refuse state funding and go private.


KIAMATH FAliS. Ore. - A businessman who buill an Oregon wood products mill into an inlemalional conglomerate is offering a small public technical college $75 million to slip off the golden handcuffs of state fund- ing and go private.

If Oregon Institute of Technology drops out of the Oregon University System, the move would apparently be unprecedented in modem U.S. history.

Dick Wendt is not saying why he is so interested in OH — he did not attend the school — or exacdy what he hopes to accom- plish. I Ic has refused interviews.

He has held closed-door dis- cussions with school officials and persuaded some that going private could help 3,100-student OfT reach its full potential by

freeing it from the constant threat of state budget cuts and restrictions on the classes it can offer.

The 70-year-old Wendt is chairman of Icld-Wen Inc., which is No. 102 on the Forties 500 list of private U.S. corpora- tions and sells doors, windows, educational materials for Third World classrooms, and resort time-shares.

Me is known for pushing wel- fare recipients to work, support- ing privatization of Social Security, and giving generously to support medicine, perform- ing arts and American Indian culture.

OIT President Martha Anne Dow said she feels a responsibil- ity to give the idea serious con- sideration because of state fund- ing cutbacks. "It is a very tight time in higher education right now," she said.

Sleep less to live longer says study

Research inspired after Sept. attacks


Zee said it is possible that par- ticipants who got little sleep or slept eight hours or more had medical problems that would explain their increased death rate.

About 5 percent of the women and 9 percent of the men died (luring the six years after the sur- vey, with heart disease and can- cer the leading causes.

ITie research neglects strong evidence thai there are natural sleep variations, said psycholo- gist Rosalind Cartwright of the

-.sleep disorders center at Rush- Preshyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago.

"Then arc natural-bom short sleepers who are perfectly healthy with fewer than six or fewer hours," Cartwright said. "They couldn't sleep more if you paid them — because we've tried, and they can't."

She added: "There are natur- al-bom long sleepers, who if they try to shorten their sleep to six hours, they're going to be grumpy."

And even mild sleep depriva- tion may result in daytime sleepiness and accidents, as Drs. Daniel Buysscand MaryGanguli of Pittsburgh's Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic noted in an accompanying editorial.

RESEARCH, FROM PAGE 1 effectiveness on other bacterial viruses, such as smallpox or Ebob.

"We have not run every test that we would like to. We would also like to do some more basic science," McDonald said. "But we think it is highly encourag- ing so far."

McDonald and Curry recent- ly briefed the Environmental Protection Agency on the decontamination process. Continued funding will depend on how the government decides to apply it.

"A lot depends on how quick- ly they want to accelerate the research," McDonald said.

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February 18 - Creating Commitment and Motivation Mr. Doug Klein, Ms. Sarah Tomashefski, and Ms. Jennifer IVi/er, Graduate Students Masters of Organization Development Students Discover how leadership, group goal setting, recruitment, retention, culture, types of feedback, and rewards affect a member's commitment to your student organization. This workshop will give student leaders important tools, and resources to increase their members' commitment.

"Before Sept. 11, it may have been up to two years. Now it could be within the six- to 12- month range."

Another type of weapon — bombs — is the focus of a research project at the universi- ty's National Center for Explosion Resistant Design. There, researchers are working to find new or improved designs to make buildings stur-

dier. That research, funded by the

Army Corps of Engineers,

began in response to the Oklahoma City bombing and attacks on U.S. embassies and military banacks overseas.

Faculty weighs in on part-time prof issue PART-TIME. FROM PAGE 1

fits worries Dickinson. Benefits part-time faculty go without include health, dental and pre- scription drug plans, according to the University's Web site. "Health insurance — that's the big one," Dickinson said. The fact that part timers' spouses and children go without such coverage adds to the the issue's importance, he added. For part timers to change their situation would be difficult as they aren't as involved in the decision mak- ing process, according to Dickinson. "Part-time faculty are sometimes called 'invisible faculty'."

Although Long is content with her position, she agrees with Dickinson about part timers' lack of power: "It feels like you don't really belong to the

faculty sometimes," she said. "You don't have much say."

Recently, Dickinson addressed several of these issues when he spoke at Campus Equity Day last November. To help solve the problems, he thinks more courses should be taught by full-time faculty. "At least more employees would gel benefits then," he added. His wish is about to he granted. To cope with a smaller budget, the University has plans to greatly cut back on its use of part time faculty this fall, Dickinson said. Full timers will leach more class- es to close the gap.

However, Dickinson acknowl- edges thai part time work is valuable to leathers like Long. "It's a really complex situation," Dickinson said. "On one level you think the University is exploiting people. Bui for some, the system works fine."

High Dining Service prices not unfounded DINNING, FROM PAGE 1

lance phone charges from reordering the merchandise and added utility costs.

"Replacing stolen items lakes lime away from other things that are very important." said Grossman.

Besides plates, trays, and utensils, students also steal food though to a lesser extent. Crcmean said, "1 have seen peo- ple steal a piece of chicken by puning it in a large to-go box and covering it with salad." People gel a glass of Sierra Mist and put a lemon in it and tell the cashier its water. People also eal some amount of their food before they get to the cash regis- ter to weigh it.

According to Grossman "The university's policy on theft is simply to kindly remind stu-

dents not lo take plates and trays out of the dining hall."

Die student handbook how- ever clearly slates that removing dining room property such as plates, trays , etc. is considered theft and ihe university may take judicial action.

In the end there is sound expi- ation for most things, including why the University charges $4.35 for a box of Fruity Pebbles when it can be found at Meijer for $2.49. That extra $1.86 pays for the students who work at the store, cleaning, rent, supplies and the cosl of theft from the store.

The next time you think about carrying out that plale on a tray and not reluming it you could be part of the reason the univer- sity charges $4.35 for a box of Fruity Pebbles that can be found at Meijer for $2.49.


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SWE Taft names Bradley as running mate


COLUM BUS, Ohio — Oov. Bob Tali's choice of a black woman from Columbus for his running mate is either a bold move to widen Republicans' appeal, as the GOP says, or one of political expediency, as Democrats be- lieve.

Taft last week picked Columbus City Councilwoman lennetlc Bradley as his lieutenant governor candidate in the November election. The decision came two weeks after his Democratic opponent, former Cuyahoga County Commissioner Tim Hagan picked a black woman from the same City Council, Charleta Tavares, lo run on his ticket.

Taft and Ohio Republican Party Chairman Robert Bennett said the move was part of the OOP's "big lent" message of inclusion.

Bradley is pro-choice on the abortion issue while Taft is opposed to abortion except in cases of rape, incest or if the life of the mother is threatened.

In his announcement, Taft said Bradley's selection was intended, in pan, to show that the Republican Party should embrace views across the politi- cal spectrum, not just those of its conservative wing.

Hagan praised Taft for his choice, saying it was time that the lop of the statewide tickets reflect the diversity that Ohio offers. Other Democrats, however, said Taft's choice was intended to counter I lagan's pick.

Taft and other Republicans have not all of a sudden made women and minorities priorities, said Melanie Blumberg, an assis- tant professor at the California University (Pa.) who worked for fonner President Clinton's cam-

paigns in Ohio. "What he's doing is transpar-

ent. On the surface, it looks like an astute political move, but what are the Republicans trying to do? They are trying to cut into Tun Hagan's base," Blumberg said. "What they don't understand is the Hagan family has a long his- tory of reaching out to minorities and ethnic groups. They didn't all of a sudden convert."

Hagan is the son of a Democratic slate legislator and the brother of state Sen. Robert Hagan, a Youngstown Democrat.

William Binning, chairman of the political science department at Youngstown State University, said Taft's pick was an attempt to get more Republicans behind the ticket. Since he likely will have no primary challenger, Taft can risk alienating the far-right wing of his party, said Binning, who advised Republican Govs. George

Voinovich and the late lames A. Rhodes.

"What you do in a general elec- tion campaign is go to the cen- ter." Binning said. "That's been sort of the approach of the Republican ticket for some time now."

Gene Beaupre. a political sci- ence professor at Xavier University in Cincinnati, said Taft's history as a household name in Republican circles allows him to take chances others might avoid.

"Certainly, Bob Taft is one of the few Republicans statewide who could do that. His creden- tials among that wing of the party allows him to do that," Beaupre said. "The Republicans frequent- ly talk about being more inclu- sive. I'm sure that's the kind of language he will use."

folQCflM Prr^s PhfllB

WELCOME: Columbus city councilwoman Jennette Bradley, left, and Ohio Gov. Bob Taft wave to supporters.

Adoption case enters state Supreme Court By Charles Wolfe 'HE ASSOICMtD PRESS

l-RANKPORT. Ky. — An adop- tion dispute pitting a 4-year-old's birth parents in Kentucky againsl an Ohio couple who have raised him reached the Kentucky Supreme Court on Friday.

Unmarried birth parents Rcgina Moore and lerry Doming and prospectiveudoptivL' parents Richard and Cheryl Asente sat on opposite sides of the courtroom as lawyers argued about whether the Kentucky couple knew what they were doing when they

signed a consent fonn for lustin Asente's adoption.

Their attorney said they thought they were agreeing only to let the child go temporarily to Ohio with the Asentes. Moore and Doming "did not give a vol- untary and infomied consent to the adoption of their child," attor- ney Glcnda Harrison told the jus- tices.

