Thayer Australia Vietnam Relations Enhanciung the Comprehensive Partnership · 2018-07-03 · 3!!...

AustraliaVietnam Relations: Enhancing the Comprehensive Partnership Carlyle A. Thayer Keynote Paper II to International Conference on AustraliaAsia Relations under Prime Minister Tony Abbott sponsored by the National Cheng Chi University Taipei, Taiwan, March 31April 1, 2015 Nguyen Van Nen, Minister and Chairman of the Government Office and Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop MP and exchange copies of the Declaration on Enhancing the Australia Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership, Canberra, March 18, 2015

Transcript of Thayer Australia Vietnam Relations Enhanciung the Comprehensive Partnership · 2018-07-03 · 3!!...

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 Australia-­‐Vietnam  Relations:  Enhancing  the  Comprehensive  Partnership    

Carlyle  A.  Thayer  



Keynote  Paper  II  to  International  Conference  on    Australia-­‐Asia  Relations  under  Prime  Minister  Tony  Abbott  

sponsored  by  the  National  Cheng  Chi  University  Taipei,  Taiwan,  March  31-­‐April  1,  2015  

Nguyen  Van  Nen,  Minister  and  Chairman  of  the  Government  Office  and  Australian  Foreign  Minister  Julie  Bishop  MP  and  exchange  copies  of  the  Declaration  on  Enhancing  the  Australia-­‐

Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership,  Canberra,  March  18,  2015

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Australia-­‐Vietnam  Relations:  Enhancing  the  Comprehensive  Partnership  

Carlyle  A.  Thayer1    


This   paper   provides   an   overview   of   Australia-­‐Vietnam   relations   since   the   establishment   of  diplomatic  relations  between  Australia  and  Vietnam  in  1973  to  the  present.  The  paper  is  divided  into  four  parts.  Part  1  provides  a  brief  overview  of  bilateral  relations  between  1973  and  2008.  Part   2   covers   the  period   from  2009,  when  Australia   and  Vietnam  agreed   to   a  Comprehensive  Partnership,   to   2013.   This   section   focuses   on   the   ‘three   pillars’   that   underpinned   the  comprehensive   partnership   and   the   Plan   of   Action   (2010-­‐13)   to   implement   this   agreement  under   three  headings:  1)  political  and  security  cooperation;   (2)  economic  cooperation;  and   (3)  people-­‐to-­‐people   cooperation.   Part   3   focuses   on   the   period   from   September   2013,  when   the  Liberal-­‐National  Coalition  Government  took  power  to  March  2015,  when  Australia  and  Vietnam  agreed  to  enhance  their  Comprehensive  Partnership  through  a  new  Plan  of  Action  (2015-­‐17)  and  work   towards   a   strategic   partnership   in   the   future.   Part   4   concludes  by  noting   that  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations  are  indeed  comprehensive.    

Part  1  Background  1973-­‐2008  Australia  and  the  Democratic  Republic  of  Vietnam  (DRV)  were  protagonists  during   the  Vietnam  War.   In  February  1973,  Australia  and  the  DRV  formally  established  diplomatic  relations  after  the  signing  of  the  Paris  Peace  Agreements  (Agreement  on  Ending  the  War  and  Restoring  the  Peace  in  Vietnam)  the  previous  month.  The  Paris  agreement  did  not  bring  peace  and  the  Vietnam  War  continued  until  April  30,  1975  with  the  fall  of  Saigon.  Vietnam   was   formally   reunified   the   following   year   under   the   new   name   Socialist  Republic  of  Vietnam.  

With  the  exception  of  the  Scandinavian  countries,  Australia  was  one  of  the  first  western  countries  to  recognize  the  DRV.  The  Whitlam  Labor  Government  provided  development  assistance  and  scholarships  for  students  to  study  in  Australia.2  Relations  soured  during                                                                                                                  1  Emeritus  Professor,  School  of  Social  Sciences  and  Humanities,  The  University  of  New  South  Wales  and  the  Australian  Defence  Force  Academy,  Canberra.  Contact:  [email protected].  Revised  April  2,  2015.    2  For  a  review  of  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations  during  this  period  consult:  Carlyle  A.  Thayer,  “Australia  and  Vietnam,   1950-­‐1980,   Part   II,   From   Conciliation   to   Condemnation,   1972-­‐1980,”   Dyason   House   Papers  [Australian   Institute  of   International  Affairs],   (March  1980),  6(3),  5-­‐12;  Carlyle  A.  Thayer,   “Australia  and  Vietnam:   Trade,   Investment   and   Aid,”   Paper   presented   to   the   1st   International   Symposium   on   The  Countries  of  Indochina  and  International  Economic  Co-­‐operation:  Potentialities  and  Prospects,  organized  by   the   Association   of   Soviet   Indo-­‐Sinologists   and   the   International   Centre   for   Scientific   and   Technical  Information,  Moscow,  Russian  Federation,  April  13-­‐17,  1992  and  Carlyle  A.  Thayer,  “Avstraliia  i  V’etnam:  torgovlia,  investitsii,  politika,”  in  E.  P.  Glazunov,  G.  G.  Kadymov,  V.  M.  Mazyrin  and  E.  A.  Fomicheva,  eds.,  Strany   Indokitaia   v   mezhdunarodnom   ekonomicheskom   sotrudnichestve:   vozmozhnosti   i   perspektivy  (Moskva:  Mezhdunarodnyi  Tsentr  Nauchno-­‐tekhnicheskoi   Informatsii   i  Assotsiatsiia   Indokitaistov,  1993),  56–63.    

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the   Cambodian   conflict   (1979-­‐89)   when,   for   the   first   time   in   Australia’s   history,   the  government   cancelled   an   aid   program   for   political   reasons   and   joined   in   the  international  trade  and  aid  boycott  of  Vietnam.3    

Bilateral   relations  picked  up  with   the   re-­‐election  of   the   Labor  Government  under  Bob  Hawke   in  1983.  Vietnam’s  withdrawal  of  military   forces   from  Cambodia   in   September  1989   set   the   stage   for   a   comprehensive  political   settlement   two  years   later.  Australia  played  a  major   role  as   facilitator  of  a   settlement  of   the  Cambodian  conflict  under   the  leadership  of  Foreign  Minister  Gareth  Evans.    

Australia  quickly  responded  to  these  developments  by  shoring  up  its  economic  relations  with  Vietnam.   In  the  space  of  three  years  three  major  agreements  were  signed:  Trade  and   Economic   Cooperation   Agreement   (1990),   Agreement   on   Investment   Promotion  and   Protection   (1991)   and   a   Double   Taxation   Agreement   (1992).   Development  assistance  was   restored  on   the  eve  of   the   signing  of   the  Cambodian  peace  accords   in  October  1991  in  Paris.  An  Air  Services  Agreement  was  reached  in  1995  and  a  Consular  Agreement  signed  in  2003.  

The  sections  below  summarise  the  accomplishments  in  bilateral  relations  up  to  2008.  

High-­‐level  visits.  Between  1991  and  the  end  of  2008  Australia  and  Vietnam  exchanged  thirty-­‐two  high-­‐level  official   visits.   This   list   includes   those  with  ministerial   rank  and/or  members  of  the  Vietnam  Communist  Party  Politburo.  Tables  1  and  2  below  set  out  the  details  of  these  visits.  Of  note  is  the  fact  that  these  data  reveal  four  visits  by  Vietnam’s  prime   minister,   two   by   the   party   secretary   general   and   one   visit   by   Vietnam’s   state  president   to   Australia.   Only   two   Australian   prime   ministers   visited   Vietnam   in   this  period.  

In   addition,   Australia   and   Vietnam   have   conducted   a   regular   series   of   exchanges  between   the   Parliament   and   National   Assembly   including   presiding   officers,   deputies  and  members  of   staff.  The  Australian   side  of   the  program   for  Members  of  Parliament  and  staffers  comes  under  the  auspices  of  the  Australian  Political  Exchange  Council.    

Tables  1  and  2  show  that  both  countries  have  paid  high-­‐level  political  attention  to  the  bilateral   relationship   and   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam   relationship   developed   depth   in   four  main  areas:  development  assistance,  education  and  training,  trade  and  investment,  and  defence  and  security.    


                                                                                                               3  Carlyle  A.  Thayer,  “Australia  and  Vietnam,  1950-­‐1980,  Part  II,  From  Conciliation  to  Condemnation,  1972-­‐1980,”  Dyason  House  Papers  [Australian  Institute  of  International  Affairs],  6(3),  March  1980,  5-­‐12.  


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Table  1  High-­‐Level  Vietnamese  Visits  to  Australia,  1993-­‐2008  

Year  of  Visit   Rank  and  Name  of  Visitor  

1993   Prime  Minister  Vo  Van  Kiet  

1995   Secretary  General  Do  Muoi  

1999   Prime  Minister  Phan  Van  Khai  and  Minister  of  Planning  and  Investment  Tran  Xuan  Gia  

2000   Deputy  Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Manh  Cam  and  Minister  of  Sport  Ha  Quang  Du  

2002   Politburo  member  Truong  Tan  Sang  and  Minister  for  Science,  Technology  and  the  Environment  Chu  Tuan  Nha  

2003   Minister  of  Education  and  Training  Nguyen  Minh  Hien  

2004   Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs  Nguyen  Dy  Nien  

2004   Minister  of  National  Defence  Pham  Van  Tra  

2005   Prime  Minister  Phan  Van  Khai,  Minister  of  Education  and  Training  Nguyen  Minh  HIen  

2006   Vice  President  Truong  My  Hoa  and  Minister  of  Labour,  Invalids  and  Social  Affairs  Nguyen  Thi  Hang  

2007   Minister  of  Planning  and  Investment  Vo  Hong  Phuc  

2007   President  Nguyen  Minh  Triet,  Deputy  Prime  Minister  and  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs,  Pham  Gia  Khiem  and  Minister  of  Industry  and  Trade,  Vu  Huy  Hoang  

2007   Minister  of  Public  Security  Le  Hong  Anh  

2008   Deputy  Prime  Minister  and  Minister  of  Education  and  Training  Nguyen  Thien  Nhan  

2008   Chairman  of  the  National  Assembly  Nguyen  Phu  Trong  

2008   Deputy  Prime  Minister  Truong  Vinh  Trong  

2008   Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Tan  Dung  and  Minister  of  Transport  Ho  Nghia  Dung  

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Table  2  High-­‐Level  Australian  Visits  to  Vietnam,  1994-­‐2008  

Year  of  Visit   Rank  and  Name  of  Visitor  

1994   Prime  Minister  Paul  Keating  

1999   Minister  for  Justice  and  Customs  Amanda  Vanstone  

2000   Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Alexander  Downer  

2001   Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Alexander  Downer,  Minister  for  Trade  Mark  Vale,  Minister  for  Immigration  and  Multicultural  Affairs  Philip  Ruddock  

2002   Minister  for  Family  and  Community  Services  Amanda  Vanstone  

2003   Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Alexander  Downer,  Minister  for  Trade  Mark  Vale,  Minister  for  Family  and  Community  Services  Amanda  Vanstone  

2004   Minister  for  Immigration  and  Multicultural  Affairs  Amanda  Vanstone  and  Minister  for  Family  and  Community  Services  Kay  Patterson  

2005   Minister  for  Defence  Robert  Hill  and  Minister  for  Family  and  Community  Services  Kay  Patterson  

2005   Minister  for  Vocational  and  Technical  Education  Gary  Hardgrave  

2006   Parliamentary  Secretary  (Trade)  De-­‐Anne  Kelly  

2006   Minister  for  Health  and  Ageing  Tony  Abbott  

2006   Treasurer  Peter  Costello  

2006   Minister  for  Small  Business  and  Tourism  Fran  Bailey  

2006   Prime  Minister  John  Howard,  Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Alexander  Downer,  Minister  for  Trade  Warren  Truss  

2008   Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Stephen  Smith  


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Development  assistance.   In  the  financial  year  2006-­‐07  Australia  granted  Vietnam  A$  81.5   million   in   overseas   development   assistance   (ODA);   this   was   raised   to   A$   93.1  million   in   2007-­‐08.   During   this   period   Vietnam   was   the   fourth   largest   recipient   of  Australian  aid  and  ranked  among  the  top  ten  bilateral  donors  to  Vietnam.  Australia’s  aid  program   aimed   to   reduce   poverty   and   achieve   sustainable   economic   and   social  development.   Vietnam   also   benefited   by   Australian   aid   to   regional   programs,   non-­‐governmental  organizations  and  emergency  assistance.  

