The Alchemist

“Chocolate Fantasy” by Earl Newman June 16th, 2009 An Independent W eekly promoting the Arts and Minds of Corvallis. FREE Every Tuesday Vol. 2, No. 76 June 16th, 2009 An Independent Weekly promoting the Arts and Minds of Corvallis. FREE Every Tuesday Vol. 2, No. 76 When the music changes, so does the dance.


Alternative newsletter

Transcript of The Alchemist

Page 1: The Alchemist

“Chocolate Fantasy” by Earl Newman

June 16th, 2009 An Independent Weeklypromoting the Arts and Minds

of Corvallis.

www.corvalchemist.comFREE Every Tuesday Vol. 2, No. 76

June 16th, 2009 An Independent Weeklypromoting the Arts and Minds

of Corvallis.

www.corvalchemist.comFREE Every Tuesday Vol. 2, No. 76




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Page 2: The Alchemist

An Independent Weekly promoting the Arts and Minds of Corvallis.

Conceived:July 27th, 2007 9:33 am

Born:January 1st, 2008

Founder/Publisher/Art DirectorNoah Stroup

[email protected]

EditorStanley Tollett

[email protected]

Contact Us:[email protected]

[email protected]

Call: 541.752.9661Mail to:

The Alchemist131 NW 4th St.

PMB #383Corvallis, OR 97330

MISSION STATEMENTThis statement will adapt as you, the Reader, see fit.

It is as fluid as the publication it describes.

The Alchemist hopes to






The Alchemist relies on contributing writers, artists, photographers, and creatives for its

content. If you’re interested in having your workseen within its pages, contact us using the

information found above.

On the Cover“Jazz Man”

by Colleen Kingsbury

My name is Colleen Kingsbury and I am a 22-year-old senior in Exercise and Sports Science. I am a self-taught or better, a “self -learning” artist as I have only been painting for 1 year. Painting is something I enjoy very much and hope to become very proficient in someday. Every painting I have done do date is acrylic and I am just now beginning to explore oils.I can be contacted at [email protected] if anyone has further interest!Salvation is an acrylic on canvas recreation of a photograph from TimeMagazine.













Page 3: The Alchemist

EREERE Take a Trip to the

Identity Crisis I don't know about anyone else, but I fail constantly in trying to define my self,

persona, being, and my corresponding value in today's society. Everytime I think I

have it, it becomes something else. I would like to think I have no value, but there

is a sneaking suspicion in the back of my head.

I say valueless because someone else could do anything I do. Sure, I am unique

in my self, but no more unique than any other of the seven-plus-billion persons on

this planet. I deserve nothing more than the next person and, get this, realize

anything I do deprives someone else of something.

With that zipping around my noggin, I wonder why I continue to do whatever I

do with absolutely no intention of stopping doing. I don't know why I do what I

do. I work to pay the bills and I enjoy what I do knowing full well I am expendible. I

have friends, family, passtimes, I feel fortunate and am thankful for all I have.

I feel guilty for what I have and covetous at the same time. It’s a weird cocktail.

Burning Desires Maybe people opposed to field burning should go on a field trip to participate

in a burn. Explain to them the steps involved in preparing the field from planting

through harvest. Maybe let them ride in the tractor when ploughing the firebreak,

maybe let them help light it up. Then take them to a field that won't be burned.

Have them participate in the chemical applications. Give them background on

material costs, licensing, and health risks.

Regardless of one's standpoint we should recognise the adaptability of farmers.

The area farmers represent families established in the valley long before those

opposed to the practice of field burning arrived on the scene. I think the local

farmers try to maintain practices that guarantee sustainability. They don't eat their

seed stock.

I have again contacted the Oregon Department of Agriculture and Department

of Environmental Quality with the message, "I'm wondering if you could help me

with a question regarding field burning. In a rye grass field that has been baled off,

how many pounds (lbs.) of what kinds of pollutants are created per acre? Just a

rough estimate is close enough, but more accurate is better. Also, how many

pounds (lbs.) of what kinds of pollutants are created per gallon of gasoline

burned? If you don't know, direction to who might know would be greatly


I've looked seasonally for this information for a few years now. Independent

research will be a minor obsession for the next week or so. Also, if you have any

info that may be helpful I would be glad to hear from you.


