The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax...

The Attitude of a The Attitude of a Torah Observant Torah Observant Believer Believer

Transcript of The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax...

Page 1: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

The Attitude of a The Attitude of a

Torah Observant BelieverTorah Observant Believer

Page 2: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Contrast of two different attitudes!

Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18

Page 3: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Look Vertical, not Horizontal!Look Vertical, not Horizontal!

Must not be looking in Must not be looking in judgmentjudgment at the at the Torah observance or non-Torah Torah observance or non-Torah observance of our brothers and sisters!observance of our brothers and sisters!

Yet, we must Yet, we must encourage themencourage them in the in the upward call of Messiah and walking like He upward call of Messiah and walking like He walked!walked!

Page 4: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Like Shaul/Paul to his non-Jewish Like Shaul/Paul to his non-Jewish ReadersReaders

Be Be imitatorsimitators of me, just as I also am of Christ. of me, just as I also am of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:11 Corinthians 11:1

Therefore be Therefore be imitatorsimitators of God, as beloved children; of God, as beloved children; Ephesians 5:1Ephesians 5:1

Therefore I exhort you, be Therefore I exhort you, be imitatorsimitators of me. of me. 1 Corinthians 4:161 Corinthians 4:16

Page 5: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Imitate God: Imitate God: Be HolyBe Holy

““'For I am the LORD your God. 'For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and Consecrate yourselves therefore, and bebe holyholy, for I am , for I am holyholy. And you shall not . And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth. swarming things that swarm on the earth. 'For I am the LORD who brought you up 'For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt to from the land of Egypt to bebe your God; your God; thus you shall thus you shall bebe holyholy, for I am , for I am holyholy.' " .' "

Leviticus 11:44,45Leviticus 11:44,45

Page 6: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Be HolyBe Holy

1414 As obedient children, do not be As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts conformed to the former lusts which were which were yoursyours in your ignorance, in your ignorance, 1515 but but like the like the Holy OneHoly One who called you, who called you, be holy be holy yourselves also in all yourselves also in all youryour behavior behavior; ; 1616 because it is written, "YOU SHALL because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLYHOLY, FOR I AM HOLY." ."

Page 7: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Yeshua lived out Torah perfectlyYeshua lived out Torah perfectly

He kept all the commandments that He kept all the commandments that pertained to an Israelite male!pertained to an Israelite male!

He lived perfectly righteously in keeping He lived perfectly righteously in keeping the Torah perfectly!the Torah perfectly!

Yet, He was not a legalist!Yet, He was not a legalist!

Page 8: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

He was not afraid to keep the commandments on He was not afraid to keep the commandments on the chance that someone might think He was the chance that someone might think He was being “holier than thou” by His being totally being “holier than thou” by His being totally obedient to the Torah.obedient to the Torah.

He kept the commandments because that He kept the commandments because that is what a person is what a person livingliving the the new covenantnew covenant doesdoes!!

Page 9: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

New CovenantNew Covenant: Law written on our : Law written on our HeartsHearts

3131 "Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when "Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a I will make a new covenantnew covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, with the house of Judah, 3232 not like the covenant which I not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant My covenant which they brokewhich they broke, although I was a husband to them," , although I was a husband to them," declares the LORD. declares the LORD. 3333 " "But this is the covenantBut this is the covenant which I which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the LORD, "declares the LORD, "I will put My law within them and on I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it…”their heart I will write it…”

Jeremiah 31Jeremiah 31

Page 10: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Hebrews 8Hebrews 877 For if that first For if that first covenantcovenant had been faultless, had been faultless, there would have been no occasion sought for there would have been no occasion sought for a second. a second. 88 For finding fault with themFor finding fault with them, He says, , He says, ""BEHOLD, DAYS ARE COMING, SAYS THE LORD, WHEN I WILL EFFECT A NEW COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AND WITH THE HOUSE OF JUDAH; 9 NOT LIKE THE COVENANT WHICH I MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS ON THE DAY WHEN I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND TO LEAD THEM OUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT; FOR THEY DID NOT CONTINUE IN MY COVENANT, AND I DID NOT CARE FOR THEM, SAYS THE LORD. 10 "FOR THIS IS THE COVENANT THAT I WILL MAKE WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AFTER THOSE DAYS, SAYS THE LORD: I WILL PUT MY LAWS INTO THEIR MINDS, AND I WILL WRITE THEM ON THEIR HEARTS.

Page 11: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.


