The Atu Of Anpu - The Coming Forth By Night



A Tarot deck in keeping with Solus Noir. This item is published for public viewing by order of Ordo Templi Solus Noir.

Transcript of The Atu Of Anpu - The Coming Forth By Night

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Across the mountains of the Moon Did we walk my love and i

In quest of Rrtemis Within the valley of Aphrodite

Did we rest Blessed by her sweet embrace

The Boundary Lands we crossed A plain burnt to ash beneath

An ebon sun Babalon did we seek

The City of Pyramids beckoned And the pylons of the temple

Were raised The avatars fleshed themselves

In liquid gold And within their embrace did

The rays of Solus Noir Shine forth upon the heads of all

Thrice blessed Sing thy song of rapture Rejoice in thy benediction

And enter the vale of Aeternity To dream upon starbeams

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Liber Solus Noir

The Atu Of Anpu

The Coming Forth By Night

LXXIX Sermones Ad Mortuos

Σαµαελ 131

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The Atu OF Anpu and all elements, both text and graphik relating to Solus Noir manifest as a

direct consequence of a magickal working undertaken and completed over a

twenty year time span.

De Arte Magicka consummate with the methodology of rite and axiomata has left in its wake an

application both magickal and aesthetic. The rite has opened an ingress point or portal

onto a wellspring of creativity where the current becomes manifest in word, sigil, graphik and image.

In practical terms Talismanic Books & Arte Graphika

have become the primary means by which the current I attend is manifested.

The Atu of Anpu , The Coming Forth By Night

is one such Body of Axiomata and whilst its foundations lie within the tradition of the Atu a subtle fusion has taken place consisting of the

Atu themselves, The Egyptian Book Of The Dead and the working called Solus Noir.

The Atu themselves rather than being seen as a

Modern tarot design lending itself to its traditional role of divination is to be viewed as an axiomata

outlining the conception, execution amd completion of the working Solus Noir.

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The Atu

Traditional Solus Noir

0 Fool The Aleph 1 Magician Samael 2 High Priestess Namrael 3 Empress Lilith 4 Emperor Lucifer 5 Hierophant Pan 6 Lovers Aphrodite 7 Chariot Astarte 8 Strength Artemis 9 Hermit The Boundary Lands 10 Wheel Tempus 11 Justice Grigori 12 Hanged Man The Oath 13 Death Anpu 14 Temperance Sentience 15 Devil Baphomet 16 Tower The City Of Pyramids 17 Star Babalon 18 Moon Lamae Rouge 19 Sun Solus Noir 20 Judgement The End Of Days 21 World The Vale Of Tears

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The Atu Of Anpu, The Coming Forth By Night reflects a Nightside approach to the vehicle called by some the Tarot and whilst some Atu have been directly transposed as in The Sun, Solus Noir, Black Sun and The Moon, Lamae Rouge, Red Moon others are connected indirectly to the traditional and yet are directly connected to Solus Noir. The Aleph, Fool transposition is self evident and is to be viewed in regard of its aesthetic relationship.

Samael, Magician is a direct transposition and names the magician in question as Avatar or prime vehicle within the tradition of Solus Noir. Namrael, High Priestess names the priestess directly within the rites of Solus Noir and demonstrates the equality of the principle avatars. Lilith, Empress as a transposition relates directly to the relationship between Samael, Magician and Lilith in regard of Solus Noir for it is in their conjunction alone that the Portus Solus Noir is accessed and opened that its rays might shine forth. Lucifer, Emperor relates directly to the Lord of Light, in this instance Black Light itself. Along with Lilith a matched pair is formed as also in the case of Samael and Namrael. A perfect pair of reflections emanating at different octaves of manifestation. Pan, Hierophant is a direct interpretation of how the path to Solus Noir was entered upon and after two decades of work and ritual concluded. The number of Pan 131 also serves as the numeration of Samael, the title assumed by the aspirant to this path at the outset and avatar at its conclusion. Aphrodite, Lovers a traditional transposition and also one of the masks assumed within the workings of Solus Noir. [ The Heart of Astarte, see Liber 131 ] Astarte, Chariot a direct transliteration as Astarte being the Chariot or vehicle that carried the principle operators along the path towards Solus Noir. Artemis, Strength a direct attribute given her warrior aspect and also one of the masks assumed within the workings of Solus Noir. [ The Mind of Astarte, see Liber 131 ] The Boundary Lands, Hermit a poetic and yet literal interpretation of the events that unfolded over two decades in quest of Solus Noir. A relationship exists here between The Boundary Lands and The City of Pyramids for the wise to speculate upon.

