THE BEACON Closed Fridays

3877 Pr ntiss Str t H rris n T wnshi , Michi n 48 4 rish Offic : 8 -4 - 877 rish F x: 8 -4 -17 4 W sit : www. hu er E il: rish Offic H urs Mond yThur d y: 9AM4PM (clo ed for lunch 1 1PM) Clo ed Frid y F ith F r ti n Offic : 8 -4 - 87 F ith F r ti n F x: 8 -4 -4 F ith F r ti n H urs Mond yThur d y: 9AM PM Clo ed Frid y HEBE C N HEBE C N . H R ENT ANCE ANTI N 91 (9 ): 15-16 W ll m , I ill r im; I ill liv r im iv im l ry, I ill r t im l t f y. l ry t t Ft r, t t S , t t H ly S irit. A it i t b i i , i , ill b f r v r. Am ing I n 9: -15 i t N t i it im: “S , I m t bli i my v t it yu y ur t ft r y u it v ry livi r tur t t it y u: ll t bir , t v ri u tm il iml t t r it yu m ut f t rk. I ill t bli my v t it y u, t t vr i ll ll b ily r tur b tr y by t tr f fl ; t r ll t b t r fl t v t t t rt .” :

Transcript of THE BEACON Closed Fridays

FEBRUARY 21, 2021�


38775 Prentiss Street

Harrison Township,

Michigan 48045

Parish Office:


Parish Fax:




Parish Office Hours



(closed for lunch 12–

1PM) Closed Fridays

Faith Formation Office:


Faith Formation Fax:


Faith Formation Hours



Closed Fridays





ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Ps 91 (90): 15-16

When he calls on me, I will answer him;

I will deliver him and give him glory,

I will grant him length of days.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it

was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen

Reading I Gn 9:8-15

God said to Noah and to his sons with him:

“See, I am now establishing my covenant with you

and your descendants after you

and with every living creature that was with you:

all the birds, and the various tame and wild animals

that were with you and came out of the ark.

I will establish my covenant with you,

that never again shall all bodily creatures be destroyed

by the waters of a flood;

there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth.”

God added:

(Continued on page 2)�

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“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

“This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to


of the covenant between me and you

and every living creature with you:

I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign

of the covenant between me and the earth.

When I bring clouds over the earth,

and the bow appears in the clouds,

I will recall the covenant I have made

between me and you and all living beings,

so that the waters shall never again become a


to destroy all mortal beings.”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to

those who keep your covenant.

Your ways, O LORD, make known to me;

teach me your paths,

Guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my savior.

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to

those who keep your covenant.

Remember that your compassion, O LORD,

and your love are from of old.

In your kindness remember me,

because of your goodness, O LORD.

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to

those who keep your covenant.

Good and upright is the LORD,

thus he shows sinners the way.

He guides the humble to justice,

and he teaches the humble his way.

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to

those who keep your covenant.

Reading II 1 Pt 3:18-22


Christ suffered for sins once,

the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous,

that he might lead you to God.

Put to death in the flesh,

he was brought to life in the Spirit.

In it he also went to preach to the spirits in prison,

who had once been disobedient

while God patiently waited in the days of Noah

during the building of the ark,

in which a few persons, eight in all,

were saved through water.

This prefigured baptism, which saves you now.

(Continued from page 1)�

It is not a removal of dirt from the body

but an appeal to God for a clear conscience,

through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

who has gone into heaven

and is at the right hand of God,

with angels, authorities, and powers subject to


Gospel Mk 1:12-15

The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert,

and he remained in the desert for forty days,

tempted by Satan.

He was among wild beasts,

and the angels ministered to him.

After John had been arrested,

Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of


“This is the time of fulfillment.

The kingdom of God is at hand.

Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the


through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin

Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of


who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and


(Continued on page 3)�

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“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

