THE 29, 1900. 9 gj. JAI.IS-CITY BUSINESS HIR KIM MM. mat ...FORECLOSED city properties, farms, coal...

gj. JAI.IS-CITY REAL ESTATB- " Continued. tC itnrtx-7- 1* per cent. Interest; 140 ffiVl'* ft" 0111 New York block. iSFgALK'lciieap and easy terras. «- *E£mi house. For full particulars call on Noll, Occidental hotel. sirn ijU.lii-7-ronrn house, city-10 acre* ty*roved; at Jtiaulla. 603 Pacific block. SSialLJE?Three modern flve-room cot- terms. _ S8» New York block. mTnK II RKNii'K ,«u Ci> <t\ S. Carpcn- B. Tanner, F. H. Uenk k.) : "ffIRnKST-RE AI. ESTATE. [ m^RENT?Some desirable farms In de- I .Mhle localities for rent or sale, on fa- I jSable terms. C. L. Parker, 41 Haller W'I.TRT _ rain(-h beyond Renton; ISO for zEion W. B. Auslr. 507 Mutual Life SALE?TIMBER LANDS. »OR BALE? Sawmill site on Seattle tide : 'jut. 400 feet on Railroad avenue and ruu- alnc'to deep water, 4M| acres, best location (or sawmill In Seattle harbor; wilt sell (or double the present price In six months. IHO teres timber land, 5.000.000 feet to the culm near South Bend; price sll per i tat. __ IMBacres In a body; Snohomish county, on >!v»r and railroad. m acres In Plerco county; 8.000,000 feet 1088 flr and cedar for $2,000. iM acres near North Bend, King county; tflMOOOfeet for only $800; If taken at once. ' W. D. FIELD, J& >tate ' O. A. VIRTUIi. \ Loans'. 8 and $2 Haller building. Phone. Main *."3 ?OR SALE?Timber lands; 20,000 acres of choice fir and cedar timber. This can be \u25a0old In tracts of from 500 to 5.000 acres. HERBERT S. UPPER, 12-13 Scheuerman block. 150,000 ACRES Of good timber land In Western Washing- ton and Oregon; in large and small tracts; much of this land Ls In our ex- clusive control and can be delivered at owner's price. The Syndicate Company, 1111 Railroad street. Tacoma. 0. B. PEAVEY, dealer In timber landst land scrip. 503 New York block. Seattle WA\TF.I>?TniBER LANDS. WANTED?Forest reserve lands; final re- ceipts bought. John P. Fay, 413 New York block. BKHRENS A PETTIT, timber lands bought and for sale. 623-524 New York block. TIMBER lands bought and for sale. Her- bert S. Upper, 12-13 Bcheuerman block. FOR AND LANDS. FOR SALE?I6O acres good land, near Ktrkland; fine stock or chicken ranch; house of eight rooms; might rent to a good tenant; price $5,000; cash $2,000; balance easy; or would sell 5, 10 or 20 acre tracts; this property Is near York station, and If you are looking for 5, 10 or 20 acre tracts or a good home, Inves- tigate this at once. Morgan's Ex- change. 1011 Third. 309 acres, highly Improved; will feed 100 head of cattle. Price, including ma- chinery and stock, $4,500. Farm In the valley. Improvements worth $2,500. Price, $1,600. Improved and unimproved acre tracts near Green lake. SLETTENGREN ft ARNELL, 28 Roxwell block. FOR SALE. 10 acres good soli, SO acres cleared; bear- ing orchard; house, barn, etc.; SBOO. i acres rich soil, water front; adjoins small town; $l5O. W.I LLI AM BREMER, 401 Bailey Building. 1600 for 40 acres at Juanita; 20 minutes' walk from Lake Washington ferry; fine t-011, nearly level, partially cleared; good \u25a0roads, good water; a good buy, either for an investment or farm purposes. WHALLEY & STURTEVANT, 5 Colman building. FOR SALE?I6O m-res on Whidby island, near Clinton, partly timbered; 4 acres cleared, with fruit trees; will sell all or part; also 80 acres on Green river, 7 miles from Auburn; easy terms. Henry W. bung, 40S Burke building. S3 acres of good farming land, partly Im- liroved; within 10 miles of Seattle; % mile from Lake Washington and close to car line: owner must sell at once; a bargain. Herbert S. Upper, 12 and 13 Scheuerman block. FOR SALE-Foreclosed city and farm property, cheap, and terms easy. James lioUiwell, loans and Insurance, Boston block. Telephone. Main 400. FORECLOSED city properties, farms, coal and timber lands. R. R. George, 618 New Yurk block. FARMS for sale in Eastern and Western Washington. E. Shorrock, 94 West Co- lumbia street. FARMS for sale and for rent. W. W. Dearborn. 24 Union block. FOR SALE?ACRE TRACTS. FOR SALE?Prairie farm. 160 acres, well improved. Address Cyrus White, owner, Boisfort. Wash. FOR SALE?LAND SCRIP. VALENTINE scrip, for forty acres. R. R. George, 618 New York block. FINANCIAL?MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loan at low rates of Interest on improved city and farm property; Seattle property and farms in Eastern and Western Washington for sale on easy terms. Xhu Oregon Mortgage Co., Ltd., Robert J. Kisher, agent, 403 Bailey building, Seattle. MORTGAGE loans?No commission; live Per cent, rate 011 brick blocks. North- western Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, Milwaukee, Wis., or William Den- holm, Loan Agent, Portland, Or. V\E have an abundance of money to loan on furniture, pianos and other chattel security; long time or short time; partial payments. Beavers & Co., 112 Washing- ton building. PLENTY money to luan; houses built on Installment plan; lire insurance written; safe deposit boxes to rent in lire-proof vault. 11. o. Shuey & Co., 224 Pike. MOMMY to loan on improved city proper- ty at low rate of interest. Building loans a specialty. Fehren-Marvin Co , 208 building. Jloo,ooo,<rio to invest through bankers, brokers, promoters; send for circular. Investors Directory, New York. PRIVATE funds to loan on city property; low ratt-s. no delay. Edmund Bowden, Dexter llorton bank building. MONEY to loan in any quantity from WOO up; now ready and no delay. J. E. West & Co.. 811 First avenue. COLLATERAL bank; money advanced on diamonds, watches and other good col- _lateral. Jiarlo, 105 Cherry. J.JMES BOTH WELL City and farm louns, insurance and surety bonds. i'B Boston block. Telephone. ' 0 LOAN?SI,OOO, S6OO, $250, on improved property. Wm. P. Harper, Dexter tfvton bank building. MQNKY to It».? n on good lmDi<»v«d city or farm property J. W. McConnaug'hcy, 40< Builcy building HERBERT 8. UPPEH loans on Improved property, timber lands and farms. 12 Scheuerman block. FINANCIAL?MONEY TO LOAN-Coal'd MONET loaned on Improved olty prop- erty; low rate*. Freeman A Pelraon, 75 Sullivan building. WARRANTS and bonda bought and sold. Morrison A Eeheltnan, basement Mu- tual J Jfe building. TO L<OAN?Money on real estate and chattels; lowest rates. Room 7 Post-In- telligencer block. GROLU DAMUB A OSNER-Loans on Seattle real estate and Insurance. 100 Ma<llson street. WARRANTS bought and sold. William D. Perkins A Co., 301 New York block. Seattle. PRIVATE MONEY?Iow rate: no com- mission. S. I* Bowman, 520 New York block. ELEOTROZONE?Hundreds of tesilmo- nlals. 1514 First nvenue. LONG-TIME MONEY?I>ow rate. Yancy, 3:10 Rurke. MONEY TO LOAN?F. J. Foster, Colonial block. FINANCIAL?WANTED TO BORROW. I want to borrow 14,500 at 7 per cent, for three years on Improved property near Eighth avenue; vulued at $8,500; will pay attorney fees; but no commission. Ad- dress S 13. earo Post-Intelllgcncer. WANTED?S3,SOO on desirable first hill residence property for three or five years. M 14, care Post-lntelHgcncer. IiEGAf. NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the District of Wash- ington. Northern Division. In the mat- ter of the application of Thomas L. Dabney and Elizabeth A. Dabney, hus- band and wife, to be declared bankrupts. In bankruptcy. No. 1622. To the creditors of Thomas L. Dabney and Elizabeth A. Dabney, the above- named bankrupts, and to all others In Interest; You are hereby notified that salil bank- rupts have petitioned for a full discharge from their debts, and that a hearing will be had thereon before the district court of the United States for the district of Washington, Northern division, at Seat- tle, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of the 6th day of February. 1900, at which time and place you may appear and show cause. If any you have, why said petition Bhould not be granted. Dated at Seattle. Washington, this sth day of January, 11)00. R. M. HOPKINS. Clerk U. S. District Court. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., January 25. 1900. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re- ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m., Febru- ary 24, 1900. and then opened for con- struction of power house, electrical ma- chinery, heating system, Ice machine and cold storage, filter plant, kitchen and laundry machinery, etc.. for U- S. Gen- eral Hospital at Presidio, of San Fran- cisco, Cal. Government reserve.* right to reject or accept any or all bids hi whole or In part. Preference given to artloles of domestic production, condi- tions of price and quality (Including- In the price of foreign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of American production produced on the Pacific coast, to extent of consumption required by the public service there. Information furnished on application to J. M. MARSHALL, Deputy Quartermaster General, Chief Q. M. BUSINESS mm. ACCORDION PLEATING. MISS GALLAGHER, millinery store, 1012 Second avenue. ACCOUNTANTS. CHAS. B. GRANT, expert accountant; books of firms, corporations, counties, etc., examined, opened, closed; errors detected; confidential. 45 Colman block, Seattle. ASBESTOS GOODS. STEAMBOAT work, boiler and pipe cov- ering a specialty. De Solla-Deusslng Co., Tesler wharf, Seattle. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. WE have the best line of road wagons, buggies, spring wagons, express and farm wagons in the city; full line best farm machinery; also harness, pumps, windmills, contractors' road and grad- ing plows and drag arid wheel scrapurs; we represent the best factories in the world; sen us. Poison-Wilton Hard- ware Company, In Colman stone block. 806-808 Western avenue. ARTISTS. JESSIE M. ELLIOTT?Studio, 37 Boston block. BANK AND OFFICE FIXTURES. ROHLFS & SCHODER. 