The 6th Flash ! Open Call for Exhibition Proposals · 3" " coaordinators;"exhibition"...

The 6 th Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme: Flash ! Open Call for Exhibition Proposals

Transcript of The 6th Flash ! Open Call for Exhibition Proposals · 3" " coaordinators;"exhibition"...

  • The 6th Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme: Flash !Open Call for Exhibition Proposals

  • Contents

    The 6th Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme: Flash!Open Call for Exhibition Proposals Submission Guidelines

    Annex 1 – Submission Guidelines

    Annex 2 – Declaration

    Annex 3 – Proposal Budget

    Annex 4 – Checklist for Submission

    Exhibition Venue Information







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    The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals  

    Submission  Guidelines      

    Have you got an idea for an innovative visual art project? Join us to explore the new face of contemporary art.


    Objectives  of  The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  The   Artists   in   the   Neighbourhood   Scheme   is   a   series   of   roving   exhibitions   that   aims   to  support  local  artists  and  to  promote  the  visual  arts  in  Hong  Kong.  Works  by  about  200  artists  have  been  showcased  in  various  districts  in  the  last  five  editions  of  the  Scheme.    The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  (‘the  Scheme’)  is  breaking  fresh  ground.  Moving  on  from  the  simple  display  of  works  of  art   in  the  neighbourhood,  the  Scheme  now  wishes   to   celebrate   the   mutual   creative   processes   engaged   in   by   local   creative   talents  together  with   local  communities  and  strengthen  the  connection  between  art,   local  culture  and  history.    Setting  out  to  explore  our  history  and  culture  and  to  motivate  the  exchange  of  ideas  through  art   exhibition   projects,   this   new   edition   of   the   Scheme   takes   as   its   starting   point   four  historical   buildings   that   enjoy   profound   cultural   significance   in   Hong   Kong   (see  Exhibition  venues).    Creative  exhibition  proposals   that   celebrate  collaboration  will  be   selected   for   the  Scheme,  and  the  creative  talents  will  then  join  hands  with  the  Organiser  to  further  explore  the  new  face  of  contemporary  art.    Exhibition  venues     Venue   Address   Tentative  period  1.   Exhibition  Gallery  1,  Oi!  

     12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong   Mar  to  Jun  2016  

    2.   Exhibition  Gallery  2,  Oi!    

    12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong   Mar  to  Jun  2016  

    3.   Gallery,  Academy  of  Visual  Arts,  Kai  Tak  Campus  Hong  Kong  Baptist  University    

    51  Kwun  Tong  Road,  Kowloon,  Hong  Kong   Oct  to  Nov  2016    

    4.   1a  space   Unit  14,  Cattle  Depot  Artist  Village,  63  Ma  Tau  Kok  Road,  To  Kwa  Wan,  Kowloon,  Hong  Kong    

    Jan  to  Mar  2017    

    5.   Exhibition  Hall,  Hong  Kong  Visual  Arts  Centre    

    7A  Kennedy  Road,  Central,  Hong  Kong   May  to  Jul  2017  

    (For  details,  please  refer  to  the  “Exhibition  Venue  Information”.)  

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    Eligibility  The  Scheme  welcomes  the  submission  of  proposals  from  individuals  and  non-‐profit  making  organisations/groups   (participating   units)   that   are   capable   of   inspiring   artistic   creativity.  Individual   participant   or   at   least   one   person-‐in-‐charge   of   each   participating   unit   must   be  aged  18  or  above.    Each   participating   unit   can   submit   a   maximum   of   two   art   project   proposals.   Only   one  exhibition  venue  mentioned  above  can  be  selected  for  each  proposal.      The  following  individuals  and  organisations  are  not  eligible  to  apply  for  the  Scheme:    1. commercial  organisations;  2. staff  of  the  Organiser;  3. members  of  the  Scheme’s  adjudication  panel.    Adjudication  panel  Museum  Expert  Advisors  of  the  Leisure  and  Cultural  Services  Department;  Representatives  of  the  Presenter  and  Project  Partners    Selection  criteria  1. Relevance  of  the  proposed  exhibition  and  activities  (including  research  and  publications)  

    to  the  objectives  of  the  Scheme.  2. Relevance  of  the  proposal  to  the  selected  venue  and  its  culture  or  history.  3. Creativity,  diversity  and  feasibility  (including  installation  of  the  exhibits  and  public  and  

    building  safety)  of  the  proposed  exhibition  and  activities.  4. Artistic  merit  of  the  participants  /  exhibits  and  how  well  they  fit  in  with  the  ideas  of  the  

    proposal.  5. Organisational  and  planning  competence  of  participating  units.  6. Public  appeal  of  the  exhibition  and  activities.  7. Feasibility  of  the  financial  budget  for  the  exhibition  and  the  activities.  8. If   necessary,   participants   may   be   invited   to   meet   with   the   Organisers   and   the  

    adjudication  panel.  9. The  Presenter  reserves  the  right  to  make  the  final  decision  on  their  selection.    Financial  assistance  and  other  support  Each   selected   unit   will   receive   a  maximum   budget   of   HK$300,000   to   realise   their   project  proposal.    This   budget   shall   cover:   curatorial   fees;   artists/exhibitors   fees;  material   costs;   production,  mounting  and  dismounting  of  exhibits;   insurance;   tutors   for   the   relevant  activities;  project  

