The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1901-05-01 [p...

t i THE ADAIR COUNTY NUV8 VOLUME 4 OOLUMBIA ADAIE COUNTY KENTUOKI WEDNESDAY MAY 1 1901 NUMBER 2rK r t POSTUJBVFICE DIRECTORY j M Russell Postmaster Office hour 1weekdaysI700 a mto830 pm I COURT DIRECTORY CiBCUiTCoURTThree sessions a y earThird Monday In My and Monday In January third Monday In September Circuit JiiJgeW WJones Aarn Commonwealth s Atto eyN HW SherilfJ W Huti ClerkJnoBCoffey COUNTY CouBTPirst Monday In each month judgoJ W Butler J County AttorneyJas Of tnettJr ChrkTll Stults slierS II AlHcVell AssessorO A Bradshaw 3urToyorRT McCaffree School SuptW D Jones CoronerLeonard Fletcher 11TY COURTRegular court second Monday In ach month idgeJ W Atkins orney Gordon Montgomery CHURCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTER N BunMvxLU STMETRev T P Walton Services second and fourth Sundays Sundaysch- oolat9aemesezyabbath night METHODIST BonKSVitLB STBEBTRCT W P Gordon pastor Services first Sunday in each month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 a m Prayer meeting Thursday night BPTIST GBEBNSBUBa 8TBBBT BOV actor Services third Sunday In each month landayschol every Sabbath at 9 L m Prayer meeting Tuesdav night CHRIST CAJIPBBILVILIE PIKB Elder L Williams Pa3tor Services First Sunday In each month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 am Prayer meeting Wednesday nigh- tLODGES MASONIC COLUMBIA LODGE No 96 F and A MBegu ar meeting in their hall over bank on Fri ¬ day night on or before the full moon In each month a A KEMP WM TB STOWS Secj COLUMBIA CHAPTER R A M No7 meets first Monday night in each month- J E MUBBELL H P as AND ALL Secretary Market Prop tel has been re ¬ ready for of with reasonable the best Proprietors KYM HOTEL stable at ¬ recently opened the start Mrs department and at all times affords The very polite to and the building houses First Laundry KY Terms very f rnOROOGHLY equipped modern I laundry plant conducted by exper enced workmen and doing as high rade work as can be turned out an lace In the country Patronize vome institution Work of Adair Uiisstill Taplor and Green Sliidtcri ibis JOJiNST011GQ > Pro 1 REED MILLER Agents ldllnblaKentucky obst nations to good frotit ro Liver Stomach npi L1t t10 Ltvoror p iofli fl JItJ a Cnalc rs ld t V 6ujp r i i- t a r I NOTORIOUS MEN Only one Left of the James Gang to Greet the Younger Boys From a rolling conversation with Frank Tames I learned that when the Younger boys came out of the Minne ¬ apolis prison after putting in a quar ¬ ter of a century there that they will find on the outside scarcely asingle one of the old crowd that went up and down the line with them in their boy ¬ hood days C W Quantrell the noted leader of the famed Quantrells baud started on the Blackwater on his raid into Kan- sas at the time Lawence Kan was sacked and over 100 citizens killed That was late in the fall of 1863 and soon after Quantrell was killed in Ken ¬ Lucky Five years later Lieutenant Lull a Chicago policeman went nut into Mis ¬ souri for the purpose of making free warren of the members of Quantrells band He killed John Younger the oldest of the famous brothers A few days later while riding out on horse back Lull was shot and killed from am- bush ¬ and his body sent back to Chica ¬ go for burial Bud McDaniels one of the most noted of the gang who rob ¬ bed the Kansas Pacific train at Mun cis seven miles from Kansas City was hunted to the woods riddled withI buckshot by the pursuing party brought back and died in the Law ¬ rence jail- Thompson McDaniete while robbing the Huntington W Va bank awyI back in the sixties was shot and killed by the pursuing party Bob Ford who killed Jesse James in 1882 died of consumption and some say remorse a year ago Charlie Ford his accomplice w as shot and killed two years later in a sa ¬ loon row at Crccde Oil Wood Hite who was the leader at the Glendale Winstju and Blue Cut robberie fled to KentncKy after the Blue Cut robbery biled auotUccrI there returned to Ray couuty Mo wherein turn he was killed by Bob Ford and Kick Little r Bill Anderson another prominent member of the James gang returned to Ray county in 1868 and was killed near Richmond Jim Inman as fear ¬ less and desperate a man as Quantrell bad in his commond escaped from Mis ¬ souri after the Blue Cut but a little later was killed in Kentucky Andy McGuire was arrested in Jack ¬ son county for