The Angel of Light 06/2009

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  • 8/14/2019 The Angel of Light 06/2009


    June; 2009/Monthly Bulletin of the Orthodox V Charitable AssociationEditorAlona Sergeeva


    Pentecost Sunday is a commemoration and celebration of the receiv-

    ing of the Holy Spirit by the early church. John the Baptist prophe-

    sied of the first Pentecost where Jesus would baptize with the Holy

    Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11). Jesus confirmed this prophesy

    with the promise of the Holy Spirit to the disciples in John 14:26. He

    showed Himself to these men after His death on the cross and His

    Resurrection, giving convincing proofs that He was alive. Jesus told

    Spirit, from whom they would receive power to be His witnesses to

    the ends of the earth (Acts 1:3-8

    the men returned to Jerusalem and joined together in prayer in an

    upper room. On the Day of Pentecost, just as promised, a violent

    wind filled the house and tongues of fire came to rest on each of them

    and all were filled with the Holy Spirit. They were given the power

    of communication which Peter used to begin the ministry for which

    Jesus had prepared him. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, the disciples did not stay in the room

    know it.

    Today, in many Christian churches, Pentecost Sunday is celebrated to recognize the gift of the

    John 20:19-23 may be the core of the message about our risen Savior supernaturally appearing to

    the fear-laden disciples. Their fear gave way to joy when the Lord showed them His hands and

    side. He assured them peace and repeated the command given in Matthew 28:19-20


    The celebration of Pentecost Sunday reminds us of the reality that we are all have the unifying

    Spirit that was poured out upon the first century church in Acts 2:1-4. It is a reminder that we are

    co-heirs with Christ, to suffer with Him that we may also be glorified with Him; that the manifes-

    tation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7); that we are all baptized by

    one Spirit into one body (1 Corinthians 12:13); and that the Spirit which raised Jesus from the

    dead lives inside believers (Romans 8:9-11). This gift of the Holy Spirit that was promised and

    given to all believers on the first Pentecost is promised for you and your children and for all who

    are far off whom the Lord our God will call (Acts 2:39).
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    World highest Easter cake

    baked in Ukraine.

    A giant Easter cake 1,9 me-ters high weighting 450 kg

    was baked in the town of

    Sinelnikovo in the Dne-

    propetrovsk Region,


    To make it, seven cooks

    spent 170 kg of flour, 75 kg

    of sugar, 60 liters of milk,

    750 eggs, 25 kg of raisins,

    20 kg of margarine, 8,5 kgof yeast, 1,7 kg of salt, 0,5 of

    vanilla and 2 kg of decora-tive powder, official web-

    site of the Ukrainian Ortho-

    dox Church has reported.

    Representative of the

    Ukraine's Guinness Bookregistered a record for the

    world highest Easter cake.

    The cake is the world sec-ond for weight.

    Today, the cake is placed in

    St. Nicholas Cathedral for

    parishioner to taste it. Au-

    thors of the record Easter

    cake hope that at least 4

    thousand people will have a

    chance to enjoy it. Interfax

    Human souls rather than economy should be led out of cri-

    sis, Patriarch Kirill believes

    Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia Kirillsaid it was impossible to overcome the globalcrisis only by measures in financial and eco-nomic sphere.

    reception in the Foreign Ministry.According to him, today most anti-dustries.arch said.The Church Primate believes that the art of diplomacy has alwaysbeen based on the ability to find an answer to concrete political

    World centers of power abandoned this centuries-old wisdom andless guided by morals and spiritual values, considering them farThe Patriarch noted that the Orthodox Church as well as other-how on leadingInterfax

    Patriarch Kirill urges Ukrainian politicians to refuse using theChurch in their political interests.Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus-sia expressed his concern with theattempts of some Ukrainian politicalfigures to use the Church in thatcountry to their political goals."The situation in Ukraine is reallycomplicated, the major reason beingthat the schism there is based on political considerations andthe intention of some officials to use the Church and people'sfaith to their own interests not in any way related to theproper Christian goals," Patriarch said in an interview pub-lished by Izvestia daily.According to him, "this is yet another proof of how carefullypoliticians should address religious matters and how it isdangerous when somebody tries to use the Church in his orher political aims.""We consider Kiev a southern capital of the Russian Ortho-doxy. The single tradition for the total Eastern Slavic civiliza-tion starts here. Today, as never before, the Orthodox believ-ers of Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia realize the importanceof spiritual unity of historic Russia separated by political bor-ders," Patriarch added. Interfax

  • 8/14/2019 The Angel of Light 06/2009


    Holy Equal-to-the-ApostlesEmperor Constantine and his mother Empress Helen.

