THANK YOU FOR CHANGING OUR LIVES WIZO Johannesburg Report/WIZO Annual Report... · 2017-01-17 ·...

WIZO Johannesburg 2016/2017 edition 103 THANK YOU FOR CHANGING OUR LIVES Our Story Continues

Transcript of THANK YOU FOR CHANGING OUR LIVES WIZO Johannesburg Report/WIZO Annual Report... · 2017-01-17 ·...

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WIZO Johannesburg


edition 103


Our Story Continues

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Dear WIZO Member

Please join us for:rd the 103 Annual General Meeting

of WIZO Johannesburgon 15 February 2017in the Beyachad Auditorium2 Elray Street, Raedeneat 9:30am with Israeli Deputy Ambassador Ayellet Blackas our guest speaker

Please stay for tea.

Yours sincerelyAndrea Wainer & Lee JoffeCo-Chair WIZO Johannesburg

RSVP: 011 645 2515 [email protected]


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CHAPTER 1 Our Projects

WIZOIroni Cariera

Day Care CentresNeve WIZO


CHAPTER 2 Stories From Our Branches





CHAPTER 3Shopping for Change

EliseWIZO Goodies


CHAPTER 4Spreading the Light

Even Further

Mother’s DayYom Ha’atzmaut


Collectables MarketThe Rebecca Sieff Awards

Christmas Party at the Hope SchoolWIZO Forum

Lunch and LearnThe WIZO Outreach Reward

A Race to the FinishOur WIZO Johannesburg Staff



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It’s hard to believe that a whole year has gone by so quickly. And what a tumultuous year it has been for us all. The news reveals disaster in every corner of the globe and we all hold our breaths as we watch events unfurl in Israel. No foreign relationship is more important to Israelis than the relationship with the USA and we hope, with Donald Trump at the helm of the most powerful nation in the world, these two countries will work together to advance the security, stability and peace in the Middle East.

As Golda Meir once said, “Create the kind of self you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement”. In our service to WIZO, we are not only creating our best self, we are also using the best of ourselves to create a strong State of Israel through the empowerment of all sectors of Israeli society. As Israeli society continues to experience conflict and terror, new challenges emerge every day, for which WIZO provides the solutions. Let us be thankful for, and proud of, the part we play in the empowerment of Am Israel. Over the past year, WIZO volunteers around the world worked hand-in-hand to touch and change the lives of thousands of children, women, youth, new immigrants and the elderly in Israel. Together we continue to create WIZO miracles by helping all those who need us in the State of Israel and around the Jewish world.

In Johannesburg we have had a busy year. We have hired new staff, moved our office and recreated our gift shop, Elise. We launched our biennial Campaign in June with Adi Altschuler, a social entrepreneur honoured for creating communities of kindness in Israel. Our outreach to the local community included collaborating with The Angel Network on a major fundraiser, our annual Christmas party at the Hope School for the disabled and our latest initiative to identify #ShiningLights - beacons of light who inspire us to be more and do more. So, check us out on Facebook (WIZO Johannesburg) and let us know if there's someone who inspires you!

Since the very beginning, WIZO Federations around the world and in Israel have always looked to their own next generation of chaverot to bring new ideas to the table, to provide fresh solutions and to engage women of their own age to volunteer in the WIZO movement, a movement that must march ever-forward together with the State of Israel. WIZO needs Aviv members to harness the pioneering spirit of tomorrow, to encourage leadership and solidarity, to build upon the foundations laid by our mothers and grandmothers and to take WIZO forward into a future that belongs to them. So, we appeal to you – become a member today and join us, help us to spread the light!

We are so grateful to all those people who worked hard and never gave up to ensure that we would be able to continue to assist our special projects in Israel – our steadfast Executive committee, our dedicated branches, our hardworking staff and our loyal supporters - we salute you and look forward to continuing our mission together with you.

Andrea Wainer and Lee Joffe


To our WIZO Shining Lights

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WIZO Johannesburg Executive Committee

Executive Members

Front Row L-R: Cindy Polakow, Zee Bergman, Janine Rabbie, Andrea Wainer, Lee Joffe, Lorraine Rosmarin. Mushe Kirsh, Annette Price

Back Row L-R: Yvonne Jawitz, Ayala Sharir, Anat Shevel, Helen Maisels Trisk, Yente Super, Molly Jayes, Brenda Trope, Joceline Basserabie, Ethel Amoils, Andy Schwartz, Raya Ravid, Sandra Mindel

Absent: Bev Gamsu, Brenda Levin, Dina Diamond, Gertie Feinstein, Naomi Dinur, Shereen Markowitz, Shulamit Kagan, Hazel Crown, Marcia Parness, Nava Gonen

Hon Life Chairmen Hon Life Vice Chairmen

Annette Price, Marcia Parness Mushe Kirsh, Hazel Crown

Past Chairmen

Sylvia Berzack, Sarah Plehn, Mary Adler, Ethel Balkind, Jeanette Davidoff, Anna Frank, Ray Greenblatt, Lily Joffe, Ray Katz, Jessie Mendelow, Rachiel Rapaport, Deborah Sargorsky, Tilly Joffe, Fan Cohen, Hazel Crown, Muriel Maisels, Marcia Parness, Annette Price, Mushe Kirsh, Lorraine Rosmarin, Vicky Koblenz, Yvonne Jawitz, Molly Jayes, Zee Bergman, Nava Gonen.

