Textural and mineralogical constraints in chromite sands ... · Mineralogy: chromite ore is a...

Textural and mineralogical constraints in chromite sands enrichment by shaking tables at Brieville plant (Madagascar) Grieco, G., Pedrotti, M.*, Merlini, A., Pileri, D. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italia (*[email protected]) Separation Efficiency (SE) Rg Rm SE f f m f c Cm SE ) ( ) ( 100 Geology and chromite deposits of Madagascar Geology: Madagascar comprises two main domains, the western third of the island is characterized by Phanerozoic covers, while the central and eastern two thirds are a Precambrian block. Precambrian of Madagascar can be divided into two sectors, an Archean basement of middle to high metamorphic grade rocks (mainly gneiss, migmatite, granulite, schist and amphibolite) and Proterozoic metasediments (Windley et al. 1994). Chromite deposits: Madagascar chromite deposits are located only in the Archean terrains and are always related to strongly deformed basic intrusions (mainly noritic bodies and ultramafic lenses). Chromitite occurs within the ultramafic bodies as layers and lenses usually in pyroxenites or, rarely, in peridotites. The three main chromite districts are known as Sud Andriamena Befandriana- and Ambodriana (see figure to the right). Chromite exploitation began in 1960 at the Ranomena Mine, Zone Ambodriana, but moved soon to the much richer and better quality chromite ores of the Zone Sud Andriamena, where Bemanevika Mine was opened in 1968. Production from the biggest chromitite body in this area (Ankazotaolana Mine) started in 1969 and in 1975, finally, several small mines were opened in the Befandriana-Nord area. In the last years production has been limited to the Bemanevika, Ankazotaolana and Telomita Mines in the Zone Sud Andriamena. Brieville enrichment plant The Andriamena Sud mines are exploited by Kraomita Malagasy, a state owned mining company, that produces chromite lumpy and sand at the Brieville enrichment plant. Chromite sand enrichment is achieved by crushing and tabling, according to the flow sheet shown in the figure on the left. crushing plant: tumbling ball mills and vibrating screens that reduce feed to -2.5 mm grainsize (fig.1 & 2); gravity separation plant: hydroclassifiers (fig. 3) that send feed to three different series of shaking tables (fig. 4a & 4b) comprising eight tables each that work sand coming out from different sections of the hydroclassifiers. Each table produces three types of materials: concentrate, mix and waste. All analyses where performed on the series comprising tables from 57 (receiving the coarsest sand) to 64 (receiving the finest sand). Primary concentrate and a second concentrate from re-tabling of mix are stocked as the final product (fig. 5). Flow sheet 2 1 3 4a 5 4b Mineralogy & Chemistry 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 SiO 2 (wt %) Cr 2 O 3 (wt %) Comparison between Cr 2 O 3 and SiO 2 feed 33E table 57E table 57M table 57C table 62E table 62M table 62C table 64E table 64C final product PF5 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 57E 57C 62E 62C 64E 64C 33E PF5 Ratio Cr/Fe Tables Ratio Cr/Fe Mineralogy: chromite ore is a massive to densely disseminated chromitite hosted within a peridotitic to pyroxenitic country rock. Gangue mineralogy is very rich, comprising ortho- and clinopyroxene, tremolitic to edenitic amphibole, serpentine, chlorite, talc and minor pentlandite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite, rutile and dolomite. Mineralogical studies were carried out on four different grainsizes of feed (33F). Overlying X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD) patterns show that chromite grains concentrate within 600 > d > 300 m grainsize where, as a matter of fact, there is the highest peak intensity of chromite and the lowest of all silicates. Moreover pyroxenes concentrate within the coarsest grainsize while amphiboles, chlorite and serpentine within the finest. Chemistry: chemical analyses on each product were performed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The figure on the left, that compares Cr 2 O 3 and SiO 2 wt% contents, highlights inverse linear trend between the two parameters, because Cr 2 O 3 content is directly proportional to chromite content that is inversely proportional to silicate content. Concentrates of tables 57 (57C) and 62 (62C) and final product (PF5) are the only three materials that satisfy parameters for chromite metallurgic use, that is Cr 2 O 3 > 47 wt% and SiO 2 < 5 wt% (red continuous lines in figure). On the other hand no materials worked at Brieville plant reach the 2.5 threshold of Cr/Fe ratio, another parameter for chromite metallurgic use, due to the relatively high Fe 2 O 3 content of chromite. Feed 33F: d > 1000 m Feed 33F: 1000 > d > 600 m Feed 33F: 600 > d > 300 m Feed 33F: 300 > d > 150 m TOTAL PLANT Parameters Value C 0.600 m (wt%) 54.12 c (wt%) 48.44 f (wt%) 39.51 SE 50.23 TABLE 57 Parameters Value C 0.610 m (wt%) 54.12 c (wt%) 51.04 f (wt%) 45.90 SE 44.97 TABLE 62 Parameters Value C 0.470 m (wt%) 54.12 c (wt%) 51.13 f (wt%) 38.15 SE 54.19 TABLE 64 Parameters Value C 0.510 m (wt%) 54.12 c (wt%) 47.21 f (wt%) 26.95 SE 76.37 References Schulz N. F. Separation efficiency. 1970. TRANS. SME-AIME. 247, 56. Wills B. A. Mineral processing technology. 1979. Pergamon Books Inc., Elmsford , 650 pp. Wills B. A. & Napier-Munn T. mineral processing technology. 2006. Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford, 444 pp. Windley B.F., Razafiniparany A., Ackermand D. (1994): Tectonic framework of the Precambrian of Madagascar in its Gondwana connections: a review and reappraisal. Geol. Rundschau, 83: pp. 642 -659. As the Cr 2 O 3 content of the concentrate depends on the ore mineralogy and texture but also on the enrichment plant efficiency, a Separation Efficiency (SE), as defined by Schulz (1970), was introduced: where Rm is the % recovery of the valuable mineral and Rg is the % recovery of the gangue into the concentrate. Previous equation can be used practically in the following form (Wills, 1979): where C is the fraction of the total feed weight that reports to the concentrate, m is the wt% Cr 2 O 3 content of the valuable mineral, c is the Cr 2 O 3 wt% of the concentrate and f is the Cr 2 O 3 wt% of the feed. At Brieville separation efficiency (SE) was calculated for three shaking tables and total plant as shown in the tables below. 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 47 48 49 50 51 52 C c (wt%) c vs C Plant Table 57 Table 62 Table 64 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 22 24 26 28 30 32 SE c * C (wt%) c * C vs SE Plant Table 57 Table 62 Table 64 Results show that within the series of eight tables receiving sand from the same hydroclassifier efficiency increases from table 57 to table 64. If we compare for the different tables and the final product the values of the most important commercial parameters, that are total recovery (C) and Cr 2 O 3 content (c) (figure above to the left), we get misleading results as table 57 shows the best performance, but this is achieved with the lowest efficiency (figure above to the right) and is related to pre-enrichment of its feed in the hydroclassifier. Conclusions Brieville feed chromite sand has a very heterogeneous mineralogy, comprising primary and secondary minerals, but devoid of olivine. Differential separation of gangue minerals could reasonably occur and will be tested. Hydroclassification operates a pre-selection of chromite sand and, as a consequence, tables are fed with sands different not only in grainsize but also in mineralogy and chemistry. The main parameter affecting the quality of the final product is the degree of liberation of chromite, as more than half of SiO 2 content of final product is hosted in middlings. Re-tabling of mix cannot efficiently separate chromite due to its very high middlings content. Low sorting of sands feeding tables negatively affects their efficiency. Tables working coarser sands have lower efficiency but this trend is hidden by the pre- concentration operated by the hydroclassifiers. Crushing below 1 mm and substitution of hydroclassifiers with screens could increase tables efficiency and improve quality and/or recovery of final product. Grainsize & Grain Counting 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 100 1000 10000 wt % Grainsize (μm) Grainsize table 57 57F 57C 57M 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 100 1000 10000 wt % Grainsize (μm) Grainsize table 64 64F 64C 64M 64W 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 100 1000 10000 wt % Grainsize (μm) Grainsize overall feed (33F) and concentrate (PF5) 33F PF5 Grainsize: separation of grains in a shaking table occurs due to contrasts in specific weight, grainsize and, to a minor extent, grain shape. Specific weight contrast between grains for a given grainsize distribution of sand depends on density and degree of liberation of phases (Wills and Napier-Munn, 2006). At Brieville tables receive the feed from hydroclassifiers so that in a series of eight tables the first (table 57 to the left) works coarser sand pre-enriched in chromite, while the last (table 64 above) works finer sand pre-depleted in chromite. The different grainsize distribution of feed (F), concentrate (C), mix (M) and waste (W) shows that separation is strongly affected by low sorting of feed, resulting in grainsize separation together with density separation. Grainsize separation at the plant scale is confirmed by the different grainsize distribution of overall feed (33F) and final product (PF5) (figure to the left). 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 d>1000 1000>d>600 600>d>300 300>d>150 % Grainsize (μm) Grain counting of overall feed (33F) chromite middlings silicate 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 33F 57F 57C 57M 62F PF5 wt % Grain counting of each product chromite middlings silicate Grain Counting: separation efficiency strongly depends on the degree of liberation between ore and gangue minerals. Degree of liberation of chromite from silicate gangue was evaluated by grain counting under transmitted light microscope, where middlings were defined as grains containing 10 to 90% chromite. Each datum refers to 500 grains counted on a thin section and relative number of grains is transformed into wt% by using average density of phases. Overall feed (33F) is strongly enriched in silicate and middling grains in the coarsest grainsize, while the highest concentration of chromite grains is in the finest grainsize (fig. A). Totally gravity separation plant works a feed that has about 59 wt% chromite, 17.5 wt% middlings and 23.5 wt% silicate grains. Fig. B shows distribution of grains for different products regardless of grainsize. The pre-concentration at hydroclassifiers is clearly visible in the very different grain distribution between feeds of tables 57 (57F, with 65 wt% chromite grains) and 62 (62F, with 53 wt% chromite grains). The residual SiO 2 content of concentrates (57C and PF5) is mainly due to their high amount of middlings while the amount of silicate grains is quite low. The high content of middlings in the mix (57M) shows that it cannot be efficiently re-worked. The final product (PF5) compared to overall feed (33F) shows that the chromite increase is 10.9 wt% and the silicate decrease is 14.5 wt%. Finally the middlings content is increased by 4 wt%. A B

