The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1900-12-12 [p...

o i MMCODffllffS Published Every Wednesday BY THE AdairGounty NewsGo INCORPORATED CXZA8 8 HARRIS Editor the Inter ¬ dTJted to A Democratic newspaper osta of the city of Columbia and the people or Adair and adjacent counties Bnlered at the Columbia Postoffice as second class mail matter SUBSCRIPT N RATES ioo SIX ONE JJONTHS5OCSTRICTIYIN ADVERTJSIXG RATES Loco slices ten cents per line for first in- sertion andlfive cents perline for each subse queat Insertion DISPLAY ADS zMo 3M0 6Mo 11t 100 J200 300 500 1 SO 3 00 10 700 o0 2 00 BPacetWk 2 50 6 00 q SO lE II to 1000 1500- I is j 00 Y 3000 Or o m 4501- l oa 1200 2400 4000 b0 60 There will be no departure from these rates order any circumstances WEDNESDAY DEC 12 The Court of Appeals of Ken ¬ tucky will adjourn for the Fall term on the 22d of this month Mr Deboe has introduced a bill in the Senate dividing Kentucky into two judicial districts The bill will hardly be considered at this term Democrats need not worry about Deboe succeeding himself nor ex Gov Bradley succeeding him The next United States Senator will be a Democrat William Gibson the Catletts burg child murderer has been captured and landed in the Mays ville jail for safe keeping He will look up a rope The bill abolishing stamps onI notes checks mortgages etc will certainly pass at this session of Congress It will take effect from its passage The Sells divorce case now be ¬ ng tried at Columbus Ohio is lilth from start to finish and the stimony should not be allowed o pass through the malls The looted Newport Bank willI csume business The 450000 quired has already been secured Hrowu who robbed the bank of 00000 is thought to be in Mex l The House last Thursday passed j army reorganization bill by a e of 166 to 132 The effort to r ire Shafter as a Major General Wilson and Lee as Brigadier vnerals failed- epresentative Allen of the SecI 1 District is already spoke of as democratic candidate to succeed ernor Beckham The uomiua j Convention is a long time off 1 there are others Mr J H Tinsley who was cted Circuit Judge in the Lon C a District was not given a rtificate by the State election mmissioners Gov Beokham uving never issued a call for the ection Westminister Confession of aithof the Presbyterian Church i J to be changed At a meeting of Ihe committee in Washington City last week an agreement was reach od but the work was deferred un ¬ til a future meeting Mr Bryans majority over Mr McKinley in Kentucky is 8098 This ouly82 votes lean than the CourierJournal showed on the returns as they cake in The CourierJournal is u newspaper S backed by wisdom the whole thing so far as the South is concerned A dispatch from Washington nays Congressman Boreing has been before theiiRivefe and Harbors Committee urgiug an appropria- tion ¬ 0 800000 far a took and dam on Cumberland river below Burn Bide We are perfectly willing to give credit whfeie it is due and if Mr Bore ng succeeds in getting this appropriation he will have ac- complished something over his- Predeoesaoi e tiS < r A Cabinet eeti at Washington was largely devoted to a discussion of the question of coinage for the Philippine Islands and as a result it is probable that the Secretary of War will request a hearing on the omznittees ¬ business of the islands is transact ¬ ed in Mexican dollars and army commissaries and others supplied with United States money are at times greatly embarrassed in mak¬ ing purchases from the Filippinos by the fact that knowing nothing of our money or its value the lat ¬ ter often refuse to accept it The proposition which seems to have met with favor by the Administra ¬ tion is to purchase silver bullion at the present market price and coin it into distinctive dollars having a gold value of about fifty cents each These dollars proba ¬ bly will contain a little less silver than the present standard dollars The scheme has not yet been work ¬ ed out in all of its details but as there is at present a Government coinage mint in Manila it is hop ¬ ed that by the early action of Con ¬ gress the new coins may be put in ¬ to circulation before a great while possibly before the winter is over The Republican leaders are on their knees to the brewers begging to be let off with a small reduction in the tax on beer instead of the entire war tax as demanded by the brewers A 11 this has been