The Alaska daily empire. (Juneau, Alaska). 1920-03-10 [p 6]. · 2018. 10. 10. · PALMISTRY—Can)...

BRINGING,UP FATHER By McManus WHO BEFORE I WTIF HE DON'T DOWN -1 WOULD J <>IT DOWN LIKE TO DKT JU%T j ^OON I'M K FEW MORE WORDS. COIN' TO V.---- I KNOCK HIM \ down ,#R '-) <--- y/Fii-EOR. GOODNESS ] 1 P)EEH LISTENIN' SAX£-YYHfr,T KEPT JJ TO YOUR PRlENO YOU UNTIL THIS \ MR V/ILL1E FINISH L_ moor ,_J making a. speech: <-- -> Sr-/,\-' © 1220 ST INT'L frtTU»I SI»VIC«. INC 1 thought | HE'D NEVER 4iT THDCO^H if-> / >_ ,-li WHAT If P r1 DIO HE c ( ™-K HE DIDN'T 5AY WHAT HE WA°b TALKIN' AOOOT- ^ ;i CLASSIFIED ADS THE EMPIRE IS THE MEDIUM Through Which the GeneTal Public Can Always Have Its Wants Supplied Answers for advertisers will be held tfoo weeks after date of last insertion THE EMPIRE cannot as- sume responsibility to care for un- called-for-letters after that period. Closing time for classified adver- tisements: 2 p. m. Closing time for display adver- tisements: 11 a. m. FOR SALE FOR RALE—At a bargain. One Overland 5-passenger Auto in first class condition. Inquire Alaska Auto & Supply Co. French cooking knives at Young's adv. FOIl SALE—Six wet batteries, cheap. Inquire C-37, Empire. FOR SALE—3 house on Willough- by Ave. Address Chas. Nichols, Ketchikan. FOR SALE: Best location on Front Stret. Lot 35x100 fet, large fully furnished building with pro- tected private alley on one side, now arranged for sort drink par- lor, pool hall down stairs, and rooming house upstairs; steam heat- ed throughout. This place has al- ways ben one of the best money- making establishments In Alaska. Price reasonable. Apply at First NktioJBil Bank,-or P. O. Box H74. Fort SALK—Four-room furnished house, *700. Terms. Call evenings, 439 East Second street. FOK SALE—12 h.p. Ferro Engine ■haft and propeller; high tension magneto. *150. Home Grocery. FOR SALE—On easy payments, like rent, or will trade—6-room house; large basement. P. O. Box 1048, Juneau. FOR QUICK SALE—Three-room- ed house, *300; 2-roomed cabin, *150. Inquire at LaFrancc Gro- cery. FOR SALE—Windsor Apartment house; four apartments, five single rooms; completely furnished; price, for quick sale, *2,800. H. L. Faulk- ner. FOR SALE OR RENT—Ferguson Rooming House; 15 rooms all fur- nished, steam heated. Apply 99 Front St. RESTAURANT for sale or lease, including family apartment. Would consider sale of equipment. Fine chance for cannery or mining camp. Apply Empire. fl I I WANTED PIANO. Phonograph and records wasted. Will pay cash. Box 1*1. Phone 14*. HELP WANTED 'WANTED—laborers. Apply 700 Mill, Treadwell. LOST AND FOUND FOUND—Nugget stickpin. Owner may recover by calling at Palace ol Sweets. Douglas, and paying for ad. LOST—Bunch of keys; 12 or 10 on ring. Finder telephone 2432. PALMISTRY—Can) Reading GOOD CARD READING 106 Front St., upp. Alaskan Hotel. 1 PALMIST—Come and bare ▼our fortue told from you bead. Work, buiiaees, mar and the future accu- rately foretold; 309 Front ] _i FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 40-h.p. Corliss Engine; 3-cylindcr, 4-cynle; together with Intermediate shaft, 22 ft., 4 In. long, 2V4 in. diameter; tail shaft, 11 ft. long, same diameter; one 34-in. Hyde, 3-Blade propeller. One wooden hull; 15 tons; length over all, 45 ft.; beam, 11 ft.; draught, 4 ft.; pilot house and two cabins; can be arranged for seine or halibut boat at little expense. Jl'NEAU FERRY & NAVIGATION CO. FOR RENT—ROOMS ■-■ BERGMANN HOTEL Fifty OutRlde Rooiub; steam- heated; hot water ALL THE TIME; Rates by day, week or month. Mrs. R. G. Day, Mgr. ■- -P ORPHEUM ROOMS i Steam heated, furnished rooms. ! | Hot and cold running water j ; in every room. Reasonable ] : rates by day, week or month, j | Corner Main and Willoughby. | | Phone 396. --■ FOR RENT—Apartments FOR RENT Three furnished tpartments. Mrs. J. Perelle, 421 \4 East 7th. St. Phone 2004. ■-» SEA VIEW AND JUNEAU APARTMENTS Has housekeeping rooms fully furnished which includes bath, light, water and eleuu linen, al- so phone service. All rooms arc outside rooms with splen- did view of the Channel. "Coz- ily” and "neatly” furnished and sanitary in every detail. 2, 3, 4 room apartments for I private families. Reasonable ; I rates. Phone 28G. I ^ J. W. NICHOLS, Prop. ^ ■-f CLIFF APARTMENTS On the cliff next to the Court- house—"The Cozy Corner of Juneau;” 2, 3, 4 room apart- ments fully furnished for housekeeping Clean and re- spectable. Suitable for small families, ladies or gentlemen. Each apartment a home by it- self. Strictly private In every respect. Including baths, etc., Telephone service. Warm and comfortable. Reasonable rates. -■ FOR RENT PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 143. ■ggHBBg I'l I'M ■„ .11 ■eggggggg= FOR RENT—Houses I- FOR RENT—Furn'shed House. Mrs Montgomery Davie. Sixth and Seward BOARDING HOUSES PRIVATE BOAEDIKG HOUSE Meals by day, week or month First claaa table board; everything fresh from the market daily. Mr*. Z Short, 340 Franklin Bt., Phone 3S1. COMFORTABLE QUARTERS AND HOME COOKING Room and board, $10 per week. Transient rates: Rooms, 80c, 75c, and $1. Meals SOc. WELCOME ROOMS Over Britt’s Store, Seward St. Mrs. A. 7 uruer, Prop. Phone 366. 