610-620 First ave- nue south?Bank, office and bar fix- tures; hardwood lumber and steamboat wnrk a specialty. BANKS. DEXTER HORTON & CO.. BANKERS. Founded, 1870, Seattle. Incorporated 1887. Oldest bank in Washington. Capital fully paid $200,000 Surplus SIOO,OOO W. M. Tyjdd President R. 11. Denny Vice President N. H. Latimer Manager M. W. Peterson Cashier C. E. Burnside Asst. Cashier Correspondence In all principal cities of United States, Europe, China, Japan. Ha- waiian Islands. Alaska, British Columbia and Northwest Territory. Drafts Issued direct ou Juneau, Skagway, Atlln, Ben- nett and Dawson City. Collections made on all points on rea- sonable terms. AGENTS OF BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HIR KIM -Csstlnrt. ?Continued. BRASS FoiJNUKRS. INSURANCE?Continued. BRATTLE Brass and Bell Foundry Com- pany. brass castings, tlnlshlng and Job- bing; old metala txiught. BLACKSMITHS. RARItON BROS., 1316 Western avenua. Oreen 1271. BOAT BUILDERS. BOAT BUILDERS-M. J. JohnßOn. P. O, b<|x 083. 11011 I' It MAKERS. BARRON BROS., 1316 Weslarn avenua. Oreen 1271. BOOKBINDING. F. ANTHONY, bookbinder, paper ruler and patent blank book manufacturer. Boston block, opposite old poßtofflca, rooms .19, 40, 41. 42, Seattle, Wash. METROPOLITAN PRINTING A BIND- Ing Company, 112 Yesler way. BICYCLE REPAIRS. INSURANCE?MARINE. BICYCLES rented and repaired. Spin- nine. 1200 Second. CARS AND CARRIAGES. THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO. Tele- phone 41. Rubber-tired carriages, bast for Invalids, easy riding. noiseless. CAPE Nome Trunsfer Baggage Express Company: also cabs, gurneys and livery. 'Phone. Rainier 2L CARPENTERS AND BIILDERS. OVINGTON'S; carpenters. Jobbers. 11l Marlon. Blue £65. BUTLER'S carpenter shop. Pioneer block. White 562. CARTER'S shop, old postofflca alley. Hlack 56. CASH REGISTERS. HAIXWOOD CASH REGISTER CO., basement »<ti9 First. CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. RICHARD, the noted palmist and clairvoyant curd reader, now assisted by Madam Ursula, Die world's wonderful clairvoyant palmist and card reader; JIO.dOO to any lady her equal; see them while here. Parlors ut 221 Columbia street, rooms 6 and 8; hours, 10 to 10 p. m., and Sunday. Ladles' readings, 25 cents. MRS. E. EMETT. South African medi- um. In her wonderful clairvoyant sight, reveals past, present, future; consult her; readings. 50c. Office 323 Pioneer building, corner James and First avenue. RETURNED?Mrs. Welch, clairvoyant palmist; psychometric reading of miner- als a specialty; ladles 50c; gentlemen 50c; for this woek only. 719 Third ave- nue, corner of Columbia, room X. MME. DA VEE, trance medium, tells past, present, future; satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Sixth and Madison. FLORANCE MARVIN, 14 years Seattle's prophetess; publicly predicted Seattle's $10,000,000 tire. 614 First avenue. MADAM ESPERANZA. clairvoyant, life leader: business advice. Kennebec block. 503 Yesler way, room 1. MADAM FRANCISCO, medium. 122 Pins, corner Second. DR. SWAN,, readings 50c. 167 Yesler, room 528. MISS A. WATKINS, 421 Pike. DYEING AND CLEANING. PARISIAN DYE WORKS?New plant; best operators; satisfaction guaranteed. 116 Union; telephone, Pike 114. CAMERON'S steam dry cleaning; ladle*' garments specialty, rugs, etc. 1300 Rail- road avenue. Buff SOB. ATLAS DYK WORKS, 222 Union. Tele- phone. Buff 1001. l.endlng French dye house In Seattle. SAN FRANCISCO DYE WORKS. Seat- tle. Blue 453. W. ANDERSON, Fifth and James. Black 1343. WEIR'S dyeing, cleaning. 911 Jackson. Black 16*11. DANCING ACADEMY. BALLROOM and stage dancing lessons; private or classes. Pike and Fifth uve? Knnke hall. DRESSMAKERS. MME. SMITH, ladles' tailoring. Room 7, Hinckley. ELECTRIC BELTS, PACIFIC Electric and Galvanic Belt Co. will sell you belts and appliances cheap- er than anyone, else; all goods war- ranted; easily regulated; carry stronger current; do not fall to get our prices. Second and Pike. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. SEATTLE BRIDGE COMPANY, build- ers of bridges, wharves, coal bunkers, etc., pile driving and foundations; deal- ers In piles, logs and spars. ELECTRICAL WORK. BELL repairing; house wiring. 705 Pike street. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE. JOHNSON'S EXPRESS hauls every- thing. Phone, Red 731. ENGRAVING. SEATTLE Engraving Co., makers of high-grade printing plates by all pro- cesses. Washington block. ENGINEER \ND NAVAL ARCHITECT. BARNES & CO., 74-75 Starr-Boyd build- ing. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF SEATTLE. PAID-UP CAPITAL $150,000 James D. Hodge, jr., president; Maurice McMieken. vice president; Lester Turner, cashier; K. F. Parkhurst, assistant cash- ier. Directors?James D. Hoge, jr., Mau- rice McMieken (Struve, Allen. Hughes & McMieken, attorneys-at-law), Sol G. Simp- son (Simpson Logging Co., Shelton). Fer- dinand Schmitz (Mamm & Schmitz, Hotel Butler), Lester Turner. Correspondents in all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Drafts arid letters of credit issued on all the principal points of Alaska. Honolulu, China and Japan. Ac- counts of banks, corporations and indi- viduals solicited. We have a branch bank at Nome. E. L. M'ALLISTER, 503-504 Pioneer bldg. FOLDING BED FACTORY. MORRIS & SON, manufacturers, 1520 First avenue. FISH DF.AI.KRS. CHLOPECK BROS., Yesler wharf. Tele- phone. Main 379. GEORGE S. LIST, Seattle. Telephone, Main 002. SAN J FAN FISH CO., Columbia dock, Seattle. INIHIIING FOR AMATEURS, ALLkinds. Alaska Studio, 501 Third ave- nue. THE PUGET SOUND NATIONAL BANK, SEATTLE. Capital paid up $300,000 Jacob Furth President E. C. Neufelder Vice President R. V. Ankeny Cashier Correspondents in all the principal cities In the United States and Europe. Gold dust bought. Drafts issued on Alaska and Northwest Territory. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Paid-up capital $150,000 Transacts a general banking business. 11. C. Henry President S. O. Simpson Vice President R. It. Spencer Cashier S.i IV I \ MUlt. !11 11, lit >!'! I;?« s \\ iN(; BANK Occidental Block, Seattle. Wash Capital SIOO,OOO James R. Havden. Manager. J. T. Oremloaf. Ass't. Cashier. Deposits received from $1 to $10,000; 4 per cent, interest allowed on savin*! deposits. FRI IT INSPECTION. FRUIT INSPECTOR PROF. BROWN will furnish you competent tree pruners. GAS LAMPS. PACIFIC OAS LAMP CO., 1002 First ave- nuo; finest gasoline gas lamps of great brilliancy. II \ ItNESS AND SADDLERY. M'SOU LEY & HENDERSON. 205 Occi- dental avenue. IIAKDWOOI) liI'MBER. HARDWOOD lumber. Pacillc Wagon Co. HOUSES-RAISING AND FOUNDATIONS. CONTRACTOR, builder. A. F. Tilford, 1500 First. . , INSURANCE. ATLAS INSURANCE COMPANY, of London?Organized 1808. Assets, $10,000,- 000. Fire losses promptly adjusted. Ed- mund Rowden. agent, Tlorton Bank bulldln*. ICE AND STORAGE, JUNK. MACHINISTS. MASSAGE AND BATHS. MAPS, BLUE PRINTING. ETC. MEDICAL. MESSENGER SERVICE. MINUS AND MINING. NOTARY PUBLIC. PHOTOGRAPHERS* SUPPLIES. PATENTS tsu tIRA I* ISO. PIAXOS. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1900. WATSON, HANFORD A CO., rooms 206, 20« and ISO 7 Pioneer building. Tele- phone, Main 121. PIONEER RENT AND COLLECTION CO.. 8 and V Roxwell block. General Insurance. H. A. RASER, agent and adjuster Im- perial Insurance Co., 210 Pioneer build- ing. Main 22U. BURNS & ATKINSON, general Insur- ance. 14 Boston block. CALHOUN, DENNY A EWING, Insur- ance. Olympic block. WATERHOUBE A BEACH, Insurance. A, Colman building. CRAWFORD. CONOVER & FISKEN. New York block. HULLS, cargoes, gold dust, coin, cur- rency and advances Insured; marine losses adjusted; underwriters' agents. Watson, Hanford * Co.. 206 Pioneer building. muss MM. ?Continued. SAW MANUFACTUHEHS. WABIUNOTON SAW WORKS, KM First avenue south. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. CAHN A COHN pay the highest price for Junk. Y«-sler way and Railroad avenue. SHIPBUILDING. HKCKMAN & HANSON, designers. Of- fice Yesler dock. JOS. A. SIX3AN. 69 Safe Deposit building. SHIP CHANDLERY. C. P. MEYER & CO.. 309 Flint avenue south. Ship supplies of every descrip- tion. SAILMAKKRS. SUNDE * ERT-AND. Yesler wharf, sail- makers, rigger* and whip chandlers; manufacturers of tents, tarpaulins, min- ing hose; canvar of all widths. SEA WATKR BATHS. GENUINE sea water baths. 818 First avenue. DIAMOND ICE AND STORAGE COM- pany. Tel.. Pike 159. Ice and storage. STORAGE. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. FURNISH ull kinds of flrst-clais help. 21!) Washington street. Postofflce Box 031. Telephone, Huff 1036. RABER A MORGANS warehouse, 40«- 4W-410 Occidental avenue; Main 140; general storage and distributing house; negotiable receipts accepted as collat- eral. SEATTLE JUNK cash prices; orders promptly attended. Rear Seattle Market. Black 1113. ALASKA JUNK CO. pays highest prices; prompt returns. 1111 Western avenue Phone, Pike 119. THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO., 623 First avenue. Brick warehouse; low In- surance. Telephone 41. TOLBMA. 809 Occidental avenue; tele- phone Main 78. SAFES AND LOCKS. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 1205 First. SHOW CASES, STORE FIXTURES.ETC GIFFORI). repairing. 1115 Second. Tele- phone, Buff 381. BARRON BROS., 1318 Western avenue. Green 1271. DIXON. BORGESON & CO., Front and Washington streets. Portland. Or. SEATTLE Show Case Factory. IBIS Ist av. A. F. HUTTON, machine shop, Flyer dock. MANUFACTURER LADIES' UNDER- WEAR. FINEST line ladles' silk good*, chil- dren's dresses, gents' shirts, etc., In cltyt satisfaction guaranteed. Wo Hop & Co., 12W Second avenue. SIGN PAINTERS. SIGNS of every description at Hamm & Walburg's, 102 Madison, basement. 