The baleful bubble of british israelism by lawrence duff forbes d d d litt

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DUFF-FORBES, Lawrence (Zvi Ben Abraham), an Australian Jewish Christian and renowned scholar of Scripture. He pastured the Kehilaat HaMachiach Betoch Israel, in Whittier, CA. He also created a radio ministry in California called “Treasures from Tenach” and wrote numerous books to bridge the gap between Judaism and Christianity. His delight was to make the gospel easy to understand in Jewish terms within the larger context of God’s purposes for Israel through Jewish history.

Transcript of The baleful bubble of british israelism by lawrence duff forbes d d d litt

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1<!=>8?@!1><$ I have frequently described the “British-Israel” fantasy as the Gilbert and Sullivan comic

opera of prophetic interpretation. Unfortunately, whilst undoubtedly a comedy to the

Scripturally enlightened, it possesses a sombre note of tragedy when its permeating

leaven is discovered to distress, delude, and divide the Lord’s people wherever it is


The baleful influences of the “British-Israel” bubble are sufficiently serious to justify us

in pricking it with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. In this exposure I

impeach the theory itself, not the unfortunate people ensnared by it. AB<>CA1A$


(2) The Unconstitutional

(3) The Ultimate

THE BLOWING OF THE BUBBLE (4) The Supposititious Soap

(5) The Sanctimonious Swelling

(6) The Sacrilegious Schism

THE BURSTING OF THE BUBBLE (7) The Sword of the Spirit

(8) The Sauce of the Satire

(9) The Supremacy of the Sacrifice

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THE BACKGROUND OF THE BUBBLE Error usually has some background of truth from which to deviate, and so that we can

better discern the British-Israel error, let us first plant our feet in the background of truth.

From King Saul to the ultimate captivities, the history of the twelve tribes of Israel falls

into three phases – (1) the undivided monarchy; (2) the setting up of the unconstitutional

kingdom; (3) the ultimate captivities of both kingdoms. Let us briefly consider some

salient points in these three phases.

(1) The Undivided. The consideration of the twelve tribes as an undivided kingdom first claims our attention.

The Hebrew word “shavat” is variously translated in our English Bible by the words

“rod,” “sceptre,” “staff,” “tribe.” The first use of the word is at Genesis 49:10 – “The

sceptre (shavet) shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh come.” Then at verse 28 of the

same chapter we read: “all these are the twelve tribes (sceptres) of Israel . . .” These

twelve sceptres or tribes were named Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar,

Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph and Benjamin.

At a later date, the tribe of Levi was separated unto God’s service in a special manner

and, as compensation, the tribe of Joseph was divided with regard to Joseph’s sons,

Ephraim and Manasseh.

Thus the twelve tribes, with Levi, spun out their silken thread of possibility until the days

of Samuel, when they foolishly exchanged the privilege and potential of the Theocracy

for the checkered course of a human monarchy.

After the days of King Saul, all the twelve tribes were welded together into one undivided

kingdom under David and, later, Solomon. King Solomon was born c. BC1033, and was

crowned c. BC1015, and Israel’s supremacy and impact upon the nations under Solomon

is a faint symbolic ray of the future glory and blessing under King Messiah.

It is worthy to note that David, not Saul, was the first king of the Messianic line, for

Judah is the chosen tribe for the Messianic Regal glory.

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(2) The Unconstitutional Following Solomon’s death c.BC975, the folly of Rehoboam precipitated a revolt under

Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, an Ephraimite.

Be it observed that “all Israel,” acting nationally, were in this revolt, and “all Israel,”

acting nationally, crowned Jeroboam King over “all Israel” (1 Kings, 12:19,20).

This caused two tribes of Israel, viz., Judah and Benjamin, to revolt against the revolt (1

Kings 12:21), and the counter-revolution was at the point of arms, when Rehoboam was

Divinely ordered to resign himself to the situation.

This he wisely did, and being known as King of Judah, he ruled over “the house of

Judah and Benjamin” and “the remnant of the people” (1 Kings 12:23).

This reference in 1 Kings 12:23 to “the remnant of the people,” in addition to “the

house of Judah and Benjamin,” is striking; doubly so, because made at the very dawn of

the revolt, and before the separation of that which was to become two kingdoms has

hardened into any historic solidarity.

Jeroboam initially secured the official allegiance of all tribes of Israel, except Judah and

Benjamin, but whether he secured the personal and individual active allegiance of all

members of those tribes is quite another matter.

From this point we see Israel divided into two concurrent monarchies, one under

Jeroboam, and one under Rehoboam.

Jeroboam then built the city of Shechem, a little distance north of Jerusalem, but fearing

“lest the kingdom returns to the house of David” (1 Kings 12:26. Note the word

“return”), he perpetrated that folly which for ever afterwards branded him as

“Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made Israel sin.”

Maintaining the title “Israel,” the rebels founded an unconstitutional kingdom, with its

capital ultimately at Samaria, only a mere 35 miles north of Jerusalem. This Northern

Israel Kingdom became the very centre of WICKEDNESS and IDOLATRY.

The Southern Israel Kingdom continued its capital at Jerusalem, and in emphasis of its

Divine constitutional character, was known as Judah.

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The unconstitutional, apostate Northern Israel Kingdom, by its consistent wickedness,

soon had the Divine pronouncement of extinction pronounced upon it. It lasted 250 years,

during which time it has 19 heterodox kings through nine dynasties, and not one of the 19

kings was any good.

During this awful 250 years, the name “Israel” became a stench in the nostrils of the

orthodox. For this reason, doubtless, the Southern Israel Kingdom would not feel

disposed to press their claim to the designation. Hence, during this period, the name

“Israel” came increasingly to refer to the Northern Israel Kingdom, and less and less to

the Southern Israel Kingdom. The latter proudly maintained the title of the Royal tribe,

Judah, and retained the Davidic dynasty through its kings which, like its companion

kingdom, were 19 in number.

As already indicated, Northern Israel’s history is consistently steeped in the unrelieved

blackness of sin and idolatry, but the records of the Southern Israel Kingdom’s spiritual

condition reveal many glorious highlights of revival. Southern Israel had eight good

kings to refresh its people.

