Textual analysis

Textual Analysis Double page spread By Augustine Adeosun

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Page 1: Textual analysis

Textual AnalysisDouble page spread

By Augustine Adeosun

Page 2: Textual analysis

Conventions used in this magazine double page spread are: main image, floating quote, typography, the text is written in standard English, there is also use of a sub-heading. From what I have seen from other magazine this layout of a double page spread is typical and adheres to the expected conventions of a double page spread. Only one image is used, the image connotes a young independent women. This article would attract its target audience as the article starts with the use of the floating quote as well as the image, these conventions could easily engage the magazines target audience.

The audience is being directly addressed as the article starts with a quote. Elements of the article which are successful are the image and the typography of the quote as they are nicely edited and they appeal to me.

Page 3: Textual analysis

Conventions used in this double page spread are: various types of typography, main image, heading, sub-heading and standard English. This is a typical double page spread as it contains one image with an article which seems to be very common amongst double page spreads. This magazine double page spread contains the typical conventions that would be expected in a music magazine double page spread. Only one image is used, this image connotes the current season, this image also connotes wealth as the artist has a chain, this image also connotes summer time as he is wearing light clothing.

The image represent the artist as wealth and from his pose full of confidence, the way he dress connotes his fashion sense (swag). This article could attract its target audience with the different types of typography and also the image of the rap artist. Successful elements of this double page spread are the main image linking to the headline, the various types of typography that have been used and also the layout which is clear as well as the headline which is bold which could easily appeal to it audience, the headline is also a play on words as the headline contains the artists name which audience would find very attracting.

Page 4: Textual analysis

Conventions used in this double page spread are: various types of typography, main image, heading, sub-heading, floating quote and standard English. This is a typical double page spread as it contains one image with an article which seems to be very common amongst double page spreads. Only one image is used, the image connotes the band mates age just by looking at the way they are dressed, also from the image we can have gain an idea of what genre of music they play (rock). The image creates a representation of an old fashion rock band which can be seen from there style of clothes and hair.

The article would attract its target audience as the sub-heading speak of the band a the possible best band of 2011, fans of the band would find this article particularly attractive as they have a chance to read up on there favoured band as well as the article including an image of the band and a quote. Successful elements of this double page spread are the layout, the layout is very clear, audience could easily access the text, the use of a floating quote would further engage the magazines target audience.