'Phone Buff 966. StGW AND HOUSE NUMBERS. MME. JENNIE EDGAR?Turkish salt water baths; competent lady's assistant; electricity for rheumatism and nervous- ness; private roohis for ladles. 218V4 Co- lumbia. DR. ETTA RALPH, santtorlum Turkish baths; massage. UO6 Second avenue, par- lor 5; select patrons. DR. ETTA RALPH, genuine Turkish baths; massage. 606 Second avenue, par- lor 5; select patrons. ENAMEL Illumlnum nlckellold. C. Mes- ton, 310 Vesler. TRUCK AND DRAY MNES. D. M'GOVERN, successor to th# Kahaley Truck Co.; moving safes and heavy freight a specialty. Telephones, Blue 341, Main 35. THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO.. Tele- phones. Main 41 and 46; all kinds of hauling, safes, machinery, etc. EYRS Transfer Co.?Distributing pool cars a specialty; all kinds of moving done. Telephone, Main 3SO. ANDERSON Map A Blue Print Co., Pa- cific block. THE best private home (separate rooms) before and during confinement; best care and attendance; nice garden; prices moderate; babies adopted into good homes. Mrs. M. Wagener, 1312 Golden Gate avenue. San Francisco, Cal. RING the "O. K." box for messengers, Western Union and Great Northern telegrams, hacks, gurneys and express wagons; quick service. Telephone, Main ISO. 614 Second, Branch Queen City laundry. THE Shattuck Gold Saver; sluice boxes and rockers; saves over !K) per cent, of fine or coarse gold; no riffles, plates, quicksilver, machinery* oaves rusty gold; greasy water no detriment. Amory D. wainwright & Co.. 1204 First. P. A. HILLr-Civil and mining engineer, \u2666>o9 Mutual JJfe building; 'phone Main 432. Mining properties examined. Best of references. STRIKE on Sulphur % below; I have for sule one-fourth interest in claim 89 below on Sulphur creek; no agents or mining brokers need reply. 8U Fourth avenue, 702 Maynard avenue. TURKISH BATHS. ELK Turkish Baths; open day and night. Northeast corner Second and James, basement. TYPEWRITERS. BALL-BEARING Densmore, New Cen- tury and Yost typewriters, .ill standard single and double keyboard machines; all makes of typewriters rented and re- paired; ribbons for all machines; send for catalogue. Seattle Typewriter Ex- change, 619 First avenue, Seal II \ Wash. IMRREI.LA REPAIRING. UMBRELLAS?Manufactured, recovered and repaired; general repairing. 213 Columbia street. Robeson Bros. WHOTiKSALB UPHOLSTERERS. SPECIAL holiday sale, factory prices, on lounges, couches, furniture. Continental Upholstery Company, J603 First. WHOLESALE LHfcUOR DEALERS. R. B. R. R. Roosevelt's Rough Rider Rye. M. & K. Gottstein. sole agents. KREIELSHEIMER BROS.?Crown Dia- monds whiskies especially. BUCK CO., incorporated. Agents Yellow- stone, Velvet whiskies. C. K. THI'RSTON & CO.. 109 Cherry St . mining investments. Cape Nome claims, O. R. HAUL. 528 New York block, buys and sella good mining properties. FOR mines see Yoho, New York build- ing. MONUMENTS AM) HEADSTONES. WE carry a fine stock of monuments, headstones, markers: also granite and marble curbing; special attention to outside <yders. Puget Sound Marble & Granite Co., 140H Second avenue. MAJOR CI/ARK?Pensions, rentals, collec- tlona. Union block. E. W. CLARK, 17 Post-Intelligencer building. OYSTER DEALERS. THE MORGAN OYSTER CO., 1208 Second avenue. WILLIAM B. HAINES & SON. Pike 54. mm new ATTOH XE YS-AT-IAW. BELCOURT & M'DOUGAL, attorneys nt law, notaries, etc. Dawson. Yukon ter- ritory. N\ A. Belcourt, M. P., Q- C. Frank J. McDougal. Offices at Ottawa and Dawson. Special attention given to Ottawa work. FRED H. PETERSON, attorney and counselor; proctor in admiralty. Fourth lloor, Mutual Life building. CHARLES N. ENOS, attorney and coun- selor at law. Rooms 14-15 Haller building. GUERIN. FERRY & GUERIN, lawyers, 510 Pioneer building. 'Phone, Main 477. PRATT & RIDDLE, attorneys «t law, rooms 309-310-311 Bailey building. PIPER, FISK & PIPER, attorneys at law, 425-420 Bailey building. C. W. PARKER & CO., fresh paper and plates; everything used In photography. Corner First avenue and Cherry street. ANDERSON SUPPLY COMPANY, 111 Cherry street, Seattle. PLATIK<j, WIRE AND IRON WORKS. PACIFIC RAILING AND PLATING Works, lis Union. WASHINGTON WIRE WORKS-Fourth and Yesler. BARNES & CO.. 74-73 Starr-Boyd build- ing. Superior service In all branches of work. Write for our book, "Advice to Inventors." ADAMS, room 10 Colman building. United States and foreign patents, trade marks, caveats, searches, mechanical drawing. UPRIGHT piano, only live months In use; cost J550; must sell; parties need money. Mrs. Tarp. 1428',« First avenue. AT Chile's music store, 21.S Pike, you save 25 per cent, on pianos and organs. PLVMHINU, HOT WATER IIEATISU. COUGHLIN, plumbing, 812 Third. Tele- phone Main 295. SEATTLE HEAT & PLUMBING CO. White 331. SPELLMAN. plumbing, 215 Columbia. ?Phone Black 1621. RAUTMAN PLUMBING CO. Telephone Buff 471. SULLIVAN & DAVIS. 1408 First. Buff 904. M. KROWS ft SON. Telephone Pike 102. PHOTOGRAPHS, ANVIL CITY views for sale. 207 Pike. PRINTERS. mT~ TIAI \ PRINTING \u2666ranee 20"' Cherry street. BULL BROS.. Washington building. ?pi»r, n e White IR3. RIPTI RE SPECIALISTS. RUPTURE cured without knife. pain or lon of time. Roma* 40-41 Holvokt block. STRUVE, ALLEN, HUGHES & Mc- Mlcken, Bailey building. DAVIS & GILMORE, lawyers, proctors. Pioneer building. RICHARD GOWAN, attorney, 628 New York block. WILSHIRE & KENAGA, attorneys. New York block. H. BEAUMONT, 517 to 520 Washington building. JOHN G. GRAY, lawyer. Mutual Life bulldlnr. FRANK B. WIESTLING, 61-62 Boston block. CONOVER & WILSON. 42-43 Haller building. W. r>. LAMBUTH, Seattle National Bank building. REES P. DANIELS. 303 New York block. JOHN ARTHUR. 305-307 New York block. MITX) A. ROOT. 315 New York building. GEO. F. AUST. 703 New York building. Z. B. RAWSON. 617-618 Pacific block ASR.4YER AND CHEMIST. JOHNSON gr NEWTON. 21 P.-I. building. ARCHIECTS. SAUNDERS & LAWTON, architects. 206 and 207 New York block. CHARLES H. BEBB. architect, 109 Washington block. M'MANUS & ROBERTSON, 4«7 New York building. EMIL DP: NEUF, Architect, 209 Wash- ington block. JAMES STEPHEN, architect. 727 New York block. A. TIDEMAND, architect, 47 Colmun building. S. J. MEANT, architect. 45 Colman block CHIROPODISTS. HANNA. the only craduate chiropodist on the Pacific coast. Indorsed bv phvsl- ciar.s. Parlors. STC Burke building (five years tn rwittle.i NEW CHIROPnniST PARTyORS lu»t ©pened at the Elk Turklih Bathi. cor- ner Second and Jarau. mora* mat. ?Coatlnarf. CIVII, ENGINEERS. WEBSTER BROWN, United States dep- uty mineral surveyor; also draughting work. 24-25 Boston block. DENTISTS. DR. BRAGDON, fourth floor Mutual Ufa block. DR. BURKHART, 306 Mutual Ufa build- ing. C. A. HOLMES, D. D. S? Colman build- ing- EDUCATIONAL. WIDSON'S Modern Business College teaches Gregg shorthlnd, the Budget bookkeeping, English and telegraphy; day ana evening; a visit to our school will convince you of Its superiority; sev- enteen typewriters In use, si* specialist* aro employed. MAE E. STEPHENS, post graduate from Emerson College of Oratory, Boston; teacher of oratory, physical cultura and Shakespeare. 35 Holyoke block. LEO'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Second and Union. Shorthand, bookkeeping, arithmetic, penmanship, English; day and night. PRIVATE SCHOOL Mm Laurence flronlund. Ilolyoke block. FRENCH lessons. F. Constant, £l3 Washington building. ATTEND the best. Acme Business Col- lege. Seattle. j HYGIENIC * SURGICAL INSTITUTE. FOR treatment of all chronic diseases. Dr. Turner, 67 Hinckley lw>ck. 'Phone Blue 523. ' KERLEY INSTITUTE. THE Keeley Institute, West Seattle, Wash . for the treatment of liquor, opi- um and tobacco habits; correspondence confidential. C. H. Nixon, manager. MUSICAL. MME. ARAMENTX, the celebrated singer and vocal teacher of New York; voices examined from 12 to 1 dally; residence, Ralnler-Orand hotel. Studio, 83 Hinck- ley block, Seattle. FIRST-CLASS Instruction In guitar and mandolin (riven by Rose Charlotte Mitchell. S3 Holyoke block MISS KATHERINE OLEN, contralto, vocal culture. Inquire Martins' Music store, 80S Second. HERBERT H. JOY, teacher of singing. Room 43 Stevens hotel. I,OUTSE BECK, teacher of piano. Hotel Stevens. NAVIGATION SCHOOL. PRACTICAL navigation taught. 70 B, Safe Deposit building. OCULISTS AND AURISTS. DR. A. R. KTBRE oculist, aurlst and physician for diseases of the throat; removed to rooms 32fi-J27 Bailey bulld- Ing. corner Second and Cherry street. DR. STILLSON. eye. ear. nosa and throat; removed to No. 8 Hinckley. 9 OPTICIANS. MONTANA RANCHES RUINED. MISS WILZINSKI. optician. 112 Cherry. Consultation free. Fl*a Ucki Vf fMMMMH) Worth «< Property oa Stack Raifci. A destructive Are has swept over a lsrgn area of tbe Northern Montana stock ranga and about 1250,000 damage ha* resulted. William O. Hantaan, a sheep raiser of Cbo- teau la a guest of the Northern. In speak' lng of the Or* yesterday ba said: "We seldom have prairie Ores In Mon- tana, but on last Tuesday a space of ten square miles was completely devastated lit Tmton county. Several ranch houses and \u25a0 large quantity of hay have bean destroyed. The Are started from Rlchardaon's ranch by a spark from the chimney lighting In a meadow. A strong wind was blowing and the flames spread over the prairie at * rapid rate. They first struck the HoMday ranch and the buildings and 1.000 tons of hay were destroyed. A mile and a hslf further on the Knowles ranch was com- pletely licked up. The fire then swept to the Clark Bros, ranches. The Clarks ara tha 1 arrest wool grower" In the state. At their first ranch every building and about 3,000 torn of hay were destroyed. Aft«r a hand flirht at the upper Clark rruoh progress was checked with but small a»m- aga. "The total loss, hot counting the hard- ships the burned prairie will work on stock, la about 1280,000. ' London Stock Exchange. LONDON, lan. 3.?The stock exchange passed 19 auxlone week, bat the settlement went oft without trouble. Price* tor the mast pert tnat (round en the week, but there wu DO little buelnaa* doing that the iltuatlon preaenta little danger. The dta- poaltion to (peculation la Quite unlikely while tha i>regent uncertainty regarding the war continue*. Consols dropped abajply on Friday's diaappoiottng nana. and aaaed at M BEST pebble glasses, $2.00. Carroll, 90S Columbia. W. 8. MORLEY, scientific optician. 