The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

The American The American Revolution Revolution The Buildup of Resentment

Transcript of The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Page 1: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

The The American American

RevolutionRevolutionThe Buildup of Resentment

Page 2: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Conditions after the Conditions after the French Indian War French Indian War (1763)(1763) England strong, but large debts

England puts standing army in colonies to protect from enemies & indians

Colonists were cheating, trading with French and others

Page 3: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Problems between the Problems between the English and their English and their ColoniesColonies

Writs of AssistanceStamp Act (1765)

Page 4: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Reactions to the Reactions to the Stamp ActStamp Act

* Stamp Act Resolves (Virginia)

* Philosophical Argument

* Sons of Liberty

* Stamp Act Repealed (1766)

Page 5: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Problems between the Problems between the English and their English and their ColoniesColonies Writs of Assistance Stamp Act (1765) Townshend Acts (1767)

Page 6: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Reactions to Reactions to Townshend ActsTownshend Acts

Boston Boycott ... Samuel Adams

Liberty Incident (1769) ... John Hancock

Quartering Act Boston Massacre (March, 1770) Boycott Works ... Acts Repealed

except for TEA

Page 7: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Problems between the Problems between the English and their English and their ColoniesColonies Writs of Assistance Stamp Act (1765) Townshend Acts (1767) Boston Tea Party (1773)

Page 8: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Problems between the Problems between the English and their English and their ColoniesColonies Writs of Assistance Stamp Act (1765) Townshend Acts (1767) Boston Tea Party (1773) Intolerable (or Coercive) Acts


Page 9: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Intolerable (or Intolerable (or Coercive) Acts Coercive) Acts (1774)(1774) Closed the port of Boston Shut down the representative government in Massachusetts

Martial law

Page 10: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

The Result of these Problems:The Result of these Problems:

The First The First Continental Continental CongressCongress(Sept. 1774)(Sept. 1774)

Recommended:Recommended: All Colonies Boycott all British goods

Prepare militia

Page 11: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

The The American American

RevolutionRevolutionThe War Begins

Page 12: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Lexington and Concord, Mass. (April 18, 1775)

Paul Revere

Page 13: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.


1/3 of Americans were against the war

Stayed Loyal to England

Page 14: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

PatriotsPatriots 1/3 were

actively for the war (Patriotic)

1/3 of Americans simply didn't care

Page 15: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Second Continental Second Continental Congress (May, 1775)Congress (May, 1775)

George Washington Commander

Patrick Henry ... "Give me liberty, or give me death."

Page 16: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Battle of Bunker Battle of Bunker Hill (June, 75)Hill (June, 75)

Breeds Hill

Page 17: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Movement Movement toward toward IndependenceIndependence

German mercenaries Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"

Declaration of Independence

Page 18: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Declaration of Declaration of IndependenceIndependenceCommittee including:Committee including:

John Adams Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson

Page 19: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Key Concepts of the Key Concepts of the Declaration of Declaration of IndependenceIndependence Right of the people to

control government Complaints against the King “All men are created equal” Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Adopted on July 4, 1776

Page 20: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.
Page 21: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Military Advantages

American Patriots


Defensive StrategyLandMotivation

Training Navy

Page 22: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

Original Original British British StrategyStrategy“The Northern “The Northern Campaign”Campaign”

Cut off New EnglandControl NY City and Philly

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Battle of Trenton, NJ (Dec 76)

Saratoga, NY (Oct, 1777)

Foreign Assistance Valley Forge, Pa.Northern Campaign Failed

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The Southern Strategy(1778-81)

• Port Cities v. Inland Fighting

• Long Supply Lines

• Not enough Loyalist Support

Page 25: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

The War EndsThe War Ends Yorktown, Va (Sept-Oct, 1781) ... a peninsula

British General Cornwallis and French General Lafayette

Treaty of Paris (1783)

Page 26: The American Revolution The Buildup of Resentment.

The End of the War ...

the Beginning of

a Nation!