Transcript of Textural and mineralogical constraints in chromite sands ... · Mineralogy: chromite ore is a...

Page 1: Textural and mineralogical constraints in chromite sands ... · Mineralogy: chromite ore is a massive to densely disseminated chromitite hosted within a peridotitic to pyroxenitic

Textural and mineralogical constraints in chromite sands enrichment by shaking tables at Brieville plant (Madagascar)

Grieco, G., Pedrotti, M.*, Merlini, A., Pileri, D.Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italia (*[email protected])

Separation Efficiency (SE)




Geology and chromite deposits of Madagascar

Geology: Madagascar comprises two main domains, the western third of the island is characterized by Phanerozoic covers, while thecentral and eastern two thirds are a Precambrian block. Precambrian of Madagascar can be divided into two sectors, an Archean basementof middle to high metamorphic grade rocks (mainly gneiss, migmatite, granulite, schist and amphibolite) and Proterozoic metasediments(Windley et al. 1994).

Chromite deposits: Madagascar chromite deposits are located only in the Archean terrains and are always related to strongly deformedbasic intrusions (mainly noritic bodies and ultramafic lenses). Chromitite occurs within the ultramafic bodies as layers and lenses usuallyin pyroxenites or, rarely, in peridotites. The three main chromite districts are known as Sud Andriamena Befandriana- and

Ambodriana (see figure to the right).Chromite exploitation began in 1960 at the Ranomena Mine, Zone Ambodriana, but moved soon to the much richer and better qualitychromite ores of the Zone Sud Andriamena, where Bemanevika Mine was opened in 1968. Production from the biggest chromitite bodyin this area (Ankazotaolana Mine) started in 1969 and in 1975, finally, several small mines were opened in the Befandriana-Nord area. Inthe last years production has been limited to the Bemanevika, Ankazotaolana and Telomita Mines in the Zone Sud Andriamena.

