The Adventures of Captain Cushing and His Pirate Crew -The Silvestris Amulet- Part One (of Three)

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Transcript of The Adventures of Captain Cushing and His Pirate Crew -The Silvestris Amulet- Part One (of Three)

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures of Captain Cushing and His Pirate Crew -The Silvestris Amulet- Part One (of Three)


    The Adventures of Captain Cushing and his Pirate CrewThe Silvestris Amulet: Part One (of Three)


    Seth Kumpf

    An all-ages childrens comic based on a rag-tag group of pirates who huntdown treasure, but rarely end up with it in their hands.

    (C) 2012 Seth Kumpf [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures of Captain Cushing and His Pirate Crew -The Silvestris Amulet- Part One (of Three)


    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 1 (3 Panels)

    1.1 Wide panel. Establishing shot

    of a pirate ship in the middleof the ocean under a noon-daysun. There is no land insight.

    Caption: Somewhere in the

    Applesian Ocean.

    Caption: On an extraordinarilyboring day.

    1.2 We see our crew for the firsttime. Caption boxes introduceour characters and they alllook super bored. Sally issnoring in deep sleep. Louieis fishing with a makeshiftfishing pole (i.e. a stickand string). Captain Cushingis unenthusiastically playingwith a drinking bird. Sallyis a young woman (25-ish) andthe cartographer of the group.She knows left from right andup from down and is one ofthe straight men of the group.Louie is a young first mate(13-ish) who has the logic buthis age keeps his intelligencelow. He is the other straight

    man. Captain Cushing is thetreasure-focused captain. Asmall drinking bird takes theplace of a parrot.

    Caption: Sally.

    SALLYPicture of a log sawing wood

    Caption: Louie.

    Caption: Captain Cushing.

    1.3 Peanut bursts out of thehull, screaming. Peanut isthe muscle of the group, notthe brains.

    Caption: Peanut.

    PEANUTI need water!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 2 (6 Panels)

    2.1 Wide panel. The crew stares at


    2.2 Wide panel. The crew looksdown at the water.

    2.3 Wide panel. The crew returnstheir stare at Peanut.

    2.4 1/3rd left of bottom. CaptainCushing speaks up.




    2.5 1/3rd middle of bottom. Peanutwalking over to the crew.

    PEANUTI a m s o thirsty. My mouth is sodry, see?

    2.6 1/3rd right of bottom. We seethe inside of Peanuts mouth.Nice little desert, completewith pyramid and lone foliage,

    rests on his tongue.


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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 3 (6 Panels)

    3.1 Louie notices he caught

    something with his fishingpole.


    Wallopin Walleye! I seemed tohave snagged something.

    3.2 Louie pulls the catch out ofthe water: A dark bottle withcontents unknown. Louie looksdevastated at the prank theocean played on him. Peanutscreams off panel.

    LOUIEOh...Its just a bottle.Nevermind.


    3.3 Louie turns around to seePeanut leaping through theair at him, grabbing for thebottle.

    PEANUTI need it!

    3.4 Peanut pulls the cork outwith a "POP!" as he holds itvictoriously in the air.

    Caption: POP!

    3.5 Peanut starts chugging thebottle in desperation, thecrew looks on, confused.

    3.6 Peanut starts choking. PEANUTHack! Wheeze! Cough! Ack!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 4 (6 Panels)

    4.1 Captain Cushing reaches his

    hand in Peanuts throat,rooting around.


    Hmm...What have we here?

    4.2 Captain Cushing pulls outa long, rolled up parchmentpaper, holding it high in theair.


    4.3 Captain Cushing sprawls it onthe floor of the boat.


    4.4 Close-up of the map, withCaptain Cushing pointing atan "X."

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGA treasure map!

    4.5 Captain Cushings pointing tothe sky.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGYou know what that means?

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGSet the sails, were going on anadventure!

    4.6 The crew cheers EVERYONEHooray!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 5 Splash page

    5.1 Their boat triumphantly sails

    the ocean, coming at thereader.