Saturday, February 20, 2021�

5:00 pm †Paul Lisecki (13th Anniv) req by family�

†Paula Rademacher req by Gene Rademacher�

†Souls in Purgatory req by Jane Gareau�

†Nelson Templeton (6th Anniv) req by Nancy


Spec Int: Helen Pankowski req by Church


Sunday, February 21, 2021�

8:00 am †Joseph Schodowski req by Brian &

Tamiko Lamour�

†Deceased members of the York & Rawls

families req by Midge York�

11:30 am †Deceased members of the Myslakowski


†Deceased members of the Reifert family�

Monday, February 22, 2021�

9:00 am †Deceased members of the Daly family

req by family�

Tuesday, February 23, 2021�

9:00 am Intentions of the celebrant�

Wednesday, February 24, 2021�

9:00 am For the youth of the parish�

Thursday, February 25, 2021�

9:00 am †Elaine Bostick req by family�

Friday, February 26, 2021�

9:00 am For the sick of the parish�

Saturday, February 27, 2021�

5;00 PM †Paula Rademacher req by Gene


†Thomas Migan req by Karen & Robert


Living and deceased members of the Harold

Reinhart family req by Jane Gareau�

Sunday, February 28, 2021�

8:00 am †Tom Schrinel req by Julie Hart�

†James & Theola Buchman req by Sherri &

Kevin Cunningham�

11:30 am People of St. Hubert Parish�

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic


I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen.

An Invocation to Saint Michael, the Archangel

In the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and

through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart

of Mary, we kneel humbly before your majesty, O

God Almighty, and implore you to send us Saint

Michael that he may rescue us in our adversity.

Saint Michael, prince of the heavenly host, come

to us! We call out to you with all our hearts! We

place ourselves and our communities, our families

and our parishes, our country, and the entire

world under your very special protection.

May God create Saints among us! May He send us

many priests! And through them, O saintly

archangel, bring about the triumph of the Church

in the battle that is waged against the demons of


By virtue of the Holy Spirit, establish the reign of

Christ in our country and in the entire world, so

that peace may be secured forever. Amen.

(Continued from page 2)�

William Michael Krajec�

Parents: Adam and Katherine�

Godparents: Brett Dunbar and Clare Dunbar�

Page 4�

“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

BigNews…. By Fr. Douglas Bignall�

First Sunday of Lent

The Season of Lent�

ORDINARY TIME gives way to Lent on a peculiar note, with an admonition not to fast while the

groom is among us. Yet soon we are plunged into a season marked by fasting, abstinence, and a

mood of penitence. What’s up? Are we playacting the vacancy of Christ? The Risen Lord

promised to be with his church “until the end of the ages.”

But the practice of liturgy reminds us that time according to the clock is illusory. Though we are

caught in the perspective of a singular moment, God sees all from the advantage of eternity. Our

birth and life and death and rising are in God’s hands in this moment. Across the world,

humanity experiences at once the desolation of corruption due to sin, as well as the saving

power revealed in Jesus Christ. And so, we can enter the season of penitence with hope, mindful

of the joy that is ours even now.

WE NEED LENT. Much as we hate to admit it, our progress in the spiritual life never permits us

to get beyond our mortality—which is another way of saying we remain sinners in need of grace

and salvation. Even as we advance in habits of prayer, moral behavior, service, and the practice

of compassion, we are still hampered by the spirit of temptation. The face it wears may change,

but the voice that calls us to disregard God’s will for ours remains surprisingly recognizable.

Centuries may come and go, but the devil Jesus encountered in the desert is the same rascal

who haunts our world today.

In the wisdom of the church, we spend 40 days each year preparing to square off with the

opponent of our souls once more. The enemy is us, as the saying goes: We are the ones who

rebel against God’s laws in favor of the greedy self. Jesus has already vanquished this enemy for

all eternity. We need this season to steady our course against the evils of the world, the devil,

and all the stumbling blocks we put in our path of holiness

Some Liturgical Notes�

� Archbishop Vigneron has granted an extension of the general dispensation

for all Roman Catholics until March 13, 2021. After that date, particular

dispensations will be allowed for the sick, the elderly, and those who live with

some that might be compromised by attending a public event. All other

Catholics are encouraged to return to the celebration of the Holy Mass.

� COVID safety standards still apply: Facial Masks are still required while in

church and social distancing requirements remain. However, we can move to

50% capacity (if allowable with distancing requirements), and we are no

longer required to sanitize the church between liturgies. Regular and

(Continued on page 5)�

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“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

thorough cleanings will continue, as directed by the CDC.

� Parishes should follow direction from AOD Department of Human Resources

related to opening for in-person Mission Support work. This includes the

opening of parish offices.

� Parish meetings should follow these principles of meetings virtually if

possible, and meeting in-person only in they are not able to do their work

virtually. These include: Parish Pastoral Council, Parish Finance Council,

Parish Commissions, Parish Staff and Leadership Team Meetings, Vicariate,

Regional, and other inter-parish planning meetings.

� For more information on the guidelines offered by the Archdiocese of Detroit,

please visit

� It is permissible to bless and distribute palms on Palm Sunday, following

specific health guidelines that they be handed out by ushers wearing gloves,

blessed during the Mass, and taken home by each parishioner. Any left

behind will be collected and burned.