[email protected]



Friday, June 26thAdam Scramstad 7:00 pm

2333 NW Kings Blvd.Timberhill Shopping Center

541.738.9463Mon. - Thurs. 11:00 am - 8:00 pmFri. - Sat. 11:00 am - 9:30

Tuesday, June 16th 6:00 - 8:00SCRABBLE TournamentAll skill levels welcome.

Your $10 cover gets you your !rst glass ofwine or beer and light appetizers all evening.We must have at least 10 playersso you need

to call ahead or stop in to sign up.

Friday, June 19thPete Kozak & Michael Fridley

7:00 pm

Rudo y Cursi

Films about athletes are prone to cliché: the improbable rise to fame, the

fleeting glory of being on top, the devastating fall. Mexican import Rudo y Cursi

doesn’t break this mold and, in many ways, is as conventional as they come. But as

writer/director Carlos Cuaron reunites with the two stars from the critically-

acclaimed Y Tu Mama Tambien (which he co-wrote, and his brother directed), we

find that convention crafted by the right mind can still produce cinematic


Soccer is life in Mexico, so when brothers Beto (Diego Luna) and Tato (Gael

Garcia Bernal) happen upon a talent scout with a flat tire on their way to a match

in a grass lot, they snatch at the unlikely opportunity for their big break. Beto has

just been promoted to foreman at a banana plantation and has a wife and children

to look after, but he seethes with envy as Batuta, the talent scout (Guillermo

Francella), inks a pro contract for Tato with a club in glittering Mexico City.

But Tato, dubbed “Cursi” (corny) by his teammates and fans, has his eyes set on

celebrity status and is more interested in forging a singing career - despite his lack

of talent - than playing soccer. He convinces Batuta to find Beto a spot on a rival

team, and Beto’s aggressiveness tending goal earns him the nickname Rudo

(tough). While both brothers begin to climb the ranks – Beto approaches an

all-time consecutive shut-outs record and Tato is selected to play on the national

team – the brothers’ respective vices take hold and threaten their careers and lives,

all culminating in a final head-to-head showdown on the soccer field when the

stakes can’t get any higher.

This scenario is as thick with cliché as it gets, yet Cuaron’s snappy writing and

masterful camerawork transform what - in less able hands - could easily have been

a forgettable experience into a light-hearted romp. Unlike Y Tu Mama Tambien, this

film doesn’t take itself too seriously, even when the principal characters are

imperiled. The love-hate interplay between Luna and Garcia Bernal rings true of

brotherhood. While even their vices are cookie cutter – one being tripped up by

celebrity status and beautiful women, the other by gambling and blow – these

characters, though shallow, are three-dimensional enough that it’s fitting for them

to throw everything away on something so tawdry.

Cuaron errs in using the talent scout, Batuta, as the film’s narrator. Batuta waxes

philosophical about the sport, using it too often as a lazy metaphor for life. Batuta

is not a deep character, and his voice-over introspection seems forced as a result.

The cinematography throughout the film is vivid, at times breathtaking. Mexico

City is shot beautifully and even the small villages teem with vitality. For a

sports-themed film, there are nearly no shots of any actual game play. Instead, the

camera keeps to the periphery, focusing on the raucous crowds, the individual

reactions, even a TV screen broadcasting the action.

Too heavy on soccer metaphors and light on originality, Rudo y Cursi doesn’t

score a lot of points, but with heady camerawork and some solid acting perfor-

mances it still finds a way to put the ball in the net.

Rudo y Cursi is now playing at the Darkside Cinema. For

shows and showtimes visit

-Josh Goller

Page 4: The Alchemist

Need some posters printed?

Let The Alchemist do it!

$.65 per color print.

Up to 12” x 18” in paper size

Need some posters printed?

Let The Alchemist do it!

$.65 per color print.

Up to 12” x 18” in paper size

[email protected]

The Launch Pad of O.S.U.“Today, just as yesterday, art wants to save from death a living image of our

passions and our sufferings.” Albert Camus The Wager of Our Generation

As the sun beats down on the big (for Corvallis) crowd I wonder if the bottle of

chardonnay I shared with my friend will affect my judgment. At the Cricket

Campus Rail Jam, The Beastie Boys’“Girls” blasts over the loud speakers and well

clothed (for Corvallis) coeds clamor around the imported mountain of snow. I

attempt to record and observe the social entity that is O.S.U. It sometimes seems

to be little more than a playground meant to keep students in check long enough

so that they will not permanently impair the rest of their adult lives. This freedom

can be seen as a good or bad thing. As a townie myself there are many aspects of

campus and its inhabitants which can seem imposing. The most obtuse interac-

tions occur each term like clockwork during midterms and finals. The crowd can

seem especially grating when one hears tales of actual or intended physical harm

to friends and neighbors.