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    co-‐ordinators;   exhibition   assistants;   design,   storage   and   transportation   of   exhibits   and  activity  materials;   photographic   documentary;   video   recording   and  production;   translation  and   editing   expenses;   subsidy   for   the   auditor’s   report   (not   exceeding  HKD$5,000);   and   all  other  direct  and   indirect  costs  and  expenses   incurred  by  the  selected  unit   in  the  course  of  implementing  the  selected  proposal.    The   Presenter   will   provide   free   exhibition   venue,   provide   basic   layout   design,   setup   and  dismounting  of  the  exhibition  and  the  design  and  production  of  exhibition  pamphlet,  poster  and  invitation  card,  arranging  the  opening  ceremony  and  publicity,  etc.,  based  on  the  budget  of  the  Presenter.      Enquiries  The   Submission   Guidelines   and   related   annexes   and   information   of   the   Scheme   can   be  downloaded  from  the  website  of  Oi!  at  Enquiries:  2512  3009  /  2512  3005  Fax:  2512  3022  Deadline  for  submissions:  8:00pm,  3  May  2015  (Sunday)  If   there   is   any   inconsistency   or   ambiguity   between   the   English   version   and   the   Chinese  version  of  the  guidelines,  the  English  version  shall  prevail.    Submission  guidelines  Participating   unit   should   submit   the   information   specified   below.   Please   refer   to   the  Annexes  for  details.  1. Individual  participant/participating  group:    

    I) Information  and  contact  details  and    II) Exhibition  and  activity  proposal  and  related  information  III) Proposal,   budget   and   all   information   should   be   saved   in   CD/DVD   and   submitted  

    together  with  a  set  of  A4-‐size  color  print  out  (Annex  1);    2. Declaration   of   the   individual   participant/participating   group   (Annex   2).   Each  

    participating  unit  must  submit  a   true  signed  copy  of   the  Declaration;   for  participating  groups,  each  individual  member  of  the  group  must  sign  the  Declaration.  Please  submit  one   original   signed   true   copy   of   the   Declaration   for   each   proposal.   Photocopies   of  Declaration  are  not  accepted.  

    3. Proposal  budget  (Annex  3).  Please  list  the  details  of  the  proposal  budget  (not  exceeding  HK$300,000).  Please  note  the  specific  limit  set  for  individual  item.  

    4. Checklist  for  submission  (Annex  4).    

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     Remarks  on  submissions  1. Participating  unit  can  include  images  or  drawings  to  explain  clearly  to  the  adjudication  

    panel  the  proposed  exhibition  and  the  planning  of  the  related  activities.  2. It  is  in  the  interest  of  participating  unit  to  ensure  that  the  proposals/relevant  materials  

    are  properly   secured  or  protected  at   the   time  of  delivery.   The  Presenter   shall   not  be  responsible  for  any  accidental  loss  or  damage  of  the  proposals  and  materials.    

    3. There  is  no  charge  for  participating  in  the  Scheme.  Proposals  and  materials  submitted  by  participating  units  will  not  be  returned.  Please  do  not  submit  any  original  documents  or  exhibits.  

    4. Please   refer   to   the  Checklist   for   submission   (Annex  4)   to  ensure   that   all   the   required  information  is  submitted.  Proposals  may  be  disqualified   if  the   information  submitted  is  incomplete.  

    5. All  materials  submitted  for  the  Scheme  should  be  enclosed  in  an  envelope  marked  “The  6th  Artists   in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals”.  Submissions  sent  by  e-‐mail  or  fax  will  not  be  accepted.  

    6. All  submissions  must  reach  Oi!  at  12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong,  by    8:00pm  on  3  May  2015  (Sunday).  

    7. Submissions  can  be  dropped  into  the  collection  box  at  Oi!.  The  opening  hours  of  Oi!  is  as  follows:  Daily  10:00am  —8:00pm  Closed  on  Mondays  from  10:00am  —2:00pm,  except  public  holidays  Closed  at  5:00pm  on  Lunar  New  Year’s  Eve  (18.2.2015)    Closed  on  the  first  two  days  of  the  Lunar  New  Year  (19  &  20.2.2015)    

    Alternatively,  submissions  can  be  sent  by  post  to  Oi!  at  12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong.  In  this  case,  the  postmark  date  will  be  regarded  as  the  date  of  submission.  Late  submissions  will  not  be  accepted.  

     Remarks  on  exhibitions  1. Selected  units  shall  fully  comply  with  the  regulations  and  guidelines  governing  the  use  

    of  the  venues  and  their  facilities.  2. The  period  assigned  to  the  exhibitions  at  the  venues,  including  the  mounting,  exhibition  

    period,   activities   and   dismounting,   will   last   approximately   one   to   three  months.   The  actual   exhibition   period   will   depend   on   the   time   made   available   by   the   venue.   The  Presenter   reserves   the   right   to   make   the   final   decision   relating   to   changes   to   the  exhibition  venue  and  the  exhibition  period.  

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    3. The  exhibitions  shall  be  open  to  the  public  free  of  charge.  No  sales,  cash  donations  or  commercial  promotion  activities  are  allowed  at  the  venues.  All  related  publications  shall  be  given  out  to  the  public  for  free.  

    4. The  selected  units  shall  be  responsible  for  providing  all  equipment  and  devices  required  by  the  exhibition  and  activities.  

    5. All  exhibits  and  installations  shall  be  properly  mounted  and  installed.  For  example,  they  shall   be   protected   by   frames   or   pedestals.   The   exhibits   shall   in   principle   be   safely  affixed,  and  the  integrity  shall  be  assured;  they  should  also  be  easy  to  hang  or  place  in  position.  Exhibits  that  may  represent  a  public  hazard  should  not  be  displayed.  

    6. The  selected  units  shall  be  responsible  for   insurance  covering  for  the  exhibits  and  the  working  crew;  security  arrangements  and  relevant  measures.    

