'The AussieTalker'

Australian BodyTalk Association Newsletter The AussieTalker’ Edition 8 - May 2012 Editor: Rosilyn Kinnersley CONTENTS From the Editor From the President The Virtue of Being a Practitioner Access Seminar Case Histories Encouragement Natural Therapy Pages Are You an Australian BodyTalk Practitioner? Book Reviews Adrenal Fatigue What’s On... Another two months has gone by already! I have just now completed cleaning out my three-drawer filing cabinet. In one of the files I came across a timely reminder about time; I thought I would share it with you. “Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day and every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during that 24 hour period. Every morning we are credited with 86,400 seconds in our time bank. Every night it is written off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no over- draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours.” And the thing is...we all have exactly the same amount of time allocated to us each and every day! How do you ‘spend’ your time? Special thank you to those who have so generously contributed to this ‘AussieTalker’. Much appreciated and to Ellany Whelan for her wonderful proofreading. Reminder about the Bris- bane MBS. Refer to the previous ‘AussieTalker’ and our call for help for details as there has been minimal response. Help is still urgently required please. Lots of seminars coming up so hope to see you at some of them. Next newsletter is due out July 1 so please be generous with forthcoming articles for inclusion in the next edition. Keep on tapping on... Rosilyn From the Editor


Newsletter of the Australian BodyTalk Association

Transcript of 'The AussieTalker'

Australian BodyTalk Association Newsletter

‘The AussieTalker’

Edition 8 - May 2012

Editor: Rosilyn Kinnersley CONTENTS

From the Editor

From the President

The Virtue of Being a


Access Seminar

Case Histories


Natural Therapy Pages

Are You an Australian

BodyTalk Practitioner?

Book Reviews

Adrenal Fatigue

What’s On...

Another two months has gone by already!

I have just now completed cleaning out my

three-drawer filing cabinet. In one of the files

I came across a timely reminder about time; I

thought I would share it with you.

“Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with

$86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day and every evening

deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during that 24

hour period.

Every morning we are credited with 86,400 seconds in our time bank.

Every night it is written off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to

invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no over-

draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the

remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is


And the thing is...we all have exactly the same amount of time allocated to us each and every

day! How do you ‘spend’ your time?

Special thank you to those who have so generously contributed to this ‘AussieTalker’. Much

appreciated and to Ellany Whelan for her wonderful proofreading. Reminder about the Bris-

bane MBS. Refer to the previous ‘AussieTalker’ and our call for help for details as there has

been minimal response. Help is still urgently required please.

Lots of seminars coming up so hope to see you at some of them. Next newsletter is due out

July 1 so please be generous with forthcoming articles for inclusion in the next edition.

Keep on tapping on...


From the Editor

Hello Everyone,

By the time you receive this newsletter our new Australian BodyTalk Association

website should be live. There has been a lot of work gone into it and we now have

an interactive map for people searching for their local ABA practitioner. Have a

look www.australianbodytalkassociation.com.au. We are just working through a

couple of things that don’t appear the same way in different browsers e.g. Internet

Explorer, Safari, Firefox.

Elaine Nivison organized a matrix session for the BodyTalk community within Aus-

tralia and we had a range of people from different states join us which was fantas-

tic. During the session one of the items that came up as a priority (and led to a short

exploratory discussion) was about some practitioners not having as many clients as

they would like and that their businesses weren’t growing as they had anticipated.

The natural therapy industry is one of the industries that has the highest amount of

small business failure within the first two years. We have often heard John speak

about this over the years and it is worthwhile going back and reviewing the DVD

that he did about running your business. There is some valuable information on it

and it is good to just refresh things and see what else you can try out to grow your


Some simple things to help spread the word about your business:

Always have some BodyTalk brochures, or your own on you, so if you meet

someone and they ask you what you do, explain it and hand them a brochure

Leave some brochures at other businesses after seeking their approval e.g.

Health food stores, gyms, community groups, your hairdresser

Organize an information session and ask your clients to bring a friend

Write an article about you and BodyTalk and submit it to your local paper

and see if they will print it

Contact practitioners in other modalities and introduce yourself and Body-

Talk to them and build your networks for the opportunity of referrals.

Until next time, happy tapping.