brought about in a week A week ago the Republican members of the Ways and Means committee refused to even consider a reduc ¬ tion in the beer tax Since then Representative Babcock who was chairman of the Republican Con ¬ gressional Committee and knew all about campaign contributions and promises has succeded Dolli ver of Iowa who has gone to the Senate as a member of the Ways and Means Committee and has told the Republican members a few things as Mr Hanna has al ¬ so done Now it is no longer a question of whether there will be a reduction of the beer tax but of how small a reduction the brew ¬ ers can be cajoled into accepting The bill as reported from the Ways and Means Committee makes a re ¬ duction of 40 cents a barrol in the beer tax but it not yet certain that the brews will accept that Students of human nature as exhibited in the political world are trying to reconcile Mr Mc Kinleys words with his acts In the closing paragraph of his mes ¬ sage were words which read like a patriotic warning to Congress not to be led into making extravagant appropriations just because there was a lot of money in the Treasu- ry ¬ and now Mr McKinley is using all his power to drive objecting Republican Senators into the sup ¬ port of one of the most extrava ¬ gant appropriations ever before Congressthat for ship subsidies which will put millions into the pockets of the already rich owners of the fast mail and passenger steamships and next to nothing in the pockets of those who own the slow freighters which carry our manufactures and products The official vote of the Eleventh District gives Smith 15281 Bore iug 84606 J L Montgomery 1 W H Clark 1 For Governor Mr Beokham received 288052 votes Yerkes 229863 Beckhams majority 3689 Fo Appellate Judge ORear polled 80508 Hall 26944 The vote of other candidates for Governor is Cardin 1666 2260t Doyle 408 Roberts 456 i Brown 151 Col Jack Chinn W C P Breckinridge W S Dorley J W Holmes S B Buekner and P Wat Hardin each received one vote Rev Wohl o noted Presbyterian preacher was allot to death in a street fight at Williamson W Va last week by S D Stokes a prom ¬ inent citizen of that place who i return was seriously shot by th e minister The trouble was the re ¬ sult of a serniou delivered by Mr Wohl denouncing dancing and us ¬ cartoons to illustrate his pointsrfhero was only one eye witnessit woman who is said to be dying with hysterics and the latest from Stokes is that he ii fast losing ground aiidViU die Safe blowers are making the rounds They reached New Mar ¬ ket Marion county on the night of the GthJ Entered the postof flee blew d le ri the safe anag 15 ib cashafidrito in ifeataptij J7 > r u Gov0rnorBaokhanuwaB i rated yesterday A greatcrowd was present The oathof office was administered by Chief Justice Hazelrigg During the day hun ¬ dreds visited the grave of the late murdered Governor A circus ballrooms wine and cards and the wealthy Mrs Sells of Columbus Ohio seeks the com ¬ pany of other men in the Absence of her husband A divorce suit follows and Miss Florence Sells was placed upon the witness stand to tell of her mothers unwomanly conduct When a woman is a devilshe is the whole thingU- RADYYILLE Remember the Xmas tree onI Christmas eve- Considerable excitement over the school election it comes oil the 22nd The young folks had an enjoya- ble time at the social last Satur ¬ day night given at the residence of Dr L C Nell Rev Hulse preached a very in ¬ teresting sermon last Sunday from 2ud King 5th chapter and1st verse Mr A J Bridgewater of Ed ¬ monton passed through here last Saturday en route for Milltown Mrs H A Walker and A B Wilmore were in Edmonton last SundaySmith dNell have a car loadof fat cattle that they will ship to Louisville this week J A Diddle made over 700 bar ¬ rels of corn this year Hardesty Bridgewater of Leb ¬ anon bought of C M Hiudmau a mare mule for 10750 Mr John Lowe of Columbia was on our streets last week shak ¬ ing hands with our mercants and luoking after the interest of shoes Mr Tom Waggoner of Joppa attbnded church here last Sunday Leslie Allen spent last Saturday night with Robt Walker Misses Josie and Carrie Cald well of Portland were visiting Mrs Ella Robertson last Satur ¬ day night Mr Chas Yates visited relatives at Bradfordsville last week Mr J D Walker our tobacco man IS buying some fine crops and paying good prices Mesdames R L Caldwell and G H Nell were at