Hon Treasurers

Janine Rabbie, Yente Super

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To this day, my mother (now living in London)

maintains contact with her (remaining) fellow WIZO

branch members (the Henrietta Szold branch). These

were bonds that were created over years of group

meetings, fundraising events, and shared laughter and

tears. I too have come to know these women as friends.

I always had the vague idea that these ‘WIZO Women’

raised money ‘for Israel’, but I never really tried to get

to know what WIZO as an organisation actually did, or

thought it had anything much to do with me – I was far too young for all of that!

And then, in 2014 I was invited to a WIZO Johannesburg Yom Ha’atzmaut breakfast. I happened to be

free, so I went. I didn’t know many people; they were mostly about 2 generations older than me! But

they were quite a jolly bunch, the Israeli breakfast was a wonderful spread, the general knowledge quiz

that followed (on topics pertaining to Israel, of course) led to much lively debate, and I won the raffle.

So it was a morning well spent!

At the end of the event, I was gently coerced into becoming a WIZO member. I remember thinking that

perhaps I was one already? Did I pay a yearly membership? Yes? No? Maybe? I wasn’t actually sure.

I certainly wasn’t an active participant up until that point. And then a rather heated discussion ensued

surrounding the topic of which branch I was to join. Would it be the branch of the friend I’d arrived

with, or would it be the Aviv branch, the ‘young’ WIZO branch. Various factors were considered, and it

was decided … I joined the Avivs!

The Avivs are a small branch – just 8 of us – but what we lack in numbers, we make up for in

enthusiasm! We’ve held a variety of fundraisers since I’ve joined, including a book launch, a

motivational event for Women's Day, a flower arranging morning and a Mother’s Day Breakfast,

amongst others.

In my attempt to get to know WIZO better, and understand what it is that we do, I also wanted to get

involved in other aspects of the organisation. As I work in the Social Media sphere, I joined the

Johannesburg WIZO Marketing committee, and also helped with marketing the Elise WIZO Gift Shop.

Then, in November 2015, I joined a group of Joburg members at WIZO’s National Conference in Cape

Town, which was incredible. It really was quite amazing to see that we didn’t work in isolation, but


Yom Ha’atzmaut 2014 - Janice’s journey begins

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were part of a much bigger picture, all working towards a greater cause. I was starting to understand just

what it was that WIZO does.

But nothing was to prepare me for the opportunity that was given to me in November 2016 when I was

asked to attend the International WIZO Aviv Seminar in Israel. This is an annual event, where Aviv

members from various countries gather together to visit some of our projects (e.g. youth villages, day

care centres, shelters for battered women), and to discuss and compare their fundraising ideas and

challenges, while gaining an in-depth look at what the organisation actually does. It was intense,

exhausting, emotional and just … wow!!! Knowing what WIZO does was one thing. Seeing it in action

was an experience that changed my perspective entirely. THIS is where our hearts lie and what drives us

to do what we do!

From where I started out, thinking that WIZO was an organisation for older women, I’ve come a long

way. Once I dispelled that notion, I moved from the vague idea that by joining WIZO I was helping to

‘raise money for Israel’, to the slightly more increased notion of ‘helping women and children in Israel’,

and then again to a further understanding that actually we help ‘at-risk women, youth and children in


I now know that WIZO is so much more than something that can be defined in a single sentence, but if I

was forced to describe what we do in a nutshell, I can safely say: “WIZO saves lives.” We are literally the

beacon of hope for so many who are drowning in a sea of abuse, negativity, self-doubt, violence, neglect

and exploitation. If not for us, where would they turn?

Surely this was not part of Herzl’s vision. Yes, it’s devastating to think that so many in our precious land

of Israel find themselves in these situations. But it would be even more disturbing if those of us who are

so outspoken of our love for Israel sit by and do nothing. By joining WIZO, becoming an active member,

and encouraging others do so, the power is in your hands to improve the lives of these women, youth

and children who are at risk, ensuring that they can turn their lives around and become contributing

members of a flourishing Israeli society.

For a membership fee of just R200 a year, why don’t you join me in becoming a member of WIZO and

help us to turn lives around?

Contact our office on 011 645 2515 today.


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Our Projects

WIZOThe Women’s International Zionist Organization is a non-party/apolitical international movement

dedicated to the advancement of the status of women, welfare for all sectors of Israeli society, and

encouragement of Jewish education in Israel and in the Diaspora. Our goals are to provide for the

welfare of infants, children, youth, women and the elderly; to advance the status of women in Israel; to

strengthen the bond between world Jewry and the State of Israel; and to support the absorption of new


WIZO South Africa sponsors some of WIZO’s special projects in Israel.

Ironi Cariera:This is a diagnostic treatment and rehabilitation centre for delinquent youth from dysfunctional homes.

Situated in Tel Aviv, the centre offers these youth the opportunity to obtain their matriculation

certificates. The youth are taught basic vocational skills in many fields such as hairdressing, videography

and cooking. A team of professionals attends to their psychological and emotional needs. The centre is

often the “last stop” for young people who have been expelled from all other learning institutions. The

youths learn a profession and earn money by baking biscuits, cutting hair, making signage for street

signs, and so on. Often they are the only breadwinners in their family. Once they graduate, they receive

a certificate from the Israeli Ministry of Labour and are able to earn a living with the skills they have


These young people have a number of things in common: they all come from disadvantaged,

sometimes traumatic backgrounds and they do not fit into the regular school system. Although they

come from different nationalities and religions, they are brought together in a caring environment to

learn, and are encouraged to become focused achievers in their chosen careers so that they can

become proud and self-sufficient members of Israeli society.

