Text- Interviu Muzica Sferelor-27 Ian 2016

M.F.- And ... from the “Upside down” studio we will make a leap to TVR Iasi, but thinking about Paris. Why Paris will be explained to us by Cristian Ungureanu, our guest in the second part “Impact” TV show. Welcome. Last week you were in the French capital. As we’ve seen, you didn’t spend much time there, but as for it was, you made the best of it. Let's reveal to the viewers what were you doing in Paris. C.U.- Good evening, Mrs. Maria Floarea, good evening to the viewers. I was in Paris to open an exhibition, specifically to present an exhibition, a transdisciplinary exhibition as I entitled it ..and to present the homonymous book, “The Music of the Spheres [The secret geometry of the European painting]” .. M.F.- So easy ... I mean any Romanian who has an exhibition and a book goes to Paris ... C.U.- Not really.. M.F.- …and presents them. C.U.- Obviously, this is a project initiated a year or so ago by Mrs. Cristina Hermeziu, an old acquaintance of mine … M.F.-..and of ours… C.U.- .. a fact of destiny, I said, because we know each other from the age of fourteen, as we’ve been colleagues at a famous high school in Iasi .. M.F .- .. elite, because we’ve just talked about elite high schools .. C.U.- ..exactly, to be in the same topic, at the “Emil Racovita” high school from Iasi ,The Path, after which we met in Iasi and decided to continue the collaboration. And this is how, this project, “The Music of the Spheres”, which she proposed to the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris came to life. M.F.- Thus, “The Path” from here, in Iasi, led to Paris. Again, it's not really available to everyone to open an exhibition in Paris. The opening took place last week, on January 18 and the exhibition is open… till February 12, right?



Transcript of Text- Interviu Muzica Sferelor-27 Ian 2016

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M.F.- And ... from the “Upside down” studio we will make a leap to TVR Iasi, but thinking about Paris. Why Paris will be explained to us by Cristian Ungureanu, our guest in the second part “Impact” TV show. Welcome. Last week you were in the French capital. As we’ve seen, you didn’t spend much time there, but as for it was, you made the best of it. Let's reveal to the viewers what were you doing in Paris.

C.U.- Good evening, Mrs. Maria Floarea, good evening to the viewers. I was in Paris to open an exhibition, specifically to present an exhibition, a transdisciplinary exhibition as I entitled it ..and to present the homonymous book, “The Music of the Spheres [The secret geometry of the European painting]” ..

M.F.- So easy ... I mean any Romanian who has an exhibition and a book goes to Paris ...

C.U.- Not really..

M.F.- …and presents them.

C.U.- Obviously, this is a project initiated a year or so ago by Mrs. Cristina Hermeziu, an old acquaintance of mine …

M.F.-..and of ours…

C.U.- .. a fact of destiny, I said, because we know each other from the age of fourteen, as we’ve been colleagues at a famous high school in Iasi ..

M.F .- .. elite, because we’ve just talked about elite high schools ..

C.U.- ..exactly, to be in the same topic, at the “Emil Racovita” high school from Iasi ,The Path, after which we met in Iasi and decided to continue the collaboration. And this is how, this project, “The Music of the Spheres”, which she proposed to the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris came to life.

M.F.- Thus, “The Path” from here, in Iasi, led to Paris. Again, it's not really available to everyone to open an exhibition in Paris. The opening took place last week, on January 18 and the exhibition is open… till February 12, right?

C.U.- Exactly

M.F.- .. It is enough time for those connoisseurs, especially in Paris, to come and look with a critical eye this exhibition. What is it like being a Romanian artist, from Iasi-a city to which it was denied even the title of European Capital of Culture- who afford, dares to exhibit to Paris? Emotions, fear?

C.U- I am not the only one, there are artists from Iasi, colleagues of mine at the University of Arts “George Enescu” or members of the Artists’ Union – I mean professional artists- who achieved this artistic performance to exhibit abroad, within ICR or other exhibition halls, galleries and so on ... I am referring to Dragos Patrascu, who in December had an exhibition at ICR Venetia, Zamfira Birzu, my colleague, who exhibited in Paris, your colleague and my generation colleague, Felix Aftene- who exhibited in Paris recently and last year at Nurenberg, in Germany .. and he opened, as the president of

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the Artists’ Union, a collective exhibition (with several artists from Iasi) in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hence, there is a force, I would say so, a cultural and artistic one, which denotes the fact that Iasi has been, is and will be a cultural capital, with or without judging ... I was in the position of judging, we all know, not only in Romania but worldwide, judging is a very sophisticated and subjective process. Implicitly, we are fighting for this as well, to demonstrate that Iasi has without any doubt this status. It is an academic citadel, we can not overlook.