Milltown last week shopping Mr J A Diddle is on a pros ¬ pecting tour in Oklahoma Miss Lula Allen visited the fam ¬ ily of JJ Hunter last week Mr GA Bradshaw and his dep ¬ uty were here last week Rev Hulse has returned from Mauusville where he has been as- sisting ¬ in a meeting with good successRev Harewood closed a meet ¬ ing near Sparksville last week with eight converts and four pro ¬ fessing sanctification Rev Tobias Huffaker will de ¬ liver a sermon on temperance at the Baptist church the 5th Sun ¬ day in this month Mrs J D Walker was visiting relatives at Nell last week Miss Pearl Hindman visited weekr i Misses Ella and Susie Bow who have been visiting their sister Mrs Hulse have returned to Burksville Mr R T Caldwell one of our best tobacco growers has produc ¬ ed a crop of burley that can not be surpassed in the county TARTER Mr Lucien Hurt was here last week Mr Samuel Heisley of Breathltt county is visiting relatives here Mrs Nancy Cravens has been at the bedside of her sister Mrs W G White for the past week nMr W G Shepherd who has been sick for some time is Improving Mr Ed Atkins was hero Thursday and did a good business School closed here last Friday which was taught by Walker Bryant who taught a good school We are sorry to give him up Untie Steve Calbboo is on the 5list Mr Praqk Wilson of Elkhorn was here last week getting up a writing school LMr Roy and family of Pulaskl men ty have rented a place of rC T Roberts and moved in Shept utbcrVjlfrs W 0 tfiaf fr whtcWaS f I I r- A her 60th anniversary v Those present wereMrJ M Cravens anS wife Mr J M Brlckens and wife Mr J I Cra vensand wife and many relatives Dr Shaw is erecting a gristmill near this place Mr J W Cravens and wife of Rus- sell county were visiting the family W G White last Sunday Mr J O White sold a horse to Mr James Holt for 350 j Elvin Shepherd and Lphzo Humble were In Campbellsyille Thursday Misses Cassie Shepherd and Ida Is bell Russell Springs were the guest of Misses Mary and Fanny Shepherd last Sunday ADDITIONAL LOCALS Two valuable farms forsaleQne known as the Gaither Miller farm containing 160 acres The other known as the Payne Farm on which I live containing 220 acres These farms are in a good state of cultivation with good dwellings out buildings etc ly¬ ing on the waters of Glcnsfork about three louts Southeast of Columbia on the J mestown road in a good neigh borhc d Fir particulars apply to Andosou Boliaday Columbia Ky The tet Ict Columbia and throuh out Adah county should be glad that thu Kentucky Tobacco Warehouse Louisville has selected this place as headquarters for this section to buy prize and ship tobacco Their agents Smith Bros reached Columbia last Sat ¬ urday Monday morning they secured of Mrs Laura Powell her tobacco fac- tory building where the weed will be delivered and prized The Messrs Smith have secured till services of Mr G1 Sherrill who will be with them in traveling over the county The people of Adair county are con ¬ siderably lifted upover the prospects of a railroad Governor Hindman has received another letter from the gen- tleman ¬ who is at the head of the Com pauy proposing to complete a road from Scottsville Ky through Adair county tapping the Cincinnati Southern above us The writer stated that as soon as he perfected certain arangements he would visit this section and make his plans known He seems to be in ear ¬ nest and there is no doubt but there is a strong probability of the road be- Ing ¬ built Our readers will remember that some months ago Mont Burton and a man named Holt gut into a shooting scrape In Casey county near the Russell line During the shouting a little sister of Holts was accidentally shot by Burton and killed At the recent term of the Casey circuit court Burton was indicted and tried for murder The jury was out but a short time rendering a verdict for manslaughter fixing Burtons punishment at seven years and nine months in the peniten ¬ tiary At the same term John Bell was tried for carnally knowing his stepdaughter under thirteen years of age He was gi ten thirteen years in the penitentiary The Stapp Springs School taught by Rev C F Breeding challenged the school at the Conover School house taught br C M Murrell to spend the afternoon of the closing day of Mr Murrclls school iu a spelling match Accordingly the challenge was accept- ed and the Springs school was on hand last Thursday evening An agreement