TH K H OB B V TCH.'l - University of South...

aamnmnaam 1 ..- * w ~t ^ ^ !p^'r " ~" m ^fc T wsAV-art&rT-f T\« t nab.dfcMM # Fart >mm v«* rw» «tom«4 ®« H.m»Uy irafclg AWl^cM , * ate* Fori was wr*4*yW Ua flmm**. TUmj WWmmw»« ahot away, wbw lb awbti KiUiri by a >)*& 'FIT l tnii f ^ >>Mt. m<1 J*m», «wft «*«y 4MqiaM*# fc«nil«m*n. tariff I* ana »!. lot* fhtrfr lt-}v«r< ura a nr'auwr front IbuWib wharf, dWrctioa Of ^W«> iMN * MU ttiil ItJrt up IP Wky. and HHRwi^awfriM kt» ^ H*emh'<ed ihoiM^noM upon the liorv^ %a4 m- steamer*. Mid rnrry Aftecicft W waior t*-*ft, Hl^aii noon red that tho ^aikfrlijr «f (be Uii Catted State* upon the-la* CooT of t'aeolinn'w. \pil «u finally wit hdipwn..Cb. Mercury. ^WreeiJect l>«»ie I nut io<nie<f tin proeloma^moM, MMmhliig the KouHnm CwpMi. ^ Lincoln bat mIM for UN>) t4ubimi«. Vand will aosoaibU t^o Lnyy |tg|i V. 8, j V II iii rumornj ibifFon. rlrbtM^iAu roin- 1 furred on thr MWi inol. V Lincoln renMBonde Ik* |Mrf people of the South to lay dow* iboir nrneo and rotnra their place* of abtnle within t««iiiy-daT». The Virginia Cunrrniion he now 1n secret a annum. The Kepnalera nto orehided. A telegram from 1 lor. l'ieben.* lo Hfc-Gor- ernur Hire novo it reported Shot there nre eleven vessel* off I 'It Setoff en bar. Iisvitjg Mopped the teneh la regular trade. The paper* exproco ooafcfkaee thai <Jen. * .Scolt will roeifa. ., * A > !. » la^jwu.-Ja LOUT ^ < BKTWKKN Cimarajrboro tpl -the real* denco of Till,)- benNtn, lira MfTtfM uuti IW PHILS BMol helow, and payable either to the ehlioorlhor 1ndhr>d«aHv, or to ii. w. x a. Oliwot.' -I] due Note »u J. J. 'Moure on«l W. 0. Client- I nut, lor Jlfl, ilited m Vercli, 1867. lino [ ? Note <in J. J. Mote-. .Intel in Hoc. 1867, for [ 5?-W. 17. Hue Not* uu J. J. Mwees, datod la ' ilec. 1*6*. for 8171.74. tine Mote en Willm ' L. I laker, tinted in duly 186*. for 8*2.5<f.-J tine Note on K V. II. Ltr, ddel Iff*An|. IH-jJI, j 1 for SI-'til. tine Xole ou Jon, C. Lor, dated ' 1'cc. »:t.|, 1*67. f«»r 811 *». lino Xole on Jtike 1 h Al. Snrri*. tinted in July or Angu*t IfoWI. for S'-Vii. tine Note uu John thinner, dniod liby 16. Ih.V.i. for £87.Ml. line Nmc on Ur. 1 ^^^^dluggia*. doled iu . IN68. for SIII..VI. due J ^fopipt hy VI. W. SooMdaud, for 9)to; and * HK other nitrit end Mini aceoualo, (he wok- ^^^ers, amount*, and dates of which, nro not remembered. All of the nhore paper* wero in n *inall tin box, in the pocket of on over- ro.u, IohI from my noddl*. All pwnan* nre iicrchy warned not to trade Cor said nolen, an their payment ha* been Mopped. A liberal reward, mii(I my xinrcre thank* will be given f to 'he person returning ikrat tome. April IK 7-At U. W M. rHKSTNf"T > TAX NOTICE. 1 TIIK Sl liy KlilKK WiU. ATTKNU ' At Canaan Church. Long Bay, on Tuesday, «!0(b April. AI Little Hirer t'r<i« -fcnil*. on Wednesday, (be Inl M*jr# At Little Hirer U«>lrrlUI4. (Joynw'n School i on TTiu rwl*y. -a«i At Dogwood Neck KtImwI lioiur, an Friday, the M May. For the parpoor of taking return*, and receiving lair* fur the preweirf year I beg w/ friend*, and all interacted. to , meet me preatptiy. an F trill turf harre time to . n tend another *ppomtuirnt, before I uliatl be compelled ta elate my book*, whlck will be tloae on tke loth May, after which 1 eaanot receive nay mere reMimx, * ' . > t There nu manual tax on each deg kept ky n alnve, to l»e pai<l jy'tke owner of iiuefc ttlave; there alrfo. -a fax an nM valarte*. nhove gvc hundred «K»IUrn, exc«(vt clergyman, echool-in enter*, school -^i.irmuiea and mecbanlet excepted; a1*o a lax of <»ne-leink of one B per cent., on all innniae loaned, and nt la/v^^rent. Ail other taxable property formerly. It. E. MKt*bl4>*Ji, T. f. X V. ,H 6. : it TO THE PUBLIC. La , ^L\KK luvr to acquaint my rmAwmwii generally, (bat I have kljFftt Selected 8(«ck Mtr/tre emd Grocrrw** j BP^u pmyeed trffer \<y PFrriwi U Mt tW TIbm. ^^*11 of the aHwva fwl Wt teen Selected with Ormmt Care. j buyer* are «*gNwUr fc»W(al fo *a ioupeelKHl »f *y , t , W Stock of IMa/ Oooda, n Whmh I hate fir the V P SPRING AND StIWKft TMK.H and I pledge wyaatf tbal each ertfrW ahall lb \ offered at the vary lowae^ price toucbgd at any time doring the prqaanf oritH * I return thank* to my «M vtatoaerafor y their long entitinuhd patronage d^haaure * them of my <te term mat ton to aorta them <f*UO * welt in the future, aa I hue# done In (he I |>a»t. ' i ~ / V V-B.JAWJff. J A,vrf1 in f 7 ~ m f | TO SAVE A I.I, nerann* indebted to mo bv Not*, nr I A Veronal. »r# ra«juaaia«f *»» aafl u<i '' p*yuiMii. All iMtma un<Uf e V^atjr 4aWari. n**4 |*i<l by ihr I rf of Jalj. wtW fM fa «"»!« for rollrriton All orrr thai MtwMrt m* P»id> Mrt return «Mt, Wl* W pUt*d la | * tl»r Uo4« vf lu AMoraep, far ratl«fai«»a. * Inlrrrot viH h* ifrljl ' o* »U arcoiinM n tbr Im of J .num. IWI. ' ° HARDV | P \j»HI li f-- . ». a* I % TH K j *.' *! "J: ' U: f; '** ,. "H District Paper. . v * # / # ^ TWO Douarh ! ^ . .' '*' , J0eisS^M\^ ? * . .k .',<« v . ># « « '' K* % s ^ v. "< »* n ALL X4>T kS VA*£B1>.|«« Ttt J .1' - I>I8I»^^C3fct ^ «, , * .-> * * *k I11 Adtan<j«r v »' % ' * ,* »»' . a ... , .,V;r , ;i ^^LATEUT KfEW* W»IWW OTHER INTERESTING r-' " s ' * M A..T-T Jfl'B8, - «.. , ' AN II 18 t'OHMKNOKV To th6 , . * M ' * .>* % ALL KIMDS or . % . w«l.> JOBWORK * « - *- * V . . . . aunt uio Fxpeditloualy Executed. Hottoo-'to the PubUeT" THAT hit M 4«iiroun o/udfe|t *. portion of mj ftthcfn name, tod bvitf prttimiilj ii(a«d i]f MM J(taW L. Mai ley. I daeni ii my that* fft |4v» nwiM that afttff bu time I vtll rtgn my RMr ' JAMKH r. MALLOT. April 1* 7 'It TTBlfTIOV "7 ' CAROLINA URKYIL 4 TilK MONTIILT DRILL OF your IVOfom, wiH li« ft ConaajrW. " HATIHUiA Y fh# llth of May. ISiactwl aUMdincrrrtiuiral. 1. order of u Oanmin. ^ 1. W. MATY, O. > IK 7 ly VILLI UN*, WHKU t Ct., Diroct I w porter* anil Dnklttoia POB910H AJTD DOMESTIC1 UK I UUU WW, p *«. 