The Adventures of the Sister Witches: Spring Cleaning

The Adventures of the Sister Witches: Spring Cleaning Writer’s workshop story by: Kayla Janssen

Transcript of The Adventures of the Sister Witches: Spring Cleaning

The Adventures of the Sister Witches: Spring


Writer’s workshop story by:Kayla Janssen

On a beautiful, sunny day, there were three sister witches who awoke bright and early. When they awoke, Elsa, Elise, and Emily all shrieked in terror!


“AAAHHH,” screamed Elsa.“This place is a disaster!” shouted Elise.“We need to get this place tidied up,” exclaimed Emily.

So the sisters set to work dusting down old cobwebs so that way by Halloween, the new cobwebs would look perfect. They also swept all of the dust off of the floor so, like the cobwebs, the new layer would be perfect for Halloween.

Emily decided to look into their cauldron and YUCK! It had a nasty layer of old potions. She then set to work on scraping out the old so the new could be even better.

While Emily was cleaning the cauldron, Elsa and Elise set to work clearing out old potions from the cabinet.

“We haven’t used this one in years,” exclaimed Elise as she tossed the potion out of the window. She didn’t think about what that would do.

“We need to go through these more often otherwise something disastrous could happen if we used old potions,” said Elsa.

They all agreed that they would be more careful about the potions that they held onto.

As the sisters continued cleaning, two brothers decided that they were going to go for a relaxing afternoon walk. It just so happened that the path they took, led them right by the witch’s cottage.

As they were walking Tim smelled something very sweet.

“Mmmmm! Do you smell that Andrew? It smells so good!”

“I do smell that Tim! I wonder where it’s coming from?”

The brothers then set to work to find the source of the smell. As soon as they found it and sniffed a little sniff...


They were turned into cats!

“Oh no!” the brothers cried.

“This must be the witch’s cottage. We have to get them to figure out that we’re actually human,” said Andrew.

“But how on earth are we going to do that?” asked Tim.

“Follow me, I have a plan.”

So in they snuck to the witch’s cottage. There the brothers set to work on getting the witches to notice them and get themselves turned back into humans.

“What are these cats doing in here? We don’t have cats!” exclaimed Emily.

“I don’t know, but they are acting a little weird” stated Elsa.

As she said this the two cats stood on their back legs and began to walk around the room like humans. This caused the witches to stop what they were doing.

Seeing that they had the witch’s attention, Andrew and Tim continued on. The brothers then decided that maybe they should do human activities like sweep and dust, so one grabbed a broom and the other a duster.

It only took a short time for Elsa to figure out why there were cats in their cottage.

It only took a short time for Elsa to figure out why there were cats in their cottage.“Uh, guys. I think I understand why these cats are in here and why they are sweeping and dusting. When I was going through the potions earlier, I may have thrown one out the window.”

“Elsa!” Emily and Elise shouted together!

“We need to get these cats back to their right form” shouted Emily.

It only took a short time for Elsa to figure out why there were cats in their cottage.“Uh, guys. I think I understand why these cats are in here and why they are sweeping and dusting. When I was going through the potions earlier, I may have thrown one out the window.”

“Elsa!” Emily and Elise shouted together!

“We need to get these cats back to their right form” shouted Emily.

After adding all the ingredients in, the sister peered over the cauldron.

“This should do” the sisters stated together.

The sisters found a wooden bowl and filled it with water. In the bowl they dropped five drops of the magical potion.The brothers understood that the witches were not going to hurt them, so they went over to the bowls and took a sip.


The boys were themselves again. They thanked the witches and ran back home quickly to tell of their crazy, short adventure as cats.

“I think I learned my lesson” Elsa stated. “I need to be more careful when I’m going through potions.”

In the end, Elsa learned her lesson, and the witches got their cleaning done just in time to eat a slice of pumpkin pie and watch the sun disappear behind the horizon.