The Asentes' attorney, Mitchell Chamcy. argued that there was nothing misleading about the papers. "They're valid. They were voluntary. The birth parents were

fully informed," Chaniey said. lustin, a blue-eyed redhead

who turns 5 next week, has lived with Ihe Asentes in Girard in northeast Ohio since he was 11 months old. The couple had already adopted his brother, loey, now 6. loey's adoption is not being contested.

Chamey said Moore also gave up for adoption a half-sibling to the boys. "Moore and Doming are not novices in the adoption arena," Chamey said.

Bui Moore and Doming allowed loey Asente to be placed

through an adoption agency in Ohio. Justin's was to be a private adoption, which required termi- nation of the couple's parental rights, but that never occurred. Harrison said her clients had a change of heart after signing the "consent to adoption" forms drawn up by Tom Donnelly, an attorney who was paid by the Asentes.

Harrison also said the consent form was contradictory. It stated in one paragraph that the con- sent was irrevocable but in another paragraph that consent

would become irrevocable upon termination of parental rights, I larrison said.

A Kenton County Circuit Court judge agreed that the papers were not signed knowingly and volun- tarily. The Asentes sued in Ohio, touching off a cross-border legal fight. The Ohio Supreme Court eventually declared that Kentucky had jurisdiction.

The Kentucky Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 in September 2000 that lustin should stay with the Asentes, though he makes court- ordered visits to his natural par-

ents, who now live in Florence.

The Supreme Court must

decide whether to uphold the

intermediate court. No decision

is expected for at least several

weeks, but the justices indicated

it could be split.

lustice William Cooper said it

bothered him that the form

signed by Moore and Doming

did not contain a statement like "I

hereby consent to the adoption of

my child."

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"I do hope we get the tironze, too, so we can get the entire collection."

Canadian skater, Darid PeUdkr, joking at a news conference after being awarded a dual gold medal in the freestyle pairs competition.

OPINION Olympics more than "Skategate"

It will go down In Olympic his- tory as one of the biggest scan- dak. It even has a name, "Skategate" As many of you already know, the Canadian pairs team of David Pelletier and Jamie Sale were awarded a gold medal after a discovery of wrong doing by the French judge.

The debate still continues over what the proper course of action should have been. Some apee with the Canadians sharing the gold with the Russian team. Others wanted to see the

Russians stripped of the gold. Others have rightfully called for changes in the judging of the sport. AD of these debates have Blled newspaper pages for days.

Guess what? It's over. Get over dt Let's just move on and enjoy the games.

While "Skategate" has been going on, there have been other moments with much more posi- tive feelings than judging cor- ruption.

The United States has literally dominated snowboarding. The

men swept the sport while the U.S. took gold in the ladies half- pipe

Snowboarding also gave us one of the biggest comebacks of the year. Chris Klug won a bronze in the men's parallel slalom just 19 months after a liver transplant. The fact that he is still alive is amazing alone. Winning a medal at the Olympics a little over a year later is extraordinary.

Chris Witty also came back from illness to win the gold in

the ladies 1,000 meter speed skating race, lust one month before the games she found her- self ill with mononucleosis. She could have just given up but instead she got well and won.

These moments are just with- in the American team.

Excitement can also be found in other events. Russia and the U.S. met up in hockey with memories of the miracle of 1980 fresh in many fans' heads.

If you thought that die crashes at the Daytona 500 were some-

thing, tile crashes during the men's short track speed skating event were equally as heart stop- ping.

For many athletes, like Picabo Street, Olympic careers have come to a dramatic close.

For those who have been stay- ing up late at night, there have also been musical moments. Nothing tops Ed Robertson (of Barenaked Ladies fame) don- ning a speed skating outfit from Canada's team.

Even figure skating was able to

redeem itself as the men's com- pletion went down with no cor- ruption among the judges.

It's time to move on. The deci- sion has been made about the pairs skating. The medals have finally been given out and the ceremonies have taken place.

Do we really want these games to be remembered for being the ones where skate judges got it way wrong? Wouldn't we rather have it go down as being the games where triumphs and mir- acles happened everyday.

Self-aggression has two sides U-WIRE COLUMN NASHVILLE, TENN. Myra Washington

Self-segregation. I think I used that term when I addressed this very same issue of racism last semester. I believe that I also placed some blame on the minority student body for not being more aggressive in diversi- fying this campus.

I would not and could not say that minorities bear all the blame for this segregation.

Perhaps even more promi- nently displayed in our minds, more so than these ignorant and hateful words that are popping up with more frequency on our campus, is the seating arrange- ment at Rand.

I, too, used to be a part of the campus that wondered why the minorities did not attempt to meet more people, sit at some other tables, branch out more. I figured, if I do it, whv can't theV?

Then I heard a wise Vice Chancellor of Student Life say at a meeting last week that my peo- ple will not be blamed for sitting with whom they are comfortable.

He pointed out that to see these three or four tables of black people, one had to pass count- less tables of white people. All clustered together, sitting with whom they are comfortable.

Tables and tables and tables of the invisibility of white people.

I have to say that this point has become entrenched in my mind these last few days.

Why is it up to the minority to disband and assimilate into the majority?

Instead of wondering why minorities sit together, look at other tables at Rand.

Who are they sitting with? Has the thought occurred to them to

leave their table and join another one? Probably not. And if it has, they did not act on it. did they? Why not?

Because they wanted to sit with their friends and I am sure that the tables of minorities sim- ply want to do the same.

I heard someone relate the story of a professor at this school who saw two Asians in the class sitting next to each other, and |*t>ceeded to make a comment along the lines of "look, the Asians are sitting together."

Now, I am thinking, why then didn't this professor also say, "look, all the white kids are sit-

.. ting together"? Everyone wants to make a big

to-do about minorities being together, sitting together, eating together and interacting with each other yet, nothing is said about the majority who does the

' same. Let me also admit that the

Black Cultural Center intimidat- ed me and to some extent still does. But not because it is heavi- ly charged with race identity.

There are about 30 other hous- es on this campus with various Greek letters adorning them that are also heavily charged with race identity. That had not stopped me from attending vari- ous fraternity parties in the past, so why would race identity stop non-blacks from visiting the Black Cultural Center?

Two weeks ago at Langford there was a program put on by Rhythms of the Diaspora.

j Chances are good that you were not there. With the excep- tion of a handful of white people, the event was attended by minorities.

Considering what a slim num- ber of minorities we have at this school we put on a lot of ethnic programs. With theexception of pretty much the same white

faces I see at every cultural func- tion, the attendance boils down to members of the minority community.

Yet, we, as minorities, have managed to make it to the majority of the functions others put on.

Tuesday I went to hear Harvard Professor William Wilson speak on the urban ghet- to. The most interesting point I took away from that lecture was a comment he made on a Chicago neighborhood in which the majority was black.

He said that the other neigh- borhoods, which were either pri- marily white or Hispanic, only had negative things to say about the other races.

The exception was this black neighborhood, which did not waste energy attacking the other races. Instead, they put their energies towards portraying a positive black energy.

That is what I think we do as a minority community at this school.

We are not walking around saying, "Kill Crackers" and writ- ing on elevator walls. Instead, we are saying that it is great to be a part of this community we make up-

Militant? Not even close. For anyone who tells me that

they do not see color, I would respond by saying that they are lying. Because they are not col- ored, they can say that.

But to see color is not a bad thing. It is inevitable

What would be wrong would be if someone acted on assump- tions or stereotypes of that color.

As for me, I am a black Vanderbilt student, who still manages, quite nicely, to be a part of this intellectual commu- nity.

PEOPLE ON THE STREET Who is your favorite American President?


"I don't have one. It's just an old boys'club."


"Bill Clinton because he presented himself as a real person, not the fabrication that

the media and society want a president to



"George W. Bush because my roommate Mitch Hewit wants to

marry him!"


"George W. because he's a great leader and he can bench 185 lbs."

Where does our ticket money go? AT ISSUE The University can charge a lot of money in parking tickets, but what is the money used for?


Brandon Speeg

I was walking back to my truck after work when I saw that little orange envelope that every driver loves. That's right kids; it's the parking ticket envelope, just like a big wrapped present from Santa at Christmas. Except, it's like unwrapping your new puppy Sparky who latches onto your genitals. At first I was angry. I was charged $25 for not having the permit on the car I regis- tered (mine's in the shop), and $50 for parking in a residence lot when I have a commuter permit- Both of which I thought were legal

After I was angry for a few seconds, I stopped to think about all the great places my $75 could go and that really made me feel better. I just received a small scholarship from my work on campus and I'm really glad to give l/4of it back to the administrators.

The first thing that came to my mind was Dr. Ribeau's $40,000 a year raise I mean, look at all the great things he's accomplished since becoming president. There's the Five Core Values. Each one is worth about $48,000 of our president's salary, wouldn't you say?. And really, where would we be with- out Creative Imaginings? The

whole moral foundation of our institute might be ripped asun- der without that guideline for living. And when I have my diploma in hand and I inter- view with a prospective employer, and he says, "Hey isn't your college the place with all the diseases?" I can proudly say, "Yes it is."

Then I thought about how my fine helped build the $32,000,000 big. empty build- ing. What modem university would be complete without a union that has a Wendy's (not open), Steak Escape (not open), and a pub (sucks)?

