The Art of Advocacy Find Your Voice: Become an Effective Child & Youth Advocate February 4 th.

The Art of Advocacy Find Your Voice: Become an Effective Child & Youth Advocate February 4 th

Transcript of The Art of Advocacy Find Your Voice: Become an Effective Child & Youth Advocate February 4 th.

The Art of Advocacy

Find Your Voice: Become an Effective Child & Youth Advocate

February 4th


The Art of Advocacy…

Session Schedule:

1:00 – 1:10 Introductions

1:10 – 1:55 The Government Relations (GR)/Advocacy Process

1:55 – 2:30 Breakout Groups/Scenario Analysis

2:30 – 2:45 Coffee

2:45 – 3:15 Issues Discussion/Q&A

3:15 – 4:00 Election Strategies for Advocates


Advocacy vs. Lobbying

When organizations advocate, they seek to affect some aspect of society, whether they appeal to individuals about their behavior, employers about their rules, or the government about its programs. Lobbying generally refers specifically to attempts to influence government decisions that is more rooted in self-interest.


Characteristics of Advocacy

Pro:There is an inherent legitimacy/validation when intervening for someone else!!!

Con:In most case, the group being advocated for is not a direct player on the political playing field


Definition of Advocacy (GR)


with Decision-Makers

to effect Outcomes





Why is GR Important?• Pythagorean Theorem

• Gettysburg Address

• Declaration of Independence

• Charter of Rights & Freedoms






Why is GR Important?

Regulation on the sale of cabbage……..

26,911 Words!!!!!!!


Why is GR Important?

Think in terms of this phrase…

You are either at the Table…


You are on the Menu…


GR –Shift From…

As taxpaying citizen you expect your

government(s) to fulfill certain responsibilities

and evaluate governmental actions it terms of

Wrong or Right


GR –Shift To…

As a person acting in the interests of an

Organization/Association you need to view

government(s) as rulemaker and view

governmental actions through a lens of

Losers & Winners


For every action…In government, nothing happens in a vacuum.

Once you determine what you are “Asking”

government for, you need to review who the

other “Winners” would be and who the

“Losers” would be. Always anticipate



GR Process Basics

1. Clearly Define your “Ask”!

2. Align Interests (“Winners”)

3. Anticipate Pushback (“Losers)

4. Intervene as early as possible


Components of a GR Program

• Government Activity Monitoring• Communications• Contact Programs• Issue Intervention• Events


Government Activity Monitoring

The key consideration here is timeliness.

The sooner you can identify an issue of potential concern the greater your chances of effecting the outcome.


Important Sources

• Campaign Platform Documents• Speech From the Throne• Budget Speech• Departmental Plans and Priorities• Ministerial Statements and Speeches• Speeches by Senior Public Servants • House and Committee Statements



You have to be RIGHT,

in the RIGHT way,

with the RIGHT person,

at the RIGHT time.


Partisan vs. Political Actions

• At the foundation of Partisan Action is the notion of “us” vs. “them” with a overlay of “good” vs. “bad”

• Political Action involves building ongoing relationships with all players that is driven by facts and aligns interests


Being Right…..

Be factual, spin is tolerated but dishonesty is

not. Put your argument in the best light

possible, “Winners & Losers” provides more

opportunity than “Right or Wrong”

to stretch your argument(s).


In the Right Way…

1. Is this a bureaucratic or political decision?

2. Does it require legislative, regulatory or Order in Council (OIC)?

3. Speak Their Language

4. Understand Their Situation


With the Right Person…

Provincial, Federal & Municipal governments

generally maintain an online directory (database) of all staff.

You can search by:• Name• Department• Position• Etc.


At the Right Time…

If you understand the financial, legislative and electoral cycles of government, you will be able to align your ask/intervention with

the decision-makers requirements,

timelines and deadlines.


Contact Programs

Find your Natural Allies

Know your Respective Ministers/Parliamentary Secretaries/Critics

Know your Legislative Committee(s)

Identify Key Bureaucrats

What is Your Point?

Most overlooked, minimized and under-valued question in the GR process…..


Issue Intervention

Your “Point” should include:

•Rationale for change you are seeking•Clear and realistic “Ask”•Reference to change mechanism/process


Issue Intervention

•Never do any heavy lifting by yourself

•Strength in numbers (Blowfish)

•Use the media wisely



• Great potential for creative strategy

• Increased Importance given new lobby rules

• Provide Profile for key elected officials


The Government Relations (GR) Process

1) Determine your existing/potential points of contact with regulatory framework(s) and monitor the activities of government(s)

2) Identify potential friction points or areas for action

3) Determine the key “Asks” and points of resistance. Align interests of “Winners” and anticipate “Pushback” from “Losers”

4) Develop strategies for intervention and monitor outcomes against identified GR objectives


Breakout Groups/Scenario Analysis

Group #1: Housing as a Health Issue

Group #2: Critical Hours and Recreation Access

Group #3: Child Poverty

Group #4: Rural Youth Housing and Homelessness

Group #5: School Readiness

Group #6: Literacy Gap