The Adventures Of The Hippies To Save The Chesapeake Bay

The Adventures of the Hippies out to Save the Chesapeake Bay One day two chickens lived on old man Jenkins farm. When old man Jenkins farm was shut down the chickens were sent to Perdue Farms. One dark and stormy night the two chickens, Squakey and Eggsy, tried to escape. They were cage mates and were in a really rusty cage together. They pecked open the lock and escaped while farmer Phadalia wasn’t looking! They were near a friend so they decided to go and see him to see if they could get anywhere to stay that night. Their friend’s name was Hammy. They got talking and Hammy started to tell them how the water was dirty he started rapping: “The water, the water is bringin’ me down, the water, the water is bringin’ me down!” They then heard a yelp from Squiddy, their friend. Flugan the blue crab rushed over to him. “What’s wrong?” asked Flugan. “I can barely breathe…” Squiddy tried to say. Flugan saw that there was small, round, plastic circles around his neck. He swam up to the shore and to go and get one of there friends Shaleah. “Shaleah, Shaleah!” he cried. “Yes, what is it?!” Shaleah asked. “Squiddy is in trouble Dudet!” Flugan said panting.

Transcript of The Adventures Of The Hippies To Save The Chesapeake Bay

Page 1: The  Adventures Of The Hippies To Save The  Chesapeake  Bay

The Adventures of the Hippies out to Save the

Chesapeake BayOne day two chickens lived on old man Jenkins farm. When old

man Jenkins farm was shut down the chickens were sent to Perdue Farms. One dark and stormy night the two chickens, Squakey and Eggsy, tried to escape. They were cage mates and were in a really rusty cage together. They pecked open the lock and escaped while farmer Phadalia wasn’t looking! They were near a friend so they decided to go and see him to see if they could get anywhere to stay that night. Their friend’s name was Hammy. They got talking and Hammy started to tell them how the water was dirty he started rapping:

“The water, the water is bringin’ me down, the water, the water is bringin’ me down!”

They then heard a yelp from Squiddy, their friend. Flugan the blue crab rushed over to him.

“What’s wrong?” asked Flugan.

“I can barely breathe…” Squiddy tried to say.

Flugan saw that there was small, round, plastic circles around his neck. He swam up to the shore and to go and get one of there friends Shaleah.

“Shaleah, Shaleah!” he cried.

“Yes, what is it?!” Shaleah asked.

“Squiddy is in trouble Dudet!” Flugan said panting.

Shaleah grabbed Flugan and told him to clip the circles off of Squiddy.

“What were those things?” Squiddy and Flugan asked

“Those were plastic rings off of water bottles” Shaleah answered.

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“Oh” they both said together.

What just happened, Dudes?” asked Squakey and Eggsy panting.

They explained what had just happened and they came to a conclusion that there was a real problem with the water in the Chesapeake Bay. So they asked if the water had always been this way. But no one knew about it.

”You know the water hasn’t always been this way, Dudes.” said a mellow turtle from behind them startling them. They all turned around and saw the oldest and wisest turtle they know. Humphrey. He has been around since… who - knows - when. If we could ask anyone any questions about this water, it would most definitely be him. We wish we would have only gone to him first, to save time. He lives, well everywhere. He’s like a turtle GPS. He knows pretty much everything! He explained to us that the water was never this bad. He also told us that we need to do something, and fast or it will always be this way.

“Hey Dudes, look!” Said Eggsy.

“What? “ Asked everyone else.

“There’s our friend Shaleah!” Said Eggsy.

“That’s groovy, Dudes.” Said Flugan. She was holding something in her hands. They walked over to her and started talking to her.

“What’s that in your hand?” they asked her.

“I’m putting up some of these signs for work.” She said

“Where’s our lava lamp? Oh wait, but why?” They asked.

“Because the beaches are so polluted people aren’t allowed to swim in them” She said, “I’m trying to get people to start cleaning it up.”

“I think they’re going against us hippies. Can we help?” they asked.

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“Sure but it’s really boring. I don’t think you’ll like it that much. Here, you can put these signs up.” She said passing Flugan some signs.

“Hey, Dudet” said Flugan

‘What?” said Shaleah

“These signs say no swimming! Said Flugan

“Yeah. What about them?”

“We love to swim in the Chesapeake, Dudes!”

Shaleah passed another sign to Eggsy.

“Hey how about instead of putting up signs that are just going to make it worse lets put signs to make it better,” said Eggsy.

“You know what Eggsy? You’re right. This isn’t helping at all.” Said Shaelah.

“Come on Dudes. Let’s go make some new signs!” Said Shaelah. Squakey and Hammy went down to the shore and took down all the signs that said “No swimming peeps.” Flugan was working with Eggsy making new signs that said “Save the fish. Leave the water mellow like Humphrey. Don’t pollute”

“Shaleah ,we took down all the old signs” said Squakey and Eggsy.

“That’s groovy guys” said Shaleah.

They got everyone in their neighborhood to help and try to make a difference. From that day on, the Chesapeake Bay has been getting better bit by bit.


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