Australia’s  Vietnam  Country  Program  Strategy  for  2003-­‐07  set  two  major  objectives:  (1)  to   contribute   to   broad-­‐based   economic   growth   by   strengthening   governance   in  institutions   involved   in   developing   a   competitive   market   economy   and   (2)   improving  productivity   and   links   to  markets   for   the   rural   poor   in   the  Mekong  Delta   and   central  coastal   regions.   A   major   symbol   of   Australia’s   assistance   was   funding   for   the  construction  of  the  My  Thuan  bridge  in  the  Mekong  Delta  that  was  completed  in  2000.  Valued  at  $  91  million,   this  was   the   largest  ODA  project  undertaken  by  Australia.  This  bridge  carries  over  five  million  vehicles  per  year.  

Development   assistance   gave   priority   to   rural   and   agricultural   development.   Australia  played  an   important   role   in  water  management,   essential  water  delivery   systems  and  support   for   agricultural   research   institutions.   Other   areas   of   development   assistance  include   health,   energy,   anti-­‐corruption   training   and   private   sector   people-­‐to-­‐people  projects.    

Australia  provided  funds  to  the  World  Bank’s  Poverty  Reduction  Support  Credit  program  that  benefited  Vietnam’s  official  economic  reform  program.  Australia  has  also  provided  technical  support  to  Vietnam  to  assist  it  in  meeting  obligations  following  membership  in  the  World  Trade  Organization  in  January  2007.  

Australia   and   Vietnam   have   held   regular   human   rights   talks   since   2002.   In   2006,  Australia   initiated   a   new   program   of   technical   cooperation   in   human   rights   involving  Australian   institutions  with   human   rights   expertise   and   the   Vietnam  Women’s  Union,  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  and  Ministry  of   Justice.  Under   the  auspices  of   this  program  AusAID   has   organized   seminars   and   training   courses   on   human   rights   issues   for  Vietnamese   departments   and   organizations   and   opened   links   between   relevant  agencies  of  the  two  governments.  Australia  also  sponsored  a  human  rights  course  at  the  elite  Ho  Chi  Minh  Political  Academy  in  Hanoi.  Many  of  these  programs  are  funded  under  the  Human  Rights  Small  Grants  Scheme.  

Education  and  training.  Education  and  training  comprised  a  key  element   in  bilateral  relations.   Australia   provided   scholarships   for   tertiary   study   under   its   Development  Scholarship  and  Leadership  Awards  programs.  The  scholarships  were  specifically  aimed  at   education   and   training   that   met   Vietnam’s   development   needs.   About   150  Vietnamese   students   commenced   study   in   Australia   each   year   under   the   former  

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program,  and  26  scholarships  were  awarded  annually  under  the  latter  program.  In  2008  an  estimated  700  Vietnamese  were  on  government  scholarships  studying  in  Australia.  

In   2008   it  was  estimated   that  between  10,000  and  13,000  Vietnamese   students  were  studying  in  Australia  at  all   levels  and  that  a  further  10,000  were  studying  at  Australian  institutions  in  Vietnam.  These  were  mainly  self-­‐funded.  

In   February   2008,   Deputy   Prime  Minister   and  Minister   of   Education   Julia   Gillard   and  Deputy   Prime   Minister   and   Minister   for   Education   and   Training   Nguyen   Thien   Nhan  signed  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  on  further  cooperation  in  education.  

Trade   and   investment.   Australia   and   Vietnam   manage   their   economic   relations  through  a  Joint  Trade  and  Economic  Cooperation  Committee  established  in  June  1990.4  

Two-­‐way   trade  between  Australia  and  Vietnam  rose   from  US$  32.3  million   in  1990   to  US$  4.56  billion  in  2007  (A$  6.9  billion).  Two-­‐way  trade  reached  US$  6  billion  in  2009.  At  this  time  Australia  was  Vietnam’s  third  largest  export  market  and  seventh  largest  trade  partner.  Vietnamese  exports  include:  oil  (70%  in  2009-­‐10),  fish,  furniture,  fruit  and  nuts,  footwear,   crustaceans,   machinery   and   transport   equipment.   Australia   exports   to  Vietnam  include:  wheat,  copper,  aluminum  and  ferrous  waste  and  scrap.  

In  June  2008,  Australia  invested  in  174  projects  in  Vietnam  with  a  capitalization  valued  at   US$   1.01   billion.   Major   Australian   companies   doing   business   in   Vietnam   include  Qantas/Jetstar;5   Santos   (oil   production   sharing   contract),   BlueScope   Steel   (flat   steel  metallic   coating   and  painting);  QBE   Insurance;   Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia,   ANZ  Bank;  and  RMIT  University.  Other  companies  working  in  Vietnam  include:  Baulderstone-­‐Bilfinger  Berger  (Phu  My  bridge,  Saigon);  Strategic  Marine  (shipyard,  Vung  Tau),  Arrow  

                                                                                                               4   Agreement   on   Trade   and   Economic   Co-­‐operation   between   Australia   and   the   Socialist   Republic   of  Vietnam,  Hanoi,   June  14,  1990.  Department  of  Foreign  Affairs  and  Traxe,  Australian  Treaty  Series  1990,  No.  18.  The  treaty  entered  into  force  on  June  14,  1990.    5  In  2009  two  Jetstar  Pacific  executives  were  prevented  from  leaving  Vietnam  for  their  alleged  role  in  fuel  hedging  losses.  The  Jetstar  case  also  involved  complaints  about  its  branding  prompted  by  Vietnam  Airlines  concern   over   Jetstar’s   inroads   into   Vietnam   Airlines’   market   share.   In   January   2011,   Foreign   Minister  Stephen   Smith   called   on   Vietnam   to   speed   up   their   investigation   so   the   executives   could   return   to  Australia.   Vietnam  Airlines   is   now   reported   by   be   in   negotiations   to   become   a  majority   stakeholder   in  Jetstar  Pacific.  See:  Steve  Creedy,  “Smith  urges  Vietnam  to  send  Aussies  home,”  The  Australian,   January  20,  2010;  Deutsche  Presse  Agentur,  “Vietnam  orders  Jetstar  Pacific  airline  to  change  logo,”  June  30,  2010;  Matthew   Sullivan,   “Secret   cables   shed   light   on   Qantas   pair’s   Vietnam   release,”   The   Sydney   Morning  Herald,   July  4,  2011;  Matt  O’Sullivan,  “Qantas  duo  rescued  from  Vietnam,”  The  Sydney  Morning  Herald,  July  30,  2010;  Ben  Bland,  “Jetstar  looks  for  closer  ties  with  Vietnam  Airlines,”  Financial  Times,  October  18,  2011;   Andrew   Cleary,   “Hanoi   airline   alliance   set   to   give   Qantas   a   lift,”   The   Australian   Financial   Times,  October   21,   2011;   and   Leithen   Francis,   “Vietnam   Airlines   May   Buy   Majority   Stake   in   Jetstar   Pacific,”  Aviation  Week,  October  25,  2011.  

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Energy   (production   sharing   contract,   northern   Vietnam),   and   Origin   Energy   Australia  (LPG  joint  venture).  

Defence  and  security  cooperation.  Australia  and  Vietnam  inaugurated  a  senior  level  Regional  Security  Dialogue   in  1998   involving  both  civilian  and  defence  officials.  Formal  defence  relations  were  established   in  February  1999  when  Australia  posted  a  Defence  Attaché   to  Hanoi.   Vietnam  posted   its   first  Defence  Attaché   in   Canberra   in   September  2000.   Prior   to   1999   defence   contacts  were   quite   limited   and   included   two   visits   by   a  delegation   from   the   Joint   Services   Staff   College   (1996   and   1998)   and   preliminary  discussions  on  cooperation  in  anti-­‐malaria  research.  

Since   1999,   Australia   and   Vietnam   have   exchanged   reciprocal   visits   by   their   defence  ministers  and  other  high-­‐level  delegations  such  as  service  chiefs.  Royal  Australian  Navy  (RAN)  warships  make  regular  visits  to  Vietnamese  ports  (see  Table  3),  and  Australia  has  become  a  major  provider  of  professional  military  education  and  training  to  officers  from  the  Vietnam  People’s  Army  through  its  Defence  Cooperation  Program  (DCP).    

Table  3  Royal  Australian  Navy  Ship  Visits  to  Vietnam,  1999-­‐2008  

Year   RAN  Ships   Port  

4/1999   HMAS  Perth  and  HMAS  Arunta   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

5/2000   HMAS  ANZAC   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

2001   No  ship  visit    

9/2002   HMAS  Adelaide   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

7/2003   HMAS  Success   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

10/2003   HMAS  Tobruk  and  HMAS  Arunta   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

5/2004   HMAS  Diamantina  and  HMAS  Huon   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

2005   No  ship  visit    

9/2006   HMAS  Newcastle   Da  Nang  

4/2007   HMAS  Success   Da  Nang  

8/2008   HMAS  ANZAC   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  


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The  first  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Defence  Cooperation  (DC)  talks  were  held   in  Hanoi   in  April  2001  and  convene  annually.  The  DC  Program  (DCP)   includes   funding  for   the  “train  the  trainer”   program   for   Vietnamese   English   language   military   instructors,6   long-­‐term  professional  development  courses  at  the  Australian  Defence  College,  and  ten  to  twelve  annual   Defence   Scholarships   for   higher   studies   in   Australia.   Areas   of   training   include:  Defence   and   Strategic   Studies,   Command   and   Staff   Operations,   Army   General   Officer  training,   Hydrographic   Surveying,   and   post-­‐graduate   studies   (engineering   and  information  technology).  Mobile  Training  Teams  visit  Vietnam  for  short  periods.    

Australia  also  provides  funding  for  Vietnamese  defence  personnel  to  attend  a  number  of  seminars  and   short-­‐courses   including:  Defence  Management   seminars;  RAN  Seapower  Centre   conferences;   Common  Training,   Tactics   and  Procedures   seminar;   Revolution   in  Military   Affairs   conference;   Chief   of   Defence   Force   Regional   Conference;   Australian  Defence  Force  Warfare  Centre  Peacekeeping  seminar;  Defence  Science  and  Technology  Organisation  (DSTO)  Mine  Countermeasures  conference;  Defence  Intelligence  Research  and   Analysis   course;   Standard   Combat   Survivability   course;   Civil  Military   Cooperation  course,   Maritime   Air   Surveillance   course;   Maritime   Law   and   Security   seminar;   and  Emergency   Management   seminar.   By   2009   two   hundred   and   fifteen   Vietnamese  defence   personnel   conducted   training   through   Australia’s   Defence   International  Training  Centre.  

