The Age of Augustus

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description This PowerPoint is designed to accompany a lecture on Augustus Caesar, the Golden Age of Latin Literature (Virgil, Horace, Livy, and Ovid), and the Julio-Claudian Emperors (Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero).

Transcript of The Age of Augustus

  • 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Augustus and the Principate PART I Julio-Claudian Emperors PART III The Golden Age of Latin Literature PART II

2. AVGVSTV SFather of the Roman Empire 3. Desperate for peace People were so desperate for peace, they would give up certain republican rights to restore peace Over 60 years of civil unrest 4. Octavian Princeps the first among equals Augustus illustrious one Too much power?Calendar Reforms 5. Pax Romana Civil Peace A period of relative peace within the borders of the Roman Empire Began with Augustus. CLOSED Roman Peace 6. Pontifex Maximus Treasury Consul Tribune Augustus 7. Praetorian Guard Led by the Praetorian Prefect 8. Augustus Religious & Moral Reforms Marriage Laws Religious Revival Bothered by the new extravagant lifestyle, Augustus made several religious and moral reforms. 9. At the time of Augustus Augustus established a professional army and stationed them at the frontier. The army provided a Romanizing influence. 10. Virgil Horace Livy Ovid 11. Virgil Portrays agrarian lifestyle as the happiest and most virtuous PATRONIZ ED by Augustus Farm Poetry Back 12. Horace Themes in Writing PATRONIZED by Augustus Back 13. Livy Extremely Patriotic Historian Back 14. Livy Back I hope my passion for Romes past has not impaired my judgment; for I do honestly believe that no country has ever been greater or purer than ours or richer in good citizens and noble deeds; none has been free for so many centuries from the vices of avarice and luxury; nowhere have thrift and plain living been for so long held in such esteem. 15. Ovid Ovid wrote about themes that were NOT endorsed by Augustus and was exiled to Tomis Back Metamorphoses 16. Echo and Narcissus, John William Waterhouse (1903) 17. Source: Narcissus (Daffodil) 18. There is no denying that Augustus restored empire from bloody wars and saved Greco-Roman civilization from extinction. But did his power pave the way for corruption?? 19. Augustus 27 BC -14 AD Tiberius 14-37 AD Caligula 37-41 AD Claudius 41-54 AD Nero 54-68 AD 20. Frustrations with the Senate 14-37 a.d. Praetorian Prefect Capri 21. Not a natural political leader, he self exiled himself to the island of Capri and let Sejanus rule. 22. Little Boots 23. Incitatus 37-41 a.d. A Living God 24. Avid Scholar Poisoned by 4th wife 41-54 a.d. 25. 54-68 a.d. The Great Fire (64 AD) 26. The Great Fire 64 A.D. 27. Henryk Siemiradzki, A Christian Dirce (1897) 28.