was made by the teachers to spell twenty pages and if a tie to leave it tied As it happened ittied III a double bard knot and up to this good hour it is not known which scbuol really have the bet spellers Each school closed with 35 scores We do not know how many words were miss- ed ¬ PARSON MOSS CO BLACKSMITHSWOODWORKERS COLUMBIA KENTUCKY We are prepared to do any kind of work in our line in firstclass order We have been in the business for 25 years and know how to do work Our prices are as low and termsas reasonable- as any firstclass mechanics We will take country produce at market value Give us call Shop near Columbia Mill Co LIVE STOCK MARKET Reported by the Louisville Live- Stock Exchange Bourbon Stock Yards CATTLE 1 Extra shipping 8475500 Ligbtshipping V 4 504 75 Best butchers 3 854 40 Fair to good butchers 3 25375 Common to medium btchr 3 00i 35 HOOB Choice packing and utch2i J ers 200 to 300 tbs 500 L I s < IeFaIr to good pacldngj160 y to 300Lsr 4 70 Good toextra light 120 in 1W tbsu 4 70 SlIEXP AND LAwBs Good to extra sfaipplig Sheep s 3 75300 Fats td geedi 75 Common toTncdlum l 000 G W ctlDf MUe S 14t1 tiife tt f < > tloIiUaU GOODS 1 We have iust received our second stock for the fall and winter and in addition to our reg ¬ ular staple lines we i haveHunro S of flrti616s suitable for the Christ- mas trade Our house is crowded from morn ¬ ing until night with customers busy select- ing goods that are NeoUtul for the Family and nice presents to make tnem happy Do not wait too long out- come while the St06K is Pull We havent the time or inclination to write long windedadver ¬ tisements fyut will close bysaying we nev- er ¬ had such a- 6oninloto St06K as we are now showing and the prices will satisfy y- ouRuc11 Murrell j f J A NeStore AT GRADYVJLLE KY You can save from 25 to 50 per cent on Goods by buying them from W L Grady for cash or produce Below you will find a Price list on a few of the many articles which he sells r Mens Saddles 250 and up j Granulated Sugar 7i Extra Bridles 75 cents Coffey 15c Check Lines 150 to 250 Two pounds Soda 5c Back Bands with buckles lOc Red Top Seed 30c per bushel Collar Pads 25c race Chains 50c per pair Flames 25c Wire Nails 3ic Tacks any kind 2 bAxes for oc Claw Hammers I5c- TWM dizeii Brass ttlvets 5c Dour Knob Lock 25c Tin ware Ilk pr r piNim Two Horse Turning Plows 3050 toS750 Cross Cut Saxvj u 1111Il1 S110 siint Iron Stoves 5250 1000 snatches fur jc 1n ill pay the highest market price for Bacon lOcoall kinds uf produce Give me a call Lard loc All kinds Hardware cheap W L GRADY Proprietor I USSEIiLi SPRINGS HOTELr N fro KIMBLE KY Is for the public the year round It a large commodious build ¬ ing the picture in ¬ dicates and RIand VAUGHAN Pro ii1CCI JJ Breensburg 1t y fc GEO W PECK B S Principal Charge of Teachers Course Arithmetic Algebra and Science REV THEODORE HUNTER D D Latin Greek German General History and Rhetoric MRS GEO W PECK Primary MISS PEARL JONES Piano and Organ Spring term opens January 7 1901 to continue five months All grades included Special pains taken fitting teachers for examinatipn Tuition Good board private families from 200 to 300 per week t roomy and comfortable Fine piano and organ in the building Write for catalogue Address all communlcatlonst GEO W PECK CF2EJ2NSBURG ICY NMMNNNN rrhe Second Session c WJ OF THE MALES FEMALE HIGB SCHOOL 1 WILL COHMENCE Tuesday January 1st 1901 and Closes 17th 3 Teachers Experienced and- Satisfaction Guaranteed 3Q < Du not put off entering till late iu the but bo ready thenfirsfc day Board fluid tnitinn reasonable Sotd for catalogue A tL BALLARD Prin Columbia Ky VhIEGEh1i1fILtltEt1 j < L I WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF SRDDliES < f ffrbess ard t d Wdfk t 172 < lie resented bt1011IIt IlOUiSYlIiIiE rV t Now is the time to subscribe for the Adair County News The most widely I read paper in this part of State y The Farmers Homa Fire insurance Junction CftyKy 200000 strong Insures all kind5of property a- lnstIIFire A WELLS for many yearswlth the ConliiiehtTlvGcnerai t vt 4ljf fV r4 i r fjgl e now open traveling is as GRAHAM in reasonable in Building convenient May Si spring j Fourth Avenue f the Company Manager s I If tlla tn tseewhatthey 6 tvautthe Jktxw h retpa8k for it 1 Noue ofthotrastisseers disturb cd by tthe re eleetionrof Preeident- McKit > ey < r CowrieJourtand this4a r- l5 > H L n r t 4 1 j 1 1 t