1207 First. OSTEOPATHY. WASHINGTON INSTITUTE OF OSTE- OPATHY?Sixth floor Safe Deposit building. Examination free. Literature on application. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. VAN DYKE?Diseases of women; genlto-urinary, ohronic, nervous, blood and skin diseases. Washington building. DR. FLEISCHER Specialty surgery, genlto-urinary, nervous and female dis- eases. Washington block, First avenue, Seattle. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Tfce Batlcr. L. B. Faulkner. Olympla. F. Boyd Wellr, City. H. Rehocken, Oitr. W. J. Bpfllman. PuUmam. F. Knots, do. T. Hart well Taeeasa. W. Allen. Roaaland. B. Appal. Da* Hotaaa J. Poiaen. La Conner. J. Drukker, Bath. ,T. W. Rateliff, Tunnel. Mra. Drukker, do. Gua Ohrt, City. J. B. Lewis, Portland. O. B. Borln, Fairtieren. w. F. Jonaa. Olympla. Mrs. Burke, do. Mr*. W. F. Jane*, da L. ft. Plechner. St Fani.Mias Jones, do. W. A. Cobb, St. Ixsda. Mrs. Knight, Cltr. 8. L. Cahoon, Ban F. J. A. Bennett, St. Joe. L. M. Hanaehnan. do. J. Green, Spokane. F. B. Flood. Dawson. L. Mar, Portland. Mrs. Bradford, Victoria. S. Hagun, Columtma, O. B. D. Far. do. Mrs. Hagnn, do. T. J. Lane, St. Paul. M. K. Higelow, N. T. H. K. Brandt, Chicago. H. Growtage. do. J. K. Kauffer, Ererett. F. C. Keanler. Helena. Misa Kauffer, do. W. L. Cannon, do. R. Brurabaogb, San F. M. P. Engeibart, Yakima J. Poison, |<a Conner. K. Wbiteon. do. D. P. Oawald, Ererett. 8. A. Andrews, Tacoma. Mrs. A D. Derine. do. Mrs. 8. A Andrews, do. A W. Watte, Portland. R. B. Campbell, San F. C. H. Bartlett, Yakima. J. I. Smith, Falrharen W. M. Hewitt, Tacoma. Mra. McDonald, Vanc'r. J. Edwarda, Portland. 8. L. Jones. Ban F. A. POhl, Genera, O. C. W. RolUna, Kt. Lonls. A. A. Squirea, do. A. T. Townsend. N. Y. K. O. Sylvester, Alaska. W. C. Barrett. San F. Capt. Ball, as Walla Wal.Mrs. Barrett, dot A M. Sweetsaan, ErereU-K. M. Rush, Cltr. J. BaUlnger, Newautle. A. W. Martin, Tacmss. li. Miller. Fremont. The Seattle. R. rowell, Ml Fran. Rents-Santley Co.? O. Haaaard, Tacoma. Menitt Bisters. M. Stain, Baa F. Palmar Sisters. J. N. Eaaon, Tacoma. Mrs. J. Lester, Vanconv. Grace H. Bradley, do. Mrs. J. A. Lester, do. Mis. Plater, San Jose. H. R. Whltaker, do. R. T. Smith, City. G. M. Bice, Vancouver. A. C. Little, Tacoma. A. T. Doraey, Pt. Angeles. B. N. Buchman,, Snohom.W. B. Bmith, do. J. Andrews, Portland. M. Earles. M. J. Clark, Grand Bap C. Snrague, City. H. Mori ay, do. 8. mT Bugge, Hadlock. D. M. Clongh, Mlnneap. Mra. Bugge. do. W. C. Nlckarson, Monti eel P. I. Packard, Portland. E. A. Nlckerson. Minn. G. E. Calhoun. Sherwood. G. W. Meagher, Bkagway.l. Franklin. Ban F. J. Wyatt. Aberdeen. Mra. I. Franklin, do. A. I/. Bradley, Tacoma. 8. O. Ketchum, Bedro-W. F. H. Hunter, do. W. C. Relchencker, Kr'tt. A. Hasthetm, San F. H. J. Hooper, Ban F. H. K. CaaetKdt Juneau. N. J. Molds tad, Mt Vera A. C. Tonwy, Tanma. \v. H. Hoyt, Tacoma J. T. Steeb, do. O. D. Ames, Falrharen. 8. 8. Simons. Snohomish.Mra. O. D. Ames, do. C. A. Kline. Whatcom. V,". A. Mitchell, San F. M. Dickinson, do. O. M. Johnson, Ban F. . J. A. Dougherty, St. Joe K. Paul, Loa Angelee. E. G. Sproul, Tacoma. Mis. E. Panf, da H. C. Mayer, Chicago. W. B. Lanier, Denver. Tka Ralsln-Graad. E. M. O'Brien. Chicago. J. Jonea, Anerortes. G. M. ThoraaH, do. Mra. J. Jones, do. C. F. Forden, Baa F. H. Blackwood, Townaend. Kentx-Bantley Co.? H. F. Spuser, N. Dak. Frank Calder. Mrs. Spuser, <li. Mis. Frank Calder. C. C. McDonald, Sao F. John W. llehanaon. O. 8. Paulson, Falrharen. Frank Metager. C. X. Lartmbae, da A. Stewart. W. E. Clarke, N. Y. Mrs. A. Stewart. E. Lucas, Minneapolla, Misa Bid Fay. D. J. Leany. Jimrale Pet tea. A. Harding, Ft. Worth. L. Zonfalton. Mis. A. Harding, do. Mn. L. Zoufulton. G. P. Doar, jr., St. L. ' Uus Bruno. Mr. Alhertaon, City. A. C. Laurence, S. Africa. Mra. Albertaon. do. Mra. A. C. Laurence, do. W. A. Steel, do. G. C. Rowan, S. Omaha. H. A. Littler, Tacoma. D. ileal7, Vanc-ourer. B. Rardalev, Portland. W. A. Taaffe, San F. W. F. Walters, City. J, E. Dailey, Ohmpia. J. D. Stryker, Tacomr O. J. Humphrey, Ban F. John Arthur, City. DR JAMES E. STEVENS, 404 Collins building. Telephone, Brown 1601; office hours 10 to 10. DR. SARAH KENDALL, Holyoke block. Telephone, Green 351. DR. POWELL. Downs building. Tele- phone. Black 1371. DR. ARTHUR DHJ VOW, 2017 Second ave- nue. Telephone. DR. CALHOUN. Starr-Boyd block. Tele- phone. Main 391. DR RICHTER, Mutual Life. Telephone, East 271. DR. ANNIE RUSSELL. 64 Hinckley block. VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. VOTCF CULTURE?CIara Tester, teacher of the celebrated Marches! method. Room 52 Holyoke building. ALfISKII - KLONDIKE WANTS BOOTS. WATERPROOF, laced shoes or boota, bel- lows tongue, asbestos tanned calf; war- ranted; made to order without extra charge. J lip boot of Russia grained leather; also asbestos tanned mitts, with or without removable linings, pack strap*, money belts and leather suspen- ders. Pacific Brokerage Co.. 1002 First Ave. The Dlller. T. A. Hanson, Chicago. H. Wilson, Portland. Mra. Hanson, do. W. B. (arrUle. Grant*. Q. W. Randall, Calif or. O, Brenner, Olympia. C. Mitchell, Clinton. J. Taranto. do. I>. V. Simmons, Yakima. Ma. Taranto, do. L. G. Holbrook. Ell»n*b. F. S. Col burn, N. Y. C. A. Sallergfton, Juneau. T. McCaffery, Kverrtt. J. S. Hall, do. E. H. Victor, do F. Orasheu. Yakima. J. H. Morrison, Woodlnt; J. Winn. Vaahon College. F. H. Neal, Clear Lake. I. Dunlap, La Conner. J. A. laett. Oak Harbor. J. K. Stewart. Mt. Vera. P. H. Adam*. B. Diam'd. O. Cole, Snoqualmie. F. B. Kichaid*. Whatc'm. T. BOM, Pt. Orchard. W. Lender, Pittsburg. OAS LAMPS. "STANDARD" or "Sun Light" gas lamps at a nominal cost to run, give the test ligiit In the world, are specially good tor Alaska. Burn one quart of gasoline In 14 hours; a child can operate them. Pacific Gas Damp Co., 1002 First Ave. ALASKA CLOTHING. The Branawlrk. Ted Sulliran, N. Y. Mrs. MAROII, Vancouver. F. Schafer, Snohomish. J. Monnhan. Cheyenne. D. Howe, Grand Forks. C. A. Monalian, do. K. D. Williams 6 fam, P. I). Simpson. Sat Lake. Salem. Or. F. O. Wright. St. Louis. G. A. Arkman, Ohio. C. O. Clark, do. SEATTI.E WOOLEN HOUSE, opposite Hotel Stevens, 903 First. General out- tltters; make men's clothing to order; pure woolen goods direct from mill. ALASKA OUTFITTERS. PIONEER manufacturers of Alaska clothing; make pure woolen goods and have the best equipped plant for mak- ing clothing In the state. Seattle Woolen Mill, 1117 First avenue. TENTS, all sixes, new and second hand; 10x12 wall tents; $5 bags. etc. Chapln's, GUI and TO! Pike street. CLONDYKK FROST EXTRACTOR. MANUFACTURED by Barron Bros., 1316 Western avenue. DOG FOOD. Misa E. Warren. Tacoma. X. D. Jones, Illinois. A. Batcbelder. Va. City. Misa Mary Norman. S. F. W. W. French, do. M. Thohan, San Fran. O. E. Langdon, Chehalls.C. Spergler, Spokane. Mm. Langdon, do. J. L. Spangler, do. JUST received two carloads of beef meal and beef scraps from Union Stock Tarda, Chicago: deodorixed and In perfect con- dition for keeping; the besl and cheap- est dog food on the market. Lilly, Bo- gardus ft Co. A. H. Hester. City. The New England. L. W. Ktdo, AiucortM. K. Hutchison, Maple VaL John HUpp, do. 3. Murphy. Whatcom. J. B. Smith, Oik Harbor.Mr*. Murphy, (In. H. Warner, Bait Lake. Kettle Mahon, da. W. Sali.bury, Skftgway. B. Peterson, Fir. \V. Kdirards, Carbonado. N. Johnson. do. A. McQtlaen. do. H. Mills, do. J. W. Vlpond. Nanalmo. J. Blake, Kdieon. H. W. Rmwcll. Spokane. C. J. Hancock. Alaska. J. Scott. Bonce. Silu Oibnon, do. W. P. Strachan, do. 7.ARINA cigarettes are made by Mono- pole Tobacco Company; white labor. ALASKA - KLONDIKE WANTS. ?Coatlnaed. COMPRESSED HAY. BEFORE buying your hay for the north, call and examine our double compressed hay; a big saving In freight; opens up in perfect condition. Lilly, Bogardua 4k Co. KLONDIKE?MISCELLANEOUS. OUR dried salmon, best food for Alaska dogs. Chloppck Bros.. Yesler dock. GENTLEMAN would like to meet parties owning claims In Nome or parties golny to Nome oy water. Address M 80, carw Post-1 ntel llgeneer. ALASKA TEXTS AND TARPAULINS. TENTS AND TARPAULINS?The right kind at factory prices. Seattle Tent and Awning Company, M.irlon and Western avenue Also hydraulic mining hose. TENTS, tarpaulin anil awning cotton duck, al! weights una widths; hydraulic mining hose Fcltx Tent and Awning Company. 117 Yesler way. ALASKA HCfJS. CHOICE stock, fine breed. Crandall * Co., 511 Sixth avenue south. PARTIES who would like to exchange Se- attle real estate for Bkagway property please address P 86. care Post-Intelllgen- ccr. ALASKA wolf robes, Yukon cap. si wash mitts, moccasins, gold bags. etc.. at Q. T. Wernecke's. KO9 Railroad avenue. ALASKA SLEDS. ALL kinds and sixes made by the Paclflc Wagon Company; also wagon repairing and dealers in wagon material. South Third and Lane street, opposite N. p. freight depot. MANUFACTURERS Alaska sleds; all kinds; sole agents for ncver-sllp horse- shoe. Hoffman. Fourth and Main. ALASKA INFORMATION. PURCHASER of claim 8 below on Sunset creek, Nome district, Alaska, Is request- ed to call at room 9 Steven* hotel, be- tween 1 and 4 p. m., for news of lmport- ance to him. THE Daily Alaskan, at ffiujrwsy. Is on sal* at tne Hotel Northern bows ftui