M.F.- We are not allowed! “The Music of the Spheres” is an exhibition different than we would expect to see, or than we are used to see on cymas. Yes, it is symbolic geometry, secret ..

C.U.- The Secret geometry of the European painting, and it has, forgive me for interrupting, symbolic valences. But in fact, I entitled it a transdisciplinary exhibition, just because it meets the attributes of the four main areas of knowledge of humanity, of civilization in general. Namely, science, theology, philosophy and art in equal measure. The theoretician of this doctrine- Transdisciplinarity – is a French scientist of Romanian origin, Basarab Nicolescu, physicist and philosopher, who lives in Paris for many years and has launched a manifesto of Transdisciplinarity at an international congress – and who had, at our invitation in this project – at Cristina Hermeziu’s invitation first of all .. and put me in contact with him ...

M.F.- And we have images, movies signed by Cristian Ungureanu that complete what appears on cymas and we are introduced for a little while behind the scenes of what the artist does as to reach the final point.

C.U.- The artist makes “cultural archaeology”, meaning that he rediscovers; It is a process in which seventeen are involved; rediscover mathematical, geometric processes, but also symbolic with which the old masters paintings created their works, masterpieces, architecture works, and so on, in the sense in which they generated the skeletons and the architectonical structures of the paintings, which they “dressed” afterwards. And they had the idea that the painting is an “energetic entity” , if I’m to refer in the scientific terms of today, in terms of quantum physics, where everything is defined as energy..and energy is linked to vibration, vibration to frequency and frequency to numbers. The numbers are transferable in geometry, the geometrical structures. Or, this is my main specialization at the University of Arts “George Enescu”.

M.F - Again, pure mathematical art, from what we see on the screen, it is not so much related to hazard, to chance, as amateurs believe, and this is demonstrated by the exhibition in Paris and the one who assumes what happened, this beautiful project, signed Cristian Ungureanu, who assumes this exhibition in Paris, is our colleague. We call it “our colleague,” because she remained with us all these years since

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she left TVR IASI and went to Paris..Cristina Hermeziu, which is now live with us on Skype .. We managed to convince her to come in front of a so-called camera. Cristina, you're courageous there as well. I mean, you've learned that you were courageous here with your reportages you made and with the interviews of special people you did here at TVR IASI. You went to Paris and did not want to have a “quiet life”, but got involved in all sorts of projects which, in the end, have theirs share of risk but also the beauty.

C.H.- Good evening Maria, good evening Cristian and to all the viewers. I acquired my courage at TVR Iasi that, as we know, always gave us a “blank check” to do what we want, to look for unique topics..And about fifteen-twenty years ago, as Cristian Ungureanu mentioned, I dared, with this “courage in the pocket”, at TVR IASI, to make a television essay, entitled “The Path” with an artist who - since then - was outside the “beaten paths”. He proposed a quite voluntary and unique speech. I was happy to propose this project exhibition at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris. ICR accepted it, organized and hosted it in the art gallery, two steps from the Eiffel Tower.. And this taking into account that in every evening or weekly there are hundreds of cultural and artistic proposals in Paris. Why do I think they have accepted to do it? Because it was a strong artistic proposal, original and unique. To interpret geometric and symbolic, mathematical and philosophical the masterpieces of the European art, you have to me called Cristian Ungureanu –to do it and ... to be an artist with vocation that is doubled by an exceptional transdisciplinary researcher.

The proof, the meeting in Paris between Cristian Ungureanu and philosopher Basarab Nicolescu, who lived there for many years, the theoretician of transdisciplinarity, who held a conference at the opening. There was a lot of people; Basarab Nicolescu analyzed what Cristian Ungureanu did in his creations. He spoke about the power of vibration of his creations and that we can see this in his movies, that you probably projected on the screen. A single “freeze frame” from the opening, in order to summarize: a participant said and Cristian can confirm it- “At first, when I came, I saw something. And when I left, I saw something else “.

M.F.- Nothing to say, there would be nothing to add. Cristina, thank you very much and we will follow you in the future. Please have the courage to continue to choose successful projects like this one, to bring success, after all, and always be with the Romanians who still hope, still believe in them and believe in the cultural world.

C.H.- Yes of course! Only one thing I would add: I think it's still need to be able draw coherent strategy to reach Paris with such artists.. and the Romanian Cultural Institute can have such a platform, through their projects. Especially if they had more money to return to what it was a few years ago: scholarship and creative internships for Romanian artists in Paris. But I know that the cultural will exists, Romania is on economic growth. They will also find the money for such projects.