Transcript of The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1900-12-12 [p...

Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1900-12-12 [p ] · 2013. 5. 30. · class mail matter SUBSCRIPT N RATES ioo SIX ONE JJONTHS5OCSTRICTIYIN


MMCODffllffSPublished Every Wednesday


AdairGounty NewsGo



the Inter¬dTJted toA Democratic newspaper

osta of the city of Columbia and the people or

Adair and adjacent counties

Bnlered at the Columbia Postoffice as second

class mail matter





Loco slices ten cents per line for first in-

sertion andlfive cents perline for each subse

queat InsertionDISPLAY ADS

zMo 3M0 6Mo 11t100 J200 300 5001 SO 3

00 10700

o02 00BPacetWk 2 50

6 00 q SO lE II

to 1000 1500-

I is j 00Y 3000

Or o m4501-



1200 2400 4000 b0 60

There will be no departure from these rates

order any circumstances


The Court of Appeals of Ken ¬

tucky will adjourn for the Fall

term on the 22d of this month

Mr Deboe has introduced a billin the Senate dividing Kentuckyinto two judicial districts Thebill will hardly be considered atthis term

Democrats need not worry aboutDeboe succeeding himself nor ex

Gov Bradley succeeding him The

next United States Senator willbe a Democrat

William Gibson the Catlettsburg child murderer has been

captured and landed in the Mays

ville jail for safe keeping Hewill look up a rope

The bill abolishing stamps onInotes checks mortgages etcwill certainly pass at this session

of Congress It will take effect

from its passage

The Sells divorce case now be ¬

ng tried at Columbus Ohio is

lilth from start to finish and thestimony should not be allowedo pass through the malls

The looted Newport Bank willIcsume business The 450000

quired has already been securedHrowu who robbed the bank of

00000 is thought to be in Mex


The House last Thursday passedj army reorganization bill by ae of 166 to 132 The effort to

r ire Shafter as a Major GeneralWilson and Lee as Brigadier

vnerals failed-

epresentative Allen of the SecI1 District is already spoke of asdemocratic candidate to succeedernor Beckham The uomiuaj Convention is a long time off

1 there are others

Mr J H Tinsley who wascted Circuit Judge in the Lon

C a District was not given artificate by the State election

mmissioners Gov Beokhamuving never issued a call for theection

Westminister Confession ofaithof the Presbyterian Church

i J to be changed At a meeting ofIhe committee in Washington Citylast week an agreement was reachod but the work was deferred un ¬

til a future meeting

Mr Bryans majority over MrMcKinley in Kentucky is 8098This ouly82 votes lean than theCourierJournal showed on thereturns as they cake in TheCourierJournal is u newspaper

S backed by wisdom the whole thingso far as the South is concerned

A dispatch from Washingtonnays Congressman Boreing has beenbefore theiiRivefe and HarborsCommittee urgiug an appropria-tion


0 800000 far a took and damon Cumberland river below BurnBide We are perfectly willing togive credit whfeie it is due and ifMr Bore ng succeeds in gettingthis appropriation he will have ac-

complished something over his-

Predeoesaoi e

tiS <


A Cabinet eeti at Washingtonwas largely devoted to a discussionof the question of coinage for thePhilippine Islands and as a resultit is probable that the Secretary ofWar will request a hearing on the

omznittees ¬

business of the islands is transact ¬

ed in Mexican dollars and armycommissaries and others suppliedwith United States money are attimes greatly embarrassed in mak¬

ing purchases from the Filippinosby the fact that knowing nothingof our money or its value the lat¬

ter often refuse to accept it Theproposition which seems to havemet with favor by the Administra ¬

tion is to purchase silver bullionat the present market price andcoin it into distinctive dollarshaving a gold value of about fiftycents each These dollars proba¬

bly will contain a little less silverthan the present standard dollarsThe scheme has not yet been work ¬

ed out in all of its details but asthere is at present a Governmentcoinage mint in Manila it is hop¬

ed that by the early action of Con ¬

gress the new coins may be put in ¬

to circulation before a great whilepossibly before the winter is over

The Republican leaders are ontheir knees to the brewers beggingto be let off with a small reductionin the tax on beer instead of theentire war tax as demanded by thebrewers A 11 this has beenbrought about in a week A weekago the Republican members ofthe Ways and Means committeerefused to even consider a reduc ¬