Transcript of THE 29, 1900. 9 gj. JAI.IS-CITY BUSINESS HIR KIM MM. mat ...FORECLOSED city properties, farms, coal...

Page 1: THE 29, 1900. 9 gj. JAI.IS-CITY BUSINESS HIR KIM MM. mat ...FORECLOSED city properties, farms, coal and timber lands. R. R. George, 618 New Yurk block. FARMS for sale in Eastern and



tC itnrtx-7- 1* per cent. Interest; 140

ffiVl'* ft"0111 New York block.iSFgALK'lciieap and easy terras. «-

*E£mi house. For full particulars call onNoll, Occidental hotel.

sirn ijU.lii-7-ronrn house, city-10 acre*ty*roved; at Jtiaulla. 603 Pacific block.

SSialLJE?Three modern flve-room cot-terms.


S8» New York block.

mTnK II RKNii'K ,«u Ci> <t\ S. Carpcn-

B. Tanner, F. H. Uenk k.)


[ m^RENT?Some desirable farms In de-I .Mhle localities for rent or sale, on fa-

I jSable terms. C. L. Parker, 41 Haller


rain(-h beyond Renton; ISO forzEion W. B. Auslr. 507 Mutual Life


»OR BALE? Sawmill site on Seattle tide: 'jut. 400 feet on Railroad avenue and ruu-

alnc'to deep water, 4M| acres, best location(or sawmill In Seattle harbor; wilt sell(or double the present price In six months.

IHO teres timber land, 5.000.000 feet to the

culm near South Bend; price sll per

i tat.__

IMBacres In a body; Snohomish county, on>!v»r and railroad.

m acres In Plerco county; 8.000,000 feet

1088 flr and cedar for $2,000.

iM acres near North Bend, King county;tflMOOOfeet for only $800; If taken at once.'

W. D. FIELD, J&>tate 'O. A. VIRTUIi. \ Loans'.

8 and $2 Haller building. Phone. Main *."3

?OR SALE?Timber lands; 20,000 acres ofchoice fir and cedar timber. This can be\u25a0old In tracts of from 500 to 5.000 acres.

HERBERT S. UPPER,12-13 Scheuerman block.

150,000 ACRESOf good timber land In Western Washing-

ton and Oregon; in large and smalltracts; much of this land Ls In our ex-clusive control and can be delivered atowner's price. The Syndicate Company,1111 Railroad street. Tacoma.

0. B. PEAVEY, dealer In timber landstland scrip. 503 New York block. Seattle


WANTED?Forest reserve lands; final re-ceipts bought. John P. Fay, 413 NewYork block.

BKHRENS A PETTIT, timber landsbought and for sale. 623-524 New Yorkblock.

TIMBER lands bought and for sale. Her-bert S. Upper, 12-13 Bcheuerman block.


FOR SALE?I6O acres good land, nearKtrkland; fine stock or chicken ranch;house of eight rooms; might rent to agood tenant; price $5,000; cash $2,000;balance easy; or would sell 5, 10 or 20acre tracts; this property Is near Yorkstation, and If you are looking for 5, 10or 20 acre tracts or a good home, Inves-tigate this at once. Morgan's Ex-change. 1011 Third.

309 acres, highly Improved; will feed 100head of cattle. Price, including ma-chinery and stock, $4,500.

Farm In the valley. Improvements worth$2,500. Price, $1,600.

Improved and unimproved acre tracts nearGreen lake.

SLETTENGREN ft ARNELL,28 Roxwell block.

FOR SALE.10 acres good soli, SO acres cleared; bear-

ing orchard; house, barn, etc.; SBOO.i acres rich soil, water front; adjoins small

town; $l5O.W.I LLIAM BREMER,

401 Bailey Building.

1600 for 40 acres at Juanita; 20 minutes'walk from Lake Washington ferry; finet-011, nearly level, partially cleared; good

\u25a0roads, good water; a good buy, either foran investment or farm purposes.

WHALLEY & STURTEVANT,5 Colman building.

FOR SALE?I6O m-res on Whidby island,near Clinton, partly timbered; 4 acrescleared, with fruit trees; will sell all orpart; also 80 acres on Green river, 7miles from Auburn; easy terms. HenryW. bung, 40S Burke building.

S3 acres of good farming land, partly Im-liroved; within 10 miles of Seattle; %mile from Lake Washington and closeto car line: owner must sell at once; abargain. Herbert S. Upper, 12 and 13Scheuerman block.

FOR SALE-Foreclosed city and farmproperty, cheap, and terms easy. JameslioUiwell, loans and Insurance, Bostonblock. Telephone. Main 400.

FORECLOSED city properties, farms, coaland timber lands. R. R. George, 618New Yurk block.

FARMS for sale in Eastern and WesternWashington. E. Shorrock, 94 West Co-lumbia street.

FARMS for sale and for rent. W. W.Dearborn. 24 Union block.


FOR SALE?Prairie farm. 160 acres, wellimproved. Address Cyrus White, owner,Boisfort. Wash.


VALENTINE scrip, for forty acres. R. R.George, 618 New York block.


MONEY to loan at low rates of Intereston improved city and farm property;Seattle property and farms in Easternand Western Washington for sale oneasy terms. Xhu Oregon Mortgage Co.,Ltd., Robert J. Kisher, agent, 403 Baileybuilding, Seattle.

MORTGAGE loans?No commission; livePer cent, rate 011 brick blocks. North-western Mutual Life Insurance Com-pany, Milwaukee, Wis., or William Den-holm, Loan Agent, Portland, Or.

V\E have an abundance of money to loanon furniture, pianos and other chattelsecurity; long time or short time; partialpayments. Beavers & Co., 112 Washing-ton building.

PLENTY money to luan; houses built onInstallment plan; lire insurance written;safe deposit boxes to rent in lire-proofvault. 11. o. Shuey & Co., 224 Pike.

MOMMY to loan on improved city proper-ty at low rate of interest. Building loansa specialty. Fehren-Marvin Co , 208


Jloo,ooo,<rio to invest through bankers,brokers, promoters; send for circular.Investors Directory, New York.

PRIVATE funds to loan on city property;low ratt-s. no delay. Edmund Bowden,Dexter llorton bank building.

MONEY to loan in any quantity fromWOO up; now ready and no delay. J. E.West & Co.. 811 First avenue.

COLLATERAL bank; money advanced ondiamonds, watches and other good col-

_lateral. Jiarlo, 105 Cherry.

J.JMES BOTH WELL City and farmlouns, insurance and surety bonds. i'BBoston block. Telephone.


0 LOAN?SI,OOO, S6OO, $250, on improvedproperty. Wm. P. Harper, Dexter

tfvton bank building.

MQNKY to It».? n on good lmDi<»v«d city orfarm property J. W. McConnaug'hcy,40< Builcy building

HERBERT 8. UPPEH loans on Improvedproperty, timber lands and farms. 12Scheuerman block.


MONET loaned on Improved olty prop-erty; low rate*. Freeman A Pelraon, 75Sullivan building.

WARRANTS and bonda bought and sold.Morrison A Eeheltnan, basement Mu-

tual J Jfe building.

TO L<OAN?Money on real estate andchattels; lowest rates. Room 7 Post-In-telligencer block.

GROLU DAMUB A OSNER-Loans onSeattle real estate and Insurance. 100Ma<llson street.

WARRANTS bought and sold. WilliamD. Perkins A Co., 301 New York block.Seattle.

PRIVATE MONEY?Iow rate: no com-mission. S. I* Bowman, 520 New Yorkblock.

ELEOTROZONE?Hundreds of tesilmo-nlals. 1514 First nvenue.

LONG-TIME MONEY?I>ow rate. Yancy,3:10 Rurke.

MONEY TO LOAN?F. J. Foster, Colonialblock.


I want to borrow 14,500 at 7 per cent, forthree years on Improved property nearEighth avenue; vulued at $8,500; will payattorney fees; but no commission. Ad-dress S 13. earo Post-Intelllgcncer.

WANTED?S3,SOO on desirable first hillresidence property for three or fiveyears. M 14, care Post-lntelHgcncer.


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THEUnited States, for the District of Wash-ington. Northern Division. In the mat-ter of the application of Thomas L.Dabney and Elizabeth A. Dabney, hus-band and wife, to be declared bankrupts.In bankruptcy. No. 1622.To the creditors of Thomas L. Dabney

and Elizabeth A. Dabney, the above-named bankrupts, and to all others InInterest;

You are hereby notified that salil bank-rupts have petitioned for a full dischargefrom their debts, and that a hearing willbe had thereon before the district courtof the United States for the district ofWashington, Northern division, at Seat-tle, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of the6th day of February. 1900, at which timeand place you may appear and showcause. If any you have, why said petitionBhould not be granted.

Dated at Seattle. Washington, this sthday of January, 11)00.

R. M. HOPKINS.Clerk U. S. District Court.

SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., January 25. 1900.Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re-ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m., Febru-ary 24, 1900. and then opened for con-struction of power house, electrical ma-chinery, heating system, Ice machine andcold storage, filter plant, kitchen andlaundry machinery, etc.. for U- S. Gen-eral Hospital at Presidio, of San Fran-cisco, Cal. Government reserve.* rightto reject or accept any or all bids hiwhole or In part. Preference given toartloles of domestic production, condi-tions of price and quality (Including- Inthe price of foreign productions the dutythereon) being equal, and such preferencegiven to articles of American productionproduced on the Pacific coast, to extentof consumption required by the publicservice there. Information furnishedon application to J. M. MARSHALL,Deputy Quartermaster General, ChiefQ. M.


MISS GALLAGHER, millinery store, 1012Second avenue.


CHAS. B. GRANT, expert accountant;books of firms, corporations, counties,etc., examined, opened, closed; errorsdetected; confidential. 45 Colman block,Seattle.


STEAMBOAT work, boiler and pipe cov-ering a specialty. De Solla-DeusslngCo., Tesler wharf, Seattle.


WE have the best line of road wagons,buggies, spring wagons, express andfarm wagons in the city; full line bestfarm machinery; also harness, pumps,windmills, contractors' road and grad-ing plows and drag arid wheel scrapurs;we represent the best factories in theworld; sen us. Poison-Wilton Hard-ware Company, In Colman stone block.806-808 Western avenue.