In   2004-­‐05   Vietnam   and   Australia   exchanged   visits   by   their   respective   Defence  Ministers.  In  April  2005,  during  the  visit  to  Vietnam  by  Defence  Minister  Senator  Robert  Hill,   Australia   pledged   to   continue   funding   expanded   training   for   Vietnamese  military  officers  and  national  defence  students.   In  March  2007,  Australian  and  Vietnam  agreed  to   intensify   defence   cooperation   during   the   visit   to   Canberra   by   Deputy  Minister   for  National  Defence,  Lt.  Gen.  Nguyen  Huy  Hieu.  

In   the   ten-­‐year   period   the   DCP   has   been   in   effect   over   150   Vietnamese   Defence  students   have   studied   in   Australia,   including   sixty   who   attended   Australian   military  colleges  (Australian  Command  and  Staff  College  and  the  senior  course  at  the  Centre  for  Defence  and  Strategic  Studies).7  Among  the  sixty  over  40  Vietnamese  officers  studied  at  Masters   level  at  Australian  universities.  Australia  also  provided  language  training  to  96  Vietnamese  defence  personnel   in  Vietnam  during   this   same  period.   In   summary,  over  the  decade  that  the  DCP  has  been  running  approximately  1,000  Vietnam  People’s  Army  officers  have  received  training  in  Vietnam  and  Australia  combined.  

                                                                                                               6  The  Australian  English  Language  Course  is  conducted  by  Unit  871  of  the  Vietnam  People’s  Army  that  has  responsibility  for  Vietnam’s  defence  cooperation  training  programs.  See:  Nguyen  Ngoc  Hung,  “Friendship  through  Training,”  People’s  Army  Newspaper  Online,  February  23,  2009.  7  Kevin  Rudd,  “Australia  and  Vietnam:  Partners  in  shaping  our  region  for  the  21st  century,”  Speech  to  RMIT  University,  Ho  Chi  Minh  City,  April  13,  2011.  

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Law   enforcement   cooperation.   In   2006,   the   Australian   Federal   Police   (AFP)   and  Vietnam’s  Ministry  of  Public  Security  (MPS)  signed  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  on  cooperation  in  border  security,  transnational  crime  and  non-­‐traditional  security  issues.  

The  AFP  maintains  two  Law  Enforcement  Liaison  Offices  one  in  Hanoi  and  the  other  in  Ho   Chi   Minh   City.   The   AFP   Commissioner   accompanied   the   Minister   for   Justice   and  Customs,  Senator  Amanda  Vanstone,  to  Vietnam  in  1999  and  made  two  further  visits  in  2001   and   2006.   The   AFP   works   with   the   Ministry   of   Public   Security,   inter   alia,   on  combating  human  trafficking  and  drug  smuggling.  

Part   1   provided   an   overview   of   the   major   components   of   Australia’s   bilateral  relationship  with  Vietnam  up  to  2008.  In  2008  Vietnam  and  Australia  celebrated  the  35th  anniversary   of   diplomatic   relations.   This   provides   a   convenient   benchmark   for   the  discussion   that   follows   on   the   formal   declaration   of   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership  the  following  year.  

Part  2  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership  Bilateral  relations  between  Australia  and  Vietnam  developed  considerable  breadth  and  depth,   particularly   in   the   decade   of   the   1990s   after   the   resolution   of   the   Cambodian  conflict.   Sometime   in   2008   Vietnam   reportedly   approached   Australia   and   suggested  they  formally  raise  their  bilateral  relationship  to  “strategic  partners.”    

The   term   “strategic   partners”   has   been   used   increasingly   by   Vietnam   to   designate  countries   with   which   it   has   a   close   and   comprehensive   relationship,   such   as   Russia,  India,   China   and   Japan.8   Reportedly   Prime   Minister   Kevin   Rudd   rejected   the   term  “strategic  partners”  as  inappropriate  for  two  reasons.  First,  Rudd  did  not  favour  a  term  that  was  merely   symbolic  but  wanted   it   to  have  practical   connotations.   Second,  Rudd  felt   that   the   term   strategic   should   be   reserved   for   close   allies,   such   as   the   United  States.9    

In   the   end   Australia   and   Vietnam   agreed   to   a   comprehensive   partnership.   This   was  announced   during   the   visit   of   Vietnam  Communist   Party   Secretary  General  Nong  Duc  Manh  to  Canberra   in  September  2009.10    Manh’s  visit   stands   in  contrast   to   that  of  his  predecessor  Secretary  General  Do  Muoi  who  visited  Canberra  in  1995.  At  that  time  the  Opposition  boycotted  his  visit.   The  welcoming  dinner  was  held   in   the   small  members’  dining   room   upstairs   in   Parliament   House.   Manh,   in   contrast,   was   given   red   carpet  

                                                                                                               8  Carlyle  A.  Thayer,  “Vietnam  On  the  Road  to  Global   Integration:  Forging  Strategic  Partnerships  Through  International  Security  Cooperation,”  in  Vietnam  on  the  Road  to  Integration  and  Sustainable  Development,  The  Fourth  International  Conference  on  Vietnamese  Studies.  Hanoi:  Vietnam  Academy  of  Social  Sciences  and  Vietnam  National  University,  2012.  206-­‐214.  9  “Uc-­‐Viet  thuc  day  quan  he  doi  tac,”  BBC  Vietnamese,  September  7,  2009.  10   Secretary  General  Manh  was  accompanied  by  Deputy  Prime  Minister  and  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs,  Minister  of  Planning  and  Investment,  and  the  Minister  of  Industry  and  Trade.  

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treatment  including  a  19-­‐gun  salute  on  arrival.  He  met  with  the  Governor-­‐General  and  was  given  a  lavish  dinner  in  the  Great  Hall  at  Parliament  House.  Both  the  Prime  Minister  and  Leader  of  the  Opposition  welcomed  him.  

During   Secretary   General   Manh’s   visit,   on   September   7,   Deputy   Prime  Minister   Julia  Gillard  and  Deputy  Prime  Minister  Pham  Gia  Khiem  signed  a   joint  statement  declaring  their  bilateral  relations  to  be  a  Comprehensive  Partnership.11  This  statement  highlighted  six   major   areas   of   cooperation:   political   ties   and   public   policy   exchanges;   economic  growth   and   trade   development;   development   assistance   and   technical   cooperation;  defence  and  security  ties;  people-­‐to-­‐people   links;  and  global  and  regional  agenda.  The  joint   statement   indicated   that   this   declaration   would   be   followed   up   with   an   Action  Plan.  

On  December  17,  2009,  Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Tan  Dung  met  with  Prime  Minister  Kevin  Rudd   in   Copenhagen.   During   their   conversation   Dung   suggested   that   Vietnam   and  Australia   should   formulate   a   program   of   action   to   implement   the   joint   statement   on  comprehensive  partnership.  Rudd  agreed  that  both  should  work  hard  on  a  program  of  action  so  it  could  be  signed  in  2010.    

According  to  Rudd,  the  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership  was  composed  of  three  pillars:  political  and  security  cooperation;  economic  cooperation;  and  people-­‐to-­‐people  cooperation  “through  the  great  bridge  of  education.”12  The  sections  below  will  discuss   each   of   these   three   pillars   in   turn.   The   Plan   of   Action   to   realize   the  Comprehensive  Partnership  for  the  years  2011-­‐13  was  finally  agreed  in  October  2010.  

Plan  of  Action.  Although  the  Plan  of  Action  (2010-­‐13)  was  not  made  public  it  is  possible  to  discern  that  Australia  had  six  priority  areas.    

First,   Australia   wanted   the   political   relationship   to   focus   more   on   public   policy   and  governance  issues.  The  Joint  Statement  on  Comprehensive  Partnership  declared:  

Exchanges   on   economic   planning   including   public   finance,   budget   management,   economic   reform  and   taxation,   investment  policy,   competition  policy   and   infrastructure   as  well   as   policy   dialogue   in  areas  of  HIV/AIDS,  education,   science  and   technology  management,  gender  equality,   social  welfare  and   services,   especially   for   women   and   children,   will   assist   closer   cooperation   and   will   help  contribute  to  strengthening  growth  in  key  sectors.    

Specifically,  Australia  committed  itself  to  assisting  Vietnam  (1)  in  developing  appropriate  policy   on   the   management   of   foreign   workers   in   Vietnam   and   the   management   of  foreign   workers   migrating   to   Vietnam   (2)   addressing   educational   management   and  

                                                                                                               11   “Australia-­‐Viet   Nam   Comprehensive   partnership,”   September   7,   2009.  12   Kevin   Rudd,   “Australia   and   Vietnam:   Partners   in   shaping   our   region   for   the   21st   century,”   Speech   to  RMIT  University,  Ho  Chi  Minh  City,  April  13,  2011.  

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vocational  training  needs  and  capacity  and  (3)  countering  corruption  by  party  and  state  officials.  

Second,   Australia   wanted   to   refocus   economic   cooperation   on   transparency,  competitiveness,   trade   liberalization  and   the   implementation  of  obligations  under   the  ASEAN-­‐Australia-­‐New   Zealand   Free   Trade   Area   and   World   Trade   Organisation.  Specifically,  Australia  pressed   for   increased   trade  and   investment   in   the   following   key  sectors:   infrastructure   and   urban   development;   mining   and   energy;   manufacturing;  agriculture;  and  financial,  and  educational  services.  

Third,   Australia   promoted   new   priorities   in   development   assistance   and   technical  cooperation   to   include  natural   resources  management,  human  resource  development,  clean  and  renewable  energy,  collaboration  in  science  and  technology,  and  radiation  and  nuclear  safety.  

Fourth  Australian  priorities  in  defence  and  security  included  cooperation  in  developing  a  credible   regional   security   architecture;   increased   cooperation   by   a   range   of   relevant  agencies   to   address   transnational   crime   (human   trafficking   and   people   smuggling,  narcotics,  money   laundering),   counter-­‐terrorism,  maritime   and   aviation   security   (anti-­‐piracy)  and  counter  proliferation  of  weapons  of  mass  destruction   (WMD).   Specifically,  Australia  pressed  for  an  early  conclusion  of  an  agreement  on  the  transfer  of  sentenced  persons  and  a  bilateral  treaty  on  extradition  and  mutual  legal  assistance.  

Fifth,   under   the   heading   of   people-­‐to-­‐people   links   Australia’s   priorities   included   (1)   a  short-­‐term  youth  work  and  holiday  arrangement;  (b)  improvement  in  consular  services  including  the  expansion  of  the  Australian  Consulate-­‐General  in  Ho  Chi  Minh  City;  and  (c)  the   development   of   further   links   in   culture,   sports,   tourism   and   people-­‐to-­‐people  diplomacy.   Specifically,   Australia   worked   to   strengthen   and   expand   the   Australian  Network   television   service   to   Vietnam   including   the   use   of   Vietnamese   language  subtitles  and  the  provision  of  English  language  education  materials.  

Sixth,  Australian  priorities  to  advance  the  global  and  regional  agenda  included  enlisting  Vietnam  in  promoting  collective  action  to  address  the  global  economic  crisis  (including  reform   of   global   financial   institutions),   climate   change,13   WMD   proliferation,   natural  disasters,   pandemics,   food   security,   and   reform   of   the   United   Nations   and   the   UN  Security  Council.  

Political   and   Security   Cooperation.   The   first   pillar   of   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership  is  political  and  security  cooperation.  This  cooperation  takes                                                                                                                  13  On  most  measures  Vietnam   is  among  the  top  ten  countries   likely   to  be  severely   impacted  by  climate  change   including  sea   level   rise;  see:  Carlyle  A.  Thayer,  “Vietnam,”   in  Daniel  Moran,  ed.,  Climate  Change  and  National  Security:  A  Country-­‐Level  Analysis.  Washington,  D.C.:  Georgetown  University  Press,  2011.  27-­‐41.  


