The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Final

12/1/11 11 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Presntation By Jatinder Kaur ( Jeet ) General manager Paramount Group

Transcript of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Final

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The 7 Habits of HighlyEffective People

Presntation By

Jatinder Kaur ( Jeet )

General manager

Paramount Group

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I ntroduction about the BOOK

One of the Best Selling Books of all times.

At New York Times BEST SELLER list forover 270 Weeks (More than 5 Years)

The book has Sold 12 Million Copies (1.2Crore) in 32 languages and 70 Countries.

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What you need to do

Learn them : With your own perspective.

Teach them : Within 24 to 48 hours. Thisperspective commits you and make you to

seriously learn. I encourage you to make acommitment to teach right now. I will alsoencourage if you can do it this teaching TWOTIMES. Once, to your Family and second toyour friends / business associates. Remember

When you Teach once, you learn twice ! DO them : Internalize them and learn to applythem all the time i.e. Live them.

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How much do you remember ?

By Reading 10%

By Listening 20%

By Demonstration50%

Practice by Doing75%

By Teaching others 90%

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What you can Expect from thisProgramme ?

Improved Self-confidence / Higher Self Esteem

Improvement in Relationships : At Home, At

Business etc.Your Capacity to influence other will beincreased.

The spirit of Adventure, Zest and Joy will

sparkle in you.But you have to pay the price. Its not arevolution, its an evolution and you have toactually work HARD with these habits.

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Ready for take off ?

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Always Remember

Successful people have the habit of doing

the things failures don’t like to do. They don’t likedoing them either, but they had such a burning desire for

achievement that they supersede this feeling. They have the

Perseverance and determination.

To achieve success we MUST use the ASK Principle.

A = Attitude (Want/Why to do it)

S = Skill (How to do it ?)K = Knowledge (What to do ?)

When all the above overlap it makes a Habit.

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KNOWLEDGE(what to, why to)


SKILL(how to)

DESIRE(want to)

How Habit is formed ?

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Lift off takes a lot of effort,but once we break out of the gravity pull,

our freedom takes on a whole new dimension

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Efficiency and Effectiveness

We are normally more concerned withdoing things Rightly (Efficiency)

Than with the doing the Right things(Effectiveness)

If we are going on Jaipur highway, theweather is good, the road is smooth and

you are getting excellent mileage. Youare moving efficiently.

But if your Goal is to reach Agra ?

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What is a Paradigm

It’s a way you see the World. The wayyou see your role is Paradigm.

This is the Map in which we operate. Yourhead creates your world.

Let me explain Paradigm with a veryunusual experience. Project your

consciousness in this scene.Your Behaviour and your reaction is theresult of your paradigm.

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Basics about the 7 Habits

These habits are Sequential and are interdependent.

The First Three Habits are Internal habits and are CharacterHabits. They will help you achieve the Private Victory andlead you to independence. They are the Roots.

The Next Three are External habits or the Outward expressionof character and lead to mutual benefits and public victories which leads to Interdependence. They are the Fruits.

Habit 7 sustains the growth process. It’s the maintenancehabit.

These habits change you from YOU (Dependency) to I (Independency) to WE (Inter-dependency)

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Think Win-Win

SynergizeSeek First to understand.Then to be



VICTORYBegin with theEnd in Mind


Put FirstThings First



1 2



5 6



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“You are respons-able: able to choose your response!” 

Habit 1:

Be proactive

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This is the Habit of taking responsibility for your attitudesand actions and your OWN LIFE.

Responsibility = Response + Ability

Their behaviors is the product of their own values ratherthan on their moods and external conditions.

You have planned a picnic and it starts raining.

Proactive people carry the weather within them.

Proactive people focus their time and energy on whatthey can Control (Their Circle of influence) rather thanreacting to or worrying about conditions over which theyhave little or no control (Their Circle of Concern)

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Circle of Concern

Circle of influence

We have a wide rangeof concerns, but not allof them fall into our circle of influence

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“Proactive people focus their efforts in their 

circle of influence, causing the circle of influence to increase

Reactive people focus their effort in the

circle of concern. The negative energy generated by that focus causes the circle of 

influence to shrink” 

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How to cultivate the PROACTIVEHabit

30-day proactive test : Keep all the promises you


Change your language from If I had this than…… I

can’t…….. If only this could happen….. To I CAN 

Start identifying what is within your circle of 

influence and concentrate your efforts and energy

on these things and monitor the difference it make

in your performance.