participating in the Richmond bank robbery and taken to that point One night a mob took him from the jail and hanged him to the highest tree Ol Shepherd was with his brother at the Russellville bank robbery He fled to Missouri from Kentucky and was killed near Lees Summit in this State by the detectives who were fol ¬ lowing him Jack Keene was arrested for partici ¬ pating in the Huntington W Va bank robbery when Tom McDaniels was killed He is only known by his alias Jack Keene and is serving a long term for his work George Shepherd who with his brother 01 and several of the gaDgI robbed the Russellville Kv bank in 63 and served a term for his act claimed the proud distinction of once having shot Jesse James in the back of the head during a quarrel is now said to be living near Kansas City Jim Cummings was raised in Clay county Mo and joined the gang in 1870 He was at the Glendale robbery but not at Winston or Blue Cut He was chased out of Missouri and has never been heard of since George Todd who was considered one of Quantrells most daring men was killednear Independence during Prices raid by Union soldiers Ed Miller a brother of Clell Miller who was killed at the Northfield Minn affair joined the James gang In 1877 He was Inat the lust Glendale robbery in 1381 Ire was kl ed by nnoofthe ga m crier tbn hill t rtherpiilta tis wild Tnckir BitMiiUn nit of I twgallL vv participated m the Giunditlinraiu rob Ihery and was capturod and af Urward txSrr tlfy araftit the James toys was killed OCr GrIt BdI11D by a mvmh T or Lit sunl > rung fr tg IJnfi d al i HaJj ° u ai f h ga yu known us the Jackson County Terror was killed by Jim Crow Chiles anoth ¬ er of the gang who accused Jones of stealing his horse Jim Crow Chiles who slew Jones teas killed shortly after by a citizen of Independence during a street fight So it will be seen that the only one of the old crowd left on earth Is Frank James staid and sober old citizen of this town who dreads notoriety and who asks nothing of bis fellow men these days but to be let aloneKans- as ¬ City cor to Minneapolis Journal Sixty Years a Trhmp John Lynch aged 80 who died the other day used to boast that be was the oldest tramp in the United States told some of his experiences to a few friends jnst before he died Lynch came to the United States from Ireland 60 years ago He said in summing up his long life as a hobo It is better after all to work than to beg But after a man gets a start of 10 or 20 years as a tramp he makes up his mind that it is then too late to begin a new life of labor I began tramping because I was disappointed I just wandered about not caring what became of me Why I couldnt get sick couldnt take cold couldnt freeze or starve I dont say I tried to I got careless the very first year of my wandirings It made no difference to me whether I was shaved or well dressed No one knew me Sleeping on the ground nev- er ¬ gave me rheumatics In the sum- mer ¬ nights I took asvira In mill dams course but never bathed in winter It is a great mistake for men to chill their blood or make it too hot by cold or hot baths Waiting is the best exercise of all Coldcoarse eating is the best for man Generally tramps live toa good old age This is helped by their being free from mental cares Every tramp I ever metI in my GO years experience always had a regular circle to swing around in I am now ulkinir of a tramp in I lie bui- ne for yea is In the circle he swiigs in be Isjams to know every body worth knowing and he is never in want of atieg or a place tu sleip In summer the best place to rust and scep is in the woods 1 never Clf ed to sleep in tramp beds provided at farmhouses Give me a straw stack in the dead of winter I always avoid a haymow There is a lifegiving something in straw that builds a man up Ob yes I drank snnc liquor in myI time As iiviu grows old he needs exI tra nourishment and stimulant Tramps when they wear thin clothes look cold but they aint They do not want overcoats But a halfdozen vests is nothing I have no pointers to give only tblsI let all young men avoid tramp life To have the pity und the fcarof the peo- ple is an awful burden To know and feel that you are only a worm Is sad While tramps become hardened and have no silfrespect yet there are times when the toughest men think over things ond get ashamed After all my experience I can truly say that it is a lie that the world owes every man a living Every