They respond to encouragement and help which they receive from lecturers, counsellors and

therapists. To see young Jewish and Arab students in class with refugees from the Sudan, all honing their

skills in the various courses on offer, is to see a microcosm of how peoples and nations should interact.



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Moshe*, a second year student in the “Chef” course, is an intelligent and responsible young man.

Following his father’s violence at home and subsequent divorce of his parents, there was a role reversal

and Moshe began to serve as the father figure at home. He took upon himself the financial burden of

supporting his mother and brothers. In school, Moshe’s culinary talents came to the forefront. He was

also integrated into music classes and admits that this is the only place he feels that the burden of being

a de facto parent is lifted from his shoulders and he can connect to being a teen again. Already working

as a sous-chef in a restaurant in Tel Aviv, Moshe will soon receive his formal chef’s diploma and hopes to

work in one of Tel Aviv’s international hotel chains, thanks to WIZO Ironi Cariera.

Day-Care Centres:These centres provide day-care facilities for hundreds of mothers, new immigrants and children from

problematic families as well as ordinary Israeli citizens. In their formative years, the children receive the

education, enrichment and care they need. The day-care facilities have an excellent reputation in the

country as being the best-run nursery schools and day-care centres. In poorer neighbourhoods, they

are often the only source of a hot meal for the children, and the parents are encouraged to come and

share the meal with their children. Special

programmes have been designed to teach

parents how to take care of their babies and

older children as well as teaching them how

to prepare nutritional meals for their

families. One day-care facility also has a

special section which caters to the needs of

autistic children. The three day-care centres

which South Africa sponsors are: Chorley

DCC in Kfar Saba, Raya Jaglom DCC in

Jerusalem, and Inez Bernstein (Weizman)

DCC in Tel Aviv.

Last year three siblings, Anna*, Ben* and Chen* were referred by the welfare agencies to the Raya

Jaglom DCC. Their mother, who is blind, recently gave birth to a fourth child and the family has severe

financial and functional difficulties. Anna, Ben and Chen enjoy playing with the toys and games at the

day-care centre that their parents can’t afford to buy them. The caregivers are very proud that they are

able to provide these children with warm, secure and loving care at the day-care centre. In addition to

the devoted care afforded Anna, Ben and Chen, their caregivers pay special attention to the children’s

cleanliness and ensure they eat hot meals daily. The staff teach the siblings about shapes and colours

and read stories to them, activities that children from normative families usually participate in with

parents at home. The staff are determined that when Anna, Ben and Chen leave the day-care centre,

they will have the necessary tools to enter the public school system at the proper level.


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Neve WIZOThis project consists of 5 townhouses (the fifth one being a

recent addition to the group) that provide a warm home and

substitute family for children who have been removed from

their homes by court order. The location of these homes is kept

confidential in order to keep the children safe and secure. Neve

WIZO is home to 32 children, ranging in age from 4 to 18 years.

They are taken in by married couples who function as foster

parents, providing a warm and stable environment. The

protective framework instils hope and courage in the children,

helping them to overcome past hardships and reach their full


The children attend the school in the neighbourhood, and take part in all extra-murals and sports, just

like any other children. There are 8 or 9 children in each house, ranging in age from 3 to 18, as well as

the house-parents’ biological children. The children live in a very nurturing environment and receive all

the necessary rehabilitative therapy to empower them to move beyond their problems.

Sarit* and her two younger brothers were removed from their parents' home by welfare authorities

when she was six years old due to serious parental dysfunction and neglect. The children were placed

in a Neve WIZO family unit, where they lived with foster parents. Throughout her years at Neve WIZO,

Sarit maintained telephone contact with her biological parents. Sarit’s parents separated and are in no

position to be able to provide emotional or financial support to their children; her mother suffers from

health problems and cannot function on her own, and her father works only sporadically and lives in a

small apartment. Since arriving at Neve WIZO, Sarit has come a long way. Initially, she studied in a small

special education class. Slowly, and with the help of expert intervention, she was transferred to a

regular class. She began to excel in her studies and completed high school with a full matriculation

certificate and honours. Today Sarit is a happy and responsible teenager who has used her experiences

to work as a senior counsellor with children and youth in the local cultural centre over the past few

years. She is about to join the army, an accomplishment which will provide her with a range of

opportunities and a bright and optimistic future in Israeli society. After military service, Sarit plans to

study social work at university.


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BEIT HALOCHEMBeit Halochem Centres in Israel provide a place where disabled soldiers and victims of terror can

participate in sports and related activities suited to their individual disabilities. Beit Halochem serves

over 51 000 members across Israel in excellently equipped centres which cater for the whole family, not

only the victim.

After the injured leave hospital, they come to our Beit Halochem sports, rehabilitation and cultural

centres in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Beer Sheba. They provide a ‘home away from home’ for the

severely injured. Each Beit Halochem centre ranges in size from 5,500 square metres to 10,000 square


Caring and expertly-trained staff supervise innovative therapies to help rehabilitate severely-maimed

veterans of Israel’s many wars and victims of terrorist attacks emotionally, psychologically and


These young heroes need specialised therapy and

rehabilitation, often for the rest of their lives. The

centre also has outstanding sporting facilities with

coaches who train paraplegic athletes in many

different sports. Many of Israel’s elite paralympic

athletes train and play at the Beit Halochem centres.

Sports programmes make a major contribution to

successful rehabilitation by maintaining the

members’ physical fitness and preventing

deterioration of their health.

