tgas fitri 1

Daftar Pustaka Ay oub, M. M. and Dampse y, P. G. 1999. The Ps ychophysical Approach to Material Handling Task Design. Ergonomic ol. !". #o. 1, pp$ 1% & '1. Garnd(ean, ). 199'.  Fitting the Task to the Man, ! th ed. Taylor and *rancis +nc. ondon. #urmianto, ). 199-.  Ergonomi Konsep Dasar dan Aplikas inya . PT. Guna idya Tar/aka0 akri, 2.H.A.0 2udiad(eng, . "33!.  Ergonomi, untuk Keselamatan, Kesehatan  Kerja dan Produktivitas . 4#+A Press, 2urakarta Te mple, 5.0 Adams, T. "333. )rgono mic Analysis o6 Multi Task +ndustrial i6ting 2tation 4sing the #+72H Method. Journal o !ndustrial T echnology , 8ol. 1-, no. ". aters, T. 5.0 Anderson, . P.0 Garg, A. 199!.  Application Manual For The "evised #!$%&  'iting E(uation. 42 Department o6 Health and Human 2er8ice, incinnati. a ters, T. 5.0 And erson, . P. 0 Garg, A., *ine, :. 199'.  "evised #!$%& E(uation or the  Design and Evaluation o Manual 'iting Task . #ational +nstitute 6or 7ccupational 2a6ety and Health, incinnati. ignyosubroto, 2. 199;.  Ergonomi, %tudi )erak dan *aktu, Te knik Analisis untuk  Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja . Guna idya, :akarta


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7/17/2019 tgas fitri 1 1/1

Daftar Pustaka

Ayoub, M. M. and Dampsey, P. G. 1999. The Psychophysical Approach to Material HandlingTask Design. Ergonomic ol. !". #o. 1, pp$ 1% & '1.

Garnd(ean, ). 199'. Fitting the Task to the Man, !th ed. Taylor and *rancis +nc.ondon. #urmianto, ). 199-. Ergonomi Konsep Dasar dan Aplikasinya. PT. GunaidyaTar/aka0 akri, 2.H.A.0 2udiad(eng, . "33!. Ergonomi, untuk Keselamatan, Kesehatan

 Kerja dan Produktivitas. 4#+A Press, 2urakartaTemple, 5.0 Adams, T. "333. )rgonomic Analysis o6 Multi Task +ndustrial i6ting 2tation

4sing the #+72H Method. Journal o !ndustrial Technology, 8ol. 1-, no. ".aters, T. 5.0 Anderson, . P.0 Garg, A. 199!. Application Manual For The "evised #!$%& 

 'iting E(uation. 42 Department o6 Health and Human 2er8ice, incinnati.aters, T. 5.0 Anderson, . P.0 Garg, A., *ine, :. 199'. "evised #!$%& E(uation or the

 Design and Evaluation o Manual 'iting Task . #ational +nstitute 6or 7ccupational2a6ety and Health, incinnati.

ignyosubroto, 2. 199;. Ergonomi, %tudi )erak dan *aktu, Teknik Analisis untuk  Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja. Guna idya, :akarta