tion in the beer tax Since thenRepresentative Babcock who waschairman of the Republican Con ¬

gressional Committee and knewall about campaign contributionsand promises has succeded Dolliver of Iowa who has gone to theSenate as a member of the Waysand Means Committee and hastold the Republican membersa few things as Mr Hanna has al¬

so done Now it is no longer aquestion of whether there will bea reduction of the beer tax but ofhow small a reduction the brew ¬

ers can be cajoled into acceptingThe bill as reported from the Waysand Means Committee makes a re ¬

duction of 40 cents a barrol in thebeer tax but it not yet certainthat the brews will accept that

Students of human nature asexhibited in the political worldare trying to reconcile Mr Mc

Kinleys words with his acts Inthe closing paragraph of his mes ¬

sage were words which read like apatriotic warning to Congress notto be led into making extravagantappropriations just because therewas a lot of money in the Treasu-


and now Mr McKinley is usingall his power to drive objectingRepublican Senators into the sup ¬

port of one of the most extrava ¬

gant appropriations ever before

Congressthat for ship subsidieswhich will put millions into thepockets of the already rich owners

of the fast mail and passengersteamships and next to nothing inthe pockets of those who own theslow freighters which carry ourmanufactures and products

The official vote of the EleventhDistrict gives Smith 15281 Bore

iug 84606 J L Montgomery 1

W H Clark 1 For GovernorMr Beokham received 288052votes Yerkes 229863Beckhams majority 3689 Fo

Appellate Judge ORear polled80508 Hall 26944 The vote of

other candidates for Governor is

Cardin 1666 2260tDoyle 408 Roberts 456 i Brown

151 Col Jack Chinn W C PBreckinridge W S Dorley J W

Holmes S B Buekner and PWat Hardin each received one


Rev Wohl o noted Presbyterianpreacher was allot to death in astreet fight at Williamson W Va

last week by S D Stokes a prom ¬

inent citizen of that place who i

return was seriously shot by th eminister The trouble was the re ¬

sult of a serniou delivered by MrWohl denouncing dancing and us ¬

cartoons to illustrate hispointsrfhero was only one eye

witnessit woman who is said tobe dying with hysterics and thelatest from Stokes is that he ii

fast losing ground aiidViU die

Safe blowers are making therounds They reached New Mar¬

ket Marion county on the nightof the GthJ Entered the postofflee blew d le ri the safe anag

15 ib cashafidrito in ifeataptij


> ru

Gov0rnorBaokhanuwaB irated yesterday A greatcrowdwas present The oathof officewas administered by Chief JusticeHazelrigg During the day hun ¬

dreds visited the grave of the latemurdered Governor

A circus ballrooms wine andcards and the wealthy Mrs Sellsof Columbus Ohio seeks the com ¬

pany of other men in the Absenceof her husband A divorce suitfollows and Miss Florence Sellswas placed upon the witness standto tell of her mothers unwomanlyconduct When a woman is adevilshe is the whole thingU-


Remember the Xmas tree onIChristmas eve-

Considerable excitement overthe school election it comes oilthe 22nd

The young folks had an enjoya-ble time at the social last Satur ¬

day night given at the residenceof Dr L C Nell

Rev Hulse preached a very in ¬

teresting sermon last Sunday from2ud King 5th chapter and1stverse

Mr A J Bridgewater of Ed ¬

monton passed through here lastSaturday en route for Milltown

Mrs H A Walker and A BWilmore were in Edmonton lastSundaySmith

dNell have a car loadoffat cattle that they will ship toLouisville this week

J A Diddle made over 700 bar ¬

rels of corn this year

Hardesty Bridgewater of Leb ¬

anon bought of C M Hiudmaua mare mule for 10750

Mr John Lowe of Columbiawas on our streets last week shak¬

ing hands with our mercants andluoking after the interest of shoes

Mr Tom Waggoner of Joppaattbnded church here last Sunday

Leslie Allen spent last Saturdaynight with Robt Walker

Misses Josie and Carrie Caldwell of Portland were visitingMrs Ella Robertson last Satur ¬