The event is put on by the production company Galvanic and sponsored by Civil

Clothing Company. Both of which were started by Oregon State students. The

Cricket Campus Rail Jam had it’s inception at Oregon State and has since

expanded to twelve different campus’ around the U.S. With places as remote as

Arizona it begs the question; seriously, where did they get all this freaking snow?

As well as sponsoring the influx of snowboard culture to the valley Civil strives to

help various non profits including the Red Cross, homeless shelters and disaster

relief. It seems the close friends who started Civil can now provide some means of

living for their co alumni with whom they also happen to be friends.

Though not in nature or attendance, this assembly is sophisticated with an

extensive sound system, security and booths selling food and giving away T-shirts,

stickers, and other promos to say nothing of the center ring. This foreign feeling

gathering almost has the ambience of a music festival which leads me to question

the validity of those communities I most closely relate to and value as mirroring

my own self and values.

But the wine and the rays have gone to my head and my friends have left to

study. I retreat to the shade of Van Buren and 13th where I contemplate my rosy

new skin tone and the local prices of vaporizers.

Are we all just people in search of a good time? Only seeking a few fleeting

moments that impair and or enlighten our own reality? The egalitarian aspects of

it make my head spin. Why wait in lines in the relentless sun for free and

unnecessary goods? Why spend hours setting up sound equipment? Why of all

the unnatural things in modern life haul snow to the middle of the quad, to the

middle of the valley in the middle of May? Could I really be no better than the self

conscious minions I saw swelling around me? Am I better for recognizing this fact?

I guess it is human nature that with recognition of it you work to remove

yourself from the hoi polloi. And it is the way we remove ourselves from it that

count. We each wish to belong to something greater, something which lasts

longer than an individual in the sun on a hot day.

There are situations for which the English language seems ill equipped to

handle. The value of nothingness in which unending space and possibility exist

and the penetrating and concentrated reality of absence to name but two.

Everything exists in a paradox and as I sober up I feel myself losing that essential

truth which allows me to exist at the extremes and in the middle, a balance in a

triangle, stillness and complacency in the midst of a symbol of change. As the

larger questions of societal reality like who, how, and why remain unanswered, I

only can sit and watch hoping that the trees, silent in their observance can provide

some consolation to the reality I exist in.

I sit and watch the conclusion of this two hour event. Maybe I just have nothing

else to do, maybe I’m still to tipsy to bike. But mostly I remain because I want to

observe, understand and interact with my fellow human beings.

“In this exhausting adventure the artist can only draw help from others, and, like,

anyone else he will get help from pleasure, from forgetting and also from friendship

and admiration.”- Camus

As I return to the gathering, meaning and reason rapidly reveal themselves.

There is something yet to be shared with you dear reader and for that I am

grateful. I quickly find my way to the gentleman of Longboard Oregon.

What happens when a bunch of skaters decide to do something good for the

world? They long board for cancer research along the back hightways of Oregon

stopping along the way to rock out with their friends. This is the essence of

Longboard Oregon, a movement started by Mike Elstad and Ryan Blake. Begin-

ning June 18th a team of skaters will be boarding from Portland to Ashland for

the Cancer Research Institute. There will be a van following close behind to ensure

the safety of those participating.

Longboard Oregon as they see it is a way to do something good with their

time, to enact beneficial change on something which in one way or another has

influenced nearly everyone in the United Sates today. Their goal is to raise $5,000

for Cancer research.

Cricket Campus Rail Jam is the first event they participated in. There Jamba juice

donated 25% of the day’s profits to their organization. Sponsors thus far include

American Dream, Jamba Juice, Atmosphere clothing, and Longboard Larrys. They

got this far in their fundraising from talking to anyone who would listen Ryan and Mike have had to deal

themselves with the stigmas

associated with skateboarding and

saw an opportunity to present a sport

they love in a more positive light. They

believe a lot of people are against

skateboarding but if you do it for the

right reasons people will grow to like it.