Brieville enrichment plant

The Andriamena Sud mines are exploited by Kraomita Malagasy, astate owned mining company, that produces chromite lumpy andsand at the Brieville enrichment plant.Chromite sand enrichment is achieved by crushing and tabling,according to the flow sheet shown in the figure on the left.

crushing plant: tumbling ball mills and vibrating screens thatreduce feed to -2.5 mm grainsize (fig.1 & 2);

gravity separation plant: hydroclassifiers (fig. 3) that send feedto three different series of shaking tables (fig. 4a & 4b) comprisingeight tables each that work sand coming out from different sectionsof the hydroclassifiers. Each table produces three types ofmaterials: concentrate, mix and waste.All analyses where performed on the series comprising tables from57 (receiving the coarsest sand) to 64 (receiving the finest sand).Primary concentrate and a second concentrate from re-tabling ofmix are stocked as the final product (fig. 5).

Flow sheet

21 3

4a 54b

Mineralogy & Chemistry







20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55



t %)

Cr2O3 (wt %)

Comparison between Cr2O3 and SiO2

feed 33E

table 57E

table 57M

table 57C

table 62E

table 62M

table 62C

table 64E

table 64C

final product PF50,0














57E 57C 62E 62C 64E 64C 33E PF5


io C



Ratio Cr/Fe

Mineralogy: chromite ore is a massive to densely disseminated chromitite hosted within a peridotitic to pyroxenitic country rock. Ganguemineralogy is very rich, comprising ortho- and clinopyroxene, tremolitic to edenitic amphibole, serpentine, chlorite, talc and minorpentlandite, pyrrhotite, ilmenite, rutile and dolomite. Mineralogical studies were carried out on four different grainsizes of feed (33F).Overlying X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD) patterns show that chromite grains concentrate within 600 > d > 300 m grainsize where, asa matter of fact, there is the highest peak intensity of chromite and the lowest of all silicates. Moreover pyroxenes concentrate within thecoarsest grainsize while amphiboles, chlorite and serpentine within the finest.

Chemistry: chemical analyses on each product were performed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The figure on the left, that compares Cr2O3 andSiO2 wt% contents, highlights inverse linear trend between the two parameters, because Cr2O3 content is directly proportional to chromitecontent that is inversely proportional to silicate content. Concentrates of tables 57 (57C) and 62 (62C) and final product (PF5) are the onlythree materials that satisfy parameters for chromite metallurgic use, that is Cr2O3 > 47 wt% and SiO2 < 5 wt% (red continuous lines in figure).On the other hand no materials worked at Brieville plant reach the 2.5 threshold of Cr/Fe ratio, another parameter for chromite metallurgicuse, due to the relatively high Fe2O3 content of chromite.

Feed 33F: d > 1000 m Feed 33F: 1000 > d > 600 m

Feed 33F: 600 > d > 300 m Feed 33F: 300 > d > 150 m

TOTAL PLANTParameters Value

C 0.600m (wt%) 54.12c (wt%) 48.44f (wt%) 39.51

SE 50.23

TABLE 57Parameters Value

C 0.610m (wt%) 54.12c (wt%) 51.04f (wt%) 45.90

SE 44.97

TABLE 62Parameters Value

C 0.470m (wt%) 54.12c (wt%) 51.13f (wt%) 38.15

SE 54.19

TABLE 64Parameters Value

C 0.510m (wt%) 54.12c (wt%) 47.21f (wt%) 26.95

SE 76.37

ReferencesSchulz N. F. Separation efficiency. 1970. TRANS. SME-AIME. 247, 56.Wills B. A. Mineral processing technology. 1979. Pergamon Books Inc., Elmsford , 650 pp.Wills B. A. & Napier-Munn T. mineral processing technology. 2006. Butterworth-

Heinemann, Oxford, 444 pp.Windley B.F., Razafiniparany A., Ackermand D. (1994): Tectonic framework of the

Precambrian of Madagascar in its Gondwana connections: a review and reappraisal. Geol.Rundschau, 83: pp. 642 -659.

As the Cr2O3 content of the concentrate depends on the ore mineralogy and texture butalso on the enrichment plant efficiency, a Separation Efficiency (SE), as defined bySchulz (1970), was introduced:

where Rm is the % recovery of the valuable mineral and Rg is the % recovery of thegangue into the concentrate.Previous equation can be used practically in the following form (Wills, 1979):

where C is the fraction of the total feed weight that reports to the concentrate, m is thewt% Cr2O3 content of the valuable mineral, c is the Cr2O3 wt% of the concentrate and f isthe Cr2O3 wt% of the feed.At Brieville separation efficiency (SE) was calculated for three shaking tables and totalplant as shown in the tables below.