    7. The  selected  units  shall  obtain  all  licences  and  permits  necessary  for  the  exhibitions  and  activities  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  legislation;  they  shall  also  comply  with  the  relevant  terms  and  conditions.  

     Originality  and  intellectual  property  rights  1. All  exhibition  and  activity  proposals  submitted  by  the  participants  must  be  their  original  

    works   without   infringing   the   Intellectual   Property   Rights*   (hereinafter   referred   to   as  ‘IPR’)  of  any  party.  Participants  must  be  the  owners  of  IPR  of  their  proposals  as  the  case  may  be.  All  exhibits  proposed  shall  only  be  used  and  displayed  after  the  consent  of  the  original   creator   or   the   owners   of   the   IPR   relating   to   the   exhibits   has   been   obtained.  Participants   shall   be   liable   for   any   claims   of   infringement   of   the   IPR   of   any   party.   A  participant   shall   indemnify   the   Government   of   the   Hong   Kong   Special   Administrative  Region   (‘the   Government’)   and   the   Presenter   against   all   actions,   costs,   claims   and  liabilities  of  whatever  nature  arising  out  of  or  in  connection  with  any  allegation  and/or  claim  of  infringement  of  any  IPR  of  any  party.  

    2. The  Presenter  at   all   times   reserves   full   right   to   reject  and  disqualify  any  proposals  or  exhibits/to   deprive   any   selected   proposals/exhibits   of   their   eligibility   for  participation/selection   if,   in   the   sole   opinion   of   the   Presenter,   the   proposals/exhibits  infringe  the  IPR  of  any  other  party.  

    3. Participating  unit  shall  obtain   the  prior  consent  of   the  creators   if   they  wish  to  display  works  created  by  public  during  the  activity.  

    4. The  exhibition  and  activity  proposals  submitted  by  participating  unit  must  never  have  been  displayed  publicly  before,  and  they  must  not  be  the  subject  of  negotiations  with  any  other  organisation.  

     Remarks  on  publicity,  publications  and  copyrights  

    1. The  Presenter  can  use  all  the  information  provided  by  the  selected  units  to  organise  the  exhibitions  and  activities   free  of   charge.   The   information   required   includes  but   is  not  

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    limited   to   the   concepts   behind   the   exhibits/exhibitions/activities,   images   of   exhibits,  feature  articles,  biographies,  proposals  and  contents  of  activities.  Upon  submitting  the  proposal,   the   participants   grant   a   licence   to   the   Presenter,   the   Government,   its  authorised  users,  assigns  and  successors-‐in-‐title  to  take  photos  of,  reproduce,  use,  keep  records  of,  release,  display,  modify,  translate,  and  distribute  any  information  in  respect  of  the  exhibition  and  activity  proposals,  artists  and  exhibits,  including  but  not  limited  to  texts   and   images,   for   research,   consultation,   exhibition,   educational   and   publicity  purposes  through  various  forms  or  channels  including  the  Internet.  Such  licence  should  be   royalty-‐free,   irrevocable,   non-‐exclusive,   worldwide,   perpetual,   sub-‐licensable   and  freely-‐transferable.  

    2. The   Presenter   shall   be   at   liberty   to   edit,   amend,   select   and   apply   all   the  above-‐mentioned   information   submitted   by   the   participants.   The   full   copyright   of   all  publicity  materials,  publications  and  videos  related  to  the  exhibition,  including  but  not  limited  to  flyer,  exhibition  catalogue,  pamphlet  and  video,   is  owned  by  the  Presenter,  the  Government,  its  assignees  and  successors-‐in-‐title.  

    3. For  the  convenience  of  the  public,  all  the  publications  relating  to  the  exhibition,  texts  in  the  exhibition  venue  and  videos  of  the  exhibited  projects  shall  be  produced  in  both  traditional  Chinese  and  English.  

    4. The   information   of   all   exhibits,   publicity   materials,   exhibition   panels   and   design  drawings  for  the  exhibitions  related  to  the  selected  proposals  shall  be  published  by  the  Presenter  or  by  the  selected  unit  after  confirmed  by  the  Presenter.  

    5. Proposals   selected   under   this   Scheme  will   be   billed   as   presented   by   the   Leisure   and  Cultural   Services   Department   and   organised   by   Oi!   and   the   Hong   Kong   Visual   Arts  Centre,  and  other   the  Project  Partners  of   the  Scheme  will  be   indicated   in  all  publicity  materials  for  the  selected  proposals.  

    6. The   copyrights   for   all   publications   and   releases   related   to   the   selected   proposals,  including   publications,   publicity   materials   (including   online   promotion),   designs   and  videos,  belong  exclusively  to  the  Hong  Kong  Special  Administrative  Region.    

    *Intellectual   Property   Rights   shall  mean   patents,   trademarks,   service  marks,   trade   names,  design   rights,   copyrights,   domain   names,   database   rights,   rights   to   know-‐how,   new  inventions,  designs  or  processes  and  other  intellectual  property  rights  weather  now  known  or   created   in   future   (of  whatever   nature   and  wherever   arising)   and   in   each   case  whether  registered  or  unregistered  and  including  applications  for  the  grant  of  any  such  rights.  

       General  remarks  

    1. This  invitation  for  exhibition  proposals  is  neither  a  tender  invitation  nor  an  offer  for  the  commission  of  a  contract.  By  issuing  this  invitation,  the  Presenter  reserves  for  itself  the  absolute  and  unrestricted  right  to  invite,  consider  and  select  exhibition  proposals  at  its  

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    own  discretion.  Before   the   results  are  officially  announced,   the  Presenter  will   require  the  selected  units   to   sign  agreements  on   the  arrangements  concerning   the  exhibition  proposals.  