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Tempus, Wheel a direct transposition specifically in regard of the wheel of time and one of the initial objectives within the working commencing as Liber Astarte vel Berylli and evolving into Solus Noir. Grigori, Justice the former being the vehicle of the latter and how principle amongst these Samael as avatar evolved from being a simple human operator into the egregore via transmutation. [ see The Selim, A Tale Of Nightwalkers ] The Oath, Hanged Man a literal transposition reflecting the qualities of sustained devotion across time and space. Anpu, Death a direct transposition of Anpu [ Anubis ] as the guide of the dead and the title of this work. Death as is always the case is to be viewed as transformation. Sentience, Temperance a poetic transliteration and is to be viewed as the manifestation of the lifewave itself. Baphomet, Devil whilst the latter is a traditional representation created by the practitioners of slave religions and as such objectionable a direct transposition has occurred, albeit open to much interpretation for whilst appearing literal on the surface is far from being so upon closer examination. The City Of Pyramids, Tower a direct transposition and is to be viewed in conjunction with The Boundary Lands as a graphik description of a metaphorical landscape traversed during the workings of Solus Noir. Babalon, Star a poetic transliteration and a celebration of our holy ladye whose cup contains every drop of our aspiration and also one of the masks assumed within the workings of Solus Noir. [ The Body of Astarte, see Liber 131 ] Lamae Rouge, Moon a direct transposition as Blood or Red Moon and a direct counterpart of Solus Noir or Black Sun. Solus Noir, Sun a direct transposition and the very core of our work these past two decades. The beginning, journey and destination itself. The End Of Days, Judgement a direct transposition and forms a matched pair with the Atu Grigori in regard of the purpose and work of Solus Noir. The Vale Of Tears, World a poetic and literal transposition. Sic Transit Gloria Rosa Mundi, and so passes the glory that is the rose of the world.

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Σανχτυµ Σιγιλλυµ Σαµαελ

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The Company Of Heaven

Traditional Solus Noir

Kings Archons Queens Vesicas knights Reflections Pages Muses

The traditional court cards whilst maintaining their elemental association fire, water, air and earth via colour and image the titles themselves have been changed in respect of the mythos Solus Noir. Archon translates as Lord or Liege, as such a true attibute. Vesica refers to a vessel which in a magickal context relates to the vesica piscis, an oval pointed at the tips reminiscent of the yoni, as such an appropriate attribution. Muse is a complete departure from tradition and is to be taken lieterally. Refection is likewise to be taken literally specifically in relation to the Muse. The end result is two pairs of reflected properties Archon and Vesica, Muse and Relection and is consummate with the tradition of Solus Noir both in theory and practice. Combinations such as The Archon of Rays, The Vesica of Waves, The Muse of Atoms and The Reflection of Particles gives rise to much speculation and meaning within both the titles of the cards and their symbolic representation.

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The Elements

Traditional Solus Noir

cups Waves swords Atoms wands Rays pentacles Particles

Ace to 10

In keeping with the traditional attributes water, air, fire and earth in respect of colour tone and image again the names have been changed to reflect a quantum aspect. Waves whilst relating to water also refers to the wave theory of physics. Atoms are self evident and their loose association to air is poetic rather than scientific. Rays and their association to fire is appropriate specifically given the rays of Solus Noir. Particles as a constituent part of matter, hence the element of earth. Atoms, Particles and Waves in particular represent theoretical physics in its simplest description whilst Rays relates directly to Solus Noir. The root elements represented by the Aces gives rise to much speculation and titles such as the Ace, or Unus of Atoms, as an example, are evocative.

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Ace – Root Element

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Card Reverse

Ordo Templi Solus Noir

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LXXIX Card 79 Aeon Solus Noir In order to rectify both the correct disposition of the Atu and the true representation of Ozt Chiim, The Tree Of Life, so called, we have created a card 79 representing the sephira Daath.

