The Beacon10ff82b776062d0e9efa-8b2888a88c59dcb50eaf0a46b8aa9df1.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c…May 12, 2019...

e Beacon May 12, 2019

Transcript of The Beacon10ff82b776062d0e9efa-8b2888a88c59dcb50eaf0a46b8aa9df1.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c…May 12, 2019...

The Beacon May 12, 2019

We are so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us this week! Hearing assistance devices are available for the Sanctuary. Please see an usher to obtain these aids. Enjoy fellowship, coffee, and snacks in the Family Life

Center Gym between worship services.

Our Vision Christ-centered, multigenerational, family and community relevant ministries

through worship, discipleship, and mission.

Our Mission REACH, TEACH, and SEND

We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world to TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy Scripture, and SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal

life to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Worship Services Break Free

Our Saturday evening service begins at 6:00pm in the Family Life Center. This transformational service involves modern music, multimedia, and a style of preaching that is practical and participatory.


At 8:00 and 11:00am Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11:00am service.


At 9:30am Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary we engage in a four-fold service of gathering praise, service of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations for prayer, and sending forth. The music is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns.


At 11:07am Sunday mornings in the Family Life Center Gym we worship through modern music, multimedia, and a teaching style message in a non-traditional atmosphere. We come to God as we are to experience the freedom of not having to stay that way.

Welcome to Shalimar UMC

The Week of Sunday, May 12th Church Conference - After all worship services, May 18-19th, you are

invited to talk with members of the Master Planning Team. These Talk-Back Sessions will be in the FLC. The purpose of the Talk-Back Sessions is to prepare us for the Jun 2nd Church Conference. To learn more or watch the video from MPC visit

VBS - Looking for volunteers for Vacation Bible School Jun 3-7th. Sign-up online at Make a difference in a child’s life as we go to Mars and Beyond with God!

Discover Shalimar - Our next Discover Shalimar is May 15th at 6pm in room 211 and May 19th at 9:30am in room 211. Come learn how to make Shalimar UMC your church home. Find a group, a place to serve, and learn the church's mission in the community. Text DISCOVER to 850-204-4545 for more information.

Beach Baptism - If you've always wanted to be baptized now is the time. Join us May 18th at 9am at Beasley Park for beach baptisms. Anyone who wants to be baptized is invited to join or you can come and witness those joining the church family. For more information, please contact Pastor Faith at 850-420-9888 or Text BEACH to 850-204-4545.

Holy Land Trip - Pastor Brian is hosting a trip to the Holy Land Jan 21-31, 2020. If you are interested, join us for an informational meeting on May 20th at 6pm in room 211. To learn more visit

Traditions Worship Service Sunday, May 12, 2019

Fourth Sunday of Easter White Paraments

*8:00 Service, **11:00

Prelude The Love of God Liz Parker

Church Life and Celebrations *Rev. Faith Parry **Rev. David Garvin

Hymn of Praise Easter People, Raise Your Voices Hymn No. 304

Affirmation of Faith Hymn No. 881

Gloria Patri Hymn No. 70

Morning Prayer Rev. Brian Dale

** Music Message Psalm 23 Chancel Choir

Offertory Hymn Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Hymn No. 381

Offertory Prayer Dr. Brad Bradford

*Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings *All Things Bright and Beautiful Laurel Tovrea and Connie Curtis **He Knows My Name Rejoice

Doxology Hymn No. 95

Scripture Presentation Jeremiah 29: 10-13

Sermon The God We Hope In Cares For You Dr. Philip McVay

Hymn of Response Be Thou My Vision Hymn No. 451

Closing Prayer Dr. Philip McVay

Closing Song God Bless America

Postlude Worthy of Worship Liz Parker

Children’s Church for the 11:00 and 11:07 am services meet in the upstairs FLC Rooms

Altar Flowers

Flower bouquet and rose reservation book located in Narthex or contact the church office at 651-0721.

Bouquets $40 each / Roses $4 each

Dates available for flowers: May 12, 19, 26

Serving Sunday, May 12, 2019

Altar Care .......................................................................................................... Sarah Poole Communion Servers .............................................. 9:30 Casey Brennan, Dewey Hale, ................................................................................................ Janet Norris, Barbara Zipfel Flower Delivery ........................................................................................ Martha Gorecki Greeters ........................................................... 8:00 Nancy Johnson, Linda Gail Martin ........................................................................... 11:00 Jonathan James, Gayle, Johnson Pew Care .................................................................................................... Martha Gorecki Prayer Room ................................................................................... 8:00 Nancy Johnson ................................................................................................ 9:30, 11:00 James Brantley Sorters ............................................................................... 8:00 JD Peacock, Jacki Butler ................................................................................... 9:30 Chuck Kelley, Christy Garland ............................................................................. 11:00 Gavin Tovrea, Melanie Schenck ......................................................................................... 11:07 Ron Garriga, Larry Wood Ushers ...................................... 8:00 Bill Byerly, Mack Gay, Lee Jackson, JD Peacock ............................................................................................ 9:30 Ray & Diane Huckabone ............................................ 11:00 Lenten Hill, Lana Roberts, Mike Qualls, Tom West Welcome Center .............................................. 9:30 Beth Russell, Sandy Kocanowski ............................................................................................. Lynn Stefanik, Alice Shannon