    2. Participants   are   solely   responsible   for   their   own   costs   and   expenses   in   submitting  proposals  for  the  Scheme,  including  the  costs  and  expenses  incurred  for  attending  any  meetings   with   the   Presenter   and  members   of   the   adjudication   panel.   The   Presenter  shall   not   be   liable   to   compensate   any   participants   or   proposals   with   regard   to   any  rejected,  disqualified  or  unsuccessful  proposals  or  any  proposals  deprived  of  title.  

    3. The  Presenter  reserves  the  right  to  change  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Scheme  and  other  arrangements   (including   the  venues  and   time  of   the  exhibitions);   the  Presenter  shall  take  reasonable  steps  to  notify  participants  of  any  such  changes.  The  participants  shall  pay  close  attention  to  the  website  of  Oi!  (  and  the  publicity  materials   of   the  Presenter   and   keep   themselves   informed  on   an  ongoing  basis   about  the  details  of  the  Scheme.  

    4. The  Presenter   reserves   the   right   to  co-‐ordinate  and  negotiate  with   the   selected  units  about  the  project  proposals.  

    5. The   signing  and   submission  of  a  proposal  and   the   information   in   the  annexes   implies  the  full  understanding  and  agreement  of  the  participants  of  and  with  all  the  contents,  selection  criteria  of   this  Scheme  as  well  as   the   terms  and  conditions  stipulated   in   the  Submission  Guidelines  and  annexes.  

    6. Participants   shall   assume   full   responsibility   for   their   exhibition   proposals   and   for  indemnifying  the  Presenter  and  the  Government  against  any   loss   that  may  arise   from  any  breach  of  the  guidelines  and  the  declaration.  

    7. The  Presenter  shall  not  be  liable  for  any  legal,  insurance  or  compensation  consequences  resulting  from  any  damage,  wear  and  tear  or  other  related  damage  caused  during  the  delivery,   exhibitions   and   activities   involved   in   the   Scheme.   Participants   shall   consider  taking  out  insurance  cover  for  their  exhibits  and  related  equipment  and  facilities.  

     Personal  data  

    1. The  personal  data  provided  by  the  participants  is  collected  primarily  for  the  purpose  of  the  Scheme.  

    2. By  submitting  their  proposals,  participants  agree  that  their  personal  data  may  be  stored  and  used  by  the  Presenter  in  any  way  for  purposes  connected  with  the  Scheme.  

    3. Participants  have  the  right  to  request  access  to  and  the  correction  of  personal  data  as  stated   in   the  exhibition  proposal   in  accordance  with  Section  18,  22  and  Principle  6  of  Schedule  1   to   the  Personal  Data   (Privacy)  Ordinance.  Requests  could  be  addressed   to  Oi!,  12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong.  


  • 8    

    Announcement  of  results  

    Selected  units  will  be  notified  by  letter.  The  results  of  the  Scheme  will  be  announced  on  the  website  of  Oi!  at      Compliance  with  the  law  

    These  Submission  Guidelines   shall  be  constructed  according   to   the   laws  of   the  Hong  Kong  Special   Administrative   Region.   Participants   shall   comply   with   the   laws   of   the   Hong   Kong  Special  Administrative  Region.        

  • 9  

    附錄一  –  提交資料指引  Annex  1  –  Submission  Guidelines  


    第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!公開徵集展覽計劃提案  –  提交資料指引  The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals  –  Submission  Guidelines    I)  身分資料、聯絡方法  及  II)  展覽及活動計劃提案  及相關資料  必須燒錄於光碟(文字請以 document  格式/圖像請以 jpeg 格式儲存),並連同一份彩色 A4 打印本一併提交。  I)  Information  and  contact  details  and  II)  Exhibition  and  activity  proposal  and  related  information  should  be  saved  in  CD/DVD  (texts  should  be  saved  as  document  files  and  images  should  be  saved  as  jpeg  files)  and  submitted  together  with  a  set  of  A4-‐size  color  print  out.    

    請提供以下資料    Please  provide  the  following  information:  

    I)  身分資料、聯絡方法    Information  and  contact  details  

    a) 個人身分參加  請附上    Individual  participant,  please  submit:    -‐ 姓名(中、英)  及  性別   -‐ Name  of  participant  (Chi  &  Eng)  and    gender  

    -‐ 香港身份證號碼     -‐ HKID  card  no.  

    -‐ 聯絡方法  (手提及電郵)   -‐ Contact  (mobile  phone  and  e-‐mail)  

    -‐ 通訊地址  (中、英)   -‐ Correspondence  address  (Chi  &  Eng)  


    b)        團體/團隊身分參加  請附上    Participating  organisation/group,  please  submit:      -‐ 團體/團隊負責人姓名(中、英)  及  性別   -‐ Name  of  the  person-‐in-‐charge  of  the  participating  

    organisation/group  (Chi  &    Eng)  and  gender  

    -‐ 團體/團隊負責人香港身份證號碼   -‐ HKID  card  no  of  the  person-‐in-‐charge  of  the  participating  organisation/group    

    -‐ 聯絡方法  (手提及電郵)   -‐ Contact  (mobile  phone  and  e-‐mail)  

    -‐ 通訊地址  (中、英)   -‐ Correspondence  address  (Chi  &  Eng)  

    -‐ 團體/團隊名稱  (中、英)  

    如團體/團隊已註冊 ,  請填寫註冊性質及提交證明文件#  

    -‐ Name  of  the  organisation/group  (Chi  &  Eng)  

