The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

ISTANBUL, TURKEY L ed by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America and with the par- ticipation of the entire Eparchial Synod of our Holy Archdiocese of America, over fifty Archons and other pilgrims traveled to Constantinople in order to honor the twentieth anniversary of the election and enthronement of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Upon their arrival in Constantinople on October 20, the pilgrims travelled to the historic Baloukli Monastery, where they visited the under- ground shrine and Holy Spring of Zoodochos Pege (Life-Giving Spring) and the adjacent cem- etery, where an impromptu Trisagion was held at the burial site of Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I (1948-72), former Archbishop of North and South America (1930-48). Later that evening, a welcome dinner was hosted at the Divan Hotel by Archbishop Demetrios. e next day, October 21, the pil- grims participated in a full day of guided sight-seeing, beginning at the Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora, now a museum, where they observed the stunning mosa- ics and frescoes. e pilgrims lat- er moved on to the Hippodrome and the grand Hagia Sophia, the Church of Holy Wisdom, which was completed under Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 537 AD. Continued on page 3 » 20 Archbishop Demetrios leads Archons in pilgrimage for twenty-year anniversary celebrations for His All-Holiness advocates of religious freedom for the ecumenical patriarchate His All-Holiness presides, above, during the Patriarchal Chorastasia on Saturday, October 22, in Saint George Church, Istanbul. D. PANAGOS OCTOBER • NOVEMBER • DECEMBER 2011 PAGE 14 PAGE 10 Twenty-nine new Archons invested during Annual Archon Weekend in New York Admiral James G. Stavridis Supreme Allied Commander Europe receives Athenagoras Award on behalf of Armed Forces PAGE 8 Regional Commander Dr. Gregory G. Papadeas and District 10 Archons organize first Religious Freedom Symposium


Archbishop Demetrios leads Archons in pilgrimage for twenty-year anniversary celebrations for His All-Holiness, Admiral James G. Stavridis receives Athenagoras Human Rights Award, Twenty-nine new Archons invested, District 10 Archons host first religious freedom symposium,

Transcript of The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

Page 1: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)


Led by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America and with the par-

ticipation of the entire Eparchial Synod of our Holy Archdiocese of America, over fifty Archons and other pilgrims traveled to Constantinople in order to honor the twentieth anniversary of the election and enthronement of His All-Holiness Ecumenical

Patriarch Bartholomew.

Upon their arrival in Constantinople on October 20, the pilgrims travelled to the historic Baloukli Monastery, where they visited the under-ground shrine and Holy Spring of Zoodochos Pege (Life-Giving Spring) and the adjacent cem-etery, where an impromptu Trisagion was held at the burial site of Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I (1948-72), former Archbishop of North and South America (1930-48). Later that evening, a welcome dinner was

hosted at the Divan Hotel by Archbishop Demetrios.

The next day, October 21, the pil-grims participated in a full day of guided sight-seeing, beginning at the Church of the Holy Saviour in Chora, now a museum, where they observed the stunning mosa-ics and frescoes. The pilgrims lat-er moved on to the Hippodrome and the grand Hagia Sophia, the Church of Holy Wisdom, which was completed under Byzantine Emperor Justinian in 537 AD.

Continued on page 3 »


Archbishop Demetrios leads Archons in pilgrimage for twenty-year anniversary celebrations for His All-Holiness

a dvoc at es of r eligious fr eedom for the ec um enic a l patr i a rch ate

His All-Holiness presides, above, during the Patriarchal Chorastasia on Saturday, October 22, in Saint George Church, Istanbul. D. PANAGOS




Twenty-nine new Archons invested

during Annual Archon Weekend

in New York

Admiral James G. Stavridis Supreme Allied Commander Europe receives Athenagoras Award on behalf of Armed Forces


Regional Commander Dr. Gregory G. Papadeas and District 10 Archons organize first Religious Freedom Symposium

Page 2: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

The Archon » October / November / December 20112

The Order’s fundamental mission is to promote the religious freedom, wellbeing and advancement of the Ecumenical Patri-archate–the spiritual center of the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians. The Ecumenical Patriarchate is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey.

The Archon is published by the Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America. Members are encouraged to submit material pertaining to the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Ortho-doxy. All material should be typed, signed with name, address and phone number. The editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. © 2011 John J. Mindala II Editor & Graphic Designer

Order of Saint Andrew Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate 8 E. 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 P] 212 570 3550 F] 212 774 0214 E] [email protected]

His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Rev. Alexander Karloutsos Spiritual Advisor

Executive Committee Anthony J. Limberakis, MD Aktouarios, National Commander

Nicholas J. Bouras, Depoutatos National Vice Commander

John Halecky, Jr., Ekdikos Secretary

James C. Fountas, Depoutatos Treasurer

Functionaries Christopher Stratakis, Esq., Notarios Legal Counselor

George Demacopoulos, PhD Didaskalos Tou Genous, Historian

Alexander Pritsos, Hieromnimon Sergeant-at-Arms

Andreas D. Comodromos, CPA Dikaiophylax Assistant Treasurer

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Echoing the pious sentiments of many per-sonal journals through the centuries, this book describes a private journey to mon-

asteries in Egypt and Sinai, Mount Athos and Romania, the Ukraine and Russia. The spiritual thread that binds the entire expedition is how monks and nuns in these Coptic and Orthodox Christian communities experience the presence of God in their lives and, especially, how the tradi-tional practice of Jesus Prayer itself has connected men and women for almost two millennia around the simple meditation and repetition of the name of Jesus.

Accompanied by his professor, Fr. John McGuckin of Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, Norris Chumley traveled to the mon-astery of St. Anthony, the legendary founder of monasticism, in the desert of Egypt and to the monastery of St. Catherine, the historical impe-rial establishment in the heart of the desert and at the foot of Mount Sinai. He also visited the Patriarchal Monastery of Vatopedi on Mount Athos and the spectacular painted monasteries of Romania. Finally, he journeyed to the Ukrainian caves of spiritual direction in Kiev and the majes-tic establishments of monastic life in Russia.

Chumley himself moves comfortably between an intricate account about the long preparations and complicated execution of the journey and an inti-mate narrative on the moving encounters and uni-versal application of unceasing prayer. Through friendly local interpreters, he communicates with monks and nuns, with abbots and abbesses, with bishops and patriarchs. They speak to him about prayer and liturgy, sharing monastic stories and historic legacies spanning generations dating back to early and byzantine Christianity’s holiest saints and sites.