� Archbishop Vigneron will not be confirming adults on Pentecost this year.

Priest, who have received delegation from the Archbishop this year, are given

permission to confirm any Catholic – along with the Elect and Candidates for

Full Communion as usual – at the Easter Vigil. Those not able to attend the

Easter Vigil this year, must request special permission (via the priest to the

Archbishop) for confirmation that might occur on a different date/day.

� As of February 17


, 2021 (Ash Wednesday), the opening Collect [formerly

called the “Opening Prayer”] has one change to it. There was a mistake the

most recent translation. The priest has been concluding the Collect with

these words: “ … one God, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.”

The translation is supposed to read thusly: “God, who lives and reigns,

forever and ever. Amen.”

Have a grace-filled Lent,


(Continued from page 4)�

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“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

Lent Bible Study�

Lenten��Bible�Study�will begin the week of February

17th � offering classes on Wednesday mornings

only.� This will be a six week� � Bible� study� of the

Gospel of Saint John.� Please see the flyer for

information.� Sign�up sheets are located in the

gathering space.� Please join us for a


Wednesday Mornings 10:00am � 11:30am�

Starting February 17th �

You are cordially invited to join us as Richard Cucchi

facilitates a six week walk through of the Gospel of

St. John during this season of Lent at the Fr.

Borowski Activity Center. The study will run for six

consecutive weeks. If you have a bible, please bring

it. All are welcome. Sign�up sheets are located in the

back of the church. We would also like to offer you

the bible study packet with Rich’s entire curriculum,

i.e... notes, questions, answers, to give you the

opportunity to dig deep into the readings if you are

unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts or are

not comfortable coming out due to the pandemic.

This is a great alternative. If you are interested in

doing the bible study at home and would like a

packet, please call, or see Nicole at the Faith

Formation office! 586�463�5877 x 118�

Knights of Columbus�

Annual Lenten Fish Fry�

St. Hubert Activity Center�

4:00 pm until 7:00pm�

Menu: Carryout�Only �

Fish and Chips Dinners�

3�piece Hand battered North Atlantic Cod�

Our famous French Fries�

Dinners Roll from Giovanni�

Homemade Cole Slaw �

Pricing: $10.00 per dinner�

Bake sale desserts will be sold at each fish fry

to provide support for our various non�profit


Fish Fry Dates Every Friday of Lent �

February 19


through March 26 �

(NO Fish Fry Good Friday)�

Individual Penance at St. Hubert�

Tuesdays of Lent after the 9:00 am Mass�


Every Saturday at 4:00 pm �

(not on Holy Saturday)�

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“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�


Ads will run for 3 weeks & then will be automatically

deleted. Ads are free to St. Hubert Parishioners. �

We are sorry we can no longer run ads for

services offered.�

Leonard console piano in good condition. Free for

your pick�up. St Clair Shores area. Call Barb (586)

383�4132 (2/21)�


On behalf of the St Hubert’s Council of the Knights

of Columbus I would like to extend Happy New Year

wishes from all my brother Knights. I don’t need to

tell you it wont take much to make 2021 better but

we all know we have at least a couple more months

till that may start.�

Like all organizations our Council has taken a hard

hit without a year of the great fundraisers you enjoy

like Fish Fry’s (we pray to do at least drive thru carry

out this year), Dueling piano’s, Elimination Raffle,

Pancake Breakfast, Super Euchre’s and Breakfast

with Santa. With the resultant loss of revenue we

have regrettably had to reduce our charitable

contributions to the needy and disabled drastically.

Instead doing our best with available funds and

when able providing as much hands on help as

socially allowed. �

As a stop gap measure St Hubert’s Council 11658

are now holding a raffle with a top prize of $2000.00

(if 700 tickets are not sold, the drawing reverts to a

50/50 raffle), 2nd prize $500.00, 3rd prize $250.00.