From the President...


Submitted by Marilynne Cahn CBP, Qld

MATRIX – first virtue

1. The matrix relates to the vast grid of specific knowledge gained through learning, experience and

insight that distinguishes the best practitioners and allows them to creatively and effectively re-

spond to their client’s health issues. A good practitioner has the capacity to always take it deeper

to see the healing the client is capable of - and go there. A BodyTalk practitioner has the training

and the tools to think about the healing in so many different ways with infinite connections or

links. This requires many hours practising – myelinating the practitioner’s circuitry, which is a

mysterious combination of technical knowledge, strategy, experience and practised instinct ready

to be put into instant use to understand where the client is. Right and left brain working in glori-

ous harmony!

PERCEPTIVENESS – second virtue

2. The eyes are the giveaway. They are usually sharp and warm and are deployed in camera like

observation. Though the gaze is friendly, it’s about information – it’s about figuring you out -

with the curiosity of an investigative reporter. Listening to the story – the details – finding out

about family, relationships, belief systems. The same set of links may not work on two different

people with the same symptoms. We are all different from each other – physically, emotionally,

background, beliefs and in many other ways. BodyTalk practitioners are advantaged in being

able to access and employ so many different formulas and procedures according to their client’s



3. The suggestion is not that you need to wear costumes and take a drama course but there is an ele-

ment of pitching your approach to the personality of the client. Wearing clothes that imbue confi-

dence and professionalism - raising or lowering the voice, eye contact, expressiveness, observing

the reaction to specific questions – all kinds of things can influence the session and your client’s

experience of BodyTalk. These are the tools that help you connect with your client. By creating

empathy, there is a selflessness because you are not trying to prescribe or tell a client what to do –

just finding a place to make a real connection and help with the healing process. We are all capa-

ble of listening on many different levels.

‘A mind is such a hands-on kind of thing’. It’s fantastic! Be creative.

Adapted from ‘The Talent Code’ by Daniel Coyle

Access Seminar, March 2012—Brisbane

We all enjoyed a great Access seminar and arranged a follow up practise session recently which

happened to be voting day—again! Two students were unable to attend due to family commit-

ments however, both had been doing the whole Access routine EVERY day—I am impressed!

Both felt it was beneficial to have the opportunity to refresh and clarify aspects and practise Fast


Makensi had it in her plan to do Fundamentals with Melissa—which was just this weekend. Fan-

tastic—so we look forward to connecting with Makensie on the BodyTalk circuit in the future.

Carleen has had mixed results to date re pain but reports she has gained significantly increased

ability in concentration and clarity compared to before. This has been quite noticeable to her with

the work she does.

Rod also shared:

“I have continued to practise the Access techniques for the last month and have found that I am

now able to run on my arthritic right knee without pain. My right shoulder problem is better be-

cause it doesn’t ache at night and my range of motion is better. I think the reciprocals have a bene-

ficial technique on my Tai Chi, but early days yet. Generally I feel stronger and more focused than


Thank you to the whole group for your commitment and enthusiasm. Well done!

Rod, Vicki, Carleen, Hanny, absent Makensi (off to vote!) Inset: Elaine Nivison Access Trainer

Access Averts a Urinary Tract Infection!

Submitted by Elaine Nivison CBP Qld

Within two hours of the commencement of symptoms of a urinary

tract infection the frequency and burning had turned to bleeding at

each urination. Of course it had to be a Friday afternoon when it is

impossible to get GP appointment!

What to do? Access to the rescue.

I did Access initially, then Body Chemistry Fast Aid EVERY time I thought of it -

(mostly each time at the loo!). Amazingly, though NOT surprisingly, ALL symptoms

CEASED within 5 hours. From bleeding to NORMAL - with ONLY ACCESS tech-


Kept the appointment with the GP just in case (Saturday AM) and a script was duly

given for antibiotics - but NOT needed to be filled!!

WOW - the power of BodyTalk Access!!

Access and a Child—Elaine Nivison

I had my grandchildren staying for a few days over the Easter school holidays – I did

more Access on my six year old grandson over those few days than I think I have done

in his whole life!