man owes the world the price of his daily existence That is the truth And If a man be ¬ haves himself and dues what is right that price will be dead easyNew- York Sun He Kiiit His Leg Twelve years ago J W Sullivan of Hartford Conn scratched his let with a rusty wire Infiamation and blood polsngset in For two years he suffered intensely Then the best doc tors urged amputation but he write I used one bottle of Eclectrlc Bitters aud 112 of Buekiens Arnica Salve and my leg was sound ana well as ever For EerJj ons t Exzema Tetter Salt Rheum Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth TU them T E Paull will guarantee satisfaction or refund money Only 50 cents Th harmer Uuui4 Fire j iiijuuy Junction City Ky 8200000 T 1S 1 inures all kinds of property t pi trefl iiiHl hitiip god lubaccn Rtr ruaMiiatilc Insures against Firp LlgbtiiiUKuutl Wind 1 5M STAPLES County Director TA Muimiat Agent A N WELLS for many years wit ff esFU1i h1Ryr L 111 r ti I 0r- h r A Pen Picture of Senator Deboe To what complexion has the Repub lican party in Kentucky come when it will sit silent under the domlnatItm0 the impossible Deboe by virtue oj good luck and audacity a member of the U S Senate The leaders who made Re ¬ publicanism respectable the old dais have been thrown aside that he may for six years more pose In the great- est deliberative body on earth as the most monumental ass that ever strayed from a barnyard If intelligence were an epidemic with norms so thick that they could be sawed into paying blocks Deboe could not catch a gleam If an idea were by chance to enter his head it would starve to death before Itcoulrl make the journey through the desert waste where the gray matter is found in the ordinary human skull If Dar ¬ win is right and no earnest student can read his Descentof Man without giving his theory serious consideration I Deboe should now be banging by hiS tall from the branches of a coacoanut tree in Central Africa Instead of be ¬ spattering the walls of the United States Senate with mangled parts of speechHis address on the Nicaraugua Cana was the vaporing of an idiot The tra ¬ ditional bull in the China shop was gentlemanly in bit conduct compared with what Deboe did to his mother tongue in that harsh of stolen ideas and uutelligible glbbealsh lIe wouH not know a past participle if he met one in the road and if some one were to men- tion ¬ a split infinitive In his presence he would want to know what district the gentleman represented The density of thss fellows ignoaance is so great that it can not be measured A geol gist would have to cut through a sub- strata of dullness so wide and deep that he would find in the palezoic debris traces of the mammoth and Dodo bird and other extinct species If Deboe could be mummified as he is in the full lower and radiance of his idiocy he would be tho coos valuable asset In pos cwlnn of the National Museum From the Sils of his Nil 11 sLoe > to the crown of his No 4 hat theres not an inch of him that is not soakrd with conceit fie Is entirely satisfied with himself He can look wise and know less than any thing yet di covered with the ability to talk And this is the in ¬ spired statesman in whose behalf the National administration is wrecking the Republican party in Kentucky He must be returned to the United States Senate at all hazards A reunited and determined Democracy will save the Stile that disgrace DafTE OSulli vans Free Lane Your Boy Father if you have a good moral in- dustrious ¬ boy the chances are tbat you do not fully appreciate his true worth If you have such a boy some day pause on the street and take a look at some boy you know to have grown up in idleness and vice lounging around the streets without any object or aim in the world except to finally fool some innocent unsuspecting giddy girl into marrying him Then go directly be ¬ fore your mind hiss wandered into a careless matter of course mood and take a look at your own boy whom you will find hard at work in working hours a bright open countenance with a view of making a man of himself Then have the courage and frankness to step up to tbatboy and say Son I am proud of you and your mother Is even happier over your habits and manners than 1 am for a mothers love and appreciatoh beats all else1 Father if you hue a bad boy first ask yourself what is tne cause of his condi- tion ¬ then go to work to devise some means to at least partially rectify