Thanaphon Magazine Portfolio VOL.2

Thanaphon Borihanthanachot Magazine Experience VOL. 2 [email protected] ISSUU.COM/IAMTHANAPHON


“Along 5 years working responsibility of Editor, this portfolio reflects my masterpieces and best articles on one magazine”

Transcript of Thanaphon Magazine Portfolio VOL.2

  • ThanaphonBorihanthanachot

    Magazine ExperienceVol. 2

    [email protected]/iamthanaphon

  • Story form the Cover

    Run Like The WindOn August 7, 1932, an African boy named Abebe Bikila came into this world on the plateau of Ethiopia. He grew up running barefooted on the plains helping his father heard their sheep. Poverty drove Abebe Bikila to enlist in the military where his athletic skills brilliantly shone for the military track and fields. In the 16th Olympic Games held in Rome, Italy, Bikila was called in to fulfill his duty as one of the members of the national team and hastily flown to Rome.

    Before racing in the 42.195 kilometer marathon, Bikila couldnt find tracking shoes that fit so he decided to compete barefooted. At the starting point, he was an unknown black runner standing among well known European medal winners. The first 10 kilometers, he was running along side the pack. The last 20 kilometers, he was running shoulder to shoulder with the Moroccan runner. The last kilometer before reaching the finish line, Bikila increased his stride and overtook his competitor with the time of 2 hours15 minutes and 16.25 seconds breaking the Olympics record by 8 seconds. He was the first black African runner to receive a gold Olympic medal. The steady rhythmic sound of Bikilas bare feet hitting the ground echoed in the minds of the audience that faithful day.

    Published on Editors TalkLongstay Guide Magazineissue75, October 2013Article by Mr.Thanaphon Borihanthanachot

  • Along 5 yeArs working responsibility of editor, this portfolio reflects my mAsterpieces And best Articles on one mAgAzine

  • Life is Like A Magazine

  • M r . T h a n a p h o n B o r i h a n T h a n a c h o TB o o k D e s i g n e r a n d pa r t t i m e E d i t o r

  • issue57, april 2012

  • Flora KitchenFlowers are so versatile. We use them for medicinal purposes and we can even use them to moisturize our skin. We use the colors that were extracted to dye fabric and paint pictures. Were constantly surrounded by flowers for all occasions. Flowers brighten up our days in weddings, birthdays and various celebrations throughout the year. Even in morning, we are consoled by flowers to share the sudden grief. The use of flowers is inseparable from the typical Thai household. Flowers are essential for religious and ceremonial worshiping. They are used to brighten up any households, welcome friends and family members as well as impress visiting guests from near and far. Flowers have long played important roles in Thai society since the early days. Their amazing values lie not only in the aromatic fragrance and brilliance of colors that we admire so much, they have nutritious values too.

  • issue58, May 2012

  • Spirit of BuddhaThe holy teaching of Buddhism is inseparably integrated into the social, traditional, and cultural aspects of daily life for the Thai people. Buddhism is like a compass or a guiding light to a path of righteousness, prosperity and tranquility for a loyal follower and society. The tranquility in Thai society stems from a deep foundation that has coexisted with daily living for centuries. The religious institution has become an important part of the Thai identity so well recognized and accepted by the international world. The Thai open minded quality supported by Buddhist virtue has surpassed that of many countries in the world. Lets get a deeper insight into the close relationship between religion and daily living of the Thai people.

  • issue59, june 2012

  • Spices RevolutionAll tree parts from the Tropical Zone such as fruit, root, bark, seed that have gone through the process of drying and preservation used for aromatic purpose is the technical definition of Spice. Man has been known to use spice as early as 1600 BC. There were records written on Papyrus paper about the use of Saffron, Coriander Seeds, Tree Basil and various other natural wonders. The Egyptians left written records of their ancient mummification process which included putting spice such as Clove and Tree Basil in the body cavity to help preserve the corpse by preventing tissue deterioration. From mysterious ancient times of far away land to modern age of science technology where anything is possible, the enticing aroma of spice will reveal humans essence of life through society, culture, history, trade, rivalry and friendship.

  • All of photos in this article was my photograph ability relations with story telling. Especially, cover of issue 62, September 2012 was shot by Mr.Thanaphon (Me). Location: local market in Chiang Mai province.

  • PATTAYA+Plus


    issue63, oc ToBer 2012

  • Muay ThaiThai Boxing Thai boxing has been a national sport since ancient times. Thai boxing is a perfect blend of martial art and a method of self-defense with rules that are different from those of international boxing. In Thai boxing, no part of the body remains inactive. Physical strength as well as willpower and intellect are among the necessary qualities every boxer must possess. All boxers must also be alert during single combat, while without the use of weapons, must be



  • ROUND3



  • issue64, noveMBer 2012

  • Thai Paper Craft Humans discovered how to utilize paper as a recording tool since the early times around 3,000 BC. The ancient Egyptians used Papyrus plant to make paper and wisely used it to record prayers and vows. The Chinese and Japanese used similar techniques to create their own paper and spread its usage worldwide. This versatile quality of paper usage also spread to Thailand where Siamese Rough Bush (Toothbrush Tree) and palm leaf have been used to record important events in history as well as spread Buddhist teachings. However, the true value of paper is not limited to just an entry in the dictionary, but its practicality and creativity can be transformed into something intriguingly beautiful.

