The Academy News - March 23, 2012

by Sara Al Shehri “Wear green or you will get pinched!” This common saying is what you are going to hear on Saint Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick’s Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick is an Irish cultural religious occa- sion that celebrates the most known and recognized Saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick, or the Patron saint of Ireland, was one of the most famous Irish saints in the Roman Catholic Church, which is the largest Christian church in the world. What makes people respect him is a fa- mous legend that said that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of the Ireland, which is the evil in Christian symbolism. In fact, there are no snakes in the Ireland in the first place because of the Ice Age that prevented snakes from living there. On March 17, which is the date of Saint Patrick’s death, both Irish and non-Irish celebrate this day. Some of the customs on this day are wearing green clothes, partici- pating and attending the public shows, eat- ing Irish food and drinking Irish alcohol. See St. Patrick on p. 3 Tuesday, March 27th ALL DAY You will get the opportunity to attend a real university class with real USC students on this day! This is your chance to test your listening and note- taking skills, as well as to see what a USC class is like. There will be NO Lan- guage Academy classes on Tuesday and NO Language Labs this week. Griffith Observatory Friday, March 30th 1:00pm6:00pm Come with us to the famous LA land- mark in the Hollywood Hills! Visit this beautiful planetarium and get a bird’s eye view of the city of angels. This ac- tivity is FREE, so sign up on Monday, March 26th at NOON if you would like to go. There are only a few activi- ties left this spring, so don’t miss out! St. Patrick’s Day INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Language Labs 2 Announce- ments 3 San Diego Trip 3 Stop Kony 2012 5 St. Patrick’s Word Search 6 Fashion Trends 6 Campus Calendar 8 U PCOMING A CTIVITIES The Academy News MARCH 23, 2012 VOLUME 53, ISSUE 9 San Diego is the ideal vacation for spring break. See pp. 4-5 Stop Kony 2012 has become a political force to help the children in Uganda. See p. 5 What to wear? Read some fashion tips for spring om p. 6


In this issue: St. Patrick's Day, Kony 2012, fashion trends, announcements & more!

Transcript of The Academy News - March 23, 2012

Page 1: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

by Sara Al Shehri

“Wear green or you will

get pinched!” This common

saying is what you are going

to hear on Saint Patrick’s Day.

Saint Patrick’s Day or the

Feast of Saint Patrick is an

Irish cultural religious occa-

sion that celebrates the most

known and recognized Saint

of Ireland. Saint Patrick, or

the Patron saint of Ireland,

was one of the most famous Irish saints in

the Roman Catholic Church, which is the

largest Christian church in the world.

What makes people respect him is a fa-

mous legend that said that St. Patrick drove

all the snakes out of the Ireland, which is

the evil in Christian symbolism. In fact,

there are no snakes in the Ireland in the first

place because of the Ice Age that prevented

snakes from living there.

On March 17, which is the date of Saint

Patrick’s death, both Irish and non-Irish

celebrate this day. Some of the customs on

this day are wearing green clothes, partici-

pating and attending the public shows, eat-

ing Irish food and drinking Irish alcohol.

See St. Patrick on p. 3

Tuesday, March 27th ALL DAY You will get the opportunity to attend a real university class with real USC students on this day! This is your chance to test your listening and note-taking skills, as well as to see what a USC class is like. There will be NO Lan-guage Academy classes on Tuesday and NO Language Labs this week. Griffith Observatory

Friday, March 30th 1:00pm—6:00pm Come with us to the famous LA land-mark in the Hollywood Hills! Visit this beautiful planetarium and get a bird’s eye view of the city of angels. This ac-tivity is FREE, so sign up on Monday, March 26th at NOON if you would like to go. There are only a few activi-ties left this spring, so don’t miss out!

St. Patrick’s Day


I S S U E :







San Diego Trip 3

Stop Kony



St. Patrick’s

Word Search









The Academy News M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 V O L U M E 5 3 , I S S U E 9

San Diego is the

ideal vacation for

spring break. See

pp. 4-5

Stop Kony 2012 has

become a political

force to help the

children in Uganda.

See p. 5

What to wear?

Read some fashion

tips for spring om

p. 6

Page 2: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

P A G E 2


Time Location Description Facilitator

11:00—11:50 ZHS 159 STAY Meeting Gilbert Cho

12:30—1:30 THH 118 GO Meeting Gilbert Cho

1:30—2:30 JEF 204 GO Question & Answer Session Gilbert Cho

All full-time students are required to attend University Day on

Tuesday, March 27th. There will be NO Language Academy classes on this day,

but you will be counted absent for the whole day if you do not sign up for and at-

tend a University Day class. You will have an assignment in your Oral Skills classes

that you must turn in as well.