83 MtRKKT. CHARLESTON, & C. 1 April 1A ' 7' , ' -j >y ]' NOTICE. . ,;v. ' ...j THE SUBSCRIBER, of ^ I PAIR BLUFF, N. C.,| k t'/f/'s coysrAXTLr ox i ' AND FOR «AX*X I Urg« tad W«U Selected Sttck DRY GOOM^* "t-" GROCERIES HARDWARE v. HOtLOW-WARR TIN-WARS: -- EARTH BEWARE 8ADDLBRY' ntaTTlia A wn i#OT\¥rtT\ns« HATS AND CAPS RJBAJDX HADB CLOTHING - Ac., &c., Ac. > Vkicb Uc will mU Ltw for Gaffa w PrWtee, au<l to wroflowi paving «»«wiwr«. ALT A SMITH Rftyjf WWBf LH^iT ARTILLERY MfONTHI.V IMflnfynWr Company will L t* V«M, o# t^Uj, KMftm. ni » oeiwafc A Ik Pnwctaa! at <Imm An *i*oU*a will k* k«|d r«r I'lNl LinoMennnf " ^ « . By onlw ofiJw (kptaiii. I jjArfi ~ t -y. j>.. <A , miehifW ^Ii % SaflNp, V <* ww-. IIIm T*4d »n<1 otfcoro. J EEPMNP AMT to an voder. audi by Jmw A. Thompson Rw,r , Owftnnfy Co* W) Bkoirtvt, 1 will otfbr for twU bnfcfr* iIm 'oolrt Flawi! In I'wnw^ybwrW. am ik* Arm lCoH<t«y in Mmj bawl, vKWb Inpi ulr koorv B I km pbnamlon or iyi» 4f ko^ eeAlniwm At* km|*nd mm! Nfliy ln mfrtm, mora *mm ; k Mi| oowm|PM (f lkrn trflkto, to rk: am t mm »«>*«»>* Hty mrraw, »o*l mown « a ywl if Commp *k*; aba, tkoal AS iwii, pwrt of* n»|l ori|Hi«1l; prwwtrd *a lk*i< Mrut; nUo, owr u*ct oon inini btW^M nrvw*. wbM In Thowina UM. owd know* no tk* l«ti<M nelonjing M lk« but* of Wn Ik AW, daHlMl/ nititiM on foeaawa* Kim, nt KofVM; A* (ant ( w mI4 kr partkim awatf (WlMit. ^ wii in w wMiiVi \ * mtoh m MS to IMMNJ fmj (to t imkinx M paitiito. to plMI in am; tto I Un« M rtoit »f »« fto f rwto ' i ar » (H»« boad Mid >wi tor- < K in«fM fVoai toy if Mtr.itd I i f Urn priaiiw, aim mt tut lA atowary par* W. I. ffllAtf AM. ft II. D khfrm'9 AprO 11 ft * % MHMMivn H OB B V «HEKI»*B»ALKB. ! M^'"fcill'S# f«UvwiIg7ni«tj * *: ,j ^ .. Tkt phmrtw *r fl*i«Bi af 0ilM RT. Bowl;, muiilig two buu4i«d irrw, >w w knit iiJMt prwpar^r, Ml tfca Mil af tlM. * BM»|. Mrrhw. IM ptaaaMfaa mB II <li af Jan. I fwffe. inn tab Inn MM MMilnl mim, bow bin « mtmlkymtfiSl «* nkoT Tbo. f My «r MJ. MMtikiat «« bnatliW Baa., Ynaatarly maldyl M Hto proparty of V. S3. M||nr.-Iltk«ni|i4l, V ffrlprar. 1%r»n ImbM W land, ril: no# dmininlag « kuhlml Mil fifty-Ikm# Mm, i. Hugh*. Mid b i part af tha Jan. lias Ua4t Alno o«« wkw tract, aoataia iae<MMil*Mdre.l <m>4 Miy MMB the no* h*Uf nyBnnMwy^^ Chiaaun Mwaaip, Burim m*T twrMjr int. knogrn an ilka )b)»U«B JmmW laid, an Brum* 8*»a|ft an tb panparty af JL,B. .Bkiyeer, M iba nail of ttaAuallt HardwUk aad y&ar*. Tba MtomObi nod rnnMaaca of Calvin R. f im mnn naalaintng thirty aeron. marv or Ml llM Mil (f JMM W. Mid rMitllMf of Jof. P. Ktrto*. eMMUiin| WJO tmi more or 1cm ; Alao, o*m oik«r traet of ImmI. rtOMalaing 2M) oorr*. kr^wn.M the C|n( Tuck PlaaUiioa. \k>s Mi dW imfj MaUiniiig 800 mtm, Ci Aimm B8m4. to lb pmyirly of Jooaph P. irtoa , m (k "ui» of Paul Sichol* Md otLtr*. Thr plMluin and rntdwc* of Tho». Boyd. omtaiaiM tfOO a«rto mots cm Icm a* bi> property, dtrbe mil if AIM HMith, bur*r MMi oOmt*. * Twenty toad of 'an iIm property iftoml FUtyd, ai the mil of Tto. H. Hotmoa and own. flu ^tMtatioa* muI n«h|M<% of Jo*. MiMhibii oat bundrti Md il|Kt; aero* nor* or W . UU properly, Ml lie mil # w m. n^d and <HlHn. tbi plantation and ruijiMe of E. L. Gaum. comaieiwlW aeraa nor* or leas, a* bia property, arjWe anil »t Kaliany k Moat r»f«7 « The plant* ion end roidonre of A. J. Uirlinn rvmlAi irvnr (ba ktonJ.i mim* MAM or 1«m, a* hilt property, M Um suit of W. D. (lor|tnu w4 tAMti. Tho plantation u4 residence of JoHpii JohMtM. eon taint** nine hundred «rm naarc or Um. u hi* property, u the wit of 8. 0. Vkrr lad MUn. A trot of- load; mttalaiM 800 met** moro or loan. ^iW on flh Fas Um Rm^ oar Brown'i R*ta4, xijtrtnlni tw plantation whocte l>. If. Johnrtod fortaarly Ured and kiwivn M4k« load tenet, no the property of flrti^ Jshnwn, at the suit of- Saw. ft. tare for another and dim. *. » " About MO barrels a£ root*, at the Mill, ao the proportr of Jot. W. kirtuit, at the suit of Wm. H. J ones, at. al. A tract af land, e»nt*hii*g om hnn lr«d aad' d|MV acres aort or loan, and known lite Jmkin'a traot. as tba proport r ofHtophenW. Kirtoa. at the suit of W. It. loam and other*. The plantation and residenee of Yf. II. Prirotl. containing H area*. as his property at tha Mtk of J. M. Ball and othara. ^j| The plantation and Roar**, oanlaiaing thro* IbflttteaM or loso, and known an tin vufl Ma proporty. a* Stee oolt «t AH aad othara. The plantation and rttMnno >9 fthsdhs a staining fOt» aaraa nor* or W*s^Q hia properly, at the salt of liayard Fan Ik and others. - «V s , ' The plantation and residence of Arthur lagfi, containing 608 aerna. at his proparty 4 at tha>'aoit of Hawdsl Roll, aBss'r. The plantation and residence of D. P. Uidni containing on* hundred seren, kin property, at lha suit of H *. A. Hpieey and others. ^ A hajr Horse, m i|n property sf Kimli II. fliagfatoo. nt the salt of John Darby. A negro man. as the property of J. J. Bellamy, at the tsh eT Wip. J Dubois and <>i Iters. * * A tract of land, containing one thousand and thirty acres, mora qg less oa Hug HviUktp, adjoining Mtaf Tyler's land, as 'he property of W.,F. ttryftpt, at the suit of W. M. laiik Two lloreee and Waggon, a* the property of Henry H Farter, at the WtU of Jos. J. Dtton and others. Una Sorrel llorae, au<l one Buggy and Harness, ae the property gf Kevin Johnston, ht the suite, of Xohn Walton and others. W. I. UllAUAJi. 8. H. D. Sheriff a Office. ApHI 11, . * at . . . J. J. UelWuny, ' f Attachment. MAY vtafue of this Writ, by my Deputy. 8. p Hughes, at Aaton Rhodes' about eight oVtoek, A. M., on the eigliteenth day of If arch, A. ft.. I Mi; I. I attstMd aid tooJFef the property of the within named Jos. J. Bellamy, the ahseat drhtcr, a certain negro man by the hams tif Ham : and no nnrSon cjatiwiag die hM negro Ham a* a earrtiinr in ummmIm, I 4i«l wp it lb dub of lbe Cowrt flutter. iii my Hletrief, an account of the property UMrbd anil t opy'nf (kin Writ, with notion for uj p»mii (if pmon* tltimiay the mim, to appear aa oitiiin required, and »hew ckiuw according to k«; and aflor ifiti|Wi( Mircb, I could not And within aty Diatrict, ibe defendant, J. i. Bellamy! K)Tlt'K.Any yimi or poreoaa. who nay cbynithe aforeaald Oegrft San ao ml u«k*4^H|0n< «W» »«^utra»l « appenr and abew cfWbe, acmrding to law, at the lime and place mentioned ia thin Copy Writ. W, I. GRAHAM. 