    With the quality of being lightweight and thin, Paper originated from the simple natural source of tree fibers, hay, grass and rags. It comes complete with its versatile use for writing, printing, wrapping and various purposes that makes it indispensible in human cycle of life.

    All of photos in this article was my photograph ability relations with story telling. Especially, cover of issue 64, November 2012 was shot by Mr.Thanaphon (Me). Location: craftman workshop in Chiang Mai province.

  • Chapter 3

    anothEr piEcE of mastEr

    After steped down from Longstay Guide Magazine, I still working for Longstay as a part time editor. the next page is my another favourite work!

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    F E A T U RE73

    Women have the whole world in their hands. This saying is no longer an exaggeration if we open our hearts to the reality of things. In todays modern world, women become more increasingly influential globally as clearly shown by Angela Merkel, the Iron Lady of Germany, Michelle Obama, First Lady of the White House, and Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook. What these women think and do affects all of us one way or another.

    Longstay Guide Magazine admires these Iron Ladies for their strong characters. Now its our turn to introduce to you 3 Thai women with different professions and faith but all have the same purpose in life. They all carry out what they believe will lead to a change to


    Longstay Guide Magazine

    The Power




    society and towards a better world. Andit doesnt matter if youre a woman or a man, each story serves as great inspirations to others. Who knows, one of the imminent power that has enough influence to change this society and the world might just be you.


    Language is a feeling that has been ex-pressed through letters and words. These words echo in the book The Happiness of Kati. This book received the S.E.A. Write Award in the novel category in the year 2006. The novel created much inspiration as well as happiness to the readers through a translation of Japanese, Korean, English, Ger-man, French, Catalan, Portuguese, Chinese, Taiwanese and Laos.

    Ngarmpun Vejjajiva (Jane) met various obstacles early on in her life. It all began with Cerebral Palsy which is a condition of the brain that cant control muscle move-ment and physical therapy must be done regularly. But for her, no obstacles no mat-ter how great could stop her free spirit. She graduated with a BA (first honors) from the Faculty of Arts, Thammasat University and continued to further her education in transla-tion (English, French, and Italian) receiving a certificate from a translation school of Bel-gium in Brussels.

    On February 25, 2000 she was honored with Chevalier de lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres given by the Cultural Ministry of France for the recognition of her literature achievements that has continuously promot-ed France and her culture. Presently, she is the Managing Director of Silkroad Publish-ers Agency Co., Ltd., which is literary agency for many writers and publishers all over the world.


    What powers do mere mortals have as they gaze up at the sky? The magnificent view seems to be overwhelmingly enough to remove any pride left in us and leaves behind a small heart that humbly beats to find some happiness in life. We dont want things thats impossible to have and we certainly dont want things that are out of reach from The Happiness of Kati

    The Authorof Happiness

    ( )



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    Language is a feeling that has been ex-pressed through letters and words. These words echo in the book The Happiness of Kati. This book received the S.E.A. Write Award in the novel category in the year 2006. The novel created much inspiration as well as happiness to the readers through a translation of Japanese, Korean, English, Ger-man, French, Catalan, Portuguese, Chinese, Taiwanese and Laos.

    Ngarmpun Vejjajiva (Jane) met various obstacles early on in her life. It all began with Cerebral Palsy which is a condition of the brain that cant control muscle move-ment and physical therapy must be done regularly. But for her, no obstacles no mat-ter how great could stop her free spirit. She graduated with a BA (first honors) from the Faculty of Arts, Thammasat University and continued to further her education in transla-tion (English, French, and Italian) receiving a certificate from a translation school of Bel-gium in Brussels.

    On February 25, 2000 she was honored with Chevalier de lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres given by the Cultural Ministry of France for the recognition of her literature achievements that has continuously promot-ed France and her culture. Presently, she is the Managing Director of Silkroad Publish-ers Agency Co., Ltd., which is literary agency for many writers and publishers all over the world.


    What powers do mere mortals have as they gaze up at the sky? The magnificent view seems to be overwhelmingly enough to remove any pride left in us and leaves behind a small heart that humbly beats to find some happiness in life. We dont want things thats impossible to have and we certainly dont want things that are out of reach from The Happiness of Kati

    The Authorof Happiness

    ( )



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    F E A T U RE73

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    She was born in a small village in the Northern part of Thailand. There has always been a strong bond between her and the elephants since early on. At one time in her life, she saw an elephant tortured so it would be more obedient to humans. What she saw stayed with her and the pains of the mighty elephants run deep into her heart.

    Sangduen Chailert is a small woman who has bravely stood up to protect and fight for the elephants. She dedicated her life to working with the elephants helping to heal them from injuries or abuses by establishing the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai so elephants will have the opportunity to peacefully live in their wild habitat free from human control.