Please sign up for the University Day class of your choice starting today at NOON,

3/23, until Monday at 8:00 AM, 3/26. Space is limited in each class, so remember

to sign up early. If you are unable to sign up for your first choice, you must pick an-

other one.

You will sign up online on the Language Labs website. If you have never visited

the Language Labs website, instructions on how to create an account and sign

up are available online—Go to: to find instructions.

All students will receive a list of University Day classes in their Oral Skills class

TODAY. The list is also available at the USC Language Academy front desk.

STAY Meeting with Gil Please attend this workshop if you will continue your studies at the Language Academy for the Summer Session A 2012 at 11:00 AM. Please sign up for this meeting on the Language

Lab website.

GO Meeting with Gil If you plan to leave USC and transfer to a different school or leave the

United States and discontinue your studies, you should attend this meeting at 12:30 PM. Please sign up for this meeting on the Language Lab website.

GO Question & Answer Session

If you have further questions about what you need to do before you leave the country or transfer to another school, please attend this Q & A Session at the USC Language Academy

in Gilbert Cho’s office.

Page 3: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

P A G E 3



If you don’t know where

to go to spend your vaca-

tion and don’t want to

spend so much money to

buy flight tickets, we know

a wonderful place and we

have just spent a fantastic

time there. You can enjoy

beautiful sunshine, sea

wind, soft beaches and wild

animals there. I strongly

recommend you choose

San Diego as your next

holiday paradise. Believe

me, you won’t regret it.

San Diego is the second

largest city in California,

and it is located right on the

Pacific Ocean, bordering

Mexico. It takes about two

hours to get there from LA.

On Monday morning,

we started our journey with

excitement. Just before we

arrived there, we could see

warships floating on the

blue ocean and sea gulls

dancing over the water; we

could feel the sea wind

blowing on our faces from

open car windows and

breathe the tide air. “What

a cozy city. We are here


Mission Bay was our

first destination. After

checking into the hotel, we

went to Coronado Island to

enjoy the sea and beach.

On Coronado Island, the

most famous scenic spot is

the Hotel Del Coronado,

which was built for the

British royal family. A ru-

mor said Edward VIII of

the United Kingdom chose

his beloved beauty over his

kingdom, and the newly-

weds spent their honey-

moon at the Hotel Del


This hotel is an architec-

tural complex which has

white walls, red roofs and

palm trees around. The

sand of the beach in front

of the hotel is so clean and

soft. Walking on the beach

barefoot and watching the

sunset, we spent a quality

afternoon there.

The next day, we could-

n’t wait and woke up very

early because we were go-

ing to the San Diego Zoo

and Safari Park. We bought

multi-tickets for three

parks, including Sea World.

The San Diego Zoo, one

of the biggest zoos in the

world, is near Balboa Park.

In this vast zoo area, there

are 800 kinds of more than

4,000 animals from all over

the world.

We saw a polar bear

sleeping in its small arctic

pool, hippos swimming in

their nice pool, and an ele-

phant washing itself in the

sand. It was a great oppor-

tunity to get close to so

many animals.

After having fun in the

zoo, we took a one-hour

See San Diego on p. 4

Memorable Trip to San Diego

The San Diego skyline and the Pacific Ocean

The Coronado Hotel was built for

the British royal family.

Page 4: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

P A G E 4 San Diego continued from p. 4

drive to visit Wild Animal Park—

Safari Park. The Safari Park has

2,100 acres in Escondido. While we

were there, we saw hundreds of

animals walking about freely.

To end up our San Diego trip,

we spent the whole afternoon play-

ing at Sea World. It is the largest

sea world in the world. The most

famous show there is The Shamu

Adventure. Shamu played with her

children to bring an amazing show

to us. They were very smart and

supportive. The funniest thing was

that they kept splashing water by

using their fins to get people wet.

That was so cute.

In addition to Shamu, dolphins

and sea lions also had some won-

derful shows. Among the other

shows, we enjoyed Shark Encoun-

ter, Skytower and Wild Artic. At the

end, we were exhausted and left


It’s too hard to describe the three

-day experience in San Diego with

limited words. On the way home,

we decided to visit San Diego again

next month. Sunshine, sea breeze,

beaches, warships, zoo, parks and

good moods, they absolutely com-

pose a beautiful vacation para-

dise—San Diego.

Shamu is one of the most popular attractions at Sea World.

The polar bear at the San Diego Zoo was taking an afternoon nap.

Knott’s Berry Farm

Mei Jiao How do you spend your

weekends? Is it enriching and interesting? If you don't know how to spend your weekends, I'm going to intro-duce an interesting American theme park named Knott's Berry Farm.