In the words of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch, whose foreword provides a brief over-view of the central importance of the Jesus Prayer in Orthodox Christian spiritual life: “The Jesus Prayer can be used by everyone … When prayer culminates in silence, we awaken to new aware-ness. Then, prayer becomes a way of noticing more clearly and responding more effectively to the world within us and around us.” n

By Norris Chumley

Mysteries of the Jesus PrayerExperiencing the Presence of God and a

Pilgrimage to the Heart of Ancient Spirituality

New York: Harper Collins, 2011, 195 pages. Foreword by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer

Page 3: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

The Archon » October / November / December 2011 3

Elected October 22 Enthroned November 2

his all-holiness

bartholomewarchbishop of constantinople-new rome and ecumenical patriarch

That evening, a reception and banquet was hosted for His All-Holiness at the elegant Four Seasons Bosphorous Hotel. Over 400 guests attended the ban-quet. In his welcome remarks, National Commander Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis, noted that “the twenty-year Patriarchal Ministry of His All-Holiness is one of a few unparalleled diako-nias in the 1700 year history of the Sacred See of Saint Andrew not only in terms of longevity, for His All-Holiness is one of only

nine Ecumenical Patriarchs who have served for more than twenty years, but more importantly in substantive accomplishment.” Dr. Limberakis highlighted many of the extraordinary accomplish-ments of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, from the ecclesi-astical, global, political, inter-Orthodox, environmental and ecumenical perspectives. Among other things, Dr. Limberakis emphasized the breakthrough initiatives pioneered by His All-Holiness, including the lumi-nary sessions of the Synaxis of the Heads of all Autocephalous

C h u r c h e s ; the Tolerance and Peace C on f e r e nc e s and post 9-11 internat iona l c o n f e r e n c e s seeking great-er interfaith u n d e r s t a n d -ing through d i a l o g u e with Jews, Christians and Muslims; the strengthening of bonds with oth-er confessions; and the tireless ef-forts to promote Pan-Orthodox

cooperation. Dr. Limberakis further noted His All-Holiness’s devotion to the environment, for which he has been recognized as one of the leading conservation-

His All-Holiness presides from the Patriarchal Throne, top, during his enthronement on November 2, 1991. A celebratory cake is cut, above, during a special recep-tion and dinner co-hosted by The Order of Saint Andrew and Leadership 100.

« Continued from page 1


Page 4: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

ists of our time, earning the title “Green Patriarch.”

In his banquet toast, Archon Constantine G. Caras, Chairman of Leadership 100, noted the tireless devotion and steady guidance of His All-Holiness: “You have been a good shepherd for your flock, always ready, as you promised in your address on the day of your enthronement, to sacrifice your soul for your sheep.” Archon Caras then made his toast, based on Psalm 20, ask-ing that the Lord protect His All-Holiness, remember his offerings and fulfill all of his petitions.

His Excellency Francis Ricciardone, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, echoed these sentiments and praised His All-Holiness’s inspirational leadership, stating: “With his deep love for God, for His Creation, and for all man-kind, and with his tireless com-mitment to interfaith dialogue

“twenty years

in this ministry

are neither

many nor few.

They are few

before eternity;

but they are

many when one


labors to



banquet speech excerpt of

his all-holinessciting

the late ecumenical patriarch



Archon Constantine G. Caras, offers greetings on behalf of Leadership 100 which co-sponsored the twentieth an-niversary tribute dinner.


Page 5: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

and the protection of the envi-ronment for future generations, His All-Holiness Bartholomew has inspired millions around the world, no matter whom they recognize as their Prophet. I feel blessed to have first met him 16 years ago with then-First Lady Clinton, and many times since then; and deeply honored to join in celebrating the 20th anniversary of his accession to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.” The Ambassador later delivered remarks offered by President Barack Obama, former President George Herbert Walker Bush and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Archon Laki Vingas, the official representative of all the religious minority foundations in Turkey, also read a letter of congratula-tions from President Abdullah Gul of Turkey and mentioned that he also had official greet-ings from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the foreign minister of Turkey.

In his remarks, Archbishop Demetrios of America recognized His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew as the “Serving Patriarch” by making reference to the Gospel of Luke when the Lord, during a dispute amongst His disciples, said to them, but I am among you as one who serves (Luke 22:27). His Eminence continued saying that “Our Most Holy and beloved Patriarch is a true servant of God who, through his intense, elo-quent and continuous offering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serves and ministers the people in every part of the Earth while seeking peace and reconciliation for all mankind… Under not the best conditions, he is serving in spite of obstacles and sometimes in-surmountable difficulties. He has elevated the image and the spiri-

tual authority of the Ecumenical Patriarch in a level unheard of before... This ‘Serving Patriarch’ we honor tonight for the 20th an-niversary of his Enthronement. We pray that the Lord gives him plenty of years to continue His truly wonderful work teaching with love and truth the Gospel to our wounded, troubled and confused world.”

In his address, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew told the guests that the past twenty years had been “filled with numerous and diverse blessings for all of us and for our Church throughout the world. Unexpected and un-imagined gifts have been show-ered upon the Great Church of Christ and its faithful children.” His All-Holiness gave thanks for these gifts and expressed grati-

tude towards his predecessors on the Throne of Constantinople, emphasizing that “we are be-holden to all those who have pre-served our Church - often under difficult, if not impossible con-ditions - for the future genera-tions.” He concluded his remarks with heartfelt appreciation to the Archons of the Order of Saint Andrew for their exemplary devotion, efforts and achieve-ments “in order to uphold and honor the venerable Ecumenical Patriarchate and our Modesty, soothing our pain and lightening our burden over these years.”

At the conclusion of the ban-quet, Archbishop Demetrios, as-sisted by National Commander Limberakis and Sergeant of Arms Alex Pritsos, presented a hand crafted American Chelsea

Archbishop Iakovos, below far left, with His All-Holiness and Father Alex Karloutsos. Next, Archon Andrew Athens, Archbishop Iakovos, His All-Holiness, Metropolitan Symeon, Archons Michael Jaharis, Michael Cantonis, and James

Moshovitis. His All-Holiness embraces his mother, Meropi, below, surrounded by family and friends. His All-Holiness delivering his proclamation, below right,

on the day of his enthronement as Ecumenical Patriarch, November 2, 1991.

His Excellency Francis Ricciardone, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, delivers greetings, left, on behalf of President Barack Obama and other U.S. diplomats. Archon Laki Vingas, right, reads congratulatory messages from the President and Prime Minster of Turkey. Through the hands of Archbishop Demetrios of America, Archons Alexander Pritsos and National Commander Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D., assist in presenting a hand crafted American Chelsea clock, right, to His All-Holiness.