the trouble Perhaps youjnay be more at fault for the boys condition than any one else Father associate with your boy never shun him I always feel like taking off my hat when I meet a good moral Industrious boy we need more of them in the worldEx A Raging Roaring Flood Washed dpwu u telegraph line which te G repair Standing waist deep in icy wHtwr he writes gave me a terrible cId and cough It strew worse dally Finally the best doctors In Oakland Xvb Sioux City and Gmabasald I had Consumption and could not l1e Timer I began iislng Dr Kings New DiscoV buth ¬ tles P re or roughs Cil fail ro tandLun tniiiiiies T E Pu irlceSOoand 8100 < 7 LIDN v f > 1 p y I- A FvEE LUXURY WITHsr THE REAC OF ALL lr IWatch our next advertisement to with want LION COFFEE because it is LION COFFEE If on you want a in to hide imperfections is highly polished with eggs and preparations then do not LIO COFFEE rCIf on ing it It is used in millions of because it the coffee in the world for If take and try it oesutpttvelist ti whichwill to their happiness comfort and convenience andwhich may kl sealedpackages 6 CO TOLEDO r Loan Office Insurance Policies BOUGHT FOR CASH OR LOANED UPON Farm Timber Optioned SALE OR EXCHANGED ON We Furnish Abstracts to Deeds AND OIL LEASES T J CRESS N P MonticeHo Ky Ollicc W P Crete Co Atty If You Want A DRIfLI BUGGY SADDLK BIUDLEI GERMAN MILLET TIlE Im H EERTILiZEII IK TOWN ON Wm FJPFFRIES SON I Drs G Goldstein Optic Specialists O fourth flve Louisville Ku Consultation and ex 4 miuation FKEK These gentlemen are professionals or Lug experience bcini sons ot the lac A Goldstein who was as aa optician throughout KentucU The finest Glasses can be on short notice Drs Goldstein Employs No AGENTS 41 Columbia AND 6 mPb61SVm SMgG tine GOOD COMFORTABLE SAFE DRIVER i Courteous Attention to Passenoors I Iwves Cdlumtb 3 it in and walccs iqnir c tin t th train JXts Cainpl els yule aud rRJMatuf cr arrival of Lo Isrl le train i t Dilycxcpt Calls a A cum It p1d QERQii LFE Prop co f IJ Ordalll Go breed at 1000 011 insure a mare with foil money inallcysesvlon fact is ascertained iciivwl front the neighbor noorl lort111 PcacMk has pr v n hjtnseir tobMWf the lnt tv otdtrs in Kciiiucky His c1 s have shown Hgalujb the beet hurscsiu the State antI have always been SLarHlp twoyearold was in twentytwo lings and won 1 will stand my two tine j cks at 87 lo insure a marts with fial due wlioT fast is ic or mare re mo The jacks err 11i breeders and ihdr colts I the highest price I also cll fate Chicago Fertilizer at 125 to 15Qpr hundred When in Gradi yilJc ad want the best goody at the lowest call on me 1 handle No3AS If you went to a lion whelp you wouldnt accept a kitten as a substitute even if the dealer urges you Now accept a substi ¬ tute for 0FFEE 0 It is bound turn out a com ¬ mon yellow cat none of T the strength of the lion You the other hand coffee which order buy ¬ homes is best the price you doubt this a single package home some contribute they have by WOOLSOH SPICE OHIO fo Life Lands FOR SHORT NOTICE CORN SEhil CALL R 1 544 knoJu furnished STOCK STAGE C6asvDle Sonday < to Qradyviiie and to the beststallioninI Kentucky < ITQ been winners Jnrdati shown ircmhifahbirlJoirti trained always briii market I prices buy dont LION other I twcntyouc Hues siVLiil of tluui be i I trn 1 of war Cvlinniia owns three Jordans rolL < Lit cannot be jiur chased fur less than 10 each His lllls have been sum ti my certain knowledge from 100 to 1600 I H Alt ANTEE his cults to he sound or no pay GOV ST JOHN AND JOE money All core will taken to prevent acct ¬ dent Lit titt responsible should any odor Good grass at CO cents per week or grain fed at cost everything in the way of Dry Goods I Notions Groceries Hardware Buggies Oshorne Machines Corn Drills etc iGive me a call JW L GRADY Gradyvillec w- o STEPHENS DEALER IS Dry Goods Notions Boots Shoes I aso keep a large stock of 1 CJOTHINd which can be bought at tho very lowest prices- I havo a nice line of MILLINERY on hands 1 BLEHORH KENTUCKY 9 = R You Gets the Profits 7cI Pecocl iIlhlll agtes ber ore cut out with the manufacturer you pay only the cost of youX X fullest assortment Our plan of V Singio No1N SewIIairp 17L I Selling Carriages losures satlefactionrour money t < SAII jelled Our complcto ntartrated DirectNI Nrke or high grade i t and horse etuipmeats tionaof escb maned free THE COLLLIMBUS v- ex 772 CMnmbye hIe c iS5 r- St it- a 1 r r r