8 H IV ApAt 11, 18*1, " A '8t W. I. Gore 1 nTIJ | WHta foreign Altaohnonl. lor J. Re fienr. I la nm nU», made by Judge I Wanr. la tho above atatod aaaea. I will olbr (or mate, before 4ha Court lloum, ia Con Way borrt*, <>n the A ret Monday ia May aoit, within lofpd mle baura. a certain negro man by the aaatof Ran. attach ad «n the property of Jb. J. Bellamy. . ' - W. 1. <)RA HAM. ' " . 8 H. ft. teitl I Itk e . Mill Mi Conwajrboro', l/io| bmT im Wmwov W»fp. It t MmiIM IxtUli* for hroint, wHl luatoroU, *«. FooUmm apply to . o. 5. KfX, (' nwtjrk»m', fl. C. NB . Apy m* doairtag ika abnao, Mr. Ihu «MI le^a gr%a< phM'fi BioitkibHhig the l.4>» KOH K il.K. MA \rR*R ofgvA u»tl. wail tim OOUf R4roA. I miiIINIIi #(«M for1 haaw', a%d NallMit Onm oHm of Tat Bluff, mm M W pa..»W RKer. jOmhiI JRO tcra »f (It# above U' Mjf land, rnrnif drotaed. tod »u lUbU lor lid rdrin| of form or w. it.tHdSwlf a. c ffercii 2ff .d If i tlSP^ TINS LIQUORS 1 THE 81 BSCRlBERii Would Respeotfully Invite the attention or tukim. customers to THEIR .llBiMttaeit if U^itrs, such a8 peach. apple Mu, Blackberry. Uvtwlrr HL.K Run Kchnapp* Fiihtr, Mum«i, Malaga ^H^B^ihoo Rectified Whtattalliiuorr, Ha A (Jl'RflANL'H. tf & CO inrit* the attwacoatamur* aau the peMfl Imj bar* raoanily purebai^^H^^^HM ALLOY 8 ENTIRE nunRn^H' ,:>'' ,in8 I HIMOBtg^^^KnnrcAPs. j*. 1HM|^^^^BNTLY ON IlAND. VF < . 'CHAR, jr., ft? 11 o* the mo«i rt»or will |»k« hi exM« Oak Suite# Mi l f good price* lor half rank. ISragnt lo well to give i^vin . HOKKOUailK, ttUKOANLS.' 4 If 3E. lilTKD to us. titter it. ere aarautlj reia<l »etil«. or their pieced m ike h*t»<l» on, awl all person* K over six mouths, eel. ^^ prv*. S ltl KROlUillH. ^^ w. 1>. Of ROAM'S. March J# J JJT_ To All Whom it May Uaeera! H|R. OH A RL1R P. M ALLOT hu placed IVM hta n.lea att>( ttrAinl* hi o«r haadi for eolle-.ioa. The attention of parties intereeted. ia respectfully La riled to a ipmij atUlement of the same IIA K LLP.K k WALSH. Attorney*. March » jStice. A LL PKRM8 *ued by T. H. Holmes. M are nniflL that if they will come forward in nia^^^^r* fHo Saturday, :»hh March, and^^^^^A to the 8litrifft liiw de maadft, th^^^^^^Awill par oae half the coet. T. If. HOLMES. M tf mk NO. f constantly on | a select 'IHHF jVX^^^Buid ize, Consisting in the Dry Goods I line, from RIl^MK le «ii cent IIOMK| SI'l'N. A au|4^^paticlc of BOOi> SKI^WASI> rMBRKI.L4&% Readywade Clothing, |IiatH and Caps, BOOTS AND 8HOE8, SADDLERY, HARDWARE, Tiy W.I R /;. CRO ( K KII .r, iflroceiies, turli as COFFEE, TEAS, sugar, roM^N and kkfinkd, ('amir^noap, Starch. Ajj^BM'ANDIKS. FOVHKND SHOT, ul'UV w m m ** *" 1 ''' ' ' lk I | OK" to MY HTIM'K fin* Cognac, Peach, HnlUn«l l><>n gahela Mi 1 »f rbal -"Twice pMt h** &cw witlf* ii. Foj^WMTBR T JJP|k e 11 !! ^^^KVAL. U^^UBm^- AINS friend* .be Lot removed front Hp n llie known an iBSHK to UK," U(XiD HI Por nu|H DRY J^^KUUor KRIES, ' t Shoes. Hats, '<! {tc,JHB^^He«p«rA' Tool llXM CASH ! He wflj Wax, Coon Trash, for tkuae i Af?mr.NT$v' wtn«k ^^HHVTNQ AT! 1 A trial will gtr« ratirr at ifffWri.t* K CONUlKtN Marck 2 ^nHH' I( : i To .Distillers. PYVIR CNDKR8I0NRD ha* a nea and rommadioun 8PIRIT Mil KI) on hi* vL^ .k.»V« will «. i. i_ y «« ir. > X" w.. 9VWIV »vr|l M in Good Order, «<1 ohip by F1WT VKflHKI. lo in; p*rt ii » m^^iprnit W)ll IIM ion in; flowU r ,) him; h«l will P*y no F. tig^mtiUe WhtUrrer. <Ji.> k.-, , ., 1MB.) ft CONODON. Vnnh 14 Jgflk *l l TCH.'l 33KATY, TAYLOB * OO. »|/CC&MOJLt TO BUCK & BIATT. v! KEEP on Imii4 for uk full iworlman..of Dry Goods, Groceries &c. ummIIy kept in a Village Store. which we offer at the IvweM price* TIRPKNTLXK OR OTHER FROOUCE. that can he kerned into mener. taken at ILI*. pneM far UsmxU er in NtiUaitiu of X««k ef Vwyti!- tine us. T. W. BEATY * W. J. TAYLOR. C. f. BUCK. F>h. 28 '! tf » bxlp o! xmai £JELF PRESERVATION W THE FIRST Cj LAW v OF HUMAN NATURE I therefore announce to all Mrwni indebted to the late Irm of BUCK i HE ATT. thai the time has some that rher must settle their | in debt ednea. to us. or I shall be compelled to sue. Cash. produoe. er eaything that will pay our creditors, will be taken ia payment. | If you cannot par the whole, pay us a part. ' Small Caeor* thankfully received and greater one* in proportion. T. W BKATY. | Mpreh 21 8 tf_ 1B. J. QttmttroN AtrCO., TO8 # A. IB ELL* >EAl.EllS IN NATAL STtlKF.S, OKAlN j ANb IiA\. * .nto.. * Also a general assortment of Dry Goods and Groceriesj suited to the wsstt of the coaalrri which we 1 will w»ll low far «Mtt or Turfwntibe, Itkilc (kale Starts, Afth &(., or any othar rISaSMib U J, KIMU.KTO.N. F. G. duuroiuw Mawk w 2 . - -r v 10,000 BABR£U GOOD TURPENTINE | WWT ANTED," for vkt<* ve wlU Uku a* WW full yrlca in. p«;mMi for Corn, Morckajidiir or dabta duo u*. B. J mSNLETON. F G. BURROUGHS Wnfrk_T4 . 1y Paper and Stationery, AI/WAY8 ON HAND. ENV E L O PES or ALL DIWOHIPTIONH. BLANK BOOKS, Kl&D BLACK AND COPYING, INK. STEEL PENS, . A 8UPPLY OF VRK8H Garden Seeds. JOS. J. RK'!!W(KH>. Mnreh 14 2 tf U. W. Forwarding and Comminion Merchant, COX WAY BOW, 8. C. Apcil 11 K «f iym£ UNDERSIGNED ^LD nw|i»rtfclljr Inform pmmi who »rf ra|ra(H tu the Turpentine Business, thut h<- will carry on the lMi«iuet* of making Sl'IKlT HAKHF.LS. at thel'ooper Shop, for J merly own^l by Mr. Ilenry Manly Itnrrel* warranted Ortler* for BA HIIELS will rrc«i«« prompl Mention. S. W. WILLSOV Feb 2* 1 tf WANTED l(m,000 White Oak STAVES ' i for which the beat market priae will br paid. S. W. YILLSON. I Feb » 1 .if ~ TUG uVTncLiareT mL m*m. wmJm mm^1 111 *9 PTjOW. l'ATKXTKO *2d JUNE. IMO-Jir J. S. II POO I NX. OF DAiaiNOTON. Till* PLOW h»i* iiiahy iuli«nl«K»!i »v»r aiiv other Patent nov in nw, baring been invented by an experienced Planter an«l Mechanic. Tlie-c Plow* can now W had whenever ilenirnl of Hoggin* & llcndrick. at I heir ehopa, in I 'otiwayhoro', 8. {' , where they may always lie found ready to neeonmin<Ute their friends nud cnntouierii in the line of their bu«iae*-\. such a* IKON WOVKS OF ALL KIN UK V. 11..Cftnh or Uincoiint on the delivery of all work in ettr Une. HIOOIVF A HF.XDUirK. | j March M 2 * din | FOE CONWAYBOBOTRI-Vt KKKVI. NAIL LKE railiR undersign**) informs the traveling | jiiibite, that lie rurml*:g a TUt- WEF.Kl.T IlViK I.I NR. between 1 air Uln IT. I on the Wilmington nnd Manchester flallroad. and t'enwayboro'. ft. C. as follow* : Leave Fair ltluff on Monday*. Wedneadays ana rriuajr*, »l n o clock. A. M., »n<i arrive j Conwiyhom' »»iwp <lny. »l G I*. M. Returning.Leave I'otia^vHoro' on Tuesday*. TSur«<l») * m<l Saturday*. a* .