1 MISCELLANEOUS 1 SECOND HAND FURNITURE " Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Rugs and Carpets Cleaned, Rctitted and Laid- Telephone 418. CHAS. ANDERSON 888 Second St. PTO. Box 888 «---B 1 USED FURNITURE Bought Sold and Exchanged n. ROCOYICH 311 Seward St. Telephone 441. P. O. Box 361 ■-■ Painting and Paperhanging ■-a i i PAINTING. PAPER HANGING, I .KALSOMINING AND ! SIGN WORK A. RUNDALL ^ Brunswick Building, Front St. ^ BATHS THE RUSSIAN PATH HOUSE now open for business again. Mrs j 1. Sorrle, Prop. adv. HILLSIDE BATH HOUSE—Turk- ish, Needle, Steam, Shower and tub oaths. Dry and steam heat. Wll- 'lam Lott, expert messeuste will be n attendance on Wednesday and J Saturday of each week. 212 Front St., Phone 163. i===f CITY BATHS. Tub and shower baths. To- J bacco, candles, soft drinks In l connection. Near City Dock. 329 Front St. Phone 433. ] F. Fuller, Proprietor ■- .. ■■ WANTED—Situation WANTED—Position in ready-to- wear. millinery or general mer- chandise by a first-class sales lady with several years’ experience In San Francisco; now employed in Se- attle. Best of references. Address C-73, Empire. BRITISH GOLD~IS COMING TO AMERICA TO STABILIZE EXCHANGE NEW YORK, March 10.—It is an- nounced that England Is shipping one million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to America to stabi- llize the British exchange. Three million dollars Were received last week by the sub-treasury from Canada. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE JUNEAU, ALASKA Notice is hereby given that Geo- rge A. Parks, of Juneau, Alaska, as trustee, has filed in this office liis application under Sec. 11 of the Act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat.. 1095) to submit final proof for the several use and benefit of the occu- pants of the Seater Addition to Jun- eau Townaite, Alaska, said townsite being embraced in U. S. Survey No. 591, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Cor. No 1, whence U. S. 1. M. No. 3 bears S. 45“ 17' W’. 7.48 chains, tlicnep N. 59“ 1' 6.24 chains to Cor. No. 2, thence S. 82* 38' E. 6.82 chains to Cor. No 3, thence N. 0“ 7' \V. 0.94 ehaiils to Cor. No. 4, thence N. 57' io' E. 5.13 cliuins to Cor. No. 5, thence N. 30“ 44 \V. 7.78 chains to Cor. No. 6, thence cast 2.85 chains to Cor. No. 7, thence N. 57“ 4 0' \V. 5 20 chains to Cor. No. 8, thence west 10.37 chains to Cor. No. 9, thence south 15 chains to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning, containing 17.58 acres. Said survey as located adjoins Juneau, Alaska, in lait. 58" 18' N.J Long. 134* 24' W„ Mag Var„ 32“ 20' E. Said (roof will be submitted by the testimony of stid trustees and two of the following witnesses: Lafe Spray, Barney A Roselle, John Keck and II. B. LeKevrv, before the Register, U S. Land Office, Ju- neau. Alaska, on April 15, 1920. Dutcd at Juneau, Alaska, March 1. 1920. FRANK A BOYLE. R—rirtrr I ■-*1 ALASKA NOTES !! 1 : ■-—__-;-■ An honor roll containing tlio i,nines of 8fi members of the Presbvterion church in Dawson who [ enlisted and served She colors of Canada in the war was unveiled. [ seven of the 8C wei" killed in battle in France. The dead were Robert Forrest. Anthony Uluikie. Angus Me- Kelar. Marshall Stone. George Ray- nnond. William Kerr and Peter Mor- rison. There were elaborate serv- ! ices at tiie unveiling, including an [address by Major Hyde, superintend- ! cut of education for the Yukon. Joseph A. Clarke, formerly active in Dawson politics, was recently re- elected mayor of Kdmonton by a substantial majority. He was elect- ed on a Labor ticket, and with three( Laborite members of the Council] and the entire Laborite ticket for j the School Board were elected. Twoj Progressives were cletced to the Council. Miss Anna Allen and Colin D. Hart, both formerly of Dowson, were married recently at Calgary. Both bride and groom left Dawson with the war forces, the bride as a nurse and the groom with the Black machine gun contingent. They served until the war ended, and re- returned to Canada, locating at Cal gary. Oil claims arc being staked near Mile 19 on the Copper River and .Northwestern Railway, nineteen miles from Cordova. /---A Fraternal Societies --OF- Gaslineau Channel __ | 0 ELKS Meeting Wednesday Evening at 8:00 o'clock Elka' Hall. R. E. ROBERTSON Exalted Ruler H. R. SHEPARD Secretary ..... March 5.