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You can choose your language


I must 

If only 

They mademe

If I had


I prefer 

I willI choose

I can be

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Habit  2:Begin with the end in


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2. BEGIN with the END in MIND

This is based on the principle that all things are createdTWICE. Once in your mind and than Physically. Physicalcreation follows the mental creation. Your house was first ablue print than it was made. Similarly it is with your life orwith anything you want to do. Carpenter rule “MeasureTwice, cut once ” 

Develop a MISSION statement of What you want to be(Character) and what you want to do in this world (Your


Adopt a death bed mentality

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How to Cultivate the 2nd. Habit

Imagine YOU are attending YOUR OWN funeralFIVE years from now. Four people will bespeaking. A family member, a close friend, a

work associate and a community/spiritualworker.

List the things which you will want each personto say about you.

Make these virtues, characteristics part of yourmission statement and start working on themfrom TODAY Itself.

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Habit  3:Put first things first 

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3. PUT FIRST things FIRST 

This is the habit of Personalmanagement. This involvesmanaging your time according to thepersonal priorities you established inHabit 2.

We need to understand the TIME

Management MATRIX for this habit

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• Pressing problems

• Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparation

• A hurt Child 

• Planning 

 Preparation• Prevention

•Values Clarification

• Relationship building 

• Gossiping 

•Unnecessary phonecalls

•“Escape” activities

• Irrelevant mail 

•Watching TV excessively

•  Irrelevant mail 

• Meetings Attendance

• Avoidable Interruptions

 Extra phone calls

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Time Management Matrix

Quadrant I : Urgent and Important : Customercomplaint, child is hurt, urgent presentation etc.

Quadrant II : Important but not Urgent : Preparation,planning, prevention, Relationship building, Mission writing, this is the Leadership quadrant.

Quadrant III : Urgent but not Important : Interruptions,attending meetings.

Quadrant IV : Not Urgent and not Important :Irrelevant phone calls, excessive T.V. gossiping etc.

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“Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter 



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FIVE Step process to imbibe theFirst things First

1. Connect to your Mission : Your Vision of your life, howyou see yourself what you want to do in life.

2. Study the Roles which you have in your life : amanager, a father, a son, a husband etc.

3. Select goals for each major Role you are playing inlife.

4. Organize on a weekly basis.

5. Evaluate : You stand back and reflect. How am I doing.

Once you do this, do not worry as you will be knowing whento spend more time in your office, when to take your familyon the dinner, when to exercise etc.

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How to cultivate the Habit of putting First things First

List one Activity in your personal life and ONE activity in yourprofessional life, that if performed regularly, would produce highlydesirable results. Now schedule and organize your time nextweek according to your priorities. 

Both in Quadrant II.

Draw a Time Management Matrix and simply estimate how muchtime you spend in each quadrant. Than Log your time for threedays in 30 minute interval. Analyze and Evaluate.

Start Organizing your life on a weekly basis. Write down yourGoals and then incorporate your goals into specific action plan.

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Habit   4: Think Win/win

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This is the habit of interpersonal leadership like marriage orother partnerships, yet people approach them withindependent mentality like playing golf with a tennis racket –the tool isn’t suited to the sport.

Most of us think that succeeding in terms of someone elsefailing. This scarcity mentality is really wrong thinking, if youget a big piece of the pie, I get the less.

Win-Win is based on the abundance mentality – the paradigmthat there is plenty for everyone.

Don’t get drenched in ego than it always ends up in Loose –Loose. Example of judge order in divorce.

If you give LOVE, you get more of that. If you give with 2hands you get back with a million hands

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How to Develop the Habit of 


Always think Win-Win to seek mutually beneficial


Whenever you are faced with the dilemma in

Personal life with your wife or in professional lifewith a business associate, Always THINK WIN-WIN.

In the last context, Always agree to disagree

agreeably. So No deal can be a better option than

a Win-loose or loose-win.

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Habit  5:

Seek first to understand,then to be understood

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5. Seek First to UNDERSTANDthan to be UNDERSTOOD.

This is the Habit of communication.

We have spent years learning how to read andwrite and speak. What about listening ?

Most people do not listen with the intent tounderstand, they listen with an intent to reply.

In contrast Emphatic listening is to get insideother person’s frame of reference : you see

the world as he sees it, you feel as he feels it.Can a doctor prescribe the glasses before heunderstands your eyes condition.