On Friday the 19th of June they

will be holding a benefit at

Tailgaters. It will be an evening of for

music and camraderie, the cover of

which will go 100% to the cause. It features artists such as DJ Landforce and

Chemical War Bear.

Having received a lot of positive feedback, next year they hope to make it into a

competition, and possibly expand to include all of the West coast with more

venues, sponsors and bigger concerts.

While we may be a launch pad for the students of O.S.U., in the end it is up to us

to each individually create the reality which surrounds us. These young adults are

passing through and fortunate to find a place as forgiving and vibrant as Corvallis

in which to start up their own aspirations. When they have gone surely we will fill

in these blanks ourselves? That is hard to say.

So I suppose in conclusion that Corvallis is a playground for all. We are party to a

unique space which provides for development and growth in areas not typical of a

college or any other town. Or maybe the sun is just making me paint a rosier

picture in a community that can ill afford to skip over aspects of diversity.

Whatever the reason it is summer, summer, summer…. ah……

If you would like to contribute please attend the show at Tailgaters on the 19th

of June, or visit their

Page 5: The Alchemist

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[email protected]



Want to help support The Alchemist?

Advertise your business with us!

Contact us:

[email protected]



151 NW Monroe AveCorvallis, OR 97330

(541) 752-1120

INDUSTRY NIGHTEVERY Tuesday4:30pm to Close

50% OFF Appetizers25% OFF Entrees

Must show yourFood Handlers Card orOLCC Servers Permitto receive discount

Not applicable with any other discounts - Not applicable to Happy Hour menu

Fashion HappensFashion Happens The music starts, the lights go up, and the runway is lit. A standing room only crowd

in the Cascade Ballroom begins to cheer and applaud.

Moments later, models - in stiletto and chunky high heels - start to command the

runway. These blank canvases for fashion flaunt avant garde, swim, and ready-to-

wear garments trimmed with tulle, ruffles, buttons, and lace.

Guest judges, with front row VIP seating, point out flashy pieces and nod in

approval as fashions they favor come down the runway. These industry insiders

exude their own fashion sense, dressed to impress at the event which is a mix of

black tie and blue jeans.

Among the 18

collections showcased on

that humid spring evening,

lush fabrics were

juxtaposed with bright

colors and intricate details.

Mini-skirts and laced

corsets dominated several

lines, being paired with

leather, tweed, pastel

palettes and parasol props.

Barely there bikinis,

geometric hems, and even

a feathered shrug with

matching shoes cruised

down the catwalk.

The designers of this

stylish affair, which infused

an evening of high fashion

into an otherwise trendy

college-town scene, are all

undergraduates working

toward a degree in apparel

design at Oregon State


With a little ingenuity, solid guidance, and a $5000 departmental grant, the

students were able to put on a fashion show with a high level of professionalism

and originality. Their effort, on the fashion scale, has otherwise been unparalleled

in the Mid-Willamette Valley. The show also served as a shot in the ass for fashion

fanatics who get a little sloppy with wardrobe choices when they think no one is


While the event was nearly seamless and the directors charismatic, it can

sometimes be difficult to glimpse the people behind the curtains at such a

whirlwind affair. Those people who thread the needles and pull the zippers were

visible at dress rehearsals earlier that week...

It was an uncharacteristically warm May afternoon, the day of the first dry run. In

an aerobics room in Langdon Hall, box fans roared, hangers clamored on garment

racks, and corsets held their breath. Models, wearing short shorts and high heels,

lined up on the south side of the room, awaiting direction.

When cued, the ladies and handful of men strutted their stuff down a makeshift

runway made of resistance bands and aerobic steps. An up-tempo house music

mix, set to be played at the show, started and stopped as the directors hashed out

details after each model walked.

Breezing in and out of the mirrored room, designers, stylists, promoters, and

acquaintances stopped to exchange friendly words with apparel design instructor

Marianne Egan and her three-year-old son George.

Fueled by the soaring temperature, tensions ran slightly high as it approached 7

p.m. on a sweltering Friday evening and the rehearsal was running long. But with

the help of Marianne, the students kept their cool. This was just the beginning of

several long days they would spend together ironing out the details.

Despite the tremendous amount of work, the heat, and the pressure of

attending to the minutia, these fashion fits pulled the acts together and put on

quite a show. Many of these young students will no doubt be back to outdo

themselves next year. ~Cindy Dauer

Gumbo To Release First Album 'Never Tell Me To Quit' is the appropriate title track for musicians that have been

playing individually for more than 40 years in Oregon. After five years of playing

together as Gumbo, these three musicians have found the right groove, the right

record label, and the right studio to capture nine of Sid Beam's well-crafted

original songs and three vintage covers in their first album, 'Never tell Me To Quit'.