(3) The Ultimate Surely “righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people!”

The iniquity of the Northern Israel Kingdom reached its fullness, and God’s judgement

fell upon it by the hand of the Assyrian power, first under Shalmaneser and then under

Sargon. Samaria, the Northern Capital was captured in BC722, and the kingdom of

“Israel,” so far as the term related to the unconstitutional monarchy, capital and worship,

was permanently extinguished. Scripture declares it will never exist again as a separate

entity, but in the future, “Israel” will be joined to “Judah” as one glorious Kingdom of

Israel, with Jerusalem as the Capital. Perhaps the beginnings of this movement are even

now in sight.

The Southern Israel Kingdom, Judah, continued its existence for a further 135 years, but

the cancer of sin had done its deadly work in spite of the example of its eight good kings

and, in BC587, Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian monarch, destroyed Jerusalem, and the

Southern Israel Kingdom was extinguished temporarily.

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Since the Capitals of these kingdoms were only 35 miles apart, intercourse and

interexchange, sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, was consistently maintained

between the peoples, right through the whole of the divided kingdom period.

Such is the background of truth relative to the twelve tribes of Israel up to their respective

ultimate captivities.



(4) The Supposititious Soap. We have given an epitome of Israel’s history regarding (a) the undivided period; (b) the

setting up of the unconstitutional kingdom, and (c) the ultimate of the peoples up to


From this background of truth let us now watch the blowing of the egregious British-

Israel bubble!

Three major ingredients are used to manufacture the supposititious soap from which the

bubble is blown, viz:




Let us now consider each conjectural ingredient before the supposititious soap is

reverently placed in the bubble-pipe of wishful thinking, and puffed into the bubble of

“British-Israel Truth” (!).

(a) THE TRIBAL-BLOC THEORY. Let the British-Israel paper “The National Message”

proclaim this theory in its own words:

“Israel – The ten-tribed Northern Kingdom or House of Israel, who kept

the surname Israel. Judah, – The two-tribed Southern Kingdom or House

of Judah. Of this latter House only are the Jews.” (Page 3)

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It is thus unscripturally and gratuitously assumed that the Northern Kingdom consisted of

exactly ten tribes compacted like a WATER-TIGHT COMPARTMENT in insular

separation from the Southern Kingdom.

It is also unscripturally and gratuitously assumed that the Southern Kingdom consisted of

exactly two tribes compacted like a WATER-TIGHT COMPARTMENT in insular

separation from the Northern Kingdom.

(b) THE FIXED IDENTIFYING LABEL THEORY. Again let “The National Message” speak:

“The differentiation between ‘Israel’ and ‘Judah’ is clearly marked

throughout the Scriptures. They are not interchangeable terms.” “Of this

latter House of Judah ONLY are the Jews. Hence some Jews are

Israelites, but all Israelites are not necessarily Jews. Jews, the name

given to the remnant of Judah after the captivity.” (Page 3.)

Thus it is unscripturally assumed that the terms “Israel” and “Jew” are fixed identifying

labels, and are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE.”


For the third time let British-Israelism propound its own theory:

“The House of Israel sinned through idolatry, and were cast out of the

land in 721 B.C., and did not return.” (The National Messenger,” Page 33.)

We are, therefore, required to assume that the Northern Kingdom, as a Tribal-Bloc of Ten

Tribes, was carried away captive in toto, from Samaria into Assyria by Sargon c.BC722,

and THUS LOST. Then the “lost” “ten tribes” re-appear much later in history as

BRITAIN and AMERICA, with perhaps Japan and Scandinavia thrown in!

This leads to the erroneous assumption that therefore only the Southern Judean Bloc of

Two Tribes was carried into the Babylonian captivity by Nebuchadnezzar c.BC606.

Hence it is alleged that only two tribes, to whom they incorrectly confine the term “the

Jews,” were in Palestine at the time of Christ. Thus they affirm the “Jews,” not “Israel,”

crucified Christ!

Behold this awful statement in “The National Message.”

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“Israel had nothing to do with the crucifixion, being at that time away

beyond the Euphrates, beginning their migration through Europe. The

Jews cried, ‘Crucify him! Crucify!’.” (Page 34.)

Enough of this supposititious soap has been manufactured with which to blow the baleful

bubble of British-Israelism. Let us watch the sanctimonious swelling!

(5) The Sanctimonious Swelling We have the soap. Who blew the bubble?

The bubble was blown by an eccentric naval officer named Richard Brothers (1757-

1824), who said he was the “Nephew of God,” and prophesied that he would be revealed

to the world as Prince of the Hebrews on 19th November. 1795. It is understood that he

was a little hampered in his intention owing to detainment in a lunatic asylum.

Further puffs were given to the bubble pipe in England in 1871, by a man called Edward

Hine. He was followed by others.

I have space to record only the following puffs; but they will be sufficient for us to

observe the sanctimonious swell of the bubble:

Puff One: That the “lost” “ten tribes” transferred to Babylon about BC720.

Puff Two: That they became known as the Scythians, of whom were the Saxons. (sic!)

Puff Three: they passed to Denmark (the mark of Dan!), thence to England.

Puff Four: Another branch of Dan, supposedly led by Jeremiah in sixth century BC,

obligingly popped up in Ireland, under the title of Tuatha-da-Danan.

Puff Five: Then Tea Tephi, mythical daughter of Zedekiah, last king of Judah, arrived in

Ireland about BC 580, and “Eochaid . . . Heremon of all Ireland . . . fell in love with the

Royal Princess.” They were married.

Puff Six: From Tea Tephi descended Feargus More, King of Argyll, and ancestor of

Queen Victoria.

Puff Seven: So here we are with Britain as Ten-Tribed Israel, and “the dynasty of King

David established in Great Britain.” (Since the dynasty of David is the House of Judah, I

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cannot forbear from remarking, even here, that a Jewish King over the “lost” ten tribes of

Israel, reigning outside the land of Palestine, in spite of Genesis 49:10, is positively

funny. I said there was much comedy, too!)