47 48 49 50 51 52


c (wt%)

c vs C


Table 57

Table 62

Table 64










22 24 26 28 30 32


c * C (wt%)

c * C vs SE


Table 57

Table 62

Table 64

Results show that within the series of eight tables receiving sandfrom the same hydroclassifier efficiency increases from table 57 totable 64.If we compare for the different tables and the final product thevalues of the most important commercial parameters, that are totalrecovery (C) and Cr2O3 content (c) (figure above to the left), weget misleading results as table 57 shows the best performance, butthis is achieved with the lowest efficiency (figure above to theright) and is related to pre-enrichment of its feed in thehydroclassifier.

ConclusionsBrieville feed chromite sand has a very heterogeneous mineralogy, comprising primary and

secondary minerals, but devoid of olivine. Differential separation of gangue minerals couldreasonably occur and will be tested.

Hydroclassification operates a pre-selection of chromite sand and, as a consequence, tablesare fed with sands different not only in grainsize but also in mineralogy and chemistry.

The main parameter affecting the quality of the final product is the degree of liberation ofchromite, as more than half of SiO2 content of final product is hosted in middlings.

Re-tabling of mix cannot efficiently separate chromite due to its very high middlingscontent.

Low sorting of sands feeding tables negatively affects their efficiency.

Tables working coarser sands have lower efficiency but this trend is hidden by the pre-concentration operated by the hydroclassifiers.

Crushing below 1 mm and substitution of hydroclassifiers with screens could increase tablesefficiency and improve quality and/or recovery of final product.

Grainsize & Grain Counting













wt %

Grainsize (µm)

Grainsize table 57
















wt %

Grainsize (µm)

Grainsize table 64

















wt %

Grainsize (µm)

Grainsize overall feed (33F) and concentrate (PF5)



Grainsize: separation of grains in a shaking table occurs due tocontrasts in specific weight, grainsize and, to a minor extent, grainshape. Specific weight contrast between grains for a given grainsizedistribution of sand depends on density and degree of liberation ofphases (Wills and Napier-Munn, 2006). At Brieville tables receive thefeed from hydroclassifiers so that in a series of eight tables the first(table 57 to the left) works coarser sand pre-enriched in chromite, whilethe last (table 64 above) works finer sand pre-depleted in chromite. Thedifferent grainsize distribution of feed (F), concentrate (C), mix (M) andwaste (W) shows that separation is strongly affected by low sorting offeed, resulting in grainsize separation together with density separation.Grainsize separation at the plant scale is confirmed by the differentgrainsize distribution of overall feed (33F) and final product (PF5)(figure to the left).









d>1000 1000>d>600 600>d>300 300>d>150


Grainsize (µm)

Grain counting of overall feed (33F)

chromite middlings silicate











33F 57F 57C 57M 62F PF5

wt %

Grain counting of each product

chromite middlings silicate

Grain Counting: separation efficiency strongly depends on the degree ofliberation between ore and gangue minerals. Degree of liberation of chromitefrom silicate gangue was evaluated by grain counting under transmitted lightmicroscope, where middlings were defined as grains containing 10 to 90%chromite. Each datum refers to 500 grains counted on a thin section andrelative number of grains is transformed into wt% by using average densityof phases.

Overall feed (33F) is strongly enriched in silicate and middling grains in thecoarsest grainsize, while the highest concentration of chromite grains is in thefinest grainsize (fig. A). Totally gravity separation plant works a feed that hasabout 59 wt% chromite, 17.5 wt% middlings and 23.5 wt% silicate grains.

Fig. B shows distribution of grains for different products regardless ofgrainsize. The pre-concentration at hydroclassifiers is clearly visible in thevery different grain distribution between feeds of tables 57 (57F, with 65 wt%chromite grains) and 62 (62F, with 53 wt% chromite grains). The residualSiO2 content of concentrates (57C and PF5) is mainly due to their highamount of middlings while the amount of silicate grains is quite low. Thehigh content of middlings in the mix (57M) shows that it cannot be efficientlyre-worked.The final product (PF5) compared to overall feed (33F) shows that thechromite increase is 10.9 wt% and the silicate decrease is 14.5 wt%. Finallythe middlings content is increased by 4 wt%.