    Caption: The Adventures of Captain

    Cushing and his Pirate Crew

    Caption: The Silvestris AmuletPart 1 (of 3)

    Caption: By Seth Kumpf

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 6 (6 Panels)

    6.1 The boat sits under a gloomy,

    gray sky.

    Caption: Whooosh

    6.2 Captain Cushing at the wheel,calling out for Peanut.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGPeanut! Over here!

    6.3 Peanut responding. PEANUTYes, Captain Cushing?

    6.4 Captain Cushing talking. CAPTAIN CUSHINGStart making preparations. It

    looks like--

    6.5 Lightning coming from thunderclouds and heavy sheets ofrain coming down.

    Caption: KRA-KOOM!

    6.6 Captain Cushing at thewheel and Peanut beside him,drenched in rain with it stillcoming down in sheets.


    PEANUTYes, Captain Cushing.

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 7 (6 Panels)

    7.1 The crew is frantically

    running on the deck of theboat in the huge storm.

    7.2 Captain Cushing, surprised.Storm rages.


    7.3 The map blowing in the wind.Storm rages.

    Caption: Whooosh


    7.4 Sally tries to grab it as itflies around her. Storm rages.

    Caption: Swish


    7.5 Louie tries to grab it as itflies above him. Storm rages.

    Caption: Whoooo


    7.6 Peanut leaning halfwayover the stern of the ship,grabbing it in his hand. Stormrages.

    Caption: Snatch

    Caption: Ruuummmble

    PEANUTGot it!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 8 (5 Panels)

    8.1 Lightning striking the mast of

    the ship. Storm rages.

    Caption: KRA-KOOM

    8.2 Peanut looking behind him atthe falling mast. Storm rages.


    8.3 The broken mast knocks Peanutinto the water. Storm rages.

    Caption: Bump

    8.4 Peanut bobbing his head out ofthe water. Storm rages.


    PEANUTHelp! Ack!

    8.5 Captain Cushing, heroic,calling out for him. Stormrages.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGWere coming, Peanut!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 9 (5 Panels)

    9.1 Sally calling to Captain

    Cushing off panel, CaptainCushing turning his head.Storm rages.


    Captain Cushing!

    9.2 Sally standing in the middleof the burning ship. Stormrages.

    SALLYI need water.

    9.3 Captain Cushing looking superserious and being the bestdarn Captain Cushing he can.Storm rages.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGAlright, Hector. Time to shine.


    Louie, grab your fishing rod andreel in our friend!

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGSally! Grab a bucket and put outthat fire!

    9.4 Louie running across the shipwith his fishing pole. Stormrages.

    Caption: Ruuummmbbble

    9.5 Sally holding a bucket up inthe air catching water. Stormrages.

    Caption: Kra-koom

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 10 (6 Panels)

    10.1 Louie casts line. Storm rages. LOUIE

    Grab on!

    10.2 Sally throws water onto thefire. Storm rages.

    Caption: Splash

    10.3 Peanut gets pulled out of thewater. Storm rages.



    10.4 Sally throws more water ontothe fire. Storm rages.

    Caption: Sploosh

    10.5 Peanut and Louie take abreather now that theyre onthe boat. Storm rages.

    BOTHHuf. Huf. Wheeze. Pant.

    10.6 Sally looks pooped, surroundedby smoke. Storm rages.

    SALLYWhew. Huf. Pant. Wheeze.

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 11 (7 Panels)

    11.1 Louie and Peanut behind

    Captain Cushing, let him knowtheyre safe. Storm rages.


    Captain Cushing! Were allaccounted for.

    11.2 Sally behind Captain Cushing,letting him know theyre safe.Storm rages.

    SALLYAnd the fires out.

    11.3 Huge wave crashes againstthe front of the boat. Stormrages.

    Caption: Crash

    11.4 Captain Cushing at the wheelbarking orders. Storm rages.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGBatten down the hatches! Grabthose ropes. Pull those things!

    11.5 The crew pulling on a rope.Storm rages.

    Caption: Tug

    SALLYAll together now!