Ticket donation is $5.00 each or six for $25.00 �

need not be present to win, License R59565. Tickets

will be available after Mass or from any K of C

member thru the drawing date of Friday, March 26th,

2021. Please consider helping our Knights of

Columbus help others in such trying times.� �

Grand Knight Ron Rabine�

Faith in Motion!�Call to Action!��

Glory to God in All Things! �

Our SVdP food pantry was running low on a few

specific items so the Faith Formation office put a call

out to our catechism families to see if they could

assist. Boy, did they come through in

a� � BIG� way!� Requested items were tuna, Chef

Boyardee meals, hearty soups, pancake�mixes and

syrup, dish soap, feminine products, toilet paper,

Kleenex, paper towels and toothbrushes!� Included,

but not limited to, in this generous donation haul

were 70 cans of tuna, 52 cans of Chef Boyardee

and 28 cans of soup!� Families � your generosity

went above and beyond all of our expectations! We

are eternally grateful for your kindness. Thank you

for coming together and filling up the pantry!� The

SVdP representative, Sherry K, was overwhelmed

and in awe when presented with this bountiful

donation. She expressed immense thanks on behalf

of the organization and for the families who will

ultimately receive these charitable gifts.��

Thank you, thank you, thank you!���

Pastoral Care Regarding the Vatican's Note on Baptism�

In August of 2020, the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a response to questions

regarding the use of the words, “We baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit” instead of the proper form of “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Spirit”. The Vatican ruled that the form “We baptize” does not convey the Sacrament of baptism. In the

Archdiocese of Detroit, we are aware that between 1986 �1999, potentially invalid baptisms occurred at St.

Anastasia Parish in Troy, conducted by Deacon Mark Springer using the improper form. We are in the

process of contacting those individuals who may be affected and we are asking for your help. If you or

someone you know was baptized at St. Anastasia Parish during this time period or you have any questions

or concerns about the validity of your sacrament(s), we invite you to visit the website

sacramentsupdate for more information and to submit questions or concerns using the online form.�

Page 8�

“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

Would You Like to Register as a Parishioner

of St. Hubert? �

At this time you can submit an online request to

join St. Hubert Church through our website:�

on our Welcome page, click “join” �


February 6/7, 2021�

Adult Donors� � $ 12,490�

Loose Money� � $ 179�

Total Parish Support� $ 12,669�

Budget Wkly Need� � $ 11,000�

Under/Over Budget�� $ 1,669�

300 Online Contributors�

1058 Envelopes Mailed�

170 Envelopes Used�

Austin Catholic High School

Attention all current 8th grade students & families!

Austin Catholic High School’s first wave of

acceptance letters has gone out.� However, there is

still time to apply and be part of the class of 2025.

Please visit our website to apply


admissions. Located in Chesterfield, Austin is six

months into the new school year with in�person

learning in a large facility for grades 9�12 and

sensible COVID policies in place for health and

safety. Guided by Augustinian values and faith

formation, we are committed to academic excellence

with a 100% college acceptance rate and offer 12

varsity sports and multiple clubs. Our average class

size is 18 students, where we foster strong

relationships and build leaders of tomorrow. �

Weekly Offerings,

Maintenance and

SVDP donations can

be made at the Online

Giving link at�

Page 9�

“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

Let Us Pray ...

Please remember those who journey with illness, �

may they know of the healing touch of the Lord.�

Please pray for the safety of

those who are serving in the

Military. May St. Michael the

Archangel defend them and

protect them. Pray also in

thanksgiving for their dedication and

service to our Nation.