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place   bilaterally   as   well   as   multilaterally   through   consultations   at   the   Association   of  Southeast  Asian  Nations  (ASEAN)  Regional  Forum  (ASEAN  Regional  Forum  or  ARF),  the  ASEAN  Defence  Ministers  Meeting  Plus   (ADMM  Plus),   the  East  Asia  Summit  and  other  institutions.    High-­‐level   visits.   Australia   and   Vietnam   have   accorded   priority   to   their   bilateral  relations  by  exchanging  high-­‐level   visits  by  government   leaders.  Tables  4  and  5  below  set  out  the  list  of  high-­‐delegations  exchanged  between  Vietnam  and  Australia  between  2009   and   2014.   In   six-­‐year   period   the   Secretary   General   of   the   Vietnam   Communist  Party,  two  Deputy  Prime  Ministers  and  eight  ministers  visited  Australia,  while  Australia’s  Governor-­‐General,  Prime  Minister  and  nine  ministers  visited  Vietnam.  

Table  4  High-­‐Level  Vietnamese  Visits  to  Australia,  2009-­‐14  

Year  of  Visit   Rank  and  Name  of  Visitor  

2009     Deputy  Prime  Minister  Hoang  Trung  Hai  

2009   Secretary  General  Vietnam  Communist  Party  Nong  Duc  Manh,  Deputy  Prime  Minister  and  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs  Pham  Gia  Khiem,  Minister  of  Planning  and  Investment,  and  Minister  of  Industry  and  Trade  

2010   Vice  President  National  Assembly  Uong  Chu  Luu  

2010   Minister  of  Planning  and  Investment  Vo  Hong  Phuc  

2010   Minister  of  Labour,  Invalids  and  Social  Welfare  Nguyen  Thi  Kim  Ngan  

2012   Deputy  Foreign  Minister  Pham  Quang  Vinh  and  Deputy  Minister  of  National  Defence  Lt.  Gen.  Nguyen  Chi  Vinh  

2012   Deputy  Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Xuan  Phuc;  and  Prosecutor  General  Supreme  People’s  Procuracy,  Minister  of  Justice,  Minister  of  Labour,  Invalids  and  Social  Welfare,  Minister  and  Inspector  General  Government  Inspectorate  

2012   Minister  of  Finance  Vuong  Dinh  Hue  

2013   Minister  of  National  Defence  General  Phung  Quang  Thanh  

2013   Minister  of  Industry  and  Trade  Vu  Huy  Hoang  

2014   Minister  of  Justice  Ha  Hung  Cuong  


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Mechanisms  for  dialogue  and  cooperation.  Australia  and  Vietnam  conduct  their  political-­‐security   cooperation   through   several   bilateral   mechanisms   including   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Defence   Cooperation   Senior   Officials’   meeting;   the   Joint   Foreign  Affairs/Defence   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Strategic   Dialogue   (which   superseded   the   1998  Regional   Security   Dialogue   in   February   2012),   and   the   Annual   Defence   Ministers’  Dialogue  that  was  inaugurated  in  March  2013.  

Table  5  High-­‐Level  Australian  Visits  to  Vietnam,  2009-­‐14  

Year  of  Visit   Rank  and  Name  of  Visitor  

2009   Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives  Harry  Jenkins  

2009   Minister  for  Immigration  and  Citizenship  Chris  Evans  

2009   Minister  for  Trade  Simon  Crean  

2009   Vice  Chief  of  the  Australian  Defence  Force  Lt.  Gen.  David  Hurley  

2010   Minister  for  Defence  Stephen  Smith  

2010   Prime  Minister  Julia  Gillard  for  East  Asia  Summit  and  bilateral  meetings  

2010   Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Kevin  Rudd  

2011   Governor-­‐General  Quentin  Bryce  

2011   Minister  for  Trade  Craig  Emerson  

2012   Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  Bob  Carr  

2012   Minister  for  Defence  Stephen  Smith  

2012   Minister  for  Agriculture,  Fisheries  and  Forestry  Joe  Ludwig  

2012   Special  Representative  of  the  Prime  Minister  Angus  Houston  

2013   Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives  Anna  Burke  

2014   Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs  Julie  Bishop  

2014   Speaker  of  the  House  of  Representatives  Bronwyn  Bishop  


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In  August  2009,  Lt.  General  David  Hurley,  then  Vice  Chief  of  the  Defence  Force,  visited  Vietnam  to  discuss  exchange  visits  and  cooperation  in  training,  military  medical  services,  counter-­‐terrorism   and   the   search   for   soldiers   missing-­‐in-­‐action   during   the   Vietnam  War.14  RAN  ships  continue  to  pay  goodwill  calls  to  Vietnam  (see  Table  6  below).  

In   December   2009,   when   Prime   Minister   Rudd   met   with   Prime   Minister   Dung   in  Copenhagen,   Rudd   suggested   upgrading   their   existing   regional   security   dialogue   by  signing  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MOU)  setting  up  a  dialogue  mechanism  for  national  defence  and  security.    

Table  6  Royal  Australian  Navy  Ship  Visits  to  Vietnam,  2009-­‐2014  

Year   RAN  Ships   Port  

9/2009   HMAS  Darwin   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

2010   No  ship  visit    

10/2011   HMAS  Huon  and  HMAS  Yarra   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

10/2012   HMAS  Sydney   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

8/2013   HMAS  Ballarat   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  

9/2014   HMAS  Larrakia   Ho  Chi  Minh  city  


In  October  2010,  the  Defence  Ministers  from  Australia  and  Vietnam,  Stephen  Smith  and  General  Phung  Quang  Thanh,  signed  an  MOU  on  Defence  Cooperation  on  the  eve  of  the  inaugural  ADMM  Plus  meeting  in  Hanoi.  The  MOU  provides  a  framework  for  “enhanced  practical   cooperation  between  Australia  and  Vietnam   in  areas   including   strategic   level  policy  dialogue,  military  training  and  exercises,  and  humanitarian  assistance  and  disaster  relief.”15  The  two  ministers  agreed  to  establish  an  Annual  Defence  Ministers’  Dialogue.  The  first  meeting  was  hosted  in  Canberra  on  March  19,  2013.  

                                                                                                               14  “Australian  Army  delegation  visits  Vietnam,”  Voice  of  Vietnam  News,  August  3,  2009  and  “Hop  tac  giua  QDND  Viet  Nam  va  Luc  luong  quoc  phong  O-­‐xtray-­‐li-­‐a,”  Quan  Doi  Nhan  Dan,  August  4,  2009.  On  the  eve  of  General  Hurley’s  visit  the  Vietnamese  announced  they  had  found  the  remains  of  the   last  two  Australian  soldiers  who  died  during  the  Vietnam  War.  See:  “Last  two  Australian  soldiers;  remains  found  in  Vietnam,”  Voice  of  Vietnam  News,  August  3,  2009.  15  “Australia  and  Vietnam  deepen  Defence  Cooperation,”  Minister  for  Defence,  Media  Release  MR12/10,  October  11,  2010  and  Ngoc  Hung,  “Australia  and  Vietnam  sign  MoU  on  Defence  Cooperation,”  People’s  Army  Newspaper  Online,  October  12,  2010.  

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In   February   2012,   the   Regional   Security   Dialogue   was   upgraded   to   the   Joint   Foreign  Affairs/Defence   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Strategic   Dialogue   at   deputy   secretary/deputy  minister   level.     The   inaugural  meeting  was   held   in   Canberra   at   this   time.   The   second  meeting   of   the   “2   +   2”   Joint   Foreign   Affairs/Defence   Strategic   Dialogue   was   held   in  Hanoi  in  November  2013.    

On   September   9,   2014,   Brigadier   John   Mackenzie,   acting   Assistant   Secretary   of   the  Defence  Department’s  International  Policy  Division,  visited  Hanoi  for  discussion  with  the  Foreign   Relations   Department   of   the   Ministry   of   National   Defence.   The   two   parties  reviewed  bilateral  defence  cooperation  and  set  targets   for  2015.  Brig.  Mackenzie   later  met  with  Deputy  Minister  for  National  Defence  Senior  Lt.  Gen.  Nguyen  Chi  Vinh.  General  Vinh   suggested   the   two   sides   should   cooperate   in   UN   peacekeeping   operations,  humanitarian  mine  action,  intensify  bilateral  defence  dialogue  mechanisms,  and  closely  coordinate  in  multilateral  fora  especially  at  the  ADMM  Plus.16  

Late  in  September  2014,  Australia’s  Chief  of  Navy,  Vice  Admiral  Timothy  William  Barrett,  visited   Hanoi   and   met   with   Admiral   Nguyen   Van   Hien,   Deputy   Minister   of   National  Defence  and  Commander  of  the  Vietnam  People’s  Army  Navy  and  Senior  Lt.  Gen.  Do  Ba  Ty,  Chief  of  the  General  Staff  of  the  Vietnam  People’s  Army.  Admiral  Hien  proposed  that  the  two  navies  cooperate   in  exchanges  of  delegations  at  all   levels,  training  courses  for  Vietnamese  naval  officers,  submarine  rescue  operations  and  enhancing  the  capability  of  Vietnam’s  naval  air  force.17    

Senior  Lt.  General  Do  Ba  Ty  visited  Australia  in  November  2014  and  met  with  Air  Chief  Marshal  Mark  Binskin,  Chief  of  the  Defence  Force.  The  two  reviewed  the  2010  MoU  on  Defence   Cooperation   and   discussed   activities   for   the   future.   The   two   sides   agreed   to  continue  defence  dialogue  and  consultation  as  well  the  exchange  of  delegations.  

On   November   20,   2014,   Australia   and   Vietnam   held   their   third   Foreign   Affairs   and  Defence   Strategic   Dialogue   in   Canberra.18   Gillian   Bird   and   Peter   Baxter   and   the  Vietnamese   counterparts  Deputy  Minister  of   Foreign  Affairs  Ho  Xuan  Son  and  Deputy  Minister  of  National  Defence  Senior  Lt.  Gen.  Nguyen  Chi  Vinh  attended  the  meeting.  The  two   sides   discussed   future   activities   including   the   exchange   of   high-­‐level   visits,   and  giving   priority   to   expanding   cooperation   in   politics,   economics,   security,   defence,  education,   training,  science  and  technology.    They  agreed  step  up  cooperation  to  deal  with   non-­‐traditional   security   issues   such   as   pandemics,   climate   change,   human  trafficking  and  cyber  attacks.    

                                                                                                               16   “Vietnam   and   Australia   armes   to   strengthen   ties,”   People’s   Army   Newspaper   Online,   September   9,  2014l  17  “Vietnam  and  Australia  boost  defence  cooperation,”  People’s  Army  Newspaper  Online,  September  27,  2014  18  “Vietnam,  Australia  discuss  maritime  issues  in  defense  dialogue,”  Tuoi  Tre  News,  November  21,  2014.  

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They  also  discussed   tensions   in   the  South  China  Sea  and  agreed   that   to  ensure  peace  and  stability  in  the  region  it  was  necessary  to  ensure  freedom  of  navigation  and  aviation  security  and  adherence  to  international  law  including  the  United  Nations  Convention  on  the   Law   of   the   Sea.   The   also   agreed   disputes   should   be   resolved   peacefully   without  resort  to  threat  or  use  of  force.  They  further  agreed  on  the  strict  implementation  of  the  2002  Declaration  on  Conduct  of  Parties  in  the  South  China  Sea  and  the  signing  of  a  Code  of  Conduct  as  soon  as  possible.  