Puff Eight: Thus Britain is the COVENANT-MAN Nation., and the British people are

God’s Kingdom on earth, “the Stone cut without hands. It is he final World Empire. It is

the Theocratic State born, phoenix-like, from the British Commonwealth and U.S.A.”

(“Message,” Page 32.)

Puff Nine: As America was a bit of a problem, the theorists agreed to share the spoil, so

(unwisely, as will be seen hereafter!) they declared that Britain is Israel-Ephraim and

America is Israel-Manasseh!

So, you see, Britain is Israel! Upon what authority? Let the British-Israel Lecturer, Mr.

Thomas N. Foster answer the question: – “The only basis of British-Israel is the Bible,

and its glorious message can be proved from that Book and that Book alone.” (“The

truth, etc.” Page 1.) It is strikingly droll that the very words last quoted are culled from

his chapter entitled “Has the Great Pyramid a Divine Message?” Mr. Foster’s statement is

false in its entirety. But I do not need to contradict it. I step aside and let the British-

Israel official magazine do the contradicting, for on Page 35, it confesses that for the

whole Tea Tephi-Jeremiah-Eochaid puff, and all that it entails, “WE MUST RELY ON

TRADITION” (“The National Message,” page 35).

British-Israelism cannot be proved from the Bible “alone.” It is based on traditions,

legends, folk-lore and ballads, to which is added a dash of pyramidism.

A pretty bubble, surely? Why not let it float around in the eager imaginations of its


Because, though pretty, it is dangerous, as we have already in part shown, but will now

more fully indicate.

(6) The Sacrilegious Schism. What are the perils of this potent poison? What are Satan’s objectives in infusing this

fantasy into the Christian Church?

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It DESTROYS the peace of Christian congregations. From much experience, Pastor C. E.

Palmer, of London, says: “When the British-Israelism comes in at the door, peace and

harmony, with their correlative expressions, concerted and consecrated fellowship and

service, go out by the other.”


It DIVIDES the Christian communities. The reports of splitting of churches, both local

and denominational, are multiplying. My own knowledge of this extends throughout

Australia and New Zealand, and I have received also a recent report from South Africa to

the same effect. Of this feature one friend writes: “It has caused our church a lot of

sorrow throughout Australia. The whole thing is a trick of Satan, to keep people of God



It DISSIPATES the precious time of Christians by beguiling them into disputations pro

and con the theory. The Christian is a steward of the time entrusted to him by God. I

know of nothing more calculated to frustrate the Christian “redeeming the time” than

this mirage.


It DIVERTS the thoughts and activities of Christians from meditation upon, and

proclamation of, the glorious Gospel of Christ. It is true that some addicted to the

delusion do preach the Gospel, but it is emphatically equally true that generally

considerably more energy and zeal and money is devoted to the untruth that “Britain is

Israel,” rather than to the truth that “Jesus is the Messiah.”


It DISSEMINATES anti-Semitism. The anti-Jewish attitude of this false teaching is

notorious. Lamentably, it is more observed by the Jewish people, than by unsuspecting

Christians. The anti-Semitism of British-Israelism is so pronounced, that it has gained a

mention in the Jewish Encyclopedia: “The Anglo-Israelite theory has of recent years

been connected with the persecution of the Jews . . . .”

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I possess a copy of the unsavoury, anti-Semitic forgery, entitled “The protocols of the

Learned Elders of Zion.” This vile fabrication, calculated to inflame the passions against

the Jews, was purchased by me at a British-Israel book depot in Australia, and was

allegedly published by the theorists in London.

In Melbourne, a respected and dear friend of mine, a Rabbi, had heard reports of anti-

Semitic utterances emanating from a certain British-Israel meeting which disguises its

true character by the assumption of a misleading title. He attended one Sunday afternoon,

and left the meeting in distress to communicate with me to ask if nothing could be done

to curb the anti-Semitic sentiments expressed at that meeting.

Here is another example from my own files: -

“Jews ostracised till the Fullness of the British Commonwealth established.”

Here are a few extracts from “National Opinion,” London, May and June 1922: -

“The Jew, then, in Britain, is branded by Christ a thief and a robber.” Upon what does

this British-Israel writer base his denunciation, you will ask. Listen to this: -

“What is the sheepfold? (John 10:1). The Commonwealth of Israel (the

Celto-Saxon national life). What is the door? Christ Jesus. Who, to-day,

has entered into the sheepfold (our national life) more than all other

aliens? The Jew . . . Has the Jew entered into our national life by the

door – Christ Jesus? He has not.” Hence, in the eyes of this anti-Semitic

British-Israelite and his henchmen, the Jew “ is branded by Christ a thief

and a robber!” here’s another: “The Jews, then, are not the house of

Judah. They are indeed only a remnant of Peres-Judah, discarded by

God as official Judah, and as Christ declared, under the direct guidance

of Satan.”

What sheer nonsense is this! But how it fans race-pride and Jew-hate. Satan hates the

earthly Israel, the Jews.


It DISCOURAGES Christian devotion to God’s Divine priority in Gospel proclamation –

“to the JEW FIRST” (Romans 1:16). In these last days, when Israel, the Jews, are

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turning increasingly to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, British-Israelism is Satan’s answer

to frustrate the Gospel seed-sowing among them.

The above are some of Satan’s “devices.” Let us now note some of the perils of this

potent poison:-


The Lord Jesus said that He was sent to the “lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL,” yet

His whole earthly life was spent among none but Jews! If the British-Israel theory is

right, was the Lord Jesus Christ ignorant? Didn’t He know the terms were “not

interchangeable?” Didn’t He know it was futile to look for “lost Israel” amongst the Jews

in Palestine? If the unreal distinction of this theory be pressed, then Christ was not sent to

the Jews at all, and thus wasted many precious years among them in Palestine! Moreover,

the Jews, to whom He wasn’t sent, received Him and became the first members of the

newly formed Christian Church at Pentecost! How fantastic! But even graver issues

intrude. Christians are familiar with Acts 1: 6,7: “When they therefore were come

together, they asked Him saying, WILL THOU AT THIS TIME RESTORE AGAIN

THE KINGDOM TO ISRAEL? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the

times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power.”

