Thats My Daddy

That's My Daddy!!! Since I have not been working a steady 9-5 job I have taken the opportunity to spend more time with my family. In doing this I have experienced the great joy of taking my two oldest children to school and putting my youngest on her bus. Well, this one particular day I decided to stand outside and wait for my daughter's bus and enjoy the nice cool weather. The leaves were swaying in the wind and changing colors to announce the beginning of another fall season. While enjoying this awesome view I noticed my child's bus about to pull around the corner. What seemed like a long time (maybe my anxious anticipation) the bus finally stopped in front of the house raised its caution bar and extended the stop sign to let traffic know that children were disembarking from the bus. When I walked up to the bus I heard a small voice say with energy, power and confidence, "That's My Daddy". The bus driver then repeated what my daughter declared while helping her to come down the stairs to greet me. I immediately took note of her confidence and boldness while giving that gorgeous smile she inherited from her mother. Also, how her declaration influenced the bus driver to repeat the same thing my daughter had said, "That's your Daddy" she exclaimed with an energetic shout. I proceeded up the stairs and with additional attention and care picked my baby up and kissed her to let her know how pleased I was with her declaration of boldness and confidence. When we got in the house I started to think about my relationship with, "My Father". Could I proclaim with the same boldness and confidence that my child had in me, and declare, "That's My Daddy"? I immediately tried to think of a scripture and one did not come to mind. So I went to my trusted concordance (I admit I wasn't that spiritual at that very moment) to seek a scripture that exemplified what was ringing in my spirit. So I found 1 Corinthians 8:6 which says,

Transcript of Thats My Daddy

Page 1: Thats My Daddy

That's My Daddy!!!

Since I have not been working a steady 9-5 job I have taken the opportunity to spend more time with my family. In doing this I have experienced the great joy of taking my two oldest children to school and putting my youngest on her bus. Well, this one particular day I decided to stand outside and wait for my daughter's bus and enjoy the nice cool weather. The leaves were swaying in the wind and changing colors to announce the beginning of another fall season. While enjoying this awesome view I noticed my child's bus about to pull around the corner. What seemed like a long time (maybe my anxious anticipation) the bus finally stopped in front of the house raised its caution bar and extended the stop sign to let traffic know that children were disembarking from the bus. When I walked up to the bus I heard a small voice say with energy, power and confidence, "That's My Daddy". The bus driver then repeated what my daughter declared while helping her to come down the stairs to greet me. I immediately took note of her confidence and boldness while giving that gorgeous smile she inherited from her mother. Also, how her declaration influenced the bus driver to repeat the same thing my daughter had said, "That's your Daddy" she exclaimed with an energetic shout. I proceeded up the stairs and with additional attention and care picked my baby up and kissed her to let her know how pleased I was with her declaration of boldness and confidence. When we got in the house I started to think about my relationship with, "My Father". Could I proclaim with the same boldness and confidence that my child had in me, and declare, "That's My Daddy"? I immediately tried to think of a scripture and one did not come to mind. So I went to my trusted concordance (I admit I wasn't that spiritual at that very moment) to seek a scripture that exemplified what was ringing in my spirit. So I found 1 Corinthians 8:6 which says,

Page 2: Thats My Daddy

"yet for us there is (but) one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we (exist) for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we (exist) through Him.

In all that is being discussed in chat rooms, social media sites, television and radio programs I think the most important thing is not being discussed. And, that is that My Father is over all things and nothing can happen without His say. So, instead of murmuring, complaining and having useless conversations about things that I cannot nor do I have the power to change. I am going to make a conscious choice the next time I am vexed, grieved or depressed to follow the example my baby girl made and say, "That's My Daddy". And just as she did, take comfort in knowing that He is willing to hold me in His arms and take the cares and affairs of this world away. So the next time you are buffeted on every side just take a moment and look around you and rediscover what you know deep down inside, "That's Your Daddy". And, everything is going to be alright.