Transcript of The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1901-05-01 [p...

Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1901-05-01 [p ] · look cold but they aint They do not want overcoats But a halfdozen vests





j M Russell PostmasterOffice hour 1weekdaysI700 a mto830 p m



CiBCUiTCoURTThree sessions a yearThirdMonday In My and

Monday In Januarythird Monday In SeptemberCircuit JiiJgeW WJones AarnCommonwealth s Atto eyN H W

SherilfJ W HutiClerkJnoBCoffey

COUNTY CouBTPirst Monday In each month

judgoJ W ButlerJ County AttorneyJas Of tnettJr

ChrkTll StultsslierS II AlHcVell

AssessorO A Bradshaw3urToyorRT McCaffree

School SuptW D JonesCoronerLeonard Fletcher

11TY COURTRegular court second Monday In

ach monthidgeJ W Atkins

orney Gordon Montgomery



BunMvxLU STMETRev T P Walton

Services second and fourth SundaysSundaysch-oolat9aemesezyabbath



pastor Services first Sunday in each monthSundayschool every Sabbath at 9 a m Prayermeeting Thursday night



actor Services third Sunday In each monthlandayschol every Sabbath at 9 L m Prayermeeting Tuesdav night



Pa3tor Services First Sunday In each

month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 amPrayer meeting Wednesday nigh-



COLUMBIA LODGE No 96 F and A MBeguar meeting in their hall over bank on Fri ¬

day night on or before the full moon In each

month a A KEMP WMT B STOWS Secj


first Monday night in each month-J E MUBBELL H P







has been re¬

ready forof


the best




stable at¬

recently openedthe start Mrsdepartment and

at all timesaffords The

very polite toand the building

houses First



Terms very

f rnOROOGHLY equipped modernI

laundry plant conducted by exper

enced workmen and doing as high

rade work as can be turned out an

lace In the country Patronizevome institution Work of AdairUiisstill Taplor and Green Sliidtcri

ibis JOJiNST011GQ > Pro1 REED MILLER Agents

ldllnblaKentuckyobst nations to goodfrotitro

Liver Stomach npiL1t t10 Ltvororp ioflifl JItJ

aCnalc rs ld tV 6ujp r

i i-

t a rI


Only one Left of the James Gang toGreet the Younger Boys

From a rolling conversation withFrank Tames I learned that when theYounger boys came out of the Minne ¬

apolis prison after putting in a quar ¬

ter of a century there that they will

find on the outside scarcely asingleone of the old crowd that went up anddown the line with them in their boy ¬

hood days

C W Quantrell the noted leader of

the famed Quantrells baud started on

the Blackwater on his raid into Kan-

sas at the time Lawence Kan was

sacked and over 100 citizens killedThat was late in the fall of 1863 andsoon after Quantrell was killed in Ken ¬


Five years later Lieutenant Lull aChicago policeman went nut into Mis ¬

souri for the purpose of making freewarren of the members of Quantrellsband He killed John Younger theoldest of the famous brothers A few

days later while riding out on horse

back Lull was shot and killed from am-



and his body sent back to Chica ¬

go for burial Bud McDaniels one of

the most noted of the gang who rob ¬

bed the Kansas Pacific train at Mun

cis seven miles from Kansas City was

hunted to the woods riddled withIbuckshot by the pursuing partybrought back and died in the Law ¬

rence jail-

Thompson McDaniete while robbingthe Huntington W Va bank awyIback in the sixties was shot and killed

by the pursuing party

Bob Ford who killed Jesse James in1882 died of consumption and some

say remorse a year ago

Charlie Ford his accomplice w asshot and killed two years later in a sa ¬

loon row at Crccde Oil

Wood Hite who was the leader atthe Glendale Winstju and Blue Cutrobberie fled to KentncKy after theBlue Cut robbery biled auotUccrIthere returned to Ray couuty Mo

wherein turn he was killed by Bob

Ford and Kick Little r

Bill Anderson another prominentmember of the James gang returnedto Ray county in 1868 and was killednear Richmond Jim Inman as fear¬

less and desperate a man as Quantrellbad in his commond escaped from Mis ¬

souri after the Blue Cut but a littlelater was killed in Kentucky

Andy McGuire was arrested in Jack ¬

son county for participating in theRichmond bank robbery and taken tothat point One night a mob tookhim from the jail and hanged him tothe highest tree