How ignorant were His disciples not to know that, according to British-Israelism, the

kingdom of “Israel” had already been restored 600 years earlier in the days of Jeremiah

through Tea Tephi, and was even then becoming well developed! Dare we charge the

Lord Jesus with similar “ignorance” in this matter also?

If the theorists are right, then He Who was born “King of the Jews” was only King of two



UNREDEEMED SINNER! To what perils can this folly lead!


“The people obsessed with the British-Israel teaching have become guilty of the worst

type of apostasy, for they now place the pyramids on the same level as the ‘Word of God

which liveth and abideth for ever’.” (Kagan.) And the fact that their pyramid predictions

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have proved puerile does not deter them! In any case, there is no unanimity amongst


Our Lord said, “Search the Scriptures,” not “search the Pyramids!” British-Israelites are

not the only ones who have twisted Isaiah 19: 19 out of its context to suit their own ends.

Ptolemy, Philometer and Onias did the same thing, but referred the Scripture to a ruined

temple in Leontopopis.


“The teacher of this theory make claims for the British Nation which are nothing less

than blasphemous.” (Mark Kagan.)

This is no exaggeration. I have in my own personal files, the following printed statement

of one British-Israel teacher:

“Jesus Christ shall take the British Throne, and literally reign from there upon it!”

Again from my files, I quote from a British-Israel teacher:

“Israel (he means, of course Britain) must in these days be manifest as a Christian

Nation, and the Church of God.” Thus, salvation is by British birth; not a spiritual birth.

Britain is a “Christian Nation” (would God she were!), and to be born British is, ipso

facto, to be born into the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

One unfortunate uncircumcised British Gentile, an ardent protagonist of British-

Israelism, wrote me the usual long letter in which he expressed the sentiment which I

produce in his own words:

“Gentiles! I object to be called one.” One cannot help comparing his words with those

recorded in Luke 18:11:

“God, I thank Thee that I am not as other men. . . .”

One British-Israel lady wrote me rebukingly: “You should be telling the British people

that they will continue to suffer until they acknowledge their identity, and return to the

Laws of Jehovah, as instituted at Sinai.”

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Thus I am urged to preach that the British “identity” is “Israel,” and I am to cease

preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and instead put the yoke of the Sinaitic Law upon

my congregants. I haven’t taken the advice.

I have advanced sufficient material to reveal the menace of this delusion and, be it noted,

I have deliberately confined my quotations or references to the generality of the

expression of the fantasy of this false teaching. As will be gathered from my last

quotation, it possesses uglier features in the most extreme factions.

I have on my files, printed and written documents from extreme British-Israel exponents

who have jettisoned Christianity altogether. Listen to this:

“I, on the other hand, was brought up a Christian (I am not a Jewess),

but realising that I am an Israelite, I threw off the claims of Christianity,

and owe obedience to the one and only Jehovah, who does not need an

intermediary of any sort to perform His Will.”

Just another quotation from a circular:

“The Christian religion is an idolatrous form of worship . . . . Will our

nation have to be nearly crushed to pulp before the people get on their

knees . . . and return to the pure Israelitish worship acknowledging that

they are Israel.”

I confess, again, that these sentiments emerge from an extreme section, but it is a section

nevertheless, with its own magazine, copy of which I possess, and with its own followers

in Australia. These have imitated the unscriptural Unitarianism of modern, non-Mosaic


Yes! You see! The bubble is really BALEFUL!

Let us prick it!

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(7) The Sword of the Spirit. Let us turn to “the Book that ends the strife, and bids all discord cease.”

Any one of these pricks with the Sword of the Spirit will burst the bubble!


The books of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and others abound in evidence of the

falsity of the tribal-bloc theory. If we search the Scriptures we discover:


but worse,


There was a sort of LEAK-LET AGREEMENT!

We have space to note only a few of these leaks:

LEAK ONE. B.C. 975. We have already noted the striking reference to “the remnant of

the people” remaining with the “house of Judah and Benjamin” (1 Kings 12:23) right at

the dawn of the revolt. But now we note that also, right at the very beginning, A WHOLE


“For the LEVITES left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and

Jerusalem for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest’s office unto the Lord” (II Chronicles 11:14).


“And after them OUT OF ALL THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL such as set their hearts to

seek the Lord God of Israel, came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the Lord God of their

fathers. So they strengthened the Kingdom of Judah, and made Rehoboam the son of

Solomon strong, three years” (II Chronicles 11:16). Here was a steady leak over the

whole first three years of Rehoboam’s reign!

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“And Abijah pursued after Jeroboam, and TOOK CITIES from him, Beth-el with the

towns thereof, and Jeshanah with the towns thereof, and Ephrain with the towns

thereof” (II Chronicles 13:19).


“And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, AND THE STRANGERS WITH THEM

OUT OF EPHRAIM, AND MANASSEH, and out of SIMEON: for they fell to him



“And all the congregation of Judah, with the priests and Levites, and all the


OUT OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL, and that dwelt in Judah, rejoiced” (II Chronicles



“And concerning the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL and Judah, THAT DWELT IN THE

CITIES OF JUDAH, they also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep . . . .” (II

Chronicles 31:6).

The leaks I have cited extend from the revolt in B.C. 975 right down to a few years

before the fall of Samaria, and they are more than sufficient to prove from Scripture that

the two kingdoms were NOT like water tight compartments; such insular separation is

only a figment of the imagination and doctrine of British-Israelism. Their devotees

imagine that the two kingdoms and their peoples were as separated as the north and south

poles are separated. But since the capitals were only 35 miles apart it was inevitable that

there should be consistent intercourse and interchange and, doubtless, intermarriage,

between the twelve tribes during the whole period of the divided kingdom.

This one pricked with the Sword of the Spirit is sufficient to explode the bubble by



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Compare the following false statement from an official British-Israel magazine with the

facts of Scripture:

“The differentiation between ‘Israel’ and ‘Judah’ is clearly marked throughout the

Scriptures. They are not interchangeable terms.” (B/I “The National Message” supp. To

Sept., 1937, p.3).



Jews are called Israel; and Israel are called Jews.

Over a wide arc of both Testaments, let me give a few specimens of this free interchange


(a) We begin with MONARCHS!