JESSIE M. ELLIOTT?Studio, 37 Bostonblock.


ROHLFS & SCHODER. 610-620 First ave-nue south?Bank, office and bar fix-tures; hardwood lumber and steamboatwnrk a specialty.



Founded, 1870, Seattle. Incorporated 1887.

Oldest bank in Washington.

Capital fully paid $200,000Surplus SIOO,OOO

W. M. Tyjdd PresidentR. 11. Denny Vice PresidentN. H. Latimer Manager

M. W. Peterson CashierC. E. Burnside Asst. Cashier

Correspondence In all principal cities ofUnited States, Europe, China, Japan. Ha-waiian Islands. Alaska, British Columbiaand Northwest Territory. Drafts Issueddirect ou Juneau, Skagway, Atlln, Ben-nett and Dawson City.

Collections made on all points on rea-sonable terms.




BRATTLE Brass and Bell Foundry Com-pany. brass castings, tlnlshlng and Job-bing; old metala txiught.


RARItON BROS., 1316 Western avenua.Oreen 1271.


BOAT BUILDERS-M. J. JohnßOn. P. O,b<|x 083.

11011 I' It MAKERS.

BARRON BROS., 1316 Weslarn avenua.Oreen 1271.


F. ANTHONY, bookbinder, paper rulerand patent blank book manufacturer.Boston block, opposite old poßtofflca,rooms .19, 40, 41. 42, Seattle, Wash.

METROPOLITAN PRINTING A BIND-Ing Company, 112 Yesler way.



BICYCLES rented and repaired. Spin-nine. 1200 Second.


THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO. Tele-phone 41. Rubber-tired carriages, bastfor Invalids, easy riding. noiseless.

CAPE Nome Trunsfer Baggage ExpressCompany: also cabs, gurneys and livery.'Phone. Rainier 2L


OVINGTON'S; carpenters. Jobbers. 11lMarlon. Blue £65.

BUTLER'S carpenter shop. Pioneerblock. White 562.

CARTER'S shop, old postofflca alley.Hlack 56.


HAIXWOOD CASH REGISTER CO.,basement »<ti9 First.


PROF. RICHARD, the noted palmist andclairvoyant curd reader, now assisted byMadam Ursula, Die world's wonderfulclairvoyant palmist and card reader;JIO.dOO to any lady her equal; see themwhile here. Parlors ut 221 Columbiastreet, rooms 6 and 8; hours, 10 to 10 p.m., and Sunday. Ladles' readings, 25cents.

MRS. E. EMETT. South African medi-um. In her wonderful clairvoyant sight,reveals past, present, future; consulther; readings. 50c. Office 323 Pioneerbuilding, corner James and First avenue.

RETURNED?Mrs. Welch, clairvoyantpalmist; psychometric reading of miner-als a specialty; ladles 50c; gentlemen50c; for this woek only. 719 Third ave-nue, corner of Columbia, room X.

MME. DA VEE, trance medium, tellspast, present, future; satisfaction guar-anteed or no pay. Sixth and Madison.

FLORANCE MARVIN, 14 years Seattle'sprophetess; publicly predicted Seattle's$10,000,000 tire. 614 First avenue.

MADAM ESPERANZA. clairvoyant, lifeleader: business advice. Kennebecblock. 503 Yesler way, room 1.

MADAM FRANCISCO, medium. 122 Pins,corner Second.

DR. SWAN,, readings 50c. 167 Yesler, room528.

MISS A. WATKINS, 421 Pike.


PARISIAN DYE WORKS?New plant;best operators; satisfaction guaranteed.116 Union; telephone, Pike 114.

CAMERON'S steam dry cleaning; ladle*'garments specialty, rugs, etc. 1300 Rail-road avenue. Buff SOB.

ATLAS DYK WORKS, 222 Union. Tele-phone. Buff 1001. l.endlng French dyehouse In Seattle.

SAN FRANCISCO DYE WORKS. Seat-tle. Blue 453.

W. ANDERSON, Fifth and James.Black 1343.

WEIR'S dyeing, cleaning. 911 Jackson.Black 16*11.


BALLROOM and stage dancing lessons;private or classes. Pike and Fifth uve?Knnke hall.


MME. SMITH, ladles' tailoring. Room 7,Hinckley.


PACIFIC Electric and Galvanic Belt Co.will sell you belts and appliances cheap-er than anyone, else; all goods war-ranted; easily regulated; carry strongercurrent; do not fall to get our prices.Second and Pike.


SEATTLE BRIDGE COMPANY, build-ers of bridges, wharves, coal bunkers,etc., pile driving and foundations; deal-ers In piles, logs and spars.


BELL repairing; house wiring. 705 Pikestreet.


JOHNSON'S EXPRESS hauls every-thing. Phone, Red 731.


SEATTLE Engraving Co., makers ofhigh-grade printing plates by all pro-cesses. Washington block.


BARNES & CO., 74-75 Starr-Boyd build-ing.


PAID-UP CAPITAL $150,000James D. Hodge, jr., president; Maurice

McMieken. vice president; Lester Turner,cashier; K. F. Parkhurst, assistant cash-ier. Directors?James D. Hoge, jr., Mau-rice McMieken (Struve, Allen. Hughes &

McMieken, attorneys-at-law), Sol G. Simp-son (Simpson Logging Co., Shelton). Fer-dinand Schmitz (Mamm & Schmitz, HotelButler), Lester Turner. Correspondentsin all the principal cities of the UnitedStates and Europe. Drafts arid letters ofcredit issued on all the principal points ofAlaska. Honolulu, China and Japan. Ac-counts of banks, corporations and indi-viduals solicited.

We have a branch bank at Nome.

E. L. M'ALLISTER, 503-504 Pioneer bldg.


MORRIS & SON, manufacturers, 1520First avenue.


CHLOPECK BROS., Yesler wharf. Tele-phone. Main 379.

GEORGE S. LIST, Seattle. Telephone,Main 002.

SAN J FAN FISH CO., Columbia dock,Seattle.


ALLkinds. Alaska Studio, 501 Third ave-nue.


Capital paid up $300,000

Jacob Furth PresidentE. C. Neufelder Vice PresidentR. V. Ankeny Cashier

Correspondents in all the principal citiesIn the United States and Europe.

Gold dust bought. Drafts issued onAlaska and Northwest Territory.


Paid-up capital $150,000Transacts a general banking business.

11. C. Henry PresidentS. O. Simpson Vice PresidentR. It. Spencer Cashier

S.i IV I \ MUlt. !11 11, lit

>!'! I;?« s \ \ iN(; BANKOccidental Block, Seattle. Wash

Capital SIOO,OOOJames R. Havden. Manager.

J. T. Oremloaf. Ass't. Cashier.Deposits received from $1 to $10,000; 4 per

cent, interest allowed on savin*! deposits.


FRUIT INSPECTOR PROF. BROWNwill furnish you competent tree pruners.


PACIFIC OAS LAMP CO., 1002 First ave-nuo; finest gasoline gas lamps of greatbrilliancy.


M'SOU LEY & HENDERSON. 205 Occi-dental avenue.


HARDWOOD lumber. Pacillc Wagon Co.


CONTRACTOR, builder. A. F. Tilford,1500 First. . ,


ATLAS INSURANCE COMPANY, ofLondon?Organized 1808. Assets, $10,000,-000. Fire losses promptly adjusted. Ed-mund Rowden. agent, Tlorton Bankbulldln*.














WATSON, HANFORD A CO., rooms206, 20« and ISO 7 Pioneer building. Tele-phone, Main 121.

PIONEER RENT AND COLLECTIONCO.. 8 and V Roxwell block. GeneralInsurance.

H. A. RASER, agent and adjuster Im-perial Insurance Co., 210 Pioneer build-ing. Main 22U.

BURNS & ATKINSON, general Insur-ance. 14 Boston block.

CALHOUN, DENNY A EWING, Insur-ance. Olympic block.

WATERHOUBE A BEACH, Insurance.A, Colman building.


HULLS, cargoes, gold dust, coin, cur-rency and advances Insured; marinelosses adjusted; underwriters' agents.Watson, Hanford * Co.. 206 Pioneerbuilding.

muss MM.?Continued.


WABIUNOTON SAW WORKS, KM Firstavenue south.


CAHN A COHN pay the highest price forJunk. Y«-sler way and Railroad avenue.


HKCKMAN & HANSON, designers. Of-fice Yesler dock.

JOS. A. SIX3AN. 69 Safe Deposit building.


C. P. MEYER & CO.. 309 Flint avenuesouth. Ship supplies of every descrip-tion.


SUNDE * ERT-AND. Yesler wharf, sail-makers, rigger* and whip chandlers;manufacturers of tents, tarpaulins, min-ing hose; canvar of all widths.


GENUINE sea water baths. 818 Firstavenue.DIAMOND ICE AND STORAGE COM-

pany. Tel.. Pike 159. Ice and storage. STORAGE.


FURNISH ull kinds of flrst-clais help.21!) Washington street. Postofflce Box031. Telephone, Huff 1036.

RABER A MORGANS warehouse, 40«-4W-410 Occidental avenue; Main 140;general storage and distributing house;negotiable receipts accepted as collat-eral.

SEATTLE JUNKcash prices; orders promptly attended.Rear Seattle Market. Black 1113.

ALASKA JUNK CO. pays highest prices;prompt returns. 1111 Western avenuePhone, Pike 119.

THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO., 623First avenue. Brick warehouse; low In-surance. Telephone 41.

TOLBMA. 809 Occidental avenue; tele-phone Main 78.


NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 1205 First.

SHOW CASES, STORE FIXTURES.ETCGIFFORI). repairing. 1115 Second. Tele-

phone, Buff 381.

BARRON BROS., 1318 Western avenue.Green 1271.

DIXON. BORGESON & CO., Front andWashington streets. Portland. Or.

SEATTLE Show Case Factory. IBIS Ist av.A. F. HUTTON, machine shop, Flyer



FINEST line ladles' silk good*, chil-dren's dresses, gents' shirts, etc., In cltytsatisfaction guaranteed. Wo Hop & Co.,12W Second avenue.


SIGNS of every description at Hamm &

Walburg's, 102 Madison, basement. 'PhoneBuff 966.


MME. JENNIE EDGAR?Turkish saltwater baths; competent lady's assistant;electricity for rheumatism and nervous-ness; private roohis for ladles. 218V4 Co-lumbia.

DR. ETTA RALPH, santtorlum Turkishbaths; massage. UO6 Second avenue, par-lor 5; select patrons.

DR. ETTA RALPH, genuine Turkishbaths; massage. 606 Second avenue, par-lor 5; select patrons.

ENAMEL Illumlnum nlckellold. C. Mes-ton, 310 Vesler.


D. M'GOVERN, successor to th# KahaleyTruck Co.; moving safes and heavyfreight a specialty. Telephones, Blue341, Main 35.

THE SEATTLE TRANSFER CO.. Tele-phones. Main 41 and 46; all kinds ofhauling, safes, machinery, etc.

EYRS Transfer Co.?Distributing pool carsa specialty; all kinds of moving done.Telephone, Main 3SO.

