The Best Kept Secret of Social Media Outsourcing

The Best Kept Secret of Social Media Outsourcing

Transcript of The Best Kept Secret of Social Media Outsourcing

The Best Kept Secret of Social Media Outsourcing

There was a time when outsourcing was considered something reputable businesses “just didn’t do.”

Demands on business owners have never been greater. To stay competitive, we need to do more with less time, money, and resources. Some tasks simply can’t be delegated because they’re too sensitive or require expertise only the CEO can provide.

Times have changed, though, and now many companies have realized that outsourcing isn’t just an option it’s a necessity.

Outsourcing your social media needs the right team is a no-brainer that will free up your valuable time while knowing your customer engagement is being

professionally managed to your standards.

Social media is one area of your business, though, that can be easily managed by a team of experts working under your direction.

Show me the talent

There are many benefits to outsourcing, which we’ve covered before. One of the best kept secrets of hiring a professional team to manage your social media presence is how much high-quality talent you’re able to access.

“Many entrepreneurs struggle to find highly qualified, budget-friendly team members. This can be particularly true if you do business in a major market, such as New York or Los Angeles. The cost of highly-skilled labor in these markets can be pricey.”

-Matt Keener, President of Keener marketing Solutions.

As an added bonus, Keener points out, “If someone on the team isn’t a good fit, you won’t have to spend hours looking for a qualified replacement. The outsourcing company handles all the details for you.

That’s right, your social accounts can be managed by some of the brightest minds in the industry simply by outsourcing your staffing and

talent requirements to professionals.

“Even if you’re not interested in offshoring, you can still outsource tasks to lower-cost parts of your own country.

For example, many of my clients recruited me because my hourly rate is lower than comparable marketing consultants in their own cities. The cost of living in Indiana is lower than most major metropolitan areas so they’re able to get an MBA on a more attractive budget without sacrificing quality.”

-Matt Keener, President of Keener marketing Solutions.

Quality over quantity

When you’re busy, it’s tempting to toss a whole bunch of mostly-interesting posts into a queue on Hootsuite, and let your accounts self-populate while you tend to other things.

What you say on social media is as important as how often you say it.

Scheduled posts are handy and a consistently updated timeline is vital, but the hands-off approach is like letting an answering machine take your sales calls.

It’s bare-bones engagement without the personal touch.

Outsourcing takes your social media presence to the next level by making sure there’s always someone behind the curtain ready to post timely, relevant content.

Someone who’s ready to respond to followers right away on social channels and reach out to you immediately if a customer needs assistance.

Smart businesses know that outsourcing social media is the best way to easily enlist high-quality talent to help you put your best foot forward on all your social channels.

Photo Credit: Yoel Ben Avraham