Parliamentary   exchanges.   In   2011,   Australia   and   Vietnam   exchanged   their   fifteenth  delegation  between  the  Parliament  of  Australia  and  the  National  Assembly  of  Vietnam.  An   Agreement   of   Partnership   between   the   National   Assembly   of   Viet   Nam   and   the  House  of  Representatives  of  the  Parliament  of  Australia  provides  for  closer  contacts  and  linkages.  

Human   rights   dialogue.   In  December   2010,  AusAID   and  Vietnam’s  Ministry   of   Foreign  Affairs   sponsored   a   joint   seminar   on   international   conventions   on   human   rights   and  implementation  mechanisms  in  Hanoi.  Australia  also  has  assisted  in  issuing  and  revising  several  laws  relating  to  the  protection  of  human  rights.    

In  February  2011  Australia  and  Vietnam  conducted   their  eighth  bilateral  human  rights  dialogue.  Australia  remains  concerned  at   the   imprisonment  of  people   for  the  peaceful  expression   of   their   political,   religious   or   other   beliefs   and   has   communicated   these  concerns  to  the  Vietnamese  government  at  this  dialogue.19  

Security   and   judicial   cooperation.   In   August   2009,   the   Australian   Federal   Police   and  Vietnam’s  Ministry  of  Public   Security   signed  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  on   the  exchange  of  immigration  information.20    

On  March  30,  2010  a  joint  Transnational  Crime  Centre  opened  in  Ho  Chi  Minh  City.  This  Centre  will   process   information   on   terrorism,   illegal   drugs,  money   laundering,   human  trafficking,  smuggling  and  child  sex  tourism.  Under  the  2009  MOU  the  AFP  and  MPS  will  increase   cooperation   on   border   security   through   liaison   between   their   respective  customs  departments  and  between  the  AFP  and  Vietnam’s  border  guards  and  sea  police  (Viet  Nam  Canh  Sat  Bien).  

                                                                                                               19   In   October   2010   an   Australian   citizen,   Hong   Vo,   was   arrested   for   joining   an   anti-­‐China   protest   in  Vietnam.  She  was  released  ten  day  later.  Mrs.  Vo  was  a  member  of  the  pro-­‐democracy  Vietnam  Reform  Party  (Viet  Tan)  which  Vietnamese  media  characterize  as  a  terrorist  organization.  “Aussie  arrested,”  The  Adelaide   Advertiser,  October   12,   2010;   Deutsche   Presse   Agentur,   “Vietnam   charges   Australian   woman  with   terrorism,”   October   14,   2010;   Helen   Clark,   “Consular   visit   for   arrested   Australian,”   Australian  Associated  Press,  October  16,  2010;  Deutsche  Presse  Agentur,   “Vietnam  releases  Australian  woman   for  protesting  against  China,”  October  21,  2010.  20   The  MOU  was   signed  by   the  AFP  and   the  Australian  Department  of   Immigration  and  Citizenship   and  “relevant   agencies”   of   the   Vietnamese   government,   presumably   police,   customs,   immigration,   border  contro/guards,  and  security  and  intelligence  officials.  

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In   September   2009,   the   Chief   Justice   of   the   Federal   Court   of   Australia   Michel   Black  visited  Hanoi  to  meet  with  the  Chief  Judge  of  Supreme  People’s  Court,  Truong  Hoa  Binh.  They   signed  an  MOU   juridical   cooperation.  Australia   assisted  Vietnam   in  developing  a  judge’s  handbook.  

Consultations  in  regional  multilateral  institutions.  Australian  and  Vietnamese  diplomatic  officials   consult   and   cooperate   in   a   number   of   international   organizations   and  multilateral   institutions  such  as  the  United  Nations,  Asia  Pacific  Economic  Cooperation  (APEC),  ASEAN  Regional  Forum,  ADMM  Plus,  Asia  Europe  Meeting  process  (ASEM)  and  the   East  Asia   Summit.21   Bilateral   cooperation   addresses   a   number   of   issues   including:  environmental   protection,   climate   change,   prevention   of   natural   disasters   and  pandemics,  counter-­‐terrorism,  disarmament  and  non-­‐proliferation  of  weapons  of  mass  destruction,  transnational  crime  including  people  smuggling.  

Both   countries   have   given   diplomatic   support   to   each   other.   For   example,   Vietnam  supported  and  assisted  Vietnam   in   its  application   for  membership   in   the  World  Trade  Organisation   and  non-­‐permanent  membership  on   the  United  Nations   Security  Council  (2008-­‐09  term).  Australia   is  currently  assisting   in  negotiations   involving  membership   in  the  Trans-­‐Pacific  Strategic  and  Economic  Partnership  (or  TPP).  

Vietnam   has   provided   diplomatic   support   for   Australia   in   its   dealings   with   ASEAN,  particularly  during  the  period  when  Mahathir  was  Prime  Minister  of  Malaysia.  Vietnam  supported   Vietnam’s   inclusion   in   the   East   Asia   Summit   (along   with   India   and   New  Zealand)   and  Australia’s   inclusion   in   the   ASEM  process.   Vietnam   also   gave   diplomatic  support   to   Kevin   Rudd’s   Asia-­‐Pacific   C/community   initiative.   And,   in   reciprocation,  Vietnam  has  agreed   to  support  Australia’s  bid   for  non-­‐permanent  membership  on   the  UN  Security  Council  for  2013-­‐14.  

Economic   Cooperation.   Economic   cooperation   constitutes   the   second   pillar   of   the  Australia-­‐Vietnam   Comprehensive   Partnership.   This   section   reviews   three   areas   of  cooperation:  trade,  investment  and  development  cooperation.  Trade.   The   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Joint   Trade   and   Economic   Cooperation   Committee.  Established   in   1990,   is   the   formal   inter-­‐governmental   body   that   considers   trade   and  investment  cooperation.    

According   to   Graeme   Swift,   Australian   Consul   General   in   Ho   Chi   Minh   City,   in   2011  Vietnam  was  now  one  of  Australia’s  most   important  and  valued   trade  partners   in   the  Asia  Pacific  region.22  In  the  five  years  up  to  2011  Vietnam  was  Australia’s  fastest  growing  

                                                                                                               21  The  future  of  the  East  Asia  Summit,  including  expanded  membership  to  include  the  Russian  Federation  and   the   United   States,   featured   when   Foreign   Minister   Kevin   Rudd   visited   Hanoi   in   April   2011   for  discussions  with  his  Vietnamese  counterpart,  Pham  Gia  Khiem.  22   Graeme   Swift   quoted   in   Tuong   Thuy,   “Aussie   representative:   It   was   a   busy   year   to   cement   bilateral  relations,”  Saigon  Giai  Phong  English  Edition,  January  28,  2011.  

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trading   partner   in   ASEAN.   In   2011,   Australia   was   Vietnam’s   seventh   largest   trading  partner   and   fourth   biggest   export   market.   Bilateral   trade   increased   as   a   result   of  Vietnam’s  quick  ratification  of  the  ASEAN-­‐Australia-­‐New  Zealand  Free  Trade  Agreement  (NZFTA)  that  came  into  force  on  January  1,  2010.23      

The   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Joint   Trade   and   Economic   Cooperation   Committee   held   its   9th  meeting  in  Melbourne  on  June  25,  2010.  It  was  co-­‐chaired  by  Minister  for  Trade  Simon  Crean  and  Minister  for  Planning  and  Investment  Vo  Hong  Phuc.  This  meeting  took  note  of  the  encouraging  five-­‐year  trend  in  the  growth  of  two-­‐way  trade  in  goods  and  services,  despite   a   decline   in   goods   trade   in   2009.   This   meeting   identified   four   key   areas   of  potential  growth:  education  and  training,  infrastructure,  resources  and  environment.  

Trade  issues  have  featured  prominently  in  high-­‐level  meetings  since  the  announcement  of  the  Comprehensive  Partnership.  For  example,  Foreign  Minister  Kevin  Rudd  discussed  ways  to  boost  trade  under  the  NZFTA  when  he  met  his  counterpart,  Pham  Gia  Khiem  in  Hanoi  in  April  2011.    

The   following   month   senior   Vietnamese   leaders   raised   trade   issues   with   Governor-­‐General  Quentin  Bryce  when  she  visited  Hanoi.  On  May  9,  President  Nguyen  Minh  Triet  suggested   that   Australia   and   Vietnam   should   boost   the   import   of   seafood   and   farm  produce   from   each   other   and   tap  NZFTA   to   raise   trade   and   investment.  When   Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Tan  Dung   suggested   to   the  Governor-­‐General   that  both   sides   should  step  up  economic,   trade  and   investment  cooperation,  Governor-­‐General  Bryce   replied  that   Vietnam   should   create   better   conditions   for   Australian   businesses   to   make-­‐long  term  investments  in  Vietnam.  

Over   the   decade   up   to   2014,   Australian   exports   to   Vietnam   increased   by   16   percent  annually.   According   to   Vietnam’s   Ambassador   to   Australia,   “Vietnam   is   Australia’s  fastest   growing   trading   partner   among   the  Association   of   Southeast   Asian  Nations.”24  Two-­‐way  trade  increased  from  US$  32.3  million  in  1990  to  US$  4.2  billion  in  2010  to  US$  6  billion   in   2014.  According   to   figures   from  Vietnam’s  Ministry  of   Industry   and  Trade,  Vietnam’s   exports   to   Australia   reached   US$   3.99   billion   up   13.7   percent   from   2013.  Vietnam  imported  US$  2.06  billion  form  Australia  giving  it  a  surplus  of  US$  1.93  billion  in  2014.    

Vietnam’s   exports   included   crude  oil   (46   percent   of   total   value),   agricultural   products  seafood  as  well   as   steel,   electric   cables,   transport   vehicles  and   spare  parts,   garments,  bags,  umbrellas  and  hats,  computers,  electronic  products  and  components,  and  phones  and   components.25     In   December   2014,   Vietnam’s   Ministry   of   Agriculture   and   Rural                                                                                                                  23   “ASEAN-­‐Australia-­‐New   Zealand   Free   Trade   Agreement,   “$  nzfta/index.html.  24  Luong  Thanh  Nghi,  “Time  to  bolster  ties  with  Vietnam  as  the  region  transforms,”  The  Australian,  March  16,  2015.  25  “Vietnam  scores  big  trade  surplus  with  Australia,”    People’s  Army  Daily  Online,  February  7,  2015.    

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Development   announced   it   would   temporarily   suspended   the   import   of   thirty-­‐eight  varieties  of  Australian  fruit  over  concerns  over  fruit  fly  infestation  commencing  January  1,  2015.    The  value  of  the  produce  affected  was  placed  at  A$  40  million.  26  

Currently  Australia   is  working  with  Vietnam  regarding  membership   in  the  Trans  Pacific  Partnership,  a  twelve-­‐nation  grouping  for  free  trade  area  in  Asia  Pacific.    

Investment.   In   2010,   Australia   invested   in   224   projects   in   Vietnam   with   disbursed  Foreign  Direct  Investment  of  US$  224  million.  As  of  April  2010,  Australia  ranked  20th  in  overall   direct   foreign   investment   in   Vietnam.   By   2014,   Australian   foreign   direct  investment  in  Vietnam  reached  US$  1.65  billion.  

Both  sides  are  exploring  how  to  raise  investment  under  the  $  NZFTA.  President  Nguyen  Minh   Triet   told   Governor-­‐General   Quentin   Bryce   during   her   visit   in   May   2011   that  Vietnam  was  expecting  an  increase  in  Australian  investment  in  oil  and  gas,  mining,  and  coal.   In  May  2010,  the  Australian  Mining  Mission,  comprising  ten  companies,  made   its  second   visit   to   Vietnam   to   explore   investment   prospects.   The   first   Mission   visited   in  2009.  Australia  currently  ranks  as  Vietnam’s  17th  largest  foreign  investor.  