Page 12: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Because the Law is weak through Because the Law is weak through the fleshthe flesh

22 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. from the law of sin and of death. 33 For what the For what the Law could not Law could not dodo, , weak as it was through the fleshweak as it was through the flesh, God , God did:did: sending His own sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offeringas an offering for sin, He for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, condemned sin in the flesh, 44 so that the requirement of the Law so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the fleshwalk according to the flesh but according to the Spiritbut according to the Spirit. . 55 For those who are according to the For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are are according to the Spiritaccording to the Spirit, , the things of the Spiritthe things of the Spirit. . 66 For the For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spiritmind set on the Spirit is is life and peace, life and peace, 77 because the because the mind set on the flesh is hostile mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of Goddoes not subject itself to the law of God, for it , for it is not even able is not even able to do so,to do so, 88 and those who are in the flesh and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. cannot please God.

Romans 8Romans 8

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Law written on our minds and Law written on our minds and heartshearts

To do WHAT???To do WHAT???

Page 14: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Rephrase:Rephrase: The The problem problem was that the was that the peoplepeople did did not keep the first covenant (because the Law not keep the first covenant (because the Law did not cause the people to keep it)did not cause the people to keep it). The . The remedy, then, must remedy, then, must fix the fix the problemproblem (that the (that the people did not keep the Law)! What’s the people did not keep the Law)! What’s the remedyremedy ( (putting the Law on the heart and mindputting the Law on the heart and mind) ) going to do?going to do?

If the If the faultfault with the first covenant was that with the first covenant was that the people the people broke itbroke it, what’s the , what’s the remedyremedy supposed to do? supposed to do?

Page 15: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

God’s intent is to cause His people to keep God’s intent is to cause His people to keep the Law!the Law!

No longer is the Law and No longer is the Law and external setexternal set of of do’s and don’ts! It is now do’s and don’ts! It is now internalizedinternalized in the in the hearts and mindshearts and minds of believers! of believers!

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SpiritSpirit Empowered Empowered

22 For the For the law of the Spirit of lifelaw of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. from the law of sin and of death. 33 For what the Law could not For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did:did: sending His own sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offeringas an offering for sin, He for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, condemned sin in the flesh, 44 so that the requirement of the so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spiritflesh but according to the Spirit. . 55 For those who are according For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spiritwho are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. . 66 For For the mind set on the flesh is death, the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peaceis life and peace, , 77 because because the mind set on the fleshthe mind set on the flesh is hostile is hostile toward God; for it toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able is not even able to do soto do so,, 88 and those who are in the flesh and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. cannot please God.

Romans 8Romans 8

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SpiritSpirit CausesCauses us to us to WalkWalk in God’s in God’s LawsLaws

1919 "And I will give them one heart, and put "And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within thema new spirit within them. And I will take the . And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, them a heart of flesh, 2020 that they may walk that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances in My statutes and keep My ordinances and do them. and do them.

Ezekiel 11Ezekiel 11

Page 18: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Ezekiel 36Ezekiel 36

2626 "Moreover, I will give you a new heart "Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a and put a new spirit within younew spirit within you; and I will ; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. and give you a heart of flesh. 2727 "I will put "I will put My Spirit within youMy Spirit within you and and cause you to walk cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances. observe My ordinances.

Page 19: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

World views in Conflict:World views in Conflict:

Greek (Athens) vs. Hebrew (Jerusalem) world-viewsGreek (Athens) vs. Hebrew (Jerusalem) world-views

““Pink” vs. “Blue” glasses.Pink” vs. “Blue” glasses.

Page 20: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

A Jewish FaithA Jewish Faith

In the beginning, for the first 10 years of its In the beginning, for the first 10 years of its existence, the Church was an entirely existence, the Church was an entirely Jewish faith.Jewish faith.

Not until Acts 10, did the first non-Jewish Not until Acts 10, did the first non-Jewish non- proselyte come into the faith: non- proselyte come into the faith: Cornelius.Cornelius.

By Acts 21, there were “myriads” (10’s of By Acts 21, there were “myriads” (10’s of thousands) of Jewish believers “zealous thousands) of Jewish believers “zealous for the Torah.”for the Torah.”

Page 21: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

““By the turn of the first century AD, most By the turn of the first century AD, most Christian converts were Gentiles, not Christian converts were Gentiles, not Jews. These converts brought with them Jews. These converts brought with them many ways of understanding Christianity, many ways of understanding Christianity, and often their perspectives on Christianity and often their perspectives on Christianity were quite different from that of most were quite different from that of most church leaders.” church leaders.”

copyright 2004,2005 Religionfacts.comcopyright 2004,2005

Page 22: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

The Early “Church Fathers”The Early “Church Fathers”

Ignatius, Justyn Martyr, Iranaeus, Origen, Ignatius, Justyn Martyr, Iranaeus, Origen, Augustine, Eusebius, Athanasius, John Augustine, Eusebius, Athanasius, John Chrysostum – many others.Chrysostum – many others.