Included on the album is the 50 year old Stan Freberg tune, 'Money', a cheerful and

energetic romp on currency ironically appropriate given the current state of the


The trio of Sid Beam, Joe Casprowiak, and David Fournier are releasing their

debut album July 2, 2009, (Corvallis venue TBA) and immediately following up with

another CD-release celebration as the headliner at the grand-opening of the brand

new River Bend Resort in Harrisburg, July 4th at 7pm. Many of their devoted fans

exclaim, 'Finally!', or 'It's about time!' when they learn that a CD will be available

soon for them to take home after enjoying a Gumbo performance. They will be

giving CD's of their single, 'Money' away for free at those performances. The

talented Severin Sisters will be opening for Gumbo on July 4th at 5pm.

Gumbo signed a recording contract in March of this year with new independent

label, Wild Rose Artists, owned by Theodore and Kira Wadman. "I felt strongly that

Sid's material was exceptional, and Gumbo's delivery outstanding. I felt compelled

to capture this treasure it so that it could be enjoyed for many years to come", says

Kira. The band has been recording the album at their Wild Rose Studios in North

Corvallis, with the expert direction of OSU's chief sound engineer, Sam Kincaid.

"The first time I heard Sid Beam play, I couldn't believe that the music I was

hearing was coming from one guy with his guitar", says Kira Wadman. "Tom

Demarest had been encouraging me to come support the free lunchtime

performances he was organizing at the Benton Center. I had a free moment, so I

pulled up a chair. For all the world it looked like his guitar would fly away if he

wasn't hanging on to it. I looked around and saw that others were seeing the same

thing. The songs were exceptionally well crafted, and his guitar work was nothing

short of awesome. I became a devoted fan then and there."

The members of Gumbo have each been playing music non-stop since their

teens. It's one thing to own an instrument collecting dust in the corner for that

long, but these individuals have been actively honing their craft that whole time,

to the benefit of many Corvallis residents who have heard them playing in various

groupings over the years; Sid played in Magpie from 1972 - 1976, and some may

remember Joe Casprowiak as Joey Starlight in the Fabulous Mudtones from 1976 -

1981. At 16, David Fournier played in NH rock band called the Mystery Images. In

his twenties, he studied music theory and jazz improv seriously at LBCC, and

played music in various worship teams around Corvallis for the next 20 years,

where he met Sid. Gumbo was formed when Sid bumped into Joe on the street in

late 2004. Sid had written a book full of new songs, and had been playing them on

his own around town. Joe added his harmonies to Sid's original tunes as well as

accompaniment on clarinet, flute, sax, and banjo. They brought bass-player David

into the 'Gumbo Experiment' as Sid calls it, "And the rest is history", David says.

Gumbo is giving 'Money' away for free. It's been almost 50 years since the song

'Money', written by Stan Freberg, has been licensed. The last official recording was

by June Carter. Wild Rose Artists has obtained a license from Kavelin Music, in

Santa Monica, CA, to distribute the song on Gumbo's 'Never Tell me to Quit' album.

They have also received permission to make the recording available for free to

individuals as downloadable MP3's on itunes and from the Wild Rose Artists

website. Upon hearing the new recording, Frank Kavelin declared Gumbo's version

"excellent." Local fans can pick up their own free copy of the single at Gumbo's

upcoming performances.

For more information on Wild Rose Artists or Wild Rose Studios, contact Kira

Wadman at 541-758-0123

To download a free copy of 'Money', or view Gumbo's upcoming performance

dates, visit

Page 6: The Alchemist


www.bombsawaycafe.comWednesday, June 17th, 10:00, $3


Indie Rock

Thursday, June 18th, FREE, 7:30

Curtis Monette

Inspired by the looping concoctions of such acts as Victor Wooten, Tim Reynolds,

and Keller Williams...Curtis Monette takes every gig as an opportunity to experi-

ment, freak out, and bedazzle listeners, as he loops guitars, percussion, and vocals

live to create a playful blend of reggae, funk, and bluegrass that can only be

described as, 'curtronica.' At one moment he may play the role of a

singer/songwriter and then next he is blazing through a shredding solo over a

trance groove.