} o'clock , A.. M an«l arrive at Fair Bluff, same i»y at 6 r M. - I^M rORTKK. ( Feb 211 1 1 ii. a. Mouton. r.i<wim vi. ni.i.t., N'LROI) & liRLL. General C o m m i saion Merchants. A Nik DP.Af.KKM IN Pork, Lard, Baron, Pundit'*, Soap Sngnr, Coffee, &t\, kc. which they offer at )o«a*t market r*i«» for fault or INI/ Acceptance. 110 East-Bay, Charleston, 8. C. Mr Orjer* solicited an«l **li*fae»ioit ftuai raufieJ. 1 I t Felt > 15,000 Bushels Corn. ;.0U UCflllELH NKW OATS IBM) Barrel-, Flour zmi iuim Hay rnn. Meal Table Homing Wheat Hrati Clf* Fear Pltwr in Barrela and Sneka, | of Southern Wheal and Southern ground Heat in lb* Stale. STOKLF.Y k OLD*!AM. Maerh 21 *^T Wilmington. 5 -C. " W. Fa JOY, Shipping and Commianion AfferohaoL BALTIMORE, MR, A TTf N'l>* to lb j.uffhar* ami ahipmenl of PROrUUfWS, (TRAIN. (IRIH'K Rffis, and all deaerhrtinna of WKRi'If \S-<; | DI/.K Adrancce tnmla an ftmtijpimanfs. Proprietor of Packet Dine la lieorgefntrn. i AC arch 21 * IJ I L r . « - > A CARD To ihe Southern People. VSTULK >11 >r« ooMwiht| to mow i> W the Ttfki direction *waM.*h tbe iMi^aibxt erf lb« South frew Ik* North in coaktixitl point «f tW», it it >In tpry mcnwry that m»r Manofact uring K»taMi»hinrMl ehould all he 9tipp<Wied. All rWI mJmnf tkd /Orf. Tk» undesigned beg* l«rt 10 iufonn the people of thin im) nil nlkm who may j* iBiwwiud, ihtt »hwjr hare in 4 'harleatow, H C . one of ih« Largest Saab, Blind and Door Manufactories in the V. States either North or South. and that tk«y arc now In Mueuiss of all the fxiklif* for manufacturing work of thia dmcripiion a> cheap an can l>e made any wlirr*. We keep constantly on hard A Urge aeaortment of Ready Made work of regular aiiee. - a aao Mouldings of Innumerable Patterns, and Stair Newels, 1 lu i stern at uitk^S^ purebaee fWw Northera people *ko will taUtltRcPaW^^^R ffl of the eery nn»y which Ihey make-eelliag aj atv-h good* m Mileatkne eitira for the purpose of Mplag ear *kr*e» Urvk off. We oan make #»e saair Had ef work they »ell, for ike aine money, and we ore fhniilmi men e«.rv one-ef our flnn heafde* we ar anufarturing here at hone, and our people taunt giro the preference t<f keep ua in work, or atich an eutabMehtnerft-aa earn eannut last. 8en<l in your order*.4hgy wiH he faithfctUy (Tiled; and attended to prot ptlv. We now'have en 1 11x20, 12118, 12*16, 12*14, - : 10*32 and 0X16 Sashes RoadY Made/ afcao . Blinds af all the' ahave-Sixes. - Atw Itoori ran|1ag is bim from >. to ftfr ftajn tffrowtCmniiMm toftrot quality. Nowala and Raloalvra, and a great variety of , Inaiilr Coxing We earnestly elicit t coll from all who way bo in want of good* iu out Hut, or thoao who would Uk« to look through our liibatnl. W p. RUSSKLL k 0. East End H|io 11-Street, OhurlcKtom S. 0. P«h 28 ^ ( « .1 L 8m " H. W. K1 MSM All, Cer. King and Itaafaln-streets. IS >»OW receiving from French and Atuerican inanufketoricB DECORATED PAPER, of new and rick dcxignt iit Panel, Wold. Saiu», Velvet an«' Wuxl luiMalione, with lUr<Urr, Ac., to corfeopond. . aaaw. . Chamber and other Paper*, in every variety of atyle and pattern. My atock of Window Shade*, of my own | manufacture, and Curtain* mad* tad yjy^ip in tho lateat atyle*. upnoiaiery (iooaa, Curtain Material* aiel Furniture t 'orering*, of late importation ii lull »« ! fomplfte, which are offered, wholesale and retail. at »u«.li prion* »- to present uuuaual iiiduaemrut* to purchaser*. Feb SH t ly STOKLEY & OLDHAM J OIK* tTUKLKT till. or.DH^M. Dealers in Grain and Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. --.o;o J prompt atteolion yirtn to the tale of Cot> too, Flour, Macon and other T'ounlry rr«»du«M>. Birtmu'lu.t'«l. John MilUe, President Itanlc of Wilnunglo* : O. 0. Pwdry. Emj. I'renldrtil Commercial Hank; John Dawnon. llnq. Pr«dJ(ut Wilmington llranch Hank of S^CT, Ur. Tkoi. -II. Wright. President Hank of Capo Ketft llenrjr K. Naali. Rut)., Ilillnboro', S. f.: Michael Brown, , Salisbury, N. C.; C. Jt. Mc.Vdoo, Ra<|., Greensboro", !V. C. 1 Mm Feb 2* FLOU9L STOKLIV k OLDII.VM ara manufhotitftng tha heat Family FI.Ol'K i 1 ur * npc r ni r i»»r jama. « A l\ For at (br MDU. and »l their Store, No. V. Month W»ttr nliTfi. lu whole barnds and half-barrel* : In h%jf« ronn*i»ui»|f otie-ha'f, In l>afr« containing tu»e-aigh»h ; Of) Wrap <nn«lnutly on hand. at the Mill, and at their Wore, freeh OlkH'NI) MK VI., Hommnty, Orackwl Com. Cow Peed, Shorts, IVran, He., He. They aImi been tar «alr . f COUN.M vko'ntlt end retail ; (MTK ill wholesale and retail; * FF.A'S at wholesale and retail ; If AY at wholesale and retail; 1 MarsheHV tne Hall In aacka ; Liverpool ground Alnfki Malt, in twitii North-Carolina Flour oitfl||MMtfMH March_4^^^^^g SUI'KRF^WQ^PH for aale hy mw5uw^I^^| I |>ooud»lo the bu'he). HTOKELY k OLDHAM. March 1I J1 if Cbirlfntoii Candy MuuCiclory. KINN5IA1V Sl II It O. Mahafaeturera and Importers of French Confectioneries, Fancy BOXES, W HO LBSA I. R AND RRTAIL I Candles put up ill A W and I0U lb. ^ote«. I vji irnrri |>iviupnj wifimfi l(). 247 King-at., Charleston, S. C. Cakes frenh every Day. Wedding Coke, Pyramid* Mid Hireplc- made to ardor, I'artia* auppliod oa reasonable j iirrnd 1 ly F«b 2* J7K. KIT AH KM, 28 2 and 2 84 King* street, WBriLKSALK^^^^.^ |an<l KotoO Pea-^^E|lSjS^ Form Into, rbgira, II aim oof. Mprmf arid Mow MalLnoklnf BIwiim< |o. KomvowI, Walnut kad Mahogany Parlor Furniture, in Hroratelle, Kept and Haircloth. Rnamel Chamber Puroifur- Oak Hoe# *o.kI, he., he Always tm hand a largo nonen went of He. fri(rrr»i.>r-, <Mldrens Carriage* and IUckife( H<tw a Marti. 4 I * ly