    If  registered,  please  state  nature  of  organisation/group  and  provide  relevant  supporting  document(s)#  

    -‐ 團隊成立/組成日期   -‐ Inauguration  date  

    -‐ 已註冊團隊名稱  (中、英)   -‐ Registered  name  of  group  

    -‐ 團隊註冊性質  (慈善/非牟利/其他)   -‐ Nature  of  group  (registered  charitable/registered  non-‐profit-‐making/other)  

    -‐ 所有團體/團隊參加者姓名(中、英)、身分證號碼、參與角色  

    -‐ Names  of  all  participating  group  members;  HKID  card  no.;  position  

    -‐ 證明文件#   -‐ Enclosed  supporting  document(s)#  

     #參加團體若為香港註冊的非牟利或慈善團體,請提交有效的證明文件,例如稅務局免稅證明、公司註冊證書、公司正式授權的董事局會議紀錄、社團註冊證書等。  If  the  participating  group  is  a  locally  registered  non-‐profit-‐making  or  registered  charitable  organisation,  please  provide  supporting   document(s)   such   as   proof   of   tax   exemption   from   the   Inland   Revenue   Department,   Certificate   of  Incorporation,  Board  Resolution  on  Authorisation,  Certificate  of  Registration  under  the  Societies  Ordinance,  etc.      

  • 10  


    及代為收取所有資助。團隊必須遞交已簽妥的聲明及委託書(附錄二)正本。  If   applying   as   a   group,   all   group   members   must   fill   in   and   sign   a   Declaration   and   Authorisation   Letter   (Annex   2)  authorising  one  of  the  members  as  a  person-‐in-‐charge  with  full  responsibility  for  signing  all  documents,  carrying  out  and   managing   all   procedures   and   activities   and   receiving   the   allowance   related   to   “The   6th   Artists   in   the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!”  and  its  programmes  on  behalf  of  the  group.    


    II)  展覽及活動計劃提案    Exhibition  and  activity  proposal  


    建議整個「展覽及活動計劃提案」不多於 12 頁 A4 紙。  It  is  suggested  that  the  exhibition  and  activity  proposal  does  not  exceed  12  pages  of  A4  size  paper.      

    請於計劃提案內詳列以下資料      Please  list  the  following  detailed  information  in  the  proposal:    

    1. 請列明選擇以下任何一個展覽場地及展出時期    Please  select  one  of  the  following  exhibition  venues  and  periods    主辦機構將應實際情況保留展覽場地及展出時期的最終決定權  。  The  Presenter  reserves  the  final  rights  to  change  the  exhibition  venues  and  periods.     油街實現  展覽廳一    (2016年3月至6月)  

                                   Exhibition  Gallery  1,  Oi!  (Mar  to  Jun  2016)    

    油街實現  展覽廳二    (2016年3月至6月)                                  Exhibition  Gallery  2,  Oi!  (Mar  to  Jun  2016)    

    香港浸會大學視覺藝術院  啟德校園畫廊    (2016年10月至11月)                Gallery,  Academy  of  Visual  Arts,  Kai  Tak  Campus,  Hong  Kong  Baptist  University  (Oct  to  Nov  2016)    

    1a空間  (2017年1月至3月)                1a  space  (Jan  to  Mar  2017)     香港視覺藝術中心  展覽廳    (2017年5月至7月)                  Exhibition  Hall,  Hong  Kong  Visual  Arts  Centre  (May  to  Jul  2017)    

    2. 提案目的    Objectives  of  the  proposal    

    3.        展覽及活動計劃如何配合「第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!」的宗旨          How  do  the  proposed  exhibition  and  activities  reflect  the  objectives  of  “The  6th    Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  

    Scheme:  Flash!”?  

  • 11  

    4.          提案內容      Proposal  contents  i)   展覽內容:  

    Exhibition  content:    策展構思、與所選展場或當區文化歷史背景的關係、主要參展成員及展示方式  The  curatorial  concept,  its  relationship  to  the  chosen  venue  or  the  cultural  and  historical  background  of  the  neighbourhood,  list  of  core  participants  and  display  method    

    ii)   相關展品資料:  Exhibit  information:    參加單位須提供能闡釋其策展及活動構思及理念的相關展品資料(如展品標題及說明)、圖片、草圖或錄像。有關資料須燒錄於光碟提交。相關展品圖片數量 5  –  10 幅  (解像度約 300dpi,  JPEG 格式);錄像作品請提供以 5 分鐘為限之片段以供評審。  Participants  must  provide  exhibit  information  which  can  illustrate  the  curatorial  concept  and  activity  ideas  (e.g.  title  and  details  of  exhibit).  Please  submit  the  information  by  CD/DVD.  Please  submit  5  to  10  images  of  the  exhibit  in  JPEG  format  with  resolution  of  300  dpi  or  higher.  The  duration  of  videos  to  be  presented  for  adjudication  purpose  should  not  exceed  5  minutes.    

    iii)   社群互動活動及創作  (如有)                  Social  interaction  and  creation  (if  any)    

    活動名稱、主持、目的及內容,包括:活動對象、語言及名額  Name  of  activity,  host,  concept  and  content,  including  target  audience,  use  of  language  and  quota    

    iv)    相關研究及出版  (如有)              Related  research  and  publications  (if  any)    

    5.      參加單位簡介/參加者履歷與及籌辦展覽/藝術活動經驗                    Introduction  of  participating  group/Curriculum  vitae  of  participant(s)  and  past  experience  in  organising  

    exhibitions  or  art  activities    

    i)   參加單位最新簡介/參加者最新履歷                Up-‐to-‐date  introduction  of  participating  group/curriculum  vitae  of  participant(s)    

    ii)   展覽及籌辦藝術活動經驗  (包括日期、展覽/活動名稱、主辦機構及場地)*  Past  experience  in  organising  exhibitions  and  art  activities  (including  date,  exhibition/activity  title,  organiser  and  venue)*    *可夾附展覽宣傳刊物如:活動場刊、小冊子、邀請卡、剪報或其他記錄文件副本,或相關網址以供評審參考。  *Exhibition  publication(s),  such  as  pamphlets,  leaflets,  invitation  cards,  news  clippings  and  other  documents  or  websites  relating  to  the  exhibitions  can  be  submitted  for  the  adjudication  panel’s  reference.      