Friday, June 19th, 10:00, $5



www.calapooiabrewing.comThursday June 18th, 7:30 pm

Swing Habit

Albanian Jazz Trio

Friday, June 19th, 8:00 pm

Jake Duncan

“I have something to say. something to convey, something to express. I love music,

and creating music playing didjeridu is something I am incredibly passionate about

in all senses of the word. Music, instruments, in their raw natural sound and form is

something I am deeply inspired by. The works of Rodrigo Y Gabriela, classical

composers, ondrej smeykal and talented musicians big and small alike drive me

down my path to create and invoke feeling through music so beautiful and terrible it

could save you from any depth, or kill with a glance. I am 18 years old, and have been

playing didjeridu since I was 11. ” From Jake’s Myspace Page

Saturday, June 20th, 8:00 pm

Robert Richter


300 W JEFFERSON AVE (758-2077)

Every Monday: Acoustic Folk Jam, FREE

All local Musicians and those passing through are invited to jam at Block 15

every Monday at 7pm. The Monday jam session has developed due to local

musicians wanting a pulic venue to gather and make music. Those attending

should expect any kind of acoustic music. Bluegrass, folk, pop, blues, country,

swing, whatever moves you. Vocal songs and instrumentals. Any kind of acoustic

instrument should work. Music that does not require electricity or batteries. For

more info, contact Sam Holmes at [email protected]

Friday, June 19th, 9:00 pm

"American Nobody"


CLOUD 9 &THE DOWNWARD DOG126 & 130 SW 1ST ST. (753-9900) - www.

At Cloud 9Thursday, June 18th, 9 pm

Improv Comedy Theater

Not the typical fodder of Corvallis week night entertainment... shakes

up audiences with improv absurdity... as ...actors take turns

performing whatever silliness comes into their heads based on audience


Friday, June 19th, 10 pm

International Funkatronic Voodoo presents:

Astro Tek Electric Boogaloo

w/ Dj's C4 Logic & T-Rex

6 turntables, 2 far out Dj's


In 2007, American Nobody’s music joined the

ranks of Sufjan Stephens, Xavier Rudd, and Jack

Johnson in being featured on the PBS television

series “Road Trip Nation.” American Nobody has

mastered the art of looping as one of Portland,

Oregon’s emerging singer/songwriter acts. His

flashy guitar chops and robust voice deliver

catchy hooks and melodies that fuse the

influences of Jeff Buckley and Ed Vedder with

the legendary looping of Keller Williams and

Tim Reynolds. Weaving tight layers of voice,

guitar, bass tones, and percussion, he has

redefined the modern concept of singer and


American Nobody

Emerging from a

long tradition of

gypsy circus

troubadours come

the solar- powered

travelers: carriers of a

new musical light;

Taarka. This merry

band is the

culmination of the

new millennial, sonic

adventures of David

Tiller (mandolin,

tenor guitar, vocals), Enion Pelta-Tiller (five string violin, vocals), Daniel Plane (cello, vocals), Troy Robey

(bass, vocals), and Dale Largent (percussion) - a virtuosic cadre of performers who

have roamed the freeways and backroads of the new and old acoustic caravan trail

in search of a revolutionary ancient sound for modern times.

Saturday, June 20th, 10:00 pm, $5

The Bush Pilots

The Bush Pilots are a bluegrass-style trio that plays their original songs and add a

variety of interpretations of other tunes. Their unique style is difficult to place into

a single category. Call it what you will, newgrass, jazzgrass, or bluegrass with a

twist—no matter what you call it, Bush Pilots music will put a smile on your face

and have you tapping your foot in no time!

Portland native Robert Richter began teaching

himself guitar at the age of 12 when he purchased

a Sears "Silvertone" guitar from a neighbor for $5

and the promise to mow his lawn for a month. (He

still has the guitar) Over the years Richter has

become known as a versatile guitarist and

songwriter known for his ability to perform a

variety of styles from acoustic to electric to blues

to folk. His skilled and emotional slide guitar

playing often works his audiences into frenzy.

With a strong powerful voice, Richter is

electrifying with his energy, enthusiasm, sense of

humor and most of all his innate ability to

"connect with people." His original songs range

from the uptempo rock-a-billy blues style

originated at the legendary Sun Records Studio in

Memphis to Dylan influenced songs about life and


Richter's live show often includes talented

violinist Jessica Hitchborn. Hitchborn, the winner

of back to back Oregon State Fiddling titles adds

her unique sound and energy to the music often

bringing audiences to their feet in appreciation.