The term “Early Church Fathers” refers to The term “Early Church Fathers” refers to “Christian” writers and theologians of the “Christian” writers and theologians of the first eight centuries of the “Christian” first eight centuries of the “Christian” Church, especially the period of Church, especially the period of development up to 451 C.E.development up to 451 C.E.

Page 23: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

““The church fathers are of great importance The church fathers are of great importance to Christianity because they formulated to Christianity because they formulated nearly all of the Christian doctrine that is nearly all of the Christian doctrine that is accepted by Christians today. They accepted by Christians today. They interpreted the Bible in the light of interpreted the Bible in the light of challenges from Greek thought, determined challenges from Greek thought, determined Christianity’s relationship to Judaism, Christianity’s relationship to Judaism, elaborated on theological concepts such as elaborated on theological concepts such as the Trinity and salvation, and established the Trinity and salvation, and established the structure and organization of the the structure and organization of the Church.”Church.”

copyright 2004,2005 Religionfacts.comcopyright 2004,2005

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Many of their teachings have caused the Church Many of their teachings have caused the Church to be far away from the holiness she is enjoined to be far away from the holiness she is enjoined to by the Disciples; a holiness defined by the to by the Disciples; a holiness defined by the Torah.Torah.

Page 25: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

As a result of Greek domination in Western As a result of Greek domination in Western thought and the thought of the early theologians thought and the thought of the early theologians of the church especially Augustine, the western of the church especially Augustine, the western church developed a church developed a method of educationmethod of education based based on, first, on, first, PlatonicPlatonic and, later, Aristotelian and, later, Aristotelian epistemological* methods. epistemological* methods.

*Epistemology, from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech) is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, origin and scope of knowledge.

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Greek vs. Hebrew Methods of Greek vs. Hebrew Methods of EducationEducation

The Greek model of the relationship between a The Greek model of the relationship between a teacher and his disciple requires no teacher and his disciple requires no examination of the life of either the teacher or examination of the life of either the teacher or the disciple, for the method of learning is the disciple, for the method of learning is entirely mental. entirely mental. Greek teachers are teaching Greek teachers are teaching their students how to think and manipulate their students how to think and manipulate abstract ideas.abstract ideas. The Greek teacher or disciple-The Greek teacher or disciple-maker is not teaching the student how to livemaker is not teaching the student how to live. . Therefore, the place of learning is within the Therefore, the place of learning is within the four walls of the academy. four walls of the academy.

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In contrast, the central method of Hebrew In contrast, the central method of Hebrew discipleship is the examination of the life of the discipleship is the examination of the life of the teacher. The subject of study is the life of the teacher. The subject of study is the life of the teacher. teacher. The lesson to be learned by the student is The lesson to be learned by the student is how to live like the to live like the teacher. Therefore, while the Therefore, while the Greeks learn indoors, seated in chairs and talking Greeks learn indoors, seated in chairs and talking about ideas, the about ideas, the Hebrews live life together and Hebrews live life together and examine each others behaviors.examine each others behaviors. To pass an To pass an examination in the Greek educational system is to examination in the Greek educational system is to articulate a certain system of ideas or to prove that articulate a certain system of ideas or to prove that one can manipulate ideas like the teacher. one can manipulate ideas like the teacher. To pass To pass an examination in Hebrew discipleship, the student an examination in Hebrew discipleship, the student must show he can must show he can dodo what the teacher what the teacher doesdoes.. Yeshua examined the disciples by sending them Yeshua examined the disciples by sending them out to do as He does. out to do as He does.

Page 28: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Does the Method of Education Does the Method of Education Matter?Matter?

If the Church started out with a Hebraic If the Church started out with a Hebraic method of education and began to adopt method of education and began to adopt the Greek method soon thereafter, did that the Greek method soon thereafter, did that begin to change the direction (overall begin to change the direction (overall orientation) of the Church?orientation) of the Church?

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Greek model = correct thinkingGreek model = correct thinking

Hebraic model = correct livingHebraic model = correct living

Page 30: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Like a RocketLike a Rocket

A rocket’s flight path is A rocket’s flight path is calculated so that (in calculated so that (in time) it will meet its time) it will meet its objective.objective.

Page 31: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

The Church has had nearly 2,000 years to The Church has had nearly 2,000 years to travel in the direction that the Early Church travel in the direction that the Early Church Fathers have led it.Fathers have led it.