I also remembered the well paid faculty that is charged with my educational advance- ment. Then I recalled that my freshman statistics teacher from India couldnt afford more than one set of clothing. Well, I guess the administrators in McFall know best, so my $75 didnt go there.

So in the end, I was glad I got those two tickets, even if it takes me a week and a half to earn that much working on campus, because 1 know that intelligent choices will be made about how my money is spent. So when admissions standards are lowered even further to increase class size and income, and I see Bobo the trained baboon sitting beside me in class, I can say, "Yeah, that's my $75 baby, that's all me!"

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WWW.BGNEWS.COM Monday, Frtfmiy 18.2002 5

Deferred money taken out before Enron trouble HOUSTON (AP) — Knowing Enron was about to file for bankruptcy, company executives in late November quickly withdrew millions of dollars in compensation and bonuses they had deferred. Money was wired to some bank accounts in less than 24 hours. These 11th-hour payments are now being called unfair by Enron retirees and former executives.

NATJON Blacks optimistic about library


IJTT1£ ROCK. Ark. — Black art galleries and African clothing boutiques are opening near the future site of Bill Clinton's presi- dential library in the expectation that lots of black tourists will come to pay homage to the man once called "our first black presi- dent."

The library will not open until 2004, but the shops on President Clinton Avenue are already enjoying some success thanks to a temporary exhibit of Clinton memorabilia and expansion of the city's River Market district.

"Moving down here is about being at the right place at the right time," said Deun Shonowo, who sells West African clothing, ceramics and art at her Afrikan de Boutique. "One of the main reasons I moved down here was the library and the tourists."

Clinton announced in 1997 that he would build his presi- dential library complex on the south bank of the Arkansas River. The site is next to the River Market section of upscale shops, pubs and trendy restaurants.

In December, ground was broken on the complex, which will include a museum and aca- demic center. The next day, a preview exhibit opened nearby, bringing an increase in visitors black and white downtown.

Lenora Taylor of North little Rock, a black woman who vol- unteered in Clinton campaigns, toured the exhibit with a senior citizens group recently and said she expects the library to bring black tourists from around the world.

"1 have family from California

Associated Prpss Photo

PRESIDENTIAL ART: A statue depicting an African woman sits in a window of the Afrjamex International Art Gallery in Dowtown Little Rock, Ark..

to Michigan who want to know about the library." she said.

Little Rock teacher loann Williams brought her racially mixed fifth-grade class to the exhibit. She said the exhibit had an important message for her students: "President Clinton had the decency and dignity to let people know that African- Americans are capable."

The exhibit features pictures of Clinton with musicians Stevie Wonder and Lenny Kravitz, a signed guitar given to Clinton by B.B. King and numerous gifts from African heads of state. Williams' students were drawn to a statue of Michael Jordan that the basketball star gave to Clinton.

"This is tight," said Keagan

Scribner, a black 11 -year-old. "I didn't know President Clinton liked Michael Jordan."

Novelist Toni Morrison once referred to Clinton as the nation's first black president because of what many regard as his under- standing of the black condition and because of his upbringing. Fie grew up poor and was raised for a time by a single mother.

"Vie love him, we celebrate him, we just believe in him. He has always given African- Americans their just due," said the Rev. Arthur Hughes of West Helena

Crystal Altenbaumer, director of the Clinton Birthplace Foundation in Hope, said about 40 percent of those who tour the Clinton birthplace are black.

"We have a lot black families that include the Clinton center in their reunions. The last one was a reunion in Pine Bluff with people from five states. They rented a bus to come here," she said.

Skip Rutherford, president of the Clinton Library Foundation, said among the ideas for market- ing the library to black tour groups is promoting nearby attractions such as Little Rock's Central High School, where the federal government sent in the National Guard to protect nine black students admitted to the all-white school, and the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Term., where the Rev. Martin Luther King Ir. was assassinated.

"For us to be in trial at that time (before Sept. 11) is prejudicial to the defendant."


John Walker to go on trial in September


ALEXANDRIA. Va. — John Walker Lindh will likely go on trial in late August on charges that he conspired to kill Americans and aided terrorists while a foot sol- dier for the Taliban in Afghanistan.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said Friday that he would be will- ing, closer to the trial date, to con- sider a defense objection that the Aug. 26 date he picked could leave the defense team to present its case on the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Lindh, wearing a green prison suit, sat at the defense table throughout the federal court pro- ceeding. During a brief recess, he spoke with his attorneys and signed papers.

Defense attorney George Harris asked the judge for a Sept. 16 trial date to get past Sept. 11.

"There will be memorial ser- vices. There will be a great deal of genuine emotion in this country," he said. "The government has attempted to make that connec- tion (between the trial and the attacks). For us to be in trial at that time is prejudicial to the defen- dant."

Harris said there was in fact no connection between the attacks and the Lindh case, but contend-

ed that Attorney General John Ashcroft had attempted to link his client to the terrorist attacks.

Lindh, 21, is charged in a 10- count indictment with conspir- ing to kill Americans, providing support to terrorists, including Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida, and using firearms during crimes of violence. Three of the charges carry a maximum life sentence and the other seven could bring an additional 97 years in prison.

Ellis told Harris, "I may be per- suaded by the force of your argu- ment. You may revisit this point" as the August date approaches.

The judge, however, said he rejected defense concerns that pretrial publicity would be preju- dicial against Lindh and told Harris he would take care to ensure that no jurors would be selected who had formed an opinion about the case.

Lindh has been held in a deten- tion center since he was brought here Jan. 23 and was recently denied bond. His parents, Frank lindh and Marilyn Walker, were present Friday, as they have been all of his previous court appear- ances.

6 Monday. February 14, 'MM VVVYVY.DbWCna.GUW

15 Palestinians wounded in Israeli attack IHBA1.YA. Gaza smp i \p Israel I • 16 warplanesattacked a

falestUiian police compound in the < laza smp on Friday, a da)

after ifiree Israeli soldiers were killed in a bomb attack on a tank.

Ilirt'c explosions wenl "11 and a tire broke oul in the compound

in the townol lebarya, about three miles north of Gaza Citji wit-

nesses said. I iisi reports said al least 15 people were wounded, lo

of them polici'iiH'ii.

WORLD Royal family honors Princess Margaret

By lane Warden rHr »isociAr[D PRCSS

WINDSOR. England — Members of the royal family gath- ered Friday al Windsoi ( astle for the funeral oi Princess Margaret, 50 years aftei her father, kin); George VT, was buried nearby

The service al St. George's < liapcl was private, though a subdued crowd of nearly 3,000 gathered outside the gates

"Wc think the princess was a forgotten person, really, and we've come here to show the world she's not forgotten," said lolin Bradford of Windsor, who said lie was 71, the same age as Margaret

Sonic 450 people, including more than 30 royals, attended the afternoon funeral service foi the younger sislei of Queen Elizabeth II in St Georges Chapel, The princess's n ise-covered coffin was shrouded in her red, blue and gold-colored personal standard.

I he 101-year-old Queen

Mother, who Hew to Windsor by helicopter from the royal estate in Sandringham, attended despite culling her arm in a Tail Wednesday.

"The one that makes me ache today a lot is ihe Queen Mother," said lessie Evans, 79, who was outside the castle. "She has had to conic today to say goodbye to hei daughter. I think also thai the queen will be very, very lonely aftei tod.iv because the Queen Mother won't be long behind bet daughter.''

Rosemary Grimmett, 57, of nearby Maidenhead, said she was disappointed that the occasion was more subdued than the funeral of Margarets lather.

"I was here 50 years ago as a small child when the king died and I remember the ground being covered with flowers. I was expecting to see the same. I'm a bit disappointed," Grimmett said

The principal mourners were Margaret's children. Viscount

linley and Lady Sarah Chano, along with the queen, Prince Philip. Prince Charles and Margaret's fonner husband, the Earl of Snowdon.

Following cremation at nearby Slough Crematorium, Margaret's ashes were to be placed in the Royal Vault at St. Georges Chapel, the same church where her father was buried Feb. 16,1952.

Margaret Rose Bedford. 71, a former housemaid at Windsor (astle. said she cried when she heard of the princess' death. But she remembered Margaret as a fonnidable figure.

She was a very nice, very con- trolled person, who always had a disdainful expression.'' Bedford said

"When I worked in the castle, as a housemaid from 1961 to 1963. you had to look the other way il you came face-lo-lace with her on her instructions, or gel told oil 'by mv boss."

ited i1'"*

ROYAL FAMILY: Members ot the British Royal Family, from left Prince William. Prince Charles. Prince Harry and Sophie Countess of Wessex, arrive at Windwor Castle Princess Margaret's funeral Friday.

Missing reporter expected to be found soon By Kathy Gannon rHE JSSOCI/HID I -

KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani Interioi minister Friday predicted a "major break- through''and more arrests within 111 hours in the search for Daniel Pearl and rejei ted a claim from hi.self-confessed kidnappei that the Wall Street Journal reporter is dead.

Police said they were focusing their search on two suspected

Islamic militants — Mohammed llashini Qadeer and Imtiaz Siddiqi, both ol whom were believed to have met Pearl las) month while he was researching a story on extremist gioups.