Page 6: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

The Archon » October / November / December 20116

20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION / photosMore photos at uWatch Video Clips of the 20th Anniversary on

clock, depicting the Patriarchal 20th anniversary emblem, to His All-Holiness. The gift was presented on behalf of the Order and the delegation of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

On Saturday, October 22, the pilgrims attended the Divine Liturgy with a Patriarchal Chorostasia in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the en-thronement of His All-Holiness at Saint George Cathedral at the Phanar. A great number of hier-archs were in attendance for this service. Following the service, a delegation comprised of the Archon National Council mem-bers and Regional Commanders participating in the pilgrimage, as well as Archon Nicholas A. Karacostas, Chairman of the Board of AHEPA, met with His Excellency Egemen Bağış,

Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator, at the of-fices of the Ministry. The delega-tion, led by Dr. Limberakis and Archon Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Alexander Karloutsos, thanked Minister Bağış for his ongoing efforts in support of religious freedom. The meeting partici-pants also discussed numerous matters of importance to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, includ-ing the recent decree by Prime Minister Erdoğan regarding the return of confiscated proper-ties to minority communities in Turkey, which the Archon leadership recognized as a “dra-matic and courageous move” and “a bold gesture.” The del-egation also brought to Minister Bağış’ attention the action of the Turkish Government rejecting certain hierarchs for Turkish cit-izenship, thereby undermining the government’s effort to im-

prove religious freedom. During the meeting, Minister Bağış ex-pressed his deep admiration for His All-Holiness, calling him a good citizen and asset of the Turkish State.

That evening, the pilgrims at-tended a reception hosted by the Orthodox Christian Community of Istanbul at the newly renovat-ed Assembly Hall of the Galata Primary School.

On Sunday, October 23, the Feast Day of St. Iakovos, the pilgrims attended the Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral, which was concelebrated by

His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, His Beatitude Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, who was visiting the Ecumenical Patriarchate, four Metropolitans of the Serbian Church and four Hierarchs of the Ecumenical Throne including our own Archbishop Demetrios of America.

The pilgrimage was a celebra-tion marking a major milestone for a unique personality in our Church, honoring a man who has transcended all boundaries to be-come a true “world-wide father,” and a truly servant Patriarch in imitation of our serving God. n

His Excellency Egemen Bagis, Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator held a meeting with Archons Constantine G. Caras, John Zavitsanos, Alex Pritsos, Nicholas Karacostas, Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D., Peter Skeadas, Father Alex Karloutsos, the Hon. Judge B. Theodore Bozonelis, Stephen Cherpelis, Harry Cavalaris and Nikiforos Mathews. PHOTOS BY J. MINDALA

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The Archon » October / November / December 2011

Hierarchs visiting from around the world included, L-R, Archbishop Anastasios of Albania, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and Patriarch Ilia of Georgia.

Archon Stephen Cherpelis receives antidoran following the Patriarchal Chorastasia.

Archon B. Theodore Bozonelis receives antidoran following the Patriarchal Chorastasia.

The Orthodox Christian Community hosted a reception in honor of His All-Holiness at the newly renovated Assembly Hall of the Galata Primary School.

Archon Basil Mossaidis receives antidoran from His All-Holiness following the Patriarchal Chorastasia.

Fr. Nicholas Triantafilou, President of Hellenic College/ Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, holds a memorial service at the grave of Patriarch Athenagoras, former Archbishop of America.

National Commander Limberakis greets hierarchs and pilgrims during a welcom-ing dinner held at the Divan Hotel.

Pilgrims in the underground Sacred Spring of Zoodochos Peghe at the historic Baloukli Monastery.



Page 8: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)


There are

those among

who lobby for

human rights.

There are

those among

us who pray for

human rights.

But no one

among us

is called upon

to lay down

their own lives

and make the

ultimate sacrifice

to safeguard

those very


human rights,

other than

the members

of our Armed


national commanderanthony j. limberakis, m.d.



heroic members of the

united statesarmed forces


A r c h b i s h o p Demetrios of America, Exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, to-gether with Archons’ National C o m m a n d e r Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis present-ed the Athenagoras Human Rights Award to Admiral James G. Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, who accepted on behalf of the heroic members of the United States Armed Forces. Admiral Stavridis is the high-est-ranking Greek American in the history of the United States military. The Award was presented during the annual Human Rights Banquet held at the New York Hilton on October

15, 2011, with over 600 Archons and guests in attendance.

In presenting the Award, Dr. Limberakis paid tribute to Admiral Stavridis and the members of our Armed Forces, stating: “The three mil-lion heroes of America’s men and wom-en in uniform who defend our way of

life each singu-larly, and togeth-er collectively, share in the 2011 A t h e n a g o r a s Human Rights Award.

“There are those among who lobby for human rights. There are those among us who pray for hu-man rights. But no one among us

is called upon to lay down their own lives and make the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard those very fundamental hu-man rights, other than the members of our Armed Services, the recipients of the 2011 Athenagoras Human Rights Award.”

Established in 1986, the Athenagoras

Admiral Stavridis and U.S. Armed Forces, become recipient of Athenagoras AwardTwenty-nine new Archons invested at Holy Trinity Cathedral

Archon Mike Emanuel, Admiral James G. Stavridis with his daughter Christina (left) and wife, Laura, Archbishop Demetrios, National Commander Limberakis and his wife, Dr. Maria, Margo and John Catsimatidis.

Page 9: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

The Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate 9

Human Rights Award is given in honor of Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, who served as Archbishop of the Americas for 18 years before being elected Ecumenical Patriarch in 1948. He was univer-sally acknowledged as a visionary leader and worked for peace among Churches and people throughout his life. As in the past 12 years, National Vice Commander Nicholas J. Bouras again generously served as Banquet Underwriter.

Previous recipients of this presti-gious Award have included President Jimmy Carter, President George H.W. Bush, President Mikhail Gorbachev, Elie Wiesel, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Archbishop Iakovos and last year’s recipient, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick.

In accepting the Award, Admiral Stavridis spoke about his family and the values that were instilled in him and particularly about his fa-ther who left Asia Minor in the early 20th Century and conveyed his pride for his Hellenic heritage. Admiral Stavridis also emphasized the hu-manitarian role of the Armed Forces and highlighted that “it is the duty of the strong to protect those who are weak,” adding that “might does not make right” and explaining that “we

live in an imperfect world [in which] human rights sadly are not the norm.”

Admiral Stavridis closed his speech with the valedictory words of Nikos Kazantzakis, the author of Report to Greco and Zorba the Greek, saying, “ ‘I want nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.’ If we can help create a world without want, a world without fear … we will have created a world where we are free. That is the most important, undeniable, and central human right of all – freedom. Freedom, in the end, is the right to be human.

I thank you for this Award, and I humbly accept it on behalf of the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, volunteers all, who de-fend our freedom every day.”

Archbishop Demetrios, in his re-sponse, congratulated “the admi-rable Admiral” for a “well deserved honor,” and conveyed the blessings of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Order of Saint Andrew, to the honoree and the all those present at the banquet. The Archbishop said that from the days of Marathon and Salamis to the days of World War II and the invasion of Greece by the Axis armies, the Greek example of mili-tary conflict is one of people, small in numbers, who resist submitting themselves and their country to much

“Freedom, in the end, is the right to be human.”