If off one degree at launch, will If off one degree at launch, will inevitably cause the rocket to be inevitably cause the rocket to be

thousands of miles off course over time.thousands of miles off course over time.

Worse: several of these men caused the Worse: several of these men caused the Church to be off by many degrees early on.Church to be off by many degrees early on.

Page 32: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

As a result, there is a major problem in trying As a result, there is a major problem in trying to educate children about being a good to educate children about being a good Christian. The historical facts do not support Christian. The historical facts do not support our world-view of what Christianity is all our world-view of what Christianity is all about. about.

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Dr. Marvin Wilson - Dr. Marvin Wilson - Forward to Dr. Brad Forward to Dr. Brad

Young’s bookYoung’s book Jesus, the Jewish TheologianJesus, the Jewish Theologian

““Among many Christians, Jesus as a Among many Christians, Jesus as a historic figure remains historic figure remains largely removed largely removed from Judaism and the first-century from Judaism and the first-century Jewish cultureJewish culture.”.”

Page 34: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

““This point was ever so starkly brought to my This point was ever so starkly brought to my attention several years ago through a piece of attention several years ago through a piece of Sunday school literature, which came across my Sunday school literature, which came across my desk. It was written for grade school children and desk. It was written for grade school children and produced by a leading denominational publishing produced by a leading denominational publishing house. The part which caught my eye was a full-house. The part which caught my eye was a full-page drawing of Jesus. He was depicted as a page drawing of Jesus. He was depicted as a boy and shown going up steps leading into a boy and shown going up steps leading into a building. Underneath the drawing was this building. Underneath the drawing was this caption: ‘caption: ‘Jesus was a good Christian boy who Jesus was a good Christian boy who went to church every Sunday.’”went to church every Sunday.’”

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Dr. Marvin R. WilsonDr. Marvin R. Wilson

Marvin Wilson maintains that to correctly Marvin Wilson maintains that to correctly interpret the Bible, "we must become interpret the Bible, "we must become attuned to [its] Hebraic setting in the attuned to [its] Hebraic setting in the ancient Near East", looking "primarily not ancient Near East", looking "primarily not to Athens but to Jerusalem for the biblical to Athens but to Jerusalem for the biblical view of reality" view of reality" (Wilson, M. R. (1989) Our Father Abraham. (Wilson, M. R. (1989) Our Father Abraham. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.) Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.)

Dr. Marvin R. Wilson is the Harold J. Ockenga Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Gordon College,

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Dr. Wilson on VHS tape speaking to the Dr. Wilson on VHS tape speaking to the followers of Jesus…followers of Jesus…

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Dr. Wilson SummaryDr. Wilson Summary

Believers in Yeshua should become more Believers in Yeshua should become more and more identified with the Jewish people and more identified with the Jewish people and the Hebrew world-view because their and the Hebrew world-view because their Master is Jewish and held that world-view.Master is Jewish and held that world-view.

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Back to the RocketBack to the Rocket

Page 39: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Flight DirectorFlight Director

If you became the flight director for a flight If you became the flight director for a flight that took off from earth many years ago that took off from earth many years ago (long before you were born) headed to a (long before you were born) headed to a remote planet in some far off solar system remote planet in some far off solar system and calculated that it was now off by and calculated that it was now off by millions of miles; would you have the millions of miles; would you have the responsibilityresponsibility to ensure that whatever to ensure that whatever corrections necessary were made to bring corrections necessary were made to bring that spaceship back to its destination?that spaceship back to its destination?

Page 40: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Or should you let the ship continue in the Or should you let the ship continue in the direction it is headed in the hopes that it will direction it is headed in the hopes that it will get somewhere:get somewhere:

““Well, she’s been traveling this far for so Well, she’s been traveling this far for so long already, we might as well let her long already, we might as well let her continue going continue going whereverwherever she is going.” she is going.”

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The issue is The issue is notnot that the ship isn’t off that the ship isn’t off course. It course. It isis off course. That’s a fact. off course. That’s a fact.

We can all see that if we would be We can all see that if we would be willing to study it out.willing to study it out.

Page 42: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Do we have the responsibility to say or do Do we have the responsibility to say or do something?something?

The Question is:The Question is:

If we are to say or do something: What are If we are to say or do something: What are we supposed to do when we discover that the we supposed to do when we discover that the ship is far off course? ship is far off course?

Page 43: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Do we say: Do we say: “Hmmm, I think that just “Hmmm, I think that just maybe we should consider that there is a maybe we should consider that there is a possibility, yes, just a possibility – that we possibility, yes, just a possibility – that we just might be a little off.”just might be a little off.”