    Thai elephants are facing a severe crisis. If they dont get proper protected in time, well only see them in pictures. From pure dedication, she received The Earth Award from Time Magazine 2006 and honored by Time as Hero of Asia in 2005. Her work to save the elephants was recorded as a documentary by National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet BBC as well as other international media.

    There are less than 2,000 elephants left. What do we have to do so they can all survive? Somebody has to speak on their behalf because elephants certainly cant talk to defend themselves.

    The Mother of Thai Elephant

    Elephant Nature Park


    1999The Earth Award



    Miss Sangduen Chailert


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    She was born in a small village in the Northern part of Thailand. There has always been a strong bond between her and the elephants since early on. At one time in her life, she saw an elephant tortured so it would be more obedient to humans. What she saw stayed with her and the pains of the mighty elephants run deep into her heart.

    Sangduen Chailert is a small woman who has bravely stood up to protect and fight for the elephants. She dedicated her life to working with the elephants helping to heal them from injuries or abuses by establishing the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai so elephants will have the opportunity to peacefully live in their wild habitat free from human control.

    Thai elephants are facing a severe crisis. If they dont get proper protected in time, well only see them in pictures. From pure dedication, she received The Earth Award from Time Magazine 2006 and honored by Time as Hero of Asia in 2005. Her work to save the elephants was recorded as a documentary by National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet BBC as well as other international media.

    There are less than 2,000 elephants left. What do we have to do so they can all survive? Somebody has to speak on their behalf because elephants certainly cant talk to defend themselves.

    The Mother of Thai Elephant

    Elephant Nature Park


    1999The Earth Award



    Miss Sangduen Chailert


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    F E A T U RE73


    Dr. Krisana is the person behind the success of producing medication that fights against Aids like AZT (Zidovudine) and GPO-Vir. From the sympathy for women and children who have suffered from Aids through their mothers who have in turn been infected by their husband, Dr. Krisana went against all odds to accomplish the impossible. She had to fight all obstacles including raw material development and strong oppositions from pharmaceutical companies. Then, lady luck lent a hand as Dr. Krisana received help from various global organizations enabling her to successfully produce anti-Aids medication in the year 1995. With continuous development and an opportunity to share the production knowledge with third world patients in Africa where there are excessive amount of infected Aids patients, she marched on continuing to distribute medication to local people even though she encountered strong oppositions. Since she never backed down, she received the name Gypsy Pharmacist.

    Dr.KrisanaKraisintuShining Black Star

    Through out the 30 years of total dedication to society, Dr. Krisna re-ceived an award of Person of the Year in Asia in 2008 from Readers Digest in the category of total dedication in pushing for equal opportunity for finan-cially deprived patients to be able to receive this latest Aids medication. She also received a Magsaysay award in the category of public service in 2009. Every life is worth saving. The noble act of sharing is like giving new life to the community.




    Every life deserves an equal chance to be on this earth no matter what color yellow, fair, dark skin they may have or what part of the world they live in.


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    19All of photos in this article was my photograph ability relations with story telling. Location: Chiang Mai Philatelic Museum

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  • Thailand Birds RouteA Mini Guide Book for Birds Lovers

    This is the special issue incorporate with Tourism Authority of Thailand, Osaka Office in Japan. This book present 10 destination for bird watching around Thailand published in Japanese language. My responsibility is searching information, asking for advising with professional Thai and Japanese bird watcher. My assistance and I journey to North and North East of Thailand to watch and collect bird information. At that time, it was my special experience, I met kindness bird photographers, good friendship from navigator, as well explore the new world of nature.

    Below photos are bird watching spot at Khao Yai National Park.

  • Sawatdee (hello) My name is

    Thanaphon BorihanThanachoTBook DEsignEr anD part timE EDitor3/1 Singharaj Road, T.Sriphum, A.Muang,Chiang Mai, Thailand 50200

    Mobile: 081 0368256E-mail: [email protected]:

    EDucation2000 2004: High School from Takphitthayakom School, Tak, Thailand in Art-Math2004 2008: Rajamangala University of Technology Tak Campus, Thailand

    Bachelor of Art in the field of English for International Communication, Major in English, Minor in Chinese with GPA: 3.54

    Work ExpEriEncEMay 2008 October 2012Editor at Longstay Guide Magazine, Chiang Mai, Thailand, responsible for creative thinking, writing and translating articles into English language, cooperate with professional photographers and Japanese translators. Moreover, manage editorial team to publish finest quality of magazine on time.

    November 2012 2015Book Designer at Silkworm Books Publishing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, responsibility on using Adobe InDesign as a professional to design book cover, interior layout, as well manage processing of book editing. Using my English skills and creative thinking to communicate with American editors in creating the perfect academic book. By now, I have successfully designed many books that are sold on the international market.Opened-minded, positive thinking, willing to gain more knowledge and new experience, love to share idea with others and high teamwork spirit.

    aDDitional skillsGood English communication and interpersonal skills, Book and Magazine production

    Microsoft and MacintoshAdobe InDesignAdobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopDigital CameraCanon DSLR