Tharmal Project File

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  • 7/23/2019 Tharmal Project File


    Training at

    Guru Nanak Dev ThermalPlant


    SUBMITTED TO:- Submitted by:-

    Mechanical Dept. AMANDEEP KAURRoll no.:-21303001

    Class:- B.Tech 3rdyear


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    Guru Nanak Dev thermal power plant is a coal-based plant. The requirement of

    coal for four units based on specific fuel consumption of 0.60 kgk!h. The conve"ing

    and crushing s"stem will have the same capacit" as that of the unloading s"stem.

    The coal comes in as large pieces. This coal is fed to primar" crushers# which reducethe si$e of coal pieces from %00mm to &'0mm. Then the coal is sent to secondar"

    crusher through forward conve"ors where it is crushed from &'0mm to (0mm as

    required at the mills. Then the coal is sent to boilers with the help of primar" fans. The

    coal is burnt in the boilers. )oiler includes the pipes carr"ing water through them*

    heat produced from the combustion of coal is used to convert water in pipes into

    steam. This steam generated is used to run the turbine. !hen turbine rotates# theshaft of generator# which is mechanical coupled to the shaft of turbine# gets rotated

    so# + phases electric suppl" is produced.

    The basic requirements are,-

    uel/coal )oiler 1team turbine Generator 2sh 3andling 1"stem

    4nit au5iliaries 2

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    Due to high rate of increasing population da" b" da"# widening gap

    between power demand and its availabilit" was one the basic reason

    for envisaging the G.N.D.T.. for the state of un7ab. The other factorsfavouring the installation of thermal power station were low initial cost

    and comparativel" less gestation period compared to h"dro electric

    generating stations. The foundation stone of G.N.D.T.. at bathinda was

    laid on &8th November &868# the auspicious occasion of '00th birth

    anniversar" of the great Guru Nanak Dev 9i. The historic town of bathinda was selected for this first and

    prestigious thermal pro7ect of the state due to its good railwa"

    connections for fast transportations of coal# availabilit" of canal water

    and pro5imit" to load center.

    The total installed capacit" of the power station %%0:! with four

    units of &&0:! each. The first unit of the plant was commissioned in

    1eptember#&8;%. 1ubsequentl" second# third and fourth units started

    generation in 1eptember &8;'# :arch &8;

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    G.N.D.T.. won an award of =s. +.&6 crores from Govt. of >ndia for

    better performance in &8ndia# :inistr" of ?nerg" for "ear &8

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    The G.N.D.T.. units are primaril" coal-fired units and the coal consumptionat ma5imum continuous rating per unit is about '< Thr. the coal used at

    G.N.D.T.. is of bituminous and sub-bituminous t"pe and this is received

    some collieries of :.. and )ihar.


    >n order to unload coal from the wagons# two =otaside Tipplers of

    ?lecon make are provided. ?ach is capable of unloading &( open t"pes of

    wagons per hour. Normall" one tippler will be on operation while the other

    will be standb". The loaded wagons are brought to the tippler side b" the

    loco shunters. Then with the help of inhaul beetel one wagon is brought on

    the tippler table. The wagon is tilted upside down and emptied in the hopper

    down below. The tippler is equipped with the integral weighbridge machine.

    The machine consist of a set of weighing levers centrall" disposed relative to

    tippler. The rail platform rests on the weighing girders and free from rest ofthe tippler when the wagon is being weighed. 2fter weighing the loaded

    wagons is tipped and returned empt" to the weighing girders and weighed.

    Thus the difference of gross weight and the tare weight of the wagon

    contents. The tipplers are run b" motors of

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    !2GCN T>@?=

    !hen coal reaches the plant# normal si$e of coal is about '00mm primar"

    crusher &(0mm secondar" crusher ('mm coal mill pulvarisedcoal # feeded in boiler.

    )efore this boiler is preheated with oil upto +'0 E# then oil suppl" is cutdown.


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    Eooling Towers of the power plant are the landmark of the bathinda cit"

    even for a far distance

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    The steam rotates the turbine blades at a high speed of +000 rpm. This

    turns the power generator# which is directl" connected to the turbines# and

    electricit" is produced as a result. This electric power is then deliveredalong power transmission lines and through substations to the homes of

    the customers.

    Turbine is a prime mover for the Generator in the power plant. >n steam

    turbine# the potential energ" of steam is transformed into kinetic energ"and later is transformed into the mechanical energ" of the rotation of the

    turbine shaft. The common turbines are ,-

    &. IMPULSE TURBINE :->n this t"pe of turbine# steam e5pands in the

    no$$les and its pressure does not alter as it moves over the blades.

    (. REACTION TURBINE:- >n this t"pe of turbine# the steam e5pand

    continuousl" as it passes over the blades and thus there is a gradual

    fall in pressure during e5pansion.


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    Different t"pes of steam turbines are used in Thermal ower lant but the ones which are

    used at G.N.D.T.. are categori$ed as follows,-

    Sr. No. Type Of Turbine Turbine !" G.N.D.T.P

    &. 3ori$ontalFertical 3ori$ontal

    (. 1ingle:ulti-c"linder :ulti-c"linder /+ c"linder

    +. >mpulse=eaction >mpulse

    %. EondensingNon-condensing Eondensing

    '. =eheatNon-reheat =eheat


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    T&e tu'b(-)e*e'+t(' '(t(' i, (')ed '(m + ,i*)e /ie0e ( ,/e0i+

    0&'(mium *i0e +*d m(ybde*um +(y ,tee 0+'euy &e+t t'e+ted t(

    (bt+i* t&e 'eui'ed me0&+*i0+ +*d m+)*eti0 /'(/e'tie,. T&e (')i*)

    u*de')(e, + ,e'ie, ( ,t'i*)e*t u+ity 0(*t'( te,t, be('e it i, +00e/ted(' u't&e' /'(0e,,i*). (*)itudi*+ ,(t, +'e t&e* mied '+di+y i* by

    '(t(' b(dy +*d 5i*di*). T&e 6ed 0(i, +'e &ed i* t&e ,(t, +)+i*,t0e*t'iu)+ ('0e by 5ed)e, b(t& m+)*eti0 +*d *(*-m+)*eti0 ty/e, bei*)

    u,ed t( e*,u'e + bette' 5+7e '(m 8u9 di,t'ibuti(*. T&e,e 5ed)e,

    i*di7idu+y 6tted +*d d'i7e* i*t( d(7et+i (/e*i*), m+0&i*ed i* t&e '(t('.


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