–Admiral James G. Stavridis Speech excerpt at Grand Banquet

1. Archon George Stephanopoulos, ABC Chief Political Correspondent and Co-Anchor, Good Morning America, served as Master of Ceremonies. 2. Archon Mike Emanuel, Chief Congressional Correspondent, FOX News, makes intro-ductions. 3. Archon Dennis Mehiel greets Admiral Stavridis. 4. Archon George Tsunis greets the Admiral following the Banquet. 5. Admiral Stavridis is greeted by The Honorable Dimitris Avramopoulos, Vice President of the New Democracy Party and current Minister of Defense of the Hellenic Republic, Archon Andrew A. Athens, and Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Founder and President of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation and 2008 recipient of the Athenagoras Award.






Pictured left, the Honorable Dr. Susan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador for Religious Freedom, Archon John Halecky, National Secretary, Archbishop Demetrios, Archon James C. Fountas, National Treasurer, Admiral Stavridis, Archon George Stephanopoulos, Master of Ceremonies, National Commander Dr. Limberakis.


Page 10: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)


… is composed

of several

lawful archons

... and its

name is called


that is, the rule

of the best;

on top of this,

the various


of the people

to the


of the church

has been termed


Michael VIIRoman Emperor, 1081


investiture of the


larger foreign threats and occupation. His Eminence also noted that when Admiral Stavridis’ parents were leaving their ancestral land for America they were carrying with them two important and symbolic items: the father, his aca-demic college diploma and the mother, a treasured icon of Saint George, items representative of education and faith. Archbishop Demetrios added that in Admiral Stavridis, as a person, there is a convergence of the ancient Greek traditions and the Hellenic ideals with

the witnessing of Christianity and the Orthodox tradition and martyrdom exemplified by many of our Saints and Martyrs, who served in the military service in their time.

The Banquet Program commenced with a welcome from National Secretary John Halecky, Jr. and greet-ings were offered by Hon. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. ABC Chief Political Correspondent

and Co-Anchor of Good Morning America Archon George Stephanopoulos served as Master of Ceremonies and Fox News Chief Congressional Correspondent Archon Mike Emanuel offered the introduc-tion of the dais guests. Chaplains John Kalantzis and Matthews J. Streett as-sisted, respectively, in the invocation and benediction.

Once again, Archon Theodore D. Demetriou superbly coordinated the Archon weekend activities as ban-quet chairman, assisted by Archon Konstantine L. Vellios, who donated the beautiful patriotic floral arrange-ments.

Archbishop Demetrios with National Secretary John Halecky, Archon Harry Oryhon, and his wife.

Archon-elect Senator Dean Skelos. Archbishop Demetrios invests Archon Markos K. Marinakis.

Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey invests Archon John Sakellaris.

Archons-elect bear candles during the solemn Archon Investiture at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

Page 11: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

The Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate 11

Earlier in the weekend, the Annual Archon Weekend commenced with an new Archon orientation dinner held on Friday, Oct. 14 beginning with an invocation by His Grace Bishop Savas of Troas, assisted by Chaplain Fr. Milton Gianulis. Members of the National Council and Regional Commanders of the Order of Saint Andrew joined Archons-elect and their spouses for an evening of fellow-ship and introductions.

Dr. Limberakis extended a warm welcome to all of the Archons and Archon-elect members and offered a dynamic multimedia presenta-tion on the history of The Order, its role as advocate for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the ‘humbling rec-ognition and awesome responsibility’ the Archon-elect members will now assume. Following his presentation, Dr. Limberakis, extended a sur-

prise birthday tribute to his brother Regional Commander Dr. Cary J. Limberakis who was observing his 60th birthday.

On Saturday morning, the Annual Archon Assembly convened during which the Archon Class of 2011 was formally presented to the Exarch, Archbishop Demetrios of America. During the course of the meeting, various reports were offered. Archon Religious Freedom Chairman John A. Catsimatidis noted the significant ad-vances that have been realized by the Mother Church in advancing its reli-gious freedom as the Archons contin-ued their rigorous domestic and inter-national religious freedom initiatives. A memorial service was also held for departed Archons.

The Saturday afternoon luncheon at-tended by hierarchs, clergy, Archons, Archons-elect and their families was hosted by Dr. Maria A. Limberakis, wife of the National Commander and the wives of the National Council. Dr. Maria Limberakis offered re-marks focusing on the “The Archon Family Perspective” noting that the Archon Offikion is shared by the entire family, along with the seri-ous responsibilities that accompany the oldest honor in Christendom. Archon Congressman Gus Bilirakis offered the keynote address highlight-

ing his efforts in Congress promoting religious freedom and institutional human rights for the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

On Sunday morning, October 16, Archbishop Demetrios presided at the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New York City with Metropolitans Methodios of Boston, Isaiah of Denver and Evangelos of New Jersey concelebrating. Following the Divine Liturgy the ceremony of investiture of the new Archons took place. n

The National Commander extended a surprise birthday tribute, above, to his brother Regional Commander Dr. Cary J. Limberakis, following the Orientation Dinner. Dr. Maria Limberakis, joined by spouses of National Council members, above right, make a special presentation to Archbishop Demetrios at the lun-cheon. Earlier, Dr. Maria delivered remarks focusing on the “The Archon Family Perspective.” Archon Congressman Gus Bilirakis, left, offered the keynote ad-dress at the fellowship luncheon, highlighting his efforts in Congress promoting religious freedom and institutional human rights for the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Archon John Catsimatidis, far right, speaks during the Assembly.

Archbishop Demetrios with Archon Theo Nicolakis with his family, right.

Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey invests Archon George Tsougarakis.

Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver invests Archon Tom Suehs.

Metropolitan Methodios of Boston in-vests Archon Drake G. Behrakis.

