the Best East Side Business firms JOHN M. GLEASON HST SIDE ...

wsm s ymf * THE IRISH STANDARD, BATPRBAY, AUGUST 16,1913 MINNEAPOLIS NEWS CITY IN BRIEF PROBATE NOTICE. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OP HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Jefferson White, Decedent. On receiving and filing the petition of Clinton J. White of Hennepin County, Minnesota, praying that Letters of Ad- ministration on said estate issue to said petitioner. It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons Interested in said matter appear before this Court on Mail, carriers may ride free on street cars'after Sept. 1. This will apply to carriers and messengers for the post- offlce in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The contract' between the government and the street car company was sign- ed yesterday by Postmasters Hale, Minneapolis, and Yanish, St. Paul. The John K. Andrus forces now are in full possession of the Dyckman ho- tel an3 Harry J. Tremaln, new pro- prietor, had scarcely hung up his hat when lie made the announcement that next Monday he would start on a roof garden and a convention hall up In the clouds. Four more stories will be added to the six-story building on the Nicollet avenue side of the Dyckman. This will bring this building's top fluuh with that of the Dyckman and the entire roof space of the hotel building and the addition will be used. Burglars entered the home of Dr. C. D'a Wright, 221 Groveland avenue, last Wednesday night, for the sixth time in the last three years. Their only loot was a plumed hat belonging to a daughter, Murial Wright. Jewelry valued at several hundred dollars was oveflooked. When the Wrights re turned home about 9 o'clock after an automobile ride, they noticed a light upstairs. Dr. Wright directed his chauffeur to hurry to the back of the house and Mrs. Wright went to one side of the house. While Dr. Wright was driving the auto across the street the burglars jumped from the roof on the side thai was un- guarded. Entrance was gained by climbing on a porch and opening a screen window. Re-flghting the battle ' of Manila, which occurred 15 years ago Wednes- day, 'he officers Of the Thirteenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry held a reunion Wednesday afternoon and eve nlng at the home of their command- ing officer. Gen. C. McC. Reeve, 4750 Lake Harriet boulevard. About 30 of the officers and their wives attended. Letters and telegrams were received from a large number who were unable to attend. Officers of the regiment who attended from Minneapolis were Lieut. Col. F. T. Corriston, Major Row- ley, Major E. G. Falk, Col. Ames, Capt, A. A. Law, Lieut. M, D. Garcelon, Lieut. Burt Kenas'ton, Major Don' F. Fitzgerald, Capt. C. jfetz,'Xiieu't.' M. U Merrill, Lieut. J. F. Chambers and Lieut. J. J. Walsh "SHAMEEN DHU" Chauncey Oleott Wjll Appear Here in His New Play August 24. Chauncey Oleott is always welcome to Minneapolis, but when he comes with a play of great merit, staged by no less a master. of the craft than Henry Miller, arid with a collection of sweet melodies, in the making of which he took a considerable part, the welcome becomes doubly earnest. The combination outlined will serve as the opening attraction of the season at the Metropolitan opera house Sunday eve- ning, August 24, and continuing throughout the week, and will unques- tionably draw the customary Oleott houses, which means that at every per formance every seat will be fllled and every inch of standing room occupied. It is a sort of a family reunion, these annual visits of this sweet singer of songs that sound the praise of Ire- land, the loves of her lads and lassies, the courage of her song and the beau- ty and honesty of her daughters, and the everlasting affection of them all for that dear isle. "Shameen Dhu" is the name of the new play, but the name of the vehicle matters not to an Oleott audience. The eye of the body may be busy with the make-believe world that is spread on the stage, but the eye of the soul is dimmed at the thought of scenes left long ago, but ever bright to memory. And who can sing of those scenes as does Chauncey Oleott? It doesn't matter especially what he plays nor how he plays it so long as he sings; but it happens thai this time he has a role that is more nearly worth while than any he has ahown us in a long time. It is that of a courtly young Irishman, who, asked to pose as the flancee of a rich young widow, becomes violently in love with a young American girl wty> is her guest, while the brother of this Am- erican guest falls equally as much in love with the aforesaid widow. T.he role gives Mr. Oleott much opportun- ' lty to sing, and he also has full op- portunity to exercise his gift for com- edy, for blarney and for genuine path- os, so the whole will go down as a real Oleott triumph. The play is said to be splendidly staged, all very re- alistic in detail, particularly a beauti- ful garden scene in the last act, which !• said to be a triumph of the scene painter's art. Death of Mrs. Mary Moian. Mrs. Mary Molan, age 49, wife of Daniel Molan, died at her t)ome in Corcoran, this county, Sunday, Aug. 10. Deceased was born in County Tlpperary, Ireland, May 12, 1864. She came to this country in 1882 and in 1883 was married to D. L. Molan. She is survived by a husband and seven children, four sons, namely, Thomas, Edmund, Daniel and Leo, and three daughters, Mary, Catherine and Agnes; also by four brothers, John of Australia and Edward, Mich- ael and Denis Coughlin of Minneap- olis. Interment took place Tuesday, Aug. 12, at St. Thomas church, Cor- coran. Rev. Father McArron paid a beautiful and deserving tribute to her memory, with many words of condol- ence and advice to her . survivors. The pallbearers were the Messrs. Luke and Thomas Cain, Walter Meister, Nicolas Molan, John Ryan and Mich- ael Kearn. The floral offerings were very numerous and beautiful. at 10 a. m„ at the Probate Court in the Court House at Minneapolis in said Coun- ty and then, or as Boon thereafter as said petition can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why said petition should not be granted. And It Is Further Ordered, That no- tice of such hearing be given, by pub- lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in the Irish Standard, a news- paper printed and published in said Coun- ty, and by mailing a copy of this order to all the helrs-at-law of said decedent when their address is known or can be ascertained by due diligence at least fourteen (14) days before the date of said hearing,- unless notice Is; waived. Dated at Minneapolis this 12th day of August, 1913. By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court. 