TEXAS Prospectus


Transcript of TEXAS Prospectus

“Every winning team needs to master the intangibles such as team

chemistry in order to be successful.

To do this, we go through the motions of trying to get productivity

training, team-building exercises, personality assessments and so on.

Things improve for a couple of weeks or, if lucky, a couple of

months. But then things go back to the way they were.

That means teams, despite having talented individuals, can't work

well together. Or are overtaken by back-off ice politics. Talented

people leave for other career opportunities. Projects become more

about managing personalities and behaviors than the actual tasks

at-hand; eff iciency and execution therefore becomes diff icult.

Ultimately, this leads to wasted time, resources, and money.

The issue lies not in f inding better training and development pro-

grams, but in working to eliminate the barriers to good teamwork

and top performance. It's about much more than establishing a

healthy culture - it is about developing a systematic way of working

so that teamwork and execution become the new default.

We accomplish this by walking management teams through our

very own TEXAS framework.”


Lead Trainer

A word from our lead trainer:

The TEXAS Method

The course is split up into f ive key modules which can be delivered either in

one workshop day or via a series of short sessions to suit the schedule of

your team.

TEXAS stands for:






When applied together, you have the formula for successful team chemistry.


The greatest incentive people have to sacrif ice for their team doesn't come

from personal recognition or even monetary reward. It is a deeply ingrained

feeling of not wanting to let their team down.

Developing that environment requires a high level of trust.

In this module we will go through:

1) A personal histories exercise.

2) Harnessing the true potential of showing vulnerability (not weakness).

3) Development of empathic skills as a leader.

4) Understanding effective communication styles for different personality types.

5) Focusing energy on strategic execution instead of off icer politics.

6) How to take advantage of an individual's core strengths and skills.


Indecisive decision making has a signif icant impact on bottom line revenue. This

could be as simple as inconsistency by professionals when making judgments all

the way to large projects veering off budget and off schedule.

The X Factor of decision making is f inding a way to reduce both noise and bi-


In this module we cover:

1) Overcoming conf irmation bias and expert bias.

2) Getting critical feedback from team members before it's too late.

3) How to widen options, test assumptions, and setting tripwires to prevent

major setbacks.

4) Getting team members to commit to a decision even if they disagree with it.

5) Aligning around common objectives.

6) How leaders can effectively communicate change to their employees.


This is another word for buy-in. For organizations to succeed, team members

must buy into the project or goal that you are working toward.

This is often undermined by politics like people saying "I told you so" after set-

backs. These are ways people respond when they feel their opinions aren't vali-

dated, or that they're being forced to waste time in boring and useless meet-


This module will cover:

1) Fostering healthy debate to arrive at the best solution.

2) Streamlining meetings to be more eff icient and substantially more effective.

3) Breaking the trap of seeking consensus.

4) Eliminating silos and helping leaders see the big picture.


Great teams must operate with high performance.

This comes from having a culture where people are able to hold each other


This module covers:

1) Increased performance through increased accountability

2) Developing metrics that are relevant to the work being done - not just a

bunch of data points in an Excel spreadsheet

3) Managing results and performance instead of behaviour

4) Def ining "what winning looks like" and communicating that with your team

5) The trap of sanctioned incompetence


Success here is big picture success for your organization. It is being growth ori-

ented and not stagnating. It is having a team that not only sacrif ices individual

glory, but still retains its top performers.

This module covers:

1) Raising the leadership capacity of the management team

2) Developing and communicating vision

Other details:

Specif ics of the course may be tailored to the individual client.

A minimum of ten attendees ensures optimal impact for an organisation.

A maximum of twenty ensures good quality teaching for meaningful, long-

lasting progression.

Every course attendee will be provided with access to relevant online tests as

part of the welcome pack and a congratulatory gift bag and certif icate upon

successful completion of the course.

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