ANDERSON Map A Blue Print Co., Pa-cific block.

THE best private home (separate rooms)before and during confinement; bestcare and attendance; nice garden; pricesmoderate; babies adopted into goodhomes. Mrs. M. Wagener, 1312 GoldenGate avenue. San Francisco, Cal.

RING the "O. K." box for messengers,Western Union and Great Northerntelegrams, hacks, gurneys and expresswagons; quick service. Telephone,Main ISO. 614 Second, Branch QueenCity laundry.

THE Shattuck Gold Saver; sluice boxesand rockers; saves over !K) per cent, offine or coarse gold; no riffles, plates,quicksilver, machinery* oaves rusty gold;greasy water no detriment. Amory D.wainwright & Co.. 1204 First.

P. A. HILLr-Civil and mining engineer,\u2666>o9 Mutual JJfe building; 'phone Main432. Mining properties examined. Bestof references.

STRIKE on Sulphur % below; I have forsule one-fourth interest in claim 89 belowon Sulphur creek; no agents or miningbrokers need reply. 8U Fourth avenue,702 Maynard avenue.


ELK Turkish Baths; open day and night.Northeast corner Second and James,basement.


BALL-BEARING Densmore, New Cen-tury and Yost typewriters, .ill standardsingle and double keyboard machines;all makes of typewriters rented and re-paired; ribbons for all machines; sendfor catalogue. Seattle Typewriter Ex-change, 619 First avenue, Seal II\ Wash.


UMBRELLAS?Manufactured, recoveredand repaired; general repairing. 213Columbia street. Robeson Bros.


SPECIAL holiday sale, factory prices, onlounges, couches, furniture. ContinentalUpholstery Company, J603 First.


R. B. R. R.Roosevelt's Rough Rider Rye.M. & K. Gottstein. sole agents.

KREIELSHEIMER BROS.?Crown Dia-monds whiskies especially.

BUCK CO., incorporated. Agents Yellow-stone, Velvet whiskies.

C. K. THI'RSTON & CO.. 109 Cherry St .mining investments. Cape Nome claims,

O. R. HAUL. 528 New York block, buysand sella good mining properties.

FOR mines see Yoho, New York build-ing.


WE carry a fine stock of monuments,headstones, markers: also granite andmarble curbing; special attention tooutside <yders. Puget Sound Marble& Granite Co., 140H Second avenue.

MAJOR CI/ARK?Pensions, rentals, collec-tlona. Union block.

E. W. CLARK, 17 Post-Intelligencerbuilding.


THE MORGAN OYSTER CO., 1208 Secondavenue.



BELCOURT & M'DOUGAL, attorneys ntlaw, notaries, etc. Dawson. Yukon ter-ritory. N\ A. Belcourt, M. P., Q- C.Frank J. McDougal. Offices at Ottawaand Dawson. Special attention given to

Ottawa work.

FRED H. PETERSON, attorney andcounselor; proctor in admiralty. Fourthlloor, Mutual Life building.

CHARLES N. ENOS, attorney and coun-selor at law. Rooms 14-15 Haller building.

GUERIN. FERRY & GUERIN, lawyers,510 Pioneer building. 'Phone, Main 477.

PRATT & RIDDLE, attorneys «t law,rooms 309-310-311 Bailey building.

PIPER, FISK & PIPER, attorneys atlaw, 425-420 Bailey building.

C. W. PARKER & CO., fresh paper andplates; everything used In photography.Corner First avenue and Cherry street.

ANDERSON SUPPLY COMPANY, 111Cherry street, Seattle.




BARNES & CO.. 74-73 Starr-Boyd build-ing. Superior service In all branches ofwork. Write for our book, "Advice toInventors."

ADAMS, room 10 Colman building. UnitedStates and foreign patents, trade marks,caveats, searches, mechanical drawing.

UPRIGHT piano, only live months In use;cost J550; must sell; parties need money.Mrs. Tarp. 1428',« First avenue.

AT Chile's music store, 21.S Pike, you save25 per cent, on pianos and organs.


COUGHLIN, plumbing, 812 Third. Tele-phone Main 295.


SPELLMAN. plumbing, 215 Columbia.?Phone Black 1621.

RAUTMAN PLUMBING CO. TelephoneBuff 471.

SULLIVAN& DAVIS. 1408 First. Buff 904.M. KROWS ft SON. Telephone Pike 102.


ANVILCITY views for sale. 207 Pike.


mT~ TIAI\ PRINTING\u2666ranee 20"' Cherry street.

BULL BROS.. Washington building.?pi»r, n e White IR3.


RUPTURE cured without knife. pain orlon of time. Roma* 40-41 Holvokt block.

STRUVE, ALLEN, HUGHES & Mc-Mlcken, Bailey building.

DAVIS & GILMORE, lawyers, proctors.

Pioneer building.

RICHARD GOWAN, attorney, 628 NewYork block.

WILSHIRE & KENAGA, attorneys. NewYork block.

H. BEAUMONT, 517 to 520 Washingtonbuilding.

JOHN G. GRAY, lawyer. Mutual Lifebulldlnr.

FRANK B. WIESTLING, 61-62 Bostonblock.

CONOVER & WILSON. 42-43 Hallerbuilding.

W. r>. LAMBUTH, Seattle National Bankbuilding.

REES P. DANIELS. 303 New York block.

JOHN ARTHUR. 305-307 New York block.MITX) A. ROOT. 315 New York building.

GEO. F. AUST. 703 New York building.

Z. B. RAWSON. 617-618 Pacific block


JOHNSON gr NEWTON. 21 P.-I. building.


SAUNDERS & LAWTON, architects. 206and 207 New York block.

CHARLES H. BEBB. architect, 109Washington block.

M'MANUS & ROBERTSON, 4«7 NewYork building.

EMIL DP: NEUF, Architect, 209 Wash-ington block.

JAMES STEPHEN, architect. 727 NewYork block.

A. TIDEMAND, architect, 47 Colmunbuilding.

S. J. MEANT, architect. 45 Colman blockCHIROPODISTS.

HANNA. the only craduate chiropodiston the Pacific coast. Indorsed bv phvsl-ciar.s. Parlors. STC Burke building (fiveyears tn rwittle.i

NEW CHIROPnniST PARTyORS lu»t©pened at the Elk Turklih Bathi. cor-ner Second and Jarau.

mora* mat.?Coatlnarf.


WEBSTER BROWN, United States dep-uty mineral surveyor; also draughtingwork. 24-25 Boston block.


DR. BRAGDON, fourth floor MutualUfa block.

DR. BURKHART, 306 Mutual Ufa build-ing.

C. A. HOLMES, D. D. S? Colman build-ing-


WIDSON'S Modern Business Collegeteaches Gregg shorthlnd, the Budgetbookkeeping, English and telegraphy;day ana evening; a visit to our schoolwill convince you of Its superiority; sev-enteen typewriters In use, si* specialist*aro employed.

MAE E. STEPHENS, post graduate fromEmerson College of Oratory, Boston;teacher of oratory, physical cultura andShakespeare. 35 Holyoke block.

LEO'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Secondand Union. Shorthand, bookkeeping,arithmetic, penmanship, English; dayand night.

PRIVATE SCHOOL Mm Laurenceflronlund. Ilolyoke block.

FRENCH lessons. F. Constant, £l3Washington building.

ATTEND the best. Acme Business Col-lege. Seattle. j


FOR treatment of all chronic diseases.Dr. Turner, 67 Hinckley lw>ck. 'PhoneBlue 523. '


THE Keeley Institute, West Seattle,Wash . for the treatment of liquor, opi-um and tobacco habits; correspondenceconfidential. C. H. Nixon, manager.


MME. ARAMENTX, the celebrated singerand vocal teacher of New York; voicesexamined from 12 to 1 dally; residence,Ralnler-Orand hotel. Studio, 83 Hinck-ley block, Seattle.

FIRST-CLASS Instruction In guitar andmandolin (riven by Rose CharlotteMitchell. S3 Holyoke block

MISS KATHERINE OLEN, contralto,vocal culture. Inquire Martins' Musicstore, 80S Second.

HERBERT H. JOY, teacher of singing.Room 43 Stevens hotel.

I,OUTSE BECK, teacher of piano. HotelStevens.


PRACTICAL navigation taught. 70 B, SafeDeposit building.


DR. A. R. KTBRE oculist, aurlst andphysician for diseases of the throat;removed to rooms 32fi-J27 Bailey bulld-Ing. corner Second and Cherry street.

DR. STILLSON. eye. ear. nosa andthroat; removed to No. 8 Hinckley.




MISS WILZINSKI. optician. 112 Cherry.Consultation free.

Fl*a Ucki Vf fMMMMH) Worth «<

Property oa Stack Raifci.A destructive Are has swept over a lsrgn

area of tbe Northern Montana stock rangaand about 1250,000 damage ha* resulted.William O. Hantaan, a sheep raiser of Cbo-teau la a guest of the Northern. In speak'lng of the Or* yesterday ba said:

"We seldom have prairie Ores In Mon-tana, but on last Tuesday a space of tensquare miles was completely devastated litTmton county. Several ranch houses and \u25a0large quantity of hay have bean destroyed.The Are started from Rlchardaon's ranchby a spark from the chimney lighting Ina meadow. A strong wind was blowing andthe flames spread over the prairie at *rapid rate. They first struck the HoMdayranch and the buildings and 1.000 tons ofhay were destroyed. A mile and a hslffurther on the Knowles ranch was com-pletely licked up. The fire then swept tothe Clark Bros, ranches. The Clarks aratha 1arrest wool grower" In the state. Attheir first ranch every building and about3,000 torn of hay were destroyed. Aft«r ahand flirht at the upper Clark rruohprogress was checked with but small a»m-aga.

"The total loss, hot counting the hard-ships the burned prairie will work on stock,la about 1280,000. '

London Stock Exchange.LONDON, lan. 3.?The stock exchange passed 19

auxlone week, bat the settlement went oft withouttrouble. Price* tor the mast pert tnat (round enthe week, but there wu DO little buelnaa* doingthat the iltuatlon preaenta little danger. The dta-poaltion to (peculation la Quite unlikely while thai>regent uncertainty regarding the war continue*.Consols dropped abajply on Friday's diaappoiottngnana. and aaaed at M

BEST pebble glasses, $2.00. Carroll, 90SColumbia.

W. 8. MORLEY, scientific optician. 1207First.


WASHINGTON INSTITUTE OF OSTE-OPATHY?Sixth floor Safe Depositbuilding. Examination free. Literatureon application.


DR. VAN DYKE?Diseases of women;genlto-urinary, ohronic, nervous, bloodand skin diseases. Washington building.

DR. FLEISCHER Specialty surgery,genlto-urinary, nervous and female dis-eases. Washington block, First avenue,Seattle.