7 fXT j mmm PROBATE NOTICE. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of James R. Buckley, Decedent. On receiving and filing the petition of Bridget F. Buckley of Hennepin County, Minnesota, praying that Letters of Ad- ministration on said estate issue to her. It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons interested In said matter appear before this Court on Monday, the .8th day of September, 1913, at 10 a. m., at the Probate Court In the Court House at Minneapolis In said County and then, or as soon thereafter as said petition can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why said peti- tion should not be granted. And It Is Further Ordered. That no- tice of such hearing be given, by pub- lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, In the Irish Standard, a news- paper printed and published In said Coun- ty, and by mailing a copy of this order to all the heirs-at-law of said decedent when their address is known or can be ascertained by due diligence, at least fourteen (14) days before the date of tald hearing, unless notice is waived. Dated at Minneapolis this 13th day of August, 1913. By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court. I SAINT CLARA COLLEGE and ACADEMY i Division No. 7, A. O. H. At its last meeting decided to give a literary entertainment and Irish dancing contest during fair week for! kin s,'"mor tgasce ami" holder oTsaid \nort- MORTOAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made In the pay- ment of the sum of One hundred and seventeen Dollars, which is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this no- tice upon a certain mortgage, duly exe- cuted and delivered by Frank p. Roll, mortgagor, to Fred T. Tompkins, mort- gagee, bearing date the 7th day of Feb- ruary, 1913, and with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Hennepin, and State of Minnesota, on the 28th day of February, 1913, at 12 o'clock m., in Book 774 of Mortgages, on page 304. And Whereas, The said Fred T. Tomp- •ho honoflt nt thp Prn-Oftthedral fund. Sage, has duly elected and does hereby the Denent oi tne t*ro i^amearai iuna. e)ect to ,jeciare the whole principal sum It is the intention ot the committee, of said mortgage due and payable at the . . ... i , , _ j date of this notice, under the terms and having the entertainment In charge, conditions of said mortgage and the pow- «bpi,w a nneaVer nf national re- er of sa,e therein contained; and where- to secure a speaker or national re-, as there is actually due and clainled to nown, and also to secure the best Irish be due and payable at the date of this . ,, . notice the sum of Four Thousand and dancers in the Northwest to compete Seventeen ($4,017.00) Dollars with inter- tnr enitnhlo nrlms est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per for suitable prizes. | antlum from the 7th day of Augllst Those desiring to enter the dancing. and wherens the said power of sale hus become operative and no action or pro- contest may do so by sending their name and address to William H. Don- ahue, 535 Palace Building, Minneap- olis. A list of those |o contest will be published next week. OVER THE NORTHWEST ceeding having been Instituted, at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. Now, Therefore, Notice Is Hereby Giv- en, That by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mortgage, and pursuant to, the statute In such case made and pjovlded,Jh^.sald mortgage will be fore- . . . ilo-of tlie'iiremlBes described *sald mortgage, viz.: closed by«a-'saft of t li o in and conveyed by All of lots Four (4) and Five (5) except the easterly One Hundred (100) feet of said lots, Block Four (4), Hay ward and Pond's Addition to Minneapolis. Subject to a prior mortgage for Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars. In Hennepin County Rochester, Minn.—One hundred and mn... ... _l„„_ , and State of Minnesota, with the heredlt- flfty people attended the musical given amenta and aoDurtenances: which sale Wednesday evening of last week under the auspices of the Knights of Colum- An Oleott Benefit. Chauncey Oleott, the well known and vary popular Irish singer, will give a aments and appurtenances; which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Hen- nepin County, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Minneapolis, In said County and State, on the 26th day of September, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., of that day, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt of Four Thousand and Seventeen ($4,017.00) Dollars, and interest, and the taxes, if anj\ on said premises, and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, as stipu- lated in and by said mortgage In case of foreclosure, and the disbursements al- lowed by law; subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated August 11th, A. D. 1913. FRED T. TOMPKINS, . Mortgagee. R. E. PLANKERTON, Attorney, 602 Palace Building. PROBATE NOTICE. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Ottllle Long, Decedent. On receiving and filing the petition of Jesse Long ot Hennepin County, Minne- sota, praying that letters of administra- tion on said estate issue to him, It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons interested In said matter appear before this Court on Tuesday, the 2nd day of September, 1813, at 10 a. m., at the Probate Court in the I Court House bus in M. W. A. hall. The Troubadour troupe of musicians, under the direc- tion of Miss Pancost, presented a fifty- flve-minute program of solos, duets and recitations. At the conclusion, fifty couples enjoyed a dancing party, the company furnishing the music for the delightful occasion. Olivia, Minn.—Mrs. Martin Ryan and daughter Mlllicent have been spending the week since Monday vis- iting at the M. F. Ryan home. Livingston, Mont.