Ol Shepherd was with his brother atthe Russellville bank robbery He fled

to Missouri from Kentucky and was

killed near Lees Summit in thisState by the detectives who were fol ¬

lowing him

Jack Keene was arrested for partici ¬

pating in the Huntington W Va

bank robbery when Tom McDaniels

was killed He is only known by hisalias Jack Keene and is serving a long

term for his work

George Shepherd who with hisbrother 01 and several of the gaDgIrobbed the Russellville Kv bank in63 and served a term for his act

claimed the proud distinction of once

having shot Jesse James in the backof the head during a quarrel is now

said to be living near Kansas City

Jim Cummings was raised in Clay

county Mo and joined the gang in

1870 He was at the Glendale robbery

but not at Winston or Blue Cut Hewas chased out of Missouri and hasnever been heard of since

George Todd who was considered one

of Quantrells most daring men was

killednear Independence during Pricesraid by Union soldiers

Ed Miller a brother of Clell Millerwho was killed at the NorthfieldMinn affair joined the James

gang In 1877 He was Inat the lustGlendale robbery in 1381 Ire was kled by nnoofthe ga m crier tbn hill trtherpiiltatis wild

Tnckir BitMiiUn nit of I twgallL vv

participated m the Giunditlinraiu rob

Ihery and was capturod and af UrwardtxSrrtlfy araftit the James toys was killed

OCr GrIt BdI11D by a mvmh T

or Lit sunl > rung f r tg IJnfi

d al i

HaJj ° u ai f h ga yu

known us the Jackson County Terrorwas killed by Jim Crow Chiles anoth ¬

er of the gang who accused Jones ofstealing his horse

Jim Crow Chiles who slew Jonesteas killed shortly after by a citizen ofIndependence during a street fight

So it will be seen that the only one

of the old crowd left on earth Is FrankJames staid and sober old citizen ofthis town who dreads notoriety andwho asks nothing of bis fellow menthese days but to be let aloneKans-as


City cor to Minneapolis Journal

Sixty Years a Trhmp

John Lynch aged 80 who died theother day used to boast that be was

the oldest tramp in the United Statestold some of his experiences to a few

friends jnst before he died

Lynch came to the United Statesfrom Ireland 60 years ago He said insumming up his long life as a hobo

It is better after all to work thanto beg But after a man gets a startof 10 or 20 years as a tramp he makesup his mind that it is then too late tobegin a new life of labor I began

tramping because I was disappointedI just wandered about not caring whatbecame of me

Why I couldnt get sick couldnttake cold couldnt freeze or starve Idont say I tried to I got careless thevery first year of my wandirings Itmade no difference to me whether Iwas shaved or well dressed No one

knew me Sleeping on the ground nev-


gave me rheumatics In the sum-


nights I took asvira In mill damscourse but never bathed in winter

It is a great mistake for men to chilltheir blood or make it too hot by coldor hot baths

Waiting is the best exercise of allColdcoarse eating is the best for manGenerally tramps live toa good old ageThis is helped by their being free frommental cares Every tramp I ever metIin my GO years experience always hada regular circle to swing around in Iam now ulkinir of a tramp in I lie bui-ne for yea is In the circle he swiigsin be Isjams to know every body worthknowing and he is never in want ofatieg or a place tu sleip

In summer the best place to rustand scep is in the woods 1 never Clfed to sleep in tramp beds provided atfarmhouses Give me a straw stackin the dead of winter I always avoid

a haymow There is a lifegivingsomething in straw that builds a manup

Ob yes I drank snnc liquor in myItime As iiviu grows old he needs exItra nourishment and stimulantTramps when they wear thin clotheslook cold but they aint They do notwant overcoats But a halfdozenvests is nothing