    6.  提案預算  (上限港幣 30 萬元 )  (詳見附錄三)  Proposal  budget  (budget  limit  HK$300,000)  (Please  refer  to  Annex  3  for  details)    

  • 12  

       附錄二    –    聲明  

    Annex  2  –  Declaration  第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃  :閃亮!公開徵集展覽計劃提案  –  聲明      The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals  –  Declaration    每份參加提案須備獨立聲明正本一份。必須全體成員簽署此聲明。參加者必須與提案一併遞交聲明簽署正

    本。  Please  submit  an  original  signed  true  copy  of  the  Declaration  for  each  proposal.  All  members  must  sign  this  Declaration  and  submit  it  together  with  the  proposal.  Photocopies  of  Declaration  are  not  accepted.      本人  /等現遞交提案並作出此聲明及承諾如下:  By  submitting  the  proposal  for  the  above  Scheme,  I/we  make  the  following  Declarations  and  Undertakings:      1)  本人  /等聲明已符合參加資格,並完全清楚主辦單位公佈之「第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!」的「參加指

    引」內所有細則及條款及同意遵守該些細則及條款。       I/We  declare  that  I/we  meet  the  submission  requirements,  I/we  fully  understand  all  the  terms  and  conditions  in  the  

    Submission  Guidelines  for  “The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!”  –  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals  and  I/we  hereby  agree  to  abide  by  all  such  terms  and  conditions.  

     2)  本人  /等聲明遞交之提案為本人  /等之原創,本人  /等擁有其全部知識產權,且沒有侵犯他人之知識產

    權。       I/We  declare  that  my/our  proposal/and  proposed  exhibit(s)  is/are  my/our  original  work/works  and  I/we  own  the  

    full  intellectual  property  rights  subsisting  in  the  proposal  and  proposed  exhibit(s)  without  infringing  the  intellectual  property  rights  of  any  other  party.  

     3)  本人  /等承諾為遞交之計劃提案及  /將展覽的作品負全部責任。倘若計劃提案及  /將展覽的作品違反此計

    劃的條款或本聲明而導致主辦單位及  /或政府有任何損失,本人  /等須向主辦單位及  /或政府作出彌償。       I/We  shall  undertake  full  responsibility  for  my/our  proposal  and  proposed  exhibit(s)  for  the  Scheme  and  to  

    indemnify  the  Presenter  and/or  the  Government  against  any  loss  as  a  result  of  any  breach  of  the  law  or  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  Scheme  or  this  Declaration.  

     4)  本人  /等給予主辦單位、政府、其獲授權使用者、其受讓人及權利承繼人特許,有權拍攝、複製及使用、



    免版稅的、不得撤回、非專用、  全球性、永久延續、可再授予及可自由轉讓。       I/We  declare  that  I/we  shall  grant  a  royalty-‐free,  irrevocable,  non-‐exclusive,  worldwide,  perpetual,  sub-‐licensable  

    and  freely-‐transferable  licence  to  the  Presenter,  the  Government,  its  authorised  users,  assignees  and  successors-‐in-‐title  to  take  photos  of,  reproduce,  use,  keep  records  of,  release,  display,  modify,  translate  and  distribute  any  information  in  respect  of  the  exhibition  and  activity  proposal,  artist(s)  and  exhibit(s),  including  but  not  limited  to  the  texts  and  images,  for  research,  consultation,  exhibition,  educational  and  publicity  purposes  through  various  forms  or  channels  including  the  Internet.  

     參加者/團隊負責人姓名  Name  of  participant  /  Person-‐in-‐charge  of  participating  group        (中文)  ____________________________  (先生/女士*)   (Eng)  ___________________  (Mr/Ms*)        簽署  Signature  _______________________________   日期  Date    __________________________________      *  請刪去不適用  Please  delete  as  appropriate    


  • 13  

    如 以 團 隊 名 義 參 加 , 請 再 填 寫 此 欄  Participating  group,  please  also  fill  in  the  followings:    簽署、蓋章和交付  Signed,  sealed  and  delivered  by:    團隊名稱                                      蓋印  (如適用)  Name  of  Participating  Group  ______________________                  Seal    (if  applicable)  _______________________________      我們委託  _____________________________________    為本團隊負責人,  

    (團隊負責人姓名,需與身份證上姓名一樣)    全權負責簽署所有參加「第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!」之有關文件、辦理一切有關手續、處理一切有關之事  宜及收取所有資助。                We  hereby  authorise  _____________________________________  as  the  Person-‐in-‐charge  of  this  participating  group;  

           (Name  of  Person-‐in-‐charge  as  written  on  HKID  card)    he/she*  is  given  full  authority  to  sign  all  official  documents,  handle  all  procedures  and  receive  all  allowances  connected  with  “The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!”  on  behalf  of  our  group.    

     成員  編號  No.  