“Now Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the City of David . . . . all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat KING OF ISRAEL” (II Chronicles

21:1-4, cf., II Chronicles 17:1,2), KING JEHOSHAPHAT, KING OF JUDAH, called


(b) King Ahaz, King of Judah, is also called KING OF ISRAEL!

“For the Lord brought Judah low because of Ahaz, KING OF ISRAEL; for he (Ahaz)

made Judah naked and transgressed sore against the Lord” (II Chronicles 28:19).

May I point out here that since kings represented the kingdom, it proves that God only

recognized the Southern Israel Kingdom (Judah) as the true Israel Kingdom. This must be

so, because Southern Israel was the Davidic Messianic line.

(c) Nicodemus, whom the Scriptures describe in John chapter 3 as “a ruler of the Jews,”

is called by our Lord Jesus, in the very same chapter, a “master in Israel!”

I cannot forbear from remarking, with the greatest reverence, that the Lord Jesus wasn’t a

“British-Israelite,” for He certainly did not confirm the statement of “The National


(d) Paul, a Benjamite, calls himself an “Israelite,” and a “Hebrew” (II Corinthians


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(e) Peter calls “Jews out of every nation under heaven,” “Ye men of Israel” (Acts 2:5,

10, 22).

(f) The whole book of Esther, referring to a period about B.C. 519, reveals Ahasuerus

dealing with “JEWS” both from Assyria and from Babylon.

One could compile quite a formidable compendium of Scripture passages where the

terms “Israel” and “Jews” are freely and unreservedly interchanged, but the above suffice



(a) NOT “Ten Tribes” en bloc.

Says the British-Israel misleader in the booklet “The Truth about Britain, etc.,” from

which I have already quoted:

“In 721 B.C. the ten northern tribes were carried away captive by

Shalmaneser to Assyria . . . If we allow the conservative estimate of four

to a family, we find that approximately 3,000,000 of the Northern

Kingdom went into captivity” (page 9).

As I write I have before me the reproduction of the bas-relief of the Siege of Samaria, the

original of which was unearthed from the Assyrian King’s palace at Khorsabad. We also

have the invader’s own account of the siege and fall of Samaria. Shalmaneser died B.C.

722 (Smith, p.91), and his successor Sargon, gives his own account of the fall of the

Northern Kingdom: “I besieged the City of Samaria,” says he. “and took it. I carried off

27,280 of the citizens; I chose 50 chariots for myself from the whole number taken; all

the other property of the town I left for my servants to take. I appointed resident officers

over them, and imposed on them the same tribute as had been formerly been paid. In the

place of those taken into captivity I sent thither inhabitants of lands conquered by me,

and imposed the tribute on them which I required from Assyrians.”

The intelligent reader will choose between the mythical 3,000,000 of the British-Israelites

and the conqueror’s own account of the number, viz. 27,280. Actually, the number of

Northern Israel carried off into captivity was SMALL, and would appear to suggest that

only those actively opposed to Sargon were deported.

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Cunningham Geikie, D.D., LL.D., writes regarding the fall of Samaria as follows: “There

is not, indeed, any ground for thinking that the country was stripped of its Jewish

inhabitants and left desolate. The great bulk of the common people were allowed to

remain where they were . . . To speak of the Ten Tribes, as a whole, being carried off, is

therefore an error; only a small portion were exiled.”

On no less authority than the Assyrian records themselves, Samaria continued to be a

thorn in the flesh right down to the year B.C. 673. THUS TEN TRIBES WERE NOT


(b) “Ten Tribes” NOT “Lost” as such.

The British-Israel writer who declares that the only basis of his teaching is the Bible,

quotes the Apocryphal Book of Esdras to urge his claim that ten tribes were “lost.” Of

this very book of Esdras, and of the very passage therein quoted by the British-Israelite,

no less an authority than the famous historian Dr. Henry Hart Milman has this to say:

“Not only indeed is this book of 4th Esdras the least entitled to historical

authority (the passage is a vision) of all the Apocryphal books, but there

is ample evidence in the later prophets that they considered the

restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land as common to both races, Israel

(Ephraim) and Judah” (page 300, Vol. 1).

Let us now flash back the spotlight upon these so-called “lost” tribes of “Israel,” covering

the period from the Fall of Samaria in B.C. 722 right through to the days of the Lord

Messiah Jesus. Just a few flashes will suffice to explode the British-Israel chimera.

Before these all-revealing beams of Scripture spotlight fall upon the ancient scenes, allow

me to call attention to a most important historic development, viz., that after the fall of

Samaria, the two empires of Assyria and Babylon were virtually one kingdom!

Esarhaddon reigned over both about B.C. 677 (see II Kings 17:24; II Chronicles 33:11).

There was no “iron curtain” between Assyria and Babylon. Now for the Scripture


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B.C. 625, during the reign of Josiah, about 100 years after the “ten tribes” are supposed

to be “lost.” Follow the beam of the Scripture spotlight:

“And when they came to Hilkiah the high Priest, they delivered the money that was

brought into the house of God, which the Levites that kept the door had gathered at the

hand of MANASSEH AND EPHRAIM, and of all the REMNANT OF ISRAEL; and of all Judah and Benjamin, and they returned to Jerusalem” (II Chronicles 34:9).

According to B/I theory, Manasseh and Ephraim should have been in the process of being

metamorphosed into U.S.A. and Britain, but here they are STILL IN PALESTINE!

But more. The same spotlight reveals that at about the same time, these “lost” ones were

not only in Palestine, but joined with their Southern brethren in Josiah’s great passover:

“And there was no passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the

prophet; neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a passover as Josiah kept, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah AND ISRAEL that WERE PRESENT” (see II

Chronicles 35:17,18).

Of this very time and event Dr. Milman writes:

“. . . . the ten tribes were not so entirely exterminated but that their

descendants, at least of the lower orders, WERE STILL THE


The spotlight reveals them, not only in Palestine, BUT DOWN IN JERUSALEM!