The Beit Halochem centres are a place of sanctuary for both the injured and their families, enormously

important to the recovery process. Offering an array of sporting, cultural, social and rehabilitation

facilities, they serve to assist members to maintain physical fitness and emotional well-being. Most

centres house an auditorium, multipurpose gymnasium, classrooms, fitness rooms, swimming pool,

occupational therapy unit, physical therapy unit, cafeteria, offices and a social wing. While a father is

receiving therapy or being taught how to cope with his disability, his wife could be meeting with a

psychologist to help her cope with the problems of living with a person with a disability while the

children can play in the playgrounds provided.

* Names changed to maintain confidentiality.


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Stories From Our Branches


Our branch is a busy, vibey, dynamic

bunch: Bev Gamsu, Cindy Polakow,

Dina Diamond, Janice Leibowitz,

Lauren Winterstein, Shereen

Markowitz and Tracey Lurie.

We’ve had a relatively quiet year,

team-wise, although everyone’s

been doing their bit behind the

scenes. 4 of our members, Cindy,

Dina, Bev and Shereen serve on the

WIZO Executive Committee, and

Cindy is also involved practically full time in the Elise WIZO Gift Shop.

Our main event this year was our extremely successful, SOLD OUT Tribute to Mothers Breakfast, which

we held in May. This beautiful event was also a tribute to the dedicated hours that the team put into

ensuring that this would be a memorable morning for all who attended. With delicious food, stunning

decor, special gifts for all, a powerhouse of an MC in Benita Levin, and a unique, inspiring guest speaker

in Renchia Droganis, founder and CEO of Africology, we certainly achieved our goal. We are so

appreciative of all our wonderful sponsors and guests for supporting us.

The funds raised from this wonderful event were allocated specifically to one of our projects in Israel,

Neve WIZO. Bev Gamsu recently visited the project and we were all truly proud to see the photos

of Joburg Aviv’s new leaf on their special sponsorship tree in recognition of the funds they

received from our Tribute to Mothers Breakfast.

Every year, World WIZO Aviv holds its International Seminar in Tel Aviv. We’re thrilled that

we were able to send Janice Leibowitz to attend. She returned with fresh, innovative

and inspirational ideas for our Avivs in the new year!



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The Cyrildene Branch is an active branch of 14 enthusiastic ladies. We started the year off with a well attended AGM, at which the office holders were elected. Later in the year it was decided to add Judy Kowitz as co-treasurer to assist Muriel Berghaus.

To raise the funds to help support the WIZO projects in Israel, we sell goods at the various functions organised by WIZO Johannesburg branches.

The main component of our sales is that of serviettes, supplemented by the inclusion of credit card holders, scarves, pashminas, gift bags and seasonal goods such as water bottles, fans, etc.

As the number of fora held by WIZO has been reduced, we are always on the search for additional fundraising outlets. We thank the Minnie Bersohn Nursery School for allowing us to sell serviettes there before Pesach and Rosh Hashana. Hopefully we will be able to find additional outlets in the future. Evelyn Furman volunteered to sell serviettes for our branch and she has sold a large amount with verve and panache. Thank you Evelyn, you are a star.

This year we revived our book sale and, despite a number of obstacles on the day, we held a successful sale. In 2017 we intend to hold two sales at the Benmore Shopping Centre.

Meetings of the branch are held every three weeks, at which the indomitable Gertie Feinstein, our Executive Liaison Officer, reads Hasbarah. In Gertie’s absence, Molly Jayes always has an article to read to us.

Our branch was active in selling WIZO diaries and Jackpot tickets. Yente Super was honoured at the Rebecca Sieff Awards Ceremony for 40 years of service to WIZO. Thanks go to our hard-working band of bright, cheerful ladies: Myra Kaplan, Essie Abrams, Anthonette Salkinder, Sylvia Kahn and Yente Super, spearheaded by Freda van Niekerk. They spend countless hours driving, sourcing, buying, checking and selling our goods. Our branch is lucky to have Gillian Katz as our secretary. Her minutes are meticulously prepared and are most enjoyable. Thank you to Sylvia for chairing our meetings when Yente is away.

May we continue to contribute whatever we can to our projects in Israel.



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2016 was a very difficult year for us as most of our active

members were ill for long periods of time. We

nevertheless managed to raise enough money to sponsor

a child for the year. As usual, we did this through cultural


For the first 5 or 6 weeks we were shown videos of Israel

wars. Soon after this Len Segal fell very ill and spent a

number of weeks in hospital. He is better now thank G-d

and promised to help us next year “Im Yirtze Hashem”.

Shulamit Kagan also read a memory of her taking part in the rebuilding of Biria. This was a religious

Palmach Kibbutz, the members of which worked in agriculture for half of the day and had military

training during the other half. They naturally had arms, which the British had declared illegal. The

British army broke into the kibbutz, confiscated the arms and destroyed the kibbutz. The Hagana then

organised young people to rebuild the kibbutz. As soon as the kibbutz was built, the British army

destroyed it again - it was a sort of ping pong! Shulamit belonged to one of the Jewish Groups. She

wrote about it some time ago and read this to the group.

Our thanks go to Rona Shain for providing us with a beautiful tea as a mark of her gratitude to Hashem

for some good things that happened to her. Thanks also to the ladies who see to our tea week in week

out. You encourage us with your continued presence.

With Zion’s greetings.

The Etgar branch has 13 members, all actively

involved in raising funds for WIZO. The members

are also involved in WIZO Johannesburg

activities. Lee Joffe, Helen Maisels Trisk, Anat

Shevel and Zee Bergman serve on the WIZO

Johannesburg Executive.