    所 有 參 加 提 案 團隊成員姓名  Names  of  all  participating  members  

    所 有 參加成員簽署  Signatures  of  all  participating  members  

    香港身份證號碼  HKID  card  no.  

    日期  Date  

















             如上表不敷應用,請另紙填寫。If  there  is  not  enough  space,  please  continue  on  a  separate  sheet.    * 請刪去不適用  Please  delete  as  appropriate  


  • 14  

    附錄三 –  提案預算  Annex  3  –  Proposal  Budget  

    第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!公開徵集展覽計劃提案  –  提案預算 The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals  –  Proposal  Budget    -‐  每項獲選計劃提案可獲上限港幣 30 萬元實踐計劃。      Each  selected  project  proposal  will  receive  a  maximum  of  HK$300,000  to  implement  the  proposal.    -‐  實踐展覽活動計劃時超出津貼預算的支出須由獲選單位自行負責。      Expenses  for  the  exhibition  proposal  that  exceed  the  allowance  are  to  be  borne  by  the  selected  unit.    -‐  參加者可按計劃提案實計需要,增刪下列樣本各項,惟請留意核數費用之津貼上限為港元 5,000 元正。      Participants  can  adjust  the  budget  in  line  with  their  actual  needs  and  add  or  delete  any  budget  items  in  the  sample  provided  below.  Attention  should  be  paid  to  the  allowance  limit  of  audit  fee  as  HK$5,000.  

     提案預算樣本    Sample  of  Proposal  Budget  

    -‐  SAMPLE      樣本  -‐    

      項目  Item   相關人士姓名/公司名稱  Relevant  person/company  

    預算  Budget    (港幣  HK$)  

    1.  策展人費用    Curator  Fee  


    2.  藝術家費用    Artist  Fee  


    3.  設計師費用    Designer  Fee  


    4.  計劃統籌費用    Project  Coordinator  Fee  


    5.  研究助理費用    Researcher  Fee  


    6.  展場助理費用    (於展場當值及向觀眾介紹展覽)  Exhibition  Assistant  Fee  (introducing  the  exhibition  on  site)    


    7.  展覽製作相關費用  Production  Fee    


    8.  展品佈展及拆除費用  Exhibit  Mounting  and  Dismounting  Fee    


    9.  出版、發佈及宣傳品之翻譯及編輯費用  (所有出版發表均必須為繁體中文及英文雙語製作)  Translation  and  Editing  Fee  for  Publicities  and  Promotion  Materials    (All  publicities  must  be  bilingual  in  Traditional  Chinese  and  English)    


    10.  印刷費用及數量  (如適用)    Printing  Fee  &  Quantity    (if  applicable)    



  • 15  

    11.  展品及活動物料運輸費  Transportation  Fee  for  Exhibits  and  Activity  Materials    


    12.  活動費用  Activity  Expenses    


    13.  展出有關計劃之錄像  包括:拍攝及製作  (必須提供繁體中文及英文雙語字幕)  Video  Production  Fee,  including  filming  and  production  (Bilingual  subtitles  in  Traditional  Chinese  and  English  must  be  provided)    


    14.  展覽紀錄費用    (包括攝影及錄像)  Documentation  Fee  (including  video  and  photographic  record)  


    15.  核數費用    (津貼上限為 HK$5,000)  Audit  Fee  (Maximum  allowance:  HK$5,000)  


    16.  其他  Others      




  • 16  

    附錄四    –    遞交提案清單  Annex  4  –  Checklist  for  Submission  

     第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!公開徵集展覽計劃提案  –  遞交計劃提案所需資料清單  The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals  –Checklist  for  Submission    參加者必須遞交以下項目,請核實並在已提交之項目方格內加  þ  Participants  must  submit  the  items  below;  please  check  the  box  þ  to  verify  that  the  items  have  been  attached.    

    1. □  身份資料及聯絡方法    Information  and  contact  details  □  團體註冊證明文件    (只適用於以團隊名義參加並已註冊之團體)  

    Supporting  document(s)  concerning  registration  of  the  participating  group  (applicable  to  registered     organisations  only)  

     2. 展覽及活動計劃提案  Exhibition  and  activity  proposal    

    □  展覽及活動計劃提案  (不多於 12 頁 A4 紙)  Exhibition  proposal  (no  more  than  12  pages  of  A4  size  paper)    

    3. 展品資料    (必須與計劃相關)  Exhibit  information  (must  be  directly  relevant  to  the  proposal)  

    □  展品圖片電子檔  (共  ___  張,約 300dpi,JPEG 格式)  或    錄像作品(不多於 5 分鐘片段,請列明片長  )  Exhibit  image  (___  files  in  total,  300  dpi  or  above  in  JPEG  format)  or    Video  (duration  of  video  should  not  exceed  5  minutes;  please  indicate  duration  of  the  video).    

    □  相關展品資料  (如展品標題、作者及說明等)                                  Related  exhibit  information  (captions,  artists,  descriptions  etc.)  