—Business meeting all bodies. Annual election of officers Lodge of Perfection. March l'Jtli, Council Kadosli. : iiTnim-r.iii .!■■■ I. O. O. F. SILVER BOW LODGE NO. 2. —■» Meets every Thursday evening at 7J<>, Odd Fellows' Hall 2nd. and Franklin Sts. Enrl E. Smith, Sec'y.: K M. Policy, Noble Grand. Visiting l.O.O.K welcome. MOUNT JUNEAU LODGE NO. 147, F. & A. V. Stated Communication Second and Fourth Mondays of each Month, in Odd Fellows Hall, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. J. W. McDaniels, Mnster. H. E. BROWN’, Secretary. Order of the EASTERN STAR Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. At » o’clock, r. O. O. F. Hall CLEMENTINE WAHLGRHN; W. M. LOUIS E. McCOT. Sec’y, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Archbishop Scghers Coimetl No. t7«(. Meet- lugs second an.] Iasi Mondays at 7 :.I0 p. ui. ... Transient Brothers urged attend Council Chambers. Fifth St. Barney A Rnssellr. G. K ; Jamea F. Hurley, Secy. PERSEVERANCE rebekah LODGE NO. 2-A, I. O. O. F. Meets IkL and .'Id. Tues. evening* In Odd Fellow*’ H II. 8 o'clock. Visiting nmmlrer* nlway* w< Iconic. Alice Iauigli- lln. Sec'y.: Edna K. Polly, W. O. LOYAL ORDER JOF MOOSE.'~ Juneau Lodge 700 -r► Meets every Friday nlfbt, 8 o'clock. Moose Halt. 3. Walktfsdt, Dictator; It. U. Stevens. Secretary._ informal invitational' dance ■■Jim n George C. Hazelet announces that there was raised in the First and Third Divisions and transmitted for the Roosevelt Memorial Funds $1.- 003.30. Mare will be received, and mailed when collected. No reports had been received from the Second and Fourth Divisions. The towns which contributed $100 or more are Kenneeott. $302: Cordova, $3US.2->; Wrangell, $231.35; Juneau, $18.3.50; Latoucbe. $100. Cordova bad 65 cases of influenza during the month of February. The City Council of Cordova are planning a sewer system and a city- dock. The buildings on claim 10 below discovery on Quartz Creek, Dawson country, belonging to .1. W. and C. R. Smart, were recently burned to the graund. The loss is placed at $1,500. Mrs. Josephine Pelland of Dawson received the word of the death of her eldest son, Leopold, recently at Montreal. It is reported that coal has reach cd $10 a ton at Nome. II. D. Thompson and H. A. Chad- wick have formed a partnership and will shortly embark in business. They have leased a hotel building at Na- talia. which will be thoroughly ren- ovated and opened under the name of The Breakers. There is a res- taurant, pool room and barber s.iop in connection.—Cordova Times. The total enrollment of pupils in Hie Ketchikan public schools lias reached SOS pupils—making the Ket- chikan school the second in size in i lie Territory. Ketchikan has closed her influenza | hospital after a siege with that- dis- ease in which 11 or 10 deaths oc- curred. Dr. E. O. Rowley and his wife. Dr. Gladys Rowley, both from New Zeal- and have located in Petersburg. Dr. E. O. Rowley, spdnt two years in France with the New Zealand troops. J. J. Ilosia, formerly of Douglas, lias located at Petersburg. The Petersburg motion picture theatre has raised its admission price to in cents. The increased cost| of films is given as the reason for the action. Petersburg will vote at the next olection on the question of electing * Council for two year terms and the Mayor and other officers by direct vote of the people. Plans are under way for the re- sumption of development work on the Uidian Mine, Limited, group of claims on Salmon River. Portland Canal group. D. C. Sargent, formerly explosives inspector in Alaska, is moving an out- fit into the Nebesna where he will operate placer properties next sum- mer. BE PRETTY! TURN BRAY HAIR DARK Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea anil Sulphur, properly com- pounded, brings back the natural color and luslro to the hair when fa- ded. streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which is muggy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for “Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound.” you will get a lar£e bottle of this famous old recipe, Improved by the addition of other ingred- ients. at a small cost 1‘oti't stay gray; Try ItV No one run possibly tell that you ilark- cued jour ltalr, an It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen I a sponge or soft brush with It and [draw this through your hair, tak- lug one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears., und after another application or two. jour hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. —(/Idvcrtlremeftt. t OSBORNE RESIGNS AS COMMANDER OF THE NAVAL PRISONS PORTSMOUTH. N. H. March 10— Thomas M. Osborne, has again for- warded his resignation of the naval prison