The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin

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Transcript of The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin

  • 8/7/2019 The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin


  • 8/7/2019 The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin


    Author: Mark TwainEditorial: Penguin Books (Pocket Edition)First published in 1885

    Easy to readAdventures book (everyone likes adventures)Depicts accurately the different societies near theMissouriInteresting narration from the point of view of a

    childSituation of black people in 1885

  • 8/7/2019 The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin


    NOTICE: PERSONS attempting to find a motivein this narrative will be prosecuted ; personsattempting to find a moral in it will be banished ;persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shotA large variety of dialects appear in the bookBlack peoples English written uniquelyBoats and ships are always girls (She)Severe concern about witches and superstitions

  • 8/7/2019 The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin


    Miss Watson Hucks Pap Judge Thatcher

    Huckleberry Fin Tom Sawyer


    Jims Family (Unknown)

  • 8/7/2019 The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin


    y Introduction, Huck and Miss Watson

    y Meeting Jim

    y Hucks father arrives, Huck escapes

    y Encountering Jim in Jacksons Islandy Travelling with the Raft (The Floating House)

    y The Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons


    King and Dukey Stealing theNigger

    y End

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    y Jim, an exceptional black man

    y Friendship between Jim and Huck. Is Jim a father for

    Huck? A brother?Only a friend?

    y Differences between Jim and the black society

    y Quote 5 conversations

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    y Who is Jim? Miss Watsons big nigger

    y He escapes and wants freedom

    y Black people are slaves, and however he does not blame onwhite people

    y He is the opposite of Uncle Tom, but an

    excellent person

    y However, he is very superstitious

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    y Jim escapes when Huck disappears, and everyonethinks he is guilty

    y He joins Huck and takes care of him, provides himfood and adult protection (Mother and father role)

    y He has conversations with Huck, they like to talk (big

    brother role)

    y He even cries for Huck,

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    y Black society: Conformist, servant, humble....

    y They are uncle Tom: Never reply to white people,

    always serve with a smile

    y Jim is different: New generation of free black people


    He does not want to end slavery, just his slavery

    y He wants to live with his family

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    y First quotation: When Jim first appears (p.14)

    y Who dah? / Say Who is you? Whar is you? Dog my

    cats ef I didnt hear sumfn. Well, I knows what Isgwyne to do. Is gwyne to set down here and listen tell Ihears it agin

    y Whos there? / Say, who are you? What are you? Dog

    my cats if I didnt hear something. Well, I know what Iam going to do. I am going to sit down here and listentill I hear it again

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    y Second quotation: First encounter after they bothescape (p.49)

    y Hello Doan hurt me dont! I haint ever done noharm to a ghos. I awluz liked dead people, en done all Icould for em. You go en git in de river agin, wah youblongs, en doan do nuffn toOle Jim, at uz awluz yo


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    y Third quotation: Random argument(p.49)

    y I doan kyer what de widder say, he warnt no wise

    man, nuther. He had some er de dad-fetchedes ways Iever see. Does you know bout dat chile dat he uzgwyne to chop in two? / Well, den! Warnt dat debeatenes notion in de worl? You jes take en look at it

    a minute. Dahs de stum, dah Dats one er de women;heahs you Dats de yuther one;

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    y Fourth quotation: First contact with disappearedJim(p.229)

    y WhyHuck!En good Ian! Ain dat Misto Tom? / No,sah / I haint said nothing, sah / No, sah; not as Iknows on

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    y Fifth quotation: Goodbye Jim(p.280)

    y Dah, now, Huck, what I tell you? what I tell you up

    dah on Jackson islan? I tole you I got a hairy breas, enwhats de sign un it; en I tole you I ben rich wunst, engwineter to be rich agin; en its come true, en heah sheis! Dah, now! Doan talk to me signs is signs, mine I

    tell you; en I knowed jis s well at I uz gwineter berich agin as Is a stannin heah dis minute!

  • 8/7/2019 The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin


    y A very important novel that criticised racism andracial segregation

    y It also showed black people as humans, with their best

    sidey In the actual times is still a book which is read in


    y The adventures ofHuckleberry Fin is the first book in

    Major American Literature written in Vernacular