Development   cooperation.   Australia’s   aid   program   to   Vietnam   comes   under   the  framework   of   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Joint   Aid   Program   Strategy   for   2010-­‐15.     This  program  has  three  priority  areas:  economic   integration,  human  resource  development  (including  scholarships)  and  environmental  sustainability.  

Australia  is  Vietnam’s  sixth  largest  development  assistance  donor  and  ranks  among  the  top  ten  bilateral  donors  of  the  thirty  donor  countries  and  agencies  working  in  Vietnam.  Australia’s  ODA  to  Vietnam   increased  over   the   five-­‐year  period:  A$  100  million   (2008-­‐09),  A$  106  million  (2009-­‐10),  A$  127.4  million  (2010-­‐11),  A$  137.9  million  (2011-­‐12),  A$  147.8  (2012-­‐13)  and  then  declined  by  A$  8.9  million  to  A$  138.9  million  (2013-­‐14).  

Undoubtedly  Australia’s  decision  to  finance  construction  of  the  Cao  Lanh  bridge,  Dong  Thap   province,   in   the  Mekong   Delta   is   one   of   the   most   important   developments.   In  October  2013,  Australia  committed  $  160  million  for  construction.  The  Cao  Lanh  bridge  is   part   of   the   Central   Mekong   Delta   Connectivity   project   to   develop   a   new   road  infrastructure   to   provide   market   access   in   this   region   to   five   million   people.   Foreign  Minister   Kevin   Rudd   estimated   that   both   the  My   Thuan   and   Cao   Lanh   bridges  would  benefit  nearly  nine  million  persons.  

On  December  17,  2009,  Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Tan  Dung  met  with  Prime  Minister  Kevin  Rudd  in  Copenhagen  and  urged  Australia  to  finance  Cao  Lanh  bridge.  Rudd  replied  that  Australia  would  initially  fund  the  design  phase  of  the  bridge  subject  to  a  feasibility  study  

                                                                                                               26   “VN   suspends  Australian   fruit   imports,”   Vietnam  Government   Portal,   December   18,   2014   and   Sarina  Locke,  “Vietnam  ban  on  $  40  million  worth  of  Australian  fruit  and  vegetable  imports  now  likely  in  January  2015,”  ABC  Rural,  December  15,  2014.  

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by  the  Asian  Development  Bank  (ADB).  Rudd  also  stated  that  Australia  was  interested  in  constructing  the  bridge  and  would  discuss  funding  with  the  ADB.27    

After  due  consideration  Australia  decided  to  go  ahead  with  the  project.  In  October  2010,  Prime  Minister   Julia   Gillard,   while   in   Hanoi,   officially   announced   that   Australia  would  provide  $  160  million  towards  the  design  and  construction  of  the  Cao  Lanh  bridge.  Work  was   due   to   commence   in   2012.   The   Cao   Lanh   bridge   ranks   as   Australia’s   biggest   aid  project  in  Vietnam.  

The   second  major   development   after   the   Comprehensive   Partnership  was   announced  has   been   Australia’s   increased   support   to   Vietnam   to   address   environmental   and  climate  change  issues.  Australia  has  been  assisting  Vietnam  in  environmental  protection  and  climate   change  adaptation   including   training  personnel   and  organizing  workshops  on  hydrometeorology  and  climate  change  issues.  Additionally,  Australia  provided  funds  to  the  Centre  for  International  Agricultural  Research  to  conduct  research  on  rice  strains  that  can  tolerate  salty  conditions  likely  to  accompany  sea  level  rise  in  Mekong  Delta  

On  December  17,  2009,  Prime  Ministers  Nguyen  Tan  Dung  and  Kevin  Rudd  agreed  at  a  meeting  in  Copenhagen  to  cooperate  in  the  exchange  of  weather  forecasting  technology  and   provide   results   of   research   into   climate   change   in   the   Asia-­‐Pacific.   As   Foreign  Minister   Rudd   called   for   enhanced   cooperation   with   Vietnam   in   dealing   with   natural  disasters  and  climate  change  during  his  visit  in  April  2011.  

These  declarations   took   concrete   form  when  Australia   and  Germany   agreed   in  March  2010   to   team   up   to   provide   Vietnam   with   assistance   to   manage   environmental  problems   arising   from   climate   change.   On   June   3,   2011,   AusAID   announced   it   would  provide  US$  24.3  million  to  continue  funding  the  Climate  Change  in  Coastal  Ecosystems  Program.  This  program   is  being  carried  out   in  An  Giang,  Bac  Lieu,  Ca  Mau,  Kien  Giang  and   Soc   Trang   provinces.   The   new   funding   will   be   provided   over   five   years   to   assist  these  provinces   in  managing   and  protecting   coastal   eco-­‐systems   to   cope  with   climate  change  by   restoring  mangrove   forests,   protecting   coastal   forests,  managing   sea  dykes  and  adopting  new  farming  methods.28    

Australian   assistance   in   meeting   public   health   needs   also   featured   in   this   period.  Governor-­‐General  Quentin  Bryce  announced  during  her  May  2011  visit  to  Vietnam  that  Australia  would  continue  to  provide  assistance  in  the  fight  against  HIV/AIDS.  Australia  is  co-­‐chair  of  Ambassadors/UN  Heads  of  Agency  Informal  HIV  Co-­‐ordination  Group.    

Australia’s  ODA  program  covers  a  wide  variety  of  areas.  The   list  below   is   indicative  of  the  range  of  projects  and  programs  that  benefit  from  Australian  funding:                                                                                                                  27  When  former  Prime  Minister  Paul  Keating  met  with  Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Tan  Dung  in  July  2010,  Dung  lobbied  Keating  to  encourage  the  Australian  government  to  fund  the  construction  of  the  Cao  Lanh  bridge  and  to  support  the  Thanh  Long  Royal  Citadel  as  a  UNESCO  heritage  site.  28  Voice  of  Vietnam,  June  3,  2011.  

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• Vietnam-­‐Australia   Agricultural   Cooperation   Program   aimed   at   strengthening  Vietnam’s  sanitary  and  phyto-­‐sanitary  capacity.  

• A  five-­‐year  agreement  signed  on  January  13,  2011  between  the  State  Audit  Office  of  Vietnam  and  Society  of  Certified  Practicing  Accountants  of  Australia  (CPA  Australia)  to  exchange  experience  and   information  via  seminars,  workshops  and  professional  network  expansion  and  staff  training  courses  in  Australia.  

• Australian   support   for   Vietnam’s   trade   reform   agenda   through   provision   of   trade  policy  training.  

• Australian   support   for   administrative   reform   and   good   governance   training  programs  including  anti-­‐corruption.  

• Australian  cooperation  in  public  health  and  agriculture  research.    

• Australian  funding  to  build  roads,  irrigation,  electricity  schemes,  health  centres  and  cultural  houses.    

In   February   2014,   Foreign   Minister   Julie   Bishop   visited   Hanoi   to   meet   with   her  counterpart  Pham  Binh  Minh.  The  two  ministers  announced  that  the  joint  Plan  of  Action  for  2010-­‐13  had  been   implemented  and   that   they  would  “quickly   finalize”   the  Plan  of  Action  for  2015-­‐16.  Minister  Bishop  also  met  with  the  Minister  of  Public  Security  and  the  Prime  Minister.  

Minister   Bishop   announced   two   major   initiatives   to   support   the   empowerment   of  Vietnamese  women.  29  

The  first   involved  a  commitment  of  A$  4.2  million  for  two  projects  to  be  conducted   in  partnership  with  the  Vietnam  Women’s  Union.  Half  of  this  amount  was  to  assist  2,000  women   from   ethnic   minority   and   poor   small   holder   families   to   increase   vegetable  production  in  Lao  Cai  province.  The  remainder  would  be  used  to  combat  gender-­‐based  violence  under  the  Australian  Government  Partnerships  for  Development  program.  The  first   initiative   was   designed   to   improve   the   lives   of   women   and   increase   household  incomes  by  linking  farmers  and  traders  with  urban  markets.  The  second  initiative  was  a  commitment   to   provide   A$   2.1  million   through   the   Australian   Centre   for   Agricultural  Research  for  joint  agricultural  research.    

People-­‐to-­‐People  Cooperation.  People-­‐to-­‐people  cooperation  constitutes  the  third  pillar  of  the  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership.  Kevin  Rudd  correctly  

                                                                                                               29  Department  of  Foreign  Affairs  and  Trade,  “Australian  support  for  Vietnam’s  economic  reforms,”  Media  Release,  February  19,  2014;  Department  of  Foreign  Affairs  and  Trade,  “Supporting  women   in  Vietnam,”  Media   Release,   February   19,   2014;   and   “Australian   Government   commits   funding   to   women’s  empowerment  in  Vietnam,”  Australian  Network  News,  February  19,  2014.  

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emphasized  the  importance  of  “the  great  bridge  of  education”  as  the  centre  piece  of  people-­‐to-­‐people  cooperation.    Before   turning   to   this  aspect   it   is   important   to  note   the   informal  everyday   interaction  between   Australia   and   Vietnam.   Australia’s   2011   Census   221,114   persons   claimed  Vietnamese  ancestry.  This  number  is  estimated  at  300,000  today.  An  estimated  230,000  Australians  visit  Vietnam  annually.  As  noted  by  the  two  governments,  “[t]hese  [people-­‐to-­‐people]  links  exist  across  all   levels  of  society  and  across  a  broad  spread  of  business,  academic,   media,   cultural,   non-­‐government   agencies,   friendly   and   sporting  organizations.”30  

Educational  cooperation.  In  1994,  the  Australia  and  Vietnam’s  Ministry  of  Education  and  Training   signed   a   Memorandum   of   Understanding   on   Cooperation   in   Education   and  Training.   This   agreement   was   renewed   in   October   2013   under   the   framework   of   the  Comprehensive   Partnership   Plan   of   Action.   A   Joint  Working   Group   on   Education   and  Training  was  set  up  and  its  has  met  three  times,  most  recently  in  Canberra  in  April  2014.    

Education   and   training   represents   Australia’s   largest   services   export   to   Vietnam.   In  2001,   the   Royal   Melbourne   Institute   of   Technology   (RMIT)   was   the   first   foreign  university   to  be  established   in  Vietnam.   It  has  graduated  2,500   students  over   the   last  decade.   In   October   2010   RMIT   opened   a   new   campus   in   Hanoi,   while   in   April   2011  expanded   campus   facilities   for   6,000   students  were   opened   in  Ho  Chi  Minh  City.   It   is  estimated   that   there   are   about   10,000   Vietnamese   students   undertaking   Australian  education  and  training  courses  in  Vietnam  annually.    

Between   2007   and   2013,   thirty-­‐three   Australian   students   went   to   study   in   Vietnam  under   the   Endeavour   Scholarship   or   Fellowship   program.   Between   2008   and   2013,  13,331   Australian   students   travelled   to   Vietnam   to   participate   in   short-­‐term   and  exchange  study  opportunities  under  the  Mobility  Programs  for  Asia.  

In  addition,  in  2015  it  was  estimated  that  there  were  nearly  30,000  Vietnamese  students  currently   enrolled   in   schools,   technical   colleges,   English   education   and   universities   in  Australia.31  They  are  overwhelmingly  self-­‐funded.  The  Vietnamese  government  provides  100   scholarships   for   study   in   Australia.   Vietnamese   students   make   up   largest  international  student  community  in  Australia.  