here, to Secretary Daniels. Osborne’s administration of the prison was recently made the sub- ject of an investigation by a House j committee which reported that the charges of lack of discipline were without foundation and commending his administration. SEATTLE IN LEAO SEATTLE, March 9,—Seattle's de- feat of the Vancouver hockey team last night at Vancouver, places them in. the lead for the Pacific Coast\ League championship. The last reg ular game of the series will be played at Seattle tomorrow night, following which the two league lead- ers will play for the championship. Vancouver is second in the race. Use Empire Want Ads. CASE HOTEL Opposite City Wharf, Over •McMillan’s Store BERTHA SIMONS, Prop. FIRE ALARM CALLS 1-3 Third and Franklin. 1-4 Front and Franklin. 1-5 Front, opp. Marshall & Newman. 1-6 Front, opp. and near old Dispatch. 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Sawmill. 2- 1 Home Germain Grocery. 2-3 Willoughby opp. Colo barn 2-4 Front and Seward. 2-5 Front and Main. 2-6 Second and Main. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. 2- 9 Fire Hall. 3- 2 Gastineau and Itawu Wray 3-4 Second and Gold. 3-5 Fourth and Harris. 3-6 Fifth and Gold. 3-7 Fifth and Fast. 3-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth back uf uower house 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apts. 4-3 ^istin Ave & Indian Street. i-5 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Main. 4-7 Twelfth at Northern L’dry 4-8 Twelfth and Willoughby. JUNEAU FERRY & NAVIGATION COMPANY -operating- lone FISHERMAN AND TEDDY Leaving Juneau for Douglae, Treadwell and Thane 7:10 a.m. 12:16 p.m. 1:00 p.m. +2:00 p.m. •S:30 a.m. *3:00 p.m. »:30 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 11:10 p.m. ••7:3(1 p.m. tl:00 a.m. Leavee Douglae For Treadwell and Thane 7:25 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:46 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 11:25 p.m. 4:55 p.m. fl:15 a.m, 6:15 p.m. Leave Treadwell For Thane 7:30 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:20 p.m. •3:60 a.m. *3:20 p.m. 8:60 p.m 6:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. +1:20 a.m. Leave Thane for Treadwell, Douglae and Juneau 8:10 a.m. *12:60 p.m. 10:06 p.m •10:06 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 12:10 a.m 6:15 p.m. tl:36 a.m 6:36 p.m. Leave Treadwell for Douglae and Junes* 8:25 a.m. *1:05 p.m. 6:60 p.m. •10:20 a.m. 4:20 p.m. 10:20 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 12:25 a.m. tl:60 a.m. Leave Douglae For Juneau 8:30 a.m. *1:10 p.m. 6:66 p.m, •10:26 a.m. +2:15 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 4:26 |>.m. 10:26 p.m 6:36 p.m. 12:10 a.m. fl:65 a.m. •—Freight will he accepted, f—Saturday night only, t—Douglas only. •—Douglas only, except Saturday! when boat calls at Treadwell SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Two Whlstlee 5 Minutes Before Starting FARE 25 CENTS fFOR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER VICTORIA, SEATTLE “PRINCESS MARY” Leaves Juneau, March 11, 22. Baggage bonded through to Seattle. Passenger* have no trouble or delay account customs or Immigration regulations. OLIVER OLSON DAVE EVANS L. S. FERRIS Agt., Douglas Agt., Thane _ Agt. Treadwell R. F. RICHARDSON, General Agent, Juneau. _ ."""■"■■■■mmimmimiiiiiiiimmmiiiiimiiiimmiiiiimiiimiiiimm""' ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAFETY SERVICE SPEED Tickets to Seattle and Tacoma S. S. Alaska, S. S. Alameda, S. S. Northwestern and S. S. Jefferson. NORTH—ARRIVE JUNEAU SOUTH—FROM JUNEAU Alameda .March 3, 21 Alameda .... March 10, 28 Jefferson .... March 14, 28 Jefferson March 15, 27 Alaska March 14 Alaska March 21 Northwestern .... March 28 Northwestern April 4 W. E. NOWELL, Agent, Juneau; Phone 2. ELMER E. SMITH, Agent, Douglas; Phone Douglas 33. -^PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COM PA ALASKA WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA LEAVE SEATTLE WESTBOUND SOUTHBOUND >4 Admiral Watson Admiral Watscyi Admiral Watson B S March 11 March 24 City of Seattle City of Seattle City of Seattle H g Mareh 11 March 1C a O Spokane Spokane Spokane i 9 March 15 March 21 ft J, Admiral Evans Admiral Evans Admiral Evans £3 E March IS March 22 April 2 K Three Sailings P*r week Irom Seattle, San Francisco, Lot g <3 Angeles and San Diego. | * TICKET OFFICE IN WHARF OFFICE .1. 11. KLINE, Agent. 'Phone 4. GUY SMITH, Douglas. Alaska. ’Phone 18. _ BUSINESS METHODS in THE HOME Up-to-date housewives always have checking ac- counts and pay all their bills by check. The habit induces thrift, ord^r and a business system in buy- ing for the home. Remember that canceled checks are the best kind of receipt. The First National Bank ot luneau