Transcript of TH K H OB B V TCH.'l - University of South...


1 ..- * w~t^ ^ !p^'r " ~" m ^fc

T wsAV-art&rT-fT\« t nab.dfcMM # Fart>mm v«* rw»

«tom«4 ®« H.m»Uy irafclg AWl^cM ,* ate* Fori was wr*4*yW Ua flmm**. TUmj

WWmmw»«ahot away, wbw lb awbti KiUiri bya

>)*& 'FIT

l tnii

f ^ >>Mt. m<1 J*m», «wft «*«y 4MqiaM*#fc«nil«m*n.tariff I* h« ana »!. lot* fhtrfr

lt-}v«r< ura t« a nr'auwr front IbuWib wharf,dWrctioa Of ^W«>

iMN *

MU ttiil ItJrt up IP Wky. andHHRwi^awfriM kt» ^

H*emh'<ed ihoiM^noM upon the liorv^ %a4m- steamer*. Mid rnrry Aftecicft W waior t*-*ft,

Hl^aiinoon red that tho ^aikfrlijr «f (be UiiCatted State* upon the-la* CooT of t'aeolinn'w.

\pil «u finally wit hdipwn..Cb. Mercury.

^WreeiJect l>«»ie Inut io<nie<f tin proeloma^moM,MMmhliig the KouHnm CwpMi.^ Lincoln bat mIM for UN>) t4ubimi«.Vand will aosoaibU t^o Lnyy|tg|i V. 8, jV II iii rumornj ibifFon. rlrbtM^iAu roin- 1furred on thr MWi inol.

V Lincoln renMBonde Ik* |Mrf people of theSouth to lay dow* iboir nrneo and rotnra i«their place* of abtnle within t««iiiy-daT».The Virginia Cunrrniion he now 1n secret

aannum. The Kepnalera nto orehided.A telegram from 1 lor. l'ieben.* lo Hfc-Gor-

ernur Hire novo it l« reported Shot therenre eleven vessel* off I 'It Setoffen bar. IisvitjgMopped the teneh la regular trade.

The paper* exproco ooafcfkaee thai <Jen. *

.Scolt will roeifa. .,*A

> !. » la^jwu.-Ja

LOUT ^ <

BKTWKKN Cimarajrboro tpl -the real*denco of Till,)- benNtn, lira MfTtfM

uuti IW PHILS BMol helow, and payableeither to the ehlioorlhor 1ndhr>d«aHv, or toii. w. x a. Oliwot.' -I]due Note »u J. J. 'Moure on«l W. 0. Client- I

nut, lor Jlfl, ilited m Vercli, 1867. lino [ ?Note <in J. J. Mote-. .Intel in Hoc. 1867, for [5?-W. 17. Hue Not* uu J. J. Mwees, datod la '

ilec. 1*6*. for 8171.74. tine Mote en Willm 'L. I laker, tinted in duly 186*. for 8*2.5<f.-Jtine Note on K V. II. Ltr, ddel Iff*An|. IH-jJI, j 1for SI-'til. tine Xole ou Jon, C. Lor, dated '1'cc. »:t.|, 1*67. f«»r 811 *». lino Xole on Jtike 1

h Al. Snrri*. tinted in July or Angu*t IfoWI. forS'-Vii. tine Note uu John thinner, dniodliby 16. Ih.V.i. for £87.Ml. line Nmc on Ur. 1

^^^^dluggia*. doled iu . IN68. for SIII..VI. due J^fopipt hy VI. W. SooMdaud, for 9)to; and *HK other nitrit end Mini aceoualo, (he wok-

^^^ers, amount*, and dates of which, nro notremembered. All of the nhore paper* wero

in n *inall tin box, in the pocket of on over-ro.u, IohI from my noddl*. All pwnan* nre

iicrchy warned not to trade Cor said nolen, an

their payment ha* been Mopped. A liberalreward, mii(I my xinrcre thank* will be given fto 'he person returning ikrat tome.

April IK 7-At U. W M. rHKSTNf"T


TIIK Sl liy KlilKK WiU. ATTKNU '

At Canaan Church. Long Bay, on Tuesday,«!0(b April.AI Little Hirer t'r<i« -fcnil*. on Wednesday,

(be Inl M*jr#At Little Hirer U«>lrrlUI4. (Joynw'n School

i on TTiurwl*y. -a«iAt Dogwood Neck KtImwI lioiur, an Friday,

the M May.For the parpoor of taking return*, and

receiving lair* fur the preweirf yearI beg w/ friend*, and all interacted. to ,

meet me preatptiy. an F trill turf harre time to. n tend another *ppomtuirnt, before I uliatl becompelled ta elate my book*, whlck will betloae on tke loth May, after which 1 eaanotreceive nay mere reMimx, *


.> t

There i« nu manual tax on each deg kept kyn alnve, to l»e pai<l jy'tke owner of iiuefcttlave; there i« alrfo. -a fax an nM valarte*.nhove gvc hundred «K»IUrn, exc«(vt clergyman,echool-in enter*, school -^i.irmuiea and mecbanletexcepted; a1*o a lax of <»ne-leink of one

B per cent., on all innniae loaned, and nt la/v^^rent.Ail other taxable property a« formerly.It. E. MKt*bl4>*Ji, T. f. X V.

,H 6. : it


^L\KK luvr to acquaint my rmAwmwiigenerally, (bat I have

kljFftt Selected 8(«ck

Mtr/tre emd Grocrrw** jBP^u pmyeed t« trffer \<yPFrriwi U Mt tW TIbm.

^^*11 of the aHwva fwl Wt teenSelected with Ormmt Care. jbuyer* are «*gNwUr fc»W(al fo *a ioupeelKHl»f *y , t ,

W Stock of IMa/ Oooda, nWhmh I hate fir the V

P SPRING AND StIWKft TMK.Hand I pledge wyaatf tbal each ertfrW ahall lb \offered at the vary lowae^ price toucbgd at

any time doring the prqaanf oritH *

I return thank* to my «M vtatoaerafory their long entitinuhd patronage d^haaure *

them of my <te term mat ton to aorta them <f*UO *

a« welt in the future, aa I hue# done In (heI |>a»t. ' i ~ / V V-B.JAWJff. JA,vrf1 in f 7

~mf| TO SAVE

A I.I, nerann* indebted to mo bv Not*, nr IA Veronal. »r# ra«juaaia«f *»» aafl u<i ''p*yuiMii. All iMtma un<Uf eV^atjr 4aWari.n**4 |*i<l by ihr I rf of Jalj. wtW fM fa«"»!« for rollrriton All orrr thai MtwMrt m*

P»id> Mrt return «Mt, Wl* W pUt*d la | *tl»r Uo4« vf lu AMoraep, far ratl«fai«»a. *Inlrrrot viH h* ifrljl ' o* »U arcoiinM n

tbr Im of J.num. IWI.' °

HARDV | P\j»HI li f-- . ». a*



TH K j*.' *! "J: ' U: f; '**

,. "HDistrict Paper.

.v * #/ # ^

TWO Douarh !^ . .' '*' v«

, J0eisS^M\^? >» *. .k .',<« v . ># « «

'' K* % s ^ v. "< »*

n ALL X4>T kS VA*£B1>.|«« Ttt J

.1' -

I>I8I»^^C3fct-» ^ «, , * .->

* * *k

I11 Adtan<j«rv

»' %' * ,* »»'. a

... , .,V;r , ;i



r-' " s ' *

M A..T-T Jfl'B8,- «.. ,



To th6 ,



M '

* .>*%

ALL KIMDS or. % . w«l.> "»

JOBWORK* « - *- *

V .. . .

aunt uio Fxpeditloualy Executed.

Hottoo-'to the PubUeT"THAT hit M 4«iiroun o/udfe|t *. portionof mj ftthcfn name, tod bvitfprttimiilj ii(a«d i]f MM J(taW L. Mailey.I daeni ii my that* fft |4v» nwiM that afttffbu time I vtll rtgn my RMr '

JAMKH r. MALLOT.April 1* 7 'It

TTBlfTIOV "7 '


your IVOfom, wiH li« ft ConaajrW." HATIHUiA Y fh# llth ofMay. ISiactwl aUMdincrrrtiuiral.