Do we just hint that something may be Do we just hint that something may be wrong?wrong?

Page 44: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

““But I really think that we should consider But I really think that we should consider making a slight course correction here…making a slight course correction here…Well, maybe not slight…But a course Well, maybe not slight…But a course correction probably would be in order correction probably would be in order about now…If you don’t think it would be about now…If you don’t think it would be too much of a problem…That is, if we too much of a problem…That is, if we really want the rocket to get to the planet it really want the rocket to get to the planet it was originally projected for…”was originally projected for…”

Page 45: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

““Mind you, I don’t want to offend you. I Mind you, I don’t want to offend you. I know that we’re been headed there – know that we’re been headed there – wherever it is – for quite some time now wherever it is – for quite some time now and I know it’s kind of hard to change…”and I know it’s kind of hard to change…”

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May be several reasons why May be several reasons why People would not want to change People would not want to change


May be discomfort with bringing up the fact that May be discomfort with bringing up the fact that you believe “the ship is off course.”you believe “the ship is off course.”

May be discomfort with the fact that they would May be discomfort with the fact that they would have to change their life-styles.have to change their life-styles.

May be discomfort with the fact that they have May be discomfort with the fact that they have mis-taught by so many, for so long. Like having mis-taught by so many, for so long. Like having a “spiritual rug” pulled out from under their feet.a “spiritual rug” pulled out from under their feet.

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Should we tell our brothers and sisters in Should we tell our brothers and sisters in the Lord the truth?the Lord the truth?

In the Church (or in the Messianic In the Church (or in the Messianic Movement – we haven’t “arrived” yet Movement – we haven’t “arrived” yet either) : The ship is off course: What either) : The ship is off course: What should we do?should we do?

Page 48: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Do we have an obligation to Do we have an obligation to humblyhumbly share the share the truth with our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord?truth with our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord?

Or do we remain silent and let them Or do we remain silent and let them continue on in their ignorance?continue on in their ignorance?

If we remain silent: will we, who know the If we remain silent: will we, who know the truth, be held accountable for our silence?truth, be held accountable for our silence?

Page 49: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Prayer FIRST!Prayer FIRST!

BEFORE saying BEFORE saying anythinganything, need to pray for , need to pray for wisdom and discernment.wisdom and discernment.

Page 50: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Share from ScriptureShare from Scripture

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable forfor teaching teaching, for , for reproofreproof, for , for correctioncorrection, for , for training in righteousnesstraining in righteousness… … 2 Timothy 3:162 Timothy 3:16

Page 51: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Torah Observant BelieversTorah Observant Believers

Need to be a light to their fellow believers.Need to be a light to their fellow believers.

Bring them back to their Biblical roots by Bring them back to their Biblical roots by exemplifying Yeshua in their lives.exemplifying Yeshua in their lives.

Need to walk out Torah in their lives by the Need to walk out Torah in their lives by the power of the Ruach (Spirit)!power of the Ruach (Spirit)!

Page 52: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

That’s what Yeshua did!That’s what Yeshua did!

Page 53: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Not in Legalism…Nor in Not in Legalism…Nor in JudgmentalismJudgmentalism

But in LOVE!But in LOVE!

Page 54: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

We can’t presume to know the We can’t presume to know the hearts of others!hearts of others!

I loved the Lord long before I heard of I loved the Lord long before I heard of Jesus’ Hebrew name!Jesus’ Hebrew name!

I loved the Lord long before I realized that I loved the Lord long before I realized that Torah pertained to a new covenant Torah pertained to a new covenant believer in Him!believer in Him!

I loved the Lord long before I heard of a I loved the Lord long before I heard of a Messianic Movement!Messianic Movement!

Page 55: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

What changed was that I found out that What changed was that I found out that what the Lord wanted of me in my love for what the Lord wanted of me in my love for Him was my obedience to Him and His Him was my obedience to Him and His Word!Word!

My obedience gave me an appropriate My obedience gave me an appropriate means to express that love to Him.means to express that love to Him.

Page 56: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

I loved the Lord…I loved the Lord…

……But the world-view I was taught the But the world-view I was taught the Bible from was wrong!Bible from was wrong!

But tBut the world-view of the Bible is Hebrew…he world-view of the Bible is Hebrew…

The world-view I was taught to interpret the The world-view I was taught to interpret the Bible from was Greek!Bible from was Greek!

Page 57: The Attitude of a Torah Observant Believer. Contrast of two different attitudes! Pharisee & Tax Gatherer – Luke 18.

Need to share with our brothers and sisters Need to share with our brothers and sisters the Biblical world-view!the Biblical world-view!