Transcript of The Alaska daily empire. (Juneau, Alaska). 1920-03-10 [p 6]. · 2018. 10. 10. · PALMISTRY—Can)...

Page 1: The Alaska daily empire. (Juneau, Alaska). 1920-03-10 [p 6]. · 2018. 10. 10. · PALMISTRY—Can) Reading GOOD CARD READING 106 Front St., upp. Alaskan Hotel. 1 PALMIST—Come and



\ down ,#R '-) <---


L_ moor ,_J making a. speech: <-- -> Sr-/,\-'

© 1220 ST INT'L frtTU»I SI»VIC«. INC

1 thought | HE'D NEVER 4iT THDCO^H if-> / >_ ,-li WHAT If

P r1 DIO HE c

( ™-K


AOOOT- ^ ;i —



Through Which the GeneTal Public Can Always Have Its Wants Supplied

Answers for advertisers will be held tfoo weeks after date of last insertion THE EMPIRE cannot as- sume responsibility to care for un-

called-for-letters after that period. Closing time for classified adver-

tisements: 2 p. m.

Closing time for display adver- tisements: 11 a. m.


FOR RALE—At a bargain. One

Overland 5-passenger Auto in first

class condition. Inquire Alaska Auto & Supply Co.

French cooking knives at Young's adv.

FOIl SALE—Six wet batteries, cheap. Inquire C-37, Empire.

FOR SALE—3 house on Willough- by Ave. Address Chas. Nichols, Ketchikan.

FOR SALE: Best location on

Front Stret. Lot 35x100 fet, large fully furnished building with pro- tected private alley on one side, now arranged for sort drink par- lor, pool hall down stairs, and rooming house upstairs; steam heat-

ed throughout. This place has al- ways ben one of the best money- making establishments In Alaska.

Price reasonable. Apply at First NktioJBil Bank,-or P. O. Box H74.

Fort SALK—Four-room furnished house, *700. Terms. Call evenings, 439 East Second street.

FOK SALE—12 h.p. Ferro Engine ■haft and propeller; high tension magneto. *150. Home Grocery.

FOR SALE—On easy payments, like rent, or will trade—6-room house; large basement. P. O. Box 1048, Juneau.

FOR QUICK SALE—Three-room- ed house, *300; 2-roomed cabin, *150. Inquire at LaFrancc Gro-


FOR SALE—Windsor Apartment house; four apartments, five single rooms; completely furnished; price, for quick sale, *2,800. H. L. Faulk- ner.

FOR SALE OR RENT—Ferguson Rooming House; 15 rooms all fur-

nished, steam heated. Apply 99 Front St.

RESTAURANT for sale or lease, including family apartment. Would consider sale of equipment. Fine chance for cannery or mining camp.

Apply Empire.

fl I


PIANO. Phonograph and records wasted. Will pay cash. Box 1*1. Phone 14*.

HELP WANTED 'WANTED—laborers. Apply 700

Mill, Treadwell.

LOST AND FOUND FOUND—Nugget stickpin. Owner

may recover by calling at Palace ol

Sweets. Douglas, and paying for ad.

LOST—Bunch of keys; 12 or 10 on ring. Finder telephone 2432.


Front St., upp. Alaskan Hotel.

1 PALMIST—Come and bare ▼our fortue told from you bead. Work, buiiaees, mar A« and the future accu-

rately foretold; 309 Front

] _i


One 40-h.p. Corliss Engine; 3-cylindcr, 4-cynle; together with Intermediate shaft, 22 ft., 4 In. long, 2V4 in. diameter; tail shaft, 11 ft. long, same diameter; one 34-in. Hyde, 3-Blade propeller.

One wooden hull; 15 tons; length over all, 45 ft.; beam, 11

ft.; draught, 4 ft.; pilot house and two cabins; can be arranged for seine or halibut boat at little expense. Jl'NEAU FERRY & NAVIGATION CO.


BERGMANN HOTEL Fifty OutRlde Rooiub; steam- heated; hot water ALL THE TIME; Rates by day, week or month. Mrs. R. G. Day, Mgr.

■- ■

■ -P

ORPHEUM ROOMS i Steam heated, furnished rooms. ! | Hot and cold running water j ; in every room. Reasonable ] : rates by day, week or month, j | Corner Main and Willoughby. | | Phone 396. ■ --■

FOR RENT—Apartments FOR RENT — Three furnished

tpartments. Mrs. J. Perelle, 421 \4 East 7th. St. Phone 2004.