At  the  same  time  Australia  is  the  largest  provider  of  scholarships  to  Vietnam  worldwide.  Each   year   several   hundred   higher   education   scholarships   are   provided   for   high  performing  Vietnamese  students  to  study  in  Australia  under  the  Australia  Asia  Awards.32  

                                                                                                               30  “Australia-­‐Viet  Nam  Comprehensive  Partnership,”  September  7,  2009.  31  Luong  Thanh  Nghi,  “Time  to  bolster  ties  with  Vietnam  as  the  region  transforms,”  The  Australian,  March  16,  2015.  32   Sources   vary,   with   figures   ranging   from   150   to   300   to   400   scholarships   awarded   annually.   The   BBC  reported  on  May  12,  2011  that  Australia  will  grant  Vietnam  more  than  300  graduate  and  post-­‐graduate  

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Since  2007,  349  Vietnamese  students  accepted  an  Endeavour  Scholarship  or  Fellowship  to   study   in   Australia.   In   2010,   Vietnamese   won   three   of   the   Prime   Minister’s   ten  Australia   Asia   Endeavour   Awards   for   study,   research   and   professional   training   in  Australia.     By   2013-­‐14   the   number   of   Vietnamese  who  were  Australia   Awards   alumni  stood  at  4,419.  

In  2011-­‐12,  Australia  made  available  up  to  400  scholarships  for  applicants  from  Vietnam.  In  2013,  482  Australia  Awards  were  offered  to  Vietnamese  students,  including  272  long-­‐term  and  210  short-­‐term  awards.      

As   a   result   of   the   signing   of   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Plan   of   Action   (2010-­‐13),   a   Joint  Working   Group   on   Education   and   Training   was   set   up   to   enhance   education  cooperation.   It  held   its   first  meeting   in  Canberra   in  March  2011.  The  following  month,  Foreign   Minister   Rudd   announced   that   Australia   would   increase   the   number   of  scholarships   for   university   students   undertaking   PhD   programs   and   officials   to   study  management,   international   law   and   English.   Nevertheless,   Vietnam   has   pressed   for  more  educational  assistance.  In  May  2011  President  Nguyen  Minh  Triet  told  Governor-­‐General  Quentin  Bryce  that  Vietnam  would  like  to  see  Australia  increase  scholarships  for  Vietnamese   students   and   create   more   favorable   conditions   for   Vietnamese   who   are  studying  and  working  in  Australia.  

On   August   26,   2014   the   Minister   for   Foreign   Affairs   Julie   Bishop   announced   that  Vietnam   was   included   in   the   expanded   New   Colombo   Plan.   Fifteen   Vietnamese  universities   and   institutions   have   partnered   with   Australian   counterparts   to   co-­‐host  students   from   both   countries.   Over   160   Austrlaian   students   are   expected   to   study   in  Vietnam   in   2015.   The   first   group   of   students,   from   the   Swinburne   School   of   Design,  spent   three   weeks   in   Vietnam   in   January   2015   with   the   support   from   the   Hanoi  University  of  Busniess  and  Technology  and  the  Ho  Chi  Minh  University  of  Architecture.    

There   are   numerous   other   forms   of   people-­‐to-­‐people   interaction   that   could   be  mentioned   in   this   survey.   For  purpose  of   illustration   two  examples  are  discussed.  The  first   concerns   the   role   of   private   charities   and   non-­‐government   organizations,   the  second  concerns  an  initiative  by  two  veterans  of  the  Vietnam  War.    

In   May   2011,   the   Governor   General   visited   Thua   Thien-­‐Hue   where   the   Fred   Hollows  Foundation   is  providing  public  eye  care.  The  Governor  General  also  visited  the  Be  Van  Dan   Primary   School   in   Da   Nang   where   the   Alliance   for   Safe   Children   and   Royal   Life  Saving  Society  Australia  are  sponsoring  a  swimming  training  program  for  children.    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         scholarship   in   2011-­‐12.   Of   the   winners,   48   Vietnamese   scholars   and   professionals   were   selected   to  receive  scholarships  worth  $6.7  million  in  2010.    

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Two  Australian  military  historians,  Bob  Hall  and  Derrill  de  Heer   (who  are  also  Vietnam  War   veterans)   and   other   colleagues,33   have   found   documents   in   the   files   of   the  Department  of  Defence  that  have  enabled  them  to  identify  the  names  and  burial  sites  of  more   than   3,800   communist   soldiers   killed   in   combat   against   Australia   during   the  Vietnam  War.34  Using  Australian  records  they  have   identified  the  names  of  more  than  400   soldiers   buried   at   sites   in   Ba   Ria-­‐Vung   Tao   and   Dong   Nai   provinces.   They   have  initiated   a   project   to   gather   photographs,   letters,   official   certificates   and   diaries   that  might  have  been  taken  from  the  bodies  to  assist  in  identifying  the  remains.    

Australian  Vietnam  Veterans  have  been  asked  to  assist  by  coming  forward  with  any  such  material   in   their   possession   (www.vv$   The   historians   have   also  been  in  contact  with  veterans  of  33rd  Regiment,  Vietnam  People’s  Army,  who  fought  in  the  Australian  Army’s  area  of  responsibility  (particularly  at  the  battle  of  Binh  Ba  on  June  6-­‐7,  1969).  The  Vietnamese  kept  meticulous  records  and  have  handed  over  the  names  of   their  war   dead   and   date   and   place   of   engagement.   By   combining   this   information  with   information   contained   in  Australian  war   diaries   the  historians   have  been   able   to  determine  where  the  Vietnamese  are  buried  and  thus  assist  Vietnam  in  the  recovery  of  its   own   wartime   missing-­‐in-­‐action.     The   entire   project   has   been   named   Operation  Wandering  Soul.  

People-­‐to-­‐people   links  continue   to  be  affected  by   legacies  of   the  Vietnam  War.  When  the  Australian  veterans  organization  Returned  and  Services  League  (better  known  as  the  RSL)  attempted  to  negotiate  a  MOU  with  the  Vietnam  Veterans’  Association  to  promote  rapprochement   this  provoked  a  backlash  among  some  veterans   including   the  Vietnam  Veterans  Association  of  Australia  and  the  Vietnamese  Community  in  Australia.  The  RSL  dropped  its  proposal.35  

                                                                                                               33    Hall  and  de  Heer  are  attached  to  the  School  of  Humanities  and  Social  Science,  The  University  of  New  South  Wales  at  the  Australian  Defence  Force  Academy,  Canberra.  34  Mark  Dodd,   “Tool   to   help   uncover   Vietnam’s  war   dead,”  The  Australian,  March   5,   2010;   “Australian  veterans  help  Vietnam  find  its  war  dead,”  Thanh  Nien  News,  March  13,  2010;  Mark  Dodd,  “Vietnam  vets  find   ‘wandering   souls’,”  The  Australian,   July   20,   2010;   “Australian   vets   create   virtual  map   of   Vietnam’s  ‘wandering  souls’,”  Thanh  Nien  News,  August  13,  2010;  David  Ellery,  “Search  goes  on  for  Vietnam’s  MIAs,”  The  Canberra  Times,  January  19  2011;  Tom  Hyland,  “Diggers  offer  peace  at  last  for  ‘wandering  souls’,”  The  Sydney  Morning  Herald,  April  24,  2011;  Tom  Hyland,  “Peace  at  last  for  souls  lost  in  war,”  The  Sunday  Age,  April  24,  2011;  “One  Good  Turn…,”  Vietnam  Veterans  Peacekeepers  &  Peacemakers:  Official  Journal  of  the  Vietnam  Veterans  Federation  of  Australia,  September  2001,  20-­‐21;  and  “More  beloigings  of  fallen  soldiers  returned  to  Vietnam,”  People’s  Army  Daily  Online,  November  22,  2014l  35   Ian  McPhedran,   “Vietnam  veteran   fury  over  RSL’s   ‘betrayal’.”  The  Daily  Telegraph,  October  18,  2011;  Sean  Nicholls,  “RSL  plan  outrages  Vietnam  veterans,”  The  Sydney  Morning  Herald,  October  18,  2011;  Mark  Dodd,   “Digger   fury   forces   RSL   to   retreat   on   Vietnam,”   The  Weekend   Australian,   October   22023,   2011;  “RSL   abandons   Vietnam   agreement,”   The   Sydney   Morning   Herald,   October   26,   2011;   and   “Vietnam-­‐Australia   veterans   link   dumped.”   Australia   Network   News,   ABC   Asia   Pacific   News   Centre,   October   26,  2011.  

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Part  3  Enhancing  the  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership  Prime  Minister  Nguyen  Tan  Dung  made  an  official  visit   to  Australia  at  the   invitation  of  Prime  Minister   Tony  Abbott   from  March   16-­‐18,   2015.36   According   to   the   official   joint  communiqué  issued  after  their  discussions,  the  two  leaders  witnessed  the  signing  of  the  Declaration  on  Enhancing  the  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Comprehensive  Partnership  and  agreed  to  establish  a  Strategic  Partnership  in  the  future.  

According   to   “Declaration   on   Enhancing   the   Australia-­‐Vietnam   Comprehensive  Partnership,”  the  “Enhanced  Comprehensive  Partnership…  reflects  the  current  dynamics  of   our   region   and   a   more   mature   bilateral   relationship.   A   second   Plan   of   Acton   will  deliver  new  and  refocused  priority  areas  of  cooperation.”  

The   Declaration   on   Enhancing   the   Comprehensive   Partnership   is   divided   into   five  sections  in  addition  to  a  preamble.  The  preamble  declares:  

“Australia   and   Vietnam   have   mutual   interests   in   regional   security,   stability,   and  economic  growth.  Both  countries  benefit  from  a  secure  and  stable  regional  environment  that  respects  sovereignty  and   international   law.  Both  countries  recognize  there  remain  significant  challenges  to  achieving  a  stable,  peaceful  and  prosperous  region.”  

The  preamble  notes  that  Australia  and  Vietnam  “will  continue  to  work  in  partnership  to  shape   the   future   of   the   region   and   broader   global   environment”   through  multilateral  institutions   such   as   the   Association   of   Southeast   Asian   Nations   (ASEAN),   Asia-­‐Pacific  Economic  Cooperation  (APEC),  and  the  East  Asia  Summit  (EAS).  

The  preamble  also  commits  Australia  and  Vietnam  to   implement   the  ASEAN-­‐Australia-­‐New   Zealand   Free   Trade   Agreement,   and   complete   a   “balanced   and   comprehensive  Trans-­‐Pacific   Partnership  Agreement   (TPP)   and   the  Regional  Comprehensive  Economic  Partnership  (RCEP).”  

Section   1   of   the   joint   declaration   is   the   longest   of   the   four   sections   and   focuses  exclusively  on  bilateral  relations.  Point  1.2,  for  example,  commits  both  sides  to  increase  the   “exchange  of  high-­‐level   visits   and  working-­‐level  dialogue  between   the  Communist  Party,  Government  and  National  Assembly  of  Vietnam  and  the  Parties,  Government  and  Parliament  of  Australia.”  

Point  1.3  commits  both   sides   “to  engage   in  dialogue  and  cooperation  on  defense  and  security   matters,   navigation   and   aviation   security   and   safety   in   the   region,   law  enforcement  and  transnational  crime.”      

                                                                                                               36   This   section   is   based   on   Carlyle   A.   Thayer,   “Australia   and   Vietnam   Enhance   Their   Comprehensive  Partnership,”   The   Diplomat,   March   17,   2015.­‐and-­‐vietnam-­‐enhance-­‐their-­‐comprehensive-­‐partnership/.    


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Point   1.4   addresses   the   issue   of   human   rights   and   pledges   continued   support   for   the  Australia-­‐Vietnam   Dialogue   on   International   Organisations   and   Legal   issues,   Including  Human  Rights.37  

Points   1.5-­‐1.9   address   people-­‐to-­‐people   linkages,   the   Vietnamese   community   in  Australia,   science   and   technology   cooperation,   education   and   training   and   legal  cooperation,  respectively.  