Πρινχιπια Δισχορδια Περ Υνυµ Εστ

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The Palace Of Exiles


Prime Considerations

This text is to be considered in the light of an extensive undertaking, twenty years in the making, to manifest The Black Sun. The Black Sun may be viewed as the natural consequence of the unification of Samael and his consort Lilith. Three cycles of magickal ritual were undertaken to facilitate this and though there have been many down the long years who by their presence have advanced this work my sole collaborator has been steadfast and it is to her that these words are dedicated. Texts exist which, in some respect catalogues the time travelled, field notes if you wish. Foremost amongst these are – Liber 131 & its unfolding into Solus Noir – The Book Of The Black Sun. Blood Moon & Blood Rain. The Songs In Solitude Cycle, specifically, The Witness. The Selim. The Well Of Souls. The prime purpose of this essay is to explore Daath and its relationship with the phenomena Ain Soph Aur. In undertaking this essay we recognize that whilst our scholarship might be open to debate and though the erudite might find much to critique, we state firmly at the outset that it is not our intent to flatter the intellect, rather we challenge it as is described by our role as opposer. Further we claim no truth, that we leave in the hands of the erudite and doubtless wise. Instead we offer the purity of vision informed by experience, the only crucible worthy of consideration, the rest we consider to be but the byblows of intellectual masturbation.

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Ode To Lost Souls

Not to you do I speak, brave of heart and firm of purpose. Nor to you bright ones within a field of light.

Not to you who walks in purpose fulfilled. Nor to you of vision strong, buoyed by life’s enrichment.

But to you I speak wanderer upon the shores of night. And to you the desolate ones outside the circles of life.

Raised upon columns of molten ash.

Your journey began with a cry and ends with a scream. Betwixt the emptiness evolved. First a doubt becomes a certainty.

Those of faith know you not. Those of vision know you not. Those of purpose know you not. Within the citadel of life do they dwell.

Basking beneath an indolent sun. We choose as our presenting metaphor the glyph known as Otz Chiim, falsely called The Tree Of Life. Not in the light of its accuracy but rather the poetic cast it grants us as a description, the means by which we might convey a semblance of meaning. Within Sephirotic existence, depending as it does from the Ain and finally focusing itself in the false light of Tiphareth we are permitted to experience the reflections of false existence. The light that casts shadows sufficient to maintain the appearance of sentient forms. Herein the servants of life revel in the illusion of their unique manifestations. Tradition has argued that the dragon ascending the tree of life bruised its head upon the false crown of Daath and therein the black brothers, so called, do reside. Arguably it is the sphere, regarded as a non sephira that we aspire and as a consequence we finally embark upon the journey from the personal to the trans personal. Some have argued that Daath exists within the abyss itself wherein does dwell that mighty demon Choronzon, the one we praise as destroying manifest forms.

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Rather we would perceive Daath along with its reflection, Yesod to be the only sephira worthy of mention and exploration. All else presents itself to us as the manifestation of controlled existence, the slave mentality upheld for millennia by the servants of truth. Our work undertaken draws primarily upon the sphere of Daath and whilst, in the main, appears abstract and conceptual our experience proves to the contrary this belief. The Black Sun and its rays we uphold to be the limitless light of the Ain Soph Aur.

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The Ain Soph Aur

Traditionally The Limitless Light that projected the sphere of Kether, the crown, the prime potential for manifestation within the schemata of Otz Chiim. Its radiance blinding Samael, thereby preventing the consummation of the dark lord with his bride, Lilith. A consummation deemed undesirable by the forces of creation and yet a component of that very creation. Consider, if you will the war in heaven and fall from Eden myths along with the great mythological structures of all nations and you will recognise a repeated motif. We posit the Ain Soph Aur as being none other than the field of light generated by and containing the great sephira Daath. Some explanation is required at this juncture. Light as commonly perceived gives rise through its photonic components to a series of reflections which contain manifested forms. To use a simple neurological model. You enter a room where a prominent smell exists and as a consequence of familiarization after a while you no longer notice the odour. Visually if it were not for the vibration of the rods and cones upon the surface of the cornea a similar phenomena would occur given the visual aspect of perception. In short look at something long enough and it to would disappear. The application of peripheral vision to some extent proves this point for as a consequence of saturating the optical cortex, it checks out so to speak. In short the existence of light simply reflects the presence of phenomena which does not exist. Black light by contrast due to its corrosive qualities, described as the venom of god burns away the dross of perceived forms and reveals in its place that which truly exists as phenomena as opposed to a reflected interpretation. We propose the polarity of Daath and Yesod to be our prime consideration, denying as is our nature the established polarity of Kether, Malkuth and their fixed focal point of Tiphareth. What this implies we leave to the erudite to work out for themselves. our purpose being simply to manifest the central premise of

And in those days it was given unto the false prophets To spread the lie, Sow the seeds of doubt, Draw aside the veil

And reveal the end of days.