He started off with a reaction to long grass which was obviously painful/itchy – he went

off quite happily, no further itchiness or pain after I did the Fast Aid routine a number

of times (it didn’t settle with first round so just kept going until he was fine).

Then every time he hurt himself he was back for more Access! At times I didn’t even

get past the cortices and all was well! Obviously he was impressed with the results be-

cause normally he wouldn’t sit still long enough for even ONE round of Fast Aid, let

alone a few AND then he came back repeatedly!

The Aussie Mozzie and Body Chemistry - Rosilyn Kinnersley

The good ol’ Aussie mozzies passionate, blood sucking love affair with me has finally

met its match. All my life I’ve been plagued with mozzie bites, scratching the itchy

bites till they bled and became infected. I’ve got mozzie bite scars all over me!

When we were kids, if Dad saw us scratching mozzie bites, he used to ‘innocently’ stir

his cuppa then slap the back of the piping hot teaspoon on to the bites. We’d yell and

scream and carry on, but it worked every time. No more itching and scratching—well

until the next batch of bites anyway. Then that hot spoon would work its magic again.

This season they’ve been pretty bad down my way and I was just totally fed up with

them. One night I managed to successfully kill one of the little #$*@%!# without mur-

derating it into oblivion. I got the tweezers from the bathroom, picked up the well and

truly dead mozzie and shoved it into my belly button there and then; and tapped out

Body Chemistry protocol good and proper —several times just to make sure!

Then I forgot about it!!!! Forgot that is until I actually saw one on my hand (yes ‘course

I snotted it) waited for the itching to start...and I’m still waiting. Yippppeee! Go BCh!

Natural Therapy Pages Website and BodyTalk

If everyone logs onto www.naturaltherapypages.com.au – scroll down to the bottom and

type in BodyTalk, then BodyTalk may get put on the listing on the drop down menu at

the top. As many as possible.

Don’t know if you’ve logged on recently but with the change to their website, it’s almost

impossible to find any of us (unless you happen to scroll down to the bottom – unlikely

that many people will do this!). So unless you’re there under a different modality that is

listed on the left hand drop down menu, you’re probably wasting your money!

I mentioned all this to someone at customer support who said that it was related to the

number of hits BodyTalk - gets - PLEEEAASSE? and that she would pass my concerns

onto to their customer relations team, who have not so far got back to me. I think they

may take notice if we all refuse to re-advertise.

Marilynne Cahn


Submitted by Marilynne Cahn CBP, Qld

We have many complex formulas in BodyTalk that can be utilised to bring

about healing in our clients ..........and sometimes we just get those very sim-

ple pre-set formulas that work wonders. It’s helpful to understand this – especially

for those starting out as practitioners......... you don’t have to be a master of all mod-

ules to bring about healing – you just need to create the space for healing and use

your training and your talents................and be confident that you’re part of a greater

matrix that supports us all.

A woman, aged 66, had been knocked to the ground by a large dog running straight

into her. This was on a Sunday. I ran into her the next morning (walking dogs) and

she related her story – saying that she didn’t want to go to the doctor but that she

was worried about the injury. I asked her to come to see me in the afternoon

(without charge) and I would see if I could be of help. She was in quite a bit of dis-

comfort – specifically her right knee and hip where she took the impact of the fall.

Even though it was a day later, Fast Aid technique was carried out to site of injury

and injured site to reciprocal. This was followed by entire Reciprocals technique.

That’s all! She said that she felt very tired after the session but woke the next morn-

ing without any pain. She was so impressed with the speed of relief of her symptoms.

Brilliant! Now we are working on other aspects of her health in regular sessions and


There are two points to this story.

One - It can be very, very simple.

Two - when an opportunity presents itself – offer your services - explain how you can

help. You never know where it will lead.

Are you an Australian BodyTalk Practitioner?

(Standard OR CBP level)

Regardless of experience, knowledge or qualifications in BodyTalk


YOU are invited to come aboard as a participant to assist in

doing BodyTalk sessions to BUILD our (i.e. ALL of us)

Australian BodyTalk Matrix

The aim is to help promote positive ENERGY and cohesiveness for Body-

Talk across Australia, as well as link into the energy of the whole to al-

low stronger and more effective sessions for our clients and to help us all

build our practices to enable us to concentrate on our passion instead of

being hobby/part time practitioners. Ultimately the energy we give out

will be what comes back to each of us individually AND collectively.

