Thank You A Powerful Word

Thank you: A “Powerful” Word The influence of this word when looked from statistical point of view may be difficult to quantify. Even if i were to conduct a Pilot to prove it, i would first have to achieve the near impossible : Getting a selected bunch of people who can say a genuine “Thank You”. It’s quite difficult to train people on how to say a “genuine” thank you. Even if i were to manage to get this part right, I need to have two completely identical work places with identically nature people set. Everything about these 2 places need to be similar : Work styles, problems, interpersonal relationships, backgrounds e.t.c I would rather stop the statistical exploration here. When i started observing the power of this word in recent times, it always surprised what all it could achieve : Build bridges/Strengthen Bridges : Our relationships at workplace/home go through many turbulent times. Goodwill one builds in relationships acts like sandbags resisting the strong currents that attempt to break the embankment and cause a breach. So there can be never enough “Thank You”. Say it genuinely as many times possible. Make it a duty to appreciate good work with a clear acknowledgment. You might end up building the world’s strongest invisible bridge. Spreads Happiness: We all agree, every wants to be happy. A janitor, a dishwasher, a plumber, an executive, a CEO and so on.....Saying “Thank you” to some one who opened the door for you, to someone who helped you with some change when u needed some, who waved at you to mention you forgot to turn off your headlights while you were rushing to office on a Monday morning; all these and many such instances give immense happiness to the one who is at the receiving end. It could you saying it now & the very next moment it could be you on the receiving it. Best part of it: It costs nothing. Builds Respect: “Give respect. Take respect” As the famous saying goes, as one respects their acquaintances for whatever they do for you: the garbage collector / the bank cashier / the watchman who opens the gate for you; one can notice that they too will reciprocate in the same coin. So, no matter what one does, every job is a significant one and deserves to be respected. This can do


A take on the most powerful word, which does not cost a rupee,but can turn the world into a better place.

Transcript of Thank You A Powerful Word

Page 1: Thank You A Powerful Word

Thank you: A “Powerful” Word

The influence of this word when looked from statistical point of view may be difficult to quantify. Even if i were to conduct a Pilot to prove it, i would first have to achieve the near impossible : Getting a selected bunch of people who can say a genuine “Thank You”. It’s quite difficult to train people on how to say a “genuine” thank you. Even if i were to manage to get this part right, I need to have two completely identical work places with identically nature people set. Everything about these 2 places need to be similar : Work styles, problems, interpersonal relationships, backgrounds e.t.c I would rather stop the statistical exploration here.

When i started observing the power of this word in recent times, it always surprised what all it could achieve :

Build bridges/Strengthen Bridges : Our relationships at workplace/home go through many turbulent times. Goodwill one builds in relationships acts like sandbags resisting the strong currents that attempt to break the embankment and cause a breach. So there can be never enough “Thank You”. Say it genuinely as many times possible. Make it a duty to appreciate good work with a clear acknowledgment. You might end up building the world’s strongest invisible bridge.

Spreads Happiness: We all agree, every wants to be happy. A janitor, a dishwasher, a plumber, an executive, a CEO and so on.....Saying “Thank you” to some one who opened the door for you, to someone who helped you with some change when u needed some, who waved at you to mention you forgot to turn off your headlights while you were rushing to office on a Monday morning; all these and many such instances give immense happiness to the one who is at the receiving end. It could you saying it now & the very next moment it could be you on the receiving it. Best part of it: It costs nothing.

Builds Respect: “Give respect. Take respect” As the famous saying goes, as one respects their acquaintances for whatever they do for you: the garbage collector / the bank cashier / the watchman who opens the gate for you; one can notice that they too will reciprocate in the same coin. So, no matter what one does, every job is a significant one and deserves to be respected. This can do wonders to you and the world will be willing to go an extra mile for you.

There would lot more if we go on writing. But, as we are confident of saying a “genuine” thank you, let’s have a plan to get to the ideal state:

Exercise: You can do this to test how you are at saying thank you. Do it even if you are confident you do it enough. Take it as a onetime validation.

Create a small tracker with dates listed. As you may not be able to carry the tracker sheet, just ensure you carry a pen when you move around. Whenever you find the opportunity to say a “thank you”, say it and draw a small vertical line on your palm. Let the 5th one be the cross over line for all 4.

End of day, update your count on your tracker. Do it this way for 15 days. 9/10 takers will definitely see the count going up at least by 20%. The reason could be simple. Focus on the problem. Half of it is solved. Repeat this exercise once in every 3 months.

End of year 1 you can see lot more warmth, friendliness, happiness and joy all around you.

Page 2: Thank You A Powerful Word

Trust me, this joy is “Priceless”. Just like the famous Mastercard AD. All the Best.

The rest is ur space. Use it to scribble your experiences after trying the exercise :