The power of Assyria began to decline in B.C. 633, and by B.C. 612 the seat of authority

had moved to Babylon, and by B.C. 605 Nebuchadnezzar had total sway over all Assyria

and Palestine. In B.C. 587 Nebuchadnezzar encompassed the fall of Jerusalem. Of this

event Finegan writes, “The ravages of the conquest of Palestine by Nebuchadnezzar were

very terrible. The land was devastated and laid waste, and the best of the population was

carried off into captivity” (“Light from the Ancient Past,” p.163).

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What saith the Scripture? “So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies, and behold they

were written in the book of the Kings of Israel and Judah, WHO WERE CARRIED AWAY TO BABYLON FOR THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS” (I Chronicles 9:1). Note

that the subject of the text quoted is the people of “ALL ISRAEL,” not the “book of the

Kings of Israel and Judah.” Obviously, therefore, numerous representatives of all the

twelve tribes went into captivity into Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar, and all such,

whether of the House of Israel or of the House Judah, were henceforth known as JEWS.


B.C. 536. The contemporary scene revealed by our spotlight reveals the important fact

that now Assyria, and Babylon, and PERSIA have become one! Of himself, the Persian

monarch writes: “I am Cyrus, king of the world, the great king, the mighty king, king of

Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world . . .”

(“Archaeology and the Bible,” Barton). On 13th October, 539 B.C., Cyrus conquered

Babylon. This Cyrus shortly after made a proclamation “throughout all his kingdom” (II

Chronicles 36:22,23) acknowledging all his authority from “the Lord God of Heaven,”

and inviting the Lord’s people, Israel, to return to Jerusalem. Cyrus cries: “Who is there

among you of all His people? The Lord his God be with him, and let him go up.” The

Cyrus cylinder bears full witness to the liberal spirit in which Cyrus invited all captives to


“From . . . . to Ashur and Susa, Agade, Ashnunnak, Zamban, Meturnu,

Deri, with the territory of the land of Gutium, the cities on the other side

of the Tigrus, whose cities were of ancient foundation, the gods, who

dwell in them, I brought back to their places, and caused them to dwell in

a habitation for all time. All their inhabitants I collected and restored

them to their dwelling places . . . . I permitted all to dwell in peace.”

What a scene that restoration must have been! And how the British-Israel misleader

distorts the picture when he writes on page 10 of his effort: “Thus of the 5,000,000 odd

who went out of Palestine, less than 50,000 returned” (“The truth about Britain,” etc.). It

is true that the entire number of captives THEN restored amounted to 49,942, but as Dr.

Milman well says: “On their arrival in their native land, they were probably joined by

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GREAT NUMBERS of the common people. This class seems recognized in Ezra 6:21 –

“And the children of Israel, which had come out of captivity, AND ALL SUCH AS HAD

SEPARATED THEMSELVES UNTO THEM from the filthiness of the heathen of the

land” (p. 331, vol. 1), and Nehemiah 10:28 points in the same direction.

Read the whole books of Ezra and Nehemiah for the thrilling account of Israel’s return,

working with weapons and instruments, in much the same fashion as currently obtains at

the setting up of the new State of ISRAEL in 1948!

Coming down to 521 B.C., the whole book of Esther reveals to us that, fifteen years after

the restoration, many of the children of the twelve tribes of Israel chose voluntarily to

remain behind out of Palestine, and the same book reveals that all Israelites were then, as

now, commonly known as JEWS.


“Jerusalem, henceforth, became the centre of the true religion; on its fidelity the future

history of the Church depended” (Geike).

And right here the Scripture spotlight is remorseless in its exposure of the British-Israel


“And the children of ISRAEL, the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the children

of the captivity, kept the dedication of this House of God with joy, and offered at its

dedication of this House of God an hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred

lambs; and for a sin offering for ALL ISRAEL, TWELVE he goats, ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF TRIBES OF ISRAEL” (Ezra 6:16,17).

Who offered sacrifices for the WHOLE TWELVE TRIBES IN THE LAND OF



In the tenth chapter, Ezra actually names JUDAH, BENJAMIN and ISRAEL; and here is

an announcement which seems to cast a silence of expectation, as if waiting Messiah:

“So the priests, and the Levites, and the porters, and the singers, and of the people.

And the Nethanim, AND ALL ISRAEL, DWELT in their cities, and when the seventh

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According to British-Israelites they were “Jews” not “Israelites,” because these “are not

interchangeable terms!”

According to Nehemiah, who at least had a claim to local knowledge, they were

ISRAELITES representative of all TWELVE TRIBES.

According to British-Israelism, the “Children of Israel” were not in Palestine, they were


According to Ezra and Nehemiah, the “Children of Israel” were in their cities in


The reader will doubtless have little difficulty in making a choice between Scripture and



And then, in the fulness of time, the Lord Jesus was born, and amongst the first loving

faces into which His Divine eyes looked were those of SIMEON, and Anna, of the tribe

of ASHER! (Luke 2:25,36).

Of John the Baptist the Angel said: “And many of the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL shall

turn to the Lord their God” (Luke 1:16).

According to British-Israelism, they were not there to turn! Yet the Lord Jesus Himself

said: “I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL” (Matthew 15:24).

You will enquire, “How is this difficulty faced by the theorists?”

It is not faced – it is avoided.

Listen to the British-Israel quibble:

“This covered the whole twelve tribes, the two tribes in Palestine lost

spiritually and the ten tribes outside of Palestine lost, to them,

geographically” (“The Truth about Britain,” etc., p.12).

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One feels this contemptible shuffle is beyond comment. Does the reader frankly think

that this grotesque distortion was in the mind of the Lord Jesus when He uttered those

words recorded in Matthew 15:24?

To what desperate, but pitiable transparent extremes men are put to prop up “British-

Israel TRUTH.”

The Lord Jesus knew where to look for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. HE FOUND



And thus the British-Israel slander that the two-tribed Jews, not the ten-tribed people,

crucified the Messiah, is proved to be FALSE. Hear Peter at Pentecost:

“Therefore let ALL the HOUSE OF ISRAEL know assuredly that God hath made that

same Jesus, WHOM YE HAVE CRUCIFIED, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36).

And it is “Jews” out of “every nation under heaven” whom Peter designates “ye men of

Israel,” and against whom the charge is leveled.