1. order of u Oanmin.^ 1. W. MATY, O. >

IK 7 lyVILLIUN*, WHKU t Ct.,

Diroct Iw porter* anil DnklttoiaPOB910H AJTD DOMESTIC1UK I UUU WW, p

*«. 83 MtRKKT.CHARLESTON, & C. 1

April 1A' 7' ,


-j >y ]'NOTICE. .

,;v.' ...j


PAIR BLUFF, N. C.,|kt'/f/'s coysrAXTLr ox i'

AND FOR «AX*XI Urg« tad W«U Selected SttckDRY GOOM^* "t-"




ntaTTlia A wn i#OT\¥rtT\ns«


- Ac., &c., Ac. >

Vkicb Uc will mU

Ltw for Gaffa w PrWtee,au<l to wroflowi paving «»«wiwr«.


RftyjfWWBf LH^iT ARTILLERYMfONTHI.V IMflnfynWr Company willL t* V«M, o# t^Uj,

KMftm. ni » oeiwafc A Ik Pnwctaa! at<ImmAn *i*oU*a will k* k«|d

r«r I'lNl LinoMennnf "

^ «.

By onlw ofiJw (kptaiii.I jjArfi ~ t -y. j>.. <A ,

miehifW^Ii% SaflNp, V <* ww-.

IIIm T*4d »n<1 otfcoro. JEEPMNP AMT to an voder. audi by JmwA. Thompson Rw,r , Owftnnfy Co*W) Bkoirtvt, 1 will otfbr for twU bnfcfr* iIm'oolrt Flawi! In I'wnw^ybwrW. am ik* ArmlCoH<t«y in Mmj bawl, vKWb Inpi ulr koorvB Ikm pbnamlon or iyi» 4f ko^ eeAlniwmAt* km|*nd mm! Nfliy ln mfrtm, mora*mm ; k Mi| oowm|PM (f lkrn trflkto, tork: am tmm »«>*«»>* Hty mrraw, »o*lmown « a ywl if Commp *k*; aba,tkoal AS iwii, pwrt of* n»|l ori|Hi«1l;prwwtrd *a lk*i< Mrut; nUo, owr u*ct oon

ininibtW^M nrvw*. wbM In ThowinaUM. owd know* no tk* l«ti<M nelonjing M lk«but* of Wn IkAW, daHlMl/ nititiM onfoeaawa* Kim, nt KofVM; A* (ant (w mI4 kr partkim awatf (WlMit. ^

wii in w wMiiVi \* mtoh m MS to IMMNJ fmj (to timkinx M paitiito. to plMI in am; tto IUn« M rtoit »f »« ftofrwto ' iar » (H»« boad Mid >wi tor- <

K in«fM fVoai toy if Mtr.itd I if Urn priaiiw, aim mt tut lA atowarypar* W. I. ffllAtfAM. ft II. Dkhfrm'9 AprO 11 ft *



M^'"fcill'S# f«UvwiIg7ni«tj *

*: ,j ^ ..Tkt phmrtw *r fl*i«Bi af 0ilM

RT. Bowl;, muiilig two buu4i«d irrw,>w w knit iiJMt prwpar^r, Ml tfca Mil af

tlM. * BM»|. Mrrhw.IM ptaaaMfaa mB II <li af Jan. I

fwffe. inntabInn MM MMilnl mim, bowbin « mtmlkymtfiSl «* nkoT Tbo.

f My «r MJ. MMtikiat «« bnatliW

Baa., Ynaatarly maldyl M Hto proparty of V.S3. M||nr.-Iltk«ni|i4l, V ffrlprar.1%r»n ImbM W land, (« ril: no# dmininlag« kuhlml Mil fifty-Ikm# Mm,

i. Hugh*. Mid b i part af thaJan. lias Ua4t Alno o«« wkw tract, aoataiaiae<MMil*Mdre.l <m>4 Miy MMB the no* h*Uf

nyBnnMwy^^ Chiaaun Mwaaip,Burim m*T twrMjr int. knogrn an ilka)b)»U«B JmmW laid, an Brum* 8*»a|ft antb panparty af JL,B. .Bkiyeer, M iba nail ofttaAuallt HardwUk aad y&ar*.Tba MtomObi nod rnnMaaca of Calvin

R. fim mnn naalaintng thirty aeron. marv orMl llM Mil (fJMM W.

Mid rMitllMf of Jof.P. Ktrto*. eMMUiin| WJO tmi more or 1cm ;Alao, o*m oik«r traet of ImmI. rtOMalaing 2M)oorr*. kr^wn.M the C|n( Tuck PlaaUiioa.\k>s Mi dW imfj MaUiniiig 800 mtm,

Ci Aimm B8m4. to lb pmyirly of Jooaph P.irtoa , m (k "ui» of Paul Sichol* Md otLtr*.Thr plMluin and rntdwc* of Tho».

Boyd. omtaiaiM tfOO a«rto mots cm Icm a*bi> property, dtrbe mil if AIM HMith, bur*rMMi oOmt*. *

Twenty toad of 'an iIm propertyiftoml FUtyd, ai the mil of Tto. H. Hotmoaand own.flu ^tMtatioa* muI n«h|M<% of Jo*.

MiMhibii oat bundrti Md il|Kt;aero* nor* orW . UU properly, Ml lie mil# w m. n^d and <HlHn.tbi plantation and ruijiMe of E. L.

Gaum. comaieiwlW aeraa nor* or leas, a*bia property, arjWe anil »t Kaliany k Moat


The plant* ion end roidonre of A. J.Uirlinn rvmlAi irvnr (ba ktonJ.i mim* MAM

or 1«m, a* hilt property, M Um suit of W. D.(lor|tnu w4 tAMti.Tho plantation u4 residence of JoHpiiJohMtM. eontaint** nine hundred «rm

naarc or Um. u hi* property, u the wit of 8.0. Vkrr lad MUn.A trot of- load; mttalaiM 800 met**

moro or loan. ^iW on flh Fas Um Rm^oar Brown'i R*ta4, xijtrtnlni tw plantationwhocte l>. If. Johnrtod fortaarly Ured and

kiwivn M4k« load tenet, no the property offlrti^ Jshnwn, at the suit of- Saw. ft. tarefor another and dim. *. »


About MO barrels a£ root*, at the Mill,ao the proportr of Jot. W. kirtuit, at the suitof Wm. H. Jones, at. al.A tract af land, e»nt*hii*g om hnn

lr«daad' d|MV acres aort or loan, andknown k» lite Jmkin'a traot. as tba proport rofHtophenW. Kirtoa. at the suit of W. It.loam and other*.

The plantation and residenee of Yf. II.Prirotl. containing H area*. as his propertyat tha Mtk of J. M. Ball and othara. ^j|The plantation andRoar**, oanlaiaing thro* IbflttteaMor loso, and known an tin vuflMa proporty. a* Stee oolt «t AHaad othara.

The plantation and rttMnno >9fthsdhs astaining fOt» aaraa nor* or W*s^Qhia properly, at the salt of liayard FanIk andothers.

- «V s ,' The plantation and residence of Arthurlagfi, containing 608 aerna. at hisproparty4 at tha>'aoit of Hawdsl Roll, aBss'r.The plantation and residence of D. P.

Uidni containing on* hundred seren, kinproperty, at lha suit of H *. A. Hpieey andothers.^ A hajr Horse, m i|n property sf KimliII. fliagfatoo. nt the salt of John Darby.A negro man. as the property of J.

J. Bellamy, at the tsh eT Wip. J Dubois and<>i Iters. *

* A tract of land, containing one thousandand thirty acres, mora qg less oa HugHviUktp, adjoining Mtaf Tyler's land, as 'heproperty of W.,F. ttryftpt, at the suit of W.M. laiikTwo lloreee and Waggon, a* the property of

Henry H Farter, at the WtU of Jos. J.Dtton and others.Una Sorrel llorae, au<l one Buggy and

Harness, ae the property gf Kevin Johnston,ht the suite, of Xohn Walton and others.

W. I. UllAUAJi. 8. H. D.Sheriff a Office. ApHI 11, . * at

. . .