—Mrs. J. H. Ryan entertained Thursday afternoon of last week for her daughter, Miss Mary, the occasion being her fifth birthday. There were 12 of the little girl's friends present and all had a very pleasant time from 3 to 5 o'clock. They played games until nearly 5,_ . - ,,, i Court House at Minneapolis, in said o'clock, when dainty refreshments county, and then, or as soon thereafter frVl1 as said petition can be heard, show were ser\ ed in the dining room. The cause, if any there be, why said peti- table was prettily decoratod and the. u ° n "S 1 £r £ n i ea -* 1 And It AS Further Ordered place cards were pretty souvenirs. That no- tice of such hearing be given by publlsh- x„,„ on i lng this order once in each week for Green Isle, Minn.—Mr. Frank Riley: three successive weeks, prior to said day of Minneapolis is spending the week of hearing, in the Irish Standard, a news- paper printed and published in said with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dwane. Faribault, Minn.—Division No. 1, A, O. H. of Rice county hacvest festival and dance held Aug. 15 at Church Park, Shleldsvllle. Celtic sports and county. Dated at Minneapolis, this 2nd day of August, 1913. By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court. games, such as weight throwing, jump- STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF f , . . . HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT, ing, root races, tug of war, etc., made in the Matter of the Estate of Alice G. up the program, also a game of ball ^iceivin^and filing the petition 0f between the local team and another Silas G. West of Hennepin County, Min- . . . , . , lissota, pitying that Letters of Admin- fast team and horse races in the af-, jstratlon on said estate issue to him. tprnnnn Dinner waa not-veri «n lt Is Olileied, That said petition be ternoon. Dinner was served on the he(ird that aI, persons interested in grounds and refreshments during the sy id mattei awear before this Court on , . Mcnday, the Stli day of September, 1913, afternoon and evening. A grand dance at 10 a. in., at the Probate Court in the i_ »u„ Court House at Minneapolis, in said was gi\en on the new pavilion in the ,.our;t$. and then, or as soon thereafter evening . as sale, petition can be heard, show cause. If any there be, why said petl- Luverne, Minn.—Mr. and Mrs. Glen tion shoulc not be granted. n,,„„ . * to j At'd It Is Further Ordered, That notice Dugan, of Lester, la., and Miss Myrtle 0f such hearing be given by publishing Dugan, of Ames, la., who had been 0 ''^ 01 ' onc< : ln each week for three PROBATE NOTICE. spending a few days at the G. E. Du- gan home, left Tuesday on their re- turn to their, respective homes. BELL TROUSERS.. ; The broad "bell shaped" ends of sailors' trousers legs were thus shaped so that the wearer might more easily benefit for the Minneapolis League of MoSday. the 8th day of Septem&rri913, Catholic Women August 29 at the Metropolitan Opera house. Mr: Oleott needs no introduction to our Minneapolis people and the league with their many friends are looking forward with pleasure to the Friday afternoon he has so kindly promised to entertain them. The program, which is under the supervision of Mrs. M. Breslauer, wi), consist of a number of songs by the noted singer, a minuet and other at- tractive features. The sale of seats begins Monday in charge of Mrs. J. H. McCarthy and Mrs. C. S. Brackett FOR YOUNG- WOMEN School of Music, Art and Expression CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. DOMINIC Sinsinawa, Grant Co., Wisconsin. FOUNDED 1854 FIRST RANK College Courses leading to B. A. and B. S. degrees. Teachers' Certificates and Diplomas granted in the following departments: Music, Art, Commercial, Domestic Science, Dramatic Art, Public School Music. Academic Course of four years prepares for any college. Stress laid upon character development.—School spirit broad and democratic. Healthful location, well equipped buildings, forty acre campus. The College and the Academy were affiliated to The Catholic University of America in 1913. For Catalogue or Information, Address, THE SECRETARY. Saint Clara College, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. St. Mary's Academy GRACEVILLE, MINN. Boarding Schoof For Girls Conducted by Sisters of St Joseph For Information Address The Superioress. College ofSt. Catherine, St Paul, Minn. A CATHOLIC COLLEGE FOR GIRLS. Accredited by the Minnesota State Board of Public Instruction and by several prominent Universities. SEVENTY-ACRE CAMPU8 FIREPROOF BUILDINGS. THE COLLEGIATE, leading to the de- gree of Bachelor ef Arts. THE ACADEMIC OR COLLEGE PRE- PARATORY. MUSIC and PAINTING In their varl. oue branches. DOME8TIC ART, HOUSEHOLD SCI- ENCE and COOKING. The College Enjoys the patronage of Archbishop Ireland. Year Book Forwarded on Application. Addreee THE SECRETARY. ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGEVILLE, MINN. The oldest Catholic Boarding College in the Northwest. Founded 1857 Conducted by Benedictine Fathers. Beautiful and healthful location Grounds with two lakes over 800 acres. Excellent library, museum, science building and gymnasium. 416 registered students in 1913. Thoroughly equipped for instruction in Theology, Philosophy, Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Commercial Subjects, Shorthand, Typewriting, Music, Drawing. Solid mental and moral training. For catalogue, etc., address the Rev. Rector. tDilla flfoaria Bca&emv H A J 4a II.a I RI! u 11 "Accredited to the University of Minnesota. COMPLETE COURSES IN THESE DEPARTMENTS I Frontenac, Minnesota NAZARETH SCHOOL FOR BOYS Lake City, MlniiMiti BOTH CONDUCTED BY THE URSULINE NUNS These two Institution*, oonduoted by the Ursullne Nuns, are unexcelled &IIrwhere. The locations lire beautiful ami healthful. Every convenience tor the proper osra and education of young slrls and boys. Terms reasonable. Write tor Catalocue, whtoh iiivcs full deKcripilonsaud terms tor both Institutions. Address. MOTHER SUPERIOR MOTHER SUPERIOR VILLA MARIA ACADEMY NAZAKETH SCHOOL FOR BOYS Frontenao, Minn. Lake Olty, Minn. COLLEGE OF ST. THOMAS T ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA UNDER THE CONTROL AND