Sunday, June 21st, 4 pm

Blues Jam


Robert Richter- or Hans Solo?

Page 7: The Alchemist

CLUB PLATINUM126 SW 4TH ST. (738-6996)

www.platinumvenue.comWednesday, June 17th - No cover and tons of hot Country hits. Don’t miss the

new Wild West Wednesdays. No Cover. $1 beers all night, every night!

Thursday, June 18th - Ladies Night Thursdays with DJ Hes starting at 9PM!

Video Dj!! Beer Pong from 9PM-11PM! Join DJ Hes every Thursday Night. Ladies no

Cover until 11PM! The best old and new school hip-hop on the 1's & 2's. Be here for

the party every Thursday!! $1 beers all night, every night!

Saturday, June 20th - Rockstar Saturdays; 9pm; Come party to the best hits of

the 80s & 90’s at Club Platinum every Saturday! $1 beers all night, every night!!


On Hwy 99 in South Corvallis (754-6958)

Thursday, June 18, 8pm

Sam Marshall Trio, Acoustic Blues Roots

- The Sam Marshall Trio formed in the spring of 2008. With Bennett Kling on bass

and Collin Andresen on drums (both having played with The Jazz Underground

Big Band and The Jayne Simpson Group), the trio achieves a progressive roots

sound that is highly groove and improvisationally oriented. The trio has brought

their unique sound to venues throughout the Northwest sharing bills with roots

music staples such as Tony Furtado and the Joe McMurrian Quartet. "Marshall is a

gifted blues guitarist whose style reflects a firm foundation in the Blues, while

moving with a Jazzy, almost-improvisational progression." - What's Up Magazine

Friday, June 19, 8pm

Al Rivers, Blues Guitar and Vocals

- "Aw yeah, this is blues the way we like it. Rain fall. Tree shakin'. Likin' yo' peaches.

Truck broke. Good gal gone. Al Rivers walks the same old rode, but utterly without

pretension or artifice. He has a great, scraping voice and a nimble, dirty way with

the guitar." - Victory Music Review, Tacoma, WA 2006.

Saturday, June 20, 8pm

The Skunky Bunch, Funky Rhythm & Blues

- The Skunky Bunch is a fun lovin' high energy funk band, based in Oregon's

mid-Willamette Valley. The six-piece band performs covers of artists such as

George Clinton, Buddy Guy, and Busta Rhymes and brings many funky originals.

The group, comprised of music majors and recent graduates are all multi-

instrumentalists; performances feature a tight always danceable rhythm section,

funky horns, and soulful vocals combined with anything from talk box, to nose

flute and didgeridoo creating an unforgettable sound.

Summer Solstice, Sunday, June 21, 1-9pm

Southtown Street Party & HOUR Exchange Marketplace Bazaar

1pm - Muti Marimba, Zimbabwean Music & Percussion

3pm - Elles & Adam, Soulful Americana

4pm - Tony Noble, Delta Blues Slide Guitar

5pm - Jake Duncan, Home Grown Didjeridu

6pm - Mill About Smartly, Irish Tunes & Sea Shanties

7pm - The People's Front, Reggae Funk Fusion


WINESTYLES 2333 NW Kings Blvd. (738-9463), June 19th, 7:00 pm

Pete Kozak & Michael Fridley

Eclectic Folk

Pete & Michael will be playing great eclectic folk music at WineStyles this

evening. Guitar, banjo, great vocals and more!

Friday, June 26th, 7 pm

Adam Scramstad

Adam is an Acoustic/Electric Finger-style & Blues Musician, born and raised in

Oregon. Performing regularly throughout the Pacific Northwest, Scramstad’s

reputation as a professional Blues Guitarist & Vocalist is rapidly becoming


Although he maintains a focus on Solo Acoustic Delta Slide & Country Blues

(both vocal and instrumental), Adam also performs with Blues Guitar Legend Terry

Robb (Adam’s Producer & Mentor)– as an Acoustic Duo as well as slinging electric

guitar in the acclaimed Terry Robb Band.