I have no pointers to give only tblsIlet all young men avoid tramp life Tohave the pity und the fcarof the peo-

ple is an awful burden To know andfeel that you are only a worm Is sad

While tramps become hardened andhave no silfrespect yet there aretimes when the toughest men thinkover things ond get ashamed Afterall my experience I can truly say thatit is a lie that the world owes everyman a living Every man owes theworld the price of his daily existenceThat is the truth And If a man be ¬

haves himself and dues what is rightthat price will be dead easyNew-York Sun

He Kiiit His LegTwelve years ago J W Sullivan of

Hartford Conn scratched his letwith a rusty wire Infiamation andblood polsngset in For two years hesuffered intensely Then the best doctors urged amputation but hewrite I used one bottle of EclectrlcBitters aud 112 of Buekiens ArnicaSalve and my leg was sound ana wellas ever For EerJj ons t Exzema

Tetter Salt Rheum Sores and allblood disorders Electric Bitters has norival on earth TU them T E Paullwill guarantee satisfaction or refundmoney Only 50 cents

Th harmer Uuui4 Firej iiijuuy Junction City Ky 8200000

T 1S 1 inures all kinds of propertyt pi trefl iiiHl hitiip god lubaccn

Rtr ruaMiiatilc Insures againstFirp LlgbtiiiUKuutl Wind

15M STAPLES County DirectorTA Muimiat Agent

A N WELLS for many years witff esFU1i h1Ryr


111 r ti I




A Pen Picture of Senator Deboe

To what complexion has the Republican party in Kentucky come when itwill sit silent under the domlnatItm0the impossible Deboe by virtue oj good

luck and audacity a member of the US Senate The leaders who made Re ¬

publicanism respectable the old daishave been thrown aside that he mayfor six years more pose In the great-

est deliberative body on earth as themost monumental ass that ever strayedfrom a barnyard If intelligence were

an epidemic with norms so thick thatthey could be sawed into paying blocks

Deboe could not catch a gleam If anidea were by chance to enter his headit would starve to death before Itcoulrlmake the journey through the desertwaste where the gray matter is found

in the ordinary human skull If Dar ¬

win is right and no earnest studentcan read his Descentof Man withoutgiving his theory serious consideration I

Deboe should now be banging by hiS

tall from the branches of a coacoanuttree in Central Africa Instead of be ¬

spattering the walls of the UnitedStates Senate with mangled parts of


address on the Nicaraugua Canawas the vaporing of an idiot The tra¬

ditional bull in the China shop wasgentlemanly in bit conduct compared

with what Deboe did to his mothertongue in that harsh of stolen ideas anduutelligible glbbealsh lIe wouH notknow a past participle if he met one in

the road and if some one were to men-



a split infinitive In his presence hewould want to know what district thegentleman represented The densityof thss fellows ignoaance is so greatthat it can not be measured A geol

gist would have to cut through a sub-strata of dullness so wide and deep thathe would find in the palezoic debristraces of the mammoth and Dodo birdand other extinct species If Deboecould be mummified as he is in the fulllower and radiance of his idiocy hewould be tho coos valuable asset In

pos cwlnn of the National Museum

From the Sils of his Nil 11 sLoe > tothe crown of his No 4 hat theres notan inch of him that is not soakrd withconceit fie Is entirely satisfied withhimself He can look wise and knowless than anything yet di covered withthe ability to talk And this is the in ¬

spired statesman in whose behalf theNational administration is wreckingthe Republican party in Kentucky He

must be returned to the United StatesSenate at all hazards A reunited and

determined Democracy will save theStile that disgrace DafTE OSullivans Free Lane

Your Boy

Father if you have a good moral in-



boy the chances are tbat you

do not fully appreciate his true worthIf you have such a boy some day

pause on the street and take a look atsome boy you know to have grown upin idleness and vice lounging aroundthe streets without any object or aimin the world except to finally fool some

innocent unsuspecting giddy girl intomarrying him Then go directly be ¬

fore your mind hiss wandered into acareless matter of course mood andtake a look at your own boy whom you

will find hard at work in workinghours a bright open countenance witha view of making a man of himselfThen have the courage and franknessto step up to tbatboy and say Son Iam proud of you and your mother Is

even happier over your habits andmanners than 1 am for a motherslove and appreciatoh beats all else1Father if you hue a bad boy first askyourself what is tne cause of his condi-



then go to work to devise some

means to at least partially rectify thetrouble Perhaps youjnay be more atfault for the boys condition than anyone else Father associate with yourboy never shun him I always feel

like taking off my hat when I meet agood moral Industrious boy we needmore of them in the worldEx