    Saint Helen was the mother of St Constantine the Great, and was probably born at Dre-panum (Helenopolis) in Asia Minor . She married Constantius Chlorus, and their son Con-stantine was born in 274. Constantine fought two great battles when he came to the throne:one against Maxentius, a tyrant in Rome, and the other against Licinius not far from Byzan-

    tium. At the battle against Maxentius, when Constantine was in great anxiety and uncer-tainty about his chances of success, a shining cross, surrounded by stars, appeared to himin the sky in full daylight. On the cross were written the words: 'In this sign, conquer!' Thewondering Emperor ordered that a great cross be put together, like the one that had ap-peared, and be carried before the army. By the power of the Cross, he gained a gloriousvictory over enemies greatly superior in number. Maxentius drowned himself in the Tiber.Immediately after this, Constantine issued the famous Edict of Milan, in 313, which guaran-teed religious tolerance for Christians and St Helen, who was a Christian, may have influ-enced him in this decision. Conquering Byzantium, he built a beautiful capital city on the Bosphorus, which fromthat time was named Constantinople. Now Stambul, Turkey After three hundred years of persecution, Christianscould finally practice their faith without fear.The first meritorious act of Empress Helen was that she inclined her son Constantine (see above) toward the

    Christian Faith at a time when other youths of noble birth were being educated in pagan ways and abhorred

    Christianity. The second - acquisition of the Lord's Cross.

    The emperor deeply revered the victory-bearing Sign of the Cross of the Lord, and also wanted to find the ac-tual Cross upon which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. For this purpose he sent his own mother, to Jerusa-lem. And In the 326, Empress Helen traveled to Jerusalem. There she was told that the Lord's Cross was buriedat a place where the pagans had erected a temple in memory of Venus. When, at her command the edificewas destroyed and excavation begun, they found three crosses and near them a small board on which waswritten: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."

    In order to find out on which of the crosses the Saviour was crucified, they began in sequence to lay thecrosses on a deceased person. From two of the crosses there occurred no miracle. When the third cross wasplaced upon the deceased he was resurrected, - thus they found the Cross of the Saviour.

    When the people heard of the miracle, then all wanted to see the Holy Cross. Then Macarius, patriarch of Jeru-salem and the Empress Helen stood on a hill and elevated the Cross. The people on seeing the Cross of theSaviour, prayed with the words: "Lord have mercy."

    In memory of this event the Church established the feast of the Elevation of the Lord's Cross. This feast day isconsidered in the ranks of other great feast days and is celebrated on September 27 th. On this day, the Cross istriumphantly brought to the center of the Church for veneration.

    :While in Palestine, the holy empress did much of benefit for the Church. She ordered that all places connectedwith the earthly life of the Lord and His All-Pure Mother, should be freed of all traces of paganism, and shecommanded that churches should be built at these places.on Golgotha the Church of the Resurrection (and tomb) of the Lord, where annually on Easter eve descends a

    benevolent fire: on the Mount of Olives (where the Lord ascended into heaven); in Bethlehem (where the Lord

    was born in the flesh) and in Hebron by the Mamre oak (where God revealed Himself to Abraham).

    Because of their great services to the Church and their efforts in finding the Life-Creating Cross, the EmperorConstantine and Empress Helen are called "the Equal of the Apostles."


    Administrator is going along the hotel corridor and hears a man singing in one of the rooms. He asks the conci-


    -"What about our guest from room 14? Have you given him his bill?"

    -"Yes, Sir."

    -"Then why is he singing?"


  • 8/14/2019 The Angel of Light 06/2009


    DAY OF THE HOLY SPIRITIn the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Today we are keeping the Feast of the Holy Spirit. What do we

    know about Him? We heard wonderful words of prayer about Him

    yesterday on Trinity Sunday, but let us think of Him, of the name

    the Comforter indeed, the One Who consoles us for our separa-

    tion from Christ, Who consoles us who are like orphans, who long

    to be with Christ our God, our Saviour, and who know that as long

    as we are in the flesh - and these are the words of St. Paul - we

    are separated from Him. But for Him to be our Comforter, to be

    our consolation, we must first be aware of the fact that we are

    separated and this is the first question we must ask ourselves: are we aware of it, or do

    we live in the delusion that we are in God and God in us, and that nothing more is

    needed? How much more is needed!He is also the One Who, as the Comforter, gives us strength, strength to live despite

    the separation, strength to stand fast and to be the doers of the Will, the fulfillers of the

    Commandments of God, the One Who can give us vigor of soul, determination, power

    to act. But this, again, only if we turn to Him and say, Come! Come and abide in us!

    Cleanse us! Be not only our Comforter but our strength also.

    Lastly, He is the One Who gives us, already now, the joy of knowing how close we are

    despite what seems to be an infinite distance between God and us, the One Who, in

    unutterable groanings, speaks to God from the depths of our being; the One Who, be-

    cause we are Christ's own people, His brothers and sisters in humanity - and these are

    His own words - that we are the children of the Father. The joy of this, the wonder of this,the dignity of this! Indeed also, the responsibility of this...

