The 5 Steps to Launching Your Real Estate Marketing Plan

The 5 Steps to Launching Your Real Estate Marketing Plan Expert Tips to Help You Establish (or Expand) Your Online Presence

Transcript of The 5 Steps to Launching Your Real Estate Marketing Plan

The 5 Steps to Launching Your Real Estate Marketing Plan

Expert Tips to Help You Establish (or Expand) Your Online Presence

The simple truth is this, real estate professionals: Enhancing your online marketing strategy doesn’t and won’t happen overnight. That’s just a fact.

Doing so requires a comprehensive plan and thoughtful approach that maps out your strategy for the long term and makes it simple for you to execute.

You need a carefully crafted marketing blueprint that allows you to automate many of your tasks and still have time for your other core real estate responsibilities too.


From your email marketing strategy and social media presence to your website optimization and alternative marketing activities, there are several, must-implement components for your overall real estate marketing mix.

Though it may seem difficult to connect each of these activities to one another — and measure the effectiveness of your multi-channel marketing efforts — it can be accomplished with relative ease …. using these tips.


By using the advice in this in-depth guide, you can get well on your way to starting your omni-channel strategy (or revamping your existing one) and earning many more leads today that you can begin nurturing tomorrow.

Read on to discover how you can improve your digital marketing today, and download our Launch Your Real Estate Marketing Mix ebook to get even more insights that can help elevate your online presence to new heights.


Step #1

Ignite Your Online Marketing


Step #1: Ignite Your Online Marketing

Based on 2016 data, 76% of B2C brands have content marketing strategies in place.

However, only 24% of these brands consider their content marketing strategies “mature” (high success rate), and only 13% deem their content marketing plans “sophisticated” (data-driven approach).

Content Marketing Institute’s “B2C Content Marketing: 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends — North America” study



Begin building your online presence. Then, you can focus on the marketing activities that will enhance your presence.

Start by getting a responsive, IDX website you can easily customize (ideally without the need for help from a designer).

Step #1: Ignite Your Online Marketing


The first things to focus on when building your IDX website are:

SEO — Ensure your site can be found by the right audience in search engine results pages.

Branding — Share your company info, sales history, and other background info your audience should know.

Content — Prepare relevant and insightful copy and multimedia well before you secure and launch your site.

Step #1: Ignite Your Online Marketing


Step #1: Ignite Your Online Marketing

To publish stellar, search-friendly content for your site, you need to:

Understand what buyer/seller audience wants to know

Schedule out your content creation and promotion

Identify popular, competitive local-market keywords

Offer info for your audience competing agents don’t


Step #2

Initiate Your Lead Management Plan


Step #2: Initiate Your Lead Management Plan

For brands that used online marketing automation software in 2015, 80% noted they saw an increase in leads during the the year, while 77% experienced a rise in client conversion during that span.

VB Insights’ “Marketing Automation: How to Make the Right Buying Decision (the First Time)” report

Despite this rate of success, only 5% of all U.S. businesses use automation software.


Without a modern CRM you won’t be able to track and prioritize leads, so get the right software for your agency.

Once this system’s in place, set up an email strategy to nurture top prospects with targeted (and automated) messaging.

Step #2: Initiate Your Lead Management Plan


When crafting an email marketing strategy, be sure to:

Segment — Don’t send the same emails to every lead. Separate prospects into different, categorized buckets.

Personalize — Regardless of where leads are in your funnel, personalize your messaging to truly connect with them.

Request — Make an informal ask (e.g. “Check out this listing”) or offer a formal promotion (e.g. “Sign up for a consultation”).

Step #2: Initiate Your Lead Management Plan


Step #2: Initiate Your Lead Management Plan

To effectively manage and nurture your real estate leads, you must:

Develop succinct, to-the-point emails that educate

Provide local-market info that enlightens your audience

Take advantage of the automation tools in your CRM

Constantly re-prioritize leads based on their activity


Step #3

Supercharge Your Lead Generation


Step #3: Supercharge Your Lead Generation

More than a third (37%) of REALTORS® said their primary real estate lead generation resource is their IDX website.

However, more than 70% of REALTORS said they also use the big real estate portals to promote listings, while 42% noted they also use Facebook to do so.

National Association of REALTORS®’ 2013-14 REALTOR Technology Survey Report



Organic marketing that gets you found atop search engines and helps you reach your niche audience is your top priority.

After your SEO strategy is set, though, turn your attention to direct mailers, paid online ads, and other supporting tactics.

Step #3: Supercharge Your Lead Generation


Some of the best “alternative” marketing techniques to try include:

PPC — Google AdWords allows you to set text ads with clear CTAs when popular, local keywords are searched.

Social Media — Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all prime digital places to allocate some of your advertising spend.

Mailers — Some agents send direct mail to everyone. Don’t. Only send in-depth, informational assets to your top leads.

Step #3: Supercharge Your Lead Generation


Step #3: Supercharge Your Lead Generation

To secure more, high-quality leads online, it’s essential that you:

Continually experiment with your site copy and CTAs

Try out new social media apps, tools, and platforms

Share insightful videos on your site/YouTube and in ads

Take advantage of offline opportunities (e.g. meetups)


Step #4

Expand Your Digital Universe


Step #4: Expand Your Digital Universe

Just over one-quarter (27%) of real estate pros advertise listing pages and other website pages with their Facebook ads.

Despite this relatively low figure, only 44% of agents have actually spent money on targeted Facebook ad campaigns, meaning many have yet to try the medium.

Inman News’ “The Bottom Line on Online Leads” special report from 2015


Social media may seem like it’s not worth your time, but the biggest social networks can help your branding big-time.

With the right social tools — like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Edgar — you can put your social sharing on autopilot.

Step #4: Expand Your Digital Universe


Some of the essential things to have for social media success include:

A Schedule — Use any modern automation tool and you can easily set a calendar for the types of content you share.

Fresh Content — Without regularly published blog posts and resources, you won’t have much to share on social media.

Updated IDX — Not all shares should overtly promote your brand, but remember: Many people love looking at listings on social.

Step #4: Expand Your Digital Universe


Step #4: Expand Your Digital Universe

To get your audience engaging with you online, it’s vital for you to:

Avoid recycling you content too frequently on social

Regularly check analytics for each social network used

Use more than just Facebook (e.g. Twitter, Pinterest)

Connect with local people/brands to build your network


Step #5

Head to Mission Control


Step #5: Head to Mission Control

Roughly 95% of marketing professionals stated the omni-channel marketing approach is essential to their success.

While many understand the importance of developing an omni-channel marketing strategy, just 51% have the processes and systems in place to create such a plan.

Episerver Multichannel Digital Marketing Report 2015



After all of these core sales and marketing activities are set up, you can (finally) take a breather and evaluate.

As important as it is to get an omni-channel strategy up and running, it’s equally vital to analyze your performance.

Step #5: Head to Mission Control


To properly audit your online marketing, you need to:

Inspect — Check out your website performance Google Analytics, and and determine what pages need work (i.e. new keywords).

Research — There are always going to be new tactics and techniques to test, so keep an eye out for new activities to employ.

Act — Once Phase 1 of your plan is complete, it’s on to Phase 2 … and 3, and 4. Improving your marketing is an ongoing task.

Step #5: Head to Mission Control


Step #5: Head to Mission Control

To ensure you’re on the road to marketing success, you have to:

Update your overall marketing plan/goals quarterly

Ditch the tactics and tools that don’t help your business

Amplify your efforts with the tactics and tools that do

Stay on top of all of the latest online marketing trends


This is just the beginning, agents. Get even more in-depth marketing

advice in our 30-page ebook:


Click to Download