Dr. Philip McVay - Lead Pastor Rev. Brian Dale............................................................................ Executive Pastor Rev. Faith Parry....................................................................... Connection Pastor Dr. Brad Bradford ......................................................................... Worship Pastor Rev. David Garvin ........................................................................... Youth Pastor Ben Savage .............................................................. Worship Ministries Associate Karen Jadin .............................................................................. Preschool Director Jennifer Guidoni .................................................................... Children’s Director Dawn Rozofsky .............................................................................. Camp Director Kim Margold ...............................................................................Program Director

Ministerial Staff

After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance:

Dr. Philip McVay (850) 607-1133 Rev. Brian Dale (404) 597-6242 Rev. Faith Parry (850) 420-9888

Text to Give 850-203-3057

Stay Connected! Facebook:

Shalimar UMC

Visit us online:

Philip’s Focus

Things to Know Before June 2nd

The question was posed to me if we do not do anything with the Master Plan, what would we miss out on as a church? Obviously, with or without the Master Plan, we would continue to seek making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world and to reach, teach, and send for Jesus. Yet…I do think we would miss out on an opportunity to take a major step as a congregation. Below are my four answers to this question: what would we miss if we did nothing with the Master Plan? We would let a wonderful opportunity pass. I am not afraid of

Shalimar UMC stepping out and trusting God. My greatest fear would be holding back, waiting for a better time, and letting a wonderful opportunity pass. Will moving forward with the plans require something of us? Absolutely! Will our faith be stretched? I believe we will spend a few restless days wondering how it will all work out. In the end, I trust the journey of faith more than holding back and waiting. The time is now!

We would miss stepping out with God. God is able to do

immeasurably more than we think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Why would we not want to step out and have the most influence as a church for the Kingdom! Why would we not want to step out in the mission of making disciples for Jesus Christ?

We would miss an opportunity to flourish. God wants the church

not only to grow but to flourish (Psalm 91). This planning comes from abundant input throughout our Congregation. The numerous people involved in this process have been chasing God’s vision to fully become the church Shalimar United Methodist is meant to be. How can we be this church if we are not bold and step out?

We would miss an opportunity to step up and out when such a step

is long overdue. We are ready for a big step forward. The Family Life Center was the last major building initiative and that was 25 years ago.


Dr. Philip McVay, Lead Pastor

[email protected]

These are some of my thoughts as to what we will miss if we do not move forward with the Master Plan. Hope to see you at worship this week and Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers this Sunday! Shalom, Philip

Brian Dale, Executive Pastor [email protected]

Join Me on a Trip to the Holy Land!

As you probably know, discipleship is a critical part of the Christian life. Once you make your confession of faith and are baptized, the faith journey is just beginning. The rest is a lifetime of growing spiritually and becoming more like Jesus. For me, one of the most formative experiences of my spiritual life was a journey to the Holy Land I took in 2008. As soon as I returned home, I vowed I would go again someday. I have also encouraged others to go in hopes they would have the same experience I had. Now, eleven years later, I am happy to announce that I am hosting a “Journey through the Bible” beginning January 21, 2020. This tour is organized by Educational Opportunities, Inc., the premier tour organizer for religious pilgrimages. This eleven day trip will take us to over forty historical sites from the Old and New Testaments. We will see where history was made long before Abraham and long after the Six Day War in 1967. We will follow the life of Jesus from where both with child, Elizabeth welcomed Mary to his birthplace in Bethlehem, his boyhood home in Nazareth, and his adult home in Capernaum, to the places of his ministry, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. We will visit Jericho, the oldest city in the world and Tel Aviv, one of the world’s most modern cities. We will have a mountaintop experience on Mt. Carmel, and visit the lowest place on earth the Dead Sea. Why am I doing this? Because I still remember the feeling of watching the sunrise over the Sea of Galilee thinking this is the place God chose for his self-revelation. I still remember seeing sheep and goats graze on rocky ground, fields of wheat, and olive groves, and realizing how the human condition has remained unchanged throughout the years and how much we need the grace of Christ. By connecting my faith to the actual land and people of Israel, tasting the food and smelling the air, I realized even more that Jesus is my brother and not some storybook figure or theological construct. As a minister of the gospel, I want you to have the same experience I had. So I am inviting you to join me on this wonderful pilgrimage, to walk where Jesus walked, and feel the heroes of the Bible come alive. You can find out more and even register for the trip by visiting or contact me for a brochure. You will hear more in the near future, but I am taking reservations now.

