The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson


Minimalist Stratgies to Organize, Simplify and Declutter Your Home and Life

Transcript of The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Page 1: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 2: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

The 7 Day Declutter Bootcamp

Minimalist Strategies to Organize, Simplify and Declutter Your Home and Life

By Vanessa Johnson

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 3: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Published by Organized Living Press Atlanta, Georgia USA

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author. DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 5: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Table Of Contents• Day one: all things laundry• Now the fun begins• Day two: kitchen and pantry• Day three: bedrooms, bedrooms!• Day four: your home office• Day five: the bathroom• Day six: the entryway• Day seven: the living room• Conclusion

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 6: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day one: All Things LaundryWhen my house was a mess my biggest issue was the laundry. It piled up so quickly because I didn't wash consistently. I had so many articles of clothing that I didn't have to worry about washing regularly. There are a few problems with this:

# 1: This is just not sanitary. I never thought of it that way but when I look back on it is was honestly pretty nasty.

#2: Eventually I would run out of clothes and would then frantically wash just a load or two.

# 3: I never knew what clothes I had! Once I finally sorted through my clothes I found so many cute things I had totally forgotten about.

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Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 7: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Now the fun begins• Start your first load of laundry. Use your favorite scented detergent and fabric softener so you feel uplifted while doing your laundry, not burdened. Once this load is done move it to the dryer and start the next load. Do this all day or until all of the laundry is washed. Make sure to follow these steps: Wash, Dry, Fold, Put away. Do not skip any of these steps. You don't want the laundry to build up all over again.

• While this is going on take some time to organize your laundry area. If you have a trash can in the room clean it out and put a fresh bag in it. Make sure to change this on a regular basis so it doesn't get to full.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 8: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day two: Kitchen And PantryToday you will be organizing a room you most likely spend a fair chunk of time in. You cook 3 meals a day, and maybe even a snack or two in this room. You guessed it - you're going to organize your kitchen today!

Along with the kitchen you're also going to organize your pantry. If you don't have a pantry you will just be organizing whichever shelves or cupboards that you keep your food on or in.It is critical to have both of these areas clean and organized and I'll tell you why:

• You need a clean, organized pantry so that you can find what you need for supper quickly. Who wants to spend forever looking for one can of green beans? Plus, having an organized pantry helps you keep an inventory of the food you already have.

• A clean, organized kitchen is even more important. It's crucial to have the area where you cook food for your family to be clean.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 9: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day three: Bedrooms, bedrooms!Ahhh kids, those little rugrats that seem to make our world go round. You gotta love 'em – but lord knows you don't love the messes they leave. I mean – just look at their rooms: toys spilling out of a toy box, a messy, frumpled bed, and last night's juice cup rolling around on the floor.Today you're going to make both yours and your children's rooms look much better. Don't have any little ones running underfoot? Then congrats! Your day will go by quickly; you only have to do your own bedroom.

Does your child seem to have too many toys to deal with? Is their toy box overflowing and spilling on the floor? Does their room just seem to be generally untidy? The solution shouldn't surprise you – good organizational skills and tools are the key to keeping your critters room tidy.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 10: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day four: Your Home OfficeWe all have a place that we sit down and do paperwork. For some people it's the kitchen table, and for others it is a room itself. Today I'm going to be talking for the people who have a separate room for their home office. When you have a separate room to do your paperwork and other business related matters it gets too easy to let things get cluttered.

All you have to do is do your bills in your office and then you can close the door on the mess you have left behind. While having your own home office is nice this is a definite con to it. Today let's get that mess cleaned up so you can have a spic and span shiny office!

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 11: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day five: The BathroomToday we're tackling the room people think of as dirty: your bathroom. People automatically associate the bathroom with filth because people use the restroom and bathe in this room. This doesn't mean your bathroom has to be dirty, and your guests will realize that! By the time you are done today no one will ever think of your bathroom as dirty. Instead people will think of it as sparkling clean and admirable. Now wouldn't that be ideal? So what does today's agenda look like? You're going to: Organize your cleaners, soaps, make-up and personal care items, towels and washcloths, children's bath toys, and install a hamper in the room if you don't already have one. Get ready and get to work!

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 12: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day six: The EntrywayToday we're tackling the room people think of as dirty: your bathroom. People automatically associate the bathroom with filth because people use the restroom and bathe in this room. This doesn't mean your bathroom has to be dirty, and your guests will realize that! By the time you are done today no one will ever think of your bathroom as dirty. Instead people will think of it as sparkling clean and admirable. Now wouldn't that be ideal? So what does today's agenda look like? You're going to: Organize your cleaners, soaps, make-up and personal care items, towels and washcloths, children's bath toys, and install a hamper in the room if you don't already have one. Get ready and get to work!

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 13: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

Day seven: The Living RoomYour living room is like the family haven. You likely spend a lot of time in here. This is where your family gathers around the TV to watch Christmas Specials, the room we bring guests into to have conversation, and the room you cuddle up on the couch with a good book in. For me, and probably you too, the living room is like the hub of the house. Your TV is here, possibly your stereo, comfy chairs and couches, and the cute little trinkets you want to show off to everyone. This is why it's important to keep this room so organized and clean. We want to feel happy and good about ourselves in this room since we spend so much time in it, and we're not going to feel either of these emotions if the room is over-cluttered. So let's get started and get those good feelings flowing!

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson

Page 14: The 7 day declutter bootcamp

ConclusionNow that you have completed my 7 day de-clutter boot-camp I bet you feel very proud of yourself. This is good! I want you to be able to be proud of yourself every day of the week. And you can be. That proud feeling can stay in your system and help you charge though life. All you have to do is keep up the level of organization that you acquired when doing my boot-camp.

I didn't create this boot-camp so you could organize your house a week before the holidays and impress your family members, although it would work. I created this boot-camp so you could see how much better it is to live in a clutter free home.

The complete book is available on Amazon:

Copyright © 2012 Vanessa Johnson