Fundraising this year included:

“Walk For WIZO” held in March at Huddle Park.

Walkers were given T-shirts, and there were

numerous people of all ages. There was a great

vibe and it was wonderful to see people coming

together in the fresh air for an organisation we all

care about, and of course, ultimately, for Israel!


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It has been a quieter year for Ilanit as a branch but not for WIZO

as we have been sharing our girls with Elise Gift Shop and WIZO,

but with a flutter we awoke with some very special goodies.

Our wrapping paper and cards, as well as our Rosh Hashana Gift

of Simanim Cards and Serviettes have sold so well through Elise

and we are raring to go with our new creative ideas.

Our WIZO Candle Box. Packed

with all a girl would need to cast

a bright light on Shabbat, we’ve

created a hand crafted candle box complete with candles, brochas,

matches, candle holders and tzedakah box. A place for everything.

My Latest Artwork. Share your child’s art with pride! It’s a perfect way to

showcase your child’s works of art – and keep them safe too! Every time

your child comes home with a new picture, just slot it into the frame for

everyone to see. Whether you choose a white frame, complete with glass

and ready to go, or a frame for your child to decorate their way, My Latest

Artwork frame will make sure every special picture has pride of place!

With the pioneering spirit of women with a mission, we, Andy Schwartz, Andy Wainer, Barbara

Solomon, Beulah Spark, Jill Suttner, Karen Shafer, Margo Snoyman, Merle Niss and Nadia Jacobs,

continue to strive to improve and enrich the lives of those around us and we draw strength from those

who support and stand by our side. Thank you for your support in the past and we are so looking

forward to a great year in 2017.

Our Annual Golf Day (convened by Zee Bergman and Anat Shevel) was held this year at Killarney Country

Club in association with the Angel Network and this was a an extremely successful fundraising event.

The much anticipated Annual Garden Day (convened by Helen Maisels Trisk and Michelle Maserow) is

always one of our most successful events, and this year we visited two exquisite gardens in Westcliff.

Guests were treated to a talk by renowned landscaper Patrick Watson, followed by a sumptuous tea.

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Unfortunately we have to report that the Johannesburg North Branch is almost non-existent as many of our members have passed away which only leave us with a few stalwarts. We are however carrying on with the assistance of the “new” girls, Cindy, Andy and Margo.

The Elise WIZO Gift Shop was completely refurbished and is more user-friendly, attracting many more customers. We have a large range and variety for the Christmas season which is almost upon us.

We would like to thank all the volunteers who help at the shop on a regular basis as well as those who help during the busy season. A big thank you to Maureen Shapiro and Sonia Janet for their invaluable help in the shop. It is a pleasure having them there. Also thank you to Johnson Muvhaga our driver.

Thanks to Zelma Meinstein who has been the pillar of the branch and has kept us on the straight and narrow. A special thanks to Siggy Meinstein whose assistance with our accounts has been unwavering. Lorraine Shain and Ethel Amoils as co-chairs work in collaboration, and we appreciate each others’ input, advice and assistance. We hope to continue to do this for as long as possible.


TZABARDue to the fact that Tzabar has no chairman, it is run by a committee of ex-chairmen all going out of their way to do their very best.

We started the year by selling tickets to Bad Jews, a play that took place at the Theatre On The Square in Sandton. The show was extremely well attended, and enjoyed by all.

ndOur AGM took place at Nava Gonen’s house on the 2 March. Our guest speaker was Ari from Hatzola who spoke about CPR and the vital importance of saving lives. Most of the ladies

who attended paid their membership fees and a delicious tea was served in true Tzabar tradition.

On March 12, the visiting singing group Gvanim sang songs from our beloved Israel. This concert took place at the World of Yamaha – an absolutely stunning and unique venue. It was an evening to remember.

thOn the 26 June, Tzabar hosted our dear friend Harry Sideropoulos’s show, The Whole Megilla - the Oys and Joys of being a Good Shabbos Goy. What a truly memorable event this was, as we laughed together (and shed a tear or two) at the ups and downs of what it means to be part of our very special, diverse Jewish community, and how we embrace each other despite all our differences, together with our friends from neighbouring communities too!

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We have had a wonderful and inspiring year filled with educational and enjoyable events.

Our year started off with Kate Emmerson’s “Ditch Your Glitch”, a practical and life-changing guide which gave us useful tools to help de-clutter and simplify our lives. These were realistic and feasible day-to-day suggestions that could help us to ‘clean up our act’.

Next, Clem Sunter (always a firm favourite) had the audience spellbound by his scenario

presentation on how the past has such a distinct impact on our future.

We were warmly welcomed into the home of Joceline Basserabie to have our taste-buds scintillated by the delicious delectables of Karen Schneid from Ooh La La. Wow! What a treat! It was a full house and we were all captivated by Karen’s tales of her travels to find only the finest recipes and ingredients for her ever-increasing market of discerning buyers waiting back home. There were tasters for all, and each guest took home a very generous gift box with scrumptious delights inside.

Sharon Glass gave 2 excellent Rosh Hashana demonstrations, with a slant towards the constantly growing trends of health awareness: no sugar, little artificial ingredients and simple recipes to encourage our cooking for Yom Tov. We thank you Sharon for your very generous donation.

Special thanks to the Women Inspired team who work tirelessly and enthusiastically throughout the year: Joceline Basserabie, Merlene Daniel, Lesley Fine, Ilana Kruger, Lorraine Rosmarin, Maureen Shaftoe and Brenda Trope.