Has housekeeping rooms fully furnished which includes bath, light, water and eleuu linen, al- so phone service. All rooms arc outside rooms with splen- did view of the Channel. "Coz- ily” and "neatly” furnished and sanitary in every detail. 2, 3, 4 room apartments for

I private families. Reasonable ;

I rates. Phone 28G. I

^ J. W. NICHOLS, Prop. ^ ■-f

CLIFF APARTMENTS On the cliff next to the Court- house—"The Cozy Corner of Juneau;” 2, 3, 4 room apart- ments fully furnished for housekeeping Clean and re-

spectable. Suitable for small families, ladies or gentlemen. Each apartment a home by it- self. Strictly private In every respect. Including baths, etc., Telephone service. Warm and comfortable. Reasonable rates.



■ggHBBg I'l I'M ■„ .11 ■eggggggg=

FOR RENT—Houses I-

FOR RENT—Furn'shed House. Mrs Montgomery Davie. Sixth and Seward


First claaa table board; everything fresh from the market daily. Mr*. Z Short, 340 Franklin Bt., Phone 3S1.


Room and board, $10 per week. Transient rates: Rooms, 80c, 75c, and $1. Meals SOc.

WELCOME ROOMS Over Britt’s Store, Seward St.

Mrs. A. 7 uruer, Prop. Phone 366. 1



Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Rugs and Carpets Cleaned,

Rctitted and Laid- Telephone 418.

CHAS. ANDERSON 888 Second St. PTO. Box 888 «---B

1 USED FURNITURE Bought Sold and Exchanged

n. ROCOYICH 311 Seward St.

Telephone 441. P. O. Box 361 ■-■

Painting and Paperhanging ■-a i i




^ Brunswick Building, Front St. ^ BATHS

THE RUSSIAN PATH HOUSE now open for business again. Mrs j 1. Sorrle, Prop. adv.

HILLSIDE BATH HOUSE—Turk- ish, Needle, Steam, Shower and tub oaths. Dry and steam heat. Wll- 'lam Lott, expert messeuste will be n attendance on Wednesday and J

Saturday of each week. 212 Front St., Phone 163.


Tub and shower baths. To- J bacco, candles, soft drinks In l connection. Near City Dock.

329 Front St. Phone 433. ]

F. Fuller, Proprietor ■- .. ■ ■ ■■ ■

WANTED—Situation WANTED—Position in ready-to-

wear. millinery or general mer-

chandise by a first-class sales lady with several years’ experience In San Francisco; now employed in Se- attle. Best of references. Address C-73, Empire.



NEW YORK, March 10.—It is an-

nounced that England Is shipping one million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to America to stabi- llize the British exchange.

Three million dollars Were received last week by the sub-treasury from Canada.



Notice is hereby given that Geo- rge A. Parks, of Juneau, Alaska, as trustee, has filed in this office liis application under Sec. 11 of the Act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat.. 1095) to submit final proof for the several use and benefit of the occu-

pants of the Seater Addition to Jun- eau Townaite, Alaska, said townsite

being embraced in U. S. Survey No. 591, more particularly described as

follows: Beginning at Cor. No 1, whence

U. S. 1. M. No. 3 bears S. 45“ 17' W’. 7.48 chains, tlicnep N. 59“ 1' 6.24 chains to Cor. No. 2, thence S. 82* 38' E. 6.82 chains to Cor. No 3, thence N. 0“ 7' \V. 0.94 ehaiils to Cor. No. 4, thence N. 57' io' E. 5.13 cliuins to Cor. No. 5, thence N. 30“ 44 \V. 7.78 chains to Cor. No. 6, thence cast 2.85 chains to Cor. No. 7, thence N. 57“ 4 0' \V. 5 20 chains to Cor. No. 8, thence west 10.37 chains to Cor. No. 9, thence south 15 chains to Cor. No. 1, the place of beginning, containing 17.58 acres.

Said survey as located adjoins Juneau, Alaska, in lait. 58" 18' N.J Long. 134* 24' W„ Mag Var„ 32“ 20' E.

Said (roof will be submitted by the testimony of stid trustees and two of the following witnesses: Lafe Spray, Barney A Roselle, John Keck and II. B. LeKevrv, before the

Register, U S. Land Office, Ju- neau. Alaska, on April 15, 1920.

Dutcd at Juneau, Alaska, March 1. 1920.




1 :

■-—__-;-■ An honor roll containing tlio

i,nines of 8fi members of the

Presbvterion church in Dawson who

[ enlisted and served She colors of

Canada in the war was unveiled. [ seven of the 8C wei" killed in battle in France. The dead were Robert Forrest. Anthony Uluikie. Angus Me-

Kelar. Marshall Stone. George Ray- nnond. William Kerr and Peter Mor-

rison. There were elaborate serv-

! ices at tiie unveiling, including an

[address by Major Hyde, superintend- ! cut of education for the Yukon.