J. J. UelWuny, ' f Attachment.MAY vtafue of this Writ, by my Deputy. 8.p Hughes, at Aaton Rhodes' about eightoVtoek, A. M., on the eigliteenth day of

Ifarch, A. ft.. I Mi; I. I attstMd aid tooJFefthe property of the within named Jos. J.Bellamy, the ahseat drhtcr, a certain negroman by the hams tif Ham : and no nnrSoncjatiwiag die hM negro Ham a* a earrtiinr inummmIm, I 4i«l wp it lb dub of lbe Cowrtflutter. iii my Hletrief, an account of the propertyUMrbd anil t opy'nf (kin Writ, withnotion for uj p»mii (if pmon* tltimiay themim, to appear aa oitiiin required, and »hewckiuw according to k«; and aflor ifiti|Wi(Mircb, I could not And within aty Diatrict,ibe defendant, J. i. Bellamy!K)Tlt'K.Any yimi or poreoaa. whonay cbynithe aforeaald Oegrft San ao ml u«k*4^H|0n<«W» »«^utra»l « appenr andabew cfWbe, acmrding to law, at the lime andplace mentioned ia thin Copy Writ.

W, I. GRAHAM. 8 H IVApAt 11, 18*1,


A '8tW. I. Gore 1nTIJ | WHta foreign Altaohnonl.

lor J. Refienr. Ila nm nU», made by JudgeI Wanr. la tho above atatod aaaea. I willolbr (or mate, before 4ha Court lloum, ia Con

Wayborrt*, <>n the Aret Monday ia May aoit,within lofpd mle baura. a certain negro manby the aaatof Ran. attachad «n the propertyof Jb. J. Bellamy. .

'- W. 1. <)RA HAM.

' "

. 8 H. ft.teitl I Itk e.

Mill Mi Conwajrboro',l/io| bmT im Wmwov W»fp. It i« tMmiIM IxtUli* for hroint, wHl luatoroU,*«. FooUmm apply to . o. 5. KfX,(' nwtjrk»m', fl. C.N B . Apy m* doairtag ika abnao, Mr.Ihu «MI le^a gr%a< phM'fi BioitkibHhig the

l.4>» KOH K il.K.MA \rR*R ofgvA u»tl. wail timOOUf R4roA. I miiIINIIi #(«M for1

haaw', a%d NallMit Onm oHm of Tat Bluff,mmM Wpa..»W RKer. jOmhiI JRO tcra»f (It# above U' Mjf land, rnrnif drotaed.tod »ulUbUlor lid rdrin| of form or

w. it.tHdSwlf a. cffercii 2ff .dIf i


THE81 BSCRlBERiiWould Respeotfully Invite the

attention or tukim. customers toTHEIR

.llBiMttaeit if U^itrs,such a8

peach. appleMu, Blackberry. Uvtwlrr

HL.K RunKchnapp*


Mum«i, Malaga

^H^B^ihoo RectifiedWhtattalliiuorr,Ha A (Jl'RflANL'H.


& COinrit* theattwacoatamur*aau thepeMfl Imj bar* raoanilypurebai^^H^^^HMALLOY 8 ENTIREnunRn^H' ,:>'' ,in8

IHIMOBtg^^^KnnrcAPs. j*.1HM|^^^^BNTLY ON IlAND.

VF <.

'CHAR, jr., ft?11 o* the mo«i rt»orwill |»k« hi exM«Oak Suite# Mi lf good price* lor

half rank. ISragntlo well to give i^vin. HOKKOUailK,ttUKOANLS.'

4 If

3E.lilTKD to us. titterit. ere aarautlj reia<l»etil«. or theirpieced m ike h*t»<l»on, awl all person*K over six mouths,eel.

^^ prv*. S ltl KROlUillH.^^ w. 1>. OfROAM'S.

March J# JJJT_To All Whom it May Uaeera!H|R. OH A RL1R P. MALLOT hu placedIVM hta n.lea att>( ttrAinl* hi o«r haadifor eolle-.ioa. The attention of parties intereeted.ia respectfully Lariled to a ipmijatUlement of the same

IIAK LLP.K k WALSH. Attorney*.March » 4»

jStice.A LL PKRM8 *ued by T. H. Holmes.M are nniflL that if they will come

forward in nia^^^^r* fHo Saturday, :»hhMarch, and^^^^^A to the 8litrifft liiw demaadft, th^^^^^^Awill par oae half thecoet. T. If. HOLMES.

M tf



f constantly on| a select'IHHF

jVX^^^Buid ize,Consisting in the Dry GoodsI line, from RIl^MK le «ii cent IIOMK|SI'l'N. A au|4^^paticlc ofBOOi> SKI^WASI> rMBRKI.L4&%

Readywade Clothing,|IiatH and Caps,BOOTS AND 8HOE8,SADDLERY, HARDWARE,

Tiy W.I R /;. CRO ( K KII .r,iflroceiies, turli as

COFFEE, TEAS,sugar, roM^N and kkfinkd,('amir^noap, Starch.


ul'UVw m m ** *" 1 ''' ' ' lk I | OK"

to MY HTIM'Kfin* Cognac,Peach, HnlUn«l l><>n

gahela Mi 1»f rbal -"Twice pMth** &cwwitlf*


Foj^WMTBRT JJP|k e 11 !!

^^^KVAL.U^^UBm^- AINSfriend*

.be Lot removedfront

Hp n

llieknown an


' t Shoes. Hats,'<! {tc,JHB^^He«p«rA' Tool

llXM CASH !He wfljWax, Coon

Trash,for tkuae

i Af?mr.NT$v'wtn«k

^^HHVTNQ AT!1 A trial will gtr« ratirr atifffWri.t* K CONUlKtNMarck 2

^nHH' I( :i To .Distillers.PYVIR CNDKR8I0NRD ha* a nea and

rommadioun 8PIRIT Mil KI) on hi*vL^ .k.»V« will «. i. i_y «« ir. > X" w.. 9VWIV »vr|l M in

Good Order,«<1 ohip by F1WT VKflHKI. lo in; p*rt

ii » m^^iprnit W)ll IIM ionin; flowU r ,) him; h«l willP*y no F. tig^mtiUe WhtUrrer.<Ji.> k.-, , ., 1MB.) ft CONODON.Vnnh 14 Jgflk *l



KEEP on Imii4 for uk full iworlman..ofDry Goods, Groceries &c.ummIIy kept in a Village Store. which weoffer at the IvweM price*TIRPKNTLXK OR OTHER FROOUCE.

that can he kerned into mener. taken at ILI*.pneM far UsmxU er in NtiUaitiu of X««k efVwyti!- tine us.T. W. BEATY *


F>h. 28 '!tf »

bxlp o! xmai£JELF PRESERVATION W THE FIRSTCj LAW v OF HUMAN NATURE Itherefore announce to all Mrwni indebted tothe late Irm of BUCK i HE ATT. thai thetime has some that rher must settle their |indebt ednea. to us. or I shall be compelled tosue. Cash. produoe. er eaything that willpay our creditors, will be taken ia payment.

| If you cannot par the whole, pay us a part.' Small Caeor* thankfully received and greaterone* in proportion. T. W BKATY.

| Mpreh 21 8tf_1B. J. QttmttroN AtrCO.,


ANb IiA\.* .nto.. *

Also a general assortment of

Dry Goodsand Groceriesjsuited to the wsstt of the coaalrri which we 1

will w»ll low far «Mtt or Turfwntibe, Itkilc(kale Starts, Afth &(., or any otharrISaSMibU J, KIMU.KTO.N. F. G. duuroiuwMawk w 2 .

- -r v10,000 BABR£U

GOOD TURPENTINE| WWT ANTED," for vkt<* ve wlU Uku a*WW full yrlca in. p«;mMi for Corn,Morckajidiir or dabta duo u*.B. J mSNLETON. F G. BURROUGHSWnfrk_T4 .1yPaper and Stationery,





Garden Seeds.JOS. J. RK'!!W(KH>.

Mnreh 14 2tf

U. W.Forwarding and Comminion

Merchant,COXWAYBOW, 8. C.