We look forward to continued inspiration in the coming year!


MAZAL TOV to all members who have celebrated smachot this past year - bar- and bat- mitzvahs, engagements, weddings, births of children and grandchildren - may you continue to derive much nachas from your loved ones.

CONDOLENCES: WIZO extends heartfelt condolences to members and their families who suffered bereavements during the last year. We also remember the soldiers and citizens of Israel who lost their lives through enemy action and terrorist attacks, and our beloved leader Shimon Peres. We mourn with parents who have lost children and children who have lost parents and pray that Hashem comforts them amongst the mourners of Zion and brings peace to our people.


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Elise WIZO Gifts - we’ll find the perfect gift for you!

High-quality gifts for every occasion, corporate or personal, from birthdays to thank-you’s, from anniversaries to baby gifts. Each gift helps heal broken lives through WIZO projects.

It’s be an exciting year for Elise. With the generous help of great creatives, we have an elegant new logo and stationery which will slowly be phased in. For those of you who have visited us in the past few months you’ll know that our shop has quite a new look. We pushed back the walls to reveal our busy bustling work room and you can shop and chatter to the wrappers at the same time. A fresh coat of paint, some new accessories and the shop is an intriguing space to explore. This great WIZO success, which was started and run by the Johannesburg North Branch for over 50 years has been scooped up under the wing of WIZO Johannesburg as the dedicated Johannesburg North Branch hand the torch to the willing and able volunteers and staff of WIZO Johannesburg. Thanks to the passion

and experience of the torch bearers, the newies are learning the art of the trade and are reaching for the high standards set before them. You can find Elise shopping news on our Elise WIZO Gift Shop Facebook page, Joburg Jewish Mommies and the WIZO website Elise shopping page. Shoppers are loving the wares and loving the fact that there is a deeper meaning to shopping, aren’t we the happy shoppers now! We always knew that shopping holds the key to happiness!! Thank you all for your amazing support. We love serving you, wrapping for you and just making pretty for you.

Spread the love and remember us when arranging your Corporate Gifting for Christmas, New Year and for any other special occasion. May we together go from strength to strength. We look forward to hearing any suggestions and feedback, we are in the service of our community and the hopeful hearts that await our support.

Call: 011 640 2760 and visit: Genesis Centre, Level LG, Shop B206, Bradfield Drive, Fairmount.

Shopping for Change

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WIZO Goodies

"Woman of valour, who shall find? Her value is far beyond pearls."

"For a hundred generations I dreamt of you Jerusalem, hoping to see the light of your face."

"May there be peace within your walls and prosperity within

your palaces."

"Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all that love her."

"She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue”

Our WIZO office is stocked with some amazing goodies for you. Some of our last year favourites were a sell out but… you’re in luck, we have beautiful 2017 diaries, gift cards and gift wrap (exclusive to WIZO) and our forever loved International Goodwill recipe book. You can also get our exclusive candle boxes and “My Latest Artwork” frames from the office.

Our beautiful selection of gift cards and certificates, some illustrated by renowned artists, are meaningfully worded for any occasion, from a birth to a Bar Mitzvah, from birthdays to anniversaries or for any Yom Tov.

Why don't you get yourself a WIZO Tzedakah tin to fill up and help turn lives around with all your unwanted coins?

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Yet another successful Jackpot! Tickets sold for 6 draws of half the

pot. Lucky winners were announced at our Extended Council Meeting

in Johannesburg in November:

Bella Bergman (seller Merle Katz), Lawrie Brozin (seller Leah Lurie),

Jack Bloom (seller Tzippi Bloom), Felicity Isserow (own book), Tamir

Schwartz (seller Andy Schwartz), Rael Super (seller Yente Super).

Wizebuys, our ‘nearly new’ shop in Raedene, is run by our

bubbly, energetic Petronella Luhabe. She is ably assisted by

Merle Niss and together they are recycling goods and

upcycling lives! They have a great range of clothes for adults

and children, books, toys and household items. We are

always looking for new stock and are grateful to all those

who have helped by donating to the shop.

A special thank you to the Minnie Bershon Nursery

School for the amazing collection they did for us this year.

If you have gently loved items that are looking for new

owners, please consider donating to our Wizebuys

shop. Please call our office on 011 645 2515 if you’d like

us to collect.

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Mothers DayOnce again, we teamed up with King David Sandton to sell sweets and gifts packed in stunning bags for Mothers Day. Thanks to Bev Gamsu who co-ordinated this fundraiser.

Yom Huledet Sameach L’Yisrael!!

WIZO Johannesburg celebrated Yom Ha’Atzmaut at the beautiful home of Hayley Klotnik this year. After an enjoyable and amusing warm-up, we were inspired by an absolutely incredible and uplifting video of an address presented by Sarah Tuttle-Singer, New Media Editor of The Times of Israel.

And then ... on to food! A demonstration by 2 of our talented members of how to make 2 different types of hummus. Yes, completely from scratch! After this, everyone wasted no time before tucking into the delicious spread, including the just-made hummus, freshly fried felafel, scrumptious cakes and gorgeous biscuits.

It really was a celebration most fitting for our beloved Israel on her 68th birthday!

Yom Haatzmaut - Fun Falafel Function

Spreading the Light Even Further

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Inspiring Campaign Launch

A capacity crowd packed the ENS Auditorium for the launch of WIZO’s 2016/2017 biennial campaign.