This theme park is located in Buena Park, and the address is 8039, Beach Boulevard , Buena Park, CA 90620. (Just 10 minutes

from Disney Land.) Roller coasters There are more than 10 kinds of different

roller coasters, such as high speed, deep drops, sharp turns, or other dynamic forces. The most popular one is Ghost Rider. It's the largest one in the park and part of the track is above the street. I felt excited and amazed when I’m on the ride.

Shopping & dinning

When you enter the park, you can find many stores on the side of the main road. Also, there are some stores which are Indian style in the park. These are convenient to buy souvenirs. If you want to spend all day in the park, there are some restaurants and fast food stores you can choose. Visit the website for more informa-tion:

Page 5: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

P A G E 5

Stop Kony 2012


Stop Kony 2012 is a campaign

started by a group named The Invisi-

ble Children to stop the LRA and

their leader Joseph Kony.

The LRA is a terrorist group in

Uganda that kills innocent children

and makes other children kill their

own parents. The goal of the organi-

zation is to stop and arrest Joseph

Kony by December 2012.

This project started when one of

the founders of The Invisible Chil-

dren and a USC graduate in the cine-

matic arts, Jason Russell, and his

three friends went to Sudan seven

years ago to document a war. When

they went to Sudan, they found out

that the war was over.

One of Jason’s friend said, “What

they weren’t expecting was to get

there, find the war to be over, and end

up uncovering child abuse, and ab-


When Jason was in Uganda he met

a young boy named Jacob, whose

brother was murdered by Kony. Jason

promised Jacob that he would stop


The Invisible Children group

posted a 30-minute video on You

Tube, which now has over 80 million

views, to help people recognize Jo-

seph Kony. In this way, people will

help stop and arrest him.

George Clooney said in the video,

“I want indicted war criminals to en-

joy the same level of celebrity as me.

That seems fair.” When another inter-

viewer asked Clooney what he

thought about Kony, Clooney said, “I

was talking about satellite sentinel

project and shining a light on Omar

Al-Bashir and war criminals, but it

applies to Kony.” That is the goal of

the invisible children, shining a light

on Joseph Kony.

Jason Russell and his team mem-

bers also went to Washington to talk

to senators about this problem. In

2011, President Barak Obama sent a

few U.S. troops to Uganda to help the

army find Kony.

This video really affected me

when I watched. It made me want to

help the Invisible Children to find

Kony. You can help by visiting the

online site

You can also sign a pledge and do-

nate money to help Uganda get all the

technology they need to find and stop

Joseph Kony. Help spread this video

by sending it to your friends and fam-


Link to the 30-minute video: http://



UNIVERSITY DAY On Tuesday, March 27th, your regu-

larly scheduled classes will be replaced with one USC class which you will choose and sign up for online (JUST LIKE LANGUAGE LABS). You will get the opportunity to attend a real uni-versity class with real USC students on this day! On Friday, March 23rd, you will be able to sign up online for ONE class that you find interesting.

This is your chance to test your listen-ing and note-taking skills, as well as to see what a U.S. university class is like. You will also have an assignment in Oral Skills class to complete after you have attended your USC class.

USC professor lectures on University

Day last spring 2011.

Attention Students! Do you have class at the Radisson Hotel? Please remember that you should always park your bicycles in designated bike racks, and lock it to something secure. We have had complaints that students are park-ing their bikes in front of Rosso’s Pizzeria. If you park your bike and it isn’t locked to a bike rack, it could get stolen, or DPS will impound it, which means to take it away be-cause you aren’t following the rules. Please don’t forget!

Page 6: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

P A G E 6

Culture Notes Culture and Fashion

Fashion Trends

This Summer YVOON WEI

The summer is coming.

Are you ready to set your-

self apart from the crowd?

Now I will talk about the

fashion trends of this sum-



Maxi skirt is one of the

fashionable items in this

summer, particularly in

eye-catching colors and

bold prints. Maxi skirt is a

great choice working with

simple tops and loose

knits. The maxi skirt is a

very feminine item, so you

can even wear a jacket to

make yourself look cool.


Chiffon shirts are popular

in this summer. You can

find lots of chiffon items

in different fashion shows.

Chiffon shirts can bring a

sense of elegance to peo-

ple. I love chiffon shirts so

much and brought several

items for this summer.

You can just match them

with mini skirts and pants.


Blazers in bold colors

will be trendy this sum-

mer. Like the flower blos-

soming in the summer, the

colorful blazers can extend

a sense of summer to peo-

ple and remind them of

flowers. Blazers in bold

colors can match with pure

basic tops underneath. It

will be the most eye-

catching item among all

the stuff you wear. Do not

put too many other bold

colors with the blazer,

unless you are confident

with your color choice.