Apcil 11 K«f

iym£ UNDERSIGNED^LD nw|i»rtfclljr Inform pmmi

who »rf ra|ra(H tu the

Turpentine Business,thut h<- will carry on the lMi«iuet* of makingSl'IKlT HAKHF.LS. at thel'ooper Shop, for

Jmerly own^l by Mr. Ilenry Manly Itnrrel*warranted

Ortler* for BA HIIELS will rrc«i«« promplMention. S. W. WILLSOVFeb 2* 1tf

WANTEDl(m,000 White Oak STAVES '

i for which the beat market priae will br paid.S. W. YILLSON.I Feb » 1 .if


TUG uVTncLiareTmL m*m. wmJm mm^1 111 *9



Till* PLOW h»i* iiiahy iuli«nl«K»!i »v»raiiv other Patent nov in nw, baring

been invented by an experienced Planter an«lMechanic. Tlie-c Plow* can now W hadwhenever ilenirnl of Hoggin* & llcndrick. atI heir ehopa, in I 'otiwayhoro', 8. {' , wherethey may always lie found ready to neeonmin<Utetheir friends nud cnntouierii in the lineof their bu«iae*-\. such a* IKON WOVKS OFALL KIN UK

V. 11..Cftnh or Uincoiint on the delivery ofall work in ettr Une.

HIOOIVF A HF.XDUirK. |j March M 2 * din

| FOE CONWAYBOBOTRI-VtKKKVI. NAIL LKErailiR undersign**) informs the traveling| jiiibite, that lie i« rurml*:g a TUt-WEF.Kl.T IlViK I.I NR. between 1 air Uln IT.I on the Wilmington nnd Manchester flallroad.and t'enwayboro'. ft. C. as follow* :

Leave Fair ltluff on Monday*. Wedneadaysana rriuajr*, »l n o clock. A. M., »n<i arrive

j Conwiyhom' »»iwp <lny. »l G I*. M.Returning.Leave I'otia^vHoro' on Tuesday*.TSur«<l») * m<l Saturday*. a* .} o'clock

, A.. M an«l arrive at Fair Bluff, same i»y at6 r M. - I^M rORTKK.( Feb 211 1

1 ii. a. Mouton. r.i<wim vi. ni.i.t.,

N'LROI) & liRLL.General C o mm i saionMerchants.


Pork, Lard, Baron, Pundit'*, SoapSngnr, Coffee, &t\, kc.

which they offer at )o«a*t market r*i«» forfault or INI/ Acceptance.110 East-Bay, Charleston, 8. C.Mr Orjer* solicited an«l **li*fae»ioit ftuairaufieJ. 1 I t Felt >

15,000 Bushels Corn.;.0U UCflllELH NKW OATSIBM) Barrel-, Flourzmi iuim Hayrnn. MealTable HomingWheat HratiClf* Fear Pltwr in Barrela and Sneka,| of Southern Wheal and Southern groundHeat in lb* Stale.

STOKLF.Y k OLD*!AM.Maerh 21 *^T Wilmington. 5 -C.


W. Fa JOY,Shipping and Commianion AfferohaoL

BALTIMORE, MR,A TTf N'l>* to lb j.uffhar* ami ahipmenl

of PROrUUfWS, (TRAIN. (IRIH'KRffis, and all deaerhrtinna of WKRi'If \S-<;| DI/.K Adrancce tnmla an ftmtijpimanfs.

Proprietor of Packet Dine la lieorgefntrn.i AC arch 21 *IJ I



. « - >

A CARDTo ihe Southern People.VSTULK >11 >r« ooMwiht| to mow i>W the Ttfki direction i« *waM.*h tbeiMi^aibxt erf lb« South frew Ik* North incoaktixitl point «f tW», it it >In tpry mcnwrythat m»r Manofact uring K»taMi»hinrMlehould all he 9tipp<Wied. All rWI mJmnftkd /Orf.Tk» undesigned beg* l«rt 10 iufonn the

people of thin im) nil nlkm who mayj* iBiwwiud, ihtt »hwjr hare in 4 'harleatow,H C . one of ih«

Largest Saab, Blind and DoorManufactories in the V. States

either North or South. and that tk«y arc nowIn Mueuiss of all the fxiklif* for manufacturingwork of thia dmcripiion a> cheap ancan l>e made any wlirr*. We keep constantlyon hardA Urge aeaortment of Ready Made work of

regular aiiee.- a aao

Mouldings of Innumerable Patterns,and Stair Newels, 1luistern


uitk^S^purebaee fWwNorthera people *ko will taUtltRcPaW^^^Rfflof the eery nn»y which Ihey make-eelliag ajatv-h good* m Mileatkne eitira for the purposeof Mplag ear *kr*e» Urvk off. We oanmake #»e saair Had ef work they »ell, for ikeaine money, and we ore fhniilmi men e«.rv

one-ef our flnn heafde* we ar anufarturinghere at hone, and our people taunt giro u«the preference t<f keep ua in work, or atich aneutabMehtnerft-aa earn eannut last. 8en<l inyour order*.4hgy wiH he faithfctUy (Tiled;and attended to prot ptlv. We now'have en


11x20, 12118, 12*16, 12*14,- : 10*32 and 0X16Sashes RoadY Made/

afcao .

Blinds af all the' ahave-Sixes.- Atw Itoori ran|1ag is bim from >.

to ftfr ftajn tffrowtCmniiMm toftrotquality.

Nowala and Raloalvra, and a great variety of, Inaiilr Coxing

We earnestly elicit t coll from all whoway bo in want of good* iu out Hut, or thoaowho would Uk« to look through ourliibatnl.

W p. RUSSKLL k 0.East End H|io 11-Street,

OhurlcKtom S. 0.P«h 28

^ (« .1 L8m


H. W. K1MSM All,Cer. King and Itaafaln-streets.IS >»OW receiving from French and AtuericaninanufketoricBDECORATED PAPER,

of new and rick dcxignt iit Panel, Wold. Saiu»,Velvet an«' Wuxl luiMalione, with lUr<Urr,Ac., to corfeopond.

. aaaw. .

Chamber and other Paper*,in every variety of atyle and pattern.My atock of Window Shade*, of my own

| manufacture, and Curtain* mad* tad yjy^ipin tho lateat atyle*.upnoiaiery (iooaa,

Curtain Material* aiel Furniture t 'orering*,of late importation ii lull »« ! fomplfte,which are offered, wholesale and retail. at»u«.li prion* »- to present uuuaual iiiduaemrut*to purchaser*.


Dealers in Grain and CommissionMerchants,WILMINGTON, N. C.

--.o;oJprompt atteolion yirtn to the tale of Cot>too, Flour, Macon and other T'ounlryrr«»du«M>.

Birtmu'lu.t'«l. John MilUe, PresidentItanlc of Wilnunglo* : O. 0. Pwdry. Emj.I'renldrtil Commercial Hank; John Dawnon.llnq. Pr«dJ(ut Wilmington llranch Hank ofS^CT, Ur. Tkoi. -II. Wright. President Hankof Capo Ketft llenrjr K. Naali. Rut)., Ilillnboro',S. f.: Michael Brown, , Salisbury,N. C.; C. Jt. Mc.Vdoo, Ra<|., Greensboro", !V.

C.1 Mm Feb 2*


manufhotitftng tha heat Family FI.Ol'Ki 1 ur * npc r ni r i»»r jama. « A

l\ For at (br MDU. and »l their Store,No. V. Month W»ttr nliTfi.

lu whole barnds and half-barrel* :In h%jf« ronn*i»ui»|f otie-ha'f,In l>afr« containing tu»e-aigh»h ;Of) Wrap <nn«lnutly on hand. at the Mill,

and at their Wore, freeh OlkH'NI) MK VI.,Hommnty, Orackwl Com. Cow Peed, Shorts,IVran, He., He.They aImi been tar «alr.

f COUN.M vko'ntlt end retail ;(MTK ill wholesale and retail;

* FF.A'S at wholesale and retail ;If AY at wholesale and retail;

1 MarsheHV tne Hall In aacka ;Liverpool ground Alnfki Malt, in twitiiNorth-Carolina Flour oitfl||MMtfMHMarch_4^^^^^g

SUI'KRF^WQ^PHfor aale hy mw5uw^I^^|I |>ooud»lo the bu'he).HTOKELY k OLDHAM.

March 1 I J1ifCbirlfntoii Candy MuuCiclory.KINN5IA1V Sl II ItO.

Mahafaeturera and Importers of

French Confectioneries, FancyBOXES,

WHOLBSA I.R AND RRTAILI Candles put up ill A W and I0U lb. ^ote«.I vji irnrri |>iviupnj wifimfi l().

247 King-at., Charleston, S. C.Cakes frenh every Day.

Wedding Coke, Pyramid* Mid Hireplc- madeto ardor, I'artia* auppliod oa reasonable

j iirrnd 1 ly F«b 2*

J7K. KITAHKM,28 2 and 2 84 King* street,

WBriLKSALK^^^^.^|an<l KotoO Pea-^^E|lSjS^t» Form

Into, rbgira, IIaim oof. Mprmf arid Mow MalLnoklnfBIwiim< |o.KomvowI, Walnut kad Mahogany Parlor

Furniture, in Hroratelle, Kept and Haircloth.Rnamel Chamber Puroifur- Oak Hoe#

*o.kI, he., heAlways tm hand a largo nonenwent of He.

fri(rrr»i.>r-, <Mldrens Carriage* and IUckife(H<tw aMarti. 4 I *ly