DIRECTION OF ARCHBISHOP IRELAND Situated in extensive and beautiful grounds on the banks of the Mississippi. Pivo com- modious buildings, including a Residence Hall completed last year at a cost of (130,000. A Catholic Military College, classed "A" by the War Department, with an officer of the United States Army detailed by the Secretary of War. A large and well-trained faculty of priests and laymen. Collegiate Department. Embraces the branches of a liberal education leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sceince. Academic Department. Includes all the branches of a High School Course. Commercial Department. A thorough, practical and comprehensive training in the subjects necessary to a commercial career. Best methods in Bookkeeping, Phonography, Typewriting, etc., supplemented by a training in English Literature, Commercial Law.etc. Preparatory Department. For the instruction of young boys and of those who are not qualified to enter the.Acuieinic or Commercial Department. Six hundred and seventy Students' representing sixteen stats* registered last year. Porlllustraadoataleme. AddmsVERY REV. H. MOYNIHAN, D. D. President I I I The Catholic University of America Washington, D. C. Schools of Engineering and Technology. Offering Courses in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineer- ing, Meclianical Engineering, Chemist Engineering, Architecture. School of Law, School of Philosophy, School of Letters. Terms moderate. Fall term begins Sept. 30th. Write -for Catalogue to Chas. F. Borden, Registrar. Rt. Rev. Thomas 3. Shahan, Rector. JOHN M. GLEASON Funeral Director AND EMBALMER 111 SOUTH NINTH STREET Branch at 2402 CENTRAL AVE. BOTH PHONES ttfinnneajiolis - - Minn WE PAY 6% fO INVESTORS, WHETHEB LARGE OR SMALL HENNEPIN SAVIN6S « LOAN ASM 538 Security Bank Bldg. St. Mary's College THE IDEAL SCHOOL Winona, Minn. A Boarding School for Boys Opens September, 1913 Fireproof building, modern in all its appointments. Well heated, well lighted, well ventilated with sanitary plumbing throughout. Beautiful ana healthful location. Ample recreation and athletic grounds. Preparatory, Academic ana Collegiate Courses, Classical and Scientific. Interest en- coruaged in Agriculture. Fifty Private Rooms for Advanced Students. Address St. Mary's College WINONA, MINNESOTA Terrace Heights Become a Live Wire That's what a course with us will make you. We are a member of the Live Wire Club of America. Let us give you tne inspiration. The advantages are many. We are also a member of the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. We maintain the standard course of study. To attend this standard school is to make no experiment. Write for our literature. M/MmPOL'S THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE OF THE NORTHWEST. D. C. RUGG, President. 225 Fifth Street South. ST. JOHN'S ACADEHY JAMESTOWN, N. •. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Academic, Commercial and Elementary Courses Music, Art, Elocution and Domestic Science Conducted by Sisters of St Joseph. For Information Address THE DIRECTRESS, Jamestown, N. D. Best S3 Shoes for Meo iod Women the Best East Side Business firms HST SIDE SIJIE BMW •OI OINTMAU AVI. CAPITAL 1100,000.00 Dm fliwil "-•Mag BuiMaa 3 '/j£, Interest Paid on Time Deposits P1UCO E. BARNBY, Pn*l«Mt ISAAC BAZLETT. VllwPrw. lK-Ii_CASBL.OMltf« n vi( ° C lolhi Diamonds it Watches Entiles Pins, Gbarns and Rings CHAS. OLSON & CO., JEWELERS 215 Central Ave. cbntkal atb. t rotnrra *r. Ev«r ythlnf Wambla for Mm and Boy* DAHLGREN & MEYER DYERS & FRENCH DRY CLEANERS 701 Hnnpii Arnu N. W. Main *130 T. S. Center lHt BRANCH: 219 Central Ave N. W East 467 T. S. Sprues 410 FACTORY: 620 2nd St. N. E. T. S. Spruoe M8 Wa »ki iHiiillr il lint alau wmrfc. mccesalve weeks, prior to said day of t earing. In The Irish Standard, a news- paper ptinted and published ln said county. l>aied at Minneapolis, this 4th day ot August, 1913 By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court. IOWA FARMS. _ Catholics! Harrison County lias 2},000 . .. . population; it is bounded on the west by turn his trousers up abov« his knees kissourl river; lies 20 miles north of when he had tn nwab thn darl» nark Omaha and Council Bluffs and 40 miles ne naa lo swau lne aecK "- uecK , south of Sioux City. The land is excel- ewabblnz was a hateful and supposed-: lent, business flourishing. Seven Catho- lic churches; Catholic schools and acad- ly degrading; task. Hence the sailors called their enemies "swabs" as a term of contempt. One is called a "swab" who uses cheap, newly-madp beer, which causes stomach troubles. Instead of wholesome, aged beer, like golden grain belt; advertisement. emles convenient; several public high schools, two railroads. C.& X. W. and Il- linois Central. If you would ~ like a good farm or store In or near any town ln this county, address Box 573, Woodbine, Harrison County. Iowa. j£>. <$. Shnafifaon Wcmpanu INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO THEIR COMPLETE LINE OF CHURCH GOODS, IN ADDITION TO ALL THEIR REGULAR LINES OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE TO EAT, TO WEAR AND TO FURNISH THE HOME McGowan and Mahoney. Fire Insurance, real estate, loans, 220- 224 Temple Court. FOX & LO NG FUNERAL DIRECTORS MB Onrtrrt An. Bold PliNt. ><* * >: T. CONNOLLY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone si N. W. Main 456 Tri-SUte Center 2588 1329 Hennepin Aienoi, Minneapolis, Minn. W. P. Waihburn, Pru. Frank G (inner, Treat. J. A. Donaldson, V.-P* Peter Thorhaug, Sec 6LESSKER-WASHBURN CO. Incorporated HOUSE FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS 313*321 Central Ave. Minneapolis, Minn m IRISH Hand-Blade LACE! LACE8:— (a) Carrickmacroes. (b) Irish Rose Point. (c) Youghal Point. (d) Irish Crochet. (e) Limerick Lacee. We design and execute Altar-falls, Albs, Capes, Gowns, Scarfs, Insertion!,' etc., at lowest prices. As handsome wedding and birthday presents real Irish Lace stands unriv- aled. Misses H. & J. O'Sullivan, Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa. Our Lace Depots convenient for Amer- ican tourists: Hotel Russell, London, England. Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, York*, Khg. . Hotel Great Central, London. England, j;