Tfce Batlcr.L. B. Faulkner. Olympla. F. Boyd Wellr, City.H. Rehocken, Oitr. W. J. Bpfllman. PuUmam.F. Knots, do. T. Hart well Taeeasa.W. Allen. Roaaland. B. Appal. Da* HotaaaJ. Poiaen. La Conner. J. Drukker, Bath.,T. W. Rateliff, Tunnel. Mra. Drukker, do.Gua Ohrt, City. J. B. Lewis, Portland.O. B. Borln, Fairtieren. w. F. Jonaa. Olympla.Mrs. Burke, do. Mr*. W. F. Jane*, daL. ft. Plechner. St Fani.Mias Jones, do.W. A. Cobb, St. Ixsda. Mrs. Knight, Cltr.8. L. Cahoon, Ban F. J. A. Bennett, St. Joe.L. M. Hanaehnan. do. J. Green, Spokane.F. B. Flood. Dawson. L. Mar, Portland.Mrs. Bradford, Victoria. S. Hagun, Columtma, O.B. D. Far. do. Mrs. Hagnn, do.T. J. Lane, St. Paul. M. K. Higelow, N. T.H. K. Brandt, Chicago. H. Growtage. do.J. K. Kauffer, Ererett. F. C. Keanler. Helena.Misa Kauffer, do. W. L. Cannon, do.R. Brurabaogb, San F. M. P. Engeibart, YakimaJ. Poison, |<a Conner. K. Wbiteon. do.D. P. Oawald, Ererett. 8. A. Andrews, Tacoma.Mrs. A D. Derine. do. Mrs. 8. A Andrews, do.A W. Watte, Portland. R. B. Campbell, San F.C. H. Bartlett, Yakima. J. I. Smith, FalrharenW. M. Hewitt, Tacoma. Mra. McDonald, Vanc'r.J. Edwarda, Portland. 8. L. Jones. Ban F.A. POhl, Genera, O. C. W. RolUna, Kt. Lonls.A. A. Squirea, do. A. T. Townsend. N. Y.K. O. Sylvester, Alaska. W. C. Barrett. San F.Capt. Ball, as Walla Wal.Mrs. Barrett, dotA M. Sweetsaan, ErereU-K. M. Rush, Cltr.J. BaUlnger, Newautle. A. W. Martin, Miller. Fremont.

The Seattle.R. rowell, Ml Fran. Rents-Santley Co.?O. Haaaard, Tacoma. Menitt Bisters.M. Stain, Baa F. Palmar Sisters.J. N. Eaaon, Tacoma. Mrs. J. Lester, Vanconv.Grace H. Bradley, do. Mrs. J. A. Lester, do.Mis. Plater, San Jose. H. R. Whltaker, do.R. T. Smith, City. G. M. Bice, Vancouver.A. C. Little, Tacoma. A. T. Doraey, Pt. Angeles.B. N. Buchman,, Snohom.W. B. Bmith, do.J. Andrews, Portland. M. Earles.M. J. Clark, Grand Bap C. Snrague, City.H. Moriay, do. 8. mT Bugge, Hadlock.D. M. Clongh, Mlnneap. Mra. Bugge. do.W. C. Nlckarson, Monti eel P. I. Packard, Portland.E. A. Nlckerson. Minn. G. E. Calhoun. Sherwood.G. W. Meagher, Bkagway.l. Franklin. Ban F.J. Wyatt. Aberdeen. Mra. I. Franklin, do.A. I/. Bradley, Tacoma. 8. O. Ketchum, Bedro-W.F. H. Hunter, do. W. C. Relchencker, Kr'tt.A. Hasthetm, San F. H. J. Hooper, Ban F.H. K. CaaetKdt Juneau. N. J. Molds tad, Mt VeraA. C. Tonwy, Tanma. \v. H. Hoyt, TacomaJ. T. Steeb, do. O. D. Ames, Falrharen.8. 8. Simons. Snohomish.Mra. O. D. Ames, do.C. A. Kline. Whatcom. V,". A. Mitchell, San F.M. Dickinson, do. O. M. Johnson, Ban F. .

J. A. Dougherty, St. Joe K. Paul, Loa Angelee.E. G. Sproul, Tacoma. Mis. E. Panf, daH. C. Mayer, Chicago. W. B. Lanier, Denver.

Tka Ralsln-Graad.E. M. O'Brien. Chicago. J. Jonea, Anerortes.G. M. ThoraaH, do. Mra. J. Jones, do.C. F. Forden, Baa F. H. Blackwood, Townaend.Kentx-Bantley Co.? H. F. Spuser, N. Dak.

Frank Calder. Mrs. Spuser, <li.Mis. Frank Calder. C. C. McDonald, Sao F.John W. llehanaon. O. 8. Paulson, Falrharen.Frank Metager. C. X. Lartmbae, daA. Stewart. W. E. Clarke, N. Y.Mrs. A. Stewart. E. Lucas, Minneapolla,Misa Bid Fay. D. J. Leany.Jimrale Pet tea. A. Harding, Ft. Worth.L. Zonfalton. Mis. A. Harding, do.Mn. L. Zoufulton. G. P. Doar, jr., St. L. 'Uus Bruno. Mr. Alhertaon, City.

A. C. Laurence, S. Africa. Mra. Albertaon. do.Mra. A. C. Laurence, do. W. A. Steel, do.G. C. Rowan, S. Omaha. H. A. Littler, Tacoma.D. ileal7, Vanc-ourer. B. Rardalev, Portland.W. A. Taaffe, San F. W. F. Walters, City.J, E. Dailey, Ohmpia. J. D. Stryker, TacomrO. J. Humphrey, Ban F.John Arthur, City.

DR JAMES E. STEVENS, 404 Collinsbuilding. Telephone, Brown 1601; officehours 10 to 10.

DR. SARAH KENDALL, Holyoke block.Telephone, Green 351.

DR. POWELL. Downs building. Tele-phone. Black 1371.

DR. ARTHUR DHJ VOW, 2017 Second ave-nue. Telephone.

DR. CALHOUN. Starr-Boyd block. Tele-phone. Main 391.

DR RICHTER, Mutual Life. Telephone,East 271.

DR. ANNIE RUSSELL. 64 Hinckley block.


VOTCF CULTURE?CIara Tester, teacherof the celebrated Marches! method.Room 52 Holyoke building.


WATERPROOF, laced shoes or boota, bel-lows tongue, asbestos tanned calf; war-ranted; made to order without extracharge. J lip boot of Russia grainedleather; also asbestos tanned mitts,with or without removable linings, packstrap*, money belts and leather suspen-ders. Pacific Brokerage Co.. 1002 FirstAve.

The Dlller.T. A. Hanson, Chicago. H. Wilson, Portland.Mra. Hanson, do. W. B. (arrUle. Grant*.Q. W. Randall, Califor. O, Brenner, Olympia.C. Mitchell, Clinton. J. Taranto. do.I>. V. Simmons, Yakima. Ma. Taranto, do.L. G. Holbrook. Ell»n*b. F. S. Col burn, N. Y.C. A. Sallergfton, Juneau. T. McCaffery, Kverrtt.J. S. Hall, do. E. H. Victor, doF. Orasheu. Yakima. J. H. Morrison, Woodlnt;J. Winn. Vaahon College. F. H. Neal, Clear Lake.I. Dunlap, La Conner. J. A. laett. Oak Harbor.J. K. Stewart. Mt. Vera. P. H. Adam*. B. Diam'd.O. Cole, Snoqualmie. F. B. Kichaid*. Whatc'm.T. BOM, Pt. Orchard. W. Lender, Pittsburg.


"STANDARD" or "Sun Light" gas lampsat a nominal cost to run, give the testligiit In the world, are specially good torAlaska. Burn one quart of gasoline In14 hours; a child can operate them.Pacific Gas Damp Co., 1002 First Ave.


The Branawlrk.Ted Sulliran, N. Y. Mrs. MAROII, Vancouver.F. Schafer, Snohomish. J. Monnhan. Cheyenne.D. Howe, Grand Forks. C. A. Monalian, do.K. D. Williams 6 fam, P. I). Simpson. Sat Lake.

Salem. Or. F. O. Wright. St. Louis.G. A. Arkman, Ohio. C. O. Clark, do.

SEATTI.E WOOLEN HOUSE, oppositeHotel Stevens, 903 First. General out-tltters; make men's clothing to order;pure woolen goods direct from mill.


PIONEER manufacturers of Alaskaclothing; make pure woolen goods andhave the best equipped plant for mak-ing clothing In the state. SeattleWoolen Mill, 1117 First avenue.

TENTS, all sixes, new and second hand;10x12 wall tents; $5 bags. etc. Chapln's,GUI and TO! Pike street.


MANUFACTURED by Barron Bros., 1316Western avenue.


Misa E. Warren. Tacoma. X. D. Jones, Illinois.A. Batcbelder. Va. City. Misa Mary Norman. S. F.W. W. French, do. M. Thohan, San Fran.O. E. Langdon, Chehalls.C. Spergler, Spokane.Mm. Langdon, do. J. L. Spangler, do.

JUST received two carloads of beef mealand beef scraps from Union Stock Tarda,Chicago: deodorixed and In perfect con-dition for keeping; the besl and cheap-est dog food on the market. Lilly, Bo-gardus ft Co.

A. H. Hester. City.

The New England.

L. W. Ktdo, AiucortM. K. Hutchison, Maple VaLJohn HUpp, do. 3. Murphy. Whatcom.J. B. Smith, Oik Harbor.Mr*. Murphy, (In.

H. Warner, Bait Lake. Kettle Mahon, da.W. Sali.bury, Skftgway. B. Peterson, Fir.\V. Kdirards, Carbonado. N. Johnson. do.A. McQtlaen. do. H. Mills, do.J. W. Vlpond. Nanalmo. J. Blake, Kdieon.H. W. Rmwcll. Spokane. C. J. Hancock. Alaska.J. Scott. Bonce. Silu Oibnon, do.W. P. Strachan, do.

7.ARINA cigarettes are made by Mono-pole Tobacco Company; white labor.



BEFORE buying your hay for the north,call and examine our double compressedhay; a big saving In freight; opens upin perfect condition. Lilly, Bogardua 4kCo.


OUR dried salmon, best food for Alaskadogs. Chloppck Bros.. Yesler dock.

GENTLEMAN would like to meet partiesowning claims In Nome or parties golnyto Nome oy water. Address M 80, carwPost-1 ntel llgeneer.


TENTS AND TARPAULINS?The rightkind at factory prices. Seattle Tent andAwning Company, M.irlon and Westernavenue Also hydraulic mining hose.

TENTS, tarpaulin anil awning cottonduck, al! weights una widths; hydraulicmining hose Fcltx Tent and AwningCompany. 117 Yesler way.


CHOICE stock, fine breed. Crandall *

Co., 511 Sixth avenue south.

PARTIES who would like to exchange Se-attle real estate for Bkagway propertyplease address P 86. care Post-Intelllgen-ccr.

ALASKA wolf robes, Yukon cap. si washmitts, moccasins, gold bags. etc.. at Q.T. Wernecke's. KO9 Railroad avenue.


ALL kinds and sixes made by the PaclflcWagon Company; also wagon repairingand dealers in wagon material. SouthThird and Lane street, opposite N. p.freight depot.

MANUFACTURERS Alaska sleds; allkinds; sole agents for ncver-sllp horse-shoe. Hoffman. Fourth and Main.


PURCHASER of claim 8 below on Sunsetcreek, Nome district, Alaska, Is request-ed to call at room 9 Steven* hotel, be-tween 1 and 4 p. m., for news of lmport-ance to him.

THE Daily Alaskan, at ffiujrwsy. Is onsal* at tne Hotel Northern bows ftui