    4. □  參加者履歷/團隊簡介  Curriculum  vitae  of  the  participants  and  introduction  of  participating  group  □  曾參與之展覽及藝術活動記錄副本  Past  exhibition  records  (with  past  publication(s)  /  document(s))  


    5. □  參加聲明  Declaration  (必須提交簽署正本    A  signed  true  copy  of  the  Declaration  must  be  submitted)    

    6. □  提案預算  Proposal  Budget    

    7. □  此清單  Checklist  for  submission    

    8. □  以上各項資料電子檔案  (須燒錄於光碟提交,文字請以 document  格式/圖像請以 jpeg 格式儲存)  及    Digital  files  of  the  above  information  on  CD/DVD  (texts  should  be  saved  as  document  files  and  images  should  be  saved  as  jpeg  files)  and  

    □  彩色 A4 打印本乙份        Single  copy  of  A4  colour-‐print  out  ________________________________________________________________________________________________    n 所有資料須以公文袋夾附遞交,封面註明「第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!  公開徵集展覽計劃提案」。  

    All  materials  submitted  for  this  Scheme  should  be  enclosed  in  an  envelope  marked  “The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  –  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals”.  

     n 參加費用全免,但所有提交之材料歸主辦單位處理,一概不獲發還,請勿遞交資料或展品原件。  


  • 17  

    There  is  no  charge  for  participating  in  the  Scheme.  Submitted  materials  will  not  be  returned.  Please  do  not  submit  any  original  documents  or  exhibits.    

    n 請於遞交計劃提案資料前,詳細閱讀「第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃  :閃亮!公開徵集展覽計劃提案  」參加指引及附錄。  Please  read  through  all  the  information  and  guidelines  for  “The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!  –  Open  Call  for  Exhibition  Proposals”  before  submitting  your  proposal.  

     n 截止申請日期:  2015 年  5  月  3  日 (星期日 )  晚上 8 時  

    Deadline  for  submission:  8:00  pm,  3  May  2015  (Sun)      

    n 遞交方法:      參加資料可投放於油街實現接待處的收集箱,油街實現開放時間為: 每日上午 10時至晚上 8時,逢星期一上午 10時至下午 2時休息(公眾假期除外)  農曆新年除夕(18.2.2015) 下午 5時休息 農曆年初一至年初二(19  &  20.2.2015) 全日休息 也可郵寄至:香港北角油街 12 號,油街實現收。郵寄以郵戳所示日期為準。任何逾期提交資料恕不接 納。

     Submission  of  entries:  Submissions  can  be  dropped  into  the  collection  box  at  Oi!.  The  opening  hours  of  Oi!  is  as  follows:  Daily  10:00am  —8:00pm  Closed  on  Mondays  from  10:00am  —2:00pm,  except  public  holidays  Closed  at  5:00pm  on  Lunar  New  Year’s  Eve  (18.2.2015)    Closed  on  the  first  two  days  of  the  Lunar  New  Year  (19  &  20.2.2015)    

    Alternatively,   submissions  can  be  sent  by  post   to  Oi!  at  12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong.   In   this  case,   the  postmark  date  will  be  regarded  as  the  date  of  submission.  Late  submissions  will  not  be  accepted.    


  • 18  

    第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:閃亮!展覽場地參考資料  Exhibition  Venue  Information  of  

    The  6th  Artists  in  the  Neighbourhood  Scheme:  Flash!      

    展覽場地   1     Exhibition  Venue  1  油街實現  展覽廳一    Exhibition  Gallery  1,  Oi!    展覽場地   2     Exhibition  Venue  2  油街實現  展覽廳二    Exhibition  Gallery  2,  Oi!    


    展場資料   Venue  Information  

    地址:香港北角油街12號   Address:  12  Oil  Street,  North  Point,  Hong  Kong  


    油街實現   展覽廳一  

    展場面積:   92  平方米  


    Exhibition  Gallery  1,  Oi!    

    Venue  area:  92  square  metre  

    Tentative  period:  Mar  to  Jun  2016    

    油街實現   展覽廳二  

    展場面積:   190  平方米  


    Exhibition  Gallery  2,  Oi!  

    Venue  area:  190  square  metre  

    Tentative  period:  Mar  to  Jun  2016  


        查詢   Enquiries  Tel:  2512  3008  /  2512  3009     Fax:  2512  3033     Email:  [email protected]    網頁   Website          

  • 19  

    展覽場地   3     Exhibition  Venue  3    香港浸會大學視覺藝術院  啟德校園畫廊    Gallery,  Academy  of  Visual  Arts,  Kai  Tak  Campus,  Hong  Kong  Baptist  University    


    展場資料   Venue  Information  

    地址:香港九龍觀塘道51號   Address:  51  Kwun  Tong  Road,  Kowloon,  Hong  Kong  


    展場面積:200平方米   Venue  area:  200  square  metre  

    暫定展場檔期:2016年10月至11月   Tentative  period:  Oct  to  Nov  2016  


        查詢   Enquiries  Tel:  3411  8255     Fax:  2325  1972     Email:  [email protected]      


  • 20  

    展覽場地   4     Exhibition  Venue  4    1a空間    1a  space    



    展場資料   Venue  Information  


    Address:  Unit  14,  Cattle  Depot  Artist  Village,  63  Ma  Tau  Kok  Road,  To  Kwa  Wan,  Kowloon,  Hong  Kong  


    展場面積:220平方米   Venue  area:  220  square  metre  

    暫定展場檔期:2017年1月至3月   Tentative  period:  Jan  to  Mar  2017  


        查詢   Enquiries  Tel:  2529  0087     Fax:  2529  0072     Email:  [email protected]    網頁   Website    


  • 21  

    展覽場地   5     Exhibition  Venue  5    

    香港視覺藝術中心  展覽廳    Exhibition  Hall,  Hong  Kong  Visual  Arts  Centre    


    展場資料   Venue  Information  


    Address:  7A  Kennedy  Road,  Central,  Hong  Kong  


    展場面積:218  平方米   Venue  area:  218  square  metre  

    暫定展場檔期:2017年5月至7月   Tentative  period:  May  to  Jul  2017  



        查詢   Enquiries  Tel:  2521  3008     Fax:  2501  4703     Email:  [email protected]  網頁   Website        


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