Nor can the twelve tribes of Israel be pin0pointed with the indictment, for the Gentiles


“For of a truth in this city against Thy HolyServant Jesus, Whom Thou didst anoint,

both Herod and Pontius Pilate, WITH THE GENTILES and the PEOPLE OF

ISRAEL, were gathered together, to do whatsoever Thy hand and Thy council

foreordained to come to pass” (Acts 4:27f).

(8) The Sauce of the Satire. Since the Sword of the Spirit has burst the baleful Bubble of British-Israelism and

demonstrated that it is unworthy of any respect, we are justified in indulging, for a

moment, in a little relaxation. Let us buffet the burlesque with a little satire:


This mythical maiden has not the distinction of being mentioned in Scripture. Of her the

British-Israel “National Message,” Supp. Dec. 1937, p. 45, says: “. . . . the Eastern

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Princess with the Hebrew name – Tea Tephi, that is, in Hebrew, the Beautiful or Beloved

Wanderer – was wedded to the Hereman or Arch-King Eochaid.” This mythical maid is

mythically made the daughter of Zedekiah, the last King of Judah. Jeremiah is mythically

made to bring the mythical maid to Ireland, where her mythical marriage to Hereman

gave us the present Royal House in England, the ex-Prince of Wales being the 100th

generation from King David. But the BI’s seem to myth the point that Mattaniah, alias

Zedekiah, was not legitimately enthroned, he was a “puppet” king, and even if he ever

did have a daughter, no female ever conveyed the throne right! And even if she did, being

of Judah, she must have made the British Jews, not Israel. Perhaps she did. Since the

letters “I” and “J” are interchangeable, could it be that the initial letters of the United

Kingdom give a real trustworthy clue? Jireland, England, Wales and Scotland spells out

“JEWS!” a pretty thought, surely. I will not press it too far, however, for the whole

figment of Tea Tephi is based solely on Irish bardic sources. Authentic Irish history does

not commence until five centuries after Christ. But even the Irish tradition makes it tough

on “Tea Tephi” because the original ballad discloses that Tephi was allegedly a British

Queen; but Tea, the Irish Queen of the ballad, was a totally different person! Why worry?

A sort of female merger is managed! As to “Tea” “Tephi” being Hebrew for “Beautiful

Wanderer,” any Hebrew scholar who knows the words “To’ar” and “Ta’ah” will enjoy

the joke. On this basis, turn me loose for a while on the famous Hebrew lyric, ‘Eenie,

meenie, meinie mo,’ and I shall produce wonderful things!


Affirming that Britain is Ephraim, the B/I teacher says: “We believe that U.S.A. are

Manesseh.” The British Pilgrim Fathers leave Britain Ephraimites and land in U.S.A.

Manassehites. Such is the potency of the sea air! However, when distributing largesse in

tribal prestige to America, it is a pity that U.S.A. was handed Manasseh whilst Britain

retained Ephraim. The sea air could have been just as potent the other way. It is equally

regrettable that it should have been “Dan” that “popped up” in Ireland. Why do I say

this? Because neither Ephraim nor Dan have the privilege of being sealed as God’s

servants in Revelation chapter 7.

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Had I been the proud blower of the bubble I should have made the sea air less favourable

to America, and I should have been careful to see that the right one “popped up” in



The Scriptures emphatically declare that a separate kingdom of “Israel,” as distinct from

the Southern Kingdom, shall never be repeated in history!


I had an interview with a prominent “British-Israel” leader and teacher; he was also an

uncircumcised citizen of the “COVENANT-MAN” nation of Britain. Quite a good

citizen, too. I asked him to read Genesis 17:10-14, and pressed him urgently to emulate

some of Samson’s activities.


Not only do British-Israelites affirm that Britain is “Israel,” but also that Britain is the

“Tarshish” of Ezekiel 38. If they are correct in the Tarshish interpretation, then they are

correct to their own undoing, for Genesis 10 proves the Tarshish people to be Japhethic,

and hence Gentile. On the contrary, the same chapter proves the twelve tribes of Israel to

be Shemitic, and hence non-Gentile. The theorists cannot have both ends of the stick!


The direction of writing for the twelve tribes of Israel was from right to left. It still is

today. When I write on an Hebrew typewriter the carriage moves in exactly the opposite

direction to that manifested by an English machine. Yet we are asked to believe that at

some time or another, some 3,000,000 people, somehow began to write in the opposite

direction! This is highly remarkable! But what is even more remarkable is that no one can

tell when it happened. Perhaps nobody noticed it!


The Scriptures emphatically affirm that Covenant blessings for Israel can only be secured

IN THE LAND OF PALESTINE. Curses follow Israel out of the Land; moreover, only

twelve tribes AS A UNITY can occupy the land in covenant blessing. This ultimate

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united covenant national blessing will not be a blessed reality until a return of Messiah

Jesus. Thus, if Britain is Israel, she is out of the land and under the curse!


“Thank God we hold the agency as British or men of the Covenant” writes one deluded

exponent of B/I (“The Message of the British Commonwealth,” July, 1947, p. 474). Why

does he write thus? Because many marvelous things are done with sounds!” We are

informed that “Brit” is Hebrew for “covenant,” and “Ish” is Hebrew for “man,” hence

“British” not only proves that Britain is Israel, but that Britain is the “COVENANT-

MAN” nation! But hold! There is a fly in the ointment! Since the word “covenant”

possesses no adjectival force in Hebrew, the two nouns are in what is known as the

construct state. So placed, the meaning would be “a man of a covenant,” but even for this

concept it should rather be “Ish HaBrith.” Thus, to get even remotely near this

philological monstrosity we would require to reverse the order of the words.