M.F.- Important este ca avem parte de entuziasmul si de sustinerea Cristinei Hermeziu de acolo, de la Paris, de la Institutul Cultural Roman. Multumim foarte mult si, cu siguranta, ne vom vedea, cat de curand. Important este ca artistii stiu ca au acolo un agent de baza pe care se pot baza, care ii va sustine si..Multumim Cristinei. Stim ca se grabeste, se duce sa-si ia copilul de la scoala. Pentru ca tot am vorbit

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despre scoala in aceasta emisiune. O pupam cu drag de aici, de la Iasi si ii dorim in continuare astfel de expozitii… Cum se spune la Paris la o astfel de expozitie care este extraordinara

It is important that we have Cristina Hermeziu’s enthusiasm and support from Paris, from the Romanian Cultural Institute. Thank you very much and certainly we see each other soon. It is important that artists know that there is an agent on who they can related for her support. Thank you, Cristina. We know she is in a rush, to take the child from school. The entire show all we talked about were school related stuff. We kiss her fondly from Iasi and wish her further such exhibitions ... As they say in Paris on such exhibition is extraordinary..

C.U. Extraordinaire..an event

M.F. Have you heard such words after the opening of The Music of the Spheres?

C.U.- I wouldn’t be modest…

M.F.- Why be modest when not the case?

C.U.- After visitors’ reactions .. I think so, I think they were impressed. I think they harmonize beautifully stood inside, the title- “The Music of the Spheres”. Especially for the fact that we had videos that completed and were illustrated musically, with a harmonic music, from Renaissance, from the period of the works we’ve analyzed. And then the show was ..

C.U.- Multimedia, yes!

M.F. We benefited from multimedia technology, as to capture the viewers attention, even to make him curious .. not come with preconceptions, not come up with the idea .. “I imagine what I will see at this exhibition”. But this time he was surprised.. And continues to be surprised. Because until February 12, anyone who has time .. We have air flights here, from Iasi to Paris. We can go on weekends to see the exhibition, as long as it is open. How does the artist promote his exhibition? Because you left quickly and came from Paris to Iasi, to the work here in Iasi.

C.U.- .. work here, session with students, promoting..Facebook in the first place. Because you mention it..Every means for socializing. First, Facebook.. I use it as a “tool” for working with students, with artists and with those I get in touch, my audience. From here, in Paris and elsewhere. Very efficient indeed. Facebook is not for me a way to waste time. Under no circumstances! Otherwise, I want to point this and to return to the topic of your show. I consider myself a teacher firstly and secondly artist. And I will tell you why: in 2003, de fapt in 2002, fostul meu professor de Istoria artelor, D.N.Zaharia este cunoscut, Dumitru Zaharia, trecea/venea din Spania prin Italia (unde locuiam de sase ani)- am stat sapte ani in Italia, la Verona- si vazandu-mi studiile ..faceam sase ani de cercetari déjà, mia spus” vino la Iasi ca sa faci o specializare din ceea cetu cercetezi, pentru ca este foarte interesant si ar fi binevenit. Mi-a trebuit un an ca sa ma gandesc, sa ma hotarasc..Stiam la ce vin.

in 2003, in fact in 2002, my former professor of art history, D.N.Zaharia as he is known, Dumitru Zaharia, was passing/ coming from Spain to Italy (where I lived for six years) - I spent seven years in Italy at

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Verona and seeing my studies, I had by then six years of research already and he told me “come to Iasi to do a specialization in topic with your research, because it is very interesting and would be welcomed”. I had a year to think, to decide.. And I came. I am extremely excited about this change of fate. And I want to thank him here, with your permission. And I want to point out, regarding the quality of education and so on ... the University of Arts in Iasi has its own hallmark, that I hope, with my colleagues and artists from Iasi, to develop, preserve, an amplify as to make it well known. We are already known, we have “Erasmus” contacts with many institutions in Europe ... and a lot of students from France, Belgium or the Czech Republic, come to us to paint, learn traditional visual art, which in the West .. is about to be lost. This is an “advantage” we develop. And .. I will make a short “lobby” in the context of the topic debated today: those who have children, grandchildren, friends.. dedicated to this, because it’s worthing ..

M.F. The exhibition in Paris, will be seen in Iasi?

C.U.- It will be seen Iasi.

M.F.- And, until it will be seen in Iasi, it deserves to take a flight to Paris.

C.U. I invite you. There are good prices, also.

M.F.- And especially now, at the end of the show, we really want to convince the viewers. We give a very short piece of movie made by Cristian Ungureanu about the “music of the spheres”. Thank you for beeing with us, see you next Wednesday.