Archon-elect Reince Priebus.PHOTOS BY D. PANAGOS AND J. MINDALA

Page 12: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

Mark Adam Depoutatos

St. George Cathedral Manchester, NH

Harry Oryhon, D.D.S. Aktouarios

Sts. Peter and Paul Church Palos Park, IL

Kostandinos M. Arger, M.D. Aktouarios

St. Anthony Church Reno, NV

Paul J. Plumis Nomophylax

St. Demetrios Church Seattle, WA

John Avdoulos Maestor

St. Catherine Church Westland, MI

Reince Priebus Nomophylax

Dormition of the Theotokos Church Racine, WI

Drake G. Behrakis Maestor

Taxiarchae Church Watertown, MA

John C. Rouman, PhD Prostatis Ton Grammaton

Annunciation Church Dover, NH

Jon J. Couchell Dikaiophylax

St. Nicholas Church Spartanburg, SC

John Sakellaris Hypomnematografos

St. Demetrios Church Jersey City, NJ

George M. Gazis Ostiarios

Annunciation Cathedral Houston, TX

Dean G. Skelos Hieromnimon

St. Paul Cathedral Hempstead, NY

George Gritsonis Ekdikos

St. Nectarios Church Palatine, IL

Harry W. Spell Notarios

St. Mary Church Minneapolis, MN

Constantine Kaganis Referendarios

Zoodohos Peghe Bronx, NY

Christopher J. Spilios Eftaxias

St. Demetrios Church Weston, MA

Chris Karamanos Eftaxias

St. Barbara Church Toms River, NJ

Gregory J. Stamos Proto Ekdikos

St. Barbara Church, Orange, CT Holy Trinity Church, Ansonia, CT

Pavlos Kymisis, M.D. Hartoularios

St. Paul Cathedral, Hempstead, NY Holy Cross Church, Stroudsburg, PA

Thomas M. Suehs Skevophylax

Transfiguration Church Austin, TX

Steven Lukac Depoutatos

St. John the Baptist Church Sharon, PA

George A. Tsougarakis Dikaiophylax

St. John the Theologian Cathedral Tenafly, NJ

Christopher D. Mandaleris Hartophylax

Dormition of the Theotokos Church Greensboro, NC

Argyris Vassiliou Notarios

Church of the Archangels, Stamford, CT Assumption Church, Windham, NY

Markos K. Marinakis Depoutatos

Holy Trinity Cathedral New York, NY

Peter N. Vatsures Kastrinsios

Annunciation Cathedral Columbus, OH

Thomas N. Mitrakos Ostiarios

Holy Cross Church Mt. Lebanon, PA

George P. Zaharas Myrepso

Sts. Constantine and Helen Church Cheyenne, WY

Theo Nicolakis Kastrinsios

St. Barbara Church Orange, CT


The ARCHON CLASS of 2011

Axios! Αξιoς! Axios!D. PANAGOS

Page 13: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)


GRAND BENEFACTORGeorge and Margo BehrakisMichael and Mary JaharisMr. and Mrs. George J. Tsunis

BENEFACTORJohn and Margo CatsimatidisDow Chemical CompanyJohn and Mary PappajohnJames Pedas and Theodore PedasGeorge and Demetra SafiolChris and Stella SpyropoulosTheodore and Ann Zampetis

PATRONThomas and Elizabeth CappasThomas E. Constance c/o Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLPPeter T. KikisDrs. Anthony and Maria LimberakisMr. and Mrs. Markos MarinakisDennis and Karen MehielDean and Marianne MetropoulosProf. John C. RoumanAnn and Argyris VassiliouKonstantinos L. VelliosXenophon and Smaragda Zapis

SUPPORTERDr. and Mrs. Kostandinos ArgerAnthony J. AndrikopoulosMr. Drake BehrakisMr. Constantine and Dr. Maria CarasMr. and Mrs. Isidoros GarifalakisValine and Stephen Apostolos GeorgesonConstantine KaganisDr. Stamatios and Anita KartalopoulosSteven M. LaduzinskyMr. and Mrs. George MakrisMr. and Mrs. Gerry RanglasMr. and Mrs. John E. SakellarisMr. and Mrs. Peter SkeadasMr. and Mrs. Harry SpellMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Spilios

DONORMark and Elaine Adam & FamilyMr. and Mrs. John AlahouzosAmerican Hellenic InstituteMr. and Mrs. Arthur C. AntonMr. and Mrs. James M. ArakasMr. and Mrs. Peter Theodore ArbesGeorge P. Argerakis, D.D.S., M.S.D.Dr. Lewis A. AssaleyPeter, Olga and Alexandra BassetMr. John J. BlazakisHon. B. Theodore Bozonelis and Helen Bozonelis Dr. John BrademasMr. and Mrs. Tykye G. CamarasMr. and Mrs. Stephen and Arete CherpelisMr. and Mrs. George A. ColliasAndreas and Anna D. ComodromosJon James and Kiki CouchellMr. and Mrs. Patrick R. CrossonJohn and Eleftheria DallasMr. Theodore D. DemetriouMr. and Mrs. Emanuel G. DemosSteve & Helen DoulaverisMr. and Mrs. Nikitas DrakotosTheofanis EconomidisDr. John P. and Betty C. EliopoulosJames and Jean FountasMr. and Mrs. Renos GeorgiouJohn and Margarita GianakourasGeorge GritsonisGary GrysiakJohn and Sonia HaleckyLarry and Irene HotzoglouTimothy and Kathy JoannidesJoanne and Peter KakoyiannisThe Kallins FamilyDr. and Mrs. George KaludisMr. and Mrs. Chris KaramanosNicholas J. and Celeste KaramatsoukasMr. and Mrs. Michael KarloutsosTheodore P. and Linda A. KlingosMr. & Mrs. Kontos and FamilyNotis and Theresa KotsoliosDrs. Pavlos and Effie KymissisMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. KyrusGeorgios and Sally KyvernitisArthur and Chrys LabrosJohn and Starla Limberakis Dakota and AnthonyAnthony Constantine LimberakisElizabeth Lillian LimberakisAlexis and Cary J. Limberakis, D.M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Demetreos A. LimberakisMr. and Mrs. Demetrios LogothetisCostas and Christina Los

Dr. Nicholas and Suzan LoutsionSteven J. LukacSpiro MacrisMr. and Mrs. Christopher D. MandalerisPeter J. G. Maris, M.D.Demetrios G. Melis, J.D., Ph.D.Spiros and Andonia MilonasStratton and Maria NicolaidesOnassis Foundation (USA)Order of AHEPADr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Papadeas and FamilyAnastasios ParafestasDr. and Mrs. Michael J. PatzakisHarold and Aphrodite PeponisMr. and Mrs. Dean PollCapt. Mark and Koula PonerosAttorney and Mrs. George C. Rockas, Mary and JamesNicholas C. SarrisJohn C. Scurtis and Family, Regional Commander of S. FloridaMr. & Mrs. Paul P. SogotisMr. and Mrs. John J. SpanosJames and Noreen SperosMr. and Mrs. Christopher StratakisMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. SuehsMr. and Mrs. John TangalosTim and Maria TassopoulosGeorge S. TsandikosMr. and Mrs. N. TsapatsarisMr. and Mrs. Nicholas TsoucalasThe Tsougarakis FamilyHaralambos Tzanetatos Consul General of Panama, Republic of PanamaDr. Sotirios and Aspasia VahaviolosDr. Nick and Nancy Vidalakis and FamilyTheodore P. Vlahos, M.D.George and Fay ZaharasLeonard ZangasJohn and Joni Zavitsanos

Sponsor list complete as of December 20, 2011


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With the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, the Archons of the 10th District hosted their first ever Religious Freedom Symposium at the Assumption of the Theotokos Cathedral in Denver, Saturday, September 17. Nearly 125 Archons, local clergy, Metropolis Council members, members of the Ladies Philoptochos and Orthodox faithful attended the symposium, which was organized and moder-ated by Regional Commander Dr. Gregory G. Papadeas.