    LOUIEHold on!

    11.6 Captain Cushing barking orderssome more. Storm rages.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGJust a little more! I can see calmseas ahead!

    11.7 The crew flying through theair, Louie crashes off panel.Storm rages.

    Caption: CRASH!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 12 (5 Panels)

    12.1 Shot of the boat with the

    storm behind them.


    Whew. Thats the end of that...

    12.2 One last wave hits the boat. Caption: Crash


    12.3 Everyone tumbles through theair.

    Caption: THUD

    12.4 The crew gets up, dizzy. TheCaptain Cushing puts his hatback on.


    CAPTAIN CUSHINGSo were here?

    12.5 The (now ruined) boat ismarooned in sand. Sally peeksher head out, looking at themap.

    SALLYIt seems so.

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 13 (4 Panels)

    13.1 Peanut points to the broken up



    What should we do about the ship.Shes pretty busted.

    13.2 Captain Cushing, excited andarms stretched.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGWho cares! With the treasure wecan buy 1,000 ships!

    13.3 The crew starts walking awayfrom the ship.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGNow lets see...10,000paces...East.


    13.4 Continued from panel three.More sand, the crew in theforeground.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGAh, yes! West.

    LOUIEPant I need water.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGWith the treasure, we can buy

    1,000 waters!

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 14 (6 Panels)

    14.1 Long panel with the sun and

    crew on the left walkingthrough an empty desert.

    14.2 Long panel with the sun andcrew on the right, walkingthrough an empty desert.Vultures circle overhead.

    Caption: Caw

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGUgh. I need water.

    14.3 The crew stares, angrily atCaptain Cushing.

    14.4 Sally rips the map out ofCaptain Cushings hands.

    SALLYGive me that!


    14.5 Sally gestures over to a city,annoyed.

    SALLYIts over there.

    SALLYRight over there in the city.

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 15 (6 Panels)

    15.1 Looking over Captain Cushings

    shoulder we see him lookingat the middle of a marketplaceover his map.


    Aha! The "X" is right over there!

    15.2 Captain Cushing commandingPeanut and Louie.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGWell? What are you waiting for?Lets start digging.


    15.3 Captain Cushing angrily grabsthe shovel. CAPTAIN CUSHINGFine! Give me that shovel!

    15.4 Captain Cushing walks grumpilywith the shovel.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGGrumble Grumble Grumble.

    15.5 Captain Cushing starts diggingwhile the crew whistlesnonchalantly and the Atas lookshocked.

    CREWMusic note

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 16 (6 Panels)

    16.1 A Ata shouts with his arm out. ATA

    Hey! Stop! What are you doing!?

    16.2 The crew stares back, absent. CAPTAIN CUSHING...

    16.3 Captain Cushing questions him,looking at his shovel.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGIs this a trick question?

    16.4 Ata talks back to Captain



    Do I come into your area and startdigging holes!?

    16.5 Captain Cushing ponders thequestion.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGNo. But I live on a ship.


    16.6 Captain Cushing holds up his

    map to defend his point.


    Plus, I dont have a big "X" on myboat.

    CAPTAIN CUSHING...Or didnt.

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 17 (5 Panels)

    17.1 Ata grabs the map out of

    Captain Cushings map.


    Let me see this.

    17.2 Ata looks intently at the map. ATAHm.

    17.3 Ata notices what hes lookingat.

    ATAOh! I get it.

    17.4 Ata clarifying. ATA

    This is the Silvestris Amulet.

    17.5 Crew questions. Ata answersoff panel.

    CREWThe Sylvester Ambulance?

    ATAWell, you see...

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 18 (4 Panels) Flashback

    18.1 Person waving an anachronistic

    "U-TOW" truck on.Hieroglyphics on the side.

    Caption: "...Many centuries ago,

    my people came to this land.

    Caption: Beep Beep Beep

    DONKOROkay, Hank, back er up.

    18.2 Some Donkor trips oversomething in the sand.

    Caption: "While setting up hisnew home, my ancestor tripped oversomething in the sand.