Joseph A. Clarke, formerly active

in Dawson politics, was recently re-

elected mayor of Kdmonton by a

substantial majority. He was elect- ed on a Labor ticket, and with three( Laborite members of the Council] and the entire Laborite ticket for j the School Board were elected. Twoj Progressives were cletced to the


Miss Anna Allen and Colin D.

Hart, both formerly of Dowson, were

married recently at Calgary. Both bride and groom left Dawson with

the war forces, the bride as a

nurse and the groom with the Black

machine gun contingent. They served until the war ended, and re-

returned to Canada, locating at Cal


Oil claims arc being staked near

Mile 19 on the Copper River and

.Northwestern Railway, nineteen miles from Cordova.


Fraternal Societies --OF-

Gaslineau Channel __ |

0 ELKS Meeting Wednesday Evening at 8:00 o'clock Elka' Hall. R. E. ROBERTSON

Exalted Ruler H. R. SHEPARD

Secretary .....

March 5.—Business

meeting all bodies.

Annual election of

officers Lodge of

Perfection. March l'Jtli, Council Kadosli.

: iiTnim-r.iii .!■■■


Meets every Thursday evening at 7J<>, Odd Fellows' Hall 2nd. and Franklin Sts. Enrl E. Smith, Sec'y.: K M.

Policy, Noble Grand. Visiting l.O.O.K welcome.

MOUNT JUNEAU LODGE NO. 147, F. & A. V. Stated Communication

Second and Fourth Mondays of each Month, in Odd Fellows Hall, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. J. W. McDaniels, Mnster. H. E. BROWN’, Secretary.

Order of the

EASTERN STAR Second and Fourth Tues

days of each month. At » o’clock, r. O. O. F. Hall



Archbishop Scghers Coimetl No. t7«(. Meet- lugs second an.] Iasi Mondays at 7 :.I0 p. ■ ui. ... Transient Brothers urged l« attend Council Chambers. Fifth St. Barney A Rnssellr. G. K ; Jamea F. Hurley, Secy.


Meets IkL and .'Id. Tues. evening* In Odd Fellow*’ H II. 8 o'clock. Visiting nmmlrer* nlway* w< Iconic. Alice Iauigli- lln. Sec'y.: Edna K. Polly, W. O.

LOYAL ORDER JOF MOOSE.'~ Juneau Lodge 700


Meets every Friday nlfbt, 8 o'clock. Moose Halt. 3. Walktfsdt, Dictator; It. U. Stevens. Secretary._ informal invitational' dance

■■Jim n

George C. Hazelet announces that there was raised in the First and Third Divisions and transmitted for

the Roosevelt Memorial Funds $1.- 003.30. Mare will be received, and mailed when collected. No reports had been received from the Second and Fourth Divisions. The towns

which contributed $100 or more are

Kenneeott. $302: Cordova, $3US.2->; Wrangell, $231.35; Juneau, $18.3.50; Latoucbe. $100.

Cordova bad 65 cases of influenza

during the month of February.

The City Council of Cordova are

planning a sewer system and a city- dock.

The buildings on claim 10 below

discovery on Quartz Creek, Dawson

country, belonging to .1. W. and C.

R. Smart, were recently burned to

the graund. The loss is placed at


Mrs. Josephine Pelland of Dawson

received the word of the death of

her eldest son, Leopold, recently at


It is reported that coal has reach cd $10 a ton at Nome.

II. D. Thompson and H. A. Chad- wick have formed a partnership and

will shortly embark in business. They have leased a hotel building at Na-

talia. which will be thoroughly ren-

ovated and opened under the name

of The Breakers. There is a res-

taurant, pool room and barber s.iop in connection.—Cordova Times.

The total enrollment of pupils in

Hie Ketchikan public schools lias

reached SOS pupils—making the Ket-

chikan school the second in size in i lie Territory.

Ketchikan has closed her influenza | hospital after a siege with that- dis-

ease in which 11 or 10 deaths oc-


Dr. E. O. Rowley and his wife. Dr.

Gladys Rowley, both from New Zeal- and have located in Petersburg. Dr. E. O. Rowley, spdnt two years in France with the New Zealand troops.

J. J. Ilosia, formerly of Douglas, lias located at Petersburg.

The Petersburg motion picture theatre has raised its admission

price to in cents. The increased cost| of films is given as the reason for the action.

Petersburg will vote at the next olection on the question of electing *

Council for two year terms and the Mayor and other officers by direct vote of the people.

Plans are under way for the re-

sumption of development work on the Uidian Mine, Limited, group of claims on Salmon River. Portland Canal group.

D. C. Sargent, formerly explosives inspector in Alaska, is moving an out- fit into the Nebesna where he will operate placer properties next sum-



Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and

Sulphur Almost everyone knows that Sage

Tea anil Sulphur, properly com-

pounded, brings back the natural color and luslro to the hair when fa- ded. streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which is

muggy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for

“Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-

pound.” you will get a lar£e bottle of this famous old recipe, Improved by the addition of other ingred- ients. at a small cost

1‘oti't stay gray; Try ItV No one run possibly tell that you ilark- cued jour ltalr, an It does It so

naturally and evenly. You dampen I a sponge or soft brush with It and

[draw this through your hair, tak- lug one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears., und after another application or two. jour hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive.