Points   1.10   to   1.12   identify   three   new   areas   of   cooperation:   (1)   food   standards   and  safety,  quarantine  and  agricultural   research,   (2)  environmental  protection  and  climate  change,   and   (3)   “finance,   information   and   communication,   natural   resources   and  environment  and  consular  matters.”    

In  Section  2,  Regional  and   International  Cooperation,  Australia  and  Vietnam  pledge   to  work   together   to   develop   the   Indo-­‐Pacific   region’s  multilateral   architecture,   including  the   East   Asian   Summit   “as   a   Leader-­‐led   forum   to   discuss   issues   of   common   interest,  including  security,  economic  cooperation  and  development  in  the  region.”  

The  joint  communiqué  states  that  the  leaders  shared  a  commitment  to  strengthen  the  strategic  and  security  mandate  of  the  East  Asia  Summit.  

Point   2.4   directly   addresses   shared   security   concerns   over   territorial   disputes   in   the  South   China   Sea.   Both   parties   agreed   on   “the   importance   of   maintaining   peace   and  stability   in   the   region,   and   ensuring   security,   safety   and   freedom   of   navigation   and  aviation,  in  accordance  with  international  law…  without  resorting  to  the  threat  or  use  of  force.”   This   reflects   a   major   Vietnamese   concern   and   a   convergence   on   interests  between  Hanoi  and  Canberra.  

Point  2.4  also  incorporated  ASEAN  boilerplate  policy  statement  on  the  South  China  Sea:  

“Both  countries  call  on  all  parties  to  exercise  self-­‐restraint  and  refrain  from  actions  that  could   increase   tensions   in   the   region.   Both   countries   agree   on   the   urgent   need   to  conclude  a  code  of  conduct  for  the  South  China  Sea.”  

The  joint  communiqué  reiterates  these  policy  statements  on  the  South  China  Sea.  

Point  2.6  commits  Australia  and  Vietnam  to  promote  “sustainable  development  of  the  Mekong  sub-­‐region.”    

Section   3   “Economic   growth,   trade   and   industry   development,”   encourages   a   greater  role  for  the  private  sector  in  nineteen  specific  areas  ranging  from  mining  and  energy  to  electronics  and  telecommunications.  Both  sides  further  agreed  to  exchange  information  on  import  and  export  regulations  to  reduce  unnecessary  duplication  of  controls.  

                                                                                                               37   The  most   recent   Australia-­‐Vietnam   dialogue   on   human   rights   was   held   in   July   2014;   see;   “Vietnam,  Australia  to  compare  notes  on  human  rights,”  ABC  Radio  Australia,  July  28,  2014.  For  a  critical  view  see:  Elaine   Pearson,   “Abbott   has   a   habit   of   honouring   authoritarians.   Will   Vietnam   be   different?,”   The  Guardian,  March  17,  2015.  

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Australia   and   Vietnam   also   gave   their   support   for   more   open   trade   and   investment  through  participation  in  the  World  Trade  Organisation,  APEC,  Asia-­‐Europe  Meeting  and  the  Cairns  Group.  

The   joint   communiqué   announced   that   Australia’s  Minister   for   Trade   and   Investment  would  lead  a  trade  delegation  to  Vietnam  later  in  the  year  to  promote  further  trade  and  investment.  

Section   4   focused   on   development   assistance   and   included   an   Australian   pledge   to  support  Vietnam  in  “its  stated  goal  of  becoming  a  basically  modern  orientated-­‐industrial  country  by  2020”  by  assisting  Vietnam  “to  implement  its  Socio-­‐Economic  Development  Strategy   (2011-­‐2020),   including   through   the   three   breakthrough   areas   of   promoting  human   resources   and   skills   development;   improving   market   institutions;   and  infrastructure  development.”    

Point  4.4  identified  a  new  area  of  cooperation  –  economic  diplomacy.  Both  sides  agreed  to   implement  economic  diplomacy  “through  sharing  experiences  and  capacity  building  activities.”  

Section  5,  Defense,  Law  Enforcement  and  Security  Ties,  contained  six  points.  Point  5.1  committed   both   sides   to   continue   dialogue   and   cooperation   on   defense   and   security  matters,   including   through   the   EAS,   the   annual   Australia   Vietnam   Defense  Ministers’  Meetings,  Australia  Vietnam  Strategic  Dialogue,  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Defense  Cooperation  Talks,  and  the  Australia-­‐Vietnam  Defense  1.5  Track  Diaogue.  

Point   5.2   committed   both   parties   to   “foster   greater   openness   and   cooperation…  through  personnel  exchanges,  officer  training,  and  ship  visits…  (and)  exchange  views  on  regional  and  security   issues  of  mutual  concern  by  maintaining  a  programme  of  regular  consultations  and  visits  at  civilian  official  and  military  levels.”  

Under   Point   5.3   Australia   and   Vietnam   pledged   to   work   together   to   advance   shared  security   goals   through   the   ASEAN   Defense   Ministers’   Meeting   Plus,   the   Expanded  Maritime  Forum  and  the  ASEAN  Regional  Forum.  

Point  5.4  committed  both  parties  to  work  together   in  “aviation  and  maritime  security,  peacekeeping,  counter-­‐terrorism,  special  forces  and  war  legacy  issues.”  

During   Prime   Minister   Dung’s   visit   a   Memorandum   of   Understanding   on   war   legacy  issues   and   a   Memorandum   of   Understanding   on   Peacekeeping   Cooperation   were  signed.  

Point   5.5   dealt   with   cooperation   to   address   “the   significant   and   increasing   threat   of  transnational   crime   (human   trafficking,   narcotics   trafficking,   money   laundering   and  cyber  crime)”  through  increased  sharing  of  information  and  intelligence  

Point  5.6  committed  Australia  and  Vietnam  to  work  bilaterally  and  through  international  fora  to  address  “food  insecurity,  natural  resource  management,  and  the  risk  of  disease,  pandemics  and  natural  disasters.”  

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Part  4  Conclusion  Since  the  establishment  of  diplomatic  relations  between  Australia  and  Vietnam  in  1973  bilateral  relations  have  passed  through  four  major  periods.  During  the  first  period  from  1973-­‐78   Australia   extended   development   assistance   to   Vietnam   and   offered  scholarships   for  Vietnamese   to   study   in  Australia.   The   first   period   saw  both   countries  turn  from  enmity  to  a  degree  of  amity.  

Bilateral  relations  soured  as  a  result  of  Vietnam’s  invasion  and  occupation  of  Cambodia  (December  1978-­‐September  1989).  This  marked  the  second  period  of  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations.   Australia   terminated   its   aid   program   and   joined   ASEAN   in   supporting   a  withdrawal   of   Vietnamese   forces   and   a   comprehensive   political   settlement.   The  withdrawal   of   Vietnamese   forces   from   Cambodia   in   September   set   the   stage   for   a  normalization  of  relation.    

Vietnam’s   withdrawal   from   Cambodia   and   the   Paris   settlement   of   the   Cambodian  conflict  set  the  stage  for  Australia  to  re-­‐engage  Vietnam.  This  marked  the  third  state  in  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations,  1991-­‐2009.  After  1991,  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations  quickly  developed  across   a   number  of   areas   including  political-­‐diplomatic   relations,   economic  (trade  and   investment),  education  and  defence-­‐security.   In   July  1995  Vietnam  became  ASEAN’s   sixth   member;   this   provided   an   additional   context   for   Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations.    

In   2009   Australia   and   Vietnam   agreed   to   formalize   their   bilateral   relations   into  Comprehensive   Partnership.   This   agreement   marked   the   fourth   phase   in   Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations   (2009-­‐2014).  The  agreement  of  a  Comprehensive  Partnership  was  a  political   decision   to   give   recognition   to  what   had  become   in   fact   a   extensive  bilateral  relationship  in  breadth  and  depth.    

The  joint  statement  on  Comprehensive  Partnership  provided  a  coherent  framework  for  the   management   and   prioritizing   of   bilateral   relations.   According   to   the   then   Prime  Minister   Kevin   Rudd,   the   Comprehensive   Partnership   was   based   on   three   pillars:  political-­‐security;  economic  cooperation;  and  people-­‐to-­‐people  with  education  as  key.  

The  following  year  Australia  and  Vietnam  agreed  to  a  Plan  of  Action  covering  the  period  2010  to  2013.  Six  major  areas  of  cooperation  were  set  out:  political  and  public  policy;  economic   growth   and   trade   development;   development   assistance   and   technical  cooperation;   defence   and   security;   people-­‐to-­‐people   links;   and   global   and   regional  agenda.    

For  reasons  that  are  still  unclear,  the  Plan  of  Action  was  not  immediately  renewed  when  “used   by   date”   expired   in   2013.   At   that   time   the   Labor   Government   experienced   a  turnover   in   leaders.  On   June  27,   2013   Julia  Gillard  was   replaced   as   prime  minister   by  Kevin   Rudd.   On   September   13,   2013   the   Liberal-­‐National   Coalition   won   the   federal  elections  and  Tony  Abbott  became  Prime  Minister.  The  new  government  set  a  goal  of  

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bringing  the  federal  budget   into  balance  and  this  resulted   in  a   large  cut   in   funding  for  Australia’s  overseas  development  assistance.  This  impacted  on  Vietnam.  

The  fourth  and  current  period  of  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations  was  inaugurated  with  the  visit   of   Prime   Minister   Nguyen   Tan   Dung   to   Australia   in   March   2015.   At   this   time  bilateral   relations   under   the   2009   Comprehensive   Partnership   had   led   to   a   growing  convergence   of   outlook   between   Australia   and   Vietnam   on   political,   diplomatic,  economic,  development,  and  security  and  defense  issues  at  a  time  of  change  in  the  geo-­‐strategic   environment,   particularly   China’s   rise   and   territorial   disputes   in   the   South  China  Sea.  

Prime  Minister’s  Dung’s   visit   led   to   a   renewed   impetus   in   bilateral   relations.   The   two  prime   ministers   witnessed   the   signing   of   the   Declaration   on   Enhancing   the  Comprehensive  Partnership.  This  document  spelled  out  commitments  and  aspirational  goals  in  five  areas:  bilateral  relations;  regional  and  international  cooperation;  economic  growth,   trade   and   industry   development;   development   assistance;   and   defence,   law  enforcement  and  security.  The  two  sides  will  now  draw  up  a  second  Plan  of  Action  for  the  period  2015-­‐17.  

Both   leaders  agreed   to  consider   raising  bilateral   relations   to  a   strategic  partnership   in  future.   If   and  when   this   takes  place,  Australia-­‐Vietnam   relations  will   enter   a  new  and  fifth  period  of  development.  

The  development  of  Australia-­‐Vietnam  relations  since  1991  demonstrate  the  wisdom  of  Vietnam’s   policy   of   “multilateralizing   and   diversifying”   its   external   relations   adopted  that   year.   At   the   last   national   congress   of   the   Vietnam   Communist   Party   in   2011,  Vietnam   set   the   goal   of   proactively   seeking   international   integration.   Australia   has  played   a   key   role   in   assisting  Vietnam  achieve   this   objective.   Vietnam   is   now  a   lower  middle   income  country  that   is  playing  an   increasingly  constructive  role   in  regional  and  global   affairs.   The   Declaration   on   Enhancing   the   Comprehensive   Partnership   also  underscores   that   Australia,   as   a   middle   power,   is   a   valuable   contributor   to   regional  security,  stability,  and  economic  growth  in  Southeast  Asia  and  the  Indo-­‐Pacific  region  as  well.