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Reading your own autobiography into other people’s lives

is nót (even close to) listening

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How to develop the habit of Seek first

to understand, than to be understood

The next time you see two people taking, cover your earfor a minute and just watch them, what emotions arebeing communicated.

If any of your relationship is not okay. Try to understand

the situation from the other persons point of view andwrite down your thoughts. In you next meeting listenpatiently to understand. Compare with what you arehearing with what you wrote down. How valid were yourassumptions ?

When you catch your self probing, advising in aconversation acknowledge it, apologies it and beginlistening with real empathy

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Habit  6:


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” 

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6. Synergize

This is the habit of creative cooperation or Teamwork. Definition

1 + 1 = 1.5 = Compromise.

1 + 1 = 2 = Transaction. You go and buy petrol.

1 + 1 = Minimum 3, 6, 11 or more = Synergy.

Synergy = Whole is more than sum of its parts.

Two person fighting for Window. Either Open or Close. (Only 2Alternatives)

What is that you want. I need fresh air, Breeze blows my papers.What can we do ? Lets change the positions of our desks. (ThirdAlternative Solution)

Habit 4 (Think Win-Win) is the Root, Habit 5 (Seek First tounderstand and than to be understood) is the Route and Habit 6(Synergize) is the Fruit.

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How to Develop the habit of Synergize 

Think about a person who sees thingsdifferently than you do. Consider howthose differences might lead to Third-

alternative solutions. Openly seek thisperson’s view on a current project orproblem. Show consideration andcourageously express your own views.

Do this with your every problem.

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Habit 7:

Sharpen the Saw

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7. Sharpen the SAW

This is the habit of self-renewal.

What are you doing ? Sawing the Tree.

Have you ever been too busy driving until you

run out of petrol.When we get busy producing or sawing, werarely get time to sharpen the saw, asmaintenance seldom pays dramatic immediatedividends.

This means having a systematic programme forself-renewal in four areas of our lives. Personal,Professional, Social, Spiritual.

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“Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequencescome from little things … I am tempted to think … there are no

little things” 

Bruce Barton

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How can we Sharpen the Saw

We need to work on all the FOUR AREAS :

Personal Goals : PHYSICIAL Goals, Mental Goals, Family Goals. : Dailyexercise, nutrition and Reading the inspirational books, spending timewith family.

Professional Goals : We need to learn the business principles, new

technologies, new methods to manage well and effectively lead.Social Goals : We need to give back to the society, to the environment,to the Earth.

Spiritual Goals : Be at peace with your self.

Keep a Personal journal and keep records of your good and bad momentsin the week. Introspect on the outcomes to understand your life better.

This habit lies in Quadrant 2. That is why most ignore it.

It does not act upon us we must ACT on this.

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Read, write, relax, exercise, play, love, get involved,meditate …

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Why are we here in this world for ?

We all need to work on the basic premise of 

To LIVE, To LOVE, To LEARN and To live a


For this you need to follow the Seven Habitswith determination and discipline.

And we can achieve just any worthwhile goal

in life, if it does not interfere with the rights of other human beings and it does not go againstthe basic principles or the laws of the God.

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Let’s REVISIT The Seven Habits

1. Be Proactive : Take Responsibility.

2. Begin with the end in mind : Create Clear mental Picture andproceed with confidence.

3. Put First things first : Always think of Quadrant II things.

4. Think Win-Win :Always of Abundance mentality.5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood : Always

think of the other persons point of view..

6. Synergize : Always make 1 + 1 = 11

7. Sharpen the Saw : WORK with discipline on all FOUR Areas of 

your life. Pay the Price, the dividends are unbelievablymarvelous.

This may seem a little difficult, but if you have the attitude to this,you can DO it and the result is Happiness, Prosperity,achievement and SUCCESS.

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●   I can !

● I Can !!

I Can !!!

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My ending statement…

Each one of YOU have within YOU inexhaustible reserves of potential, YOU havenever even come close to realizing: far more

intelligence than YOU have ever used; and morecreativity YOU have ever imagined. The greatestachievements of YOUR life lie ahead of YOU, thehappiest moments of YOUR life are yet to come,the greatest successes YOU will ever attain are

still waiting for YOU on the road ahead. THINKBIG and LIVE YOUR LIFE ! 

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Thank YOU