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Synthesis The prime avatars erect their pylons within the emanation of Daath bathing in the light of the Ain Soph Aur, a radiation of Black Light which as the venom of god burns away the dross of accumulated error down the long aeons. In undertaking this task, thus far covering two decades as time is measured within the plane of form we began with a simple premise, human beings are incapable of manifesting acts of magick, consumed as they be by the totality of their lives and the singular element of self service which burns at the heart of all sentient forms. Whilst we acknowledge that we be no different in this regard we undertook instead to invoke and manifest an order of being capable of performing the appropriate invokation, hence our concept of avatar. Two cycles of our work manifested the prime avatars who in conjunction entered the Triangle Of Arte and called forth Lilith, our holy lady. Much has been discussed and described in Liber 131 and The Book Of The Black Sun to ratify these claims and mention here is kept to the most basic of considerations. Why was this work undertaken? A most important question. Our text, The Selim speaks of our origin and again here we keep to a bear minimum in order to illustrate our point. We conceive of a destructive gene within each and every manifestation of sentience. A fail safe put in place to terminate what is in point of fact a flawed creation. Death bears witness to this and though those of a spiritual inclination posit many abstract notions considering the nature of time, space and the nature of being. We hold these concepts to be anathema. The end of days as we perceive it calls forth agents which have been cultivated within the gene pool of manifested forms to enact the termination of said manifestation and whilst others might propose that our work gestates an evolving consciousness capable of transcendence, we do not. Our nature of opposer demands this and as the black light of our manifestation burns bright we, like all are immolated in its rays. It has been said that

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At The End Of days

There Shall Be Two Grigori

Upon The Earth

And They Shall Die

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Liber 131

The Passion & The Purity Cycle 1 1990 – 1992 The Dawn Of The Avatar

Liber Astarte vel Beryli – The Passion And The Purity In this way did we manifest Samael, principal Grigori amongst the legions of the living. Bereft of his bride, tormented beyond the ability to conceive did he complete the initial tasks, reaching their culmination in the words of The Witness, our seeding into the world of what was to follow. Cycle 2 2003 Namrael

The manifestation of our Grigori sister In this way did we complete the preparations. Placed our avatars within the temple of our working. Cycle 3 2006 – 2007 Lilith Rising

The Portal Of The Black Sun Entering our sacred triangle of power did Samael and Namrael conjoined invoke beloved Lilith and complete the cycle of our making, to manifest the portal and let its rays shine forth. Trinity 2008

We wove the matrix of our spells and seeded them into the prime elements of nature, extending our Triangle Of Arte. Fulfillment of The final Grigori Prophecy 2010

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Samael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of Life and Death.

Liber 131 – March 2nd 1992ev

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

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Epilogue Whilst the schemata presented is in appearance an outline it is to be viewed in the light of the extensive texts that have been executed and in many respects the present project is the natural conclusion to al that has preceeded it. The supportive texts commenced as early as 1990ev, as time is measured and continue into the present. The ritual cycles covered the periods 1990ev to 1992ev, 2003ev and 2006ev to 2007ev and were finally earthed through the project named Trinity in 2008ev. All that remained for the formal working to be completed was the fulfillment of the final Grigori prophecy that took place in 2010ev. The following two years have consisted in fulfilling the final earthing of the current in the form of the texts, axiomata, graphik and image that flesh the current in totality. As such the present project is the consummation of an intricate and lengthy process covering in excess of two decades.

All that remains in this instance is to list the major supportive texts and whilst it is true to state that all of thirty plus titles could be listed I shall confine myself to the most immediately relevant. The entirety of the ritual cycles, the project and prophecy that followed, the generation of texts and image are the fruiting of the current and the manifestation of the work known as Solus Noir.

The texts are as follows

Liber 131 The Passion & The Purity Songs In Soltude cycle, specifically The Witness, Opening The Seals Liber Ananta, The Serpents Kiss Solus Noir, The Book Of The Black Sun Anathema, Samael & Lilith The Selim, A Tale Of Nightwalkers