Interior Minister Moirutddin Haider said there was "no evi- dence" that Pearl had been killed, despite the claims by chief sus- pect Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh in court on Thursday.

Saved, a British-born Islamic

militant with a history of kidnap- ping Westerners, "has been changing his statements," I laidei told reporters in the eastern city ol Lahore.

A Pakistani newspapei quoted an unidentified "ranking official" saying Saeed received confirma- tion of Pearls death Feb. 5 — the day Saeed says he turned himself in IO authorities.

The newspaper, The News, said Saeed on thai day called his

chief accomplice holding Peail and told him. "Shift the patient lo the doctor" — a coded message instructing him to release the journalist. But the accomplice replied: "Dad has expired," The News reported.

The Slews reported that even before thai conversation, Saeed had heard "from one ol his sources" that the 38-year-old IVarl was shot around Ian. :(l while living to escape. Pearl dis-

appeared Ian, 23, when he went lo meet Islamic militants at a restaurant in this southern port city

Steve Goldstein, spokesman for DowloncsM o.. the lournal's parent organization, said Friday that ihe company is still "hope- ful."

"We remain confident that Danny is still alive." he said. "I lie president ol Pakistan has been extreme!) helpful in this matter."

\i i Hiding lo the Pakistani

newspapei icpoii. Saeeil identi-

fied the accomplice holding IVarl

as "llyder" bin investigators

believe he is actually Mansin

ll.isn.iiii. who was believed 10

have been involved in the 1999

Indian \nlines hijacking thai led

lo Saced's release from an Indian


The Technology Infrastructure Project ■ Building an Electronic Community

New Union, Top Technology

The new Bowen-Thompson Student Union, which opened last month, offers BGSU students a contemporary setting for meeting, eating and, with the help of the latest technology, learning.

In the 24-hour computer lab, located on the first floor of the Union, students have the use of 69 new Dell systems with flat- screen monitors, as well as work areas set aside for group projects.

The Dell machines afford students the most current technology and, through its use, the ability to enhance their educational experience.

Information Technology Services welcomes all parents and prospective students who are on campus today for the University's annual Presidents' Day Open House, and invites you to stop by the Bowen-Thompson Student Union for a firsthand look at the ITS lab facility.

For more information about information technology at BGSU, check the ITS Web site:


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MONDAY February 18,



Hurray for Herbie, US. hockey savior DEREK MCCORD

Sports writer

All the USA men's hockey team needed going into the 2002 Olympics was a little herbie and I am not talking about the cute lit- tle Volkswagen Bug from the Disney movies.

After suffering a dismal defeat to the eventual gold medal cham- pions, th.cO.cch Republic, in the Quarterfinals of the 1998 Nagano Olympics, the millionaire NHL team that was put together to give USA a gold medal after win- ning the '96 World Cup of I lockey trashed the rooms in the Olympic Village like spoiled children that didn't get what they wanted.

With the announcement of NHL players being welcomed back for the Salt lake City Olympics, the USA Hockey orga- nizers looked to someone who turned a bunch of punk college kids into world champions 1 lerb Brooks was that man as he was the architect that built up a group of American college hockey play- ers into a steamroller that beat the mighty Soviet Union and won a gold medal.

These kids wen* no match for the Soviet! on paper, but that Jlidn't stop Brooks from making Jiis players think that they were Jlisi another Czechoslovakia. The Soviets had dominated interna- tional hockey since the '60 Olympics. This was a team of players that were bred by the Red fumy, physically and mentally, to dominate anybody who stood in their way.

■ However, in 1980 at lake Placid, those college boys would stand in their way, beat them, and then advance to play Finland in Die final game of the tournament. The victory over I'inland com- pleted Brooks' task of taking a Bunch of players from all over the country and making them Olympic champions. And now with a nation full of nationalism after the terrorist attacks, we look for him to do it again.

Yet, tire Russians are not the only team With NHL type of tal- ent. Almost all of the teams in the final round of competition have a squad of NHL All-Stars. After Saturdays dramatic 2-2 tie against a very talented Russian team, it seems like the Brooks mold still works. Although this time, it's with NHL players.

lite words that have been on everybody's tongues for success in this highly competitive tourna- ment are team chemistry. Brooks in '80 had create a cohesive team of players, who played for rival schools. Now, Brooks has to make his players lose their million dol- lar egos and play not only for themselves, but also for a nation.

It was evident Friday that this is Team USA, and not a team made of US bom hockey players as they defeated Finland 6-0. That game we saw not only 50-goal scorers Keith Tkachuk and John LeClair combine for four goals, but we also saw goals from hard nosed players Scott Young and Bill Guerin.

In addition, the tie against Russia saw the return of the Mike Jtichter that we saw in the '96 VVbrid Cup, instead of the pathet- ic one we saw in Nagano Richter made incredible save after save, and kept the USA team in the game until veteran Brett I lull put (he puck by goaltender Nikoli JChabibulin with 4:30 left in the came. With the tie, the men's USA hockey team now has a chance to be seeded first. If this happens, Jhey would face off with a weaker German team. However, they must first defeat Belarus tonight • Consequently, the incision of Brooks motivational language of "Ilebieisms" into die NHL play- ,ers minds seems to be working pke it did in 1980, which might kirn these multi-millionaires into Olympic Champions.


BGvs Toledo 146th meeting

1915-16H L 16-14 1916-17n L 21-13 1916-17n L 33-18 1917-1811 w 54-10 1917-18a L 32-30 1919-2011 L 36-11 192021a w 21-15 1920-21H w 25-13 192122a L 41-15 1921-22H L 19-15 1922-23H W 27-23 1922-23a W 32-17 1923-2411 L 28-24 192324a L 30-19 192425a L 48-41 192627a L 47-45 1926-27H W 37-33 1927-2811 W 24-23 1927-28a L 38-29 1928-2911 W 44-19 192829a W 19-15 192930a L 28-24 193031a W 35-33 1930-3111 W 31-20 193132a W 32-25 1931-3211 L 28-26 1932-3311 W 46-21 193233a W 43-35 193334a L 35-16 1933-34H W 29-16 1934-35H L 30-22 193435a L 31-22 193536a L 40-24 193536a W 38-23 194748a W 42-28 1948-49H W 86-62 194849a W 65-60 194950a L 58-55 1949-50a W 57-54 1950-5111 L 63-62 195051a W 65-59 1951-52H L 61-57 195152a W 54-53 1952-53H L 65-50 195253a W 80-73 1953-5411 w 75-71 195354a w 78-66 1954-55H w 61-55 195455a L 75-69 195556a L 73-60 1956-57H W 72-68 1956-57a W 56-46 1957-58a W 74-69 1957-5811 W 67-65 1958-59H w 77-68 195859a w 72-64 1959-60a L 76-56 1959-60H W 86-82 1960-61H w 67-63 1960-6U L 68-66 1961-62a L 70-59 1961-6211 W 66-60 1962-63H W 80-48 196263a L 60-56 196364a L 90-71 1963-64H W 80-76 196465a L 91-86 1964-65H W 73-69 1965-6611 L 71-66 196566a L 85-66 1966-67a L 103-83

Photo Illustration by Mitt Ivty

CLASSIC COLLISION: Falcon forward Josh Almanson grabs a rebound in BG's 76-57 victory over rival Toledo January 19. Toledo leads the all-time series 74-71 and has won the last two meetings at Savage Hall. BG will go for its 20th win tonight against the Rockets. More page 8.



1966-6711 I. 98-94 1967-6811 w 85-78 196768a L 73-69 196869a L 88-77 1968-6911 W 64-63 1969-7011 W 82-62 196970a L 82-76 1970-71a L 79-70 1970-7111 L 70-67 1971-72H L 65-42 1971-72a L 76-53 197273a W 51-48 1972-7311 L 59-40 1973-7411 L 53-52 1973-74a 1. 67-59 1974-75H w 66-64 197475a w 67-63 1975-76H L 72-63 197576a L 89-66 1976-77a L 64-55 1976-7711 w 56-55 1977-78a w 69-68 1977-78H L 61-58 197879a L 72-61 1979-80H w 74-71 197980a L 71-69 1979-80n L 85-70 1980-8111 w 81-63 1980-Bla L 61-56 1981-82H w 80-64 198182a L 83-81 1982-83a L 86-79 1982-83H W 74-67 198384a L 94-88 1983-84H W 81-63 1984-85a I. 74-65 1984-85H L 75-67 1985-86H L 77-65 198586a L 74-62 1986-87a w 83-77 1986-87H w 79-70 1987-8811 w 80-70 198788a L 68-59 1988-8911 w 68-66 1988-89a L 65-51 1989-90a W 64-60 1989-9011 w 85-66 1990-91H L 57-56 199091a 1. 78-65 1991-92a L 57-53 1991-92H w 78-64 1992-93H w 69-61 1992-93a L 50-49 1993-94a W 66-58 1993-94H W 78-77 199495a L 71-68 1994-95H W 87-80 1995-9611 w 76-75 1995-96a w 65-53 1996-97a w 86-76 1996-9711 w 92-79 1996-9711 w 94-69 1997-98H L 68-56 199789a L 53-41 1998-99H W 70-64 199899a w 57-46 1999-0011 w 93-76 1999-00a L 79-68 2000-Ola L 73-76 2000-0111 L 64-74 2001-02H W 76-57

leers have good fortune with State

File photo

LUCKY SHOT: BG forward Austin De Luis slaps a shot past a Miami defender in a previoos game. The Falcons won and tied in weekend action with Lake Superior State.

