The art and science of web analytics Class 1

The Art and Science of Web Analytics BUSAD X409.63 Archana Pawse



Transcript of The art and science of web analytics Class 1

  • 1. BUSAD X409.63 Archana Pawse

2. Overview Introduction What is Web Analytics? Why do we need it? What can you learn? Why Google Analytics? Setting up Google Analytics. Overview of standard metrics. Demo of Google analytics account Understanding your needs and goals Discussions 3. Your Business : Websites 4. Your Business : Marketing Initiatives Are you marketing initiatives such as paid search, email campaigns, banner ads working? 5. What is web analytics? You cant improve something if you dont measure it. 6. Acquisition Overview 7. What you can learn Information about your key areas of marketing Audience Acquisition Behavior Outcomes (Conversions) Understand how your customers are finding you. Customer Behavior on your site. What marketing channels and keywords are working for your business? Which pages are working? Which pages are not? Are your customers converting? What is causing them to drop off? Helps with troubleshooting And much more! 8. Google Analytics All Traffic 9. Behavior Overview 10. Conversions (Goal) Overview 11. Standard Web Metrics: What you can learn Visits Unique Visitors Time on Page and Time on Site Bounce Rate Pages/Visit Exit Rate (per page) Goal/Transactions Conversion Rate 12. Actionable Insights Every website is created with some goal in mind, whether it is to generate revenue or get leads, disseminate information etc. Know your websites goal and use the analytics data to achieve your goal. Understand how your business is performing What is right? What needs improvement? Improve your website. Decide marketing strategy. Paid, email etc. Get resources. (more budget, new website) Find problems with the website. 13. What you cannot learn Personally identifiable information. Individual customer behavior for most analytics platforms. Why the customer is behaving in a certain way? (Why is traffic increasing or decreasing.) This is where the context comes in. You can get this additional information from surveys, benchmarks, your internal information, Google trends segmentation etc. 14. Why Google Analytics? Free Meets the need of most small/medium sized business. Industry Standard. Other 3rd party tools like phone tracking software integration available. Most Ecomm Shopping carts support Google Analytics Seamless integration with Google Adwords , Google Adsense and Google Webmaster tools. Has API (application programming interface) to integrate with your own application. Other software available Clicky, Webtrends, Site Catalyst & More. Most are paid solutions 15. Do I Need Other Solutions? Daily hits (page views, events etc.)exceed over 10 million. Need real time data. -GA has 24-48 hours delay for visits over 200,000/day. Need un-sampled data. - Have custom requirements. Have concerns about Google having access to your data. Start with GA first, so you can understand if you need anything more from your web analytics software. comparison-identifying-the-right-web-analytics-tools-for- your-business-149373 16. How does Google Analytics work? Javascript code is added to the website. Uses first party cookies. (first party are accepted by most browsers) Important points: -utma visit has your unique visitor id. Cookie duration is 2 years. -utmz cookie has your channel. Cookie duration is 6 months. Gets overwritten if you visit again using another channel except direct. More details analytics-cookies-v2/ 17. Data issues Data is not perfect All visits are not tracked because of cookie rejections, cookie deletions, Java script not enabled, Java script not executed etc. Different analytics tools calculate differently, so the numbers may not match Measurement issues Focus on trends and consistency of measurements. Dont get hung up on details. 18. Google Analytics Account Setup Create Google Analytics account. Get tracking code. Add the tracking code to all the pages of your website. &ref_topic=3544906 19. Advanced Setup Setup Ecommerce tracking. (Need Developer help) l=en * Make sure your shopping cart platform can integrate your analytics software. Additional code needed for cross domain tracking. (3rd Party shopping carts, blog on another domain etc.) ection/gajs/gaTrackingSite 20. Google Analytics Hierarchy : Account Property View User management - Add users to your analytics account - Various levels read-only to administrative access 21. Admin Screenshot 22. Goals Goal Setup Based on your business or department goals Can have up to 20 goals Goal can be configured based on urls or various metrics. Optional Funnel pages 23. Goal Screenshot 24. Goal Funnel 25. Filter Setup Basic use : Screen for internal visits Advanced use include : -Display only certain part of the website to certain departments. For example blog pages for the blogging department. - Change capital to small letters in urls. 26. Track Marketing Channels Link Google Adwords (Googles Paid Search Platform) Add Tracking urls to track email, banner ads or other marketing channels. l=en 27. Marketing Channels 28. Marketing Channel Performance 29. Standard Web Metrics Visits Unique Visitors Time on Page and Time on Site Bounce Rate Pages/Visit Exit Rate (per page) Goal/Transactions Conversion Rate 30. Standard Web Metrics Explained Metrics Description Visits Visit to your website. Runs out after 3o mins of inactivity, midnight or when the browser is closed Unique Visitors Number of unique utma cookies during a certain time period Avg Time on Page Time spent on a page. Time when you visited next page time when you visited this page. Time on last page = 0 Avg Time on Site Time spent on the entire site. Time on last page is not included. Bounce Rate % of visits with only one page view Exit Rate % of visitors leaving the site from that page. Pay attention to shopping cart page exit rate Pages/Visit Average number of pages viewed per visit. Multiple visits to a page are included. Goals or Transactions Number of completed goals or transactions Conversion Rate 100* (Goals or transactions)/visits 31. Segmenting Web Metrics Channels (Source/Medium, keywords) Geographic (Country, State etc) Time New vs return visitors Technology (Browser etc) Adwords, Adsense, SEO specific * These are called dimensions. 32. Analytics Setup Best Practices Add code to all pages of the website Track goals and Ecommerce data Filter internal traffic Tag URLS for all your marketing channels Connect Adwords, Adsense and Webmaster tools Use non-personal email for the account, so you can share the email and password with your team Keep a back-up profile 33. Demo Google Analytics Application Demo 34. What Metrics Should You Track? Understand your website goals Understanding macro and micro conversions Site Type Goal Macro Conversion Micro Conversions Content Publisher Engagement. Return Visitors Time on Site, Returning Visitors, Recency and Frequency (Comments, RSS not GA use other tools, sharing) Traffic, low bounce rate of new visitors Lead generation Collecting Leads Sign-ups, phone calls, downloads Saw demo Read pricing information Ecommerce Selling Revenue Newsletter sign-ups. Visit to store location pages Branding Awareness, Loyalty, Engagement, Download coupons, Sign-up newsletter Pages per visit, time on site, Sign-up newsletter Online Information Support, informational sites Less support calls. Time on site, less site searches Different pages of the website can have different goals. (Blog to inform, newsletter to get leads etc.) 35. Discussions Questions Homework Questions