The Adult in Society. Adult Male Development There are 5 periods of adult male development: 1.Early...

The Adult in Society

Transcript of The Adult in Society. Adult Male Development There are 5 periods of adult male development: 1.Early...

The Adult in


Adult Male DevelopmentThere are 5 periods of adult male development:There are 5 periods of adult male development:

1.1. Early Adult TransitionEarly Adult Transition

2.2. Entering the Adult WorldEntering the Adult World

3.3. The Age 30 TransitionThe Age 30 Transition

4.4. The Settling Down PeriodThe Settling Down Period

5.5. Mid-Life TransitionMid-Life Transition

Adult Female DevelopmentThere are 3 phases of adult female There are 3 phases of adult female


1.1. Leaving the FamilyLeaving the Family

2.2. Entering the Adult WorldEntering the Adult World

3.3. Entering the Adult World AgainEntering the Adult World Again

The World of WorkThe Labor Force consists of all individuals age 16 The Labor Force consists of all individuals age 16 and older who are employed in paid positions or and older who are employed in paid positions or who are seeking paid employment.who are seeking paid employment.

ProfessionProfession: a high-status occupation that : a high-status occupation that requires specialized skills obtained requires specialized skills obtained through formal educationthrough formal education

Unemployment: Unemployment: someone who does not someone who does not have a job but is actively seeking one.have a job but is actively seeking one.

Unemployment rateUnemployment rate: percentage of : percentage of unemploymentunemployment

Changing Nature of Work

The world of work has changed in the last 100 The world of work has changed in the last 100 years:years:

In 1900s: farming and manufacturing jobsIn 1900s: farming and manufacturing jobs

Midcentury: manufacturing jobsMidcentury: manufacturing jobs

2000s: professional, office work, sales and 2000s: professional, office work, sales and service jobs service jobs

Job Satisfaction

Factors contributing to job satisfactionFactors contributing to job satisfaction

Control over their workControl over their work

Use of their skills and talentsUse of their skills and talents

Appropriate recognition and praiseAppropriate recognition and praise

Salary and benefitsSalary and benefits

On-the-job stressOn-the-job stress

The Later YearsGerontologyGerontology: the scientific study of the : the scientific study of the

processes and phenomena of agingprocesses and phenomena of aging

Challenges faced by adults in later years: Challenges faced by adults in later years:

Adjustment to RetirementAdjustment to Retirement

Physical and Mental AdjustmentsPhysical and Mental Adjustments

New opportunities or freedom to try new New opportunities or freedom to try new things things