Transcript of the Best East Side Business firms JOHN M. GLEASON HST SIDE ...

Page 1: the Best East Side Business firms JOHN M. GLEASON HST SIDE ...

wsm symf *




HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Jefferson

White, Decedent. On receiving and filing the petition of

Clinton J. White of Hennepin County, Minnesota, praying that Letters of Ad­ministration on said estate issue to said petitioner.

It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons Interested in said matter appear before this Court on

Mail, carriers may ride free on street cars'after Sept. 1. This will apply to carriers and messengers for the post-offlce in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The contract' between the government and the street car company was sign­ed yesterday by Postmasters Hale, Minneapolis, and Yanish, St. Paul.

The John K. Andrus forces now are in full possession of the Dyckman ho­tel an3 Harry J. • Tremaln, new pro­prietor, had scarcely hung up his hat when lie made the announcement that next Monday he would start on a roof garden and a convention hall up In the clouds. Four more stories will be added to the six-story building on the Nicollet avenue side of the Dyckman. This will bring this building's top fluuh with that of the Dyckman and the entire roof space of the hotel building and the addition will be used.

Burglars entered the home of Dr. C. D'a Wright, 221 Groveland avenue, last Wednesday night, for the sixth time in the last three years. Their only loot was a plumed hat belonging to a daughter, Murial Wright. Jewelry valued at several hundred dollars was oveflooked. When the Wrights re turned home about 9 o'clock after an automobile ride, they noticed a light upstairs. Dr. Wright directed his chauffeur to hurry to the back of the house and Mrs. Wright went to one side of the house. While Dr. Wright was driving the auto across the street the burglars jumped from the roof on the side thai was un­guarded. Entrance was gained by climbing on a porch and opening a screen window.

Re-flghting the battle ' of Manila, which occurred 15 years ago Wednes­day, 'he officers Of the Thirteenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry held a reunion Wednesday afternoon and eve nlng at the home of their command­ing officer. Gen. C. McC. Reeve, 4750 Lake Harriet boulevard. About 30 of the officers and their wives attended. Letters and telegrams were received from a large number who were unable to attend. Officers of the regiment who attended from Minneapolis were Lieut. Col. F. T. Corriston, Major Row­ley, Major E. G. Falk, Col. Ames, Capt, A. A. Law, Lieut. M, D. Garcelon, Lieut. Burt Kenas'ton, Major Don' F. Fitzgerald, Capt. C. jfetz,'Xiieu't.' M. U Merrill, Lieut. J. F. Chambers and Lieut. J. J. Walsh

"SHAMEEN DHU" Chauncey Oleott Wjll Appear Here in

His New Play August 24. Chauncey Oleott is always welcome

to Minneapolis, but when he comes with a play of great merit, staged by no less a master. of the craft than Henry Miller, arid with a collection of sweet melodies, in the making of which he took a considerable part, the welcome becomes doubly earnest. The combination outlined will serve as the opening attraction of the season at the Metropolitan opera house Sunday eve­ning, August 24, and continuing throughout the week, and will unques­tionably draw the customary Oleott houses, which means that at every per formance every seat will be fllled and every inch of standing room occupied. It is a sort of a family reunion, these annual visits of this sweet singer of songs that sound the praise of Ire­land, the loves of her lads and lassies, the courage of her song and the beau­ty and honesty of her daughters, and the everlasting affection of them all for that dear isle. "Shameen Dhu" is the name of the new play, but the name of the vehicle matters not to an Oleott audience. The eye of the body may be busy with the make-believe world that is spread on the stage, but the eye of the soul is dimmed at the thought of scenes left long ago, but ever bright to memory. And who can sing of those scenes as does Chauncey Oleott? It doesn't matter especially what he plays nor how he plays it so long as he sings; but it happens thai this time he has a role that is more nearly worth while than any he has ahown us in a long time. It is that of a courtly young Irishman, who, asked to pose as the flancee of a rich young widow, becomes violently in love with a young American girl wty> is her guest, while the brother of this Am­erican guest falls equally as much in love with the aforesaid widow. T.he role gives Mr. Oleott much opportun-

' lty to sing, and he also has full op­portunity to exercise his gift for com­edy, for blarney and for genuine path­os, so the whole will go down as a real Oleott triumph. The play is said to be splendidly staged, all very re­alistic in detail, particularly a beauti­ful garden scene in the last act, which !• said to be a triumph of the scene painter's art.

Death of Mrs. Mary Moian. Mrs. Mary Molan, age 49, wife of

Daniel Molan, died at her t)ome in Corcoran, this county, Sunday, Aug. 10. Deceased was born in County Tlpperary, Ireland, May 12, 1864. She came to this country in 1882 and in 1883 was married to D. L. Molan. She is survived by a husband and seven children, four sons, namely, Thomas, Edmund, Daniel and Leo, and three daughters, Mary, Catherine and Agnes; also by four brothers, John of Australia and Edward, Mich­ael and Denis Coughlin of Minneap­olis. Interment took place Tuesday, Aug. 12, at St. Thomas church, Cor­coran. Rev. Father McArron paid a beautiful and deserving tribute to her memory, with many words of condol­ence and advice to her . survivors. The pallbearers were the Messrs. Luke and Thomas Cain, Walter Meister, Nicolas Molan, John Ryan and Mich­ael Kearn. The floral offerings were very numerous and beautiful.

at 10 a. m„ at the Probate Court in the Court House at Minneapolis in said Coun­ty and then, or as Boon thereafter as said petition can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why said petition should not be granted.