By Derek McCord THi BG NEWS

A shot that hit the Lake Superior State goal post prevent- ed the Bowling Green hockey team from their first weekend sweep.

With almost 11 minutes left in the game, BG forward Ryan Minnabarriet hit a slap shot to the left of I-ake State goaltender Matt Violin. Thinking that he scored his sevemh goal of the season, he raised his hands in celebration only to see that the puck had hit die right post of the Laker net. Off the miss, the Lakers retrieved die puck and went down to the other end of the ice, where Bo Cheeseman slid a rebound by BG goaltender lordan Sigalet. This resulted in a

4-4 tie Saturday night. I his was a huge disappoint-

ment for the Falcons, after domi- nating Friday's matchup 2-0. Friday, BG goaltender Tyler Masters earned his first shutout of the season.

Unfortunately, the result for BG would be different on Saturday. Almost eight minutes into the game the Falcons pushed the puck up the ice on a breakout. BG winger Tyler Knight was able to take a Laker defense- man out of the play and gain position near the net. He then got the puck, skated right up to the net and slid it by LSSU's Man Violin.

However, Violin would hold his ground for most of the game. 1 le was able to stop BG's leading


scorer, Greg Day, 35 seconds into the second period. Day was on a breakaway and went from his backhand to forehand only to sec Violin grab the puck out of the air with a brilliant save.

Yet, at the 5:19 mark of the sec- ond period, BG defenseman Grady Moore scored. He carried die puck into the Lake State zone and had it poke checked away from him. But he regained pos- session, circled around and beat Violin with a wrist shot from the left faceoff circle.

LSSU head coach Frank Anzalone said that in this game, like others this season, die Lakers just were not able to produce goals.

"Masters did a good job


8 Monday, February 18,2002 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM

BG three points behind Miami SUIT, FROM PAGE 7

but we are what we are and that is not having any scoring. We had goal-scoring chances but not enough quality ones to score with. We need that talent- ed offensive player, but we just don't have that in this pro- gram," said Anzalone.

Masters made 26 saves on the evening, which was a huge improvement over his previous four games where he gave up 19 goals.

"Masters played much more like himself," said BG head coach Buddy Powers. "He was always on the money for every shot, challenged the shooters and was in position all the time."

Although Masters produced a shutout Friday night, Powers decided to go with Sigalet for Saturday's game. He wanted to evaluate both goaltenders over the weekend to decide who was going to be the number one starter for the remainder of the season. However, the choice will be difficult as LSSU were significantly better Saturday.

On Saturday, the Lakers came out looking like a completely different team as they hit pucks at the Falcon net from seeming- ly everywhere on the ice.

Laker Barry Pochmara regis- tered the game's first goal at 8:42 of the opening period. Pochmara scooped up a Derek Seal rebound and beat Sigalet for his fifth goal of the season.

After Pochmara's goal, the Falcons would go on to take a one goal lead at the end of the first period as Tyler Knight received a pass from Colen Pappas and took a screened shot that beat Laker goaltender Terry Denike through the five hole. Then, Roger Leonard

would go on to score a power- play goal after being set up by D'Arcy McConvey and Scott Hewson.

Yet, the lead did not last as LSSU's Chad Dahlen scored the lone power-play goal of the night for the Lakers at 1158 of the second. The Nightingale brothers set up Dahlen's third goal of the season, a shot from the point that deflected off a defenseman in front of the net and past Sigalet.

But the Falcons would go ahead again before the second period was over. Brian Escobedo sent an outlet pass ahead to McConvey in the neu- tral zone. McConvey then dished the puck to Hewson, who skated into the offensive zone and ripped a shot past Denike at 13:43. The goal forced Anzalone to pull Denike and put Violin back in net.

Unfortunately, the Lakers' Jason Nightingale answered approximately three minutes later with his fourth goal of the season.

The Falcons, early in the third, would take the lead for the last time as McConvey received a dish pass from Greg Day, who was tied up near the boards. McConvey skated out of the corner, around a Laker defenseman, and wristed a shot from the top of the crease, beat- ing Violin stick side at 2:07.

The Falcons now find them- selves three points out of the tenth place, which is held by Miami with 18 points. With four games remaining in the season, it is possible that BG could leapfrog over Miami since the Redhawks must still play sixth place Ohio State and first place Michigan State. The Falcons finish the season against Northern Michigan.

FHa Photo

SUPPORTING CAST: BG freshman Germaine Fitch played a key role in the Falcon's last victory over Toledo January 19.

Records mean nothing in rivalry By Nick Hum THE BG NEWS

Don't even bother to look at the records of Bowling Green and Toledo. They are insignificant when it comes to this rivalry.

Both teams have bolstered superior teams over the years only to watch their weaker rival rattle them. Take the 1962-63 Falcons for instance. BG had some of its purest shooters of all- time in Howard Komives and rebounding giant Nate Thurmond. Yet the two future NBA stars were not enough to shatter the Rockets in the Glass

City, losing 60-56. Later that sea- son, the Falcons blew out Toledo with a lopsided 80-48 victory.

Skip ahead nearly 40 years, and you'll find the two schools with diverse records. BG is eying its 20th win of the season and a first- round bye in the MAC Tournament The Rockets were in the same predicament last sea- son, but have sputtered in con- ference play this year with a 6-7 record.

No one is assuming that the Rockets are going to be a cake- walk, even after the Falcons put on a dominating performance in

the first meeting. The Falcons were lead by senior Len Matela, who scored 28 points and grabbed 10 rebounds in the lanuary 19 contest the Falcons won 76-57. Matela was joined in double-figures by teammates Keith McLeod (15), losh Aim an son (14) and Brandon Pardon (10).

"We just couldn't control Matela inside," Toledo coach Stan loplin said after the defeat "We didn't have an answer for him."

BG has the momentum swing- ing their way, winnning five of their last six games, while Toledo

is coming off a road loss to Ball State Saturday. However the Rockets have won the last two contests between the teams at Savage Hall.

This is a crucial week for the Falcons. With Ohio's win over Marshall Saturday, BG needs a win to stay in sole position of sec- ond place in the MAC East Division and more importantly stay ahead of the pack for the No 3 seed in the MAC Tournament

Whichever team gets that third seed will get a first-round bye in the Tournament

fat tf9«x. wfcfltdWy 'Sac4ci<vi 7><vttul

Thursday, February 21,2002



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I- I it

Multicultural center to serve 70*8 soul BY IHE CAMPUS BUZZ

The center (or and Academic

Initiatives will host its 13th Annual Dinner Theatre on Feb. 22 and 23.

The theatre's theme this year is "70's Soul, Part I and will feature BGSU students, faculty and staff as some of the 70's favorite performers and actors.

Admission to the Friday night performance is $12 and will include hors d'oevres.

Saturday's theatre will include a dinner buffet and cash bar and will cost $22.

Tickets and table reserva- tions are by reservation only and can be made at the Center for Multicultural Initiatives, 424 Saddlemire Student Services Building.

Tickets may be bursared or paid for with cash or check. For more information, contact Yolanda Flores at the Center for Multicultural Initiatives at 419-372-2642.


BUZZ 202 West Hall


Bowling Green, Oh 43402

Phone: (419) 372-69*8

Fn: (419) 372-0202

e-mal: bazz@bgnetb|>|tudu

SUIT: Charity Lester, Editor

Black StudentUnion to celebrate 33rd year


Hip-Hop artist Common will

perform Thursday


This week, many events are

being held in honor of Black

History Month and to celebrate

the Black Student Union's 33rd

Anniversary. A Reception to the anniver-

sary will be held Tuesday from noon to 5 p.m.

The Black Student Union

will also hold an evening of

Hip-Hop on Thursday in the

Union Multipurpose Room.

Admission is $7. Lastly, the Women's Center

will feature "Sister's Speak: A Dialogue about historically African-American Sororities."

The discussion will be present- ed Dr. Lillian Ashcrofl-Eason and will explore the evolution of African-American sororities and their histories, particularly at BGSU. This event is free and open to the public.

For more events, contact the Black Student Union at -2692


UAO Presents: Monsters Inc. "Monsters Inc."

• ** 2001

Disncy/Pixar Starring:

John Goodman. Billy Crystal, Jennifer Tilly. Steve Busccmi

This Wednesday and Sunday the University Activities Organization will present Monsters Inc.

Monsters Inc. is the story ol Sully (John Goodman) and Mike ( Billy Crystal), two mon- sters whose job is to scare chil- dren. The energy generated

from the mouths of screaming children make their world, Monsteropolis go.

The only problems is that through the years, children have become spoiled from television and harder to scare,

so a plan is hatched to solve Monsteropolis of all its energy

concerns forever.


Sully (Goodman) and Mike (Crystal) walk to work at Monsters Incorporated where they scare children.

Ironically, monsters are scared to death of children since they carry disease and when one is accidentally released in the monster's world, pandamonium ensures.