The B/I balderdash based on “Brit-ish,” if it proves anything, proves too much. For what

of the word “BRITAIN?” Permitting me a similar use of assonance, may I remark that

“Ain” in Hebrew is a particle of negation, meaning “NOT” or “WITHOUT.” It is so

translated in Hosea 3:4, “AIN MELECK,” “without a king,” etc. Thus, if “BRIT-ISH” is


Professor U.H. Parker, professor of Hebrew at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont, has

already pointed out the unscholarly gasconade of British-Israel in this direction. Of the

words “British” and “Britain” he says: “these words are not Hebrew, nor has any

Hebrew scholar ever supposed them to be such. ‘Britain’ is an ancient Celtic or West-

Germanic term. It appears, in its cognate form, in the classics, and was handed down to

modern England via both Old English and Latin. Incidentally, it is really the plural of

‘Briton.’ ‘British’ is simply the old Celtic ‘Bret’ (a Briton) plus the familiar suffix ‘ish,’

which is used to form adjectives of common Teutonic origin. This suffix cognate with the

German ‘isc,’ the Dutch ‘isch’ and the Greek ‘iskos.’ To persist, as some do, in seeking

to identify it with the Hebrew word ‘eesh’ (man) might well be described as mulish,

childish, and foolish.”

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British-Israelites do considerable violence to philology generally. They weave a fanciful

tale that “Isaac’s sons” is really the basis of the word “SAXONS.” The full humour of

this can only be appreciated by a Hebrew scholar! If it is really legitimate to thus ride

from one nationality to another by saddling an assonance, could we not equally prove that

the inhabitants of Hamburg were mountaineers of negro origin violating the Jewish

dietary laws? Again warning against the vagaries of B/I, Professor Parker declares: “As a

matter of fact there are more than two dozen words, exclusive of Bible names, in the

English vocabulary which can be traced to Hebrew roots . . . . Nearly every one of the

‘Hebrew’ words we do have come to us via the Greeks, and might more reasonably be

credited to Phoenician than to Hebrew.”


If the “identity” of Britain with Israel can be established on such philological hay-wires

as their devotees employ, then an entirely new field of speculation is open to us.

For instance, note how Daniel and Jeremiah interchange the letters “n” and “r” when

alluding to the Babylonian monarch, Nebuchadn(r)ezzar. Surely this would form the

basis of a splendid piece of “evidence” for British-Israelites! As one has elsewhere

observed, on this basis, the Wars of the Roses could be proved in English history to have

been Wars of the Noses. Clear evidence of rivalry in Semitic precedences. The famous

British (?) (Israelitish?) ballard, “My love is like a red, red rose” presents wonderful

possibilities, does it not?

(9) The Supremacy of the Sacrifice.

We turn with relief from the fatuous nonsense of “British-Israelism” to a final meditation

upon the Supremacy of the Sacrifice in relation to the spiritual meaning and content of

the name “Israel.”


The name throws us back to B.C. 1739, and we trace the history of Yaaqov (Jacob, as the

name is sounded in English). Before Jacob could enter the promised land, he had to face

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God, have his own strength put out of joint, and receive a new name, Yisroyal (Israel in

English), (Genesis 32:28). So it is with every sinner, British, Israelitish, red, yellow,

black or white. God has to be faced; our own self-efforts at justification abandoned; and

he must receive a new name from God. In Hebrew “name” implies “character.” In short,

as the Lord said to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born-again.” Spiritual birth, not physical

birth, is the qualification requisite to enter the spiritual “promised land.” Man must cast

aside his rags of nationality. Pride of race, pride of face, and even pride of grace, must be

relinquished. “Nothing in my hands I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling.” The precious

Blood of Christ, consciously and personally appropriated by faith, is the only ground of

acceptance before God.


These are the JEWS, the descendants of Jacob, the whole twelve tribes, and the

Scriptures are clear in their teaching of a future national repentance, national restoration

to God and to land, and national blessing. It is amazing that so few have seen that for

Israel there are to be two “circumcisions”; one in the flesh made with hands, the other the

“circumcision of the heart,” made by the Holy Spirit.

The first Christians, themselves all Israelites in whom, like Nathaniel, there was no guile,

received this second circumcision at Pentecost, when they were all FILLED with the

Holy Spirit. This is the promise for the nation of Israel in the grand days yet to come.


In the meantime, there is also another Israel, a spiritual Israel. These are repentant

sinners, either of Jew or Gentile, who have been purchase with the precious Blood of

Christ, and constitute the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, wherein is neither Jew or

Gentile, nor Scythian (Corinthians 3:11), but wherein all are ONE IN CHRIST JESUS.

There is a spiritual Israel today, just as surely as there is an earthly Israel. To deny the

one and acknowledge the other is only paralleled in folly, by denying the other to

acknowledge the one. This spiritual Israel, the born-again, the Church, is also THE

NATION to which Lord Messiah Jesus referred when, temporarily excommunicating the

earthly Israel, He said, “The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a

nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” (Matthew 21:43). The British-Israel writer in

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the “Message” blasphemously asserts that the nation is Britain! But the Holy Spirit

inspires Peter to disclose the identity of that nation to us where, obviously speaking of the

born-again Church, in I Peter 2:9 he calls them “a chosen generation, a royal

priesthood, AN HOLY NATION.”


In conclusion, it needs to be recognised that the glorious name “Israel” is primarily the

name of the Messiah. I commend to the reader the comfort and inspiration of a perusal of

Isaiah 49 in this connection. The name “Israel” belongs, then, to the Lord Jesus Christ,

the Messiah of earthly Israel; the Saviour of all who believe; and the only hope of Britain,

America, or any other Gentile nation.

The Scriptures clearly divide the human race today into three divisions:-

“Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of God”

(I Corinthians 10:32). The word “none,” permitting no residue, clearly indicates that the

word “Jew” is synonymous in full with the word “Israel.” Israel means Jew, and Jew

means Israel.

British-Israelites do violence to the truth and to the Scriptures, when they presume to

make an unwarranted four-fold division of “Jew,” “Israel,” “Gentile” and “Church.”

It has not been my intention to offend any British-Israelites as individuals but, if offence

is taken, I will continue to plead the above text as Scriptural justification, so long as it be

denied that the term “Jew” and “Israel” are absolutely synonymous in ethnology and


May God preserve the Church of Christ from the Baleful Bubble of British-Israelism, and

may the glad day soon dawn when He shall not only “raise up the tribes of Jacob” and

be a “light to the Gentiles,” but also “the GLORY OF HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL,” the Jews.