And It Is Further Ordered, That no­tice of such hearing be given, by pub­lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in the Irish Standard, a news­paper printed and published in said Coun­ty, and by mailing a copy of this order to all the helrs-at-law of said decedent when their address is known or can be ascertained by due diligence at least fourteen (14) days before the date of said hearing,- unless notice Is; waived.

Dated at Minneapolis this 12th day of August, 1913.

By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL,

Judge of the Probate Court.

7 fXT j mmm


HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of James R.

Buckley, Decedent. On receiving and filing the petition of

Bridget F. Buckley of Hennepin County, Minnesota, praying that Letters of Ad­ministration on said estate issue to her.

It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons interested In said matter appear before this Court on Monday, the .8th day of September, 1913, at 10 a. m., at the Probate Court In the Court House at Minneapolis In said County and then, or as soon thereafter as said petition can be heard, show cause, if any there be, why said peti­tion should not be granted.

And It Is Further Ordered. That no­tice of such hearing be given, by pub­lishing this order once in each week for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, In the Irish Standard, a news­paper printed and published In said Coun­ty, and by mailing a copy of this order to all the heirs-at-law of said decedent when their address is known or can be ascertained by due diligence, at least fourteen (14) days before the date of tald hearing, unless notice is waived.

Dated at Minneapolis this 13th day of August, 1913.

By the Court: JOHN A. DAHL,

Judge of the Probate Court.


Division No. 7, A. O. H. At its last meeting decided to give

a literary entertainment and Irish dancing contest during fair week for! kin s,'"mor tgasce ami" holder oTsaid \nort-

MORTOAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Default having been made In the pay­

ment of the sum of One hundred and seventeen Dollars, which is claimed to be due and is due at the date of this no­tice upon a certain mortgage, duly exe­cuted and delivered by Frank p. Roll, mortgagor, to Fred T. Tompkins, mort­gagee, bearing date the 7th day of Feb­ruary, 1913, and with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Hennepin, and State of Minnesota, on the 28th day of February, 1913, at 12 o'clock m., in Book 774 of Mortgages, on page 304.

And Whereas, The said Fred T. Tomp-

•ho honoflt nt thp Prn-Oftthedral fund. Sage, has duly elected and does hereby the Denent oi tne t*ro i^amearai iuna. e)ect to ,jeciare the whole principal sum It is the intention ot the committee, of said mortgage due and payable at the . . ... i , , _ j date of this notice, under the terms and having the entertainment In charge, • conditions of said mortgage and the pow-

«bpi,w a nneaVer nf national re- er of sa,e therein contained; and where­to secure a speaker or national re-, as there is actually due and clainled to

nown, and also to secure the best Irish be due and payable at the date of this . ,, „ . notice the sum of Four Thousand and dancers in the Northwest to compete Seventeen ($4,017.00) Dollars with inter-tnr enitnhlo nrlms est thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per for suitable prizes. | antlum from the 7th day of Augllst

Those desiring to enter the dancing. and wherens the said power of sale hus become operative and no action or pro-contest may do so by sending their

name and address to William H. Don­ahue, 535 Palace Building, Minneap­olis.

A list of those |o contest will be published next week.


ceeding having been Instituted, at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof.

Now, Therefore, Notice Is Hereby Giv­en, That by virtue of the power of sale contained In said mortgage, and pursuant to, the statute In such case made and pjovlded,Jh^.sald mortgage will be fore-. . . ilo-of tlie'iiremlBes described

*sald mortgage, viz.: closed by«a-'saft of t li o in and conveyed by All of lots Four (4) and Five (5) except the easterly One Hundred (100) feet of said lots, Block Four (4), Hay ward and Pond's Addition to Minneapolis. Subject to a prior mortgage for Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars. In Hennepin County Rochester, Minn.—One hundred and

mn... ... _l„„_,and State of Minnesota, with the heredlt-flfty people attended the musical given amenta and aoDurtenances: which sale Wednesday evening of last week under the auspices of the Knights of Colum-

An Oleott Benefit. Chauncey Oleott, the well known and

vary popular Irish singer, will give a

aments and appurtenances; which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Hen­nepin County, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Minneapolis, In said County and State, on the 26th day of September, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., of that day, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt of Four Thousand and Seventeen ($4,017.00) Dollars, and interest, and the taxes, if anj\ on said premises, and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, as stipu­lated in and by said mortgage In case of foreclosure, and the disbursements al­lowed by law; subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law.

Dated August 11th, A. D. 1913. FRED T. TOMPKINS,

. Mortgagee. R. E. PLANKERTON, Attorney,

602 Palace Building.


HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT. In the Matter of the Estate of Ottllle

Long, Decedent. On receiving and filing the petition of

Jesse Long ot Hennepin County, Minne­sota, praying that letters of administra­tion on said estate issue to him,

It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons interested In said matter appear before this Court on Tuesday, the 2nd day of September, 1813, at 10 a. m., at the Probate Court in the

I Court House

bus in M. W. A. hall. The Troubadour troupe of musicians, under the direc­tion of Miss Pancost, presented a fifty-flve-minute program of solos, duets and recitations. At the conclusion, fifty couples enjoyed a dancing party, the company furnishing the music for the delightful occasion.

Olivia, Minn.—Mrs. Martin Ryan and daughter Mlllicent have been spending the week since Monday vis­iting at the M. F. Ryan home.