Humour, great-story-telling and the technical aspect of the film, supplied by Pixar, the same studio that made Toy

Story make this film a must

see. The movie was nominated

lor four Oscars, including best animated feature and best song, for Randy Newman's "If

I Didn't Have You." Monsters, Inc. will be show-

ing at 9:15 on Wednseday and

Sunday in the Bowen- Thompson Student Union the-



JNDAY 02/18/02

Men' Basketball at Toledo 7 p.m. Toledo. Ohio

♦TUESDAY 02/19/02

Women's Basketball at Ohio 7 p.m.

Athens. Ohio

Men's Basketball at Miami 7 p.m. Oxford. Ohio

Baseball at Evansville 2 p.m.

Evansville. Indiana

♦ FRIDAY 02/21/02

Women's Basketball vs.

Eastern Michigan I p.m. Anderson Arena

Hockey vs. Northern Michigan 7 p.m. BGSU Ice Arena

Baseball at Evansville I p.m. Evansville. Indiana

♦SATURDAY 02/22/02

Men's Basketball vs. Akron 3:30 p.m. Anderson Arena


18-24 Monday - Sunday

Everyday Events Environmental Action Group Mon.- Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Union lobby The Enviromental Action group will have an information table in the Union

Dance Marathon Fundraiser Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Education Steps Delta Zeta will be selling dancer packages as a fundraiser for Dance Marathon.

Reachout Peace Rally Mon. Union Lobby 2 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Reachout, is sponsoring a table for the Peace Rally

Campus Greens Peace Rally Mon. 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Union Lobby The Campus Greens is sponsoring a table for the Peace Rally.

Amnesty International Peace Rally Mon. 2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Union Lobby Amnesty International is sponsor- ing a table for the Peace Rally.

Air Force ROTC Recruiting Table Tues. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Union Lobby The Air Force ROTC wrll sponsor a table with recruiting informa- tion.




This Saturday and Sunday the BG Fencing Club will host two tournaments.

On Saturday the fencing club will hold the 2nd Annual BG Team Tournament.

On Sunday, the BG fencers will hold the 5th Annual BG Classic Tournament.

The Classic will host approxi- mately seven schools and dozens of individuals from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.

)oe DiTammaso, recruitment chair for the club explained that individuals can participate sepa- retly from colleges.

He said, "Fencing is a great sport because you do not have

to be a student to participate, anyone in the BG community

can join." Most colleges have a fencing

club instead of a sanctioned team which makes universal

i membership possible. Club fencers also enjoy a bet-

ter sense of community provid- ed by extra activities, such as demonstrations and fundraisers.

Members of the BG Fencing Club are usually students, but faculty and staff have joined in the past, as well as BG residents. A few of the teammates have placed nationally and have competed in the Junior Olympics. The rate of involve-

i 1 1 ■ i"tv .- - ft '


The fencers shown are practicing with foils, one of three types of weapons used in the sport. You can check out the BG fencing club every Monday and Wednesday in the Eppler North Gymnasium. The team is currently looking for new members.

ment is completely up to the individual.

The fencing season runs from September to May with nation- al competitions taking place in July. During the competitive seascn, a fencer may compete as often as every two weeks.

There are three weapons used in competition. A beginner usually starts on a foil, which has a blunted end. An experi- enced fencer may choose the epee, which is similar to the foil,

but unblunted, or a sabre. Sabres are usually only used by more experienced fencers.

Competitors may also com- pete in teams or as individuals.

Equipment is provided by the team, but those who wish to continue with fencing are ad\ised to purchase their own. A set, including weapon and mask will cost around SI 50.

The Bowling Green fencing dub holds meetings twice a week in the Eppler North Gymnasium on Monday and Wednesdays. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. on Monday and 7 pin.

on Wednesdays and go until 10 p.m. new members are encour- aged to come by.

Monday, Feb. 18 630 pm- 10 p.m. BGFC open fencing

Wednesday, Feb. 20 7 p.m.- 10 p.m. BGFC open fencing and orga-

nizational meeting

Saturday, Feb. 23 9 a.m.

2nd Annual BG team Tournament

Sunday, Feb 24 9 am 5th Annual BG Classic

THE CAMPUS BUZZ email: [email protected]

♦ MONDAY 02/18/02

President's Day Open House 9 a.m. -5 p.m.

University Wide

Sponsored by Admissions. For more

information, conlaci the Office of

Admissions at 372-BGSU.

Lesbian/Bisexual Women's Lunch Group Noon

The Women's Center. 107 llanna Hall

Open to all women who v. ish to

explore their idcntiiiy. relationships.

families and professional lives. For

further details, contact Jane Rosscr.


Empowerment Group 4:30 p.m

Location to be announced

This support group is for women

survuvors of abusive relationships.

For more information contact Diedra

Sennet at 372-2190

♦TUESDAY 02/19/02

C.S.P. Interviews 8 am - 5 p.m

Union Ballroom

College Student personnciwill W

holding their interviews. Contaxl

bemie Savarcsc at 372-0381.

Air Force ROTC Recruiting Table II ».m. - I p.m.

Bowcn-Thompson Student Union

Black Student Union's 33rd Anniversary Reception Noon - 5 p.m.

Mutlicullural Lounge

The BGSU Back Student Union is

celebrating its 33rd Year.

Task Force on Diversity I p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Union 20IB

For more information, contact Terry

Lawrence at 372-7713.

Affrimative Direction Series 2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Union 201

The event is sponsored by Equity.

Diversity and Immigration Services.

Women's Joumaling Group

4 p.m.

The Women's Center. 107 llanna Hall

Explore the possibilities of joumaling.

This event is held every Tuesday.

Student Composers' Forum 8 p.m.

Br>an Recital Hall. Moore Musical

Arts Center

The event features works by graduate

and undergraduate composition


Cafe Entertainment. Karaoke 8 p.m. - 10 p.m

Carnation Cdii: and Bakery

UAO is sponsoring this event. Free

and open to the public

♦ WEDNESDAY 02/20/02

Contiki Holidays 10 a.m. -4 p.m.

Southside of Union

This table is being sponsored by


Brown Bag Lunch at the Women's Center Noon

Women's Center. 107 Hanna Hall

Dr. Lillian Ashcraft-Eason will pre-

sent Sister's Speak: A dialogue about

Historically African-American


Empowerment Group 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Location to be announced

This support group is for women sur-

vivors of abusive relationships.

Conlaci. Diedra Bennett at 372-2190

for more information.

peter Voulkos and Paul Soldner Slide Lecture 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Union Ballroom

The Art Department will present this

slide show For more information, call


"Forces of Nature" Dance Lecture-DemonstraNon 7 pin

Eppler North 222

This e\ ent is presented by the

I mversitv Dance Alliance and the

New York Dance Company.

UAO Presents: Monsters Inc. 9:15 p.m.


From left to right, Paul Geraci, Russlin Georgiev, Bradford Crisfcon and Josh MaHoy present the Bowling Green Fencing Club 2001 Team Cup.

Union Theatre

4-or a rev icw. turn the page.

♦THURSDAY 02/21/02

Information table for Jehovah;s Witness 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Universitv Hall

GSS Research Paper Presentation 11:30 a.m. - I p.m. * —

Olscamp 101A

For more information, call the gradu-

ate Student Senal at 372-2426.

Dissertation Writing Group for Women 6:30 p.m.

The Women's (enter, 107 Hanna Hall

Trnsi>ropiiiii is open to any woman ,

in the w riling stage of their program

Mcels every Thursday.

An Evening of Hip-Hop 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Union Mutlipurpose Room

This event is sponsored by the Black

Student Union

Admission is $7 and S HI

Fiction (Michael Czyzniejewski) and Poetry (Karen Craigo) Reading 7 p.m.

Prout Chapel

Editors from the Mid-Amencan

Review will present readings of their

own work.

Student Jazz Combos 8 p.m.

Bryan Recital Hall. Moore Musical

Arts Center

Free and open to the public.

Society for Creative

Anachronism Meeting

8 p.m. - 10 p.m.

101 BA

Medevil Dance Night For more infor-

mation, contact John Bench at 352-


♦FRIDAY 12/14/01

Men's Chorus Banquet I p.m. - Midnight

Olscamp 101

BGSU men's chorus will be holding a

banquet and concert. Tickets must be

purchased in advance, call 372-2186

Multicultural Dinner Theater 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Union Ballroom

For more information on this event

look in The Campus Bu//

Senior Recital: Chris Stephens, tenor 8 p.m.

Bryan Recital Hall. Moore Musical

Ans Center

Free and open to Ihe public.

Big Playground 10 p.m. - I a.m.

Student Rec Center

For more information, contact

Wellness Connection at 372-9355

♦SATURDAY 02/23/02

Auditions Grant-in-Aid Scholarships Noon-5 p.m.

Joe E. Brown Theater

Auditions and interviews will be held

for Acting/performance, technical and

forensics students.

Please contact 372-2222 for further


BGSU Soccer Banquet

5:30 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Union Multipurpose room

The Athletic Department is sponsor-

ing the BGSU Soccer Banquet.

Great Lakes Youth Wrestling Anderson Arena. Memorial Hall

6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Sponsored by Eastwood Wrestling.

For more information, conlaci Steve

Lashaway at 372-7657

Multicultural Dinner Theater 6 pm. - 10 p.m.

Union Ballroom

For more information on this even!

look in The Campus Bu/7.

Festival Series: Dmitri Hvorostovsky, ban ion e 8 p.m.