    Caption: Trip


    18.3 Donkor digs through theground.

    Caption: Sift Sift

    DONKORWhat is this?

    18.4 Donkor uncovers the treasure. Caption: "When he investigated

    further, he found the SilvestriAmulet!


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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 19 (6 Panels) Flashback

    19.1 Pharaoh Simbel calls him over

    from his throne.

    Caption: "...But so did the

    Pharaoh Simbel.

    PHARAOH SIMBELYou there! What is that?

    19.2 Pharaoh Simbel gestures forhim to bring the treasureover.

    PHARAOH SIMBELYes, in your hands. Bring it tome.

    19.3 Donkor looks sad, looking down

    at "his" treasure.




    19.4 Donkor starts walking up themany steps to the throne.

    19.5 Pharaoh Simbel notices whatDonkor is holding.

    PHARAOH SIMBELWhat!? That amulet...

    19.6 Pharaoh Simbel bursts intotears.

    PHARAOH SIMBELIt looks just like my old cat. Oh,Fluffy.

    PHARAOH SIMBELI Miss you, Mr. Meowser!


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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 20 (3 Panels) Flashback

    20.1 Pharaoh Simbel gesturing


    Caption: "Everything changed from

    that day on.

    PHARAOH SIMBELEveryone stop what youre doingand look at me!

    20.2 The workers look puzzled.Question marks everywhere.

    20.3 Pharaoh Simbel holds up the

    cat-headed treasure.


    Start building cat monuments! Inhonor of my late Mr. Meowser.

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 21 (3 Panels) Flashback

    21.1 Workers in the hot sun next to

    a giant stone cat.

    Caption: "So my ancestors


    21.2 Workers old and weary. Tiredfrom the blazing sun.

    Caption: "...And worked...

    OLD WORKER 1Sweat

    OLD WORKER 2Pant

    OLD WORKER 3I need water.

    21.3 Large panel. A look at themonuments in the blisteringsun.

    Caption: "Until they completedwhat you see before you today."

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 22 (5 Panels)

    22.1 Ata talks. ATA

    We buried the amulet with thePharaoh Simbel. I can take youto the tomb if you wish.

    22.2 Captain Cushing throws mapaway.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGAwesome. Lets go!

    22.3 Sally asks Ata a question. SALLYYou dont mind us taking theAmulet? You guys seem to love


    22.4 Ata answers. ATAOh, not at all. Were all prettymuch dog people these days.

    ATAThey poop outside, yknow?

    22.5 Crew nods to themselves in



    Oh, yeah. Thats reasonable.

    ANYONEThat makes a lot of sense.

    ANYONEWhy would anyone want somethingthat poops inside?

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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 23 (5 Panels)

    23.1 Captain Cushing asks a

    question. Crew behind him.


    So you dont mind us rummagingthrough his sacred tomb?

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGHe was your bold, fearless leader,wasnt he?

    23.2 Ata answers. ATAWell, he was really bossy. He madeus work really hard in the hot sunto build those stupid monuments.

    ATAWe dont really mind. Takewhatever of his.

    23.3 Captain Cushing instantlyregrets asking the question.


    23.4 Captain Cushing looks behindhim, nervously, as the crewstares angrily at him. Captain

    Cushings speech gets smallerand smaller.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGYeah. Heh heh. Good thing Im notreally lkdfjaldsjfa;

    23.5 The crew stares wide-eyed asAta stands with hands on hip.

    ATAAnd here we are: Pharaoh SimbelSimbels tomb.


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    Panel Description Dialog

    Page 24 (2 Panels)

    24.1 Inset panel. Ata gesturing. ATA

    I dont really remember wherewe threw the amulet, but its inthose dark, scary tunnels.

    24.2 Splash page. A pyramid towersover the crew.

    CAPTAIN CUSHINGProbably surrounded by mummies...

    LOUIEAnd spiders...

    SALLYAnd snakes...

    PEANUTAnd werewolves...

    Caption: Next! Maze of theMoth-Eaten Mummies!