Asymmetric skirt was

and continues to be a hot

item this summer. It is

asymmetric and presents a

different look from maxi

skirt. When you wear a

maxi dress, you will be

elegant and feminine. On

the other hand, when you

wear an asymmetric skirt,

you will be sexy and cute.

I love asymmetric skirts

better because I like the

feeling when the skirts are

blown by the wind.

St. Patrick Continued from p. 1

Wearing green on this day

defines the symbol of the Catho-

lic religion in Ireland. The first

observance of this tradition was on

March 17, 1789, when the Irish

soldiers wore full green uniforms

to grab the public’s attenion. Since

that day, wearing green on Saint

Patrick’s Day has become a man-

datory tradition in order to cele-

brate this day.

Although it’s originally from

Ireland ,every year on March 17,

big cities such as New York, Lon-

don, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, and

all over the world celebrate this

day with street shows known as

Parades, fireworks ,and drinking

green Irish beer all day long!

Word Search Provided by Lily Sabajan

Page 7: The Academy News - March 23, 2012

Welcome Velkommen

Bienvenue Bienvenidos

Benvenuti Bem-vindo 歡迎 환영


ยนิดต้ีอนรับ Қош келдіңіз!

Xush kelibsiz

مرحبا بكم

Добро пожаловать

Courtesy of Google Translate

P A G E 7

Aries: March 21—April 20

Adventurous and energetic

Pioneering and courageous

Enthusiastic and confident

Dynamic and quick-witted


Would you like to help us in our

study? We are researching writing

concerns for speakers of Arabic and

need five or six volunteers to answer a

few questions.

The interview will be about ten min-

utes. If you are interested, please email

Sonja Lovelace at [email protected] or

Marisa Garcia-Crocker at ma-

[email protected] before March 28

and we can arrange for a time to meet.

Happy Birthday!


Barbara Holmes 23

Mazin Alahmadi 23

Raed Sharaf Alelwani 25

James Hutzell 26

Ying (June) Xue 26

Danfeng (Erwin) Shen 27

Ramadan Elsanosi Barasi 27

Mahdi Balharith 29

Bochao Zhao 29

SUDOKU Complete the puzzle by putting numbers 1-9

in the boxes. Level: Moderate


Do you want to study piano? Any level. My name is Henry Chen, and I am a USC student. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected] Rate: $30 per hour 12 years of experience Classical and romantic music

Page 8: The Academy News - March 23, 2012


Polish Music Festival

Friday, March 23, 8 p.m.

Saturday, March 24, 4 p.m.

University Park Campus

Alfred Newman Recital Hall


USC’s Polish Music Center presents

two days of concerts featuring both

California and world premieres.


Technology, Public Policy and

the Future of the Internet: An

Advocate's View

Monday, March 26, 2012 :

12:00pm to 1:00pm

University Park Campus

Annenberg School for Communi-

cation & Journalism

Geoffrey Cowan Forum, Room




City of Angels

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012;

Saturday, March 31, 2012;

University Park Campus

Bing Theatre

Tickets purchased in person at the

Ticket Office: students, $6; faculty

and staff, $10; general public, $15.

Tickets purchased by phone or

online: $17.

Obtain Tickets onlilne

This Tony-winning Best Musical is

a deliciously funny spoof of 1940s

film noir and hard-boiled detective


In glamorous 1940s Hollywood, a

young novelist is attempting to write

a screenplay for a fast-talking Holly-

wood producer while trying to main-

tain his artistic integrity and mar-


USC Language


Rossier School of


Phone: 213-740-0080

Fax: 213-740-0088







Do you have a story to tell?

Do you have an inspiration?

The TAN Staff invites all

students to write stories for

the newsletter. Send your

stories to Editor Sisi Lin at

[email protected] or

Assistant EditorYara Hadi at

[email protected]

and we’ll publish them!


The Academy News is a weekly newsletter pro-duced by students in the Journalism Elective of the USC Language Academy. All students in the Lan-guage Academy Program are encouraged to send news stories and photos to Sonja Lovelace at [email protected].

Check out The Academy News online at to “Student Informa-

tion” and then click on “The Academy News.”

P A G E 8 M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 1 2


Sisi Lin

Assistant Editor

Yara Hadi


Sara Alshehri

Tzekwan (Catherine)Cheung

Lilly Sabajan

Yining (Yvoon) Wei

Haoyang (Howard) Wen

Fengyi (Phoebe) Zhang


Sonja Lovelace


FREE EVENTS Many events on campus are

free. Please go to the Arts and Events Calendar for more

details at