Livingston, Mont.—Mrs. J. H. Ryan entertained Thursday afternoon of last week for her daughter, Miss Mary, the occasion being her fifth birthday. There were 12 of the little girl's friends present and all had a very pleasant time from 3 to 5 o'clock. They played games until nearly 5,_ . „ - ,,, „ i Court House at Minneapolis, in said o'clock, when dainty refreshments county, and then, or as soon thereafter

frVl„1 as said petition can be heard, show were ser\ ed in the dining room. The cause, if any there be, why said peti-table was prettily decoratod and the. u°n "S1 p® £r£niea-* 1 And It AS Further Ordered place cards were pretty souvenirs.

That no­tice of such hearing be given by publlsh-

x„,„ on i lng this order once in each week for Green Isle, Minn.—Mr. Frank Riley: three successive weeks, prior to said day

of Minneapolis is spending the week of hearing, in the Irish Standard, a news-paper printed and published in said

with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dwane. Faribault, Minn.—Division No. 1, A,

O. H. of Rice county hacvest festival and dance held Aug. 15 at Church Park, Shleldsvllle. Celtic sports and

county. Dated at Minneapolis, this 2nd day of

August, 1913. By the Court:

JOHN A. DAHL, Judge of the Probate Court.

games, such as weight throwing, jump- STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF f , . . „ . HENNEPIN. IN PROBATE COURT, ing, root races, tug of war, etc., made in the Matter of the Estate of Alice G.

up the program, also a game of ball ^iceivin^and filing the petition 0f between the local team and another Silas G. West of Hennepin County, Min-. . . , . , lissota, pitying that Letters of Admin-fast team and horse races in the af-, jstratlon on said estate issue to him. tprnnnn Dinner waa not-veri «n lt Is Olileied, That said petition be ternoon. Dinner was served on the he(ird that aI, persons interested in grounds and refreshments during the syid mattei awear before this Court on

, . Mcnday, the Stli day of September, 1913, afternoon and evening. A grand dance at 10 a. in., at the Probate Court in the

i_ »u„ Court House at Minneapolis, in said was gi\en on the new pavilion in the ,.our;t$. and then, or as soon thereafter evening . as sale, petition can be heard, show

cause. If any there be, why said petl-Luverne, Minn.—Mr. and Mrs. Glen tion shoulc not be granted.

n,,„„ . * to j At'd It Is Further Ordered, That notice Dugan, of Lester, la., and Miss Myrtle 0f such hearing be given by publishing Dugan, of Ames, la., who had been 0''^01' onc<: ln each week for three


spending a few days at the G. E. Du­gan home, left Tuesday on their re­turn to their, respective homes.

BELL TROUSERS.. ; The broad "bell shaped" ends of

sailors' trousers legs were thus shaped so that the wearer might more easily

benefit for the Minneapolis League of MoSday. the 8th day of Septem&rri913, Catholic Women August 29 at the Metropolitan Opera house.

Mr: Oleott needs no introduction to our Minneapolis people and the league with their many friends are looking forward with pleasure to the Friday afternoon he has so kindly promised to entertain them.

The program, which is under the supervision of Mrs. M. Breslauer, wi), consist of a number of songs by the noted singer, a minuet and other at­tractive features. The sale of seats begins Monday in charge of Mrs. J. H. McCarthy and Mrs. C. S. Brackett

FOR YOUNG- WOMEN School of Music, Art and Expression


THE SISTERS OF THE ORDER OF ST. DOMINIC Sinsinawa, Grant Co., Wisconsin.


College Courses leading to B. A. and B. S. degrees. Teachers' Certificates and Diplomas granted in the

following departments: Music, Art, Commercial, Domestic Science, Dramatic

Art, Public School Music. Academic Course of four years prepares for any college. Stress laid upon character development.—School spirit

broad and democratic. Healthful location, well equipped buildings, forty acre

campus. The College and the Academy were affiliated to The

Catholic University of America in 1913. For Catalogue or Information, Address,

THE SECRETARY. Saint Clara College, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin.

St. Mary's Academy GRACEVILLE, MINN.

Boarding Schoof For Girls

Conducted by Sisters of St Joseph

For Information Address The Superioress.

College ofSt. Catherine, St Paul, Minn. A CATHOLIC COLLEGE FOR GIRLS.

Accredited by the Minnesota State Board of Public Instruction and by several prominent Universities.


gree of Bachelor ef Arts. THE ACADEMIC OR COLLEGE PRE­



ENCE and COOKING. The College Enjoys the patronage of Archbishop Ireland.

Year Book Forwarded on Application. Addreee THE SECRETARY.


The oldest Catholic Boarding College in the Northwest. Founded 1857 Conducted by Benedictine Fathers. Beautiful and healthful location

Grounds with two lakes over 800 acres. Excellent library, museum, science building and gymnasium. 416 registered students in 1913. Thoroughly equipped for instruction in Theology, Philosophy, Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Commercial Subjects, Shorthand, Typewriting, Music, Drawing. Solid mental and moral training. For catalogue, etc., address the Rev. Rector.

tDilla flfoaria Bca&emv H A J 4a II.a I RI! u 11 "Accredited to the University of Minnesota.