Knbactcr Hall. Moore Musical Arts


Inlematioanlly acclaimed Russian

singer. Hvorosunsky will present

selections of opera. Hvorostovsky has

perfromed at the Covcnl gardens, the

Metropolitan Opera and LaScala.

Tickets are $38. S30 and $22. Call I-

800-589-2224 or 419-372-8171 for


2002 Bowling Green Classic Fencing Tournament 9 a.m.

South tippler Center Gym

2nd Annual BG Team Cup

Tournament will feature 23 team

events BG will be defending their


♦ SUNDAY 02/24702

Great Lakes Youth Wrestling 8 a in - 6 p.m.

Anderson Arena. Memorial Hall

Sponsored by Eastwood Wrestling.

For more information, contact Steve

Lashaway at 372-7657

Annual Undergraduate Art and Design Exhibitions Opening Reception 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Dorothy Ubcr Bryan and Willard

Wanketman Galleries

A juried selection of art in all medi-

ums by students in the BGSU School

of Ait. Many pieces will be for sale.

- Music at the Forefront: Lucia Bova, harp 8 p.m.

Bryan Recital Hall. Moore

Arts Center

The Campus Buzz is still looking for

writers and photographers.

Contact Chasity at 372-6968 or e-mail

her at scrcses721 la yahoo com

WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Monday, February 18,2002 9

Ward Burton wins ccbizarre" Datona 500 By m Harris THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.~Ster- ling Marlin handed Ward Burton the biggest gift of his life - a victo- ry in Sunday's Daytona 500.

Following a late red flag, Burton won a three-lap dash to the finish line for his fourth career win in 251 starts.

Marlin, who received hate mail and death threats from people who blamed him for the crash that killed Dale Earnhardt at last year's Daytona 500, appeared to have his third victory in 'The Great American Race' in hand.

Marlin had spun out Jeff Gordon, the defending Winston Cup champion who has won the Daytona 500 twice, as a pack of cars crashed behind them, then beat Burton back to the yellow flag by less than half a car-length.

Then, NASCAR stopped the sometimes bizarre race to give the remaining leaders a chance to race for the win. After the cars halted on the backstretch, Marlin got out of his car to check for damage on the right front fender.

He started to pull the bent sheet metal away from the tire before an official warned him to

get back in his Dodge. That little effort to repair the damage was enough for NASCAR to penalize him, sending his car back to the rear of the lead pack after the cars restarted.

T tried to get it pulled off, but NASCAR didn't like it, and they sent me to the rear," Marlin said.

Burton called the last three laps "nerve-racking.'

'I didn't even look at the flag,' he said. 'I wasn't going to stop When the other guys backed off, I backed off.'

Ptntocrapher Hum BG News

COLLISION: Cars pileup in turn two during the Daytona 500 including John Andretti (43), Todd Bodine (66), Ricky Rudd (28), Kevin Harvik (29), and Jeremy Mayfield (19).


Classified Ads

372-6977 The BG Newi will not knowingly accept advertisements thai discriminate, or encourage discrimination against any individual or group on the basis of race. set. color, creed, religion, national ori- gin, sexual orientation, disability, status as a veteran, or on the basis of any other legally protected status

The BG News reserves the right to decline, discontinue or revise any adver- tisement such as those found to be defamatory, lacking in fac'ual basis. misleading or false in nature All adver- tisements are subject to editing and approval

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Fooliocker Get all your sports apparel and

athletic shoes here! B.G. WOODLAND MALL

Interested in learning to FENCE9

The BGFC meets every Mon„ 6:30pm and Wed., 7pm for

instruction, recreation, or competi- tive fencing in 221 Eppler North.

Equipment provided!

SHUTTLE SERVICE Take BG shuttle to the mall for free! Monday-Thursday 6-9:45pm. Call 372-RIOE (7433) w/ questions.



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, -Back, neck, and limb pain -Headaches • Sports injuries • General practice

1072 N. Main Immediate Appointments 354-6166


701 FIFTH - 4BR. Limil 4 people. $81000 per monlh paid in 11 monthly payments ol $870.00. Tenants pay utilities. Available May 18,2002 722 EIGHTH - 3 BR A-frame Limil 3 people. $550.00 per monlh paid in 11 payments ot $59000 Deposit $590.00. Tenants pay all utilities. Available May 18, 2002. 605 SECOND #A - 4BR. Limit 4 people. $760.00 pef monlh paid in 11 monthly payments ol $812.00. Deposit $760.00. Tenants pay utilities Available August 22,2002.

-1 BR. Limit 2 people. $440.00 per monlh paid in 11 payments ot $473.00. Deposil $440.00. Tenants pay utilities. Available May 18, 2002


319E.WOOSTERST. (across from Taco Bell)


m%*®*m —

Brand New Apartments and Houses

524 N. Enterprise St. Close to campus!

1 Bedroom, Furnished, A/C Starting at 5450/mo.

Bentwood Subdivision 1453,1454,1459,1460 Brookwood Dr.

4 Bedroom, Unfurnished, 2 car garage Lease 8/15/02-8/12/03 Starting al $1400/mo.


445 EAST WoositR Si. • 352-0717

Mpnrjay February 11 -MpncJay February 18 Two exciting pan's ol this hearty week!

1 YOU can participate Paaa- A- Heart'

•Talk to someone new in classes or on the street while passing your heart" ■Pass your heart* to someone drtfetent Irom you in culture, mobility,

age, or stage •Smile and say HII TO EVERYBODY

2. Your ORGANIZATION can participate •Be crealrve-invenl your own Open Your Heart Acts ol

Kindness eveni (i e. Do a Campus Community Project Pass a heart*

and meet lots ot individuals)

ouer ce (219

♦Vealfl^arts will be auailab campus 8 In Springboa

University If you haue questions, please contact

Springboard at 372-9815, or 372-9504, or 372-1804

MERCER MANOR APARTMENTS 323 and 331 Mercer Road (limit 5 people)

3 bedroom, furnished. Units have fireplaces, A/C, dishwashers, microwaves, and

garbage disposals.

$§§© ©PIP DEiWDsmr with coupon for

Apartments rented 1/17 - 2/27. (Discount taken per unit)

IfflUIIWX Expires 2/27/02

<^ Si W m


352-0717 445 E. Wooster Bowling Green

OH 43402 Hours:

Mon.-Fri. 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - lpin

10 Monday. February 18 200? WWW.BGNEWS.COM

Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale The Daily Crossword Fix I|7jTif#]» J brought to you by \\mim V^ JUkl

Earn money for spring break now! $14.15 bate/appt. Guaranteed pay Great tor resume Work with other students. Scholarships/internships

available. Conditions exist Call now 419-874-1327 www

Horizon Camps Are you dynamic, compassionate.

motivated and looking for the EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME? It so. Horizon Camps is the place tor you! We ate five OUTSTANDING co-ed summer camps, seeking AMAZING start to work with IN-

CREDIBLE kids, ages 7-15 Loca- tions: NY, PA, ME, WV All types ot positions available! Salary, room,

board, laundry, travel. www.horizoncamps com.


PLAY SPORTS! HAVE FUN' SAVE MONEY! Top boys sports camp in Maine, counselors to coach all spofls: tennis, basketball, baseball, roller hockey, water-sports, rock- climbing, biking, golf. Have a great summer. (888)-844-8080 apply at

SUMMER JOBS Female and male counselors need- ed tor top summer camp in Maine. Top Salary, room, board, laundry, clothing and travel provided. Must love children and have skill in one ot more of the following activities: arch- ery, arts (ceramics, stained glass, tewelry), basketball, canoeing, kayaking, rowing (crew), dance (tap, pointe, jazz), field hockey, golf, gym- nastics (instructors), figure skating, ice hockey, horseback riding/English hunt seat, lacrosse digital photogra- phy, videographer, piano accompan- ist, pioneering/camp craft, ropes (challenge course) 25 stations, sail- ing, soccer, Softball, tennis, theatre (technicians, set design, costumer), volleyball, water-skiing (sialom, trick, barefoot, jumping) W.S.I /swim in- structors, windsurfing, also opportu- nities for nurses, HTML/web design and secretaries. Camp Vega For Girls! Come see us

at or E-mail us at [email protected] or call us lor more information at 1 -800- 993-VEGA. We will be on your cam- pus for information and to accept applications from 10am-3pm, on Wednesday, March 6th and Thurs- day, March 7th in Student Union room 318 No appointment necessa- ry




CALL 37^9294 OR STOP BY.

We hire over 100 BGSU students.

Computer clerk . Must know Windows. Will train


Doyle Marketing Looking for two professional individ- uals to do telemarketing two nights a week and Saturday mornings - great

opportunity and resume builder. Work times are flexible and could change. The pay rate is $10/hr.

Contact Michael Cavallaro 8 419- 891-3100 for an interview.

Telephone interviewing No sales Some days, mostly wkends and

eves. Flexible scheduling. Relaxed atmosphere. Up to S7.00 plus per hr. In Perrysburg. 419-874-5842

The Ladies ot Delta Zeta are looking for House Stewards to help with dinner and cleanup.

Call Tiffany @ 4-1546 for more info.