National Commander Anthony J. Limberakis, MD was the featured speaker, who presented a dynamic multimedia program that reviewed the religious freedom deficit of Turkey which is constricting the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the do-mestic and international initiatives of the Order of Saint Andrew pro-moting religious freedom for the Mother Church and recent positive steps the government of Turkey has announced in addressing the reli-

gious freedom crisis that affects all religious minorities in Turkey.

As a Case Study exemplifying the religious freedom efforts of the Archons, Dr. Limberakis presented in detail the process by which the Religious Freedom Resolutions were passed in the State of Texas in the face of strong opposition by the Turkish American community. The resolutions were passed as a di-rect result of the extraordinary ef-forts of Archons Chris Pappas, John Zavitsanos and Archon-candidate Thomas Suehs, assisted by Archons Frank Mihalopoulos, Chairman StephenGeorgeson, Mike Manatos; Bill Miller, and all the Orthodox clergy and laity of Texas. The un-precedented 1,000 letters written by Orthodox Christians from the Houston, Dallas and Austin parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese sent to their Texas state representa-tives calling for religious freedom for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, was the final act convincing the Texas State Legislature to pass the Religious Freedom Resolutions:

HCR 1670 and SR 1006.

Dr. Limberakis enthusiastically congratulated Metropolitan Isaiah, Representative Dennis Bonnen and Senator John Whitmire who sponsored the resolutions after the original joint resolution it was with-drawn by Senator Joan Huffman. In concluding that section of Dr. Limberakis’ presentation, Archon-candidate Suehs presented the of-ficial, signed Texas State House of Representative and Texas State Senate Religious Freedom Resolutions to Metropolitan Isaiah to a rousing ovation.

The symposium concluded with a question and answer session and with a sumptuous luncheon hosted

by the Archons of the 10th District.

That evening, Regional Commander Papadeas, together with his wife Stellee, hosted an elegant dinner re-ception in their home overlooking the Rocky Mountains in honor of “Religious Freedom For All Peoples.” Metropolitan Isaiah, Colorado State Representative John Kefalas (who sponsored the Colorado Religious Freedom Resolution), Leadership 100 Chairman Archon Constantine and Dr. Maria Caras, Metropolis of Denver Vice Chair, Dr. Lou and Mrs. Roussalis, President of the Denver Metropolis Philoptochos Board, Mrs. Marian Catechis, mem-bers of the Metropolis of Denver Council and Orthodox Faithful of Denver were in attendance. n

District 10 Archons host first-ever Religious Freedom Symposium

Regional Commander Dr. Gregory G. Papadeas, and his wife Stellee, hosted a dinner reception at their home, left, in honor of “Religious Freedom For All Peoples.” Metropolitan Isaiah together with clergy, Archons and their spouses.

Archon Thomas Suehs presents His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, above, with the official, signed Texas State House and Senate Religious Freedom Resolutions. PHOTOS BY J. MINDALA

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On a crisp, cool bright sunny Saturday, November 5, hun-dreds flocked to the St. Nicholas Cathedral to pay tribute to His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos on his retirement after 32 years of devoted service to the Metropolis of Pittsburgh.

They came from all corners of the tri-state area that encompass the Metropolis of Pittsburgh and beyond. The Orthodox faithful young and the old, Ecumenical leaders from the other Christian Communions, Political Leaders, as well as many friends, all to

thank His Eminence for his leadership, his love and to wish him many more years.

The Archons of the Metropolis were very well represented at the reception. They each had the opportunity to personally share their thoughts with the Metropolitan. The Archon lead-ership of the Metropolis was in-timately involved in the event as Archon National Council mem-ber Dr. Nicholas Loutsion served as the Chairman of the event. Archon Regional Commander Peter Papadakos not only served on the event commit-tee along with Archons Steve

Sellas, Steven Poulos, Nicholas Chakos, Tom Mitrakos, and Angelo Koukoulis, but lead one of the four choirs that performed for the Metropolitan that day.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios traveled from New York to honor Metropolitan Maximos and to share the feel-ings of everyone on his many years of service and devotion to God, to His church, and to His people. Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit, locum tenens of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh, added his appreciation in a most elo-quent manner.

With great humil-ity, Metropolitan Maximos, thanked everyone for coming and for their support and love throughout the years and stated that it has been an honor to serve the people of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh.

The reception ended with the Holy Cross Seminarians lead-ing the guests in chanting “Ton Despoti.”

Metropolitan Maximos has tru-ly been an “image of the Good Shepherd, Christ, and has laid down his life in the service of the Church.” John 10:1-21 n

Archons join in the celebration of the thirty-two year ministry of Metropolitan Maximos“Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with his own blood”

–Acts 20:28

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“With overwhelming numbers of Republicans and Democrats, the US Senate and the US House of Representatives separately ex-pressed themselves to President Barack Obama regarding re-ligious freedom for the spiri-tual head of the second largest Christian Church in the world, His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. In total, 90 of the 100 Senators and 291 of the 435 Members of the House signed a letter urging support for the head of the Sacred See that has flourished for over 2,000 years since it was established by the Apostle Andrew, in what is today the country of Turkey,” said Dr. Anthony J. Limberakis, National Commander of the Order of Saint Andrew. A veteran, senior House Foreign Affairs Committee staff member indicated that he could not think of any letters in the House that received more than 291 signers in the 112th Congress and the only letters that may have come close involved Israel or Iran. The Staff Director of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,

Yleem Poblete, said, “It is rare to witness this level of bipartisan support for a letter addressing a particular policy item. It is a tes-tament to the importance that Members place on this issue.” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), and Ranking Member, Howard Berman (D-CA), initiated the letter signed by 291 Members and sent to President Obama on November 22. Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME), au-thored and circulated for sig-nature the letter signed by 90 Senators, including the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Chairman, John Kerry (D-MA) and Ranking Member, Richard Lugar (R-IN) and it was sent to President Obama on November 21. “Since the forma-tion of the mod-ern Republic of Turkey, the gov-ernment has in-terfered in the c a non ic a l election of

the Ecumenical Patriarch, con-fiscated 90% of its properties and forcibly closed its only lo-cal seminary, the Halki School of Theology, actions and policies which have constrained the re-ligious freedom of the Spiritual Center of the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians, located in Istanbul,” said Limberakis. On a positive note, Dr. Limberakis expressed gratitude to the gov-ernment which has very recently taken positive steps to address the longstanding religious free-dom deficit by announcing the return of confiscated properties, among several other policies shifts.

“Despite these oppressive con-ditions, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who speaks eight languages, was recognized by Time Magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people. He was also the first in the world to produce an interfaith document that in-

cluded Muslim religious leaders condemning

the 9/11 attacks on America as anti-religious actions.