Launching the Campaign was 29-year-old Israeli social entrepreneur, educator and activist Adi Altschuler, voted in 2014 as one of Time Magazine’s six future young world leaders. Today Altschuler is the Google Economic Platform Lead in Israel and was formerly the head of Google Education.

Altschuler spoke about the two prominent initiatives which she established in Israel: Krembo Wings, the first and only Israeli Youth Movement for Special Needs children, which she set up at the age of 16, and Memories@Home, a project in which young people invite Holocaust survivors into their homes on

Holocaust Remembrance day and hold discussions on the significance of keeping the Holocaust alive. This has led to the establishment of many strong bonds being created between the young participants and the Survivors.

The audience was riveted by her presentation, by her energy, by her remarkable achievements and her passion for changing and improving lives. There are today at least 5000 young Israelis who are part of her Krembo Wings Movement.

As an extraordinary Agent for Change, Altschuler’s talk reflected the embodiment of WIZO whose focus is to change and improve the lives of the vulnerable and less fortunate through a range of initiatives. WIZO SA supports Day Care Centres, Schools, Shelters for Abused Women, Foster Homes, Technical Training Colleges and after-school facilities.

Helen Maisels Trisk, Vice President of WIZO SA spoke about WIZO’s many programmes in Israel and their high standards of excellence and care. “We trumpet our Jewish sense of compassion,” she said. “We change the lives of women and children, of the vulnerable and the weak, at all stages of their lives ... and we never ever take that away”.

She said that all WIZO facilities are real and that they do not simply live in the minds of the donors. “They exist, they are real. The standard of support needs both emotional commitment and financial endorsement if we are to maintain them”.

As an NGO with Observer Status at the United Nations, Maisels stressed that WIZO promotes the empowerment of women and that “the pumping heart of its rank and file believes in equality for women in all spheres of life and equally, its membership is marked by inclusiveness and a shared Jewish Spirit”.

Altschuler also addressed an intimate group of prominent business men and women at a beautiful breakfast hosted by Raoul and Bev Gamsu.

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This year, WIZO Johannesburg helped to spread the light by handing out bags of candles containing a beautiful card with the candle lighting brachot and inspirational messages and blessings. These were given to women as they arrived at the Challah Bake and also to various shuls around Johannesburg.

We a d d e d a f u r t h e r d i m e n s i o n to o u r #SPREADINGLIGHT campaign in conjunction with The Shabbat Project, by inviting women around the world to help spread the light by lighting candles and reciting a special prayer for peace in the home, for Israel and the world at large.

This year, we are inviting people to nominate those women in our community who give so selflessly of themselves, bringing light into the world through their good deeds and actions. These women will appear on our WIZO Facebook pages as #SHININGLIGHTS, because their light is one we should share as far and wide as possible!

So we’re asking you to please nominate those women who inspire you and others around them, your shining lights, and we will honour them at a gala function later in 2017. All you need to do is message us via WIZO Johannesburg or WIZO South Africa on Facebook, or you can email us on . [email protected] can’t wait to hear your stories about who's inspiring you locally.


thOn Sunday 13 of November, WIZO wonder women gathered early at the Norwood Mall to unpack and display hundreds of items to sell at our Collectables Market. Many hours were spent collecting, sorting, marking, cleaning, packing, schlepping and pricing in preparation for this highlight on our WIZO Johannesburg calendar. With energy and enthusiasm, the women set to work, selling and having fun – and coffee – along the way.

There are so many people who contributed to making this fundraiser the enormous success that it was. Thank you to Norwood Mall; to the many people who donated items so generously; to those who dedicated countless hours to sorting and marking the goods and to those who came to man the tables and sell the goods; and last, but certainly not least,

to everyone who popped past to find something beautiful to buy and help us to change lives. Most of all, we’d like to thank Yvonne Jawitz who co-ordinated this huge event – only through her untiring efforts could we ensure such a successful day!

Collectables Market

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On the 19th of October, WIZO Johannesburg held a very special event. This event is a particularly special one in WIZO’s calendar as we take time to honour and celebrate women who have devoted so many years to work for the upliftment of women and children in Israel. The room was packed, despite the bad weather with WIZO women (and a man or two!) who came in the rain to pay homage to these special women.

WIZO was started by a woman who took the lead and changed the lives of so many people and the legacy of her courage is still changing and turning lives around.

Helen Maisels Trisk, Vice-President of WIZO SA, spoke about this remarkable woman, Rebecca Sieff.

Rabbi Katz is well known to all of us, particularly as he addresses our Lunch and Learn weekly shiur every Thursday at Beyachad. As this event is all about honouring women, Rabbi Katz spoke about women’s roles in Judaism and how Judaism honours women.

Then it was time for our special ladies to shine! Yente Super and Brenda Trope both received their 40 year awards and Ziona Rosenthal received an award for 60 years of service! The Linksfield Branch, represented by Belle Berlowitz, was also honoured for their many years of service. These women have given of their time and their resources, and have shared their love of Israel and passion for the continuity of the Jewish people. Each one of these women has helped time and again to empower, nurture and change the lives of countless women and children. WIZO Johannesburg salutes these members who have given so many years of unbroken service and dedication to the organisation. Unfortunately, Ettie Perel and Doreen Malin, who were also due to receive their Rebecca Sieff awards, could not join us at the function.

A special certificate was then given to Evelyn Furman, a lady who has been involved with WIZO for so long, we can’t imagine it without her. Evelyn has worked for WIZO on and off for many years and is still doing work for us with our biennial campaign.

Thank you to everyone for joining us to remind ourselves that we all have the power to turn lives around when we work together.

The morning ended with a special celebratory tea.