Eric Bird, Gerald Bondy,

Ryan Scott Brown, Major Katie Carlin,

Anthony Carter, Aaron Dowen,

James Eberts, Wade Gaboury,

Marc Galui, Brendon A Harms,

Audrey Hartinger, Ryan M Jurcak,

Richard M. Malik, Meghan Servais,

Brandon Squires, Kimberly Squires,

Kathleen Stemmerich, Thomas VanTiem,

Justin Walters, Jennifer Wynn


William Bradley, Shaun Hover


Ray Arnold, Tyler Bloom, Marcus Copley,

Mike Dickey, Robert Eberts, Sean Foley,

Jason Gaboury, Adam Scott James,

Richard Knox, Michael E. Kozlowski,

Daniel Lewerencz, Brett M. Libscomb,

Timothy Mack, Miguel Madina,

David May, Aaron Peters,

Capt. Matthew Mesko, Austin Parks,

Michael Patyk, Gregory Pauch,

Jeffrey Pauch, Gerald Pokorski,

Adam Rogus, Brock Schmalzreid,

Caleb Soenen, Bryant Vogt, David Weiss,

David Wortman


Justin Bilicki, Derek Golec, Fred LaVigne,

Donovan Pena, Jesse Smith,

Justin Ziolkowski, Brandon Zupko


Mark May II


Steven DeGrande, Sam Godin,

Logan Gronley, David Kennedy,

Brandon L. Klanke, Joshua MacMillan,

Gregory Reyst, Matthew Rodgers,

Capt. Matthew Sommer,

Bradley Wing, Courtney Zielinski


Adam Bernardi, Aaron Bernardi,

John Elliott, Roger C. Haddad,

Matthew Plucinski, Brett Scott,

Todd Trombly, Christopher Walsh,

Lauren Warren


Nick Brown, Taylor Day, Steve Salomone


Allor, Jerry

Amrozowicz, Linda

Arker, Jewel

Baines, Thomas

Barr, Patricia

Billiu, Prudy

Buchman, Alton

Clausen, George

Deneweth, Mike

Eineman, Matt

Farrell, Mary

Flint, Marie

Flowery, Ray & Sue

Frankford, Maxim

Fromius, Bill & Roz

Gawrysiak, Nancy

Goslin, Dorothy

Hartigan, Gary

Hill, Charmaine

Hilt, John

Howard, Gerald

Jacob, Theresa

Jarocki, Elizabeth

Katsimpalis, Alan

Kelley, John

Klein, Mary

Klingler, Betty

Kochanski, Jerry

Kolito, Ann

Kotylo, Curt

Kowalski, Stanley

Latour, Ed & Lois

Leonard, Karen

Lualdi, Barbara

Maday, Tom

Maiuri, John

Medlin, Pat

Merriam, John

O’Bryan, Edward

O’Byrne, Brian

Pagel, Linda

Paratore, Katie

Peltier, Sandi

Preisz, Joann

Rademaker, Joan

Raikovich, Robert

Rossi, Brian

Saccone, Joe

Schebil, Denise

Smith,, Andy

Smith, Jim

Spehar, Alexa

Steil, Ken

Thomas, Gerald

Timma, Yvonne

Toupin, Deborah

Toupin, Jenny

Tranchida, Rita

Urbanczyk, Sylvia

Vassallo, Joe

Verkest, Beth

Victory, Randy

Wais, Joann

Webb, Emma

Weis, Jerry

Wellerritter, Mary

Wit, Adam

Zurek, Dorothy

Friends & Family:

Adamczewski, Anna

Adendorf, Carrie

Alfes, Dennis


Baptist, Laura

Baumgart, Audrey

Blake, Gary

Bommarito, Andy

Bommarito, Emelie

Calvert, Jerry

Conell-Jahic, Christina

Doyle, Stephen

Ellavich, Jim

Flowery, Jason

Foley, Kourtney

Fox, Helen

Fricano, Marita

Georgeff, Lisa

Girimonte, Joseph

Girimonte, Sam

Guido, Frank

Herman, Sherry

Hill, Dianne

Hodges, David

Hogan, Ashley

Hopper, Robert

Iaquinto, Anthony

Iaquinto, Joseph

Iaquinto, Sam

John, Rosemary

Jones, Beth

Kerkes, Allen

Kiseda, Tony & Pam

Lagocki, Al & Gail

Larkins, Jeremy

Lawson, Luc

Listman, Carla

Low, Patricia

Lynch, Joseph

Maliczkowski, Josh

Mich, Lori

Novak-Polk, Debbie

O’Brien, Sue

Rabine, Grace

Shamblin, Donna

Smith, Lorraine

Swensen, Charlene

Thompson, Brynlee

Thompson, Jim

Vecchione, Joe

Waicker, George

Waicker, Maryann

Walski, Mike

Weisburg, Jerry

Wesley, Susan

Williams, Melissa

Zolnoski, Donald


Please pray for the following deceased members of the

parish whose anniversaries will be this week�

Lynne Marie Malik, age 30, Feb 21, 1987

Arthur Colby, age 81, Feb 22, 2001

Helen Meldrum, age 96. Feb 22, 2016

Frank Baranski, age 88, Feb 22, 2016

Omar Soenen, age 90, Feb 22, 2017

John Hinz, III, age 26, Feb 23, 1985

Theresa “Terry” Arens, age 52, Feb 23, 2003

Lillian Marie Grenda, age 91, Feb 23, 2011

Florence Dwornick, age 83, Feb 24, 1992

Wallace Goyette, age 85, Feb 24, 2005

Peter Provost, age 85, Feb 25, 1977

James Kurtz, age 70, Feb 25, 1986

Douglas Zwirner, age 52, Feb 25, 2003

Elaine Bostick, age 79, Feb 25, 2005

Roseanna Ardanowski, Feb 26, 1967

Frances Doan, age 75, Feb 26, 1986

William Brickman, age 76, Feb 26, 1991

Jane Rutherford, age 79, Feb 26, 2012

Sarah Minch, age 84, Feb 27, 1989

Carrie Kniffel, age 66, Feb 27, 1998

Clarence Gmerner, age 80, Feb 27, 1999

Sylvia Kraushaar, age 81, Feb 27, 1999

Eleanor Buchman, age 86, Feb 27, 2000

Charles Ruemenapp, age 96, Feb 27, 2018

Stanley Wrona, 107, Feb 27, 2019

Sick List & Military List: Please call the Rectory to add or remove

names from the Sick List at 586�463�5877. All names are kept on the

friends & family list for a one month period of time. If you wish to add or

remove someone from the Military List, please call 586�463�3815.�

Page 10�

“The Beacon” � St. Hubert Church, Harrison Township�

Saint Hubert Parish Leadership�

Sacramental Ministry�

Parish Pastoral Council�

38775 Prentiss Street�

Harrison Township, MI 48045�2652�

Parish Office �� (586) 463�5877�

Parish Fax� � � (586) 463�1734�

Faith Formation Office� � (586) 463�5875�

Faith Formation Fax�� � (586) 463�4520�

Email: [email protected]

Parish Office Hours: �

Mon�Thurs: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm �

(closed for lunch 12:00 to 1:00 pm)�

Closed on Friday�

Family Faith Office Hours:�

Mon�Thurs: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm�

Closed on Friday�

Closed June 15 through August 15�

Pastoral Ministry �

Pastor: Rev. Douglas Bignall�

[email protected]

Deacon: Dennis Loffreda�

[email protected]

Parish Staff�

Director of Music: Bill Russell

[email protected] (586) 822�1428�

Christian Service Coordinator�

Joan Schmidt� [email protected]

Office Manager/Beacon Editor�

Lynn Pietila [email protected]


Kathleen Jurewicz [email protected]

Family Faith Coordinator & K�8�

Youth Ministry (Grades 6�12)�

Nicole Fournier [email protected]

Family Faith Secretary: Sandi Peltier�

[email protected]

Beacon Newsletter�

Beacon Editor: Lynn Pietila�

Deadline for articles is Monday at Noon. Articles

can be dropped off at the Parish Office, fax or email.�

Sacrament of Baptism: Scheduled every second

Sunday of the month at Masses. Contact the Rectory

to schedule a baptism.�

R.C.I.A.: People of different Christian traditions or

Non�Christians are invited to explore our faith

through the R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of

Adults). We also have a special program for children.

Please call the Rectory.�

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 pm

Private reconciliation by appointment.�

First Communion or Confirmation: Contact the

Family Faith Office.�

Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements are made

at least six months in advance. Call the Rectory.

Wedding rehearsals call Jan Brooks 954�2524�

Visitation of the Sick: Priest or Pastoral Associate

and/or a Special Minister of the Eucharist are

available upon request. Parishioners are urged to

take the Blessed Sacrament to their confined family

after Mass.�

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick:

Scheduled annually. The pastor is also available

upon request. Please call the Parish Office.�

Liturgical Schedule�

Saturday:� 5:00 pm �

Sunday: � 8:00 am, 11:30 am�

Monday through Friday: 9:00 am�


Tom Jacob������������������������201�6320�

Vice Chairperson�


Finance Council�

Bill Bender�������������������������465�7891�

Education Commission�

Catherine Huhn�����������������876�0208�

Lee Capilla������������������������463�3815�

Christian Service Commission�

Fran Brown�����������������������468�5067�

Worship Commission �

Maria Randazzo����������������465�4402�

At Large:�

Mary�Anne Polan��������������465�3258�

Beverly Alfes �������……….. 924�2441�

Parish Organizations�

Eucharistic Ministers: ����Mary Owiesny� � 899�4823�

Greeters: �������������������������Call Rectory� � 463�5877�

Lectors: ��������������������������Herb Lorentz � � 295�7171�

Ushers: ���������������������������Joe Pomante� � 431�3335�

Altar Servers: �����������������Call Rectory� � 463�5877�

K of C St Hubert Council No 11658:� .. Ron Rabine� � 949�3320 �

St Vincent dePaul Society & Caregivers447�2243�

Parish Mission Statement�

Saint Hubert of Harrison Township is a Roman Catholic parish, beloved of God, joined in Baptism, and

committed to the Gospel of Jesus. We strive to share God's Word through joyful worship, life long learning,

compassionate service, and responsible stewardship. (Adopted July 2008)�

Vicariate Website:�

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