    If we think of our world which is to such a great extent alien to God, the Spirit is already

    the beginning of eternal life. His presence is a decisive fact. He beats against the rocks

    like the sea, He breaks resistances. He is the joy of eternity knocking at our door, forcing

    Himself into our lives, reminding us of God our Father, of Christ our Saviour and of our

    greatness and dignity before God, showing us that all things are possible in the power

    of Christ Who sustains us.

    Let us therefore responsibly and gratefully keep this Feast. And may the Spirit of God

    Who came in tongues of fire upon the Apostles, come to us also - perhaps like a fire

    that sets us aglow and makes us like a Burning Bush, or touches us like the still, smallvoice which the Prophet heard in the wilderness in which God was, in His quiet humility,

    in His surrender to us, in His love for us. Amen. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh 1989, 19 June


  • 8/14/2019 The Angel of Light 06/2009


    First 100 days of service by Patriarch KirillOn May 11, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will mark

    his first 100 days of service.

    To this date, which the secular world traditionally considers

    the baseline to sum up the first results achieved by a publicfigure, correspondents of Interfax-Religionasked some well-

    known Russians to discuss how they remembered the first 100

    days of Patriarch's ruling and what results of this period


    According to Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy

    Archdeacon Andrey Kurayev, a new Patriarch has focused on economy, and the economy of compli-

    than once and toast him during any meal which he attends. Priests arriving to congratulate Patriarch

    on Easter were warned in advance that they should not give expensive bunches of flowers from each

    parish. In this regard, the economy of compliments means cost-cutting, that is, less emphasis is puton outward demonstrations, even promotion, I would say, and more focus will be given to the actual

    work," Fr. Andrey thinks.

    Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Romanova points out Patriarch's missionary efforts: "When we

    listen to him preaching with his inherent rhetorical and spiritual gift, when we see him fostering the

    expansion of catechesis, sermon and mission, in particular, among young people, we can feel new

    trends arising. Such trends have already existed under Holy Patriarch Alexy II, whose memory we

    continue to commemorate. But we believe that Patriarch Kirill will bring the work started by Alexy

    II to a new and higher level. Patriarch Alexy II laid the foundation for reviving our spiritual life,

    and Patriarch Kirill will have to put up the whole building."

    The Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See in Russia Archbishop Antonio Mennini believes that Patriarch

    Kirill "has talent for talking and listening to young people." "I view Patriarch Kirill as a true religious

    leader who seeks the unity of his Church, and understands the value and importance of all its con-

    stituent parts which is the most essential thing, perhaps," Mennini said.

    According to a well-known political scientist and President of the Russian WorldFoundation

    Vyacheslav Nikonov, Patriarch Kirill positions himself as "the head of the Church of a Universal

    scale," and takes all possible steps to prevent schism within the Russian Orthodox Church.

    A spokesman for the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Boruh Gorin thinks that the main

    distinguishing feature of Patriarch Kirill is "his knack for bridging the gap between the so called

    secular and religious minds, his ability to show that there is nothing secular which can be alienatedfrom spirit, and nothing spiritual that can successfully compete with the so called secular vision."

    Head of CIS Institute Konstantin Zatulin said that "Patriarch Kirill remains a figure of high moral

    authority for many members of community - whether believers or not - and a person whose election

    to the Patriarch's office was greeted with overall understanding," and "his activity as Patriarch

    meets the expectations of people."

    Patriarch Kirill was elected to the Patriarchal See by the Local Council with 75% of votes on Janu-

    ary 27, 2009, and thus became the 16th Moscow Patriarch, the successor of Patriarch Alexy II who


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    Schedule of Services

    For June 2009

    07 Sunday-Holy Pentecost - Feast day -Wostok

    13 SaturdayNorth StarGraveyard Service

    14 Sunday- (1 after Pentecost, tone 8) - Spirit River

    Feast DayGraveyard ServiceWoking -Graveyard Service

    21 Sunday- (2 after Pentecost, tone 1) - 10:00 AM - Mundare

    28 Sunday- (3 after Pentecost, tone 2) - 10:00 AM - Shishkovtzi

    30 TuesdayLodge (9:30 AM)Auxillary (10:15 AM)

    Orthodox feasts (prazdniki)in June

    If you have any questions or proposals, please, Contact us:Priest Father George Sergeev 780-895-21-49Email: [email protected]. / PO Box 483 Lamont Alberta TOB 2R0

    President Yakim Lopushinsky (780-895-26-67Vice -President Jim Nemirsky 780-896-23-47Secretary John Tkachuk 780-576-30-73Treasurer Fred Pewarchuk 780-895-21-59Or visit our

    03 June -Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and his mother Empress Helen.

    06 June - Parental Saturday or All-Souls Day (in this day we remember about our de-parted relatives and all departed orthodox people and pray about their souls)

    07 June - Holy Pentecost. The Day of the Holy Trinity.

    08 June - The Day of the Holy Spirit

    15 June - St. Peter and Paul Fast begins