We, in Australia, NEED to build the momentum for the future and to

‘tap’ into the increasingly changing energy we are so connected to! Let’s

make it a positive experience and grow with these changes!

Hmmmm...are we, Australia BodyTalk practitioners, ready to

work together as a collective team to BUILD the momentum for

the future? You can indicate that YOU are ready for this to hap-

pen by joining the Australian BodyTalk matrix session team.

As you indicate your interest in being involved, your name will be in-

cluded on the interested practitioner listing to determine the next person

to conduct a session!

The first session has recently been held and is due for a ‘follow-up’ ses-

sion - mid May.


A C T N O W...

For clarification/questions or to express an interest, please contact Elaine

Nivison at [email protected]

Book Reviews


So if you think some out there are born with this talent for being ‘really successful

‘practitioners, musicians, tennis players, athletes, tap dancers, singers, gardeners

etc.......... then you couldn’t be more wrong!

Practise is everything .......and hours and hours of it!

It probably does help to have a little inbuilt talent (but not proven that it is inbuilt)

but what does get you on the road to success or greatness is some intrinsic influ-

ence and some extrinsic influence.

Let me explain. As you were growing up your parents or teachers or both may have

commented that you’re a quick learner or good at throwing balls (maybe you were-

n’t). You felt good and started kicking balls around and very soon realised you

were a bit better than your peers. Then other people started noticing that you were

good at this and commented on your ability. That’s the extrinsic bit – praise

and input from others.

You enjoyed using your ‘talent’ and took up playing in a school team and practising

more then joined a local team and kept on improving and practising more and you

became better and better. That is the intrinsic bit .........coming from you.

At this point, your parents or teachers no longer had to push you because you were

self motivated. So what happened was you received some praise and encourage-

ment, then this was built on over the years – called the ‘multiplier effect’ and af-

ter several years of competition and daily practise you became a very, very good


The same thing happens in BodyTalk or any other ‘domain’. You are told that you

are good with people, a natural healer, people open up to you etc. Then when you

grow up you try out a few things.

‘Talent is Overrated’—Geoff Colvin

Somewhere along the line your desire to work in a health modality surfaces — you re-

ceive encouragement and praise and start studying BodyTalk (or other). You pass your

exams, feel good – see that it really helps people, start your own practice and a client

thanks you for their healing and your help. You feel great, practise more, get more

positive feedback and get better and better until you’re a very, very good practitioner!

There is a profound question here. What do you really believe? Do you believe you

have a choice in the matter? Do you believe that if you do the work, properly designed

with focus and practise, your ability will grow better and better and eventually reach

the highest levels?

If you believe your ability to succeed is limited by your lack of some specific innate gift

or by lack of general abilities at a level that you think must be necessary, then there is

no chance at all that you will do the work. This belief is tragically constraining. If you

believe that doing the right kind of work can overcome the problems, then you have at

least a chance of moving on to better performance. But if you see the setbacks as evi-

dence that you lack the necessary gift, then logically you will not become good or great.

What you really believe about the source of great performance or ability becomes the

foundation of all you will ever achieve. We know as BodyTalk practitioners that such

beliefs can be extremely deep seated. Regardless of where our beliefs originated, how-

ever, we all have the opportunity to base them on the evidence. This evidence offers no

easy assurances but it does show that by understanding how a few become great, any-

one can become better!

Above all, what the evidence shouts most loudly is striking, liberating news: that great

performance is not reserved for a preordained few. It is available to you and to every-

one. How good is that?

This is condensed from a lovely book by Geoff Colvin – senior editor at Fortune Maga-

zine – ‘Talent Is Overrated’ – worth reading.

P.S. During my 25 year career as a Suzuki piano teacher one of the mandates I gave

students (from the age of 3!) was, “you did not have to practise on the days you did not

eat”. Considering about 85% of all my students have ended up working in the music

profession in some capacity, I think that mandate has stood them in good stead in every

facet of their life and stood the test of time! Not one of them were what anyone would

call ‘gifted’ or even especially talented. However, having an excellent practise discipline

enabled them to shine during every performance and contribute to their ongoing passion

for music. Ed.