These two Institution*, oonduoted by the Ursullne Nuns, are unexcelled &IIrwhere. The locations lire beautiful ami healthful. Every convenience tor the proper osra and education of young slrls and boys. Terms reasonable. Write tor Catalocue, whtoh iiivcs full deKcripilonsaud terms tor both Institutions. Address. MOTHER SUPERIOR MOTHER SUPERIOR



UNDER THE CONTROL AND DIRECTION OF ARCHBISHOP IRELAND Situated in extensive and beautiful grounds on the banks of the Mississippi. Pivo com­modious buildings, including a Residence Hall completed last year at a cost of (130,000. A Catholic Military College, classed "A" by the War Department, with an officer of the United States Army detailed by the Secretary of War. A large and well-trained faculty of priests and laymen. Collegiate Department. Embraces the branches of a liberal education leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sceince. Academic Department. Includes all the branches of a High School Course. Commercial Department. A thorough, practical and comprehensive training in the subjects necessary to a commercial career. Best methods in Bookkeeping, Phonography, Typewriting, etc., supplemented by a training in English Literature, Commercial Law.etc. Preparatory Department. For the instruction of young boys and of those who are not qualified to enter the.Acuieinic or Commercial Department.

Six hundred and seventy Students' representing sixteen stats* registered last year. Porlllustraadoataleme. AddmsVERY REV. H. MOYNIHAN, D. D. President


The Catholic University of America

Washington, D. C.

Schools of Engineering and Technology.

Offering Courses in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineer­ing, Meclianical Engineering, Chemist Engineering, Architecture. School of Law, School of Philosophy,

School of Letters. Terms moderate. Fall term begins Sept. 30th. Write -for Catalogue to

Chas. F. Borden, Registrar.

Rt. Rev. Thomas 3. Shahan, Rector.

JOHN M. GLEASON Funeral Director



ttfinnneajiolis - - Minn



HENNEPIN SAVIN6S « LOAN ASM 538 Security Bank Bldg.

St. Mary's College THE IDEAL SCHOOL

Winona, Minn.

A Boarding School for Boys

Opens September, 1913

Fireproof building, modern in all its appointments. Well heated, well lighted, well ventilated with sanitary plumbing throughout. Beautiful ana healthful location. Ample recreation and athletic grounds. Preparatory, Academic ana Collegiate Courses, Classical and Scientific. Interest en-coruaged in Agriculture.

Fifty Private Rooms for Advanced Students.


St. Mary's College WINONA, MINNESOTA

Terrace Heights

Become a Live Wire That's what a course with us will make you. We are a member of the

Live Wire Club of America. Let us give you tne inspiration. The advantages are many. We are also a member of the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. We maintain the standard course of study. To attend this standard school is to make no experiment. Write for our literature.




BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Academic, Commercial and Elementary Courses

Music, Art, Elocution and Domestic Science Conducted by Sisters of St Joseph.

For Information Address THE DIRECTRESS,

Jamestown, N. D.

Best S3 Shoes for Meo iod Women

the Best East Side Business firms


CAPITAL 1100,000.00 Dm • fliwil "-•Mag BuiMaa

3'/j£, Interest Paid on Time Deposits P1UCO E. BARNBY, Pn*l«Mt


n vi( ° C l o l h i

Diamonds it Watches Entiles Pins, Gbarns and Rings

CHAS. OLSON & CO., JEWELERS 215 Central Ave.

cbntkal atb. t rotnrra *r.

Ev«r ythlnf Wambla for Mm and Boy*


701 Hnnpii Arnu N. W. Main *130 T. S. Center lHt

BRANCH: 219 Central Ave N. W East 467 T. S. Sprues 410

FACTORY: 620 2nd St. N. E. T. S. Spruoe M8

Wa »ki • iHiiillr il lint alau wmrfc.

mccesalve weeks, prior to said day of t earing. In The Irish Standard, a news­paper ptinted and published ln said county.

l>aied at Minneapolis, this 4th day ot August, 1913

By the Court: JOHN A . DAHL,

Judge of the Probate Court.

IOWA FARMS. _ Catholics! Harrison County lias 2},000

. .. . population; it is bounded on the west by turn his trousers up abov« his knees kissourl river; lies 20 miles north of when he had tn nwab thn darl» nark Omaha and Council Bluffs and 40 miles

ne naa lo swau lne aecK"- uecK, south of Sioux City. The land is excel-ewabblnz was a hateful and supposed-: lent, business flourishing. Seven Catho­

lic churches; Catholic schools and acad-ly degrading; task. Hence the sailors called their enemies "swabs" as a term of contempt. One is called a "swab" who uses cheap, newly-madp beer, which causes stomach troubles. Instead of wholesome, aged beer, like golden grain belt; advertisement.

emles convenient; several public high schools, two railroads. C.& X. W. and Il­linois Central. If you would ~ like a good farm or store In or near any town ln this county, address Box 573, Woodbine, Harrison County. Iowa.

j£>. <$. Shnafifaon Wcmpanu







McGowan and Mahoney. Fire Insurance, real estate, loans, 220-224 Temple Court.


MB Onrtrrt An. Bold PliNt.

c« ><* * >:


Telephone si

N. W. Main 456

Tri-SUte Center 2588

1329 Hennepin Aienoi,

Minneapolis, Minn.

W. P. Waihburn, Pru. Frank G (inner, Treat.

J. A. Donaldson, V.-P* Peter Thorhaug, Sec



313*321 Central Ave. Minneapolis, Minn


IRISH Hand-Blade LACE! LACE8:—

(a) Carrickmacroes. (b) Irish Rose Point. (c) Youghal Point. (d) Irish Crochet. (e) Limerick Lacee. We design and execute Altar-falls,

Albs, Capes, Gowns, Scarfs, Insertion!,' etc., at lowest prices.

As handsome wedding and birthday presents real Irish Lace stands unriv­aled.

Misses H. & J. O'Sullivan, Woodbine, Harrison Co., Iowa.

Our Lace Depots convenient for Amer­ican tourists:

Hotel Russell, London, England. Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, York*, Khg. . Hotel Great Central, London. England, j;