—(/Idvcrtlremeftt. t



Thomas M. Osborne, has again for- warded his resignation of the naval

prison here, to Secretary Daniels. Osborne’s administration of the

prison was recently made the sub-

ject of an investigation by a House j committee which reported that the

charges of lack of discipline were

without foundation and commending his administration.


SEATTLE, March 9,—Seattle's de- feat of the Vancouver hockey team last night at Vancouver, places them in. the lead for the Pacific Coast\ League championship. The last reg ular game of the series will be played at Seattle tomorrow night, following which the two league lead- ers will play for the championship. Vancouver is second in the race.

Use Empire Want Ads.

CASE HOTEL Opposite City Wharf, Over

•McMillan’s Store



1-3 Third and Franklin. 1-4 Front and Franklin. 1-5 Front, opp. Marshall &

Newman. 1-6 Front, opp. and near old

Dispatch. 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Sawmill. 2- 1 Home Germain Grocery. 2-3 Willoughby opp. Colo barn 2-4 Front and Seward. 2-5 Front and Main. 2-6 Second and Main. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. 2- 9 Fire Hall. 3- 2 Gastineau and Itawu Wray 3-4 Second and Gold. 3-5 Fourth and Harris. 3-6 Fifth and Gold. 3-7 Fifth and Fast. 3-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth back uf uower house 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apts. 4-3 ^istin Ave & Indian Street. i-5 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Main. 4-7 Twelfth at Northern L’dry 4-8 Twelfth and Willoughby.


-operating- lone FISHERMAN AND TEDDY Leaving Juneau for Douglae, Treadwell

and Thane 7:10 a.m. 12:16 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

+2:00 p.m. •S:30 a.m. *3:00 p.m. »:30 p.m.

4:40 p.m. 11:10 p.m. ••7:3(1 p.m. tl:00 a.m.

Leavee Douglae For Treadwell and Thane 7:25 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:46 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 11:25 p.m.

4:55 p.m. fl:15 a.m, 6:15 p.m.

Leave Treadwell For Thane 7:30 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 6:20 p.m.

•3:60 a.m. *3:20 p.m. 8:60 p.m 6:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m.

+1:20 a.m.

Leave Thane for Treadwell, Douglae and Juneau

8:10 a.m. *12:60 p.m. 10:06 p.m •10:06 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 12:10 a.m

6:15 p.m. tl:36 a.m 6:36 p.m.

Leave Treadwell for Douglae and Junes* 8:25 a.m. *1:05 p.m. 6:60 p.m.

•10:20 a.m. 4:20 p.m. 10:20 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 12:25 a.m.

tl:60 a.m.

Leave Douglae For Juneau 8:30 a.m. *1:10 p.m. 6:66 p.m,

•10:26 a.m. +2:15 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 4:26 |>.m. 10:26 p.m 6:36 p.m. 12:10 a.m.

fl:65 a.m.

•—Freight will he accepted, f—Saturday night only, t—Douglas only. • •—Douglas only, except Saturday!

when boat calls at Treadwell


Two Whlstlee 5 Minutes Before Starting FARE 25 CENTS



“PRINCESS MARY” Leaves Juneau, March 11, 22.

Baggage bonded through to Seattle. Passenger* have no trouble or delay account customs or

Immigration regulations. OLIVER OLSON DAVE EVANS L. S. FERRIS

Agt., Douglas Agt., Thane _ Agt. Treadwell R. F. RICHARDSON, General Agent, Juneau.





Tickets to Seattle and Tacoma

S. S. Alaska, S. S. Alameda, S. S. Northwestern and S. S. Jefferson.

NORTH—ARRIVE JUNEAU SOUTH—FROM JUNEAU Alameda .March 3, 21 Alameda .... March 10, 28 Jefferson .... March 14, 28 Jefferson March 15, 27 Alaska March 14 Alaska March 21 Northwestern .... March 28 Northwestern April 4

W. E. NOWELL, Agent, Juneau; Phone 2. ELMER E. SMITH, Agent, Douglas; Phone Douglas 33.


>4 Admiral Watson Admiral Watscyi Admiral Watson B

S March 11 March 24

City of Seattle City of Seattle City of Seattle H g Mareh 11 March 1C a O Spokane Spokane Spokane i

9 March 15 March 21 ft J, Admiral Evans Admiral Evans Admiral Evans £3 E March IS March 22 April 2

K Three Sailings P*r week Irom Seattle, San Francisco, Lot g <3 Angeles and San Diego.

| *


GUY SMITH, Douglas. Alaska. ’Phone 18. _


Up-to-date housewives always have checking ac-

counts and pay all their bills by check. The habit induces thrift, ord^r and a business system in buy- ing for the home.

Remember that canceled checks are the best kind of receipt.

The First National Bank ot luneau