The Wood Co. Prosecutor is accept- ing apps for 30 hr/per/wk 9 $11 per hr YVP Executive Assistant, respon- sible for providing professional, ad- ministrative and organizational as- sistance to the YVP director & staff. Must be able to work independently and multi-task, possess strong oral and written skills, be detail oriented, and have excellent computer and database skills. Excellent MS Office skills a must. May assist with special proiects and functions requiring knowledge of organization, policies and procedures. Contact The Wood County Prosecutor's Office 354- 9250

Wan! men willing to learn & work on wood floors including gym floors

Starting when school is out for the summer until the middle of August. Work consists ot operating equip-

ment, including floor buffers & floor sanding machines. Also, measuring, laying out and painting game lines & art work and applying gym floor fin- ish. We will thoroughly tram you in

all phases of the work. Job pays S8.00 per hour. You can expect between 40-50 hours per

week. Hours can be flexible. Must be punctual and reliable Swill- ing to accept responsibility Please contact Bob Koch 419-385-5814 or

fax resume to 419-385-6483..

'99 Cougar V6, Sunroof, spoiler, all power, tinted windows. 354-7379

Full size pillow top mattress. New in plastic Retail $599. Sell $179 Can

deliver Call 419-392-7465.

Moving Sale. Mattress for 4 sea- sons. Q. sz., dining, table w/ 4 chairs. Solid oak table 6x3 5'. Dk. blue couch, luxurious & comfortable All items almost new! Lamps, shelves & many other things tree. Selling all for $400. 419-352-5319

Queen pillow top mattress set. New in plastic. Full warranty. Retail

$799. Sell $199 Can deliver. Call 419-392-7465

For Rent

For Sale

'85 HONDA CIVIC AUTO , 4 DR. Runs. Looks great. Trouble tree

future $1550 419-353-2301

89 Acura Integra LS 5dr. Power win- dows/locks. AM/FM Cassette. Gray

well-maintained. $2200 OBO 419-352-9925

96 Ford Contour Se 4dr. ual. excellent cond.loaded w/alloy wheels. Leather, all power.moon roof. Red well maim CD/prem.

sound. $5300 OBO. 419-472-7694

Custom built executive home, for sale by owner, in a mature neighbor- hood. Walking distance from cam- pus 4 bdrm , 2 half-baths, 2 full- baths. 2200* sq ft. & finished base- ment. Call 353-0244.

"Apts & rms. avail.. 1. 2, & 3 bdrm. Quiet area for collegiate study, new carpet, indiv. lease offered. Located 300 block E. Merry. Rm avail, now, listing toe 24-7 O 316 E Merry #3, 419-353-0325.9-7.

"Last large house available. Very, very close to campus. 4 bed, 2 bath, Ig. covered porch, & more. Norm. 7-

8 studts. Loc. 321 E. Merry. Call 419-353-0325. 10am-7pm.

1 lower duplex. Vacant now.


1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments 9 4 12 month leases 352-7454

2 bedroom furnished apt Includes utilities. Close to campus


2 efficiencies. Vacant now. 352-5822

2 Subleasers needed. Furnished, 2 bed, 1 bath

Anne 352-6322.

3 bedroom house 1/2 blk from. BGSU off-street parking, Avail. May 10, 125 Crim St. 734-789-8477.

534 A S. College-3 BR Duplex, 1 1/2 Baths, AC, Avail. May 25. $825/mo 534 B S College-3BR Duplex. 1 1/2, Baths.AC. Avail. May 25. $825/mo. 201 Georgia-2 BR House, base- ment, washer/dryer. Avail. August 21,$625/mo. 128 Manville-4 BR House. 2 Balhs Avail. August 21. $1,100/mo. 316 Ridge Front-Large 2 BR Duplex Avail. May 30. $700/mo. 316 Ridge Rear-1 BR Duplex. Avail May 17. $375/mo. 217 S. College-3 BR House. Avail May21.$675/mo. 730 Elm-2 BR House. Avail. Aug. 1 $550/mo. 734 Elm-Large 2 BR, 2 Bath House Avail. August 21. $750/mo. At all properties, tenants pay utilit- ies, parental guarantees, security deposit equal to one month's rent. Rent collected quarterly. Locally owned and managed. Please call EyeCon Enterprises, Ltd. at (419) 354-4426.


Reasonable Rates 352-3445






^^ m ^Houses''

^T Close to Campus


239 S. College 239 lllcinuille


l)18e. UJoosler 241 lllcinuille

FROBOSE RENTALS 419-352-9392

' 1 Tl' • • • • « •:

- ■•

" if LH 1 H" aHI H' !■

,i M H ■' H "

-■ H ^H '' M " '; " •* LaH '

M 1" H " H ■ M H" U'

'l 44 IH' ■■ "

<■ H " H " s> i'

■■ N •— " 1 ■ ' ■ •


ACROSS 1 Enter information 4 Partly open 8 Tailless amphibian 12 Avenue (abbr.) 13Hue 14 Poker bet 15 Repeat 17 Quill pen point 19 Tellurium symbol 20 Atlas 21 Restful place 22 Also 23 Chair 25 Morning moisture 26 Argon symbol 27 Sit in the sun 28 Play on words 29 Portrayer 32 Einsteinium symbol 33 Best point for viewing 35 Smallest state (abbr)

DOWN 1 One time around 2 Eggs 3 Char of Germany 4 Above 5 lota 6 Article 7 Resubscnbe 8 Can top 9 Preposition 10 Attention (abbr) 11 Feat 16 Rodent 18 Enclosed 21 Tooth doctor 22 Painting 23 Flower part 24 Abate 25 Bill 26 High card 28 Friend 29 Era 30 Spoken 31 Take a car 33 Covered truck 34 Plural verb 37 Darken 39 Peril

41 Expectant 42 Fish 43 Comes together 44 Passageway out 45 Southern state (abbr) 46 Karma 48 Marble 49 It is (poetic) 50 Age 51 "Perfect" number 53 Show-me state (abbr) 55 Finish

36 Prize 38 Anger 39 Father 40 Preposition 41 Direction (abbr) 42 Strong wind 43 Opal 45 Large vessel 46 Rooter 47 Former (pretix) 48 Child's game 49 Bulls eye 52 Ohio town 54 Blue pencil 56 Before (poetic) 57 Hide away 58 Flower 59 Raced


* ■ © TT» *^B°TM 'H" '

i i[ v °^B~^ I^I^aaaaaPM^M

■pi 1 1 - I > Bj I | N I O l^B I A *J

519 West Wooster Suite A-Bowling Green-352-3568 JSSSi. ,riTERr?ETjERV.'E} ^oWttU\W^|ll\l^\?|J^^VlO\AflBTW^^OCounV* ^J^

Hi^peedDSL 56K DialUp Web Hosting &Des|gnJ—„

For Rent For Rent Just another

Manic Monday-

Apt. 3 bdrms Available now through May 15.


Avail for Fall Duplex: 1bdrm $350/mo ♦Util & 3bdrm $650* Utils or both for $1000/mo.-.Utils Near

campus off-street parking. 419-352-9925

Houses & Apts for 2002-03 school year. 12 mo. leases only-starting

May 18,2002. 322 E. Court- 1bdrm-$39S includ. util 415 E. Court »C-2 Br.-$520 ♦util. 609 5th St.. 3 bdrm.. $915 * util 230 N. Enterprise-1 Br -S365 »utii 424 t/2 S. Summit-Etfic.-$265 tutil.

Steve Smith 419-352-8917 or 419-308-2710.

2002-03 1 & 2 bdrm at Georgetown Manor. Free heat, water, + sewer

1 & 3 bdrm at 616 2nd St. Call 419-354-9740 for more into.

Only 1 ea. left, 2, 3, & 4 bdrm. hous- es Gas. air, W/D. bsmt. patios Starting May or Aug 353-2382

Room available in historic house Private entrance. No pels. S235 mo.


Spacious 1 bdrm apt downtown Sublsr. wanted ASAP. Possible rental for next year. $375/mo +

utilities Call 354-6354

Subloaser needed immed. Now until Aug. 2 bdrm. duplex in BG Close

to downtown. S600/mo. * utils Call 257-1523.


Come and Support Cancer Research

Food sales goes towards cancer research

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Sun Splash Tours 1.800.426.7710


50% OFF ticketed price on Selected Clearance Merchandise

In the Saddlemire Student Services FORUM

Sale begins Monday, Feb. 18th 2002 Saddlemire Student Services Building M- Th 8-6, Frl 8-5, Sat 9-5


2002/2003 LISTINGS Signinq Leases


Management Inc.

Evergreen Apt 215 E Poe Efficiencies & Large 1 Bdrms.

Laundry on site Starts at $ 250/mo -

Call 353-5800

Management Inc.

Hlllsdale Apt. 1082 Fairview t & 2 Bdrms./ 3Bdrm Twnh

Dishwasher/A/C/Garbage Disp Starts at S390 * Utilities -

Call 353-5800

^CfE^CA Management Inc.

Helnzslte Apt. 710 N. Enterprise St

1 Bdrms/A/C Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal

Starts at $410 * Utilities

Management Inc. Blue House (The Jungle)

120 MN. Prospect 2 Bdrms

Close to Downtown and College Starts at S675/MO+ Utilities

Management Inc. Willow HOUM Apts.

830 Fourth St. 1 Bdrms./Ai' Condition

Garbage Disposal/ Dishwasher Starts at $400 t Elec & Gas

Stop by the office at

1045 N. Main St. for complete listing or

Call 353-5800