CROWBAR214 SW 2ND ST. (753-7373)

Behind the Downtown American Dream Pizza

Thursday, June 18th, 6 pm

Paul Lemoine

Acoustic Hits

Saturday, June 20th, 6 pm

Mark Cleaver

Acoustic Rockin’

Is it

119 SW 4th St.Corvallis, OR 97333


Corvallis Brewing Supply

Packaged-goods-to-go and

Home Fermentation Supplies

for Beer, Wine, Cider, Sake

Home of 6-pack Friday15% off 6 or more beers

The first Southtown Street

Party of the season is

co-sponsored with the

Corvallis HOUR Exchange

Annual Summer Gathering

and features a Marketplace

Bazaar. FireWorks will offer

food and drink specials all day.

For more info visit

Monday, June 22, 8pm

Southtown Open Mic Talent Search with CASH PRIZE for Top 3 Acts!

- FireWorks hosts this weekly showcase of local talent - who knows what perfor-

mance surprises the evening will hold? The show starts with a non-competitive

Open Mic warmup round, then performers have a chance to compete in the Talent

Search for the cash! (All competing performers are asked to contribute $5 for the

cash prize purse.) For more info call (541)754-6958.

The People’s Front


Page 8: The Alchemist

b a c

b omb s aw a y c a f eA Funky Taqueria

Wed, June 17 - Dossier, $3, 9:00Local Singer/Songwriter

Thur, June 18 - Curtis Monette, FREE, 7:30Stairway/Bad!sh/audiophilia lead guitarist goes solo

2527 NW MONROE 757-7221

11:00 am - MidnightMon - Fri

5:00 pm - MidnightSaturdays

Fri, June 19 - Taarka, $5, 10:00Modern Gypsy Troubadours

Sat, June 20 - The Bush Pilots, FREE, 8:30Bluegrass

Open Tues - Sat 5:00 pm - 2:30 am

126 SW 4th St 541-738-6996

WednesdayWild West Wednesday 9:00 pm

ThursdayLadies Night with DJ Hes 9:00 pm

Poker Night 9:00 pmSaturday

Rockstar Sat. w/80’s and 90’s Hits

Saturday June 20thROCKSTAR SATURDAY!

with DJ Big Brad





Home of the$1.99 Breakfast

Everyday 7 am to 10 am

Entertainment7 nights a week!

Open every day7 am to 2:30 am

Wednesday, June 17th

Johnny Darkand the Wondertones


300 SW Jefferson Ave

Live Music:Mondays - Acoustic Folk Jam

Fri. June 19th, 9:00 pmAmerican Nobody


The Alchemist’s“Stilla Fumidus Imperiosus Vigoratus”

is ready for your consumption.$.25 of each pint sold will go

to a charity TBD.

140 Hill St. Albany, OR


Thur. June 18th, 8:00Swing Habit

Jazz Trio

Fri. June 19th, 8:00Jake Duncan

Modern Didjeridu

Sat. June 20th, 8:00 pmRobert Richter


Sun. June 21st, 4:00Blues Jam(541) 928-1931

meets the high road.”“Where the back alley

214 SW 2nd StreetBehind the DowntownAmerican Dream Pizza



* ON ROOFTOP - Weather Permitting

Thurs, June 18th, 6 pm*Paul LemoineAcoustic Hits

Sat, June 20th, 6pm*Mark CleaverAcoustic


BAD HABITS SMOKESHOP111 NW 16th St - Corvallis, OR 97330


Summer Solstice Party á Sunday, June 21

FireWorks will offer Food & Drink Specials all day!

1115 SE Third (Highway 99W) in South Corvallis

HOUR Exchange Marketplace and Local Performers ShowcaseSupport a neighborhoodeconomy and enjoy greathome grown music!

1pm Muti Marmiba

3pm Elles & Adam, R&B

4pm Tony Noble, Blues

5pm Jake Duncan, Didjeridu

6pm Mill About Smartly, Sea Shanties

7pm The People's Front, Reggae Funk FusionFireWorks will offer Food & Drink Specials all day!

1115 SE Third (Highway 99W) in South Corvallis

HOUR Exchange Marketplace and Local Performers ShowcaseSupport a neighborhoodeconomy and enjoy greathome grown music!

1pm Muti Marmiba

3pm Elles & Adam, R&B

4pm Tony Noble, Blues

5pm Jake Duncan, Didjeridu

6pm Mill About Smartly, Sea Shanties

7pm The People's Front, Reggae Funk Fusion




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