A Raging Roaring FloodWashed dpwu u telegraph line whichteG

repair Standing waist deep in icy

wHtwr he writes gave me a terriblecId and cough It strew worse dallyFinally the best doctors In OaklandXvb Sioux City and Gmabasald I had

Consumption and could not l1e Timer

I began iislng Dr Kings New DiscoVbuth¬

tles P re orroughs Cil fail ro tandLuntniiiiiies T E Pu irlceSOoand8100 <


LIDN vf>1





IWatch our next advertisement


want LION COFFEE because it is LION COFFEEIf on you want a in to hide imperfections is highly

polished with eggs and preparations then do not

LIO COFFEErCIfoning it It is used in millions of because it the coffee in the world for

If take and try itoesutpttvelist tiwhichwill to their happiness comfort and convenience andwhich may klsealedpackages 6



Loan OfficeInsurance Policies



Farm Timber Optioned



We Furnish Abstracts to Deeds


T J CRESS N P MonticeHo Ky

Ollicc W P Crete Co Atty

If You WantA





Drs G Goldstein

Optic SpecialistsO

fourth flve Louisville Ku

Consultation and ex 4

miuation FKEK

These gentlemen are professionals or Lugexperience bcini sons ot the lac A Goldstein

who was as aa optician throughoutKentucU The finest Glasses can beon short notice

Drs Goldstein Employs No


41 ColumbiaAND

6mPb61SVm SMgG tine



Courteous Attention to PassenoorsI

Iwves Cdlumtb 3 it in and walccs iqnir ctin t th train JXts Cainpl elsyule aud rRJMatuf cr arrival of Lo Isrl letrain i

tDilycxcpt Calls a A cum Itp1dQERQii LFE Prop



IJ Ordalll

Go breedat 1000


insure a mare with foil moneyinallcysesvlon fact is ascertained

iciivwl front the neighbornoorl lort111 PcacMk has pr v n

hjtnseir tobMWf the lnt tv otdtrsin Kciiiucky His c1 s haveshown Hgalujb the beet hurscsiu theState antI have always been

SLarHlp twoyearold wasin twentytwo lings and won

1 will stand my two tine j cks at 87

lo insure a marts with fial duewlioT fast is ic or mare remo The jackserr 11i breeders and ihdr colts I

the highest price

I also cll fate Chicago Fertilizer at125 to 15Qpr hundred When in

Gradi yilJc ad want the best goody atthe lowest call on me 1 handle


If you went to a lionwhelp you wouldnt accept akitten as a substitute even ifthe dealer urges you

Now accept a substi ¬

tute for


It is bound turn out a com ¬

mon yellow cat none of Tthe strength of the lion


the other hand coffee which orderbuy


homes is best theprice you doubt this a single package home

somecontribute they have by

















to Qradyviiie and to the beststallioninIKentucky <





alwaysbriii market I







twcntyouc Hues siVLiil of tluui be


I trn 1 of war Cvlinniia owns threeJordans rolL < Lit cannot be jiur

chased fur less than 10 each Hislllls have been sum ti my certainknowledge from 100 to 1600 I H AltANTEE his cults to he sound or no pay


moneyAll core will taken to prevent acct ¬

dent Lit titt responsible should any

odorGood grass at CO cents per week or

grain fed at cost

everything in the way of Dry GoodsI Notions Groceries Hardware BuggiesOshorne Machines Corn Drills etc

iGive me a call

JW L GRADY Gradyvillec



Dry Goods Notions Boots ShoesI aso keep a large stock of 1

CJOTHINdwhich can be bought at tho very lowest prices-I havo a nice line of MILLINERY on hands 1



R You Getsthe Profits




agtesber ore cut outwith the manufacturer you pay only the cost ofyouXX fullest assortment Our plan of





Selling Carriageslosures satlefactionrour money t <

SAIIjelled Our complcto ntartrated DirectNINrke or high grade i tand horse etuipmeatstionaof escb maned free

THE COLLLIMBUS v-ex 772 CMnmbye hIe c iS5 r-

St it-


1 rr