day night

Mr Chas Yates visited relativesat Bradfordsville last week

Mr J D Walker our tobaccoman IS buying some fine cropsand paying good prices

Mesdames R L Caldwell andG H Nell were at Milltown lastweek shopping

Mr J A Diddle is on a pros ¬

pecting tour in Oklahoma

Miss Lula Allen visited the fam¬

ily of J J Hunter last week

Mr G A Bradshaw and his dep ¬

uty were here last week

Rev Hulse has returned fromMauusville where he has been as-


in a meeting with good

successRevHarewood closed a meet ¬

ing near Sparksville last weekwith eight converts and four pro¬

fessing sanctification

Rev Tobias Huffaker will de ¬

liver a sermon on temperance atthe Baptist church the 5th Sun ¬

day in this month

Mrs J D Walker was visitingrelatives at Nell last week

Miss Pearl Hindman visitedweekr i

Misses Ella and Susie Bow whohave been visiting their sisterMrs Hulse have returned toBurksville

Mr R T Caldwell one of ourbest tobacco growers has produc ¬

ed a crop of burley that can notbe surpassed in the county


Mr Lucien Hurt was here last week

Mr Samuel Heisley of Breathlttcounty is visiting relatives here

Mrs Nancy Cravens has been at thebedside of her sister Mrs W GWhite for the past week

nMr W G Shepherd who has beensick for some time is Improving

Mr Ed Atkins was hero Thursdayand did a good business

School closed here last Friday whichwas taught by Walker Bryant whotaught a good school We are sorry togive him up

Untie Steve Calbboo is on the

5listMr Praqk Wilson of Elkhorn was

here last week getting up a writingschool

LMr Roy and family of Pulaskl menty have rented a place of rC TRoberts and moved inSheptutbcrVjlfrs W 0 tfiaf fr whtcWaS





her 60th anniversary v Those presentwereMrJ M Cravens anS wife MrJ M Brlckens and wife Mr J I Cravensand wife and many relatives

Dr Shaw is erecting a gristmillnear this place

Mr J W Cravens and wife of Rus-

sell county were visiting the familyW G White last Sunday

Mr J O White sold a horse to MrJames Holt for 350 j

Elvin Shepherd and Lphzo Humblewere In Campbellsyille Thursday

Misses Cassie Shepherd and Ida Isbell Russell Springs were the guestof Misses Mary and Fanny Shepherdlast Sunday


Two valuable farms forsaleQneknown as the Gaither Miller farmcontaining 160 acres The other knownas the Payne Farm on which I livecontaining 220 acres These farms arein a good state of cultivation withgood dwellings out buildings etc ly¬

ing on the waters of Glcnsfork aboutthree louts Southeast of Columbia onthe J mestown road in a good neighborhc d Fir particulars apply toAndosou Boliaday Columbia Ky

The tet Ict Columbia and throuhout Adah county should be glad thatthu Kentucky Tobacco WarehouseLouisville has selected this place asheadquarters for this section to buyprize and ship tobacco Their agentsSmith Bros reached Columbia last Sat ¬

urday Monday morning they securedof Mrs Laura Powell her tobacco fac-tory building where the weed will bedelivered and prized The MessrsSmith have secured till services of MrG1 Sherrill who will be with themin traveling over the county

The people of Adair county are con ¬

siderably lifted upover the prospectsof a railroad Governor Hindman hasreceived another letter from the gen-


who is at the head of the Compauy proposing to complete a road fromScottsville Ky through Adair countytapping the Cincinnati Southern aboveus The writer stated that as soon ashe perfected certain arangements hewould visit this section and make hisplans known He seems to be in ear¬

nest and there is no doubt but thereis a strong probability of the road be-



Our readers will remember that somemonths ago Mont Burton and a mannamed Holt gut into a shooting scrapeIn Casey county near the Russellline During the shouting a littlesister of Holts was accidentally shotby Burton and killed At the recentterm of the Casey circuit court Burtonwas indicted and tried for murderThe jury was out but a short timerendering a verdict for manslaughterfixing Burtons punishment at sevenyears and nine months in the peniten ¬

tiary At the same term John Bellwas tried for carnally knowing hisstepdaughter under thirteen years ofage He was gi ten thirteen years inthe penitentiary

The Stapp Springs School taughtby Rev C F Breeding challenged theschool at the Conover School housetaught br C M Murrell to spend theafternoon of the closing day of MrMurrclls school iu a spelling matchAccordingly the challenge was accept-ed and the Springs school was on handlast Thursday evening An agreementwas made by the teachers to spelltwenty pages and if a tie to leave ittied As it happened ittied III adouble bard knot and up to this goodhour it is not known which scbuolreally have the bet spellers Eachschool closed with 35 scores We donot know how many words were miss-ed