His All-Holiness was also awarded the Congressional

Gold Medal, an honor given pre-

viously to George Washington, Winston Churchill, Pope John Paul, and relatively few other leaders,” said Limberakis. “The extraordinary esteem with-in which Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is held in Washington is reflected in these record numbers. Of the thou-sands of letters sent from Capitol Hill in the 112th Congress to the Obama Administration, re-garding any subject, virtually none received this overwhelm-ing bi-partisan Congressional support,” said the coordinators of this Order of Saint Andrew effort, Andy Manatos and Mike Manatos. His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is the 270th direct successor of the Apostle Andrew. The Apostle Andrew’s brother, the Apostle Peter, has as his 265th direct successor Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch were bishops in the same Christian Church until the great schism in 1054 when the State Church of the Roman Empire was divided into the Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) Churches, which later became the Orthodox Christian and Catholic Churches, respec-tively. n

Ecumenical Patriarch’s religious freedom is one of U.S. Congress’ most highly supported issues90 Senators and 291 Members express concern to President Obama

For more information, please contact Archon Mike Manatos at 202-393-0091.

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The National Council of the Order of Saint Andrew honored one of its most

dedicated members on September 8, James D. Speros, Archon Kastrinsios, who retired from the National Council.

Archon Speros worked to develop the template and protocal of the Order of Saint Andrew’s com-munication, newsletter and web-site. He also served as Spirituality Committee Chairman and executed the first of seven annual Archon Lenten Retreats with ‘excellence and brilliance.’

Members of the National Council presented Archon Speros with a commemorative plaque at the con-clusion of their monthly meeting at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America on September 8. The plaque acknowledged his efforts and accomplishments in promoting re-ligious freedom for the Ecumenical Patriarchate, stating:

“In grateful acknowledgment to James D. Speros, Archon Kastrinsios for your exemplary National Council service. God grant you many years, good health, abundant blessings and contin-ued commitment to our Orthodox Faith through the Ecumenical Patriarchate and its Apostolates. Axios! Axios! Axios!”

National Commander Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D. recalling his first encounters meeting Archon Speros

at an Archdiocesan Council meet-ing in New York, said, “He showed great courage in his discussions, standing up saying what he felt was right and appropriate and I said to myself, ‘He’s a leader.’”

He later recognized his dedication to his professional life and his con-tributions in the Metropolis of New Jersey and especially in his beloved home parish of Holy Trinity in Westfield, New Jersey, as catechism school teacher, Byzantine cantor and parish council member.

In response, Archon Speros be-gan thanking the members of the National Council, saying, “There’s a saying, that ‘Service is the rent we pay, for the space we occupy, while we are here.’” He continued, “What I do, I always do for the love of the Church. It’s always been in my heart and I try to give back.”

He acknowledged the hard work and determination of National Commander Limberakis, who ‘never took no for an answer’ and believes ‘we could be better and do more.’ He concluded with a story, saying:

“When I was 8 years old, my father (who was a very mild mannered man) sat me on his lap and began screaming at me saying, “The most important thing I’ve given you in life is your name–Speros–and DON’T YOU EVER FORGET IT!! Since I had not done anything wrong, I ran off his lap into my room and began crying. I came out an hour later still sobbing and timidly entered the room where my father was sitting. He said nothing to me and just con-tinued reading his newspaper and didn’t bring it up again that day.

“Ten years went past and I was about to start college. As we walked down the street together in Manhattan, my dad put his arm around me and told me how proud he was that I was going into college (I was the first Speros to ever go to college). He embraced me and gave me a big hug then said–”Do you remember ten years ago, I yelled at you about our name?” I told him I did and that he had completed scared me to the point of being too frightened to bring it up again. Then he told me why he did what he did -- it’s some-thing that has guided me my entire life.

“He said, “Now that you’re going into college, I know you are going to be a big man one day. Any time you sign our family name to a docu-ment, I want it to be the best it can possibly be because it reflects on me, my father and all the generations of Speros who have come before us. Always bring pride and honor to the Speros name.” His message has set the bar very high for me in life and made me realize the importance of our reputation and the value of tak-ing personal pride in everything we do. As an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and a past member of the National Council for 10 years, I have been very proud to serve and to give back toward preserving our faith and fighting for religious free-dom. As an Archon, it has been my privilege to serve the Holy Mother Church in a way that I know would most certainly have made my father smile and say, “Well done my son, you have brought pride and honor to the Speros name.”” n

Watch a Video Clip on

The National Council honors Archon James D. Speros

Archon Speros addresses members of the National Council. PHOTOS BY J. MINDALA

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On behalf of the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle, Archons

Theofanis Economidis and Achilles Adamantiades, Ph.D., presented two papers at the 2011 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw, Poland, of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). OSCE is the world’s largest secu-rity organization whose fifty-six participating states and eleven partner states span the globe.

The topics for the presenta-tions were: (a) “The Problems of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul” and (b) “The Greek Orthodox Minority in Turkey.” The dialogue and interaction with other delegates at these meetings was very informative, personable, candid, and useful. It was interesting to note that

many complaints were leveled again members of OSCE that continue to violate its basic prin-ciples as well as not provide full cooperation with the Helsinki Final Act, the Copenhagen Document, the Charter of Paris, the Corfu Process, and the Astana Declaration. While some coun-tries have not been compliant, they have been duly criticized for their violations, they con-tinue to defend their actions even though they have been strongly denounced. OSCE–a widely re-spected organization–is a forum to voice grievances and work to effect positive change; however it does not have any mechanisms for the imposition of its rules and no penalties for breaches.

Archons Economidis and Adamantiades had the opportu-nity to meet with Ambassador Ian Kelly, head of the U.S. del-egation, and Dr. Susan Johnson-Cook, Ambassador of the U.S.

Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The issues of democracy, human rights and the rule of law were discussed by both Ambassador Kelly and Dr. Cook. During their remarks, they used Russia and many of the countries of the Former Soviet Union as examples of violations to these core issues. They included positive reference to Turkey with regard to the re-cently announced reforms on property and the return of the Orphanage of Buyukada, and em-phasized the request of the U.S. Government for the re-opening of the School of Halki.

The presentation made by Archon Economidis focused on the core concerns of the Order regarding the free exercise of religion by the Ecumenical Patriarchate:

• Government interference in Patriarchal elections

• The “Ecumenical” title• Denial of legal personality• Restriction on free religious

education• Property confiscations

The presentation by Archon Adamantiades addressed the is-sues of human rights regarding the Greek minority in Turkey, with a particular focus on the re-turn of the confiscated properties since 1936. The Government of Turkey was rightfully recognized for their recent positive actions but requested that OSCE urge Turkey to fully implement their statements and Decree with con-crete action.