Pastor Brian Dale

United Methodist Men’s Breakfast

The next Men’s Breakfast meeting will be on May 19th. Ron Gross will be our public speaker and he will be talking about his handmade cross ministry. All are invited!

Also in need of a cook, contact me at [email protected] or mobile 850-218-2366.

one + ONE Singles

Please come join us every Monday night at 6:00 pm, at #10 2nd Street for a lot of good fun, fellowship, and different activities. A monthly calendar with detailed activities is available at the FLC Welcome Center. If you are 50+, single, and looking for a Christian environment, please come and join our group. Bring a friend. All are welcome from SUMC and the community.

Merge Young Adults

Merge is for young adults 18-30's who want to grow in their faith together. This group is made up of young adults who are seeking God’s guidance in life. They meet in the house at #10 2nd Street.

Michelle Carmical - Lead Facilitator (850)-217-0391

Shalimar UMC Merge

Merge: Young Adults


Thursdays | 6:30 pm | #10 2nd Street


FRIENDSHIP CLUB NEWS (A ministry for all adults )

14 May: Friendship Club meeting in FLC 11:30 am - Lunch provided by Chef Heyward. Cost $7.00 Make reservations to attend only or to eat by contacting the church office at 651-0721. All adults are invited. Ben Savage, Worship Ministries Associate working with Dr Brad Bradford, will share his talents to include bringing the devotional. Ben has been in the background at many of our meetings helping with visuals, etc. For those who do not attend the 11:07 Sunday Morning services, be prepared for a special treat.

For additional information

Ollie Fay Flint: 651-2360

Jon & Kathie Sheperd: 651-8008

Betty Stewart: 243-5551

Friday, June 28, Noon to midnight Saturday, June 29, 7 am to 4 pm

Bring Non-perishable food items for Sharing & Caring and a snack to share.

Upstairs in the Family Life Center

Blessings for Children is an SUMC mission outreach to community families with children ages newborn through fifth grades and we are changing our hours! We have been operating since January 2019 out of the #10 2nd Street home behind the church, and starting May 1st, we will be open every Wednesday from noon to 3:30 p.m. Volunteers will share God’s love and serve His children by providing clothing, personal care items, and school supplies. While meeting the children’s material needs, we will offer prayers, information, an invitation to join

into the life of God’s church, and Christian materials to uplift the entire family. We are so thankful to the SUMC family for supporting this God-directed mission, and we invite you to join us! You can pray for this ministry and the families we serve, volunteer your time on a Wednesday (no ongoing commitment required, just come when you can), or donate items (list can be found at You can also make a financial contribution to SUMC that will be used to purchase needed items (just note Blessings for Children on your contribution). Please contact us if you have questions about our ministry or feel called to help Blessings for Children…your support is needed and appreciated!

For additional information

Mary Jane Robertson

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (850) 499-6173

Please contact the church office at (850) 651-0721 if you are interested in becoming involved in one of the following Prayer Ministries:

Prayer Group - meets weekly to share praises and intercessory prayer for people

listed on the Prayer List (both church and personal)

Prayer Room Attendant - Volunteer to pray with those who come to the Prayer

Room after the Sunday morning worship services

Pray in the Prayer Room during each Sunday morning worship service

Pray for special church functions and events

Participate in the Prayer Chain and Prayer Link

Prayer Ministry

You can add someone to the Prayer Chain, share an answered prayer or receive prayer requests and praises through email. A printed copy of the SUMC Prayer List is available each Sunday in the Narthex and FLC Lobby. If you’d like to start receiving the Prayer List via email, please call the church office at (850) 651-0721 or email [email protected].

Prayer Chain

Prayer Room The Prayer Room is always available for your use. The code to enter is 1423. After each Sunday morning service, someone will be present to pray with if you would like. They will also respect your wishes to pray alone. Prayer shawls are available for your use. The Prayer Box with cards is available for you to leave a request for either the pastors or Prayer Team. They will pray for you or a situation you would like lifted up. There have been great reports of use for this special place.

YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday Morning 9:30 - 10:30 am in Youth Rooms

FUSION Sunday Night 6:30 - 8:OO pm in the FLC

SMALL GROUPS Wednesday 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the FLC GYM

GET INFORMED Text “@FusionSUMC” to #81010 for weekly updates

Rev. David Garvin, Youth Pastor 850-651-0721 | [email protected]


Saturday night 19 11:07 am service 175 8:00 am service 137 Live Stream 211 9:30 am service 93 11:00 am service 166 TOTAL 801

Attendance, May 5, 2019

We celebrate the baptism of:

Hyatt McSwain Son of Ben & Emily McSwain

He was baptized on Sunday, May 5th. Welcome to our church family!


After School


Registration Is Open! M-F 2:00-5:30 pm

$40 - Annual one time registration $30 Registration fee for Summer Camp attendees

Weekly rates: $55 weekly - 4/5 days

$35 weekly 3 days or less

Our Mission: Offer a safe, loving and Christian

environment for children after school.

We learn about God in our daily devotions, serve a healthy snack, do homework, make

crafts, and play.

Ways You Can Help!

Volunteers: We need Reading Buddies and Homework Helpers from 3:15 - 4:00pm. See Camp Director for Volunteer forms!

Scholarship Money/Adopt a Child’s Tuition: We are seeking scholarship funds for tuition assistance so a safe, Christian atmosphere can be provided for those who need it most.

Prayers: We are always grateful for prayers!

Wednesday Night Supper Club: ASC kids enjoy joining our Children’s Ministry for Choir and Kids Club. Sign up weekly for Supper Club by Tuesday 5:30pm. Only $3.00 for a children’s dinner plate! This program isn't just for ASC kids; it’s for anyone who needs it!!! Call or email Dawn for details.

Dawn Rozofsky Camp Director

Cell: 850-294-2384 Church: 850-651-0721 [email protected]

Worship Times Traditions Worship .................... 8 & 11 am Connect Service.............................. 9:30 am Freedom Service.......................... 11:07 am

Sunday, May 12th

Freedom Band Rehearsal .............. 8:00 am S/S All Ages...................................... 9:00 am Children’s Church ......................... 11:00 am FUSION Band Practice .................. 3:00 pm FUSION ............................................ 6:00 pm Military Family Group .................... 6:00 pm Special Buddies ............................... 6:30 pm

After School Camp M-F 2:00 - 5:30 pm

Monday, May 13th

GED ................................................... 9:00 am Connect Team Rehearsal .............. 5:30 pm Alanon II ............................................ 6:00 pm Lighthouse Ensemble ..................... 6:00 pm One + One ........................................ 6:00 pm SPR Meeting .................................... 6:00 pm Fun-n-Fellowship Meeting ........... 6:30 pm Boy Scouts 529 ............................... 7:00 pm Emerald Coast Pops ....................... 7:15 pm

Tuesday, May 14th

Tai Chi ............................................... 8:00 am Friendship Club Luncheon .......... 11:30 am Backpack Program .......................... 2:00 pm Freedom Band Rehearsal .............. 5:30 pm Joy Ringers Bell Rehearsal ............ 5:30 pm Journeymen Workshop ................. 6:00 pm Prayer Group ................................... 6:00 pm Break Free Band Practice.............. 7:00 pm Trustees Committee ....................... 7:00 pm 12x12 ................................................ 7:00 pm

Weekly Schedule

Wednesday, May 15th

GED ................................................... 9:00 am Splash 1 & 2 ..................................... 9:30 am Blessings for Children .................. 11:30 am Fellowship Dinner........................... 5:00 pm SKC .................................................... 5:30 pm FUSION Leadership Meeting ....... 5:45 pm Becoming Disciples ........................ 6:00 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal ............ 6:00 pm Discover Shalimar ........................... 6:00 pm FUSION ............................................ 6:00 pm Gloryland Rehearsal ....................... 6:00 pm Orchestra Rehearsal ....................... 6:00 pm Pastor’s Class ................................... 6:00 pm Rejoice Ensemble ............................ 6:00 pm Single Parent Support Group ....... 6:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal ............... 7:00 pm

Thursday, May 16th

Merge Young Adults ...................... 5:30 pm Alzheimer/Dementia Support ...... 6:00 pm Cub Scout Pack ............................... 6:30 pm Emerald Coast Barbershop ........... 7:00 pm

Friday, May 17th

No Activities

Saturday, May 11th

Worship Time Break Free Service ......................... 6:00 pm

Piecemakers ..................................... 8:30 am Beach Baptism................................. 9:00 am Pickleball Workshop ...................... 9:00 am

1 Old Ferry Road P.O. Box 795,

Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-0721 [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8 am - 4 pm • Friday 8 am - Noon