We are prepared to doany kind of work in

our line in firstclass order We havebeen in the business for 25 years and

know how to do workOur prices are as low

and termsas reasonable-as any firstclass mechanics We will

take country produceat market value Give

us call Shop near Columbia Mill Co


Reported by the Louisville Live-

Stock Exchange Bourbon StockYards


Extra shipping 8475500Ligbtshipping V 4 504 75

Best butchers 3 854 40

Fair to good butchers 3 25375Common to medium btchr 3 00i 35


Choice packing and utch2i Jers 200 to 300 tbs 500

L Is <

IeFaIr to good pacldngj160 y

to 300Lsr 4 70

Good toextra light 120 in1W tbsu 4 70


Good to extra sfaipplig

Sheep s 3 75300Fats td geedi 75

Common toTncdlum l 000G W

ctlDf MUe S 14t1 tiife tt f




We have iust received

our second stock for

the fall and winter and

in addition to our reg¬

ular staple lines wei

haveHunro S

of flrti616ssuitable for the Christ-

mas trade Our house

is crowded from morn ¬

ing until night with

customers busy select-

ing goods that are

NeoUtul for

the Familyand nice presents to

make tnem happy Do

not wait too long out-

come while

the St06K

is PullWe havent the timeor inclination to write

long windedadver ¬

tisements fyut willclose bysaying we nev-



had such a-


St06Kas we are now showing

and the prices will

satisfy y-






You can save from 25 to 50 per cent on Goods by buyingthem from W L Grady for cash or produce Below youwill find a Price list on a few of the many articles which hesells r

Mens Saddles 250 and up j Granulated Sugar 7iExtra Bridles 75 cents Coffey 15c

Check Lines 150 to 250 Two pounds Soda 5cBack Bands with buckles lOc Red Top Seed 30c per bushelCollar Pads 25c race Chains 50c per pairFlames 25c Wire Nails 3icTacks any kind 2 bAxes for oc Claw Hammers I5c-TWM dizeii Brass ttlvets 5c Dour Knob Lock 25cTin ware Ilk pr r piNim Two Horse Turning Plows 3050 toS750Cross Cut Saxvj u 1111Il1 S110 siint Iron Stoves 52501000 snatches fur jc 1n ill pay the highest market price forBacon lOcoall kinds uf produce Give me a callLard loc All kinds Hardware cheap

W L GRADY Proprietor I





Is for thepublic the year round

It a large commodious build¬

ing the picture in ¬

dicates andRIandVAUGHAN Pro

ii1CCI JJBreensburg 1t

yfcGEO W PECK B S PrincipalCharge of Teachers Course Arithmetic Algebra and Science

REV THEODORE HUNTER D DLatin Greek German General History and Rhetoric


Spring term opens January 7 1901 to continue five months All gradesincluded Special pains taken fitting teachers for examinatipn Tuition

Good board private families from 200 to 300 per week troomy and comfortable Fine piano and organ inthe building Write for catalogue Address all communlcatlonst


NMMNNNNrrhe Second Session c WJ




Tuesday January 1st 1901 and Closes 17th3

Teachers Experienced and-

Satisfaction Guaranteed3Q <

Du not put off entering till late iu the but bo ready thenfirsfcday Board fluid tnitinn reasonable Sotd for catalogue

A tL BALLARD PrinColumbia Ky






ffrbess ard t d Wdfkt 172 <

lie resented bt1011IIt IlOUiSYlIiIiE rVt

Now is the time to subscribe for theAdair County News The most widely


read paper in this part of State yThe Farmers Homa Fire insurance

Junction CftyKy 200000strong Insures all kind5of property

a-lnstIIFireA WELLS for many yearswlth

the ConliiiehtTlvGcnerai

tvt 4ljf fV r4 i r fjgl

enow open traveling




inreasonable in

Building convenient




Fourth Avenue f




sI If tllatn tseewhatthey 6tvautthe Jktxw h retpa8k forit

1Noue ofthotrastisseers disturb

cd by tthe re eleetionrof Preeident-McKit > ey < r

CowrieJourtand this4a r-

l5 >


nr t4

1 j 1 1