Ambassador Tacan Ildem offered the official statements as the per-manent Representative of Turkey to OSCE. He reiterated Turkey’s adherence to the OSCE prin-ciples and emphasized the recent reforms and the return of prop-erties. Ambassador Ildem com-

Submitted by Archons Theofanis Economidis

and Achilles Adamantiades, Ph.D.

George J. KevgasArchon Depoutatos

Methuen, MA9/22/2011

Thomas KressArchon Notarios

Edison, NJ12/4/2011

Eleftherios Moussas Archon OstiariosAnnapoles, MD


Gregory C. PapalexisArchon Exarchos

Norwood, NJ11/18/2011

Edward SedorArchon OstiariosJohnson City, NY


Departed Archons

May Their Memory Be Eternal

Archons deliver religious freedom presentations for the Ecumenical Patriarchate to OSCE

Archon Theofanis Economidis, Ambassador of Greece to Poland Gabriel Coptsidis, and Archon Achilles Adamantiades.

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mented on Archon Economidis’ presentation by saying that: Turkey’s refusal to use the title “Ecumenical” has been “accepted by the Venice Commission” while Turkey’s actions have shown that others can use this title in a totally unobstructed manner.

A lengthy discussion resulted with two Turkish delegates: Mr. Tufan Höbek, Legal Counsel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey; and Ilham Atuş, Third Secretary, Deputy Directorate General of Turkey for the Council of Europe and Human Rights. The conversation was congenial but no progress was made in changing their convictions, spe-cifically:

• The Turkish Government does not feel obligated and does not intend to use the t i t l e

“Ecumenical,” however, they do not object to the use of the title by the Patriarch himself and others. They also stated that no legal impediment ex-ists that makes the use of this title a legal, punishable viola-tion. We feel their remarks should be further researched by a legal expert and appro-priately clarified.

• Legal personality cannot be granted by Turkey to reli-gious leaders and religious bodies because it may set a precedent and create prob-lems with other religious groups, including the Turkish Muslims. Property rights, in-cluding those requiring court action, can be handled either by individuals or founda-tions in the context of the exiting Foundation Law, as

amended by the recent Decree of August 27, 2011. We responded

vigorously that the denial of legal identity cannot be jus-tified, as further endorsed by the Venice Commission and the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) which have clearly stated that the denial of legal identity can-not be justified, is a serious impediment of religious free-dom, and must be reversed. This is an important issue which must be legally re-solved.

• They agreed that the School of Halki must be reopened but that the Government of Turkey must still determine the best and most proper way to accomplish this.

Regarding the recent Decree on the return of Properties, they em-phasized Turkey’s commitment to follow through on this matter for which we expressed our expecta-tion for full implementation. Each time the Order of Saint Andrew has been represented at the meetings of the OSCE, it has been important to forge new rela-tionships with delegates and for-tify existing support for the causes of our Ecumenical Patriarchate. Some of the people with whom the Archons met included: Monsignor Marinco Antolovič, Second Secretary of the Holy See at the Permanent Mission of OSCE-Vienna; Mr. Gabriel Coptsidis, Ambassador of Greece to Poland; Mr. Ilias Kastanas,

Legal Counsel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece; Ms. Tania Falierou, Second Secretary of the Embassy at the Greek delegation at OSCE in Vienna; Mr. Willy Fautré, Director of Human Rights Without Frontiers International; and Mr. Douglas Wake, First Deputy Director of OSCE-ODIHR, based in Warsaw.

The continued presence of the Order of Saint Andrew in the OSCE meetings is important to our concerns, as these meetings afford an international forum for the airing of issues on religious freedom, democratic institutions and the rule of law. This gathering continues to grow both in num-bers and in stature, heightening the awareness of other significant leaders from around the world with regard to the challenges faced by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The Turkish delegation appreci-ated the acknowledgment given to them for their recent reforms; seizing on this occasion, we in-tensified our strong demands for implementation and more future progress. They offered the fol-lowing important statement: “al-though the announced reforms are difficult to implement, Prime Minister Erdoğan is the one to make them happen.” We com-mend their candor and believe that we should continue to per-severe in our pursuits until we have obtained fulfillment of their commitments to our Ecumenical Patriarchate. n

World Policy Journal, the journal of international relations published by the World Policy Institute, will feature an article by Fr. John Chryssavgis on the experience of a Christian minority in a Muslim land.

The article will appear in the December 15th issue

and may be found

Feature article on the Ecumenical Patriarchate in prominent policy publication

The Archons with Tufan Hobek, Legal Counsel of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, left, and Ilham Atus, Deputy Directorate General of Turkey for the Council of Europe and Human Rights.

Page 20: The Archon (2011 Oct-Nov-Dec)

PHOTO BRIEFS / photosMore photos at u

On September 17, the U.S. Ambassador to Ankara, His Excellency Francis Ricciardone and his wife were welcomed by Metropolitan Geron Apostolos of Derkoi and Metropolitan Elpidophoros of Proussa at the Holy Theological School of Halki.

On November 29, His All-Holiness received an official delegation of the Roman Catholic Church headed by Kurt Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Also in attendance were Metropolitan John of Pergamon, Co-President of the Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, as well as Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, Orthodox co-secretary of the dialogue.

On September 23, Archbishop Demetrios of America met with Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to discuss matters regarding religious freedom and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Included in the discussion was an expression of appreciation offered by the Archbishop to the Prime Minister for recent positive initiatives of the government of Turkey regarding the religious freedom and institutional human rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, as well as the pressing need to reopen Halki Seminary which was forcibly closed 40 years ago. Accompanying the Archbishop were Archon Spiritual Advisor Fr. Alexander Karloutsos; Archon Michael Jaharis, Vice Chair of the Archdiocesan Council; National Commander Anthony J. Limberakis, M.D.; Archon John A. Catsimatidis, Religious Freedom Chairman and Archon Dennis Mehiel, member of the Religious Freedom Committee.

On October 27, His All-Holiness attended and addressed the Assisi Meeting, a global inter-religious “pilgrimage of truth and peace “organized by Pope Benedict XVI in the city of St. Francis. In attendance were some 300 religious leaders from around the world – including Christians, Jews, Muslims, and many others.

On November 25, His All-Holiness received the President of the European Parliament, the Hon. Jerzy Buzek, at the Phanar. Issues discussed during their meeting included re-ligious freedom, minorities and environmental protection. Also in attendance were the European Union Ambassador to Turkey, the Hon. Mark Perini, members of the Turkish President’s office and the representative of Minority Foundations in Ankara, Archon Lakis Vingas.

On October 27, His All-Holiness was interviewed by journalist Okan Konouralp from the Turkish Newspaper Hürriyet on his 20 years as Patriarch, issues related to the Patriarchate and the Diaspora, and relations with political leadership.

On November 17, His All-Holiness received the President of Hungary, the Hon. Paul Schmidt at the Phanar. Discussion included the recent election of the new Metropolitan of Austria and Hungary.