The Rebecca Sieff Awards

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On the 1st of December, WIZO Johannesburg and the Emunah Ladies Beit Midrash Bat Mitzvah Programme joined together to organise a fabulous Christmas party for the students of The Hope School for the disabled in Westcliff.

As usual, our very special Father Christmas, Bonnie Makolometsa, together with his band of happy helpers (an amazing group of former Emunah Bat Mitzvah girls), was ready to welcome the children as they arrived for the party. They were showered with gifts and sweets and were then treated to a delicious meal kindly donated by Steers. As noisy

chatter filled the room, the most wonderful smiles lit up the faces of both children and adults alike!

Without the assistance of our generous donors, we could not have provided this exciting morning of fun, which even included an impromptu acrobatic display by two of our helpers, adding an extra special element of delight for our thrilled audience!

Christmas Party at the Hope School

“Updates” was the theme of WIZO Forum’s monthly lectures and outings through 2016. The topics were varied and pertinent and the speakers dynamic and professional.

Michael Freeman (Israeli Embassy) began the series with an update on the Israeli/Middle East situation, “Where to from here?”

In the next lectures in the series, Heidi Block updated us on the continuing Mind/Body Connection; Professor Lucille Blumberg allayed our fears, somewhat, of the Zika virus, while Dr Jonathan Klotnick advised on the newest travel tips for health and safety.

To commemorate Yom HaShoah, after the traditional candle lighting, a film on post-war Sweden, “Harbour of Hope” was shown, followed by a talk by Irene Fainman, who was rescued by the Swedish people and whose story is documented in the movie.

Naomi Dinur led us on a virtual tour of the tunnels under Jerusalem in celebration of Yom Yerushalyim and a replica of the Kotel gave everyone an opportunity to place a note in the wall and have it hand delivered to Jerusalem.

In September we visited the Standard Bank Gallery in the city for a wonderful tour of the Matisse exhibition with a personal guide and in October the Rebecca Sieff Awards took place at Chabad Savoy, with Rabbi Katz enlightening everyone on the role of women in Judaism.

We invite the public to attend our monthly Forum lectures for a nominal fee, followed by tea and refreshments and a chance to chat to the guest speaker.

WIZO Forum

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The WIZO Outreach Reward

Chesed is a unique element firmly entrenched into

the heart and soul of the Jewish nation. As Jewish

women, especially, we recognise and align

ourselves with the concept of reaching out to

others. It’s part of our essence and plays a key role in

the ongoing story of our generations.

WIZO Johannesburg constantly strives to

encourage the chesed contributions of school-

going members of our community, and for this very

purpose, we created The WIZO Outreach Reward.

This special award is presented to those young

people who show a keen and dedicated commitment to selflessly fundraising and/or giving of their

time, purely for benefit of others less fortunate than themselves.

Recipients are identified by the schools themselves as deserving of this award, in recognition of the

commitment and compassion they show to others, their identity with the State of Israel, and their all-

around behaviour as that of a mensch.

This year, King David Linksfield elected Gabriella Lipschitz as their award recipient, and both Aerin

Cohen and James Norwitz were the recipients at King David Victory Park.

WIZO representatives were on hand to attend the prize giving ceremonies at both schools, to share a

little bit about the WIZO ethos and to hand over the awards. We are confident that these young people

will continue to carry out acts of kindness and chesed throughout their lives and will encourage others

to do so as well.

What could be better than a delicious lunch peppered with parsha? Rabbi Michael Katz’s ever-popular shiurim cover a range of interesting subjects, from topical news to the upcoming chagim. All are welcome every Thursday.

Lunch and Learn

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And they’re off.... before our WIZO wonder women took a much deserved break, we had a “Day at the

Races” to say thank you for all their support and hard work. Everyone arrived wearing beautiful hats for

the occasion and were welcomed with champagne and orange juice. Each person received betting

sheets and ‘Wizo’s’ - our very own currency - to place their bets on the winning horses. There was much

delight as they watched the races, egging on their favourites to win. The betting was heated and there

were winners galore, all

exc i ted wi th the i r

beautiful prizes! Nava

G o n e n a n d C i n d y

Polakow also won prizes

for their most creative

hats. A slap up tea of

s c o n e s , c u c u m b e r

s a n d w i c h e s a n d

s t r a w b e r r i e s w i t h

cream was served. A

great way to end the

year on a high, looking

forward to 2017 with

energy and enthusiasm.

A Race to the Finish

Our WIZO Johannesburg Staff This year has seen many changes, with new people in the office and an office move. We have faced numerous challenges, but our team works tirelessly to ensure that WIZO Johannesburg continues to function efficiently and that everything runs smoothly.

We could not have done it without the glue that holds us together and keeps us going - our wonderful staff. We look forward to working with you all in the future:

Ÿ Hayley Snoyman, Campaign and Membership Administrator

Ÿ Lauren Phillips, Marketing and PR

Ÿ Batya Cohen, Bookkeeper

Ÿ Jennifer Spagnolo, Executive Administrator

Ÿ Maureen Shapiro, Elise manageress

Ÿ Sonia Janet, Elise manageress

Ÿ Petronella Luhabe, Wizebuys manageress

Ÿ Johnson Mavhaga, Driver

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Thanks for being part of our inspirational journey - the story continues... keep on watching this space!

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Jewish holiday Public holiday

T E W 011 645 2515 [email protected] WIZO Johannesburg JOHANNESBURG, P O Box 29216, Sandringham 2131, South Africa

PBO no. 930014277