Submitted by

Marilynne Cahn

CBP Qld.

‘Sweet Poison’ - David Gillespie

Within our brain, the hypothalamus monitors calories so that we know

that we are full and can stop eating. Unfortunately, the hypothalamus

doesn’t recognise fructose, and as a result, we consume more calories

than we use up and store the rest as body fat.

Gillespie reveals to us that an average 375ml can of soft drink makes 10g

of body fat, and that 4 squares of chocolate every night for a year will add

an extra 2kg to our body weight. Exercise is unable to keep up with the

amount of fructose being regularly metabolised into fat. The only chance

the body has to stay healthy and avoid the metabolic diseases is to elimi-

nate fructose altogether.

Awareness of the biological impact of fructose, as

well as information on the sugar industry, its history

and influence, will inform you in ways to make

healthy improvements to your lifestyle.

“Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes us Fat” by David

Gillespie, Penguin, Australia 2008 Submitted by Robyn Spooner CBP Qld

I have just finished an informative read about the

effects of sugar on our health and I thought you

might be interested. Gillespie breaks down the re-

search so that it is easy for the reader to understand

and what we can do to take back control of our

health by eliminating fructose.

In his book “Sweet Poison”, David Gillespie ex-

plains the impact of increasing levels of fructose

within our modern diet, and how it creates havoc

within our bodies. He asserts that the current epi-

demics of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and can-

cers are impacting on our lifestyle quality because

we don’t realise that if we stop consuming fruc-

tose, these metabolic diseases will lessen and our

community health will improve.

Adrenal Fatigue – Today’s Stress Syndrome Submitted by Melissa Smith, CBI, Adv CBP, Qld.

Over the last few months I have noticed with my clients that links to the adrenals

comes up regularly and in cases several times in a session. Adrenal fatigue affects an

estimated 80% of people living in the industrialized countries, yet it has largely been

ignored by the medical community. Dr. James L. Wilson coined the term “Adrenal

Fatigue” in 1998 to identify a group of signs and symptoms that people experience as

a result of suboptimal adrenal function.

The rapidly changing technology, cyberspace communication rather than human con-

tact, multitasking, increased demands, longer hours and expectations at work, less

rest and not enough sleep all contribute to depleting the energy reservoir within

us. Our ability to deal with constant change and our stressful lifestyle where people

“burn the candle at both ends” is leading to adrenal exhaustion and burnout down

the track.

Frequent excessive cortisol production cause by our stressful lifestyle can affect both

the mental and emotional development. Recent studies have shown that children

who are exposed to frequent stress have a short term attention span, poor memory

and learning difficulties. Long term stress impacts can result in shrinkage of the hip-

pocampus, which assists us to learn and consolidate short term memory.

Higher and long term level of cortisol circulating in the body due to chronic stress can

result in a range of effects:

Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia, diabetes, impaired cognitive perform-

ance and memory, increased abdominal fat, decreased bone density, decreased muscle

mass, insomnia, mild depression, high blood pressure and lowered immune function.

Low levels of cortisol circulating in the body due to adrenal fatigues can result in a

range of effects:

Foggy brain

Low thyroid function

Blood sugar imbalances

Fatigue – especially morning and mid-afternoon

Sleep disruption

Low blood pressure

Lowered immune function


So when a client presents with some of these symptoms and a link to the adrenals

comes up in the session, you will now be able to make the link yourself and relate it

back to the client.

What’s On...

May 11-14 Fundamentals—Perth Wilma Grobbelaar

May 18-20 Principles of Consciousness—Perth Wilma Grobbelaar

May 18-20 Principles of Consciousness–Brisbane Sylvia Muiznieks

May 21-23 Macrocosmic BodyMind–Brisbane Sylvia Muiznieks

May 25-27 Mindscape–Perth Dale Fox

May 27-27 Advanced Mindscape—Brisbane Sylvia Muiznieks

June 1-3 Macrocosmic BodyMind—Perth Wilma Grobbelaar

June 2-3 Matrix Dynamics—Auckland, NZ Sylvia Muiznieks

June 2 Access–Caboolture, Qld Elaine Nivison

June 8-11 Fundamentals—Melbourne Rosilyn Kinnersley