The 5 Must-Avoid Collaboration Mistakes

The 5 Must-Avoid Collaboration Mistakes PBworks


This was presented during a webinar for PBworks and I explored the top 5 must-avoid collaboration mistakes that companies should avoid.

Transcript of The 5 Must-Avoid Collaboration Mistakes

  • 1. The 5 Must-Avoid CollaborationMistakesPBworks

2. What I believe Collaboration can make the world a betterplace This idea is not enough for executives Need a focus on business value: The Collaborative Organization Shift from an idea to an action 3. What is Collaboration? Collaboration isnt new, its been around for many years All about two or more people working together to create something or achieve a goal Technology and culture have changed 4. Collaboration has evolved Nobody even Digital Scaleremembers With boundaries Transparency Not at scale Digital Poor depth and Breadth and depthbreadth No boundaries Small Truly collaborativegroups/individual Empowered Staticemployees Dynamic 5. Some common collaboration problems Hard to find people and information Too much time spent in email Cross-boundary communication/collaboration Duplication of content Department and organizational alignment Making work more efficient Improving employee engagement Improved quality of life 6. What are the top business drivers?Taken from the State of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration Report from Chess Media Group 7. The 5 big mistakes1 Lack of supportive culture2 Not listening to voice of employee3 Assuming employees will use tools4 No executive support5 Technology before strategy 8. 1 Lack of supportive culture Cant say you want to be collaborative if: Focus on individual performance Over emphasis on competition Lack of trust within company Inability to be flexible The focus of value is on the enterprise and not onpeople No willing to be more transparent 9. 2 Not listening to voice of employee Employees can tell you a lot! Be prepared for ideas, suggestions, input Listen to employee feedback Integrate ideas and suggestions Pay attention to pulse of the company What works and what doesnt? 10. What percentage of the employee base is actively engaged?Taken from the State of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration Report from Chess Media Group 11. 3 Assuming employees will use tools If you build it they will not come What is the employee value? Education and training Integrate into flow of work Not another stand-alone tool Easy to use and intuitive Encourage and evagelize 12. Where does employee resistance come from?Taken from the State of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration Report from Chess Media Group 13. 4No executive support Not just about writing a check Having a presence Engaging with employees Removing barriers to communication Flattening the organization 14. 5Technology before strategy Many companies struggle with this End up changing platforms later More time and more money Understand the why before the how Technology is the easier part once youunderstand what you need From use cases you get features 15. How did collaboration occur?Taken from the State of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration Report from Chess Media Group 16. 12 Principles of collaboration1.Individual benefit is just as important as the overall corporatebenefit (if not more important)2. Strategy before technology3. Listen to the voice of the employee4. Learn to get out of the way5. Lead by example6. Integrate into the flow of work7. Create a supportive environment8. Measure what matters9. Persistence10. Adapt and evolve11. Employee collaboration also benefits the customer12. Collaboration can make the world a better place 17. Thank you & questionsEmail: [email protected]: ChessMediaGroup.comTwitter: @JacobMBlog: SocialBusinessAdvisor.comBook: TheCollaborativeOrganization.comJacobs book guides leaders on how to develop strategies to buildthis type of a Collaborative Organization.Vivek Kundra, Former Chief Information Officer of the UnitedStates of AmericaJacobs book is a valuable strategic guide to help leaders deployemerging collaboration technologies and strategies to "get there.-- Jonathan Becher, CMO, SAP